#also won’t be posting anywhere this week in acknowledgment bye
teleostuber · 8 months
Hey everyone this is rlly different from my usual posts, but please strike for Gaza this week!! The US has been financially backing Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people for decades, so now we’re being asked to halt the economy for just one week.
As much as you’re able, strike from your jobs, your school, spend as little money as possible. no fast food or transportation, Venmo or PayPal, stock up on the things you’ll need this week!
Palestinians currently don’t have access to clean water, food, electricity, or medical care. Their homes are being stolen and destroyed and our tax dollars are paying for it.
If you want more info, look up Bisan Owda, a woman reporting directly from the Gaza Strip. Spend money you would’ve spent on Uber or coffee on donating e-sims, or to the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund. This is something we can do to actually make a difference, so please let other know too!!
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Light X Detective! Reader - "I am Kira"
Summery- Y/N is a teenager given the honor of working for the task force and is with the few who agreed to work in the Kira case. Both while discussing L and on her way to go to the hotel to meet L, she bumps into Light. They get along and have a two minute conversation before she's pulled away by Aizawa. Her biggest flaw is her incapability to shut up, so she sorta explains how she (rather than Pember's fiance) believes Kira can in many ways...
Sorry for the "read more" being so high up lol. When I look through hashtags, I hate it when there's an entire story I already read to scroll past before I can see new ones :)
"I just don't understand," Y/N huffed as she pushed her hair behind her ear. She clinched the papers in her hand and furrowed her eyebrows together while rereading all the reports that were concluded to be caused by Kira. She sat in a cold room, in a chair that wouldn't warm up, with a bunch of officers who were equally as ignorant and annoyingly loud as the next. A lot of them distrust L as well, creating an unwanted tension that bothers everyone.
"Excuse me, sir," called a brunette boy to another brunette. Okay, maybe not everyone is annoying and ignorant; Matsuda and the Cheif were alright. Y/N smiled to herself as she looked at the two congregating. It's nice to see these two making the atmosphere brighter, she thought. There's been a lot of stress since no one can even began to image how Kira is even existing right now. Whether it's a single person or a group, how can they kill someone from anywhere? Alchemy isn't even real, so how?
And before she knew it, two hours of nothing went by. That is, until, three officers went up to the Cheif and set stuff down on the table. "Sir, we're resigning from the Kira investigation."
The cheif stood up, wide eyed, "why!"
"Because we value our lives! Kira has made it clear that he'll stop whoever gets in his way! We have a family at home and we aren't going to give it up!" One explained, taking deep breaths. The Cheif was silent for a moment before sighing, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Take your badges. I completely understand your decision." The cheif stood up, looking around the room. "I want everyone who wants to leave the Kira investigation to stand up. You won't be fired but rather transfered to another case." And just like that, nearly every single person in the case stood up, looking around each other disappointly. Y/N looked around her, glaring at the men around her. Wow, she thought, and I was called weak for being a "little girl."
As people made their decisions on whether to leave, or stay, or whatever, Y/N simply stacked her papers and cleaned her desk. The one she shared her desk had left, so she had a lot more space to put her paperwork. To be honest she didn't really like him all that much; it's random but that man would make the most jokes about Y/N's age and gender. She was the only female and being surrounded by a bunch of guys called for many conversations focusing on how she would interact with people, as if her gender is a defining quality to ever conversation.
But thank God that's over with. As Y/N looked around the room, her eyes widened as her eyebrows furrowed. "What? Like everyone left!" She called out, counting the people left. Masuta chuckled from across the room and she received a disapproving glance from Aizawa. Well, thank God these two stayed. She would be so alone with someone to joke with and another to keep an eye on her.
Aizawa is almost like an older brother/father figure of sorts, which is hella comforting. Matsuda and Y/N have never met before their job, not even happened to lassby each other at any point in their life, yet as soon as they saw each other, they knew each other very well. Immediately they kicked it off and eventually he found a way to convince the cheif that she's worthy of being here with him. He may have even brought up Light to make the cheif feel more personalized. It worked somehow.
The few remaining in the office stood up to acknowledge each other better. And when L finally spoke up from the computerin the back of the room, it was time for the debate on whether we trust him or not. Y/N, the Cheif, Matsuda, and Ukita seem to trust L a lot. Aizawa and Ide seem distrustful, and Mogi is neutral. When L released them to go discuss their views on him, everyone was eager to go.
On the way outside, a smile hung on Y/N's features as she walked alongside Matsuda. He didn't exactly share her energy as he rather just stared at the ground with a look of questioning. "This is a good thing y'know? It finally means we have the chance of a lifetime: to meet L. He would know how to keep us safe so we would never end up like the FBI agents!" Y/N whispered to him, making a small look of relief cross his features. He smiled at her and nodded.
Just a little into the conversation, the group had already began to trust L at least a little bit more. A few minutes later, L was given them directions on how to find him. Like hell I will write this all out, so just know that this happened the same way it did in the anime :). Y/N smiled widely, gripping Matsuda's sleeve and giggling quietly to herself. "This is amazing! We get to finally meet the L!"
"Calm down, L/N-san," Aizawa scolded, sending her a disapproving look. Y/N giggled at his stern face, shaking her head. She leaned on Matsuda's shoulder.
"Come on, 'Zawa! You're not excited? Not everyone gets to do this, y'know," she replied. Chief Yagami sighed and rolled his eyes at her childish behavior.
Y/N walked the dark streets with Aizawa by her side. She's humming to herself before breaking into a light sing, "hirogaru yami no naka-"
"Do you ever be quiet?" Aizawa asked. Y/N shook her heard before continuing to sing. But this time, she spread her arms out and moved more, dancing to the rhythm of the song. "Stop it, you child! You're gonna draw attention to us!"
