#safest countries in africa for tourists
lionheartlr · 4 months
Discovering Brunei: A Jewel of Southeast Asia
Nestled on the northern coast of the island of Borneo, Brunei is a small yet fascinating country that often goes unnoticed by many travelers. Officially known as the Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace (Negara Brunei Darussalam), this sultanate offers a unique blend of rich history, lush landscapes, and a distinctive cultural heritage. A Brief History of Brunei Brunei’s history dates back to…
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#" this water village is home to over 30#000 people. Jame&039; Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque: The largest mosque in Brunei#A Brief History of Brunei#Accommodation and Affordability in Brunei#Accommodation in Brunei ranges from luxury hotels to budget guesthouses. While prices are generally higher than in neighboring countries#Activities for Tourists#Activities for Tourists in Brunei#adventure#africa#Airports and Infrastructure in Brunei#Ambuyat (a sago dish)#and a distinctive cultural heritage.#and a variety of fresh seafood.#and Indian flavors. Must-try dishes include Nasi Katok (rice with fried chicken and sambal)#and it significantly influences daily life and customs. The culture of Brunei is a mix of Malay traditions with Islamic influences#and larger shops. It&039;s still wise to carry some cash for smaller transactions. Q: What cultural norms should I be aware of? A: Dress mo#and the political environment is stable. However#and the sale of alcohol is prohibited. However#and vibrant culture. Whether you&039;re exploring its stunning mosques#and visitors will find a welcoming and respectful society.#Brunei became a British protectorate to prevent annexation by its more powerful neighbors. The British influence lasted until 1984 when Brun#Brunei controlled much of Borneo and parts of the Philippines.#Brunei has a relatively high cost of living compared to other Southeast Asian nations#Brunei International Airport (BWN) is the main gateway to the country#Brunei is a small yet fascinating country that often goes unnoticed by many travelers. Officially known as the Nation of Brunei#Brunei is an absolute monarchy where the Sultan wields extensive powers. The country has a stable political environment with no significant#Brunei is considered one of the safest countries in Southeast Asia. Crime rates are low#Brunei promises a memorable journey.#Brunei&039;s history dates back to the 7th century when it was part of the powerful Srivijaya Empire. The Sultanate of Brunei rose to promi#Bruneian cuisine is a delightful blend of Malay
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Top 10 Most Beautiful Travel Destinations Africa that Should be Visited
Top 10 Most Beautiful Travel Destinations Africa that Should be Visited
Top 10 Most Beautiful Travel Destinations Africa that Should be Visited – Travel Ideas Continent Africa does save a lot of diversity of flora and fauna to the largest desert in the world. The African continent is home to large cat species and gorillas. This continent is so natural that so many national parks are very beautiful and wild. Here we present top 10 most beautiful travel destinations…
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cryingoflot49 · 10 months
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Book Review
Dark Star Safari: Overland from Cairo to Cape Town
by Paul Theroux
Two decades ago, the novelist and travel writer Paul Theroux took an overland trip through Africa, starting in Cairo, Egypt and ending in Cape Town, South Africa. This certainly isn’t the safest or the most comfortable means of experiencing the supposed “dark continent”, but it makes for some interesting experiences and insights. Keeping in mind that Theroux’s observations are just one point of view among many, his resulting book Dark Star provides a unique look at a region of the world that holds a permanent place off the beaten path.
While Dark Star is an easy book to read, breaking it down into its individual elements is a good way to approach its merits and examine its flaws. The first element of importance is Theroux’s sense of place. Wherever he goes, the author describes what he sees and the vibe he gets from his surroundings. Starting on the tourist trail in Egypt, he heads south through Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, and South Africa. You quickly get a sense of what he appreciates and what he doesn’t. He doesn’t like sites that are swarmed with tourists, nor does he like cities with their concentrations of crime and poverty. He also doesn’t like the “death traps” as he calls public transportation which are usually over-croded minivans driven at dangerous speeds on poorly maintained roads, pockmarked with hippopotamus-sized potholes. If you’ve ever traveled in a Third World country, you will know exaclt what he is talking about.
The places that Theroux does like are usually rural, especially farm lands or jungle villages. These are the places where he sees Africans at their best, meaning Africans being Africans in the absence of corrupt and filthy cities built up on the foundations of European colonialism. Some of the book’s best passages involve descriptions of the pyramids in Sudan which are rarely seen by tourists, a boat trip across Lake Victoria, another boat trip from Malawi across the Zambezi over the border into Zimbabwe, and the pristine countrysides of Zimbabwe and South Africa. All places, whether Theroux likes them or not, are described with language that is clear, simple, and direct, making it easy to visualize what he sees.
Another element that is done to near perfection is writings about the people. Theroux talks with tour guides, people on the streets and in the villages, farmers, nuns, educators, government officials, Indian businessmen, prostitutes, authors, intellectuals, and ordinary people. Just like with the places he goes, he describes these people vividly with precision so that you feel like you quickly get to know them. But not everyone is to his liking. He gets into small argument with a fanatical Rastafarian in Ethiopia, a little ornery with physically fit young men who refuse to work, government officials who demand bribes to do their jobs, and he really gives a hard time to a young American missionary woman about the psychological damage that her evangelical ministry is doing to the local people. There is also plenty of anger directed at clueless tourists as well as NGO and charity workers who he sees as being the Westerners who do the most damage to Africa.
The third element of importance is the author, Paul Theroux himself, and his thoughts and commentaries on everything he sees. Before getting into this subject, it should be mentioned that Theroux had a purpose to his journey. In the 1960s he worked as a Peace Corps volunteer, teaching in Malawi. After getting involved with a Leftist political group, he got fired then accepted a teaching position at a college in Uganda. He wanted to return and see what results, if any, his contributions to Africa grew into. What he found was a major disappointment. The charming campuses and villages where he had lived were in ruins and instead of a thriving civilization, he saw emaciated beggars, starving children, an ignorant populace, and chronically corrupt politicians. Shops that were formerly owned by Indian immigrants were abandoned and burnt to the ground, the result of a campaign of ethnic cleansing. African people wanted to buy from shops owned by Africans, but Africans never took control over the businesses after the Indians were killed or chased away. They resorted to begging, theft, petty crime, prostitution, and laziness instead of making an effort to build better villages for themselves. Due to the hopelessness of African society, the most educated citizens fled to America or Europe instead of staying in their home countries where they were most needed.
Throughout his travels in Tanzania, Uganda, and Malawi, Theroux gets increasingly bitter and cynical. He wanted to see Africans thriving and they weren’t. He directs all his wrath towards the Western charities and NGOs who he says are making the local people dependent on aid rather than learning how to run their societies for themselves. Even worse, these organizations work by bribing corrupt politicians to allow them to do work there, keeping greedy and psychotic leaders in positions of power they don’t deserve. Theroux points out that rural people who have given up on the hopeless market economy and returned to subsistence farming are the happiest and healthiest Africans he encounters. Heecomes close to advocating for a type of post-capitalist agrarian anarchism.
Some readers have criticized Theroux for his pessimistic views on contemporary Africa, but he does cite studies that support what he says. He also encounters a lot of Africans in several different countries that agree with him. To make sense of his negativity, you also have to remember that traveling overland through Africa is not exactly stress free. Anybody who has been on an extended backpacking trip anywhere in the world will tell you that traveler’s fatigue is a real thing. Theroux took a longer than average trip through one of the most underdeveloped regions in the world, got shot at by Somali bandits, stuck in the middle of nowhere when his transportation broke down, and got sick with food poisoning, magnifying his traveler’s fatigue to a outsize extent. These circumstances would make you grouchy too. But even in the darkest times, Theroux never loses his appreciation for Africa, the wildlife, the landscapes, and the people who are trying to make the best of their situations. Besides, by the time he crosses the river from Malawi into Zimbabwe, his mood really lightens up.
Dark Star is an engaging travelogue that should be read both critically and with an open mind. All the while, remember that this is Paul Theroux’s singular point of view. That doesn’t make it wrong; that just means that there are other points of view to take into account that may go against what he says even if they don’t necessarily invalidate his opinions. He saw what he saw and he expresses it well. This is raw and honest travel writing and if you haven’t been tough enough to make the same kind of journey, you’re not in a good place to be judgmental of the conclusions he draws.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
“Qatar has shown the world that football can be enjoyed without alcohol, and women can enjoy it without fearing for their safety,” Yes Qatar has human rights issues but this raises some very interesting questions about drinking culture and Women’s safety. 
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Doha, Qatar – When Andrea M set off from New York to follow Team USA’s journey at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, she reassured her friends and family that she would not do anything risky during the tournament.
What she had read about Qatar painted an alarming picture of the host country.
“The US media’s portrayal of the Middle East has been very different from what I have experienced here,” Andrea, 29, told Al Jazeera, adding that her friends decided against travelling to Qatar.
Andrea said she is glad she came. “Simple things like taking a walk around the city late at night, that’s something I can’t do back home.”
A 10pm (19:00 GMT) kickoff time for many of the group stage matches and knockout games mean that fans exit stadiums, use public transport and celebrate in fan zones well past midnight. And women, in groups or on their own, are watching football at public screenings, singing and dancing with other fans and moving around without worrying about their safety. According to the Numbeo Crime Index, Doha routinely ranks as the safest – or the second-safest – city in the world.
For Joy Nkuna, the experience has been a stark contrast to her home country South Africa, which ranks as among the most dangerous countries for women travellers. “We have very high crime rates in my country, especially against women,” she said. According to recent government figures, more than 1,000 women were murdered in South Africa in a three-month period between the start of July and the end of September.
Nkuna, 39, said she doesn’t venture out alone past sunset in her country. “From the minute it gets dark, women can’t be out alone or they will be in danger,” she said. “Here, me and my daughter walked around at 3am and nobody intimidated us, catcalled us or looked at us in a way that would make us feel unsafe.”
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It’s an experience that Tatiana Lopez can relate to. Thirty-three-year-old Brazil fan Lopez, who has travelled from Colombia with two female friends, said men in public places have been very courteous. “While it is strange to see more men in public places (compared to women) than I’m used to seeing in Colombia, they have all been very respectful.”
Lopez said she has been enjoying the tournament without worrying about her belongings, which is something she’s not used to back home. “I can actually carry my backpack on my back, and keep my phone in my pocket because I know nobody will snatch it from me.”
Women who have been living in Qatar said safety is not a new phenomenon linked to the World Cup.
Khadija Suleiman, a 32-year-old Ethiopian who has been living in Qatar for 10 years, was at the Lusail Stadium for a 10pm kickoff recently with her three children and two nieces. “I don’t feel the need to be with a man in order to feel safe,” she said as she walked towards the stadium.
To be sure, security presence has increased in Qatar because of the World Cup. But Suleiman said that women’s and children’s safety in public places has never been a concern for her while in the country. “If I need to, I can send my children to school in a taxi and not worry about their safety.”
That confidence is shared by women from other parts of the Gulf region, many of whom have been able to participate in the Middle East’s biggest-ever sporting extravaganza without fear.
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Dalia Abushullaih has travelled to Qatar from Saudi Arabia and said she is overjoyed to see women celebrating in public spaces. “Qatar has made sure that women feel safe and comfortable in being an active part of the tournament and enjoy freely,” the 29-year-old said. “The world is finally witnessing our beautiful Arab culture, and it is beautiful to see people taking it all in and going back home with a part of it.”
Apart from the stadiums, women and children have thronged tourist areas such as Doha’s Souq Waqif and fan zones spread all over the city. Some arrive during the day as festivities are getting started, while others push through the crowds with strollers to join the post-match celebrations.
The decision by organisers to ban alcohol sales in or near the match venues has also added to the confidence of many women that attending games won’t compromise their safety.
Camilla Ferrierra, a tournament volunteer from Brazil, said knowing that she won’t be surrounded by drunk fans at the stadiums made her feel safer.
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“I could never imagine going to a football match alone [in Brazil],” she told Al Jazeera. “I can’t imagine being outside late at night, using my phone in public without fear and just being able to enjoy a walk or a football match. Here, I feel 100 percent safe and that’s a great thing for us women: to be able to enjoy the festivities and football in a safe and secure manner.”
Hanoof Abdullah, a Kuwaiti football fan, sat by herself in the middle of thousands of Brazilian fans at the Lusail Stadium. She said Arab families would have found it difficult to stay out at night if they knew alcohol was being served.
“Qatar has shown the world that football can be enjoyed without alcohol, and women can enjoy it without fearing for their safety,” she said. “The bar has been set very high, and now the world will have to work very hard to match it.”
