#safyresky lets me borrow Myles from time to time.
“Did you actually drag a ghost into our house?!” (with any characters you'd like! :)
"No!" Myles backed away from the apparition that had finally let go of his left wing. The boy dashed behind Tooth Fairy to hide, and his adoptive father exchanged a look with Alpha. "I mean...sorta. He just grabbed onto me and wouldn't let go!"
The ghostly figure, who somehow had enough substance to hold on to things, but not enough to form a cohesive shape, opened what passed for a mouth and tried to speak.
Alpha sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Mph...this is going to be difficult. Roy, Myles, stay quiet and don't distract him."
"'Him?'" Tooth Fairy raised an eyebrow, wondering how she could tell the gender, then clamped his mouth absolutely shut when the figure's 'head' swiveled indignantly in his direction.
Alpha approached the figure and held out her hand. "Take it. Speak through me."
There was a moment's hesitation, then the figure did as it was told...and abruptly faded from view.
Tooth Fairy opened his mouth to ask what had happened, but remembered in time and closed it again. Myles squeaked and covered his own mouth.
Alpha stood very still with her eyes closed, and when she finally spoke, it wasn't her. It was in a man's voice. "Name's Paul. You have something of mine, son. The gold pocket watch you found earlier today. It's mine. Put it back."
Tooth Fairy looked appalled "Myles, did you rob a grave?"
"Wh-what? No! I found it on the street! Ask him!"
Alpha's mouth moved, but again it wasn't her voice that came out. "He is not the one who took it, but he is the one who has it. And I want it back. Third grave from the left of the cemetery gate. Just lay it on the stone, if you would be so kind."
And with that, Alpha began to sag. Tooth Fairy hurried to steady her, but she straightened again and indicated that she was okay. The ghostly figure appeared once more and made a motion that might have been the tipping of a hat before floating over to the door and passing right through the wood. "I'm all right. Myles...you're not in trouble, lad. But you'd best do as he asked. Some of them are very particular when it comes to their things."
Myles took the watch out of his pocket and ran a thumb wistfully over the smooth gold cover before holding it out to her. "Can you do it? I...I don't like going there."
Tooth Fairy, seeing how tired Alpha was from her recent experience, held out his hand. "Here, I'll do it. I've, uh...been meaning to bring flowers to Brinna's grave anyway. Been putting it off, but I guess now's the time."
'All right, luv."
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