"No I won't~ After all, it's the middle of the night," she replied as she pointed around the empty streets with the exception of 3 pass-bys. "No one is gonna care about a stupid little schoolgirl with her "dad" walking around when their tired and want to go home." Oh, in order to keep up a lie that Y/N is related to Aizawa, they found it easier for her to dress in a schoolgirl outfit. After all,, it's a Wednesday so people would think she would have to go to school, meaning she was young enoigh to be his daughter. "It's not like I'm gonna run into someone, eit—" Pffb!
Y/N fell onto the ground and landed in on the pavement. She hit her head on a metal door when she was walking and somehow didn't see it; well, maybe that's because someone opened the door. "Sorry! I didn't see you there," called a soft, masculine voice. He extended his hand towards the girl who was rubbing the mark on her forehead. She looked up at him either an apologetic look as she took his hand and he pulled her to her feet.
"No, I apologize. I, um, wasn't looking," she responded. Her face was pink with embarrassment so she kept her head low. After all, how does one recover from embarrassing themselves in front of someone so damn attractive?
"Look what you did; I told you this would happen. I'm sorry, sir, for you— Light?" Aizawa asked with a questioning look on his features. The brunette boy smiled at Aizawa, waving.
"It's me, haha. Sorry, I'm not very good with faces. What's your name?" He kindly asked. Y/N looked up at him and admired his features. He looked so calm and collected that it was admiring to her.
"Aizawa," is all he said before Light nodded in remembrance.
"Nice to see you again, sir. Is this your daughter? She looks lovely," Light complimented as he turned towards the short girl, whose face remained as pink as before if not worse. She bit her bottom lip, looking up at him at waving.
"My name is Y/N, nice to meet to you Light," she responded with a bow of her head. Light bowed his head simultaneously with that calm smile never leaving his face. "Sorry again, haha. I'm sorta a clutz," she continued.
Light shook his head and scratched the back of his neck. "No need to be so worried, Miss Y/N. All's forgiven. Actually, I'm rather glad we did bump into each other like that. You're a sweet woman," he replied. Y/N chuckled nervously and felt his charisma hit her deep in the soul.
"I hate to break up you and your boyfriend," Aizawa stepped in. "But we have to get going. It was nice seeing you Light." Light nodded in understanding and YN posted her lip, though also understanding. She looked back at Light, smiling.
"Well, I hope to see you again, Light. Bye for now," she said her goodbyes as Light did the same to her before hey parted ways. "He's cute," she simply stated as Aizawa rolled his eyes.
"You teenagers and your weird romances..."
Y/N laid there; her books spread out on a table and her head in her arms, breathing softly as she stayed asleep. She was only allowed to work 4 days a week with the task force and this would be one of those days where she had to study hella hard since she wouldn't be able to every Monday and Tuesday. She's in a few advanced classes and they've been getting harder now that she can't focus all her attention on her classes. But damn, she was so tired today! But even so, a simple poke on the back woke her up.
"Excuse me ma'am, are you alright?" A soft voice asked. She stirred around before looking over at the owner of that voice, furrowing her eyebrows together. "Y/N?"
"Light?" Y/N asked, her face turning red in embaressment. "Oh! I'm sorry, were you going to sit here?" She asked eagerly as she gathered her things and put them in together as fast as possible.
"Oh no! I was just checking to see if you were okay, so please do whatever," Light responded. Y/N continued to blush as she mumbled an oh before setting her things back down.
"Sorry, haha... I sometimes get sorta caught up in my studies," she admitted, earning a chuckle from Light.
"No worries. I'd be glad to help if needed. What grade are you in?" Light asked as he set his coffee down on the table, sitting down besides her.
"Senior year. 18 and still can't grow up," she added a self depreciating comment as she rubbed her tired eyes and yawned. Light shook his head, brushing his hand in the air to singal "it's okay".
"No need to be so harsh on yourself. After all, everyone learns in a different way and perhaps the way you're teaching yourself isn't the right way. Instead of reading equations and writing down answers, let's try drawing out pictures of those equations and adding references." Light took the pencil from her side and and began to draw and write put several equations and problems. Needless to say, in about an hour, Y/N had understood every single thing she had worked on.
"You're doing great," Light complimented as he looked over Y/N's paper. Y/N giggled nervously, a Light blush coming to her cheeks.
"Thanks, with your help though," she replied. Light shook his head and handed back the paper.
"Not at all. I just showed you a new technique and told you what you got wrong. It was all you." Y/N thanked him once more before taking a sip of her coffee. It was maybe 9am by now and perhaps she should get going.
"It's getting a bit late. I need to go home soon," she spoke sadly. Light nodded, standing up from the table while Y/N collected her things. "Thanks again, by the way. Especially for staying with me for, like, an hour. That must be hard, heh heh."
Light chuckled, shaking his head. "You need to belive in yourself a little more, y'know. However, anyways, I suppose we should get going now. It was nice seeing you again, Y/N. I look forward to our next encounter." They walked each other out the door before finally saying their last goodbye and parting ways.
In no time, Light was part of the police task force as well. Side by side Y/N, who graduated with him, someone who he had got close to since their first visit in the cafe. Hell, this far into each other's company and how close they must be true to work, some may even say there's love. Light was that tall, sweet, intelligent, caring boy who never breaks in situations. Y/N was that kind, self-deprecating, cheerful but can be serious, smart, and thorough girl who looks as dumb as a rock. They're very similar in some places and different in others, which is the perfect mix.
"To be honest," Y/N sighed. "I'm really starting to doubt L. He focuses on you way too much, and we really don't have time for that. People are being killed everyday and nothing's being done to stop it." Light nodded, sighing as well. They sat on the top stairs of the roof of the headquarters. "And Kira's supporters give me mixed feelings as well. I understand that what Kira is doing seems righteous, I truly do. They say how these people were never the hero so why should they live? They should live because they shouldn't have to be heroes."