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gbemiwrites · 2 years
14 Countries You Never Knew Existed
Over one hundred and ninety countries have been recognised all over the world. Some, like a neon light shining upon them have continued to remain visible while others, as if covered by a fog have less people being aware about them.
1. Seychelle
One of the world's smallest countries. Seychelles is an island on the West Indian Ocean, off East Africa. Its capital - Victoria is located on the island of Mahé. Seychelle has no official language but English, French and Creole languages are more prominent. Although Seychelle is known as one of the least populous countries in the world, it boasts of the finest beaches in the world. The presence of its beautiful climate all year round makes it a place of attraction every time. If you would like to visit Seychelle, the Mahé island, Saint Anne National Park and Anse Georgette, which is a very great tourist centre for couples, are places you must visit.
2. Cyprus
Cyprus, officially called The Republic of Cyprus is an island country located south of the Anatolian Peninsula in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The citizens mainly speak Greek and Turkish although other minor languages like Cypriot Arabic exist.
Cyprus, which is a highly religious country is famous all over the world for its beauty, littered along its streets are sanctuaries, cathedrals, monasteries and old fortresses. One of the "must-visit" places in Cyprus is the Argos village. 
As a tourist, you do not need to worry about the hospitality of the Cypriots as they are known worldwide as approachable, friendly, loyal to friends and traditions and also, lovers of entertainment.
3. The Principality of Monaco
Monaco which is situated at the north of the Mediterranean Sea surrounded on land by France and Italy being about 16 km away. The country which is the second smallest country in the world has been tagged as "the playground of the rich and famous" because of the presence of beautiful man-made beaches, clubs, designer malls and casinos. French is the official language in Monaco but other languages like English and Italian are spoken by the minority. 
As one of the safest countries in the world, visiting Monaco as a tourist will be incomplete without your visit to the Oceanographic museum, Larvotto beach and Prince's Palace of Monaco where the rulers of Monaco live.
4. Armenia
One of the most beautiful and unique countries in the Middle East is Armenia. Being the first country to adopt Christianity, some of the world's oldest churches and monasteries grace the scenic view in Armenia. As one of the oldest countries in the world, the people boast of their unique alphabet, cuisine and rich history. Armenia is also recognised worldwide as one of the safest places to be and everyone who has not been there should ensure they do so.
5. Cambodia
Cambodia is a Southeastern Asian nation on the Indochinese mainland and is largely home to a lot of plains and rivers. Dubbed one of the poorest and most unsafe countries in the world, Cambodia has witnessed the incidence of wars in its recent history. Although Khmer is the official language in the country, English is also widely spoken. Tourists have been advised to remain security conscious in their visit to the country because Cambodia boasts of beautiful sceneries in the world. Places like Angkor-Wat are a must-see because the sunrise looks exceptionally beautiful there.
6. Serbia
Serbia is a landlocked country in South East Europe and also, one of the developing countries of the world. Loaded with diverse religions, fortresses, palaces, traditions and folklore, Serbians have been recognised as being lively and laid-back people.
Interesting places to visit in Serbia include the Church of Saint Sava which is the largest Orthodox church in the world so far and has not yet been fully finished.
7. Kosovo
Officially recognised as the Republic of Kosovo, Kosovo is a relatively new country which declared its independence from Serbia on February 17, 2008. Although the country is small, it was beautifully formed by the creator and has the youngest populations in Europe with its official languages as Albanian and Serbian. If you are visiting Kosovo, remember to enjoy the panoramic view of Prizren, the exciting exhibits of the Ethnological Museum and the monasteries which seem to become more beautiful as the years go by.
8. Romania
Another location where travellers never seem to get tired of visiting. Romania is a beautiful Eastern European country which is recognised everywhere as a place where the cost of living is low, good and healthy life is spinal, a top destination for music and art and a fast-growing international hub.
The official language of the country is Romanian and the main religion practised is Christianity. Although "Romance" could be culled from the name of the country, romance seems to be a far-fetched idea as Romanians have been discovered to be formal, suspicious and reserved with a strong need for privacy. However, Romanians admire modesty, humility, discipline and loyalty.
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mangaloreblogs1 · 3 months
Hidden Treasures of Panambur Beach in Mangalore
We cannot ignore the allure of beaches. Laced by wavey seas and an unleashed horizon, beaches are the ultimate source of peace and therapy for our minds and souls. If you are looking for an ideal beach to spend your vacation at, then go no further than the Panambur beach in Mangalore (Karnataka). Located about 10 km north of Mangalore city center, Panambur welcomes tourists from all corners of the world. Tagged as one of the safest and best-maintained beaches in India, this silvery beach is popular for its golden sunsets, water activities, seafood stalls and so much more. Apart from its natural beauty, the beach is popular for its proximity to the port city of Mangalore and is well-connected to the important cities of Karnataka.
Panambur Beach in Mangalore (Karnataka)
The Panambur beach has something in store for every tourist. While photographers can indulge in clicking beautiful pictures of the locale, adventure-loving tourists can enjoy the water sports. That is not all; the beach houses many festivals and events and is perfect for spending quality time with yourself and your family. Whether you stay in Karnataka or any other part of the world you will have a great experience visiting the Panambur beach. In this blog, we offer a detailed guide for exploring Panambur Beach. You can use this information to plan your trip to this place.
History and Background of Panambur Beach 
Panambur Beach is a part of Mangalore; the port city was an important trading hub connecting the western coast of India to the Persian Gulf countries, Europe, and East Africa. The name “Panambur" is derived from the local Tulu language where “panam”, means money or wealth; it signifies the prosperous trade that flourished in this place. 
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In the 1970s, Panamburs strategic location led to the establishment of the New Mangalore Port. This deep water port plays a crucial role in boosting trade and commerce in the region. The importance of Panambur beach in Mangalore goes far beyond trade; over the years the beach has evolved as a major tourist attraction popular for its scenic beauty. 
In the earlier years, the Panambur was mostly visited by the locals who enjoyed family gatherings and simple beach activities there. With time, the beach became more popular and infrastructure developed; roads and transportation got better thus welcoming more visitors The influx of tourists to the beach not only improved the condition of the local economy but also created numerous employment opportunities, especially in the tourism and hospitality sector.  To further shape Panambur beach as an ideal tourist spot the Panambur Beach Tourism Development Project was set up to organize beach activities and festivals. 
Why Panambur Beach is the Best Option to Visit 
Are you wondering if Panambur Beach would be the ideal vacation spot for you? Here are some top reasons for visiting the beach. 
Safety and Cleanliness
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As mentioned before, Panambur Beach is one of the safest and cleanest beaches in Karnataka. It is well known for its strict safety protocols; with lifeguard stations along the beach, it is a safe space for families and children. Also,  the authorities ensure that the beach is regularly cleaned and maintained to make it ideal for families to relax and play. 
Vibrant Activities and Events
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The Panambur Beach offers numerous activities and events for families to enjoy. For example, it offers  water sports activities like 
Banana boat rides 
You can also participate in local festivals including
The International Kite festival 
Mangalore Karavali Utsav
Beach Sports festival 
New Year’s Eve Celebration  
Scenic beauty 
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Resting by the Arabian Sea, the beach offers an amazing view. The golden sunsets, lush green bushes, and silvery sands dish make the beauty unique and beautiful.  
Amenities and facilities 
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One of the reasons for the popularity of Panambur Beach amongst tourists is its amenities and tourist-friendly features. Here are some of them. 
Numerous food stalls and nearby restaurants offer a variety of meals 
Well-maintained rest-rooms and changing facilities 
Adequate parking facilities  and good public transport connection   
Family-friendly atmosphere. 
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The beach is a perfect travel destination for families. Its safe and clean environment makes it ideal for big and small family events like picnics and minimalist birthday celebrations. Moreover, it offers multiple activities for children to indulge in. Facilities like restrooms and changing rooms make it perfect for families. 
Want to know more that child precautions is there any restrictions for any age?
click here to know more: https://mangaloreblogs.com/panambur-beach-in-mangalore/
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Best Tanzania Lodge Safari Packages Have Become Affordable Now!
When you are looking for the best safari tours, they are always going to suggest you to visit Africa! Here we are referring the experts who often suggest travelers to visit Africa while looking for the best and the most affordable safari packages. If this is scenario, then why not take the best Tanzania lodge safari packages now and collect a lifetime safari tour experience? There are so many travelers in this world who are desperate to join the safari tours in Africa. But the fact is not all of them are able to get this chance. If you have already planned for a visit to Africa and for the safari tours, then the time has come to visit the east African country like Tanzania. It’s the country that is graciously gifted by the Mother Nature. The national parks, game reserves and the nature reserves are the places that visitors want to visit with a great interest. And at these venues, the African wildlife thrives in a great manner. Watching all those natural things and phenomenon live before your eyes can really bring the best traveling experience for you.
Whether you are an avid traveler, or you travel for leisure, once you take the best Tanzania lodge safari packages, you ensure that during the safari tour you will surely have a blast. This is going to be a more memorable and the most happening safari tour and you will surely not like to forget it for a long time in your life. During this safari tour, you will get the chance to stay at a safari lodge. These safari lodges are located right at the mid of the wilderness. During your stay, you can join the campfire at night where you will also be supplied with drinks and foods. After the long tiring safari visit during the day time, get back to the safari lodge and take a shower to become fresh and relaxed. At the safari lodge, you will have all those necessary amenities and facilities. So you are really going to get a very relaxed and amazing stay at the safari lodge.
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By taking one of the best Tanzania lodge safari packages, you also ensure that you have a mind blowing tour to Tanzania next. This package can also be taken online. Go to their official website; look into safari tour packages and pick the one that best suit your budget, needs and preferences. This can be done from the comfort of your home or office easily.
As one of the best Tanzania tour operators, they strive hard to ensure maximum safety, comfort and privacy for their guests. No matter from where you are coming to Tanzania for a safari visit, they are always going to bring the best safari tour package for you. These tour packages are crafted while keeping the visitors, traveling style, budget, needs and preferences in mind. You can even ask for the customized safari tour package in Tanzania and they will supply it to you in affordable price.
The best Tanzania tour operators pay a great attention to the guests’ safety when they are traveling through the national parks and game reserves. They deploy the best safari cabs, cab drivers and the safari tour guides so that tourists can really enjoy their safari tours in the safest possible manner
Author’s Bio:
Now you can get affordable Tanzania lodge safari packages. David is one of the best Tanzania tour operators.
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mossandfog · 1 year
Exploring Africa's Finest Gems: The Safest and Most Fascinating Countries to Visit
Photo by Ray Rui Africa, with its diverse landscapes, rich cultures, and unique wildlife, offers an unparalleled travel experience. With 54 diverse, vibrant, and complex different countries, there are so many different places that make up the continent.  Some countries in Africa are politically unstable, but many are surprisingly democratic, welcoming, and safe for tourists from around the…
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solowonderer · 2 years
Things To Keep in Mind While Traveling to Rwanda
Rwanda, popularly known as the “Heart of Africa” is one of the most popular tourist locations and people love to spend holidays at its spectacular natural spots. Located in the Great Rift Valley of Central Africa, this place is full of culture and history. People from all over the world come here to witness its breathtaking scenery, local cuisine, and national parks. 
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Most Accurate Time to Travel
There are several factors that influence the time when one should head to Rwanda, such as whether you are someone who loves to travel to natural places or you prefer metropolitan areas only, and what your motive behind travelling is. Due to the increasingly unpredictable weather patterns of Africa, no one can claim that particular weather would be best for travelling.  
The high-altitude country of Rwanda, situated fractionally south of the equator, offers a pleasant tropical highland climate almost every time of the year. You are likely to experience variations in temperatures according to the locations. The average daily temperature in the capital city of Kigali is about 21°C. 
The long rainy season of Rwanda usually lasts from March to May when it rains to a large extent but nowadays the weather is very unpredictable even during this time. The long dry season begins in June and ends up close to mid-September, and this is the best time to visit Rwanda according to experts. The cycle continues as there is another short rainy season from October to November, followed by a short dry season for the remaining months of December, January, and February. 
Health and Safety
Rwanda is the safest country to visit in Africa. You will see the presence of local police and periodic patrolling whether in a city or the countryside. The crime statistics are low, primarily because of the stringent laws. However, it would be great if you take general safety precautions. 
The biggest thing to keep in mind while travelling to Rwanda is getting vaccinated against yellow fever. Carrying a certificate of this vaccine is mandatory for every traveller. There are rare but possible chances of malaria, and Tsetse flies are common in specific areas. Such issues related to flies are not prevalent in the Kigali region and the Virunga Mountains. 
Check the label carefully before purchasing bottled water; even tap water is drinkable in Kigali. Take caution while drinking any water. Trekking at extremely high altitudes can result in some issues such as breathing and dehydration. So, make sure you carry an ample amount of water and keep your oxygen level in check. 
