#saika aiya
iateyourdoggo-part2 · 3 years
Chapter 4 (this chapter will probably be the sadist chapter and could be a smoll surprise at the end)
so im trying to make a chapter every 24 hrs... i think. so um thnx for reading my previous stories and pls enjoy this one!
red = violence or de@th
orange = tw that arent violence (could be violent for u)
blue = able to read for everyone i hope
tw: violence (kidn@pping, @buse (slightly), r@pe (slightly, dw its not too much)), caps, de@th mention, siblings
There was only 1 day until Saika's mother came home and it was today, and Saika obviously wasn't excited for that. Saika went for a walk until she got dragged into an ally by a masked person and was knocked out. She felt her surroundings as she was being dragged away. She couldn't see anything though. The floor was cold and the room was dark.
Saika's blindfold was taken off and there stood an old man who looked like a huge creep. Duct tape was on her mouth and her hands were tied. The old man walked up to her and started to touch her legs seductively. Saika was powerless. She tried to prevent the man by keeping her legs shut and kicking him. The creep was mad. He put up his fists when the creep fell to the floor. It was Aori! Aori helped untie Saika and took the tape off her mouth. Saika jumped into Aori's arms and cried. Aori started to cry too. They both felt a huge amount of pain of one person who was hurt.
Other footsteps were heard, slowly coming towards them. A small figure stood at the entrance.
"S-Saika-chan!?" Kinako cried. Tears were already falling down her cheek and ran up to Saika.
Saika let go of Aori and hugged Kinako. They both were relieved that they both were safe. Kinako was small and vulnerable. Saika hated that and didn't want anyone to force themselves onto her. Saika wanted Kinako to be hers more desperately than ever to protect her. The two loosened the hug and were now inches away from eachother's faces. Both quickly let go and turned around blushing very hard.
"W-we should go now," Kinako suggested, "It's very cold now..."
Everyone left the place and was back in the sun. The sun warmed them up until they were satisfied. Saika went back home to see her mother is already there.
"WHERE WERE YOU?!" her mother screamed.
"I-I w-was k-kidnapped," Saika replied stuttering. She still was crying a bit and her eyes were red.
"This is why I told you to marry a man. You're too weak to fight men off. Girl's are not fighters either. That is a man's job. You're so weak you couldn't even bribe the man with money instead!"
"COULD YOU STOP CALLING ME WEAK?!" Saika cried. Her eyes were filled with more tears. Tears of anger.
She felt a pain on her cheek to realizing her mother had slapped her.
Saika's rage fell down by that last sentence. Her eyes widened in shock.
"Saika darling, I am very most sorry." her mother said, acting like nothing happened, "I have gotten a little non-ladylike. How silly of me!"
"W-what do you mean dad is dead?" Saika muttered.
"I-I.... um.. Don't worry! You can forget about him. He is already dead, and is the least successful of the family.", her mother replied calmly.
Saika stormed into her room went on her phone.
Hiya saika chan!
May I stay over your house for a bit?
of course!
Thank you!
get packed! i will meet u at the park!
Saika got ready and packed her stuff. She walked downstairs and already saw a note on the kitchen bench.
Dear Saika,
I have left for a small break. I will be back and do not go anywhere.
Kind Regards,
Your mother.
Saika ignored it because she knew that her mother was going out to a fancy restaurant. Saika got to the park and saw Kinako again. Saika followed Kinako to her house and before they entered, Saika was warned.
"Be prepared, Saika. I promise you, it's not that bad but prepare. Your. Self."
Saika gulped and went inside. What she needed to prepare for wasn't really what she expected.
"I'm home!" Kinako called out.
A bunch of kids started running up to her and a commotion of loving siblings made Saika giggle a bit.
"Onee-chan! Who is that?" one of them asked.
"Kisaki! It's her date remember!!!" the other said which looked like the other boy's twin.
Saika blushed a bit.
"AHHHH! SHUSH!" Kinako blushed so hard.
After getting everyone under control, Kinako made dinner with Saika.
"Where do you want to sleep?" Kinako asked, "I don't have a spare room sorry!"
"D-do you think I can sleep with you?" Saika asked still blushing.
Kinako looked away from the cooking pot into Saika's eyes. She blushed again (so much blushing) and replied with a simple "Sure!".
Dinner was done and all the kids were done showering. They all finished eating and went to do their own things but Kai went to bed.
Kinako and Saika took turns to shower. Kinako showered first, then Saika. Kinako waited in her room staring at her ceiling fan. She replayed Saika asking to sleep with her. She was so inside her imaginations she didn't realize Saika was waving her hand infront of Kinako's face.
"Kiiiiiiinaaaaakoooooooooo!" Saika whispered.
"What are you doing...?" Kinako asked.
"Seeing if you were alive on earth and not in spce!"
The two giggled until talked until 11 pm. Kinako checked to make sure the kids were all asleep and went back to her room. Saika was already under the covers and Kinako went under. They fell asleep to facing each other's backs both having their dreams take over.
Kinako woke up to hear pictures being taken. She slowly opened her eyes to see all the kids at the door, with a phone, taking pictures of her.
"Why are you taking pictures?" She asked flatly.
