#and ella was there visiting
apicelladonna · 11 days
(Ferte in noctem animam meam) Grindeldore one shot, post HBP.
Dumbledore’s steps were slow, each one a battle against the searing pain that coursed through his withered body. The blackened, necrotic flesh of his right hand, throbbed like Greek fire kissed it. He felt the corruption spreading further now, creeping up his his upper torso and nearing the place where he thought his heart would be.
The gates of Nurmengard loomed before him, a once-proud fortress now decayed in the shadow of its former master. He stepped through it, the scent of rot heavy in the air. Dead Aurors and house-elves littered the courtyard, victims of the final assault of the dark lord's quest for answers.
The war had turned, its tides sweeping away what little hope had once flickered. Now, that hope rested on the shoulders of the young. All of them carrying the burden of a world too heavy for a hopeful future.
Each step up the spiral staircase was torture. His breath rattled in his chest, and his vision blurred with pain. But still, he climbed. He knew what awaited him at the top. He knew why he had come.
The door to the tower was ajar. Tom had been here.
He paused for a moment, his weary mind spinning through the possibilities. Tom Riddle had sought out the only other dark wizard who had once held the Elder Wand.
He had come for answers, but he would have found none. Albus knew this because he knew Gellert Grindelwald better than anyone alive.
In his arrogance, his pride, his twisted sense of loyalty, Gellert would never have divulged the truth. Not to Tom. Not to anyone.
And now Albus no longer held the wand. Its allegiance had shifted—first to Draco Malfoy, and who knows where after. Perhaps Voldemort had realized this. Perhaps that was why he had left Gellert like this.
Dumbledore stepped through the doorway into the tower room.
Gellert lay crumpled on the cold stone floor, his thin prison robes hanging limply over his wasted frame. His once-vibrant eyes, those piercing mismatched eyes Albus had known so well, were vacant now, staring at nothing.
He was a hollow shell, a body left to rot where it had fallen. Tom Riddle had not even afforded him the dignity of a final word, a final glance.
Albus took a shaking breath, his heart breaking in a way it hadn't in decades. Gellert. The boy he had loved. The man who had turned into his greatest enemy. And now this—just another casualty of a war that had stretched over lifetimes.
With every ounce of strength he had left, Dumbledore knelt beside him. Pain shot through his body, but he ignored it, his focus solely on Gellert. Gently, he took the rigid, lifeless body in his arms, lifting him so that Gellert could sit upright against the stone wall. The old wizard’s hands shook as he closed Gellert’s eyes, those once-bright eyes that had seen so much of the world’s wonder and darkness alike.
There were no words. What could he say? No eulogy would ever be enough for the complicated, tragic life of Gellert Grindelwald. He had been a visionary and a tyrant, a lover and a monster. And now, he was gone.
No one would come to mourn him. No one would check on the man who had once threatened the very fabric of the magical world. In the midst of another wizarding war, with Voldemort's shadow creeping ever closer, Gellert Grindelwald was just another body, forgotten in the chaos.
And Albus—Albus would soon be another as well.
He leaned back against the cold stone wall, his cursed hand resting limply in his lap. The pain was unbearable now, the curse nearly overtaking his entire body.
But for this moment, there was peace. There, in the silence of the highest tower, with the dead all around, he could rest.
Beside the man he had once loved. Beside his heart.
Beside Gellert.
The world could wait a little longer as Albus closed his eyes, resting on the other wizard's shoulder.
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usermoon · 10 months
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if i wanted to know who you were hanging with while i was gone i would have asked you it's the kind of cold, fogs up windshield glass but i felt it when i passed you there's an ache in you put there by the ache in me but if it's all the same to you it's the same to me
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pinkybuttons · 6 days
pinky at the airport where will they go
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elshells · 3 months
Agent Ace || Map of Harmont
Ever read Agent Ace and wonder where Sophia and Harley are relative to one another at any given time? So did I, and that's why I made this handy-dandy map of Harmont!
There are a lot of locations in Agent Ace, and the characters don't stay in one place for long. While you don't necessarily need to read the map to follow along in the story, if you're a visual learner like me, who sometimes has trouble keeping track of locations without a point of reference, then hopefully you can get as much use and enjoyment out of this map that I do!
Obligatory disclaimer that I am not a professional map maker. I drew heavy inspiration from maps of real cities I'm familiar with (I won't say which ones but if you know, you know), and distances, borders, etc. are not drawn to scale. Names of locations are also subject to change at any time, as I am incredibly critical and indecisive of my choices in such matters.
The map itself is made to be relatively simple so you can easily find each location. The black dotted line shows the trajectory of the light rail, and the white dotted line represents the island ferry. Districts are coordinated by color, and there are brief descriptions for each neighborhood below the cut. Bear in mind that some of these descriptions may contain spoilers for Agent Ace, so read at your own risk!
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Champion: Match Girl Council Delegate: Orya Stockdale
Area Commander: Morningstar
Cozy and retro; home to a number of restaurants, boutiques, and parks. Housing prices are especially high.
Area Commander: Sabre
Barlow is best known for being the location of the main training complex for new recruits of the Guard, adapted from a long-dead shopping mall. A quiet neighborhood that is much more affordable to live in, at the cost of a higher crime rate.
Area Commander: Scythe
The biggest commerical neighborhood in the Maker's District, home to an upbeat and close-knit community.
Area Commander: Witchsong
Over the years, Darksbury has built up an unfortunate reputation as an undesirable place to live. With a gritty environment and difficult living costs, this neighborhood seems to attract trouble.
Area Commander: Firebird
Landem's biggest features include an abundance of unconventional art installations and a weekend market flaunting local arts and crafts and vintage wares. Most of the restaurants here are fine dining, yet the housing is surprisingly affordable. Also the location of the city's annual Architect's Festival.
Area Commander: Celeste
Houses some of the best schools in the districts and decent public facilities. Looks may be deceiving, however, as violent crime is not uncommon.
Area Commander: Lumen
A relaxed lakeside neighborhood with lots of green space; perfect for picnics, casual athletics, and aquatic activities.
Champion: Talon Council Delegate: Cressida Manalis
Area Commander: Rook
A quiet suburb with a sleepy village-vibe, Arkley boasts plenty of wildlife trails and a stunning view of the bay that shares its name. Beautiful but pricey.
Area Commander: Equinox
A vibrant neighborhood that appeals to both the serene and the wild side. The ritzy north end hosts cafes, bookstores, a celebrated florist shop, and old historic mansions that have been standing since before the Guardian era. On the other hand, the dynamic south end is much more lively when the sun goes down; bars and dance clubs are popular venues for block parties and live music. LOCATION(S) OF NOTE -Dorian's Garden (North End) -The Vibe (South End)
Area Commander: Sphinx
A small, robust neighborhood that's home to a variety of cultural eateries and coffee houses, but best known for its history museums and community food festivals. However, despite the reputation for having a generally friendly populace, many consider Concord unsafe at night.
Area Commander: Barracuda
Dantary is widely regarded as the heart of the city. The downtown market is a hot spot year-round, as is the Ferris Wheel docks by the harbor, which transform into an amusement park for four months of the year. Movie theaters, rooftop bars, and waterfront housing do make this one of the more expensive neighborhoods to live in, but the abundance of public transportation makes traversing these streets much easier. LOCATION(S) OF NOTE -Kinghaven Park
Area Commander: Jewelheart
Enden has the highest population of Guardians to compensate for the historically high violent crime. Coupled with the difficult schooling and housing in this area, people generally try to avoid this neighborhood at all costs.