Y/N couldn't help but vent her feelings. After all, a tragic incident had happened to he recently so she couldn't help it. Light picked up on her way more serious attitude towards the investigation and asked what's pushing her so hard. After a little persuasion, he got her to talk about it in a private place. The whole time, she was trying her best to hold in tears when she spoke. "It's bothering me that these supporters think their morally right for thinking the way they do... My uncle, he was killed by Kira last week. And these supporters, they laugh and taunt him because hehe made a mistake when he was young," Y/N hissed, her tears threatening to fall.
"My uncle didn't mean to do it! He was friends with an officer who came over to his house for a party! They got drunk and my uncle wanted to scare awake his friend using a gun he thought was unloaded. He got to watch his best friend's head explode all over his fucking house, all because of a stupid mistake? I was 5 years old, going to the prison every week to him for the little amount of time I could. The officers who would search the visitors knew me; she knew me and who I was going to see, a kindergartener who was scared and hurt by the loss of her uncle. Due to the shooting being accidental, he had less time to serve. And that day, that day where he'd be free, Kira did it. It's fucking disgusting."
Light listened with a frown on his face, patting her back and she hugged her knees and began to cry. It's a shame, really. He sat out there with her for maybe two more minutes before she calmed down.
"I'm so sorry for your loss, Y/N. I had no idea," Light spoke sadly, frowning. Y/N shook her head a smile forming on her face. It was clearly force and unhappy, but at least it made Y/N cry less.
"No, no, don't be. I kinda should've expected this. My uncle was a great, funny guy and I wish the world knew that. But anyway," Y/N wiped her tears as she stood up. She extended a hand for Light to take, which he did with a soft smile on his features, and pulled him up. A soft blush hit she cheeks when a
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nazariolahela · 5 years
Something Domestic: Chapter 5
A/N: Hey y'all! This is a new TRR AU I’ve been working on. This story is told in first-person narrative, from Riley’s (MC) POV. There will likely be smidges of canon in this, but not too much. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
Catch up here
Series Tags: @burnsoslow​ @aworldoffandoms​ @dcbbw​ @ladyangel70​ @texaskitten30​ @sunandlemons​ @jlynn12273​ @indiacater @jared2612 @rainbowsinthestorm @drakesensworld @badchoicesposts @msjr0119 @katurrade @blackcoffee85
Synopsis: When Riley Brooks takes a new job as a nanny for the affluent Rhys family in New York’s Upper East Side, she assumes she’s just going to care for the children of the couple who hired her. But instead of just school pick-ups and afternoon snacks, she also finds herself spending time with Liam, the handsome divorced dad. Can Riley control her feelings for Liam while still performing the job she was hired for?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: Riley's first day at her new job presents its own challenges.
I stifle a yawn as the cab drops me off in front of the Rhys’s penthouse. I tip the driver and check the time on my phone. 6:42 a.m. I can’t remember the last time I had to be anywhere this early. Even when I had eight a.m. classes, I slept until 7:50, ran a toothbrush over my teeth, finger-combed my hair, and hightailed it across campus. The 32 oz coffee in my hand hasn’t kicked in yet, and I regret not getting the double shot.
I make my way to the door, where I’m greeted by the same doorman from Friday. I enter the lobby and notice an older bald man sitting behind the front desk, reading the New York Times. He peeks over the corner of his paper when he hears me approaching and sets it down. 
“Good morning, Miss. How may I help you?”
“Riley Brooks. I’m here for the Rhys family.”
He nods, opening a drawer, and pulls out a small black envelope. “Here you go, Miss. Your keycard for the penthouse. This will get you access 24/7.” I thank him and take the keycard, then make my way to the elevator. The doors open, and a man in a three-piece suit, talking on his cell phone, strolls out. I step in and pull the keycard from the envelope, then tap it on the panel. The elevator ascends and I take a sip of my coffee. Deep breaths, Riley. You can do this.
After what feels like an eternity, the elevator stops on the Penthouse floor. I step out and find the apartment dark. The sun's rays barely peek over the horizon, giving the room a soft glow. I set my bag and my coffee on the kitchen island and make my way through the apartment.
“Hello? Anyone up?” I call out, trying not to wake anyone who might still be asleep. I hear rustling coming from the second floor and make my way up the stairs. I head down the East Wing to see Charlotte and Philip still asleep. Madeleine’s door is open and I poke my head in to find it empty.
“You just missed her.”
A deep voice startles me. I turn to see Liam standing behind me, dressed in navy blue slacks and a white dress shirt. The top two buttons are undone, revealing his neck and chest. His tie is casually draped around his neck. Is it bad that I want to lick a line from his chest, up his jaw, and to his ear?
”I'm sorry. I was just checking to see if the children were awake yet.”
”No worries. It’s getting to be that time soon. We usually wake them at 7 to give them time to get dressed and eat breakfast.”
I nod. ”What do they usually eat for breakfast?”
”Charlotte’s pretty easy. She has a banana and a bowl of yogurt for breakfast. Sometimes oatmeal. Philip, on the other hand…”
Just then, I hear the padding of tiny feet on the hardwood floors. I turn around to find Charlotte emerging from her bedroom, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “Daddy? I’m hungry.”
“How about we get dressed and I’ll make you something to eat,” I say as I crouch down to her level. She looks to her father for reassurance. Liam nods and buttons the final two buttons on his shirt.
“Come on, Charlotte. Let’s get you ready for your first day of school.”
A scowl forms on her little face. “But school doesn’t start for another week,” she says.
“Exactly. That will give us enough time to get you in a routine. By the time you start school, you’ll be ready.”
I lead her towards her bedroom and look over my shoulder at Liam. I’m pretty sure I just caught him staring at my ass. He averts his eyes and clears his throat. “Well uhh... I’m going to finish getting ready. Let me know if you need anything.”
