#sadly they are too big for the cloak and hat and have to borrow clothes from Odile
diddlydarndoodles · 3 months
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little-nightmare-gt · 3 years
Finding Family
Probably the one and only SMP Minecraft fic I'll make.... probably. Join us with Tommy and Tubbo, two borrowers living out in the wilds. Borrowers, Fae etc. Creatures are rare and sought after by wealthy people. Giants (Humans and some Hybrids) are considered monsters to borrowers, and often feared. Comms are a thing for everyone. @baka-monarch you wanted to be tagged.
Warning: Abandonment, blood, implied burning, growth in small areas, near death experience, near crushed experience, Technoblade.
Tommy and Tubbo weren't bad kids, they were young with no parents. They were taught the rules by strangers who abandoned them the moment they could borrow.
They were born in captivity and sold to a rich child with a fascination with hurting things, if by Tommy's missing wings and Tubbo's scared face had anything to do with it.
People didn't stay with them for long.
Tommy was always too loud and Tubbo too easy, and they only stuck together.
They were a bit upset at being alone but both deemed to not need anyone else.
The two decided to leave and find another place to live, somewhere not many monsters dare to go. The Artic.
Tubbo built their first house, near a tree close but not part of the forest. Tommy began the underground gardening system which Tubbo ended up making it automatic, but continued to make touches and railroad tracks into caves and mines.
They hunted rabbits in the area for meat, and often take from the near by village.
One day though, Tubbo noticed an abandoned cottage near the village and quickly messaged Tommy about it, who immediately agreed to scoping it out for a hideout.
After gathering their supplies for the day, they went to explore the cottage.
There was a small enough crack in the door frame the the two borrowers to slip into. They froze at the large still warm room.
It wasn't dusty, so it couldn't be more than a few days that someone had been there. Tommy was a bit confused about it seeing as he would have noticed someone pass through here.
Tubbo pointed out that they lived near a forest and most people avoid them, but froze at the sound of a clatter.
Tubbo, with the better ears could hear aggressive whispering, "Someone is in my house Phil, the door didn't open, where are they?"
Tubbo nodded to his friend and pulled him closer to the counter and skimmed closer to the wall, taking out his hook, he and Tommy climbed up the counter at his urging.
Tommy made it first seeing three of their kind, "Sup Bitches!"
Tubbo made it up in time to see three grown men jump in fear, examining each one as Tommy talked.
The tallest looked to be a piglin Hybrid, the smaller usually stay in the Nether where their known about and treated equally. He wore a surprisingly nice long sleeve blue shirt and cloak.
The next looked human but his features suggest he's a piglin as well...just more human looking. He wore a similar cloak and shirt and the tall one.
The final man was shorter than Tommy, he had wings which was surprising in itself. That he still kept them after all, he wore a similar shirt but instead of a cloak he was a ponch and a bucket hat. What startled Tubbo, was that he seemed to be studying them like he was them.
There eyes met briefly as Tommy waved his arm in front of him sounding heated, causing him to tone in.
"I'm calling as I see it! The old man's gonna get it if he doesn't stop staring at my friend!"
"For someone so small, why are you so loud? Don't call us pets!" The middle one growled out.
"Where's the monster of this place anyway, we've never noticed anyone coming to and from here." Tubbo interrupted.
He watched the tallest flinch as the shortest puffed up angrily ready to defend their owner when Tommy interrupted, "Tubs, they could be one of those people."
Tubbo flinched, and looked at the older men, "Surely Not, Big Man, something is off about them but we can leave if you want."
"What! After you insult us! What kinds of people!?"
"Monster apologists, their pets who do anything for their Master. Even capture more of our kind, we've been here to long, let's go." Tommy led the way, leaving the shocked men on their counter top.
Tubbo stares at them, "Do you not have a rope to climb down? I didn't see and ledges and stuff to move around on."
The shortest still glared but it soften a bit, "I can get us down, where do you live? Can we visit?"
Tubbo looked down at Tommy as his friend shook his head no, "We'll visit you."