Area Commander: Scarlet Letter
Perhaps the most luxurious neighborhood Harmont has to offer, if the name is any indication. Buildings and skyscrapers imitate a Romanesque-style architecture that can't be found anywhere else in the city, and the collection of specialty shops, art galleries, and a grand stadium for sports and Guardian festivities make Kinghaven a must-see spot for any visitor.
Area Commander: Bishop
The de facto technology industry of Harmont, spearheading the movement of biotech development. Despite the presence of innovative warehouses and high-rise apartments and condos, housing and rentals are surprisingly affordable, even if night crime and traffic congestion are higher than usual. LOCATION(S) OF NOTE -Vigilante Complex -August's Apartment
Area Commander: Wren
Pandor is widely residential, thanks to its high appeal to the cultural side with soul food joints, tap rooms, museums, and a high-end performing arts center. Even with all of these amenities, Pandor makes plenty of room for green parks and playgrounds, keeping the neighborhood scene active but easygoing. LOCATION(S) OF NOTE -Frida's (Restaurant owned by Imani Clarke and Angel de Soto) -De Soto Residence -Manalis House
Area Commander: Seraph
Known for its steep hills and stunning architecture, Skylar is the main hub for the Watch and the City Council. Uphill is home to upscale shops, bars, and some of the best views of the city, while garden venues adorn the downhill scene. LOCATION(S) OF NOTE -The Watchtower (Lower Skylar)
Area Commander: Nightingale
Casual and somewhat grungy, Stockard has some of the most affordable schooling and housing in the district. Paired with an abundance of apartments and high-rise condos with waterfront views, this neighborhood is a favorite for families looking to settle down. The night life is unexpectedly lively, featuring jazz lounges, nightclubs, and sunset parks for the night owls. LOCATION(S) OF NOTE -Apartment of Ahn Tae and Evelyn Moon
Champion: Goldweaver Council Delegate: Ronan Dalton
Area Commander: Zephyra
Charming and quiet, Crofthill is connected by parks and playgrounds. The north side hosts coffee shops and a library, while the south side is best known for its bakeries.
Area Commander: Aviatrix
Industrial and eclectic, Eastlook has a prominent food and bar scene, and features the city's main airport and steam plant. All light rail stations connect back here.
Area Commander: Moonbow
A quiet, residential area of lakeside beaches, parks, and the largest public garden in the city.
Area Commander: Griffin
Quaint but lively and known for its friendly locals, downtown Willoughs is home to small shops, brunch cafes, and open mic shows. Housing here is mostly affordable, consisting of townhouses, apartment complexes, and single-family homes. LOCATION(S) OF NOTE -Residence of Ahren and Sophia Colbo
Champion: Spider Lily Council Delegate: Neil Kallister
Area Commander: Nymph
Laid-back and communal, this island neighborhood holds a small-town feel for those that live there. Coffee shops and grocery stores are within walking distance of residential areas, as are the parks and beaches that make this area so popular. The bay bridge connects the land to the rest of the city, and the woods grow quite dense east of the community border. LOCATION(S) OF NOTE -Former Manalis Residence -Tempera Park and Forest
Champion: Paragon Council Delegate: Galilea Albright
Area Commander: Viper
Home to the esteemed Aylor Institute, a college bringing STEM and fine arts students together, all thanks to dean and renowned scientist Dr. Billie Prout. The population of Aylor is made up almost entirely of college students demanding independence from the rest of the city, and is a haven of cheap eats, shopping centers, and hiking trails. Every school year concludes with a street fair featuring the labors of students' creations and accomplishments before they enter the work force as developed adults. LOCATION(S) OF NOTE -Aylor High School -Aylor Institute -Jade and Max's Apartment
TAG LIST: @writernopal, @mysticstarlightduckduck, @livums, @wotchergiorgia Message me to be added or removed!
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degloved · 15 days
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rosykims · 2 years
nathaniel crushing on ella has never really felt right in my head bc they strike me as more platonic comrades but um. well. now im thinking abt nathaniel and ASHARA
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cdfreak · 2 years
i have so much Shit this week and im so ughgghg. cause im excited for most of it bt also its still things that i need to do. and i dont want to do anything. i want to dig into the earth and never come out.
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remicilline · 2 years
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houkagokappa · 3 months
I finished Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3
I wasn't convinced I'd be able to watch it 'til the end, because I didn't care for the movie that much and I couldn't get past one episode of the Megumin spin-off, but it was surprisingly charming! The added depth to Darkness was very welcome and I was pleasantly surprised by how Kazuma bonded with Iris. I don't think either plot line could've been executed as well earlier on in the series, since it's still a comedy series about idiot assholes, but 2 seasons and 7-8 years later, it's good to show and see how these characters have come to cherish each other, even if they show it somewhat reluctantly.
I didn't laugh as much as I did during the first season, and the animation wasn't as fun, but it did get a couple of laughs out of me, and I wasn't bothered by the animation either. With parody comedy it rarely matters if it looks badly made or unpolished, it simply adds to the jokes/charm. The only thing that drove me insane was how often they'd say シュワシュワ. Sure it's a fun word, but with the frequency they used it, it started to sound like they we're censoring alcohol, same way tiktok kids talk about unaliving, and I couldn't take it.
All in all, I don't have that much to either criticize or praise. If you've liked earlier seasons of Konosuba it's probably going to be enjoyable to you, but you're not missing out on much if you don't watch it.
PS. The highlight of the season was the endurance play Darkness and Megumin got up to, which I would've shared on my blog, but when I took a look at the tag it was mostly filled by fat fetish art and I gave up. I'll give it another try though!
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alagaisia · 5 months
So I mentioned this in the tags of something random today but I think maybe it would help to make its own post. I feel like I don’t want to talk too much about it in real life or to anyone I know, because I’m a little superstitious and so because there’s nothing to be done, talking about it would just make it more real when there’s nothing to really be gained by doing so
My little dog, Cosmo, has a tumor. We don’t know if it’s cancer or not, because getting it tested would be an expense, and it wouldn’t change the treatment; he’s sixteen years old, so an intense surgery of any kind is not recommended.
He went into the vet about a month or two back because he wasn’t putting one of his back paws on the ground. He had knee surgery on that knee when he was five, and it lasted him really well for ten years, but when his vision went all the way out two or three years ago he stopped being able to do any stairs, and the vet said retroactively that not using the knee as much or in its full range of motion was probably what allowed it to degrade, and it’s basically fucked now.
So when they did an x-ray of his knee, they also did an x-ray of his chest, because for we’re not sure how long, maybe a year or so? He will occasionally do this weird hacking/gagging noise. And they found out he has a large tumor in his chest that’s started to press up against his trachea.
It doesn’t seem to be impeding his quality of life right now. And there was a scary week or two when he was adjusting to his new pain meds for his knee, and especially the day or two after the x-ray when he was still groggy from the anesthetic, when he didn’t want to eat much and he needed someone to go outside with him every time, because it’s his back leg, and so he would kind of just tip over when he tried to squat down to poop. But he can do it all on his own now, and we still carry him all the way out to the yard but he’s started finding his way up the ramp (my dad and I built a little ramp for him leading up to the porch a couple of summers ago when he couldn’t see to do the back stairs anymore) all on his own again to wait by the back door to come back inside. He’s really himself again and he’s such a good boy and he’s really doing so so well.