Things to Do in Rwanda
While planning a trip to Rwanda, people often focus on the mountain gorillas and golden monkeys only; but Rwanda is much more than these amazing creatures and the Volcanoes National Park. If you are there to witness the spectacular parks, do not forget to visit Nyungwe National Park, which hosts 75 mammal species, 13 species of primates, 278 bird species, and other endemic species that you will not find anywhere else in the world. 
At Akagera National Park, you can find another spectacular place full of lakes and grasslands. Along with 532 bird species, there is a recent addition of lions in the park.
If you are considering going someplace other than the National Parks, try visiting the genocide memorial sites. The historical sites may be an area of interest. The places may seem morbid, but the experience is likely to be worth the visit. It will give you a deep insight into Rwanda’s history, culture, and life. 
People who want to relax or meditate in nature should visit natural sites such as Lake Kivu. One can swim in the crystal clear waters of this Lake, enjoy some time watching the sunset at the beach or take a boat ride to several nearby islands.
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gorillatripsafaris · 2 years
6 Things To Know About Uganda Mountain Gorilla Trekking
Encounter the most incredible mammals of the world; the mountain gorillas who share 98% of human DNA. Considered as the closest relatives of human being the mountain gorillas are fun to watch as they perform many activities that are quite similar to humans, like hugging, kissing and nurturing their babies just like human mothers. There are millions of travellers coming to Uganda from worldwide to enjoy this human-like animal in their natural habitat.
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Uganda is the prime country that is a homeland to at least half of the gorilla in the world. The country’s misty lush rainforest and rolling hills are the perfect places for mountain gorillas where the numbers of these primates growing decently in the last few years.
1. Where to see and find mountain Gorillas in Uganda?
The lush green forest on the volcanic mountains of Uganda is home to half of the Gorillas in the world. There are many national parks where you can spot a good population of Gorillas. Here is the list of the national parks where you can spot gorillas in Uganda.
2. Is Gorilla Trekking in Uganda safe?
Gorilla trekking is generating huge revenue for both of the country Uganda and Rwanda; hence the government of the respective countries has set up security both internally and at their borders to make the gorilla trek safe for the tourists coming from all around the globe. Gorilla Trekking In Uganda is safe and is a fully escorted experience.  However, travellers need to obey a few guidelines while meeting these huge animals to ensure safety. If the trekkers will adopt all the guidelines properly then it can be the safest once-in-a-lifetime safari in African land. 
3. When Is The Best Time To Do A Gorilla Trekking In Uganda?
Even being close to equator Uganda’s climate is quite cooler. If you are planning a gorilla trek to Uganda its best to make your plan work at the best season so that your visit will be successful and you can enjoy your holiday to the optimum.
4. Is everybody allowed to do Uganda Gorilla Safaris?
The gorilla safari is however considered safe for everyone, still it has some restrictions. The Gorilla trekking is restricted for kids below 15 years age, though there are some exceptions like if the kid is physically fit and above 13 years in some cases, the kid is allowed to go for Gorilla Trekking. Likewise, if the visitor is having flu or any contagious disease he/she might not be allowed to for the trekking as Gorillas can easily catch the disease.
5. When to buy a Gorilla Trekking Permit for Uganda?
Gorilla permit refers to an official document issued by Uganda wildlife authority and is marketed through primarily the Association of Uganda Tour Operators to the public. The permit allows you to spend time with a gorilla family.
6. What is the price of a Uganda Gorilla permit and where can I get it?
Uganda Mountain Gorilla trekking is one of the prime attractions of Africa; there are millions of visitors flowing to Uganda mainly for meeting this iconic species year.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Coronavirus Live Updates: South Korean Cases Spike, and Fear Builds https://nyti.ms/38NmL2w
Coronavirus Live Updates: South Korean Cases Spike, and Fear Builds
A major city is locked down and 28 countries outside of China have reported a total of 1,500 cases.
Iran reports a sixth death, and Israel is barring travelers from South Korea.
Here’s what you need to know:
South Korea reported 229 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, doubling its total in a single day and adding to concerns that another Asian country is losing control of the spread and that the window to avert a pandemic was closing.
As of Saturday, the virus had spread to 28 countries. Some 1,500 cases have been confirmed outside China; multiple infections in the United States, Italy, Iran and the United Arab Emirates; and one in Egypt, the first to be confirmed on the African continent. The highest death toll outside of China is in Iran, with six as of Saturday.
Panic is spreading in Israel, where a woman, who was aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan tested positive after returning home, health officials said.
Many African countries are bracing for the disease. The World Health Organization has identified 13 as priorities because of their direct links to China or their high volume of travel to it.
South Korea added 229 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, driving its total to 433. Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun called the situation “grave.”
“We will deal sternly with any acts that interfere with the government’s quarantine efforts and add to anxiety among the people,” Mr. Chung said in a nationally televised statement. He urged citizens not to hoard facial masks or other hygiene products.
More than half of the cases are among members of a secretive religious sect, the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, and their relatives or contacts. Between Daegu, the country’s fourth largest city, and a nearby province where the sect’s members often do volunteer work, 352 people have tested positive.
More than 1,250 members of the sect have reported potential symptoms, and officials are still trying to locate 700 members so they can be screened.
The neighborhood around the sect’s church in Daegu has turned into a ghost town. Banks, coffee shops, restaurants and convenience stores have all shut down.
Across the city of 2.4 million, department stores, shopping alleys and outdoor marketplaces are drained of shoppers.
The only places more crowded than usual are government-run health centers, where citizens lined up to find out whether they were infected.
In Busan, South Korea’s second largest city, public libraries, a horse racetrack and facilities for senior citizens closed when the city reported its first coronavirus case on Friday.
Many churches have shuttered, instead offering prayer services online. Others stayed open, but skipped hymns or “Amens” to limit congregants’ exposure.
The national news agency Yonhap reported people emptying shelves of rice, instant noodle, eggs and other essential food items in some supermarkets in Chuncheon and Ulsan, as both cities reported their first cases on Saturday.
Samsung, the world’s smartphone maker, shut down a factory about an hour north of Cheongdo after a worker tested positive. The factory is expected to resume operations on Monday morning, Samsung said. But the floor of the factory where the patient has worked will be closed until Tuesday morning, it said.
The news that 14 American citizens from the Diamond Princess who had tested positive for the coronavirus were being flown to the United States this week surprised and infuriated President Trump, two senior American officials said.
The Washington Post first reported Mr. Trump’s anger on Friday. The president is a self-declared “germophobe.”
Mr. Trump conveyed his anger to Alex M. Azar II, the health and human services secretary overseeing the White House interagency task force on the coronavirus, and other top officials. The task force’s top State Department official is Stephen E. Biegun, the deputy secretary of state.
One official said that Mr. Trump views keeping infected people from entering the country as critical to keeping the country safe and that the president wants to be seen as managing a proper response.
The decision to fly back the infected passengers was made over the objections of officials at the Centers for Disease Control.
On Monday, after two planes carrying more than 300 evacuated passengers had landed at military bases in Texas and California, William Walters, a top medical official at the State Department, told reporters that the decision to keep the 14 infected Americans in the group had been made by the State Department in consultation with Robert Kadlec, an assistant secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Walters said that the evacuation had already begun when Japanese officials informed their American counterparts of the laboratory test results. Dr. Walters said that he had spoken with Dr. Kadlec to go over the options after learning of the test results.
Since the passengers returned, Japanese officials have informed American officials that several more of them had also tested positive for coronavirus.
On Friday, American officials said at least 34 people inside the United States have the virus — 18 of them from the Diamond Princess. All of the 34 cases have been linked to overseas travel. There has been no sign yet of the virus spreading among communities in the United States.
[ U.S. MOBILIZATION: Local health departments around the country are scrambling to monitor the thousands of people returning from travel in China and elsewhere. READ BELOW]
A team of experts from the World Health Organization were traveling on Saturday to the Chinese city of Wuhan, the center of the coronavirus epidemic, the agency’s director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said.
Health professionals from the U.N. agency have worked on the outbreak in three Chinese provinces — Beijing, Sichuan and Guangdong — but had not yet been to the city at its heart.
Dr. Tedros confirmed the trip during an address on Saturday morning to African officials from Geneva, where he spoke of the virus’s increasing global spread and urged them to prepare for possible cases on their continent.
“We have to take advantage of the window of opportunity we have, to attack the virus outbreak with a sense of urgency,” Dr. Tedros told the leaders, who had gathered for an emergency meeting on the response to the coronavirus in the continent.
With only one confirmed case on the continent, Africa has so far been mostly spared, but health officials have warned that the spread could be deadly in countries with already-strained health systems. The W.H.O. has provided online training on the coronavirus to 11,000 African health workers.
China and Africa have become intertwined in the last two decades as China has expanded its political, economic, and military ties to Africa, funding large infrastructure projects and pledging tens of billions of dollars in investments and loans.
Now, Africa has large numbers of Chinese workers and more than 81,000 Africans were studying in mainland China in 2018. About 4,600 African citizens and students were living in Wuhan.
While some African countries, including Morocco, Mauritius and Egypt, have evacuated their citizens from China, Kenya has not. On Friday, the Kenyan government explained its rationale on Twitter, saying “the safest place for the students to be is Wuhan.”
[CORONAVIRUS IN AFRICA: Experts worry that the steady traffic between China and Africa could spread the epidemic and overrun the continent’s already-strained health systems
Nine South Korean tourists who spent a week visiting some of Israel’s most popular religious sites have tested positive for the coronavirus after returning home. Within hours, Israel began closing the country to South Korean travelers altogether.
Korean passengers flying on a Korean Air flight scheduled to land at Ben Gurion Airport at 7:30 p.m. Saturday would be barred entry into the country, Ynet reported late Saturday afternoon. Kan radio said that, on Sunday, the government would discuss whether to allow the other South-Korea-to-Tel Aviv flights to continue.
Israel’s health ministry ordered the immediate suspension of all tours by South Korean tourists who are currently in Israel, according to Kan radio. Health officials were working with the tourism ministry and travel agencies to book flights back to South Korea for the 1,700 South Korea tourists in Israel.
Israel suspended all flights from China on Jan. 30 in response to the outbreak of coronavirus.
The nine South Korean tourists were among a Roman Catholic tour group of 77 people, Haaretz reported. The health ministry said the pilgrims visited Israel from Feb. 8 to Feb. 15, touring Christian sites and other attractions in Netanya, Caesaria, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea, Beersheva, Hebron and Jerusalem.
Among the often-crowded sites the group visited were the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.
The health ministry said it was conducting an epidemiological investigation to identify anyone who came in contact with the group.
Twenty Israel Nature and Parks Authority employees and two Dead Sea hotel housekeeping employees who were in contact with the South Korea tourists have already been placed in quarantine, according to local reports.
State Department officials say that thousands of Russia-linked social media accounts are spreading disinformation about the coronavirus, including a conspiracy theory that the United States is behind the Covid-19 outbreak.
American monitors identified the campaign in mid-January. Agence-France Presse first reported on the assessment on Saturday.
“Russia’s intent is to sow discord and undermine U.S. institutions and alliances from within, including through covert and coercive malign influence campaigns,” said Philip Reeker, the acting assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia.
“By spreading disinformation about coronavirus, Russian malign actors are once again choosing to threaten public safety by distracting from the global health response.”
The effort was described as being carried out by several thousand Russia-linked accounts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, which post similar messages at similar times in English, Spanish, French, German and Italian.
Fringe theories of uncertain origin have accused China of engineering the virus, including suggesting that it is an escaped bioweapon.
Misinformation about the virus — whether shared purposefully or unwittingly — is so rife that the World Health Organization has called it an “infodemic.” The W.H.O. has been working with big tech companies to try to quell the flood of rumors and falsehoods.
Iran, which insisted as recently as Tuesday that it had no coronavirus cases, confirmed 28 cases and six deaths on Saturday, according to Iranian state media, making it the country with the highest death toll outside of China, where the number climbed to 2,345 on Saturday.
On Saturday, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the World Health Organization’s director, said the organization was “especially concerned about the increase in cases in the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
Iran was the first country in the Middle East to declare deaths related to the virus. The head of public relations at the country’s health ministry, Kianush Jahanpur, wrote in a tweet that most of the infections came from Qom, 80 miles south of the capital, Tehran. Officials also confirmed cases in Tehran, and in the northern city of Rasht.