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary,” I say, winking as I follow Charlotte. Once in her room, Charlotte makes her way to her closet and opens the door. My jaw drops. I can’t believe my eyes. A six-year-old has a bigger wardrobe than I do. I step inside the walk-in closet and see several dresses hung up on one wall. On the other, rows and rows of shoes. There are at least 30 pairs. Why does a child need that many pairs of shoes? The back wall contains a full-length mirror. I do a double-take. Are we sure this is her room?
“What do you want to wear, Charlotte?”
She makes her way over to the dresses and browses through the rack until she stops on a pink and white polka dot dress.
“This one!” she says, pulling it off the hanger. She pulls off her pajama gown and tosses it in the dirty clothes basket.
“Need some help, sweetie?” I ask as I move to assist her. She nods. I help her slip the dress on, then pull her blonde locks into a high pony. I finish off the look with a pink headband the same color as her dress.
“Okay, kiddo. Let’s go wake Brother up.”
She nods and takes off toward Philip’s room. I step out of the bedroom and look down the hallway towards Liam’s room. The door is open a crack; a sliver of light pouring out into the hallway. Part of me wants to lurk by his door like a creeper, in hopes to catch a glance of him changing. Before I do something stupid, I force myself to head towards Philip’s room. As I enter, I find him sitting on his bed playing with a toy truck.
“Good morning, buddy. Are you hungry?” I step into his room and kneel beside his bed. He nods. “Okay, let’s get dressed and we can make breakfast.”
“NO BATH!” he shouts and jumps off the bed. He runs out of his room and into the playroom, making engine noises with his mouth as he drives the truck through the air. I laugh and follow him.
“You don’t have to take a bath. But, we need to get dressed, okay?”
He dodges my legs, running back into his bedroom to change. I follow him and help him slip on a pair of khaki shorts and a blue dinosaur t-shirt. After Philip changes, we make our way into the hall and towards the stairs.
“Hurry up, Sister! It’s breakfast time!” he shouts, running ahead of us.
“Riley? Can I have oatmeal?” Charlotte asks.
“Sure thing. Then after we eat, we can go to the park.”
Both kids cheer and take off running downstairs. I reach the landing at the bottom of the staircase and see Liam standing in the kitchen. His back is to me. He’s leaning over the island, sipping coffee and reading the paper. His navy blue suit jacket hangs on the back of the chair next to him.
“DADDY!” both kids yell, tackling each of his legs. He chuckles and sets his coffee mug down on the island, acknowledging them. “Morning! Are you guys hungry?”
“Are you going to make us breakfast, Daddy?” Charlotte asks, her green eyes peering up at her father. Philip slaps his dad’s leg with his open palm and chants “Ce-re-al. Ce-re-al.”
“Okay, kids. Daddy has to leave for work, but Riley is going to take care of you.” He gently detaches the kids from his legs and walks around the island to grab his briefcase. He slips his suit jacket on and adjusts his tie one last time. “You be good for Riley, okay? Maybe she’ll take you guys to the playground after you eat.”
The kids scurry across the kitchen to the table and climb into their seats. I turn to make my way to the fridge and accidentally slam right into Liam. I throw my hands up against his strong chest to catch myself. My gods, he is shredded. Must resist the urge to run my hands over his chest. He grabs my elbows to steady me; his touch burning through my sleeve. After only a few seconds — but what feels like hours — we detach from each other and step back. I feel my cheeks burn. He clears his throat. “Sorry about that. You okay?”
“Y-yeah! I’m fine. You should probably get to work though. I don’t want you to be late.”
He smirks and reaches for his travel mug of coffee. He walks over to the kitchen table and kisses each kid on the forehead. “Be good for Riley. Love you. I’ll see you this evening.”
“Bye, Daddy!” they both reply.
He turns to me. “Text me or Madeleine if you need anything.” He says and gives me one last wink before he walks out of the kitchen. I stand in place, trying to calm my breathing. A few moments later, the sound of the penthouse elevator dings, snapping me out of my trance.
“Okay! Who wants breakfast?”
A couple of hours later, the kids and I make our way down to the lobby. The woman I met my first day here is back at her post, playing on her phone. She notices me and sets the phone down.
“Good morning Miss Brooks. Shall I call the driver?”
“Than, you, but won’t be necessary. I’m just taking the kids down to the park. It’s only a 10-minute walk.”
She frowns. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Ms. Karlington insisted you take the driver whenever you leave the house with the children.”
I roll my eyes and look down at the kids. “Well, I guess walking is out of the question.” I look back at her. How long will the town car take to get here?”
“Only a few minutes. Bastien lives here in the building. I just need to call him.” She picks up the receiver of her desk phone and speaks into it. “Miss Brooks is taking the children to the park. Please bring the car around front.” She then hangs up and addresses me. “He’ll be here in about 5 minutes. Please have a seat.”
I guide the kids to the lobby and take a seat on one of the high back chairs. The kids sit down on the settee sofa.
“Riley? Can we go for ice cream?” Philip asks.
“Not today, sweetie. I’ll have to ask your mommy and maybe we can go tomorrow.”
“You’re not supposed to have ice cream, Philip. You’re lack-toes-taller-ant.” Charlotte says matter-of-factly.
“Lactose intolerant?” I correct her.
“That’s what I said. Mommy says he can’t eat dairy or he pukes. It’s gross,” she says scowling.
“That’s okay. They have dairy-free options. That way he can still have ice cream, but it won’t make him sick.”
“ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM!” Philip shouts, bouncing in his seat.
“Miss Brooks. The car has arrived,” the receptionist says. I gather the kids and lead them outside to the waiting vehicle. A man with black hair and gray eyes wearing a gray suit stands next to the back door of the car.
“Good afternoon, Miss. My name is Bastien. Where to today?”
“Nice to meet you, Bastien. I’m Riley Brooks. Central Park, please,” I reply. He opens the door and helps me buckle Charlotte and Philip in their booster seats. He then holds the door open so I can climb in. After I’m in my seat, he shuts the door and makes his way to the driver’s side. He puts the car in drive and maneuvers into traffic.