He’s loved that it’s getting warmer. I’ve started working from home on Mondays since that’s the day my mom has to go into her office and there wouldn’t be someone around to keep an eye on him and let him out during the day and things, and the last two or three weeks I will let him out and go check on him two hours later and find him fast asleep in some sunny corner of the yard. He’s so silly and so sweet and I love him absolutely to pieces. When we got him he was two and I was ten and I used to read in my room and look up and see just a little bit of fur peeking under my door because he had decided to just lay down right there and wait for me to let him in. He’s my best friend.
And he’s doing really well! But there’s this knowledge for all of us that like. The end is in sight. Which is just terrible. He’s the love of my life and such a good sweet boy and a good dog and he loves us so much and we love him so much. And we just don’t know. Do we have a year? Is that overly optimistic? Is that not optimistic enough? Every time he doesn’t feel like eating all of his food (which is unusual for him, he’s always been pretty food-motivated) I wonder if it’s his medicine or if he’s just tired or if it’s because he doesn’t want to swallow anything or if he’s in some other kind of pain.
He’s doing really well. We’re doing really well we’re just taking things as they come.
(Video ID: a slightly shaggy Yorkie asleep in a dog bed under a kitchen table, in a beam of sunshine)
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travelgofero · 8 months
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amandab821 · 11 months
ella is so bad with strangers 😭she hides and then growls when someone tries to get near
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i2sunric · 1 month
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PAIRING: knight!sunghoon x queen!reader (f)
SUMMARY: after your parents death, you were forced to be crowned queen of the north realm and decided to take a young sergeant as your personal guard. however, you can’t ignore the evident tension between the two of you, that will lead to some… illicit affairs. well, it never happened if nobody knows, right?
WARNINGS: 1800s au. mentions of war and death, fencing terms, sexual tension, unprotected sex (they didn’t have condoms, did they?), masturbation, dirty talk, missionary, fingering, cream pie, angst if you squint (like, really squint), mentions of scars, pet names (sweetheart), i abused the world ‘would’. i know. lmk if more. NOT PROOFREAD.
PUBLISHED: 20th August 2024
WC: 6k
TAGLIST: (permanent) @stolasisyourparent @jaeyunsbimbo @jwnghyuns @bangtancultsposts @shawnyle @jooniesbears-blog @skzenhalove @ro-diaries @onlyhyunjin @xcosmi @strawberrhypen @heeheeswifey y @destinyhoon (oneshot) @indigoez @astratlantis @shuichi-sama @skaterhoon @simsungsims @hoonatic @sammie217 @hoonics @kissesforthefangirl @woorcve @laurradoesloveu @capri-cuntz @whateverhoon @woninluv @cyjhhyj @alienqbrain BOLDS COULD NOT BE TAGGED.
NOW PLAYING: War Of Hearts by Ruelle
a/n: honestly, i don’t like it. the idea was good, the outcome not so, but let me know your thoughts. i literally don’t know old english, my knowledge comes from pride and prejudice and bridgerton, im sorry (i gave up by the end and it shows). please LIKE & REBLOG (or don’t, cause this is the worst fic i’ve ever written lol)
You hadn’t realised just how drastically your life could change overnight until you woke up to the news that your father, the ever so powerful king of the North realm, had died in war.
Soon, your teachers were making you learn about strategies and alliances, not about history anymore, your legions kneeled before you, ready to be at your service.
You had to watch your mother, the woman you looked up to, being consumed by the grief of her dead husband until the grim reaper decided to make them reunite.
Leaving you all alone. Helpless, bearing a burden so heavy it crashed your shoulders.
In just the span of a month you found yourself leading a kingdom through war, sending hundreds of warriors to their death sentence.
The crown weighed significantly on your head, your desk was full of scrambled letters and quills dripping ink, and if it wasn’t for your most-trusted maid, Ella, you would’ve certainly already died of hunger, leaving your people without a ruler.
Fortunately, the same day of your coronation, the first day of you being a queen was also the first day of a young sergeant.
He was the youngest of all, just like you being the youngest of the monarchs, and was leading the loyal legion.
Doing a better job than you, you had to say. He was diligent, perfect in his tasks and polite whenever you interpellated him.
His name was Park Sunghoon, and it didn’t take much for you to nominate him as your personal royal guard.
He was an attractive man, barely a couple of years older than you but he indeed towered you by much.
Sunghoon’s face was sharp, with a defined jawline and hardly any trace of baby-fat left.
Despite his frail appearance, you knew he had defined muscles hidden under his white guard uniform, you had seen it.
Even if you were busy with your tight schedule, especially after your coronation, you still found the time to peek at him.
In the morning he’d train the royal legions, helping new warriors. In the afternoon, he would follow you through your travels around the realm, visiting villages and other castles.
The days you stayed at the castle he’d occupy his afternoons by doing some training alone and some evenings he would stand out of your bedroom to guard.
And Sunghoon? Well, he was as attracted to you as you were.
It always sent jolts of excitement whenever he was around you, walking you to your activities and always keeping an eye for possible harms.
Especially one day, when Ella ran towards him with a bucket full of water when he was guarding your bedroom “Sergeant!” She panted, “Please, would you be so kind to bring this into her majesty’s room? I need to get another one.”
Sunghoon was quick to nod “Of course.” He replied politely and took the heavy — for her, not so for him — bucket from her hands.
Ella sincerely thanked him and hurried away to complete her task while the young guard opened your bedroom door.
When his eyes raised to your figure, he saw you standing there… naked. Probably expecting your maid to enter and certainly not your personal guard.
Your hands quickly shot to cover your dignity, your cheeks tinting a deep shade of pink as you breathed “Dear lord.”
Had he been more reckless, he would’ve dropped the bucket, but he managed to keep his polite demeanour.
“My sincere apologies, my lady, I should’ve knocked.” He turned slightly to the side so as not to look at you, but still managed to peek from the corner of his eye.
“D-doesn’t matter..” You murmured, reaching for the nightgown on the chair of the desk and quickly slipping it on “I just didn’t expect it to be… you, sergeant.”
Sunghoon nodded, “Where do you want me to place this?” He asked, raising the container of water.
You stepped aside, hugging your arms like you were afraid your nightgown could reveal your body to him once more. Not like he would complain.
“Inside the tub would be great.” You replied, watching as he lifted the bucket and dropped the hot water in it.
Sunghoon dared to look at you only then, bowing his head slightly “I apologise again. I did not wish to make you uncomfortable.”
You let out a small breath and offered him a warm smile. You were always so kind and thoughtful to everyone, it made him want to lock those who dared to criticise you in the dungeons and make them all perish.
“Worry not,” Your voice was gentle, like a ray of sunshine through the storm “I forgive you, after all, it was an accident.”
Sunghoon thought that if he ever had the chance to take a glimpse at your perfect, naked body, he would’ve taken it right away.
But he chose against letting you know and opted for a “Thank you, my queen.” He bowed, “Anything else you need for me?”
“No, thank you.” You said “You can go back to your duty.”
He nodded and headed to the door, hesitating for a second and then walked out.
The image of your naked body was hard to remove from his mind. Sergeant.
Your curves, your dips, the colour of your skin, your breasts and your pretty pussy… Sergeant?
He wondered what you would feel like if he touched you, tasted you— “Sergeant!”
The voice of one of the royal guards snapped Sunghoon out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat “Yes?”
“It’s my turn,” He said, his eyes blinking faintly “Are you feeling alright?”
“Yes, worry not.” Sunghoon nodded and gave his farewell to the guard before walking to his chamber.