The number of deaths suggest the virus is being transmitted far more widely than Iranian officials have acknowledged. Infectious health experts note that, if, as Chinese doctors have reported, the virus kills about 2 percent of known victims, multiplying the number of deaths by 50 offers a rough case estimate. On that logic, Iran could have 300 cases.
Already, cases of travelers from Iran testing positive for the virus have turned up in Canada and Lebanon, and on Saturday, the United Arab Emirates said two Iranian travelers had the virus, raising that country’s total cases to 13.
State media in Iran reported that universities and institutions of higher education were closed for a week in 10 provinces and schools were closed for three days in Tehran because of the virus. Seminaries in Qom were also closed.
Concerts, movies and other cultural events were canceled across the country for a week, state media said. And spectators were barred from soccer games countrywide.
Kuwait Airways announced Saturday that it would evacuate more than 700 Kuwaiti nationals from Mashhad, Iran.
As Iran holds parliamentary elections this weekend, many voters in Qom lined up in front of voting stations wearing masks, according to videos from Iranian news agencies.
Conflicting news reports emerged on Saturday about the mayor of a district of Tehran, who was said to have been hospitalized with coronavirus symptoms on Friday. But the semiofficial news agency Fars later denied that the mayor, Morteza Rahmanzadeh, had been hospitalized, saying he was in good health.
[ FEARS OF A PANDEMIC RISE: Health officials warn that the number of cases outside of China may be greater than previously acknowledged. READ BELOW]
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advised American passengers of the Westerdam cruise ship that they do not need to self-quarantine and are no longer subject to travel restrictions after their lives were upended when a fellow passenger was found to have the coronavirus.
No other infections have been found among passengers on the Westerdam, a C.D.C. spokesman said on Saturday, adding that the organization had sent an advisory to state and local health departments this past week.
An American woman, 83, who had disembarked from the Westerdam in Cambodia along with more than 2,000 other passengers and crew members, had tested positive for the coronavirus after arriving at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on a subsequent layover, Malaysian officials said on Feb. 15. Only a small number of passengers had been tested before they were allowed to disembark.
The American passenger’s diagnosis, which Malaysian officials said was confirmed in a second test, had raised fears that another vector of transmission was going global. Cambodia has called the Malaysian diagnosis flawed.
That no other Westerdam passengers have become ill is not proof in itself that the American woman’s diagnosis was flawed, said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
But Dr. Schaffner said the C.D.C. has been “very meticulous about implementing a containment policy in the U.S. and has been assiduous about finding and monitoring people who’ve had contact or previous exposure.”
On Saturday, the Malaysian health director general, Noor Hisham Abdullah, said that the American passenger was now clear of the coronavirus and was being monitored in the hospital with a “slight cough,” after an antiretroviral treatment.
People who have recovered from the infection will test negative as their bodies clear the virus.
Cambodia’s prime minister, Hun Sen, who had personally welcomed the ship’s passengers after they had been turned away from several other ports, called Malaysia’s diagnosis into question again on Saturday. The woman never had coronavirus at all, he said.
Mr. Hun Sen is a close ally of China and his claims have cast doubts on the seriousness of the coronavirus outbreak.
Just days after releasing nearly 1,000 passengers from the cruise ship quarantined for two weeks in the port of Yokohama that has been a coronavirus hot spot, Japan’s health minister admitted that 23 passengers had been mistakenly cleared to leave without taking a valid recent test.
In a news briefing on Saturday night, the health minister, Katsunobu Kato, apologized for the error that allowed the passengers, who had not been tested since before the ship went into lockdown on Feb. 5, to leave the Diamond Princess.
The Japanese Health Ministry said it had tested them and checked for symptoms, and certified that they posed “no risk of infection.”
Mr. Kato said that all 23 mistakenly cleared passengers had boarded some form of public transportation after disembarking. He said none of them had reported any symptoms so far and 20 had already agreed to be retested, with three negative tests so far.
Although several governments that evacuated citizens from the ship — including those in the United States, Australia, Hong Kong and South Korea — confined them for an additional 14 days at home, Japan said that passengers who had tested negative for coronavirus and showed no symptoms could leave starting this week.
On the subject of the passengers released untested, Mr. Kato said that public health officers who had been conducting the tests missed the 23 passengers as they went door to door.
“While they made their multiple rounds to take samples, some passengers left their rooms to go outside and do exercise or something,” he said, “so they were unavailable.”
A total of 634 people tested positive on board the cruise ship, and two passengers infected with the coronavirus have died.
Reporting and research were contributed by Hannah Beech, Liz Alderman, Vivian Wang, Choe Sang-Hun, Elian Peltier, Donald G. McNeil Jr., Farnaz Fassihi, Amy Harmon, Steven Lee Myers, Elaine Yu, Marc Santora, Matt Philips, Niraj Chokshi, Amie Tsang, Keith Bradsher, Amber Wang, Yiwei Wang, Ed Wong, David Halbfinger and Derrick Bryson Taylor.
‘All Hands on Deck’: Health Workers Race to Track Thousands of Americans Amid Coronavirus
Local health departments around the United States are scrambling to monitor thousands of people returning from travel in China and elsewhere. Among the tasks: daily calls, emails, texts.
By Amy Harmon and Farah Stockman | Published Feb. 22, 2020 Updated 11:13 a.m. ET | New York Times | Posted February 22, 2020 |
After a long journey at sea on the Westerdam cruise ship, which was denied entry at ports across Asia over fears of the coronavirus, Holley Rauen finally returned home to Florida on Wednesday night. Moments later, she discovered that she had joined a cast of thousands who are being meticulously tracked by local health officials across the United States.
As Ms. Rauen’s plane from overseas touched down, one message was already waiting on her phone, from a nurse at the local public health department in her Florida county. Should she develop a fever or cough over the next 14 days, she should report it immediately, the nurse explained when Ms. Rauen called back.
“I was so impressed,” said Ms. Rauen, who is herself a retired public health nurse from the same health department in Lee County. “We are really truly in uncharted waters.”
Preventing the spread of infectious disease is the essence of public health work, but the scale of efforts by state and local health departments across the country to contain the virus known as COVID-19, experts said, has rarely been seen. Since early February, thousands of people returning to the United States from mainland China, the center of the outbreak, have been asked to isolate themselves at home for 14 days.
Local health officials check in daily by email, phone or text. They arrange tests for people who come down with symptoms, and in some cases, groceries and isolated housing. There is no centralized tally in the United States of people being monitored or asked to remain in isolation, and they are scattered across the nation’s nearly 3,000 local health jurisdictions.
People arriving from mainland China are added each day, while those who have completed 14-day “self-quarantine” periods are released from oversight. In California alone, the department of public health has been monitoring more than 6,700 returning travelers from China, while health officials in Washington State have tracked about 800, and officials in Illinois more than 200.
The nationwide mobilization is taking a financial toll, health officials say. The cost to local health departments is unknown, but some experts say it has reached into the tens of millions. Even as the first of 34 confirmed coronavirus patients in the United States have recovered in recent days, health officials say they are preparing for what some fear could still be a much wider outbreak. Worldwide, the virus, which is known to be highly contagious, has infected 75,000 people and killed more than 2,000.
“All hands on deck are being pulled into this,’’ said Dr. Marcus Plescia, the chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, a nonprofit organization that represents public health agencies across the country. “If it really blows up, at some point, it could overwhelm state and local health departments.”
So far, officials say, the containment effort in this country has been largely orderly. The only known transmission of the virus in the United States has involved people in the same household. But no matter how effective health workers are in monitoring their charges, “there will always be some leakage,’’ said Dr. John Wiesman, the Secretary of Health in Washington State.
In Washington, where the first coronavirus patient in the United States was confirmed on Jan. 21, health officials tracked down and monitored 69 individuals with whom the man had come in contact, including work colleagues, health workers and other patients present in a clinic he visited when he first felt sick. Still, there have been issues. One person the man had been in contact with and who had developed symptoms of illness flew on a plane to Wisconsin during the 14-day period when she was supposed to be isolated at home.
“There is no way, with something this large, that you can make it seal-proof,’’ said Dr. Wiesman, who has started twice-weekly conference calls with the chief health officers in every state and territory to share tips and seek advice on how to manage the shifting challenges of the coronavirus response. While enforcing total compliance with isolation orders may not be possible, Dr. Wiesman said, “We have to try for 80 to 85 percent, and hopefully that will work.’’
Federal authorities are in charge of setting guidelines to manage the danger, such as deciding how much risk a returning traveler poses and who should be tested for the coronavirus. But the day-to-day work putting those policies in place and tracking thousands of people falls to the vast, decentralized network of local health departments across the country. Travelers’ data, culled from federal customs officials, is passed on to state health agencies, who farm out lists of people returning from China to local health departments.
In the Chicago area, public health officials are using an electronic monitoring system originally developed to track the measles to monitor more than 200 travelers. Each day, they receive a link asking their temperature and symptoms.
The costs associated with containing the virus have reached more than $150,000 a week for the Chicago public health department alone, according to its commissioner, Dr. Allison Arwady. Among the costs: $17,000 for a quarantine facility at an undisclosed location for people who can’t isolate themselves at home. So far, fewer than five people have used it, she said.
“If you are quarantining them under a legal order, you have to think about food, their medications, their communication needs and their mental health,” she said.
Some jurisdictions have negotiated with hotels to host people who may harbor the virus. Washington State has RV’s.
Ruth Jones, public health commissioner in Quincy, Mass., a town of about 100,000 people south of Boston, says that her department has been receiving lists of between three and 10 people each day who are returning from China and are being asked to stay isolated from other people. Quincy’s two public health nurses and two translators have been working long hours to call them and make sure they understand how to monitor and report any symptoms.
“It’s overtime for our nurses,’’ Ms. Jones said. “It’s been extremely busy,”
Local officials in places that have had confirmed cases have been under particular strain. In Madison and Dane County, Wis., a local health staff of 160 has been forced to rearrange its operation to focus on monitoring anyone who may have been exposed to a resident who tested positive for the virus after falling ill and remains in self-isolation.
“We’re in this new normal, but it’s not normal,” said Janel Heinrich, the county’s director of public health.
Along with monitoring individuals who are seen as at risk of having been exposed to the virus, state and local health officials have been scrambling to prepare for worst case scenarios in the months ahead. State officials in Washington said they will hold a webinar next week to brief school superintendents on best practices for cleaning and planning for home schooling should schools need to shut down.
“People are doing contingency planning,’’ said Julie Sullivan-Springhetti, spokeswoman for the Multnomah County Health Department in Oregon, which has devoted resources to preparing a regional hospital system for a potential case. “Just like we plan for the Cascadia earthquake, which may or may not happen in our lifetime.”
As for the returning passengers from the Westerdam, the cruise ship, passengers at first thought they had no reason to worry about the coronavirus because no one on the ship had traveled through mainland China during the outbreak. But after passengers began leaving the ship to head home, an 83-year-old woman was reported to have tested positive on a layover in Malaysia, creating confusion and chaos.
Erin Carney, 70, a retired nurse and midwife from Mendocino County, Calif., flew out on the same flight as the woman who was reported to have tested positive, though questions have been raised about that finding and the C.D.C. has since said that other passengers do not need to isolate themselves.
Given the initial reports of a positive test, Ms. Carney called hospitals to figure out what she and her partner should do.
“The person that we spoke to read the C.D.C. guidelines and thought that everything seemed fine and we didn’t have to self-quarantine,” Ms. Carney said. “They said, ‘If you have symptoms, go see your doctor.’”
But then a nurse from the Mendocino County Health and Human Services Department called Ms. Carney. She recommended that they quarantine themselves at home, and offered to supply groceries.
“We had kind of talked about doing that anyway,” Ms. Carney said. “They’ve called every day since.”
Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs contributed reporting.
With 4 Deaths in Iran and More Cases on 3 Continents, Fears of Coronavirus Pandemic Rise
Health officials called the surge in reported infections “very worrisome,” as cases soared in South Korea. Europe and North America reported a big uptick in infections.
By Vivian Wang, Donald G. McNeil Jr., Farnaz Fassihi and Steven Lee Myers| Published Feb. 21, 2020 Updated Feb. 22, 2020, 12:52 a.m. ET | New York Times |
HONG KONG — An alarming surge of new coronavirus cases outside China, with fears of a major outbreak in Iran, is threatening to transform the contagion into a global pandemic, as countries around the Middle East scrambled to close their borders and continents so far largely spared reported big upticks in the illness.
In Iran, which had insisted as recently as Tuesday that it had no cases, the virus may now have reached most major cities, including Tehran, and has killed at least four people, according to health officials. Already, cases of travelers from Iran testing positive for the virus have turned up in Canada and Lebanon.
The number of cases also soared in South Korea, with the sudden spread tied to a secretive church where hundreds of congregants attended services with numerous people infected with the virus.
