dyke-gremlin · 2 years
‘I flexed my wrist, popped a silver needle into my palm, and offered it to him.
“What’s this?”
“A needle.”
“What should I do with it?”
He’d walked right into it. Too easy. “Please use it to pop your head. It’s obscuring my view of the room.”’
-Ilona Andrews, Magic Strikes
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goblins-oc-askblog · 2 years
🎨 Saiman, Crow, and Locket
Saiman: A deep teal like the ocean and a swirling magical purple
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Crow: the blue of an open sky and the green of faded military fatigues
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Locket: A comforting royal blue and the maroon of a warm blanket
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bantennewscoid-blog · 4 months
MAKI Ancam Praperadilankan Kejati Banten Jika Otak Pelaku Situ Rancagede Lolos
SERANG – Masyarakat Anti Korupsi (MAKI) mengkrtitisi penanganan perkara dugaan hilangnya aset negara berupa Situ Ranca Gede di Desa Babakan, Kecamatan Bandung, Kabupaten Serang. Daerah yang harusnya jadi tempat resapan air itu malah dibuat jadi kawasan industri. Koordinator MAKI, Boyamin Saiman menyoroti ditangkapnya Kepala Desa bernama Johadi yang baru ditetapkan jadi tersangka oleh Kejati…
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riaunews · 2 years
Rekrutmen Hakim Agung Diduga Juga Sarat KKN, MAKI Desak KPK Usut
Rekrutmen Hakim Agung Diduga Juga Sarat KKN, MAKI Desak KPK Usut
Pelantikan 7 Hakim Agung pada pertengahan Oktober 2021 silam. (Foto: Mahkamah Agung) Jakarta (Riaunews.com) – Masyarakat Anti Korupsi Indonesia (MAKI) meminta Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) mengusut dugaan korupsi dalam rekrutmen hakim agung usai penetapan tersangka dugaan suap pengurusan perkara di Mahkamah Agung (MA). Koordinator MAKI Boyamin Saiman mengatakan meskipun isu dugaan pertemuan…
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Book Review: Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels #3) by Ilona Andrews
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The series really picked up steam in this book! It was so fluid and entertaining, what with the Gladiator-style meets The Hunger Games magic tournament, with Kate's deadpan remarks, with Curran courting her and making sure she consents to every smooch they exchange (I stan ONE Beast Lord and one Beast Lord only), with Saiman and his off-the-wall antics, with the inclusion of new and familiar faces (Derek, I'm so sorry you keep going through it, my man. You've been struggling. Sheesh!)
I also loved that we got more glimpses into Kate's backstory. It's so bloody and mysterious and magical, it's fraught with so many questions about the people who raised and trained her. I'm particularly curious to see how Hugh will factor into things going forward. And Roland.
Obviously I am here for Kate and Curran, too. They're so provoking and evocative together. A fantastic duo when they can manage to stop bickering long enough to focus and play their strengths off of one another. Plus, the sizzle is SIZZLIN' between them now and I am setting an alarm for when she cooks him dinner, because it's bound to get hot, hot, hot!
3.5/5 stars
**Follow me on Goodreads
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k-apme-h-salzc-a · 1 year
„Every woman should be told she's attractive. Men are seduced by their eyes, women by their ears." Saiman“ —  Ilona Andrews American husband-and-wife novelist duo
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thecinecaffecentral · 2 years
India’s 2023 Top Rosters
Is there anyone who doesn’t like a good roast? The one who gets roasted, obviously. But that apart, roasts and mockeries have turned out to be a crucial part of the Indian comedy scene. The AIB roast video changed to set it off, and it slowly stuck up as a fashion with people (light-heartedly) bashing different people, events, content… you call it – left, right, and centre. Let’s test the 15 maximum well-known roasters on Indian YouTube who’re certain to have you ever doubling up with laughter.
1. CarryMinati
Ajey Nagar, higher called CarryMinati, doesn’t really want to be introduced. His roasts are of the subsequent level, and he’s the YouTuber who can nearly be credited with making roasting a famous aspect withinside the comedy scene in India. Is it any wonder that his channel has a whopping 34.8 million subscribers?