Since you had labelled him worthy of being your personal knight, his bedroom was in the same wing as yours, unlike all the other knights in the legion that stayed in the West wing.
He entered his chamber and closed the door behind his back, the room was dark except for the moonlight shining from the window.
It was better that way, he enjoyed the natural light, rather than the artificial one from the candles that also smelled bad and spread smoke in the room.
Sunghoon sighed, quickly removing his uniform to put on some more comfortable clothes, some black pants and a white, sleeved shirt.
He dropped down on the bed, another quiet sigh leaving his lips.
He rested one of his arms behind his head while he played mindlessly with the laces of his shirt.
It was stronger than him, his mind kept replaying the same scene over and over again.
Your body.
Perhaps, it was that you were so modest, despite literally being the ruler of the kingdom, or it was the fact that you were literally his type.
But he was drawn to you, the same way a donkey was to the apple in front of him. Maybe not the best example, but you get it.
At the thought of your flushed face, he felt his pants growing tighter. At your plump and tender lips, he palmed himself to soothe his growing desire.
At the memory of your perky nipples and your breasts, his hand slipped inside his trousers until he pulled them down to his ankles.
Sunghoon knew he couldn’t be loud, but the soft whimpers and groans that left his lips weren’t contained.
He imagined it was your hand, the one providing him relief, that you were down on your knees, batting your eyelashes at him.
“Oh yes, you’re so good.” He whispered, squeezing the base of his thick cock, it twitched.
The tip was angry red as he heavenly stroked it, never focusing on one place more than the other.
If it were you, would you lick his tip? Would you squeeze his balls and take him in your mouth?
Would you ever fit him all?
“Take my cock,” He groaned, thrusting his hips upward to fuck his fist “Take it like a good girl.”
He pressed two fingers on the tip of his length, edging himself “You like to tease, my lady?”
So many filthy scenes played in his mind, keeping him company as he felt the sweet sensation in his lower stomach.
“I’m so close, sweetheart.” He groaned, moving his hand so fast it almost hurt his wrist “You want it on your breasts? Of course.” He kept moving until he saw white, “Take it.”
He was left spent, dirty white all over his sheets as he tried to even his breath.
Sunghoon fell asleep with a smile on his face that night, and he woke up even better after you visited his dreams and showed him how much you wanted him.
…Too bad it wasn’t real, right?
After your little and awkward interaction with Sunghoon, the previous evening, you decided to go find him during his late afternoon training.
You would’ve lied if you were to say it didn’t turn you on, the thought of being seen by him in such an intimate manner. But that, he mustn’t know.
He was wearing a black sleeved shirt and a pair of trousers of the same colour, a great contrast with his skin.
You quietly tip-toed, walking towards as he stroked in the air with the fencing sword.
His movements were calculated, precise and so mesmerising you hadn’t even realised you were right behind him until the blade stopped right beside your jugular.
You gulped “Good evening.” Sunghoon widened his eyes and quickly placed himself into a more polite position, removing the swords from your neck “I'm so sorry, my lady, I didn’t see you coming.”
You just smiled at him “You seem excellent at fencing.” You commented, your fingertips trailing the blade of the sword, careful not to cut yourself.
“Fencing is one of my favourite parts of training, my queen.” He replied, his tone serious.
You hummed “Is that so?” The way the sunset kissed his skin, how his hair was perfectly combed and matched with his fit looked straight out of the erotic novels you hid under your bed.
“I’ve always wanted to learn this type of art.” You informed him “Though, it would be too scandalous for a woman to do it, wouldn’t it?”
Sunghoon’s gaze was soft as he commented “There’s nothing scandalous in wanting to be able to defend yourself.” He threw you a french sword “Even if you have a whole legion before you.”
You swiftly caught it, circling around Sunghoon while he did the same.
“Nah ah,” He was quick to correct “Eyes on the enemy’s, never on the sword.” You diverted your gaze from the sword to his chocolate, warm eyes.
“Great,” Sunghoon praised. “You must study your enemy if you have the time, watch his body language.”
He stroked again and you barely missed it. A second time and you docked it.
At the third, you blocked it “You slightly blink your right eye when you strike.”
Sunghoon smiled proudly, “Yes, that’s right.” You squealed happily, making him slightly widen his eyes.
If it wasn’t the best sound he’d ever heard.
“Now, your strike isn’t bad, especially in second and third, but your position can be better.” He dropped his sword and walked behind you.
“Bend your knees.” He commanded and you obliged again, following his instructions “Your arm shouldn’t stay that far… tilt your elbow.”
“Your back is already straight,” His fingers trailed the laces of your corset, feeling your spine underneath them “But your chin should be tilted… like this.” He tipped your chin up with his index finger.
“How about how?” You whispered breathlessly, feeling the coldness of his skin against your burning one.
“Better, but not perfect.” Sunghoon replied and quickly put space between the two of you “Still, you’re one of my best students.”
You smiled happily and was about to reply when Ella called you from afar because dinner was being served.
You sighed “I must go.” You said, slightly hoping he would keep you with him.
However, obviously, he just nodded and bowed. “It has been a pleasure, my lady.”
As he watched you walk away, he hoped you hadn’t felt the proof of his desire pressed against your back when he fixed your position… the proof he had to fix before anyone could notice.
Sunghoon’s footsteps echoed through the dark hallway as he made his way to your room. He wasn’t sure about the reason as to why you called him, given the fact that he was supposed to be patrolling the main gates, but it seemed clear when he noticed you had already sent the guard outside your room to rest.
He stood in front of your bedroom door, the hallway only dimly lit by the few candles on the walls.
There was something in his mind that told him he was still in time to turn his heels and simply ignore your late-night visit request, even if it would eventually get him in trouble.
Still, he aight and placed his hand on the doorknob, quietly opening your bedroom door and entering.
Out of precaution, he locked the door behind him and made a few steps towards you, nevertheless keeping some distance.
“My queen,” Sunghoon began, “I thought you’d be asleep by now.” His tone was quiet, almost concerned.
You were standing in front of the large window that gave you a nice view of the royal gardens, the moonlight illuminating the room as well as a few candles on the tables.
Despite the late hours, you were still wearing your pistachio green gown, your favourite one. The one that once belonged to your mother.
It gave you a sense of comfort, reminiscing the days where you would drown in the fabric as you played queen and princess with her.
You deeply wished it was still a game.
“I’ve been having trouble sleeping.” You replied, still giving him your back.
Sunghoon cleared his throat. Yes, he’d seen you in that gown the same morning, but now, in the intimacy of your chamber, it made him want to drop to his knees.
He made his way so that he was standing just a few steps behind you “Any particular reason for your lack of sleep?” He inquired.
You sighed softly. The moon made your doe eyes sparkle, as if they held the stars in them, “Perhaps, thoughts of the upcoming war.”
Sunghoon’s hands hitched to hold yours, to give you the comfort you needed without any paternal figure to rely on.
Still, he kept them clasped behind his back. The need to be respectful of your position was still in the front of his mind.
“It is not confirmed yet,” He tried to reassure “The other kingdoms may decide not to attack anymore.”
You tried to find reassurance in his words, but even if your people thought so, you weren’t naïve. “They killed my father,” You gulped. “It’s just a matter of time before they come at me next.”
And that was true, everytime you ever tried to close your eyes to seek some rest, your mind would play any possible scenario.
You being slayed, you being beheaded… your kingdom going in flames.