“How long have you been working for Liam and Madeleine?” I ask.
He eyes me in the rear-view mirror. “I’ve been with him for about 7 years. I used to drive his father around until he retired. I’ve been with the Rhys family for nearly 20 years.”
“Wow! That’s a long time.”
“The family has been good to me for many years, the job pays well, and I have a lot of free time during the day. I just need to be available to chauffeur Mr. Rhys to and from work and the occasional events.”
“Does he drive himself at all?”
Bastien chuckles. “He does. But Mr. Rhys usually works during his commute, so it’s easier for me to transport him.”
I nod and turn to the window, watching the traffic pass by. A few minutes later, we arrive at the park and Bastien exits the vehicle.
“I’ll wait here while you and the children play,” he says. We make our way to Heckscher Playground. This is my favorite place in Central Park. Not only is it the oldest playground in the park, but it's also the largest. The kids make a beeline for the playground equipment, while I find a park bench to sit on. I relax and take in the sounds of the park. Birds chirping. The sounds of traffic in the distance. Kids laughing and screaming as they play. I hear Charlotte and Philip approach me a few minutes later. Philip is cupping one hand in the other.
“Riley! Look what we found!” Philip says, holding out his hand. I lean in to see a small toad hopping around in his palm.
“Where did you find that?”
“He was jumping on the slide. Can we keep him? Please?”
“No, buddy. We need to leave him here. This is his home, and his family is probably looking for him. Plus, I’m sure your Mommy will flip out if we bring a toad home.”
A frown forms on his little face. It breaks my heart to see him sad, but I’m sure Madeleine would never in a million years let the kids have a pet. She’d probably fire me for even suggesting it. I grab my purse and rise from the park bench. “I have an idea. Let’s take a picture of him with my phone. That way, we have something to remember him by.”
Philip grins and holds his hand out and I snap a picture of the toad. He then crouches down and releases the toad into the grass, watching as it hops away. “Bye-bye, Mr. Toad.”
“Can we see the picture, Riley?” Charlotte asks.
I pull up the photo and show the kids. They ooh and aww over the image. I smile at how adorable they are. “Can we take a picture of us to send to Mr. Toad?” Philip asks.
I laugh. “I don’t think Mr. Toad has a cell phone, but we can still take a picture. Squeeze in here,” I tell them. I open the camera app and snap the photo.
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As I examine the photo, I hear the distinct sound of a camera clicking. I look to my left to see a paparazzo hiding behind the bushes, snapping photos of us with his long-range lens. Are you freaking kidding me?! My jaw tightens. “Kids, get your stuff. It’s time to go.”
“Awww, already?” they both whine. Seething, I gather up my purse and grab each of their hands, pulling them toward the car. I glance over at the paparazzo and see a second one a few feet away. As we near the car, Bastien sees us and jumps out. He notices the expression on my face.
“Everything alright, Miss Brooks?”
“Paparazzi. We need to get out of here.”
He nods, ushering the kids into the car and buckling them in their seats. I don’t bother climbing in the back and jump in the front seat. He climbs in the driver’s seat and tears away from the park, checking the rear-view.
“It doesn’t look like they’re following us. Are you okay?”
I close my eyes and exhale loudly, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just shaken up. Does that happen a lot?”
He frowns. “Unfortunately. Mr. Rhys and Ms. Karlington are high-profile individuals. Which means the press follows their every move. That includes the kids. I’m sorry I didn’t warn you about that beforehand.”
“Don’t apologize. It comes with the territory. I knew this would happen eventually. It just caught me off guard. I guess I’m worried about how it’s going to affect my personal life going forward. Now that they know my face, they’re probably going to start following me even when I’m not working.”
“Would you like me to speak to Mr. Rhys about getting you security detail?”
I shake my head. “No. I’ll be okay. They’re more of a nuisance than anything. Can you take us home?”
As we make our way back to the penthouse, I contemplate texting Liam. No one was hurt, and the kids have no clue what happened, but I’m sure the pictures will end up online within the hour. I don’t want him to worry and there’s no way in hell I’m texting Madeleine. I close my eyes and rest my head against the seatback. Better get used to it, Riley. You knew the risks when you took this job.
Easier said than done.
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the-real-tc · 6 years
Review! Heartland Ep. 1205: Change of Heart
Almost a week later, and I finally have a chance to post about this.
Anyway, despite the tardy review, I really enjoyed this episode. The "A" story line involved Georgie desiring to re-unite an ex-trick rider with her horse. The kid is totally star-struck when Betty Thomas walks into Maggie's for lunch, because when she was on the Extreme Team, Georgie had seen seen videos of the lady's amazing skills. Unfortunately, Betty is in no mood for reminiscing, and in no mood for perky fangirls gushing over past exploits. She just wants to eat in peace, thank you very much. Wyatt wants to step in and play nice, hoping to butter up Bitter Betty. Unfortunately, he strikes out, too, and Betty leaves without eating. Unfortunately #3, Betty forgets her credit card on the table.
The "B" plot involves Luke coming over for what is supposed to be a brief visit, which turns into an overnight stay. Clint (good to see ya, Clint!) mumbles something about needing to arrange child-care for the boy that weekend since his mom evidently picked up some extra shifts at her job. (Raise your hand if that isn't raising a bunch of red flags.) We have yet to even see this phantom mother, though someone was peeking behind a curtain at Luke's home when Clint picked him up. So, while Ty and Amy are occupied with Luke, Baby Lyndy needs child-care of her own (plans for potty-training might need to be put on hold). Enter Jade, whose baby-sitting experience is nil, but hey, she's handled broncs; how hard could a toddler be? (Jade, your logic sucks, but in this case, you're lucky Lyndy is an easy charge.)