The United States now has 34 cases, with more expected, and Italy experienced a spike from three cases to 17 and ordered mandatory quarantine measures.
“The cases that we see in the rest of the world, although the numbers are small, but not linked to Wuhan or China, it’s very worrisome,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said Friday at a news conference at the agency’s headquarters in Geneva. “These dots are actually very concerning.”
As uneasiness about the breadth and duration of the outbreak grew, stocks fell for the second straight day on Friday amid worries the virus would drag down global demand and hurt the world economy.
The disturbing reports out of Tehran suggested the virus was being transmitted far more widely there than officials had previously acknowledged. While the country’s health officials confirmed only 18 cases by Friday, the number of deaths indicates the total is likely to be far higher.
Four reported deaths probably mean at least 200 cases, said Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. If the virus kills about 2 percent of known victims, as Chinese doctors have reported, then the number of deaths can be multiplied by 50 to get a rough case estimate, he explained.
“People don’t die right away of this virus — it usually takes two or three weeks after cases start to spread for the first death,” Mr. Osterholm said. “So there may be a lot more cases, and a lot more deaths on the way. And we didn’t even know there was a problem in Iran before yesterday.”
Minou Mohrez, who is on the infectious disease committee of the Iranian Health Ministry, told the official IRNA news agency on Friday that it was clear the virus was spreading across Iran’s cities.
“A coronavirus epidemic has started in the country,” she said. “It’s possible that it exists in all cities in Iran.”
A spokesman for the Health Ministry, Kianush Jahanpur, said on Friday there were more than 735 people hospitalized with flulike symptoms who were being tested for the virus.
Kuwait’s civil aviation authority on Friday stopped all flights to and from Iran, which shares a long border with both Afghanistan and Iraq, where health officials have a limited capacity to stop the spread of the virus should it find its way to those countries.
Dr. Sylvie Briand, the director of infectious hazards management for the W.H.O., said the rapid increase in cases in Iran was disquieting.
“We are wondering what the extent of the outbreak in Iran is,” she told reporters on Friday. “We are wondering about the potential for more cases to be exported in the coming days. We want all countries to be aware of this and to put in place detailed measures to pick up these cases as early as possible.”
As concern grew that Iran was emerging as an important new vector of transmission, the country where the coronavirus originated was also responding to significant negative developments.
Officials in China, already straining to deal with an outbreak that has infected more than 76,000 people and resulted in 2,300 deaths, announced a new front in its war on the virus on Friday as officials reported clusters of infections in at least four prisons in three provinces.
The outbreaks, affecting at least 512 prisoners and guards, raised the specter of the disease spreading through the country’s extensive prison system.
More than 200 of the infections occurred in one prison in the city of Jining, 450 miles east of Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province and the center of the outbreak; officials there suggested that the cluster may have been tied to a prison guard.
In South Korea, the total number of cases surpassed 340 on Saturday morning, and the authorities were racing to trace all the people who had come in contact with members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Members of that church, along with their relatives and others who got the virus from them, account for more than half of the country’s confirmed infections.
More than 1,250 other church members have reported potential symptoms, health officials said, raising the possibility that the nation’s caseload could skyrocket.
As of Saturday, more than 700 members of Shincheonji, which mainstream South Korean churches consider a cult, still could not be reached, according to health officials, who were hoping to screen them for signs of infection.
In response, the government is shutting thousands of day-care facilities and community centers, even banning the outdoor political rallies that are a feature of life in downtown Seoul.
All four virus-related deaths in Iran occurred in Qom, a holy city popular with Shiite pilgrims across the Middle East.
People have already tested positive in Qom, Tehran and Gilan, near the Caspian Sea, said Mr. Jahanpur, the Health Ministry spokesman.
“Most of these people were residents of Qom or they had traveled to Qom in the past days or weeks,” he said.
In Qom, schools and religious seminaries were shut down on Thursday as officials urged people to avoid gathering in large groups. But on Friday, as Iranians went to vote in parliamentary elections, polling stations were open and the communal pools of ink for people to dip their fingers proving they voted were in wide use.
With rumors spreading across the country on instant messaging services like Telegram, a confused and increasingly worried public watched as Tehran’s largest metro station was suddenly closed. Workers wearing protective gear descended on the station, apparently responding to reports of sick commuters. It remained closed Friday night.
There was growing skepticism over the government’s handling of the outbreak. Mahmoud Sadeghi, an outspoken member of Parliament from Tehran, accused the government of “covering up the spread of an epidemic.”
While the source of the outbreak in Iran could not be pinned down, officials speculated that it began in the large population of Chinese workers in the country.
Critics accused the government of playing down the disease, and failing to take strict precautions to prevent its arrival in the country, in order to avoid provoking China, a key trading partner and a lifeline for Iran’s economy in the face of U.S. sanctions.
The sanctions against Iran could hamper its ability to contain the spread of the virus and diminish the country’s ability to mobilize international support.
“Iran does have problems accessing specialized medication for rare and special diseases because of sanctions — either private companies or banks refuse to work with Iran in fear of U.S. secondary sanctions,” said Tara Sepehri Far, an Iran researcher at Human Rights Watch.
The new global clusters showed, again, the difficulty in judging the true number of infections, amid concerns about underreporting and rapidly shifting definitions of confirmed cases.
Further bolstering the idea that the virus is spreading widely, an epidemiological modeling team from Imperial College in London estimated Friday that two-thirds of the people infected with coronavirus who left mainland China before restrictions were imposed had traveled throughout the world without being detected.
The team, one of several modeling groups regularly consulted by the W.H.O., calculated how many cases were detected in different countries and how many should have been detected based on flights that left Wuhan just before most air travel out of China ended.
Detection failures “potentially resulted in multiple chains of as-yet-undetected human-to-human transmission,” the modeling team’s study concluded.
The virus is spreading even in places that might be expected to have the closest monitoring and prevention. In Beijing, a spike in cases at two hospitals raised fears that the epidemic could be growing in a city so far largely exempt from extensive infections.
The infections — and in some cases, deaths — of medical workers have become a potent symbol of the epidemic’s toll for many Chinese. On Thursday, another doctor in Wuhan died. The doctor, Peng Yinhua, 29, had postponed his wedding to continue treating patients, according to local news reports.
Earlier this week, a high-profile doctor, Liu Zhiming, the director of the Wuchang Hospital in Wuhan, died.
The almost random nature of new reports and new deaths is an indication the virus is moving much faster than countries are reporting to the W.H.O., Dr. Osterholm said.
“How many of these clusters and travel cases and prison outbreaks do we have to see before we realize that we’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg?” he said. “Testing is just getting set up around the world. There’s barely any in Africa right now. Even in the U.S., we’re testing travel cases — but we’re not testing in any meaningful way that will pick up cases that we didn’t suspect were there.”
Vivian Wang reported from Hong Kong, Donald G. McNeil Jr. and Farnaz Fassihi from New York, and Steven Lee Myers from Beijing. Marc Santora contributed reporting from London and Choe Sang-Hun from Seoul, South Korea.
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#" is a country that beckons travelers with its pristine landscapes#adventure#africa#all international tourists (excluding Indian#all international tourists need a visa arranged through a licensed tour operator#and a guide#and a guide. This policy helps manage tourism sustainably and preserves the country&039;s unique culture. Currency and Bank Cards The offic#and archery. Safety Bhutan is one of the safest countries for travelers. Violent crime is rare#and Buddha Dordenma statue. Punakha: Known for the majestic Punakha Dzong#and cultural insights to help you plan an unforgettable journey. Brief History of Bhutan Bhutan&039;s history is deeply intertwined with Bu#and Culture Religion: Buddhism is the predominant religion#and experiencing a traditional Bhutanese meal are top cultural activities. Is it safe to travel alone in Bhutan? Bhutan is very safe for sol#and Kathmandu. Infrastructure and Roads Bhutan&039;s infrastructure is developing#and Maldivian passport holders) must obtain a visa through a licensed Bhutanese tour operator. A daily tariff is imposed#and red rice. Meals are typically spicy and incorporate locally sourced ingredients. Culture: Bhutanese culture is characterized by its emph#and respectful clothing for visiting religious sites. Bhutan remains a land of mystery and magic#and stupas are common sights. Food: Bhutanese cuisine features dishes like Ema Datshi (chili cheese)#and the locals are known for their hospitality. However#and vibrant festivals. Handicrafts#Bangladeshi#Bhutan#Bhutan offers a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern sensibilities. In this travel guide#Bhutan promises an experience unlike any other. Plan your journey carefully#Bhutan was never colonized. The country signed the Treaty of Sinchula with British India in 1865#but English is widely spoken and used in education and government. What should I pack for a trip to Bhutan? Pack layers for varying temperat#but it covers most expenses#but it&039;s advisable to carry cash when traveling to remote regions. Top Places to Visit in Bhutan Paro Valley: Home to the iconic Paro T#but it&039;s advisable to carry cash when traveling to rural regions. What are the top cultural experiences in Bhutan? Attending a Tshechu#but they offer stunning views. Religion#comfortable walking shoes
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highspiritbag · 4 years
14 Of The Safest Countries in Africa
A lot of people assume that the continent of Africa is unsafe. This has mainly been caused by false and bias portrayal by the media. When the average person hears of Africa, they automatically think of the worst, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. We have been to many countries in Africa and each country has its own unique gift and vibe and we have never had our lives in danger at any moment. We have even extended our stays in some of these countries because we were simply having too much fun. We believe that every single place on Earth should be visited at least once and it would be unfair to miss out on experiencing the beautiful continent of Africa. 
In recent years, Africa’s profile has been steadily rising due to the big media push surrounding Ghana’s Year of Return. This has put Africa on people’s radar as another destination to explore. For many, visiting anywhere in Africa will be a first-time experience so we decided to write a full list of the 20 safest countries in Africa. This list will highlight the places to see, what to expect and places to stay if you are a tourist visiting for the first time.
1. Rwanda
Rwanda is by far the safest country in Africa. The vibe of the country is very relaxed. If you want to travel solo to an African country. You have to start by visiting Rwanda. The crime rate is so low. According to the Gallup Global Law and Order Report, Rwanda is ranked as the 11th safest country in the entire World since 2017. In addition to this, the people are so warm and welcoming.
The place to visit in Rwanda is the city of Kigali. The city is very beautiful and a great display of African modernity. While you are in the city, we suggest you should visit the Genocide Memorial, the Inema Arts center, the Grand Presidential Palace, and many more. You will get a strong sense of the countri’s past, present, and future.
The nightlife in Kigali is unforgettable, there are many bars and clubs playing live music. There is always an event every night. For a night to remember, visit Iriba Bar, Pili Pili, K Club. The atmosphere, the drinks, the music, and the food will make you want to visit Rwanda every year. 
In terms of where to stay in Kigali. Definitely stay Kigali Serena Hotel. There are also some beautiful boutique hotels you can stay in such as the Heaven Boutique Hotel.
If you love to shop. You should visit the Kigali Cultural Village. There are so many stalls selling everything from clothing to art to food. The atmosphere is truly an unforgettable experience. I’m sure you will find something that catches our eye that will be the perfect gift for yourself or someone else.
One tip to note is that on the final Saturday of every month is Umuganda. It is basically a day of nationwide community service. So everyone does their part for the community by cleaning the streets and helping out with other general stuff. During this time a lot of places are closed or have limited opening hours. So be aware of this day when you are booking your flight and hotel. 
2. Botswana
Botswana has amazing political stability. As a result of this stability, it has led to a very low crime rate in the country.
One of the most exciting things about this country is the Wildlife. You will be immersed in the natural world so quickly. It feels like you are in another World. Kalahari Desert and many other areas offer epic views that have you photographic every single moment of your trip. There are other parts such as Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park.
There is so much diversity in terrain. If you enjoy outdoor activities a trip to Botswana is much needed as there is a wide range of outdoor activities, you can get involved in. One of the things you have to experience is the Moremi safari so you can have an opportunity to see the Big 5 which are the rhino, elephant, lion, leopard, and buffalo.
Botswana is one of the friendliest and safest African countries and I am sure you will enjoy it thoroughly.
3. Mauritius
The beaches in Mauritius are absolutely beautiful. It is very safe and is known to have some of the most beautiful beaches in the World. There is also plenty of opportunities to see different varieties of wildlife. There are also opportunities to go hiking. The terrain of the country is made of mountains and dunes. It’s perfect if you like to be at one with nature while going on a hike.
In terms of where to, we recommend you stay in Balaclava. When it comes to which accommodation to choose, the best places to stay in Mauritius is Maradive Resort and Spa, Degrees Sud, The St Regis Mauritius Resort. Mauritius has many instagrammable boutique hotels that will make any guest feel like they are the King or Queen of The World.