The kid jumped, catching the rope instead of plummeting to his doom. The three men looked over the ledge with eyes in shock as Tubbo pulled his hook down.
Tommy grinned up, "Have fun with your Monster folks!"
His friend yanked him along as the middle one made offended noises, something not sitting right as they squeezed through the door and made their way home.
"Tommy, I think they were in captivity. They didn't know how to react to us and two of them were piglin Hybrids, they probably got sold."
"Poor blokes, we'll visit them tomorrow, I'll apologize to them too." He didn't want to, but even he was a victim of only knowing monsters.
Tubbo began to start dinner, it becoming darker and darker outside.
The snow beginning to pick up, Tommy was working on his stone sword when someone knocked on the door.
Tubbo had a hunch on who it was.
He was correct when three familiar faces were shown shocked at the sight of them, "If you're coming in, please hurry."
Tommy shut the door with a knowing look as the grown men inspected their home, "So you two live alone? How old are you seven?"
Tubbo could hear the concern but Tommy huffed, "We are fifteen thank you very much! What about you old people? Huh? Ancient?"
"Well let's introduce ourselves huh? I'm Wilbur, I'm the very charismatic of the bunch. My brother here is Technoblade, he's the fighter. Here's the old man, Philza or Phil."
Tubbo can just feel Tommy roll his eyes, "I'm Tommy the handsomest in the whole land and the biggest man, and over there is Tubbo, he is my best friend and brother. Wilbur, your names shit, I hope you know that."
Tubbo continued to say nothing as he finished making dinner and Tommy continued, "So, how did you end up in a mon-"
"Before you finish that sentence, Mate? What monster and why do you call him that?" The newly dubbed Phil asked.
Tubbo answered as he approached, "That's what our kind call big folk, you know, giants? Human and Hybrids? They're monsters, all of them."
Wilbur narrowed his eyes, "How about size shifters? Reckoned they're good."
Tommy tilted his head, "Haven't met one that wanted to shrink to our size, seen a few go Titanic but they tried to kill everyone."
Tubbo might have been the only one to see the oldest man frown a bit before smiling, "How about you two show us how to survive, like without the big folk."
Tommy caught on to the fact he didn't say Monster but said nothing, "Don't know, you three are pets-"
"We are not pets!" Technoblade finally spoke, his eyes peering down at Tommy and him being unfazed.
Tubbo sighed, he honestly didn't know what to think about the implications he was getting but no harm in being prepared, to bad this was the last time he'd think on it.
For a moment, the other teen seem to contemplate it.
Tommy's face finally grew Stony, "Nope, you're better off as pets or being self taught. You can spend the night but leave after."
Unfortunately, years of being abandoned is still a fresh wound.
Wilbur tried reasoning, "You're the only ones we've met like us! We've no idea how to do things on our own! Also if we run away-"
"You'll lead your monster straight to us and get us all caught, I'm not risking our lives like that." It was rare that Tommy put his foot down, but even rarer for Tubbo to object.
"If we don't, they could still tell their Monster where we are." Tommy looked shocked but resigned.
Technoblade looking a bit uncomfortable before speaking again, "He wouldn't bother you even if he did know."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
====An image of drawn on wings appears on Tommy's back and tears on Tubbo's face.====
It started off slow, teaching basics of climbing and mending clothes first. Technoblade was great at mending, nearly on par with Tubbo. And he and Wilbur both Excell at climbing. Philza was actually on par with Tubbo for mending and pretty decent at climbing without rope, though he had wings he referred to it as handicapping himself.
They were decent in keeping up with Tommy and Tubbo themselves, but the two found that they were better fighters.
Now the teens needed fighting lessons, though the sneaking and stealing was the difficult part.
It's kinda insulting for these grown men to ask for help and not need it, and Tommy let them know.
They were sheepish as Tubbo led Techno to the farm, they bonded over the automatic farm he and Tommy created. Technoblade suggested and easier way to do it but Tubbo shook his head sadly.
