#sad concept where adam is murdered in like an overthrow of royalty : ))))
songslight · 5 years
❛ This bravery of yours, it may save us yet. ❜ @ belle
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              “  I CAN ONLY HOPE SO,  ELLA.  ”      truth be told,   belle has far less faith in herself than her friend.  the forest is cold in the night,   sticking the thick tears to her cheeks.   these trees have memories,   faint reels of wolf attacks and horses,  carriages and blood.   she has to grit her teeth to keep from collapsing into the ashen snow.   there would be time to mourn the past if and when they ensured a future.   she takes ella’s hand in hers.   the girl is the only love belle has left.  france has grown strange and awful behind her,   but she has come too far to turn back now.     
                “  there is a path behind the ledge up ahead,  it leads to belgium if my memory serves.  ”     she’d spent enough time pouring over the dusty maps in the library.  that had to count for something.    “  can you climb ? ”
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