The "C" plot centers on Jack's frustration with Tim's continued presence at Heartland. Tim's stay was supposed to be "temporary", but Tim clearly has his own definition of the word, and it certainly doesn't match Jack's. They squabble over silly things like chores on the ranch (mending gates and menu items). The straw that finally breaks the camel's back is when Tim gets his paws on a bottle wine Lisa has just sent Jack. He uses the wine to soak cedar planks for a salmon dish he's preparing for dinner; Jack is livid when he finds the empty bottle. He lets Tim know the wine was being saved especially for his anniversary. Tim fires back that the real source of Jack's misery is that he's missing Lisa, and everybody knows it; Jack just won't admit it.
Side note: I know French wines can be bought anywhere in the world, but I thought it was made pretty clear earlier in the season Lisa was in Istanbul (not Constantinople! — or Paris, for that matter) this time. I guess Aunt Evelyn really did just want a travel buddy this time, eh? Turkey and France aren't that far away...
"A" plot: Georgie learns of Bitter Betty's tragic circumstances from Jack. Betty's husband, Frank, was killed in a car accident two years prior. She was forced to sell the farm: lock, stock, and barrel; Boots, her horse, had to be put up for auction. This hits home directly, since Georgie's own parents died in a car wreck, and she knows she'd be heartbroken if she were forced to give up Phoenix. She enlists Wyatt's help in tracking down Boots. To his credit, Wyatt goes along with her scheme, despite being brushed off when he suggests a "friend date" to go see a Godzilla retrospective (Adam recommended!) that weekend.
After many calls and dogged Internet research, they find Boots at a boarding facility. His new owner lives in a different province, and the horse's demeanour has suffered for it. It seems he doesn't like people getting near him much anymore. Georgie pleads with the manager to let her bring Boots to Heartland (Amy can fix him!). The sympathetic manager agrees to call the owner for permission, and in true Heartland fashion, this goes off without a hitch. Now to convince Bitter Betty to come... Thankfully, Wyatt has a trump card—well, a credit card—to help entice her. He returns Betty's plastic and they tell her all about how they've found her long-lost horse, and how wouldn't it be fabulous if she could see him again. Bitter Betty cracks a little, and she agrees to come to Heartland.
Georgie puts on a little trick-riding demo, and Betty noticeably perks up. She then gets in the saddle and performs some amazing tricks for everyone. In the end, she's ever-so-grateful for the chance to see Boots again. She apologizes for how she treated Georgie earlier; wants to know why she would go out of her way to find Boots. Georgie explains their common tragedies, and knows she would do anything to see Phoenix again if she were in Betty's shoes.
"B" plot: Luke can be described as defensive, skittish, protective, and secretive. Ty does his best to get the kid to trust him and open up to him, but doesn't make much progress. At one point, unable to reach his mom via text, Luke prepares to run away from Heartland back to his home. Ty catches him in time, but Luke clams up and ignores Ty. A little breakthrough occurs when Boots arrives. The old trick-riding horse seems to like the kid. Unfortunately, he overhears Georgie talking about how it's sad Boots can't be with Betty; how he has to go back to his home at the boarding facility. Luke misinterprets this to mean he's at a bad place. When everyone is bidding Betty bye-bye, Luke surreptitiously lets Boots run free.
"C" plot:Tim makes his move—off Heartland. But not before at least buying a new bottle of wine to replace the one he used for the salmon dinner. Jack isn't quite so sore about things, and seems to be regretting his words spoken in anger, but Tim knows he really has over-stayed his welcome. His plan? To get a fancy new motor home. Jack tells Tim he can't park it in the yard at Heartland; when he told him to "move out" he meant it. Tim tells Jack he hopes Lisa doesn't extend her time away, but if she does, he'd understand, because Jack's impossible to live with.
"A" plot: Amy and Georgie ride out to find the runaway Boots. Georgie tells Amy she understands a little why Luke let Boots go; she also doesn't want the horse to go back to the stable where no one really has a personal connection with him. Thankfully, Boots didn't get far. They bring him back to Heartland, and Georgie helps Luke join-up with the horse. Amy voices an idea to Ty: Luke has bonded with Boots, and it's not right for the horse to be at that boarding facility. If they buy Boots, it'll be another reason for the kid to come to Heartland. Ty agrees. Luke is thrilled to hear the news that Boots will be there whenever he visits.
On the side, Ty tells Clint he believes Luke is terrified of being separated from his mother.
"A" plot addendum: Georgie meets up with Wyatt with tickets to the Godzilla retrospective in hand. She acknowledges they still do make a great team, and she misses him. She wants this to be more than a "friend date", so it looks like these two are officially an "item" again.
"B" plot addendum: Jade's Adventures in Babysitting held a few moments of consternation for over-protective Ty (the "proof of life" texts made me laugh out loud, honestly). Lost in the mix was Ty and Amy's plan to potty-train Lyndy that weekend; Jade managed to get it done. The new parents actually offer Jade a full-time baby-sitting gig, but Jade is off to greener pastures: her latest medical appointment shows she is improving, and she now wants to take Tim up on his offer to mentor the younger students at the rodeo school. "C" plot addendum: Stumpy is letting Tim stay on a piece of his land. Jack goes to check out the new spot, making himself right at home in a lawn chair by the fire. He's even brought along some coffee and biscuits. Tim can't resist ribbing him, telling Jack he misses him. Which is probably true, but those two really can't live under the same roof or they'd probably end up killing each other again. (How many times has Jack has kicked Tim off Heartland?) Final thoughts: Lyndy's "I pee" comment wins, followed by the cheering potty. Looking forward to next episode!
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tracey1302 · 8 years
Episode 601 - A Fair Game
SPOILERS FOR 601 and 602....
Hi everyone!
As mentioned last week, I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to come back to the amazing online HL fandom. Better late than never. I also acknowledge I’ve been MIA since…. Pretty much the summer. Life got in the way as term started. And I got married…
And then I was hit with a barrage of Masters marking, so spent most of Christmas like this…
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Not really, but god, so much work.