When it comes to partying, the best place to party is in Grand Baie. There are so many cool beach parties with world-class DJ’s to enjoy. There are also many beach bars, sports bars, and clubs to choose from to ensure you have an epic night every night.
4. Seychelles
 Seychelles is absolutely stunning. It is located off the east coast of Kenya. It is made up of over 115 islands. Seychelles is mostly pretty safe. Most people that go and visit actually experience no problems. However, you still should remain very vigilant and don’t create opportunities to attract petty thieves. Just in case, it is advised to carry your High Spirit Anti-Theft Backpack to prevent any pickpockets from taking your most valuable items.
 Seychelles has a wide range of accommodations to suit any taste. The best places to stay in Seychelles are Mahe, Praslin, and La Digue.
These places are very tourist-friendly and have many bars and clubs so you can fully experience the Seychelles nightlife without holding back.
 In terms of getting around, you can island hop by using the island’s reliable ferries.
5. Ethiopia
 Ethiopia is extremely safe. Violent and Non-violent crimes are very rare. However, you have to still be vigilant of petty crime or pickpockets. It is important to have your anti-theft bag or High Spirit Bag with you to ensure your stuff is safe and secure while you travel.
 In terms of accommodation, hotels in Addis Ababa are really cheap. One of the places to stay in is Biruk Bed and Breakfast in Bole, which is an upscale neighborhood in the city. Also, you can consider staying in The Sheraton Addis. It’s a huge luxury hotel and will give you the experience of living like a celebrity for the entirety of your trip.
When it comes to the nightlife in Addis. It is second to none. All the best clubs and bars are in Belo or in Piazza. Due to the proximity, it makes it a little easier to bar hop and get a full taste of the Ethiopian nightlife.
6. Zambia
 Zambia is generally very safe. As with anywhere in the World, it is still important to still be vigilant especially in large cities.
 Lusaka is the capital of Zambia and there are loads of bars and clubs to get your boogie on. There are a few places we would like to recommend that will enable you to have an unforgettable night. We suggest you visit the Alpha Bar. There is always something exciting happening there. It is definitely worth checking out. Lusaka is a buzzing city, so we are sure that you will find some cool bars and clubs to have a good time.
 In Zambia, it is best to stay in a hotel that gives you easy access to different places in the city. Hotels like the Neelkanth Sarovar Premier and The Hilton Garden Inn are great suggestions for places to stay in Lusaka, Zambia. Their service and location are fantastic elements to ensure you have a wonderful time in Zambia.
7. Ghana
 Ghana is currently number 44 on the Global Peace Index. This is a huge indicator of how safe the country is and how modern and forward-looking the country is.
I remember being in Accra, which is the capital city of Ghana walking at night and it felt so safe. I didn’t feel unsafe for one second. Everyone is focused on their own thing and really welcoming and friendly.
 If it is your first-ever trip to Africa. We would suggest you visit Ghana first to get an experience of how great African cities and societies function. They say that Ghana is Africa for beginners. Once you have visited Ghana it will set the precedent of what you can expect when you visit other countries in Africa.
 For a number of years, the country has had great political stability and it is currently going through a transformation where it is opening itself more to the World. Which is a very exciting opportunity for the country and its people. As mentioned before, one of the things I loved about Ghana was how friendly and peaceful the people were.
 In terms of the nightlife. It is absolutely epic. There are so many bars, clubs, and restaurants in Accra, especially on Oxford Street in the Osu area. The vibe of the city feels positive, energetic and you feel very safe and secure.
 Places to stay are in Osu, Oxford Street, or East Legon. These are great locations as you will be in the center of the action and buzz in the city. Also, there is easy access to upscale bars, restaurants, and nightclubs to sink your teeth into.
8. Swaziland
 Swaziland is very safe. Swaziland actually has a low population. It currently only has over 1 million people in the country. The people are very friendly and welcoming.
 In terms of where to stay, you can stay at the Summerfield Botanical Garden or Mountain Inn. These are places where you will be embraced by the natural beauty of Swaziland.
 The nightlife is mainly in Ezulwini and Mbabane. There is live music, bars, restaurants. There are many places that give you the opportunity to soak up the atmosphere, culture, and the positive vibes of the country. 
9. Senegal
 Senegal is politically stable. As with anywhere in the World crime is usually a petty crime, which is mostly made up of pickpocketing. It is still important to take the necessary precautions and carry your anti-theft backpack with you, so you do not become an easy victim. But according to our experience, crimes against tourists are very rare.
 Senegalese are very positive and welcoming people. They are also very keen to share their culture with you. They treat people, especially tourists with respect, and are willing to go over and beyond to ensure you have a positive experience in their country.
 As you visit Senegal. We suggest you stay in the capital, Dakar. In the city, there is so much to do and you will get a full offering of the country’s vibrant culture and its people.
 In terms of places to stay. We would suggest staying in the Radisson Blue hotel. It is absolutely beautiful. The décor of the hotel is truly amazing and inspiring. It’s got an infinity pool, which gives you a beautiful view of the ocean. The rooms are state of the art and very modern. If you decide to stay there, you will definitely have a splendid time. If you want to stay in a boutique hotel. There are plenty of gorgeous boutique hotels that offer an elegant and vibrant experience. Boutique hotels such as The Djoloff Hotel and The La Residence Dakar are great choices for a unique and beautiful experience.
 The Senegalese love to party. The nightlife in Dakar is absolutely brilliant. There are so many bars to choose from. There is literally a bar or a club to suit every taste. If you decide to go on a night out in Dakar, check out Le Phare des Mamelles. The view in that bar is outstanding. Also, check out Le Patio. There is nothing more to say except that you will definitely have a night to remember there! 
10. The Gambia
 The Gambia is the smallest country on the African continent. It’s nickname is ‘The Smiling Coast of Africa.’ It is a very fitting nickname as The Gambia is actually one of the safest countries on the African continent. For tourists (travelling in groups or solo travellers) it is totally safe to travel around and it is trouble free. However, it is still important to take the necessary precautions because The Gambia does have a small issue with pickpockets. But if you remain aware of your surroundings or wear your anti-theft backpack in crowded areas you will be fine.
 In terms of where to stay. We would suggest you stay anywhere on the Senegambia strip as there are a lot of hotels, bars and restaurants. It is pretty busy, so we are sure you will be able to find some cool places to be entertained and get your groove on. We suggest staying at the Woodpecker resort or the Ocean Bay Hotel and Resort. A lot of the hotels in Banjul are pretty nice, so definitely find one that will give you then best deal.
 When it comes to the nightlife in The Gambia. A lot of the nightlife is mostly concentrated in Serrekunda, in the resort town of Kaloli. There are also plenty of wonderful bars and clubs in the township of Kotu to chack out as well.
 11. Malawi
 Malawi is a landlocked country. It is bordered by Zambia, Mozambique, and Tanzania. It is nicknamed as the ‘Warm Heart of Africa.’ It is very safe and is very popular amongst solo travellers. According to its history. It has never had a civil war. Which is very rare in the continent of Africa. In comparison to the region and its neighbouring countries, the crime rate is very low. According to the World Economic Forum Malawi is said to be one of the safest countries in Africa. However, as I keep mentioning. It is still important to take the necessary precautions to protect your belongings, just in case. There is nowhere on the planet that has no crime of pickpockets. So, it’s crucial to still be aware wherever you are in the World. 
If you are thinking of where to stay in Malawi. If you are staying in the capital city of Lilongwe. We suggest you stay at Latitude 13 degrees. The hotel is simply gorgeous. If you want to experience beachside luxury during your trip, definitely check out Kaya Mawa. It Is located on Likoma Island.
When it comes to nightlife, it has little bars and clubs that will satisfy the typical party animal. But it is very modest. However, there is an abundance of dancing displays and live music events that will be provided by the hotel or nearby bars in the area. 
12. Uganda
 Uganda is a very safe, secure, and politically stable country. According to the Government, there has been an increase in police on the streets. This has proved to be very effective as it has caused crime to be reduced by over 50% especially in the city of Kampala. The efforts in increasing police response and ensuring there is no civil unrest has solidified Uganda as a safe haven for group tourists and solo travellers from around the World.
 When it comes to choosing accommodation for your trip. Kampala has a wide range of luxury hotels and stylish boutiques to choose from. One luxury hotel that made a positive lasting impression on us was the Kampala Serena Hotel. The rooms are so beautiful and elegant. It has restaurants in the hotel that serve the most delicious meals. Definitely try some Ugandan cuisine and also try some authentic Ugandan coffee. It tastes like heaven. That is the best way I can describe it. There are other hotels such as the Kabira Country Club that also provide you with a luxurious African experience during your stay.
 Kampala’s nightlife is very well known amongst other African’s living in the continent. It is known that people from all over Africa travel to Uganda to experience Kampala’s wonderful nightlife. The clubs actually don’t close at 3 am, they are open till the next morning. Speaking from personal experience, the only times I have ever partied from night until in the morning (like 10 am in the morning) has been in Africa. African’s definitely know how to party. Especially Ugandans. If you are looking for some cool spots in Kampala to let your hair down. Definitely visit Hollywood in Kampala, also check out Guvnor. There are so many little bars and clubs where you can easily club hop and make your night one to remember
 13. Madagascar
 Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the World. Madagascar is a truly unique and beautiful island. The overall crime rate in the country is low so it is considered safe to travel to. If you are the type of traveller that likes an adventure Madagascar is the perfect destination. It has the World’s most unique biodiversity. During your visit, you will definitely see some rare plants and animals. In addition, the people are so friendly and kind. A trip to Madagascar will be a life-changing trip.
If you are looking for a place to stay in Madagascar. We suggest you stay in the North-Eastern part of the island, such as Nosy Boraha. Hotels such as Les Lemuriens and Samaria Lodge are great choices to have a unique and pleasant stay in Madagascar.
 When it comes to the nightlife. You should check out Taxi Be and Le point d'exclamation. They are both in the capital of Antananarivo. There are also loads of bars and clubs you can enjoy. There are also a lot of great spots for live music if you want a more immersive experience.
 14. South Africa
South Africa overall is very safe to travel to and explore. The country has so much natural beauty. There are many big cities within South Africa such as Johannesburg, Capetown, Durban, and many others that offer something different and special. There are some bits of petty crime such as pickpockets but as long as you have your anti-theft backpack with you and you keep your belongings close you will be fine. No country on Earth Is perfect and to expect perfection in a country is totally unrealistic. Another thing to be aware of is that tourist hotspots are controlled and protected by the authorities, so you will feel safe and secure during your trip.
South Africa is a very large country. It is the 9th biggest country in Africa. So when it comes to choosing a place to stay you will be spoiled for choice. If you are staying in Capetown, you may want to consider staying in the Atlantic View Capetown Boutique Hotel or Raddison Blu Waterfront. If you are staying in Johannesburg, you may want to consider staying at the Munro Boutique Hotel or Villa Simmone Hotel. If you are staying in Durban, you may want to consider staying at the Hilton Durban. Ensure you stay at a hotel with great customer service and great security. That is super important.
 South Africa has so much variety when it comes to the nightlife. There are so many clubs and bars in Capetown. In Capetown, there is an area called Long street, which has a lot of bars, clubs, and restaurants. Johannesburg has Rosebank and Durban has a lot of jazz clubs. There is something for everybody in these cities.
 Visiting Africa will be a unique experience. It will be like nothing you have experienced before. So, when you travel to any of the African countries, remember to immerse yourself in the culture, the vibe, and the activities. It will definitely make a positive impact on your life.
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newstfionline · 4 years
A world without tourism (AP) With no American visitors to show around the D-Day beaches or the Loire Valley’s chateaux, and no work on the immediate horizon, Paris tour guide Linda Zenou frets about how she’ll pay off a loan and continue to care for her ailing mother in the achingly lean months ahead. “My situation is going to become completely inextricable,” she said. “We have nothing to live on.” For growing numbers of businesses and individuals who depend on the global tourism industry, the question is not so much when the coronavirus pandemic will end but how and if they’ll survive until business picks up. In trying to fend off the virus, countries that put up entry barriers to tourists have done so at a mounting cost to themselves and others. “It’s now survival of the fittest,” said Johann Krige, CEO of the Kanonkop wine estate in South Africa, where the drying up of wine-tasting tourists threatens dozens of wine farms around the historic town of Stellenbosch, near Cape Town. “A lot of them are going to go under because they just don’t have sufficient cash flow,” Krige said. Around the world, travel amid the pandemic is becoming a story of tentative steps forward in some places, but punishing steps back elsewhere, of “yes” to letting back visitors from places faring somewhat better against COVID-19 but not from others where outbreaks are flaring. The result is an ever-evolving global mishmash of restrictions and quarantines, all of which are providing zero long-term visibility for businesses trying to make payrolls and for everyone in the industry from trinket sellers to luxury hotels.