“No one will touch you,” His voice was soothing, like a hand pulling you out of deep water, preventing you from drowning “Not while I’m here.”
You finally allowed yourself to look at him, afraid that if you did it the second you heard the key of your room twisting you would’ve kissed him.
His hair was still perfectly in place, his forehead in sight. His porcelain-like skin glowing under the rays of the moon, caressing his cheeks.
You offered him a polite smile “You seem confident, sergeant.”
Sunghoon let the briefest of a smile form on his lips “Confidence comes with the job,” He said, softly “It is my duty to protect you, my queen, and I take that very seriously.
“What else does your job offer?” You asked, fully turning your body towards him “Apart from private fencing lessons and a twenty-four-seven guarding.”
His breath hitched slightly when you stood in front of him, he hadn’t even realised the vicinity you two had until he had to tilt his head down to stare at you. It would be so easy to reach out and touch you, to feel your skin against his hands.
Sunghoon’s gaze slowly dragged from your chest up to your face. “That’s it, mainly,” He said, his voice a little rougher than before. “Though… my duties extend to anything you ask of me, my queen.”
“Anything?” You murmured quietly, your eyes widening.
He wanted to touch you so badly, to pull you against him so he could kiss you and touch you anywhere and everywhere. But he had to keep the professional veil going, even though he knew you were baiting him.
He nodded, his eyes on yours “Anything at all.”
You batted your eyelashes, trying to seduce him without boldly doing so “Is that so, sergeant?”
Sunghoon’s jaw clenched, struggling to keep his composure and hoping you weren’t able to see the effect of your presence.
He took a deep breath before replying “Yes, anything you ask of me.”
You gulped, your heart pounding in your chest as you gathered the courage to put into action your plan “I believe I need to unwind,” You stated “Any ideas?”
Sunghoon’s mind was immediately flooded with ideas, most of them very, very inappropriate for the moment. He bit his lip and tried to keep a straight face.
He considered keeping up the professional front but quickly decided against it. He was tired of forcing himself to maintain control.
“I do have a few ideas, my queen,” He said, his voice a low rumble. “Mind sharing them with me?” You asked.
Sunghoon stepped closer to you, so close that your bodies were almost touching. “My ideas may not be entirely appropriate, my queen,” He replied, “Would you like to hear them anyway?”
You closed briefly your eyes, just the brief feeling of his body near yours sending jolts of fire through your veins “I’m all ears.”
His eyes roamed over your face and body, taking in every single detail. He was practically salivating, desperate to touch you in any way possible.
Sunghoon leaned even closer, his breath now hot on your skin. “I have things I'd like to do, my queen,” He whispered in your ear. “Wicked things, to distract you from your stress.”
You let out a shaky breath, shivering from head to toe “Wicked?” You questioned.
Sunghoon felt his control slip as chuckled slowly, “Oh, very wicked, my lady.”
He brought his lips to your neck, planting soft kisses up and down your skin, taking you by surprise.
However, he kept his hands firmly by his sides, restraining himself from wandering. “I want to do things that would be highly inappropriate for a sergeant to do to his queen.”
“And who says so?” You breathed out, aching for him, your eyes flattering closed.
Sunghoon hummed against your skin, his lips moving to your collarbone. “That would be the royal laws,” He replied quietly, “Among other things.”
“I could get punished for this, you know.” He said in between kisses. “My actions are considered disrespectful.”
“I could change the law,” You replied, hooking your arms around his neck “For the night.”
His hands immediately went to your hips, grabbing you and pulling you even closer to him. “Just for the night, my queen?” He murmured against your skin, his lips trailing kisses up your jaw “I might want more than just one night.”
You chuckled lowly, “How do you know so already, sergeant?”
sunghoon’s hands moved from your hips to your thighs, caressing them through your nightgown, his thumbs tracing patterns against your skin.
Sunghoon pulled back to look at you, his eyes darkened significantly. “I'm quite sure, my queen,” He said, “The things I want to do to you are not something I can do just once.”
You shivered at his words, and the hungry way he was shamelessly looking at you. It almost seemed unreal, the polite soldier losing his cool in front of you, “How about you show me what you can do tonight, first?”
He looked at you, his gaze dark and intense, before leaning in and pressing his lips against yours in a rough kiss.
You moaned and gripped his shoulders tightly and he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth desperately, like he was starving.
You tip toed, desperate to reach for him, to feel his lips on yours and make you forget all the duties you had.
Sunghoon chuckled against your lips, amused by your struggle to reach his height. He pulled back, a smirk on his face. “Too short for me, my queen?”
Without warning, he lifted you up with ease, and he continued the kiss.
You wrapped your legs around his waist to steady yourself, thanking yourself for not having worn an underskirt that would’ve made it impossible for you to straddle him.
Sunghoon groaned against your mouth as you wrapped your legs around his waist, the kiss becoming more desperate and rougher.
He moved his lips from your mouth and attacked your neck, leaving a trail of kisses and bites as he went. One of his hands moved from your thigh to your butt, squeezing it appreciatively.
You groaned and let your head fall back, goosebumps filling your skin in reaction to his lips.
Your fingers tried to tug his blue uniform jacket, desperate to remove any clothing between the two of you.
He gently helped you to remove it, chuckling against your neck at your eagerness.
You rocked your hips, needing to feel him, to soothe the aching sensation between your legs.
He pressed his own hips back onto yours, you could feel the proof of his desire for you, secluded in his pants.
“You have no idea how hard it is not to take you right now,” He thrust upwards, making you gasp.
“What’s stopping you, sergeant?” You asked breathlessly, you knew he was trying to restrict himself, to draw a line that shouldn’t be crossed.
But you didn’t care, all you had in mind was how good his touch was on your skin, his lips on yours and how better it would’ve been if he was inside you.
“Nothing,” Sunghoon whispered in your ear, his breath causing your body to shiver “Absolutely nothing, as long as you’re not opposed to it.”
You chuckled, looking down at yourself “Does it look like I’m against it?”
Your sweet laugh only made him madder and he kissed you, tasting your lips “No, not at all, my queen.”
“Then, take me.” You whispered on his lips, your hand caressing down his arm, still clothed from his sleeved shirt.
Sunghoon shivered under your touch, your words breaking the last strand of self-restraint he had. He grabbed your hips, suddenly carrying you to the bed and dropping you down on it.
He quickly dropped to his knees between your legs, his hands on either side of you, trapping you in “You won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” He warned.
Your hair formed a halo around your head, spread around the mattress. Your chest was heaving up and down as you replied, “That's fine by me.”
Sunghoon hummed appreciatively at the sight of you splayed out on the bed underneath him. You looked divine, like an angel sent to drive him insane.
He connected his lips to yours once again, his hands moving behind your back as you propped yourself on your elbows.
His skilled fingers worked on the laces of your corset, undoing them.
You frowned, pulling away “Experienced much?”
Sunghoon chuckled softly as he got the corset undone, pulling the fabric off you and discarding it on the floor.
He shook his head before replying, a smirk on his lips. “Just a few,” He said. “and I have been fantasising about this moment for a while now.”
“Have you?” You whispered, your hands caressing his chest, where the v-neckline of the shirt exposed it “Have you thought about me late at night, sergeant?”
Sunghoon sighed softly, his eyes closing briefly as he confessed “Yes,” He said “Every night I’ve wondered what you would taste like, how soft you were, what your moans sounded like.”
His words only made you bolder. “Have you touched yourself wishing it was me?”