2. Angryprashreal
Prashant Sharma, who for the longest time had not proven his face on his channel, has 5.56 million subscribers. His logo of roasting is with lively cartoons, with which he makes hilarious motion pictures like prank name series, uploads track motion pictures or even has included a few subjects of social relevance.
3. Gareebooo
The guy in the back of the interesting call is Kunal Saraf, a roaster who has 1.23 million subscribers. He has frequently collaborated with CarryMinati to create epic roasting movies of PUBG and BGMI matches, amongst others.
4. Slayy Point
With 6.4 million subscribers, Gautami and Abhyuday have created a mark with their channel Slayy Point. They make epic movies trolling and roasting everything – from public remarks and social media posts to the state-of-the-art viral content. Check out their channel, and you`re in for a treat.
5. Triggered Insaan
His name is Nischay Malhan and he has 15.2 million subscribers on his channel he began out in 2017. With hilarious parody and spoof videos, made-up `storytimes` and insanely humorous stay streams, he’s one of the pinnacle roasters of the u . s . proper now.
6. Saiman Says
Simandhar Waghdhare, whose channel is understood higher as Saimin Says, is understood for his inimitable statement and fashion of roasting. He has even roasted his competition or fellow roasters withinside the equal field, like Slayy Point, Elvish Yadav and CarryMinati. He has 1.02 million subscribers on his channel.
7. The Bong Guy
Kiran Dutta, extra popularly referred to as the Bong Guy, is a family call for lots of Bengali netizens. With 3.63 million subscribers, he makes roast movies reviewing vintage and new movies, making sketches and skits, and loads extra. He even had Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan appear on his channel to sell their film Kalank.
8. The Rawknee Show
Ronodeep Dasgupta, higher called Rawknee, is a gamer and YouTuber who has channels for his separate pursuits. The Rawknee Show is wherein he places up the wackiest roast videos, and has reached nearly 1.8 million subscribers together with his content.
9. Mallika
Mallika Motiramani is a 19 year antique YouTuber who posts vlogs approximately her everyday life, alongside witty roast videos. Her channel has 221K subscribers. Her roasts vary from speaking approximately troubles college students face to greater usual troubles like flinch pop content.
10. Shivam Trivedi
With 1.12 million subscribers, Trivedi is one of the maximum famous roasters out there. From viral memes and reels to conventional Bollywood content, he roasts them all.
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Kak Ria Enes & Suzan 'Suzan, Kodok & Semut'
SIDE A 1. SUZAN, KODOK & SEMUT (cipt. Papa T. Bob) 2. Dialog 1 3. KE SEKOLAH (cipt. Paul S/Ria Enes) 4. Dialog 2 5. MAIN APA (cipt. Windu Riesaih) 6. Dialog 3 SIDE B 1. SI TARZAN (cipt. Paul S/Ria Enes) 2. Dialog 4 3. DONALD BEBEK (cipt. Bob Saiman) 4. Dialog 5 5. PANTUN ANAK MALAS (cipt. Papa T. Bob) 6. Dialog 6
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cbmchannel · 2 months
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Pro-Tee – 7th Trumpet (feat. Deejay ZebraSA & King-Saiman) http://www.curteboamusica.info/2024/07/pro-tee-7th-trumpet-feat-deejay-zebrasa.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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koramilsblog · 3 months
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Bertempat di Gedung Saiman RT 07 Pedukuhan Janten Kelurahan Ngestiharjo Babinsa Serka Sugiyono mengahdiri acara Sosialisasi Pelaksanaan Program Hibah Air Limbah Terpusat (HALT) tahap 2 yang di selenggarakan olah Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul.