In Canada, hockey’s return is a partial sign of normalcy during precarious times (Washington Post) As professional sports leagues spent the spring searching for ways to salvage their seasons after the novel coronavirus forced a shutdown in March, the best solution for the National Hockey League became increasingly obvious. The safest place to stage a modified playoffs turned out to be also where the sport is most popular. As a country, Canada has been far more successful in controlling the virus, so this week, 24 NHL teams have gathered within strictly enforced perimeters in Toronto and Edmonton to compete in a postseason that begins today. If it’s completed, the Stanley Cup will be hoisted on Canadian soil for the first time since 1993.
In sprawling Capitol, leaders struggle to keep virus at bay (AP) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are under increasing pressure from lawmakers to boost testing for the coronavirus in the Capitol, an idea they have so far rejected because of concerns about the availability of tests across the country. Despite the unusual nature of work in the Capitol—lawmakers fly in and out weekly, from 50 states, and attend votes and hearings together—the two leaders have maintained that they will not institute a testing program for members, staff or the hundreds of other people who work in the complex. The lack of tracking was highlighted this week when a GOP lawmaker, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, found out he had contracted the virus. He was tested only because he had been scheduled to travel with President Donald Trump. The dilemma for Congress is similar to the one facing workplaces and schools as they struggle to reopen. Lawmakers and staff during the summer have been wearing masks, keeping their distance, cleaning surfaces, limiting crowds and working from their homes when possible. But it’s difficult if not impossible to fully protect against the coronavirus without a robust system of testing and tracing, and there’s a lack of infrastructure nationwide to make it happen.
Philadelphia trash piles up as pandemic stymies its removal (AP) What would Ben Franklin think? The Founding Father who launched one of America’s first street-sweeping programs in Philadelphia in the late 1750s would see and smell piles of fly-infested, rotting household waste, bottles and cans as the city that he called home struggles to overcome a surge in garbage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. For the City of Brotherly Love, another unfortunate nickname has been “ Filthadelphia.” Poverty and litter often go hand in hand, and in the nation’s poorest big city, the sanitation department has been short-handed and overworked. The city’s 311 complaint line received more than 9,700 calls about trash and recycling in July, compared with 1,873 in February. Faced with social distancing restrictions, residents are staying home and generating more trash than ever before—about a 30% increase in residential trash collections, said Streets Commissioner Carlton Williams. Baltimore and Memphis are among some of the cities facing similar problems. In Boston, some residents have reported rats the size of cats. People are cleaning out garages and attics, Williams said. That’s in addition to household trash that has increased as more people cook at home or bring home takeout from restaurants that have not yet fully opened. His department also has had to clean up after protests over racial injustice.
Oregon police try to tamp down nightly Portland protests (AP) Oregon police took over protecting a federal courthouse in Portland that’s been a target of violent protests as local authorities try to tamp down demonstrations that have wracked the city every night for more than two months following the killing of George Floyd. Having state and local officers step up their presence was part of a deal between the Democratic governor and the Trump administration that aimed to draw down the number of U.S. agents on hand during the unrest. In preparation for the handover, state troopers, the local sheriff and Portland police met and agreed not to use tear gas except in cases where there’s a danger of serious injury or death, Mayor Ted Wheeler said. Federal agents sent to the city in early July have used it nightly as protesters lob rocks, fireworks and other objects. Wheeler, who himself was gassed when he joined protesters outside the courthouse last week, added that tear gas “as a tactic really isn’t all that effective” because protesters have donned gas masks and often return to the action after recovering for a few minutes.
Hurricane Isaias batters Bahamas as storm targets entire U.S. East Coast (Washington Post) Hurricane Isaias became 2020′s second Atlantic hurricane overnight Wednesday on its way to the Bahamas, which it has already begun to blast with drenching rain, strong winds and ocean surge. The storm is now poised to ride up the East Coast, first encountering Florida this weekend before zipping up the rest of the Eastern Seaboard through the Mid-Atlantic and New England during the first-half of next week. “There is a risk of impacts from winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surge late this weekend from the northeastern Florida coast and spreading northward along the remainder of the U.S. east coast through early next week,” wrote the National Hurricane Center. North Carolina, in particular, may be hit hard by the storm from Monday into Tuesday, where Isaias could crash ashore. Earlier this week, Isaias dropped up to eight inches of rain in southwest Puerto Rico, and knocked power out to more than 400,000 residents on the island. The storm then plowed through the Dominican Republic, strengthening more than expected.
Brazil reopens to tourists (Daily Telegraph) Brazil registered record daily numbers of infections and deaths from the new coronavirus on Wednesday, sending its overall death toll surging past 90,000 people. Despite the record figures, the government issued a decree reopening the country to foreign visitors arriving by plane, ending a four-month travel ban in hopes of reviving a lockdown-devastated tourism industry. The tourism industry has already lost nearly 122 billion reals ($23.6 billion) because of the pandemic, the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC) estimates. As a whole, Latin America’s biggest economy is facing a record contraction of 9.1 percent this year, according to the International Monetary Fund.
More than three million Chileans seek to withdraw pensions amid pandemic (Reuters) More than 3 million Chileans on Thursday asked to withdraw a portion of their pension funds as a controversial law took effect allowing citizens to tap into retirement savings to buffer the economic impacts of the coronavirus. Long lines formed in Santiago outside the offices of Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) as Chileans sought to take advantage of the new law. The emergency measure allows those with savings to withdraw up to 10% of their pensions. The websites of several of the fund administrators collapsed Thursday amid the deluge of requests, prompting an apology from the companies.
Excess deaths during Europe’s coronavirus outbreak were highest in England, according to U.K. analysis (Washington Post) England topped Europe’s grim league table for highest levels of excess deaths during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new analysis published Thursday by Britain’s Office for National Statistics. The analysis of more than 20 European countries—including the four nations of the United Kingdom—found that England’s death rate was 7.55 percent higher this year through the end of May, compared with its five-year average. Spain was next, with a 6.65 percent increase over its average. Scotland was 5.11 percent above its average and Belgium 3.89 percent. Because different countries have used different methods to calculate coronavirus deaths, many scientists consider excess mortality a more reliable way to measure the impact of the virus and to draw comparisons. Excess mortality would include not just fatalities that were directly related to covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, but also the deaths of people who were hesitant to seek care for serious conditions or who did not receive the usual level of care while the health system was focused on the pandemic.
Beach ban (Foreign Policy) As temperatures rise above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32°C) in England and local lockdowns are imposed to prevent further coronavirus outbreaks, British police are preparing to keep crowds away from the sea after approximately 500,000 people flocked to beaches in Bournemouth and Poole during an earlier heatwave in June.
Clashes on Pakistan border leave more than a dozen Afghan civilians dead, Afghan officials say (Washington Post) More than a dozen Afghan civilians were killed and many others wounded Thursday when clashes broke out on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, Afghan officials said. Ahmad Bahir Ahmadi, a spokesman for the governor of Kandahar province, which borders Pakistan, said 15 people were killed and 80 wounded. One Afghan official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said more than a dozen Afghan civilians were killed. The Afghan Defense Ministry blamed Pakistani forces for the attack. The Pakistani Foreign Ministry appeared to reject that assertion, saying in a statement Friday that “Afghan forces opened unprovoked fire on innocent civilians gathered towards Pakistan’s side of the international border." “Pakistan troops responded to protect our local population and acted only in self-defense,” the statement said, claiming Afghan forces opened fire first and casualties also occurred on the Pakistani side of the border.
China tightens its grip on Hong Kong (Foreign Policy) The crackdown on dissent in Hong Kong continues as the local government announced on Thursday that it was barring 12 pro-democracy activists from running in the upcoming legislative elections scheduled for September. The move follows Beijing’s passage of a draconian national security law earlier this month that severely limits the civil liberties of Hong Kongers, aiming to curtail opposition to the ruling pro-Beijing administration. Pro-democracy candidates rode a wave of public discontent in the recent local elections in November, notching major victories across the territory that shocked observers in mainland China.
The Dictator Who Waged War on Darfur Is Gone, but the Killing Goes On (NYT) On camels, horses and motorbikes, dozens of Arab militiamen stormed into the remote village in Darfur, in western Sudan, firing wildly, witnesses said. Houses were pillaged, animals stolen and water tanks smashed. Villagers ran for their lives. United Nations peacekeepers scrambled to the scene but said they found the road blocked by obstacles placed in their way, and continued on foot. When they arrived after two and a half hours, it was too late. At least nine people lay dead, including a 15-year-old boy, and another 20 were seriously wounded, according to the United Nations. The attack in Fata Bornu, a remote hamlet of 4,000 people, echoes the grimmest days of the Darfur conflict in the 2000s. But it happened just this month—over a year since euphoric protests toppled Omar Hassan al-Bashir, the detested dictator whose alleged atrocities in Darfur earned him an indictment on genocide charges in an international court. But while the revolution brought some change to Sudan’s cities, that is not the case in Darfur, where the notorious janjaweed—nomadic Arab militias—still ride free. Heavily armed gangs continue to massacre, plunder and rape in scorched-earth tactics that recall the worst days of Mr. al-Bashir’s rule.
Zimbabwe on the brink (Foreign Policy) The streets of the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, were empty on Friday save for hundreds of soldiers and police dispatched to squash planned anti-government protests amid rising public anger over corruption, food shortages, and rampant inflation. The government has cautioned that protests will be regarded as an insurrection and that anyone who attends them will “only have themselves to blame.” Tensions have risen dramatically in recent months as the pandemic has tipped the country’s fragile economy into crisis. The local currency, which was reintroduced last year after being shelved for a decade due to a hyperinflation crisis in the late 2000s, has imploded with inflation over 700 percent, obliterating people’s savings and salaries. The World Food Program warned this week that by the end of the year 60 percent of the country’s population would lack food security, and it appealed to the international community to step up to prevent “a potential humanitarian catastrophe.”
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What To Know If You Are Going On A Tanzania Safari Tours
If you decide to travel to Tanzania safari tours, it is good to know how to prepare. Here is some useful information to prepare your trip.
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During Tanzania safari tours, we suggest you visit a traditional tribe. The best known tribe in Tanzania is probably the Maasai tribe. They are a people of nomadic shepherds who live with and their cattle. The Masai are known for their beaded jewelry, long spears and red shukkas (traditional clothing like blankets). The Masai live in semi-permanent huts called the manyatta, made of grass and manure. Their traditional dance is great to watch: it involves jumping as high as possible!
Around Lake Eyasi lives the oldest tribe in Tanzania, the Hadzabe. Until recently, they lived in isolation, but today they like to receive visiting tourists. The Hadzabe still have a traditional way of life, which means that they live mainly from hunting. And just like the more southerly San and Xhosa, we hear a click in their language when they speak.
The climate of Tanzania safari tours has two seasons which are not very different from each other. The climate is pleasant and can vary due to differences in altitude. Normally the climate in the highlands is cool with a considerable difference between day and night temperatures, while on the coast it is hot and humid. During the day, temperatures can rise to over 35 ° C.
Tanzania has two rainy periods. The short rainy season runs from mid-October to the end of November and the long rainy season from the end of March to the end of May. Even though these seasons are said to be rainy, you can still go on a safari in Tanzania during this period. Most of the roads are passable, the parks are green, it is cooler and there are fewer tourists: advantages not to be overlooked! Rain usually falls in the late afternoon, while during the day it is clear and sunny. Unpaved roads in parks may become impassable in heavy rain. In this case, we are always looking for an alternative route!
Tanzania is a safe vacation destination. The country is even often recognized as the safest country in Africa. Politically, the country is stable. Yet there is still relatively much poverty in the country. It is therefore wise to stick to a number of rules and some common sense. If you follow the rules below - which also apply in all major European cities - nothing can happen to you:
Never leave your passport, money and valuables unattended and visible to everyone in your room. Put your things in a locker or put them in the reception where they are kept in special lockers.
Do not leave valuables (such as money or your coat) in the safari car, even for a short time.
Leave your beautiful jewelry at home. You can wear a (simple) necklace, watch or wedding ring, but avoid wearing ostentatious jewelry.
Do not take to the streets after dark. Watch out for pickpockets during the day too.
If you need to take a taxi, be sure to use only registered taxi companies.
