piggy-peach · 7 years
30 Day OC Challenge!
(link: x)
Day 5: Friends
Many things were better before the war. That does not exclude Talon’s friend circle. She had many friends. Tenderis, of course, was number one. An aspiring druidess by the name of Saellennia was probably the second after him. She belonged to a family with close ties to their own: the Silverspear Clan. Saellennia was a kind, soft girl who held a deep regard for nature and all living creatures. Talon was a hunter, so they didn’t always get along--but Saellennia was amiable and cheerful, so it made friendship quite easy, despite their differences. Naturally, after the war, Talon was separated from them, and she did make a few friends in the Illidari...many of them did not make it. Others were left behind after the vault was broken into and only a select few were shattered out of their prisons. Years after their escape, Talon joined a group of criminals that her brother had been affiliated with and made friends with them. But alas, they all turned against her--one even killed her. Twice. The moral of the story is, “friend” is not a nice word to Talondressa--it only brings with it cold memories of bitter betrayal and aching loss. She needs only her brother. What an edgelord
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