Anyway I am back and ready to party. I’m gonna try an episode by episode analysis this season. But I’m not promising anything….LOL. Between now and the end of term, my book should be coming out (not on Homeland, on another area of my research) and my sister is getting married. Talk about interruptions.
Anyway, so here we go.
So ‘Fair Game’. My favourite exchange in which was ‘Let me go.’ ‘Let ME go.’ 
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So before I go on and do my analysis, I’m gonna include some of my thoughts on 5x12 which I’ve posted before. Simply because they link rather well into this discussion.
“Carrie has read the letter. She’s thinking about Quinn’s words, ‘This is exactly what should have happened.’ She’s thinking about what Dar Adal said, that this would be Quinn’s worst nightmare. I’ve no doubt it would be. So, she thinks she is doing the right thing by her friend. (I don’t want to get into a debate on this again.) This is my interpretation of this scene. I don’t think there is anything malicious in it at all. I recognise that Quinn’s vitals were okay - but as we had been told in the previous scene, the prognosis for Quinn wasn’t okay. And as we know, Carrie feels a deep responsibility for him now. 
So she goes in, knows what she’s gonna do, and then the light comes into the window and onto his face. What does this scene mean for me now?
Don’t let him go.
As much as Carrie thinks she’s doing the right thing by Quinn here, her change of heart (and the fact that Quinn is alive) proves that she’s not ready to give him up. She’s not ready to let him go. And indeed, she doesn’t let him go.
This also takes on a new significance if we think about the letter and the responsibility and poignancy it has. Carrie will feel the weight of the letter through the next season. He has given her everything, is she ready to give it back?
We know one thing, she’s not ready to give it up. 
Given our knowledge now, it’s easier to view this scene this way, and it’s a really lovely way to think about an episode that we all hated when it aired, for so many reasons. We know that she doesn’t kill him, and we know that she has a close relationship with Quinn next season (whatever that means)
We have also been told that the letter will be addressed, which proves that this scene, and Quinn’s words to Carrie has some serious repercussions for their relationship going forward. 
My thoughts? Carrie isn’t ready to be with Quinn, not yet. But she’s also not ready to give up on him, and most importantly, on them. They’re not friends anymore. This letter completely changes the dynamic of their relationship because Quinn’s laying it all on the line.Two years ago, there was a shift, and they kissed and contemplated leaving the CIA to be together. Now, there’s been another shift. Quinn confesses that he loves Carrie. That she is everything to him. This isn’t just, ‘let’s try a relationship that we both know can work if we leave the CIA’ (which in itself is huge for these two). This is, ‘You are the love of my life.’
While Carrie may not yet realise exactly what Quinn means to her, we’ve had a fair glimpse of it over the past few episodes, as we’ve been shown how Carrie reacts when she thinks she’s lost him. (Totally pips Brody. Just saying.) We’ve seen how she takes care of him, we’ve seen that she is ‘waiting for him.’
And for me, this scene, and its end, though not so ambiguous now, shows us just that. Carrie will continue to wait for him. Whatever that entails. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that Carrie is poised here thinking she will remain single until Quinn comes around. However,  I do think that ultimately her decision to keep him alive is based partly on the fact that she realises it’s not her decision to make, but also on the fact that she realises she’s not ready to let him go. Their relationship will be different now, but Carrie is acknowledging that, she’s taking the letter on board, it’s something she’s willing to accept, to take under advisement, to risk… and that, my friends, tells us everything we need to know.
She has Quinn’s heart… and she trusts herself with it. If that isn’t character growth for Carrie, I don’t know what is.”
 So fast forward to Season Six. We now have a fresh faced Carrie in a new job, thankfully not Carrie During. (Let’s have a moment and think about how happy we are that THAT didn’t happen.)
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The thing is, there’s an echo of the dynamic between Carrie and Quinn here that we see in 504. That distance between them rearing its ugly head once again. Except instead of emotionally stoic Quinn, we have an angry, resentful and distant Quinn. They’re trying to underline that once again, Quinn has gone through another emotional and psychological transformation and is another person. Trying to underline that this is not a romantic show. Hell, this isn’t even a romance. Yet.
I still maintain that this is all part and parcel of the ‘will they, won’t they’ journey of OTPs. Both characters have to go on journeys before they’re ready to be together. A lot of the complaints about the C/Q pairing in S4 were directed around the fact that their relationship wasn’t earned. So they’re spinning it out longer than any other relationship on Homeland - so it does feel earned. And the emotional pay off will be flawless. How could it not be, with the state they’re both in?
Anyway, back to the VA hospital.
We do get this. You could hear a ruddy pin drop after this one.
‘Let me go.’ Carrie tells Quinn to let her go. He’s got her in a physical grip. It’s not like he’s got her by the scruff of the neck. It’s a very, very gentle push.
‘Let ME go,’ pleads Quinn.
Quinn wants Carrie to leave him be. To let him rot inside his own life. And I could believe this. It is believable given that Quinn’s self deprecation is right up there with all the Noir heroes. BUT it’s just this bit of the exchange that I struggle with.
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We see it. I saw it. I know you saw it. We see a flicker of old Quinn. 
Quinn doesn’t really want Carrie to let him go. He just doesn’t want her to see him like this. It’s almost like the ‘It doesn’t matter now’ scene from 504.
And I think Claire’s acting in this scene is amazing. Carrie’s eyes after she hears Quinn say ‘Let me go.’
Reference to my earlier post. She’s not ready to let him go. She can’t let him go. I see the letter in Carrie’s eyes. She knows how Quinn feels. He doesn’t know that she knows how he feels. And yet she continues to take care of him. She continues to reach out to him. She continues to keep him close by. She’s not going anywhere. She’s not leaving him. She’s not.
Only this time, she actually isn’t. I just don’t think she’s ready to confront all of the very complicated reasons why she isn’t.