They all pointed at Saika who was hugging the smaller person in her sleep. Kinako jaw dropped and was blushing once more.
All the kids snicker until Tsubaki said, "Time to get ready now guys!"
All the kids said "aww" and left.
Kinako giggled and faced back at Saika who was still dead asleep with her arms around Her. It was very warm and Kinako slept for 10 more minutes not wanting to wake Saika nor wanting to end it.
When Saika woke up, she felt a small tight person hugging her stomach and she was hugging the person back. She then realize who it was. (Y'all know I don't need to repeat uwu!) She was staring in shock and awe that she was closer to Kinako than she could ever imagine. Literately. She felt something weird on her chest. She looked down and I wonder what she saw... Kinako's chest upon Saika's. She was hotter now and was so wrapped in the soft touch of Kinako.
"Mmmmm... Saika." Kinako muttered in her sleep.
Saika was so red, she was as red as a rose. It was really awkward when they both got up together. 0.0
They made breakfast and pretended it didn't happen. Saika and Kinako chose to skip school today. Kinako asked Aori to pick up the kids from school.
Kinako and Saika were cuddling on a couch under a blanket. They were watching movies. Saika looked at Kinako who was glued to the movie. Kinako realized and looked back at Saika. They both were now an inch away from each other's faces. They started to slowly lean closer until they both felt a pair of soft lips on their faces. It was deep and passionate until they stopped for air. They stared into the other's eyes and then looked away madly blushing. Their gazes slowly went back to each other, about to kiss again when they heard something from the window. It was Aori and the other kids taking photos. They all went to hide behind the old shed in the backyard but Kinako was already there.
"I'm taking your phones away for a week." Kinako sad plainly, "You too Aori."
The kids, including Aori, gave their phones to Kinako. They all went inside and relaxed. Saika stayed at Kinako's house for a week.
She wasn't excited to go back. She wanted to stay with Kinako. She wanted to live with her. She wanted to be with her. But she couldn't because of her mother.
If Saika could choose to spend her life for 1 thing, it would be Kinako.
And thats another chapter done! thanks for reading once more and sadly this story will end in a few more chapters :(
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iateyourdoggo-part2 · 3 years
i got bored and started making some picrews and one picrew gave me an idea
i decided to make a story bc the picrew gave me the idea. pls enjoy it for my sloppy work and pls tell me what is wrong with it :(
tw: slight abuse, forceful marriages
Chapter 1 (insert title here)
Saika was a girl who lived in royalty and very wealthy. You might say she was lucky, but in her opinion, she wasn't. She hated being rich and royal. She hated her parents and the rest of her family.
Every day, Saika has to wake up at 7 am exactly and must wear a dress before leaving her room. She must have make-up on and must have her soft, pink hair done. Her room should always be clean to present the pink all over her room. Her life was horrible.
"Saika!", her mother called, "It is time for you to meet all the boys from the Hatsuki family!"
"Coming mother!", Saika replied with a sigh.
Saika was to be forcefully married to a successful, rich man and not one had her taste. She cannot refuse any orders though. If she were to refuse to be married, she will have a punishment from her abusive mother.
'Why must I marry a man?' Saika thought to herself, 'If I were to tell mother that my taste of a partner was not a male...' Saika walked down her long hallway, in uncomfortable heels, all the way to the lounge room to see 8 boys. She quickly thought that not one was attractive according to her.
Saika went on a date with the first boy, Aori Hatsuki. He had brown hair that had a white streak and had black eyes. He was cute and sweet and all, but wasn't her type. Aori understood that just by her looking at her expressions. He also confessed he didn't want to be forcefully married either because he was gay.
"Really!?", Saika shrieked smiling, "To be honest, I actually like girls more."
"So your lesbian?" Aori asked.
He received a confident nod from Saika and they became very good friends.
After 30 minutes into their 'date', Saika bumped into a beautiful girl with glasses, precious blue hair, and shimmering, blue eyes that matched her hair.
"EEEEEE!" the girl said blushing in embarressment, "I-I'm sorry!"
Saika helped her up and felt some strange feeling when their hands touched. (Aori in the back be like TwT *sips tea*). Saika blushed to the feeling and helped the girl pick up the books she was carrying.
"It's ok.", Saika said a bit plainly, "I'm Saika. Saika Aiya. And over there is my good friend, Aori Hatsuki. What's your name?"
"I-I'm K-Kinako. Kinako Emiru."
Kinako holds out her hand for the other girl to shake. When they shake hands, Kinako looked at her watch on her wrist.
"Oh no! I'm going to be late! It was nice meeting you two! I will see you around next time I hope!"
Kinako left walking at a fast pace with her books in both her arms, pressed against her chest. Saika imagined what would it feel like if she was those books.
"Someone's got a crush~" Aori said singing.
"Haha shut up!" Saika cried laughing. She hasn't felt happy in a while.
Once their 'date' finished, Saika had to go on dates with the rest of the guys. They were all either try hard guys, 'too cool' guys or tried bribing her with money. Saika only thought about Kinako the whole time and was wondering if she will ever see her again.
Thank u for reading this one! I hope i can make the next chapter soon and thank u for reading all the way up to here! Thank u!!
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