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keynewssuriname · 3 months
Renovatie brengt speelplezier terug voor O.S.Rijsdijk
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Vanaf vandaag kunnen de leerlingen van O.S. Rijsdijk weer volop genieten van de speeltuin op het schoolterrein. Vooral de kleuters van groepen A en B waren zichtbaar blij en namen direct plaats op de schommels, wipplanken en glijbanen zodra het toegestaan was. Voorheen was de speeltuin maandenlang onveilig voor de kinderen en overwoekerd door onkruid. De oplevering van de gerenoveerde speeltuin vond plaats op 10 juni 2024. Shantap Mataw, schoolhoofd van O.S. Rijsdijk, zei dat de speeltuin langer dan een jaar gesloten was omdat de toestellen gevaarlijk waren voor de kinderen. De omheining lag ook bijna op instorten, wat leidde tot de sluiting van de speeltuin. Sonny Holwijn, initiatiefnemer en voorzitter van de actiegroep Rijsdijk en Omgeving, gaf aan dat hij op het idee kwam omdat hij zich zorgen maakte over de situatie van de school. “Er waren lekkages, dakgoten die niet goed functioneerden en de speeltuin was onbegaanbaar en onveilig voor de kinderen”, sprak Holwijn. De renovatie van de school werd uitgevoerd door buurtbewoners. “Niet iedereen kon elke dag helpen, maar velen hebben een uur of twee hun steentje bijgedragen.” Jason Saiman, woordvoerder van de president, merkte op dat het belangrijk is dat kinderen kunnen genieten van hun kindertijd en een veilige speeltuin op school is daar een onderdeel van. Het Kabinet van de President heeft, in samenwerking met het Nationaal Jeugdinstituut (NJI) dat is ingekomen met een bedrag van SRD 10.000, de renovatie mogelijk gemaakt. Mataw sprak haar grote dank uit aan het Kabinet van de President, het NJI en de initiatiefnemer. “De school heeft dringend hulp nodig.” Saiman benadrukte in zijn toespraak dat het lijkt alsof de regering de verre districten is vergeten, maar dat dit niet het geval is. “De regering is bezig met een landelijk project waarbij 144 scholen – ook in het binnenland- worden gerenoveerd. Er wordt, waar nodig, ook schoolmeubilair geleverd”, deelde hij mee. Mataw hoopt dat O.S. Rijsdijk wordt opgenomen in het rijtje van scholen die door de overheid worden gerenoveerd, zodat de school weer kan opbloeien. “De school heeft onder andere een verfbeurt nodig. Het maakt niet uit op welke manier. Als de school maar hulp krijgt om beter te functioneren”, stelde ze. Saiman wees op de situatie van vier jaar geleden, toen de financiële positie van de regering niet gunstig was. “Met de inspanning van het volk en de regering bevinden we ons nu in een stabielere situatie, waardoor er ruimte is om scholen te renoveren.” Holwijn voegde eraan toe dat een renovatie voor de school noodzakelijk is. Hij hoopt dat de regering iets kan doen, zodat de leerlingen een kind- en milieuvriendelijke school hebben waar ze met plezier naartoe gaan. Read the full article
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goblins-oc-askblog · 2 years
1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
1. Who is your oldest OC from creation?
There's a lot of them who have gone through a lot of changes, but the oldest one I can think of at the moment is actually Scar! She's was always my Courier 6, but was named Slash I believe!
2. Which of your OCs do you like the least?
Killian, the bastard lady that was Phoenix's handler. I want to shoot her in the head
3. Which of your OCs do you have the least details on?
Probably either Asher or Delilah. Both fallout ones, they're more background characters and I haven't done much developing of them.
4. Which OC could you most likely do without in your stories?
Probably Saiman/Roman/Mika. They're very background but I'm too attached to them to get rid of them.
5. Is there any of your OCs who wouldn't like you?
Phoenix probably. I love her as a character but I think I would be too much for her.