Now that the corset wasn’t restricting your air capacity, it also made the dress fall down your shoulder, exposing them to him.
He leaned down and pressed gentle kisses on your skin, trailing them up to your ear “Yes, my queen. I’ve touched myself wishing it was you, craving your body and soul.”
You let out a shaky breath, the sweet sensation warming your lower stomach “Perhaps, I have done the same.”
Sunghoon groaned loudly against your skin, his body shuddering at your confession “You’ve touched yourself, thinking about me?”
You flopped back onto the mattress and hummed “Yes.”
He was completely losing it, the thought of you touching yourself, thinking about him, driving him crazy. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to regain some composure.
“Tell me more,” He rasped, his voice a low rumble. “Tell me what you've done, what you've imagined."
You bit your bottom lip, afraid to voice out your late night secrets.
“Go on, my queen.” His voice was soft and soothing, his hips just barely pressing against yours “I won’t judge you, I can’t… Can I?” He let out a quiet chuckle.
You breathed out “I’ve thought about your fingers,” You gulped “Touching me in places no one has touched before.”
“Where?” He whispered, his nose grazing your cheek “Tell me.”
Instead of speaking, you took his hand and slowly guided it down your body, you were still covered by your dress but he could still feel your core beating under his touch.
So, in one swift movement he placed his hand under your skirt, feeling just how damp your underthings were, making you gasp.
“You’re so wet for me.” He murmured, “Is this how you are around me?”
You nodded, all drops of self awareness down the drain.
Sunghoon smirked, taking your hand with his free one and placing it on the front of his pants, making you feel his hard on “That’s what you do to me.”
Amazed, you started to palm him, letting your hand feel “I do?”
“Yes,” He whispered, his hips bucking against your touch “All the time.”
“Please,” You pleaded, “I can’t take it anymore, I really need you.”
Sunghoon sighed “There’s no turning back from this, my queen..”
“Y/N.” You blurted out, eyes taking in his reaction.
Without having you to explain, he knew what you meant. You wanted him to call you by your name, crossing a boundary that would be hard to build back.
Still, he reached behind your back and unzipped your dress, slowly slipping it down.
You laid underneath it, the only thing separating you from him was your lace underwear, your upper body bare for him to see.
Sunghoon rested his chest on yours, his fingers grazing your clothed core as he whispered in your ear “Y/N.” Making you moan.
You nodded, your arms wrapping around his neck to steady yourself “Sunghoon.” You breathed back.
“Y/N..” He murmured, slipping your panties to the side and teasing your entrance with his digits “My pretty, pretty girl.”
Your eyes flickered closed, senses awakened by his single touch.
“You’ve never done this?” He questioned, gathering all your juices in his fingers, your pussy clenching around nothing.
You shook your head, your mind already a puddle of nothing “No.”
“Then I need to get you all nice and lose, mh?” Sunghoon murmured, inserting one of his fingers inside your wet folds.
You gasped, your back arching against him at the intrusion “Oh lord.”
The sensation was so new but so welcome, you had never really dared to finger yourself, your orgasms were given by clit stimulation only, so when his digit thrust into you, your body jolted with each one.
Sunghoon’s lips attached to your left breath, tongue swirling around your nipple and you thought you couldn’t feel any better until he curled his fingers and found your sweet spot, making you moan out loud.
“Shh,” He cooed, pressing one hand on your mouth while his teeth gently grazed your abused nipple. “You don’t want anyone to find out what we’re doing, don’t you?”
You were quick to shake your head, but as he thrust a second finger in your pussy, you grunted.
One of your hands went to the back of his head, your fingers knotting his perfectly combed hair “S-sunghoon.”
You bucked your hips up, needing him to stop and continue at the same time “Feels so good.”
Sunghoon chuckled lowly, both his fingers brushing against your sweet spot “I know, Y/N.” He murmured “Let me take care of you.”
You nodded mindlessly; you thought that even if he asked you to hand over the kingdom you would’ve nodded anyways.
You whimpered, your other hand digging in the flesh of his shoulders from the amount of pleasure you were feeling.
“I’ve got you.” He whispered, brushing his thumb on your bundle of nerves “Relax.”
You could feel the knot in your stomach tighten with each thrust of his fingers, just a brief pain from the intrusion making your head spin.
“Oh lord,” You breathed out, “I think I—“ Another broken whimper left your mouth.
Sunghoon nodded, understanding you and crashed his lips on yours, drowning your moans in.
Another thrust of his fingers got you falling apart under him, your whole body trembling.
It took a good couple of minutes and his soothing words to calm you down, your breath still laboured but at least you could keep your body still.
You opened your eyes back and met his own, he offered you a sweet smile “You’re perfect.” He whispered, kissing your forehead.
You smiled back at him, slowly releasing your strong grip around his neck. “This has been… amazing.”
“I’m glad, my— Y/N.” Sunghoon quickly corrected himself, “But… we don’t have to do anything more.”
You frowned, worry coating your features “Was it because you didn’t feel good? I can help—“
He was fast to shake his head. “No, of course not.” He caressed your cheek “I just don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“You will not.” You sat up, looking inside his eyes to convince him “I want it, Sunghoon, I want it with my whole body and soul.”
He closed his eyes and dropped his head, as if he physically restrained himself from reaching out to you and take you in all the ways someone can be taken.
“I want you so much it’s driving me insane,” He breathed out, resting his forehead against your chest “My sweetheart, I would love to make you mine… will you allow me to?”
You nodded “Yes, please.” You tugged at his shirt, needing him to remove it.
Sunghoon complied, tossing it to the floor as well as his trousers, leaving himself bare to you.
At first, you hadn’t understood why he was so reluctant to be intimate with you, but as soon as your eyes met his bare chest, you did.
Your breath hitched at the sight of a wide scar all across his chest, looking like half a cross.
“Sunghoon…” You whispered, your fingers trailed over it. He flinched but quickly relaxed under your gentle touch “What happened to you?”
His eyes were so vulnerable and he looked like a lost boy, not like the sergeant of a legion. “I will just say that I had a close contact with a blade, back when I was still training to become a knight.”
He gulped “I understand if I repulse you—“
“No,” You quickly took his face in your hands “No. You’re beautiful.”
He frowned, as if not understanding what would you ever find beauty in such a scar.
Seeing that he wasn’t believing you, you laid on your back and wrapped your arms around his neck, taking him down with you.
Your hand reached to pump his shaft and it was as if he died and came to life again, nothing like those nights he touched himself thinking about you, could prepare him from this.
You slowly aligned him with your folds and nodded, wanting him to make the first move.
He let out a pained sigh and gripped your waist, finally pushing in you.
You were still wet from the foreplay and as well as your cum, but it didn’t mean you didn’t feel some pain from his thickness.
He moved slowly, his breath fanning your cheeks while he brushed his nose against your skin.
“How does it feel?” Sunghoon whispered in your ear “Mh? Tell me, Y/N.”
Your skin was sweaty and hot, “So good.” You murmured back, tightening your hold on his neck “Faster, please.”
You begged him so sweetly and politely he couldn’t refuse, his hips moving against yours slightly faster “You want to make love?” He questioned “Or do you want me to take you like how I’ve wanted since I laid my eyes on you?”
“Take me.” You choked out, your eyes squeezing from the pleasure “Hard, I don’t care.”
Sunghoon circled your waist with his arm and held you tightly against him, you could feel the shadow of his scar on your chest.
His hips snapped on yours so fast even the bed started creaking, and you secretly hoped no servant was walking by to hear your show.