"Mobs love going after our kind, not Endermen, even when we look them in the eye. But other mobs will Hunt us down. We try not to dig that deep, and avoid getting Iron ores...not that we can use them." Understanding reached the older Hybrid's eyes as Tubbo led him away.
It had been two weeks after that conversation that Tubbo finally let them see his horns, rubbing at them as they matured and needed a day.
Philza remain with him as Tommy took Techno and Wilbur hunting with him.
The elder man asking the hard questions as he made the child some tea, "Tell me, how did you get your...wounds."
Tubbo flinched and backed away from Phil before taking a deep breath, "Tommy and I...we were born and raised in captivity, we got sold to be a child's pets. They hurt Tommy so bad, then they tried to set me on fire with a torch...their mother stopped them before they touched me. But they believed me and Tommy were too...broken. so we were thrown out.
"More of our kind found us, but after teaching us what we know they left us. It's why we live outside instead of in the walls of a Monster's house...Tommy was too loud and I was too dumb to leave him."
Phil looked on the verge of tears, "You're not dumb, you're pretty wise for your age."
Before dozing off Tubbo managed to speak again, "No choice when you and yer friend are alone."
In the month, Tommy managed to let slip that he used to have wings and broke down in Tubbo's arms as the adults looked on in horror.
A child, ripping off his wings just because he asked them for an hour of rest. Then proceeded to play with said wings, nobody said anything as Phil flutted his own wings and occasionally covered the two children like a shield.
====The Next Month====
Tubbo laughed as Wilbur and Tommy shouted at each other about the best way to hunt. Phil would disappear once a week before returning with soft material for clothes, but Technoblade.
Technoblade was acting peculiar and even Tommy noticed, the two would ask if he were okay but he would nod and shoo them off.
The piglin Hybrid had been looking uncomfortable for the past few days, Phil and Wilbur seem to be waiting for something while Tubbo tried everything in his power to make him comfortable.
Tommy was concerned, not that he would show but got the material for Tubbo's gift to the older men.
For Philza, Tubbo made another ornament for his hat, a bee and raccoon.
For Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo managed to have enough redstone for a music room. Tommy himself listen to Will play the most.
Tubbo was nervous about his gift to Techno, as Tommy gifted him a stone axe with self made design.
Tubbo, still focused on the Hybrid's discomfort, made his a pillow that looked like a ravanger. He gave a toothy grin and hugged the kid, keeping it close as he dozed off.
Tubbo will deny his tail ever wagging.
It wasn't until the next morning things made sense and seemed...bad.
Tubbo's horns hurt as Techno himself grunted in his discomfort, so they couldn't get things done.
Wilbur and Tommy got into another argument but this time about borrowing iron from the village which Phil helped Wilbur understand why not.
They were due for another hunting trip but with Technoblade and Tubbo out of commission, Phil had to go with them despite not wanting to leave the two.
Technoblade decided to stay on the couch instead of his newly added room and Tubbo remained near in case neither could handle the stairs.
When Tubbo blinked awake, it was to the noise of rushing wind and screams.
The ground shook under him as the house quaked, Pillagers
Tubbo quickly crawled over to Techno, too dizzy to stand and a shock went through his body.
The piglin Hybrid was much larger than their little couch that he slept on, Tubbo could place two hands on the older Hybrid's face and attempted to awake him.
"T..ech..no, we need to move, please wake up." Just as Tubbo stuttered that out, a booted foot came through the borrower's home, a pained and fearful cry escaped him as he missed a single red eye open.
Something wrapped around his waist, startling him as he looked up fearful at Techno.
The Hybrid looked pained as he began to expand higher through the ceiling, Tubbo watched in horrified fascination as the hand he was in curled closer to an eye.
"Tubbo, you know me, you know I'd never hurt you. Please hold on to me, I don't want you getting hurt." Tubbo's body went on autopilot as the hand was brought closer to the mon- the neck of Technoblade.
Tubbo held on as the body finally broke through the house, shielding him from danger.