Health services in Tanzania safari tours
The quality of health care in Tanzania varies widely. In large cities, medical facilities are reasonable or even good, but waiting times are often long and prevention is better than cure.
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It is advisable to get vaccinated before going on a trip to Tanzania. As we are not doctors and the advice may change during the year, we recommend that you consult your doctor at least four weeks before departure for the latest information on the vaccinations required for Tanzania. You can find information on the France Diplomatie travel advice site. You can also consult the list of addresses for the nearest vaccination agencies at this address: international vaccination centers . Likewise, the Pasteur Institute website is full of information about diseases and vaccines for Tanzania.
Vaccination book and first aid kit
Make sure all of your vaccines are recorded in your personal immunization record. If you do not already have one, you will receive it from the competent authority. Remember to bring this vaccination record with you when you travel. Upon arrival, the customs authorities can request it. It also provides important information when visiting the doctor.
Finally, it is advisable to bring your own first aid kit to Tanzania. Consider the following tools: band-aids, gauze (sterile), ampoule dressings, iodine and medication for headaches and bowel disorders. It is also advisable to bring towels and tampons as it can be difficult to find in some areas.
Clothes in Tanzania
In Tanzania, you can wear your usual clothes. It is customary to cover the shoulders and wear skirts that reach below the knee. In Zanzibar, most women also veil their heads. These rules are not very strict. In any case, you can dress as you wish when you are in your accommodation: shorts or skirts are well accepted.
Tanzania safari tours are located just south of the equator, so the sun can be very strong. Watch out for sunburn! If you stay in the sun too long without covering yourself or drinking, you may feel unwell and get signs of dehydration, nausea, dizziness, or headache. It is therefore really advisable to wear a hat or cap and sunglasses during the day. Sunscreen is also not a superfluous luxury ... Think about that when you pack!
After sunset, we advise you to wear long pants and possibly long sleeves because of mosquitoes. Bring a small sweater or coat as it can get chilly in the early morning and evening, especially in mountainous regions. Also bring comfortable shoes (for example sports shoes) to feel comfortable, as well as your swimsuit for Zanzibar and for lodges with swimming pool.
During the safari, it is customary to wear flexible clothing, preferably cotton and in the colors of the safari. We do not recommend wearing dark colors (black, blue or red) during the safari - this will attract flies and insects. It is best to wear neutral and natural colors, such as khaki or olive green.
Eat and drink
In lodges, tent camps and resorts in Tanzania safari tours, the food and drink offer is very often like in Europe, with a certain number of Tanzanian dishes in addition to being able to taste the local specialties. In the morning, a full English breakfast is served with eggs, bacon, tomatoes, muesli and delicious tropical fruit. The lunches are often composed of hot dishes and for dinner, it will be a starter dessert menu which offers you three or more dishes. In small lodges and camps, meals are often established in advance, but some also offer a menu of your choice. The larger lodges usually offer lunch and dinner buffet style. Local beer (the most famous are Kilimanjaro, Serengeti and Safari) are good and often,
Tap water is not fit for consumption. In your room there is therefore a bottle or a pitcher of water with purified drinking water. You can also buy bottles of drinking water in each lodge. Make sure you drink enough water. The heat in Tanzania can cause you to unconsciously lose a lot of water and yet you need to stay well hydrated. During the safari, lunch will be served as a picnic, which you can eat during a stop at the special picnic areas en route.
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Tips are not required in Tanzania. However, wages are not high in Tanzania, so staff will always appreciate a tip. Our advice is to only tip if you are really satisfied with the service. Often, these are small sums of money, for example you can tip a dollar per person for people at the hotel who bring your suitcase to the room. It is often also possible to give a little money for all the staff in a box reserved for this purpose at the reception.
It is customary to tip your driver at the end of the safari. We are talking about 20 dollars a day. A tip must of course always come from the heart and should not be an obligation. We offer 20 dollars per day because our guide is at your disposal for the entire duration of the safari. Our guides receive a good salary, but often use tips like an apple to put a little butter in the spinach and be able to afford some extras.
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tamozaqi-blog · 5 years
Ivory Coast Evisa - a Quick Overview
The whole procedure is handled online and it really is quite fast and simple.  Wireline services supply the gas and oil manufacturing industry with a comparatively low cost solution to one of their most fundamental needs.  The wireline company might also be employed to perform maintenance, either as a routine measure, or in direct reaction to a situation which might have developed.
No excess cables or boxes are wanted!  The victim has to pay a fee as a way to get the significant fortune.  The PayPal scam is among the oldest and they continue to be frequent.
Unfortunately the telephone number is not going to belong to the individual you think you're in contact with and you will discover yourself receiving a huge phone bill for a consequence of phoning the number provided to you.  The very first step is to find out when you satisfy the minimal requirements, after which you will want to gather all the required documentation and data so as to make an on-line profile.  In the event the site address doesn't have the name of the bank, business or government agency in the URL, then it's probably a phishing scam.
Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Ivory Coast Evisa Ivory Coast isn't among the safest nations in the planet, or in Africa for that issue.  So let's look at two of the simplest approaches to secure you on your way to one of the most welcoming countries on earth. There's a threat of terrorism.
The parliament of the nation is bi-cameral.  A lot of people coming from Africa feel precisely the same way.  The nation consists of four natural regions.
Top Choices of Ivory Coast Evisa So, take note of where your hotel is situated, in contrast to where your desired destinations are.  If you really need to enter the water, make sure you get just a few feet from the shore.  The Airport is situated within the city.
Based on the sort of visa you require, the objective of entry to Vietnam, the duration of stay, the quantity of visits, the cost will be different.  You may need a visa if you're travelling through the united kingdom on your way to some other nation, for example in case you have a layover between flights.  You need to acquire an Ivory Coast visa so as to travel there.
The price of getting a Vietnamese visa isn't significant.  If you are aware of how to put in an application for a Vietnamese visa, you will discover extremely simple measures.  An overall student visa is for a lengthier course.
The Unusual Secret of Ivory Coast Evisa You are then going to be required to finish your Canadian Visa Application within 60 days of getting your letter and the procedure will take about 4-6 months to be processed.  To learn more see the National Identification Authority site. Meeting the nation's health regulations.
There are a lot of visa alternatives available for those who need to migrate permanently to Australia and who have the necessary skills and qualifications.  As an additional bonus, you will get an extra 600 points to grow your CRS score, which will provide you with a leg up in the Express Entry draws and pretty much guarantees you will get an ITA for permanent residency.  Most individuals are seeking far better job opportunities with higher salaries in European nations.
In case a tourist would like to stay for at least 90 days in Morocco, he or she is going to need a resident permit to achieve that.  Vietnam is a nation that's open the tourism and is now a favorite destination.   Criminal activity is the principal danger to your security and security in Cote d'Ivoire.
The bigger cities have international hotels, and you may locate a hotel for all budgets.  Lovely climate permits a huge number of national parks.  You might still encounter checkpoints in the vicinity of Abidjan.
What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Ivory Coast Evisa Designers have become extra creative in the way that they are styling ivory coats and jackets.  Exposing yourself to music from various other cultures provides you a glimpse into other methods of life that are quite different from your own.  You can wind up with all sorts of parasites, and a few of them travel to your brain.
| Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Ivory Coast Evisa No excess cables or boxes are wanted!  The victim has to pay a fee as a way to get the significant fortune.  The PayPal scam is among the oldest and they continue to be frequent.
Unfortunately the telephone number is not going to belong to the individual you think you're in contact with and you will discover yourself receiving a huge phone bill for a consequence of phoning the number provided to you.  You don't need to be a Member to come to a HU meeting, access the site, the HUBB or maybe to obtain the e-zine.  In the event the site address doesn't have the name of the bank, business or government agency in the URL, then it's probably a phishing scam.
Chocolate begins, much less a sweet and milky snack, but instead as a plump round seed in a shell.  Exposing yourself to music from various other cultures provides you a glimpse into other methods of life that are quite different from your own.  You can wind up with all sorts of parasites, and a few of them travel to your brain.
Whatever They Told You About Ivory Coast Evisa Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why If you're unclear about any facet of the entry requirements, or you require further reassurance, you will need to get hold of the embassy, higher commission or consulate of the nation or territory you're travelling to.  You ought to be cautious of stray livestock that may result in a security hazard.  All you have to do is locate the route that's ideal for you.
The bigger cities have international hotels, and you may locate a hotel for all budgets.  Lovely climate permits a huge number of national parks.  You might still encounter checkpoints in the vicinity of Abidjan.
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Ivory Coast Evisa Visa on arrival is a sort of visa that you collect in Vietnam airports. A visitor who wants to go to the Kingdom of Morocco for tourism may take a tourist visa based on her or his nationality.  Examine the form above to see whether you are elegible for the Canada ETA.
The quicker you desire a visa, the more elaborate the price tag is.  There are several types of work visa.  An overall student visa is for a lengthier course.
Things You Won't Like About Ivory Coast Evisa and Things You Will Brazil have an immense selection of talented stars and will want to recapture the World Cup from Italy.  Italy have a great defensive base from which they may build.  It is among the best teams in Africa.
When it regards the Ivory Coast's cuisine, there's nothing from the ordinary.  A lot of people coming from Africa feel precisely the same way.  When you enter the nation, it's best in case you have US dollars since they're more common and can be exchanged easily.
Ivory Coast Evisa and Ivory Coast Evisa - The Perfect Combination Actually, the center will look after all registration formalities for your benefit.  Mariners should take suitable precautions.
Please be aware that the validity date is NOT the suggested length of the visit.  Opening hours Please be aware that embassy opening hours may vary.  Most individuals are seeking far better job opportunities with higher salaries in European nations.
The Pain of Ivory Coast Evisa The whole procedure is handled online and it really is quite fast and simple.  Wireline services supply the gas and oil manufacturing industry with a comparatively low cost solution to one of their most fundamental needs.  The wireline company might also be employed to perform maintenance, either as a routine measure, or in direct reaction to a situation which might have developed.
So, take note of where your hotel is situated, in contrast to where your desired destinations are.  You've got to have a lot of holidays trips within this country if you want to fill a little part of the traveling potential of this nation.  The Airport is situated within the city.
| So How About Ivory Coast Evisa? It's wise to check with the embassy whether you're qualified for the airport visa pick-up.  A visitor who wants to go to the Kingdom of Morocco for tourism may take a tourist visa based on her or his nationality.  Some say it's delicious.
The quicker you desire a visa, the more elaborate the price tag is.  If you are aware of how to put in an application for a Vietnamese visa, you will discover extremely simple measures.  In the visa application, specify the aim of the trip and the information concerning the visa you wish to apply.
Ivory Coast Evisa You will get taken through a collection of five pages.  Wireline services supply the gas and oil manufacturing industry with a comparatively low cost solution to one of their most fundamental needs. To start with, you're expected to employ a notary for the setting up of your organization.
Before you leave for the Ivory Coast, you should be aware that a visit to your principal care physician is needed.  The minimum capital isn't fixed.  Virendra and his wife proved also assisted in choosing the hospital depending on the other facets like cost, accommodation, food etc..
Take care if you wish to travel to any rural locations.   Lovely climate permits a huge number of national parks.  The rural regions, but do not offer you too many alternatives.
Actually, the center will look after all registration formalities for your benefit.  Mariners should take suitable precautions.
There are a lot of visa alternatives available for those who need to migrate permanently to Australia and who have the necessary skills and qualifications.  Opening hours Please be aware that embassy opening hours may vary.  For business people to earn a brief business visit to Australia for as much as three months.
Chocolate begins, much less a sweet and milky snack, but instead as a plump round seed in a shell.  Western African food is dominated by several kinds of stews.  Foolhardy are those who bet against history.
The Ivory Coast Evisa Chronicles Establishing a business there can prove to be fruitful as related procedures are rather straightforward.  As soon as you've submitted, you should get an email within a couple of minutes your application was received.  The company letter ought to be written on the provider's letterhead that you're working for.
At first, it resembles the true site.  The very first step is to find out when you satisfy the minimal requirements, after which you will want to gather all the required documentation and data so as to make an on-line profile.  In the event the site address doesn't have the name of the bank, business or government agency in the URL, then it's probably a phishing scam.
The End of Ivory Coast Evisa French is the sole language aside from English spoken on five continents.  The West African American Embassy is situated in Abidjan.   It is thus the continent with the most French speakers in the world.
The parliament of the nation is bi-cameral.  From that point, it may perhaps be possible to find out whether the international footballing community can celebrate the greatest rise of the sport in Africa.  The nation consists of four natural regions.
So, take note of where your hotel is situated, in contrast to where your desired destinations are.  If you really need to enter the water, make sure you get just a few feet from the shore.  The Airport is situated within the city.
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