There is another scene I actually found VERY interesting from a C/Q standpoint and that is the scene that she shares with Otto. On a side note, how creepy is Otto? It turned my stomach (and Carrie’s by the looks) when he’s looking at her adoringly in the meeting room. Vomit. Anyway, this is the exchange I found interesting..
Otto: If it’s not me...’
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Let it be someone else...
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You see, the thing is....there’s only one person who it could be. Every Homeland watcher knows this. Even if so many seem resistant to the C/Q pairing, he’s the only one now that is filling that role.
And just in case we didn’t know who that was. The writers tell us.
Cut to.... Peter Quinn. HA.
But they also tell us that hell, romance is the last thing on Carrie’s mind right now. And that Quinn is...well... a mess.
In this episode, we see so much of the writers underlining that Quinn is a changed man. No shit. IMO, they pushed him a little too far down the rabbit hole. The scene where you could actually see the woman... doing her thing with him... was just a little too much. Lightyears away from the clean cut nerd we saw in 204, no? But that’s the point. We thought we’d seen Quinn at rock bottom – this is definitely rock bottom. It can only go up from here.
Carrie’s dedication to Quinn in this episode was actually really beautiful. As I mentioned earlier, I don’t think she knows all of the very complicated reasons why she’s so dedicated to him and why she won’t let him go. Conscience is a big one, of course, she feels incredibly guilty about what happened to him in Berlin. But it wasn’t all her fault. I don’t see Saul visiting Quinn every day at the Vet hospital. I think another reason drives at Quinn being her best friend. Because he was, once upon a time, he was the person she could always count on. And she misses him. She misses her friend.
Look at her sad little face when his ‘bye’ is so dismissive.
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And I’d wager he misses her. The scene in the car post crack den was heartbreaking. He misses his old life and the way he used to be. Not in S5, before then... when he was on top of his game and their interactions didn’t revolve around his care. Quinn is a very proud man and the last thing he wants is to be babysat. Especially by Carrie.
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I too, enjoyed the parallels with 302 (sorry if the episode number is wrong) when Quinn was being restrained by the security guards and Carrie was looking pained. The irony and sadness of the situation is not lost on Carrie either. Another reason why she decides to take such care of him. She’s been through it... and she doesn’t want him to have to go through what she went through. Or, any more than he has already...
She can’t stand seeing him like this and the scene builds to a head (very much set off by the music) in which she finally tells them to ‘Stop it!’
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Drastic action is needed. Quinn’s moving in.
And that brings us to the last reason why she’s taking such care of him....she could fall in love with this man. He could be it. Thanks Leslie/Meredith. Can never remember which of them said this.
She loves him, yes, the care she’s shown for him this episode leaves me in no doubt about that. But is she in love with him? No. Not yet. But she could be. And I think everything that happened in Berlin, the way she felt when she thought he was dead, and all the very complicated emotions surrounding what happened at the hospital have left Carrie very very confused as to how she feels about him. And the letter is a big part of that. All she knows is that she doesn’t want him to go anywhere, and she’s not giving up on him becoming the man he once was (and still is, somewhere in there.)
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She’s hesitant, yes. This is a big deal and a big risk for Carrie to take. Not just because Quinn isn’t exactly stable.
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But because having him there, in her house, is a very different relationship. It’s a lot more intimate. And Carrie has never had this sort of relationship with any man. Ever. Are we counting Jonas? Yawn. But Jonas didn’t know Carrie. Not the real Carrie. So no, not counting Jonas. And Jonas isn’t a main character (thank Christ), Quinn is. Quinn has three seasons on Jonas. Jonas has time, yes, but it’s not significant time, because the writers didn’t show it to us.
So yeah, big step for Carrie. So much so, she’s not really ready to make it. So she locks the door. As well she should. I would have done the same thing.
But what’s interesting about this ‘locked door’ exchange is metaphorical.
I don’t mind admitting I actually choked a little watching this scene. 
God knows what he would have said if it had been open. Maybe he wanted to apologise. Maybe he just wanted company. Maybe he wanted to say ‘thank you.’
But there is, I think, a deeper symbolism to this locked door and (spoiler alert) the fact that we know that it’s Frannie that metaphorically opens it.
Quinn is not a prisoner in Carrie’s basement. He can get out, he can go into the garden. He can go anywhere, really. Except for the place that he really wants to go. Into Carrie’s home, and by extension, her heart. Yes, I know this is cheesy, but it’s true. Everything Quinn has ever wanted, that normal life
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And by extension, a relationship with Carrie...
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All of that is through that door. 
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But he needs to change before he can really go through it. And Carrie needs to see that change in him before he’s ready to go through it. He needs to deal with his issues and work through what’s happened to him. It’s gonna be a long time but I like the fact that Frannie is going to be a facilitator to this change. It’s kind of beautiful.
But for me, that doesn’t really matter, it’s just part of the journey. Carrie (and Frannie) for that matter, are waiting for him. She’s true to her word. No, she’s not waiting with open arms, saying ‘Marry me...’ but a connection is there, if he wants it.
I will say again, when Quinn’s ready to walk through the door, we’ll get a lot of awkward moments. Inevitably Carrie and Quinn will get closer. And it will be an intimacy we’ve never seen from them before. They’re living in the same house, for god’s sake. When Quinn works his way back into Carrie’s life, which he will (I think it’s pretty damn clear from this opening episode that that’s the groundwork and journey for him this season) when we’ll see Carrie updating Quinn on everything that’s going on in her life with the new Pres, and the new job… and Dar… and Saul…. And when he will come to be something of a protector for Frannie (spoiler again there, sorry folks!)
I think this will be a very C/Q season. Quinn is literally the most important person in her life (apart from Frannie of course!) so they will share a lot of seasons together, confronting what has happened. Promised by this...
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That’s just the thing.... why did you save him, Carrie? Carrie figuring that out will be a massive part of this season and her character development.
I am excited about what this season will bring for Carrie and Quinn. Bring it on.
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