A gleam brought Tubbo to attention, a light blue axe appeared in the giant's hand shimmering with unspoken enchantments. Tubbo had only heard of diamonds before, he was not disappointed.
Technoblade slashed through all his enemies, all the while keeping an eye and ear on Tubbo.
The beat of large wings alerted Tubbo to another person, Philza. The oldest coming from the air like an Angel of Death.
Tubbo could make out two people against his own throat, Tommy and Wilbur.
Unfortunately Phil didn't catch sight of him and the borrower was being grabbed in a tight fist, "Come on Mate! You're not prepared enough for this."
Technoblade's ear twitched and the scared pain Yelp, "Philza! Let go! You have Tubbo!"
The crushing weight was immediately gone as the kid took deep breaths barely hearing Techno's instructions, "Tubbo, I'm going to have to fight my way through. Hold on the best you can."
As that was said, the older hybrid began to lurch forward. Tubbo caught glimpses of Phil fighting alongside, but his focus was on not falling.
Not being ripped away wasn't part of this, a small glowing Fae creature tackled Tubbo and flew him away.
Tommy watched as his best friend got carried away by a Vex, "TUBBO!"
Wilbur flinched at the volume and Phil slightly stiffen but didn't falter in his fighting, Technoblade visibly looked around when it happened.
The small army was thinning down as the two watched out for the vex with the ram Hybrid, carefully taking out other vexes that went for Tommy or Wilbur.
Techno knew there was one left as bodies turned to emeralds, but the snow began to become blinding and Tubbo's scent getting fainter.
Phil had to physically drag him to the cabin, Wilbur had grew to his full size and started a fire and proceeded to hold Tommy.
Who was using all his energy in fighting Wilbur's hand, "I have to find Tubbo! Wilbur let go!"
The small being froze as Techno and Phil entered the space, "Don't worry Tommy, we'll find him. But we'll be useless in this weather."
Phil attempted to comfort, suddenly feeling too large compared to the child. The man can barely see his facial features, but even he could tell that he was terrified.
The silence was thick and tension high and the broken voice to an all too small child spoke up, "So... this is it? You...you really got us to trust you-"
Wilbur knew where this was going, "Tommy, Tommy no-*
"You shithead's are really fucked up! What next? Am I a pet? Did you honestly sell Tubbo!?" Tommy continued, the only one about to tell he's crying was Wilbur.
Techno didn't say anything as Tommy yelled, guilt too strong in his gut. He slowly turned to the window, the snow falling harshly as Tubbo got farther and farther.
They were getting Tubbo back.
Tubbo wasn't feeling well, his head throbbed because of his horns and he was cold. His cagemate wasn't much better so he can't complain.
Enderfae were quite rare on the market, Tubbo had only met one that he called The Captain. Well sorta, he was of Dragon variety.
Tubbo doesn't like to think what happened to him.
The Enderfae was crying, as the Pillager added their cage to his wall. A pillager outpost.
"HHey, it'll be okay, I'll find a way out of this. My... family will come for us." Tubbo tried to soothe knowing that he was making empty promises.
"Its okay, I've come to terms with this the moment I got captured. I hope my friends are okay. My name's Ranboo."
"I'm Tubbo."
The cabin was dark, Wilbur slept curled around a pillow which held a borrower.
A borrower who's trust they destroyed...one of two.
Upon closer inspection, you could see the tear stains down his face. Filling the larger three with guilt, sympathy, and rage.
Technoblade added more Regen and Health Potions to his pack, his old red cloak was taken from the closet and put on. A large netherite axe lay strapped to his back along with his trusty trident.
His bright golden crown lay on his head once again as he readjusted his armor.
He stood in full netherite armor, his hair lay hazardous around his head. Stiffening as hands began to braid it into a ponytail.
"Be careful Technoblade, Tubbo is fragile compared to me and Wil. He might be afraid, try not to hurt him and try not to get hurt." Philza warned.
Techno responded in a snort, He was the Blood God, of course he'll be careful
Technoblade isn't always the lovable dope he shows his family, he was ruthless, dangerous, and incredibly protective.