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bantennewscoid-blog · 3 months
Maling 113 Elpiji, Dua Warga Serang Divonis 22 Bulan Penjara
SERANG– Dua warga Kecamatan Petir, Kabupaten Serang bernama Aas (52) dan Dedi (43) divonis 22 bulan penjara atau 1 tahun dan 10 bulan. Keduanya dinyatakan terbukti bersalah melakukan pencurian tabung gas elpiji 3 kilogram sebanyak 113 buah. “Menjatuhkan pidana terhadap terdakwa I AAS Bin (Alm) SAIMAN dan terdakwa II DEDI Bin DEDE oleh karena itu dengan pidana penjara selama 1 (satu) Tahun dan 10…
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lintasbatasindonesia · 4 months
Bhabinkamtibmas Kel. Jatirahayu Hadiri Taziah Di Kediaman Alm. Hasan Basri Bin KH Saiman
BEKASI – Pada hari Minggu, 12 Mei 2024, Bhabinkamtibmas Kel. Jatirahayu, Aiptu Mintra, menghadiri acara Taziah di kediaman Alm. Hasan Basri Bin KH Saiman, berlokasi di Kp. Rawa Bacang RT 06/013 Kel. Jati Rahayu Kec. Pondok Melati Kota Bekasi. Acara Takziah ini dipimpin oleh Ust. H. Nias Imron, Ust. Yahya dan Ust. Mahpuji, dengan kegiatan tahlil dan zikir bersama untuk mendoakan…
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djrj · 9 months
December 12, 2023 Playlist
Reggae Evolution with @DJRJ - Dec 12, 2023 Playlist and Podcast via @mixcloud #reggae
7:00pm – Watch Over I Intro by Anthony B on King In My Castle (Born Fire Music)7:00pm – No Bad Vibes by Macka B on single (Heartical Label)7:04pm – Outside feat Lila Ike by Samory I on Strength (Overstand/Easy Star)7:08pm – Cup Of Change by Analea Brown on single (Saiman Says)7:12pm – Lead Me On by Kashief Lindo on single (WKS Records)7:16pm – The World Is Troubled feat Tasha T by Jay Douglas on…
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realita-lampung · 11 months
MAKI: Serangan Balik Koruptor di Tengah Tahun Politik
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Oleh : Boyamin Saiman (Koordinator MAKI) Media ramai akhir-akhir terkait Jaksa Agung Muda Tindak Pidana Khusus menetapkan AQ seorang petinggi BPK menjadi tersangka korupsi hasil pengembangan perkara korupsi BTS di kominfo. Juga tuntutan Jhony G Plate, Galumbang Menak dan Ahmad Anang Latief dengan tuntutan pidana penjara yang berat sesuai dengan sifat jahatnya perbuatan. Ada lagi, Jaksa Agung diserang karakternya melalui tuduhan menyakitkan punya hubungan gelap dengan janda cantik seorang figur publik yg terungkap di persidangan kasus korupsi tambang di Sulawesi Tenggara. "Ini ironis ditengah gencarnya Jaksa Agung melakukan penindakan korupsi, ada juga agenda tersembunyi dari para koruptor untuk serang balik kepada Aparat Penegak Hukum di tengah kondisi tahun politik yg penuh dengan berita intrik dan hoak," Demikan tutur Boyamin Saiman, inspirator MAKI. Menurut hemat nya pula," MAKI mendorong Jaksa Agung untuk konsisten meneruskan perjuangan memberantas korupsi, jangan mundur pak Jaksa Agung, karena tindak pidana korupsi menyengsarakan rakyat." Selanjutnya, Boyamin juga berharap,"Sudah saatnya seluruh elemen bangsa untuk bersatu memberantas korupsi dan memberantas Markus, Makelar Kasus." MAKI yakin untuk saat ini persepsi publik percaya kepada kinerja Jaksa Agung Burhanudin dalam penegakan hukum dan memimpin korps adhyaksa. Tentunya, koruptor dan gerombolannya kepanasan dan menyerang Aparat Penegak Hukum dari berbagai sisi, dan bila tidak jernih berpikir masyarakat akan bias memandang persoalan ini, karena bisa saja info hoaks diolah menjadi seolah-olah benar. Apalagi dengan praktek-praktek memanfaatkan suatu organisasi untuk mendorong isu ke publik melalui unjuk rasa dengan pesan demosi terhadap Jaksa Agung. Oleh karena itu, atas terjadinya hal-hal tersebut saya selaku praktisi hukum prihatin, sekaligus berjuang untuk ikut meluruskan dan memilah mana informasi yang benar dan mana yang salah terkait informasi-informasi yang berkembang di masyarakat, juga sekaligus terus mendorong penyelesaian perkara tipikor secara transparan, dan berharap para koruptor untuk berhenti melakukan manuver yang merugikan upaya penegakan hukum yang sedang dilakukan. MAKI juga akan untuk terus kritis melalui jalur praperadilan dalam rangka mendukung Jaksa Agung dalam pemberantasan korupsi secara tegas dan tidak tebang pilih. ( * ) Read the full article
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