“Open up.” Sunghoon said and you obliged, opening your mouth.
He gathered some saliva in his mouth before spitting in yours, watching as it went down your throat.
You hummed, gulped it, tasting him “Jesus Christ.” He shook his head, his cock twitching inside of you.
“I don’t think I can last longer.” He squeezed his eyes, his fingers digging in your hips as he tried to restrain himself.
“Don’t you dare unless I cum again.” Your fingers went to stroke your bundle of nerves fast “Together.”
Sunghoon hummed, his own movements getting sloppy but never faltering as he chased his high.
“Y/N.” He groaned, one of his nails piercing your skin, adding just the right amount of pain to send you over the edge.
“Now!” You cried out, your body shaking with your second orgasm of the night.
Sunghoon let out a deep growl and emptied his seed in you, coating your clenching walls.
“So perfect.” He kissed the top of your head, his voice soothing after the intensity of the night “You’re perfect.”
He got up and took a napkin from your table, carefully cleaning your legs while also prepping kisses on your inner thighs.
You were sure that if your body wasn’t tired you would’ve mounted him.
Sunghoon reached into his clothes but your hand darted out to stop him “Stay.”
His eyes softened, pondering between staying or leaving. He opted for the first.
You had never felt happier than falling asleep with the sound of his heartbeat next to your ear, aimlessly hoping it wouldn’t be the last time.
But your relationship made it so that he was forced to peel himself away from you when he thought you were asleep, gathering his clothes and quietly slipping out of your room.
And it was the best decision, soon, you would’ve had to find a husband, make an heir for your real, rule it with all your attention.
Good thing, late night was made to unwind, and it never happened if nobody knew… did it?
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kiara-ish · 1 year
Since you dropped by, let me drop by toooooo😌
Lots of love, tangerines and hugs Kiara✨✨
Thaaaaaank you so much for dropping by but you are mistaken if you think you are leaving so soon 😊
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ellafontaine · 1 year
[A Visit.] - (Patrick Patterson)
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[Ella Fontaine]
Irene was livid, she was livid because Ella had told her that she had three broken ribs and the woman was willing to kill her stepmother. Ella, however, didn’t enjoy the idea of violence and did her best of calming the elderly woman down. “Patricia I’m fine.” She tried once more but immediately got silenced again because three broken ribs meant she was clearly not fine. Due to the mess, she didn’t even hear Patrick enter the shop and she could feel herself looking smaller with each given second. “Let’s just go to work…I need the money. And I need to go back home soon.” She sighed deeply turning to the first customer and immediately flinched. “Hi, Patrick…”
[Patrick Patterson]
Patrick had given Ella the heads-up a few days ago that he was stopping by at some point. He didn’t say when, just that he was. He walked into the shop and stopped dead in his tracks at the scene in front of him thanks to him managing to show up in time to catch the end of the conversation. Clenching his fists, the only sound that broke the silence was his knuckles and fingers cracking under the pressure of his grip. His eyes went to the door that opened to let in some other customers “Get out” he told them bluntly. A method that worked since they backed out the store when they caught sight of his face. “Patricia, please lock up for the meantime. I’ll see you’re compensated for it” It was as polite as he would get about it but nothing about his demeanor or tone said that it was up for discussion.
“Three broken ribs” he said as calmly as he could even though he was seething with rage “Three broken ribs…” he repeated, taking a few breaths to try and compose himself. “What else has she given you? And don’t try to lie or downplay it. What else has she given you Ella?”
[Ella Fontaine]
She was in trouble, she was very much in trouble and she knew it. The doctors told her it was best to go to the police because it was clear as day that it was due to abuse. No falling off the stairs excuse could have convinced the doctors, and it wouldn’t convince Patrick either. Her eyes widened as he snarled at the costumers and Patricia immediately locked the door. She turned speechless, and she felt like a mouse trapped in a mousetrap.
“I-” She had a lot of trouble fighting with words, and she played with her hands due to her nerves before wondering if she should just tell him everything. “I have bruises ranging from my abdomen due to being kicked to a scar on my back from hot boiling water.” She hadn’t even told Patricia yet, and she noticed the woman raising her hands to the sky. She didn’t want to upset anyone, or anger anyone. This was supposed to be her secret. Her secret alone, she could deal with this alone. She had Edmund to support her, she could manage she could-
She needed help. And she needed to be brave.
“The day I returned to the house they refused me food for three days.” She started with the beginning. “I was called fat and dragged into the house by my hair where I was repeatedly beaten and kicked.” She took a sharp breath. “The bullying started like it always had been, having me do chores I can’t handle doing alone. Calling me names, and eventually throwing hot soup over my back because it didn’t suit their tastes.” Her eyes started to tear up. “They cut my homework, the dresses I made and had me start over because they were ugly. And when I wanted to sleep I had to do more chores, so I haven’t slept in five days now, about two hours a day.” She was so tired.
“I was pushed off the stairs and beaten after I lost consciousness that’s how I got three broken ribs and a light concussion. I don’t remember much of it, only pain and calling out for Edmund.” She lowered her gaze. “He brought me to the hospital.” They were going to go on a date when she was healed. But she didn’t hear from him. She missed him.
[Patrick Patterson]
He was enraged. Hearing everything that that vile woman and her hideous children has done to Ella while she was in their care was utterly disgusting. He was thankful that Patricia didn’t want to try and put the store lockdown up for debate because he was barely keeping a lid on his temper and one mouthy comment would set it off.
This wasn’t her fault, and he could see it in her face that she thought it was. He could tell that she thought she was going to get into trouble, but none of his anger was towards her. He wished that she has come to Hayden, Paxton or himself before it could have gotten this bad. They had starved her, beaten her, burned her, bullied her and the girl had endured it. She hadn’t cracked a light about it and kept her head held high. That alone destroyed him.
Patrick took some deep breaths to try to calm down and angrily ran a hand through his hair. “Why didn’t you tell Hayden? Why didn’t you come to Paxton or I? Or Patricia?” he asked “You don’t deserve any of this” he said, finally taking steps towards her to comfort her. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I need to see how bad some of these are. Just any visible ones on your arms.” He needed to know. Not only for himself to see how bad her injuries are, but he knew Hayden would want a full report. “Don’t worry, no one’s coming in the store and Patricia will be here too. No one’s going to hurt you.” he reassured her.
“There will be no arguments about it, we’re going to get your things from that hellhole, and I’m taking you to Hayden's. If you don’t want to go in the house, you can stay in the car, and I’ll go in and get everything you need. He’ll want you there, and he’ll make sure you’ll get doctors on hand for your injuries. You’re not staying in that house anymore”
[Ella Fontaine]
She was afraid. Though she had endured plenty this conversation was scarier than everything she had been dealing with. Because she knew this was a talk with people that cared for her. It was easy to harden her heart to things that were done with people that didn’t care for her. She had no connection to them other than them being the family she was now stuck with. It hurt, but emotionally she was a strong girl, and a part of her didn’t think she would break easily.
She wasn’t sure if this wasn’t her fault. There had to be some reason why that woman hated her. She couldn’t picture someone to abuse someone without any reason at all. But perhaps she was wrong, perhaps that simply was the case. But she simply didn’t know, and that alone was a frustration she couldn’t voice.