Everyone knew of him, but very few knew him.
When something happens to his family, he hunts down the threat and if it's killable...need he continue?
A pillager kidnapped his little brother, his pack, and expects not to be hunted down like prey? Pillagers are not known for brilliance.
"Technoblade?!" A familiar voice rang out behind him, a feral growl escaped him.
Dream, Sapnap and George ran up to him. All equipped in their own armour, oddly enough Dream was without his mask and tear stains on his face.
They hesitated, they each had seen Technoblade in his most feral and bloodthirsty before, so they new to be cautious.
Sapnap spoke in Piglin, "Techno? Did something happen to Wilbur and Phil?"
"New Pack, Pillagers took him!" It was no secret that Feral Technoblade couldn't speak common, but it was still a surprise each time someone heard it.
Sapnap nodded, "We'll help, Pillagers stole my Inferno. Work together?"
The trio watched as the Piglin Hybrid nodded in agreement, it had been a while since they teamed up. What better way than to save family.
Tubbo and Ranboo talked quietly, trying to brighten their seemingly dark future.
Ranboo talked about what he remembered before being bought by his Haunting, then finally trusting them and calling them his.
Tubbo spoke of his Herd, how he met the older three and how he knew one was just giant. How he observed them long enough to trust them, and their names.
Both promising the other that if they live or die that the other tell their family.
Not that it was necessary, about three minutes later an alarm went off, alerting the occupant of intruders.
Hope filled the two as yells of fear and agony echoed through the building, scaring the Evoker that captured them.
The pillager didn't have time to cast a spell when a familiar face burst through the doorway.
Tubbo could see the rage in his red eyes, but his happiness clouded judgement.
For a moment, his rage cleared only for it to return full force at the Evoker.
Not long after that, he was struck down and Technoblade gently took the cage off the wall. He noticed the Enderfae and looked around for others.
His clawed hand wrapped around the small cage at the sight of small bones and jarred tiny insides, the only other living thing in the room was a small zombie Piglin hybrid in a jar next to the taxidermy book.
He took the jar and opened it, grabbed the child and opened Tubbo's cage and passed them to him.
As the building began to burn, Technoblade left just as fast as he arrived.
Tubbo watched as Ranboo called out to three individuals, he recognized one being a Mushroom hybrid but not the other two.
The baby zombie Piglin Hybrid curled next to him, both shivered just realizing the cold.
The bandana wearing man looked to Technoblade, "I can carry them if you want, keep them warm. You did agree to let us spend the night at your place."
He didn't understand the snorts and grunts but it seemed like the baby did because he copied.
That brought a soft smile to the bandana boy and Technoblade, the later grinned at Tubbo.
Soon they were on the move again. Tubbo and Ranboo huddled the baby Piglin, more relieved than before that they were saved.
Tommy hadn't eaten anything since Tubbo was taken, he hadn't interacted nor did he call Wilbur name and claim he was bald.
The two sizeshifter knew deep down that he wouldn't get better unless Tubbo was with them again.
The front door swung open revealing a steaming Sapnap holding something against his chest with the protective determination that was only in reserve for his friends and family.
Soon the rest of Dream Team and Technoblade entered the cabin, they were covered in soot smudges and looked exhausted.
Phil could see Tommy stiffen and move further from the door but settled on Technoblade, "Tubbo?"
Sapnap moved his arms to reveal a small cage with three small beings inside, one Phil recognized immediately.
"Tubbo!" Philza approached the younger man, who backed away at the same time as Ranboo flinched.
But the old man was patient, and the cage was released again, this time Tubbo was halfway through the door and jumping into Phil's hands.
"Hi Phil! Where's Tommy!?" Tubbo looked exhausted as well.
As gently as well as fast as he could, Phil brought his hands on the table so Tubbo could run to Tommy.
The duo hugged until Tubbo passed out and caused a mass panic from everyone but Ranboo.
It wasn't ideal, but it was a new beginning for the clingyduo.
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