“How could I?” It was a whisper at first. “I was scared she would get you into trouble. She told me that if I didn’t return she would sue Hayden for kidnapping so I got afraid and returned to her. I didn’t want to drag you all into something that isn’t your mess, to begin with.” She didn’t want them to get hurt because of her. But she missed them, she missed Paxton and Patrick and Hayden. She missed making dinner at their place and dusting the cabin. She missed taking Hayden’s coat when he got back from work and show off what she had done that day. Not only that, but she missed being appreciated. She missed Edmund. But it seemed that most things ended up abandoning her. And after asking her out on that day at the hospital she hadn’t heard of him ever since.
Maybe he was disgusted with her now or thought she was an eyesore.
“I-I know I don’t deserve any of this. But that doesn’t change the fact that this keeps happening.” She looked at her hands in shame. “No matter what it is I do, I cannot please them. I cannot get that family to love me, but I don’t want to be alone.” It was the first time, aside from that one day with Edmund Ella shed heavy tears. It was as if all the strength she had been using to keep herself together crumbled. And she loudly began to sob, her voice hitched and her body trembling. “I’m sorry.” She rolled up her sleeves as he instructed, they looked so bad. Purple and yellow were scattered all over her. Though most of the damage was on her sides and her back.
“I want to go home, Hayden’s home. The home that’s actually warm, and the people are nice to me.” She cried. “I want to be selfish for once and pick safety and warmth over this. But I don’t want to be a horrible person. My mom told me to be strong and kind. But I don’t have the strength to be kind to those people anymore.”
[Patrick Patterson]
She looked so…small. So vulnerable. Patrick could never handle his emotions well and with this whole situation, he was really struggling to come to terms with the waves that were currently crashing on his soul. They were supposed to be her family. They were supposed to look after her and instead they used her as a servant and a punching bag. The girl grieved her father and was met with cruelty. Patrick couldn’t sit with that.
He couldn’t get his hear around it. Ella wouldn’t harm a fly and she was the kindest person he had ever met, why would they do it? Were they jealous? Were they just pain horrid? He made a mental note to ask that when he was likely to storm the house with Paxton because if he knew anything about his boss, it would be that this wouldn’t go unpunished.
“I don’t give a fuck about getting in trouble Ella, you matter more than getting in trouble” he replied without a skipping a beat. “And as for suing Hayden, I’d like to see her try. She has no idea what she’s got herself in for by harming you.” he said, his voice spitting fire for the very woman that harmed the blonde in front of him. “I don’t know what she’s drilled into you but you need to know that you’re not a burden and you shouldn’t be scared about speaking out against their treatment of you. You have a home and it’s at Haydens with all of us. Fuck those people, they don’t deserve you and they’ve been your burden, not the other way around.”
“Hey…” he whispered, leaning in to gently hug her, cautious of her ribs and other injuries that she told him about “You’re not alone. You’ve got Hayden, Paxton and I and you’ve got all your friends and Patricia. We’re not going anywhere” Patrick leaned back and wiped the tears from her eyes, trying to soothe her while he looked at her injuries. “Don’t apologise, it’s not your fault” he repeated to comfort her. They looked harsh and aggressive and Patrick clenched his fists again to regain control of his anger that was flaring up again.
“We’re going home, okay?” he said softly between them, completely ignoring Irene. “You’re not a horrible person for wanting basic human rights Ella. Fuck. You don’t owe these people anything” he sighed, running a hand through his hair “Okay, get your things, we're going.” he instructed her and turned to Irene “She’s coming with me. She needs a doctor and after that I’m taking her to Hayden's. Your shop’s closed for the day, and you’ll be compensated. I’ll message you when I’m going to the Tremaine place to get Ella's things, meet my brother and I there and we’ll clean the place out.”
[Ella Fontaine]
She felt so small, it wasn’t like she only looked that part. A part of her wanted to curl up into a ball, lay down on the floor, cry and never get up again. But that wasn’t the type of person who she was. She was the type of person to force a smile even now, in order to keep people from hurting, and pitying her. But smiling was hard right now. And she was absolutely tired. She wanted to sleep, her whole body was begging her to take it easy. But she couldn’t, she wasn’t allowed to rest. She wasn’t allowed to feel like this. But she couldn’t help it. Her family hated her, and there was nothing she could do to change it.
She was obliviously aware of how the boys would handle this situation. If anything that she guessed was they would have a small talk with her and tell her Ella wasn’t coming home tonight. But how long could she stay? And what if they would do something to her family’s home. They couldn’t possibly take care of the house themselves, they don’t even know how to do the laundry. They have no staff to do it for them either.
Even now, after all, she has been put through, Ella still worried for her family’s wellbeing. They were the family she had left and deep down Ella didn’t hate them or feel resentment for them. They just couldn’t get along.
“I don’t!” Her voice echoed through the shop, and for the first time, it almost sounds harsh. “You guys are way more important to me than my wellbeing.” It was the truth, it was the whole reason she endured everything. At least they would remain safe. “I just don’t understand why it had to be me, I don’t know what I did wrong in their eyes to have to endure all this.” She calmed down a little. “Sorry I shouldn’t have yelled…” She found herself apologizing immediately, yet she was so overcome with emotion she didn’t know what to do anymore.
She found herself relaxing once she met Patrick’s hug. “Okay…” She whispered against his chest as she found her tears drying. It felt like she could fall asleep then and there, her whole body relaxing for the first time in years.
She nodded, sleepy and she awkwardly admitted. “I feel like I’m about to pass out Patrick, I’m so tired.” She looked at Patricia and sighed. “Sorry for creating such a mess, please don’t fire me-” But the woman already shook her head. “Love, take care of yourself, please don’t make this old woman worry about you.” Ella nodded, giving her a hug and returned to Patrick’s side.“I’m sorry if I end up falling asleep. I can’t keep myself awake for much longer.”
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raeniskaies · 1 month
you need to fix your attention span ♡
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- it is rumoured that human beings have an attention span shorter than a gold fish' . can you believe that such intelligent , amazing creatures as us can't even concentrate for more than 7 seconds ?
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000 , just a short notice
- i apologise for taking so long to post ! life has been so busy and im sorry I left you guys ! also ty for 200 + followers ! i love you guys !
001 , don't have multiple tabs open
- stop having multiple tabs open ! this can cause frequent distractions and decreases your attention span !
002 , minimize multitasking
- just as previously stated , multitasking can help you lose focus on what you're trying to focus on !
003 , create no phone zones
- you don't need to take your phone everywhere with you ( at home ) , create no phone zones to reduce screen time and additionally regain more of an attention span ! no phone zones can be in your washrooms , kitchens & gardens , in those places you can focus on more important things other than your phone!
004 , say I'll do it after [x]
- if you had planned on doing something , do it. just because Jess or Ella asked you to call + play dress to impress + watch tik toks with them , doesn't mean you abandon your work. tell them you'll do it after [x] ( your work ) and just watch your attention span increase !
005 , automate school hours on school
- this chapter is just about using school for work and not for your phone !
006 , be okay with boredom and be curious
- if you're on a road trip or if you're waiting at a doctor's appointment , remember that your phone isn't your last resort ! for entertainment , try and look outside , imagine who has visited the area hundreds of years ago and how much it had changed or if you see any people , imagine their story ! be curious & imaginative !
007  , consume longer content
- watch long form videos til the end ; don't watch it on x2 speed ; don't read comments as you watch it ; don't skip past it ; watch it to its proper ending ! once you get used to focusing on long form content , your attention span will improve !
008 , consume to absorb , not skim
- when watching long - form content , don't skim past important details , watch it to absorb its content + not to get an uninformative gist !
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