#saint Isidore
philoursmars · 4 months
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Marseille, il y a maintenant 3 semaines. Il y avait au MuCEM, une expo "Passions Partagées" sur la collection d'Yvon Lambert, face à certains objets du musée.
Urbain Ollié - chef-d'œuvre de sabotier - Caylus (Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitanie), fin XIXe s.
Saint Isidore, patron des laboureurs - Bretagne, début XVIIIe s.
François Georgin - bois d'impression "Valeur et Humanité" - Epinal, 1830
Vik Muniz : "Le Semeur, d'après Van Gogh" (difficile à comprendre, c'est la photo d'une installation de milliers de fleurs coupées)
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Isidore the Laborer, also known as Isidore the Farmer, was a Spanish farmworker known for his piety toward the poor and animals.
Isidore was born in 1070 in Madrid, Spain.
His family was poor, and he labored as a farmer on the land owned by a rich man named John de Vergas.
He was very pious and such a good worker that de Vergas allowed him to worship daily in the chapel on his property.
For this reason, he was often accused by his fellow workers of neglecting his duties because he made prayer a higher priority.
Isidore eventually married a woman named Mary and they had a son. However, their son died while still very young.
Through this, they realized that it was the will of God for them not to have children, so they lived together chastely the rest of their lives, doing good works.
Although he remained poor, he gave whatever he could spare to the the less fortunate.
One tale says that as he walked to the mill one day, he stopped and gave half of the corn in his sack to the hungry birds.
By the time he got to the mill, his sack had miraculously filled up again. He died on 15 May 1130 of natural causes.
Many miracles and cures have been reported at his grave in which his body remains incorruptible.
Isidore was beatified by Pope Paul V on 2 May 1619. He was canonized by Gregory XV on 12 March 1622.
He is the patron saint of agricultural workers and the United States National Rural Life Conference.
His wife was also canonized as Saint Mary de la Cabeza.
Saint Isidore is often portrayed as a peasant holding a sickle and a sheaf of corn.
He might also be shown with a sickle and staff; as an angel plows for him; or with an angel and white oxen near him.
In Spanish art, his emblems are a spade or a plough.
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cruger2984 · 4 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT ISIDORE THE LABORER The Patron of Farmers and Agriculture Feast Day: May 15
St. Isidore, the patron of farmers, was born at Madrid, Taifa of Toledo, circa 1070, of a poor family at the end of the 12th century. He was named after the famous bishop of Seville, and from an early age was employed as a laborer on a farm outside the city. He married a lovely girl, but after the early death of their son they agreed to live in continence. Isidore went to church every morning, prayed while working in the fields, and spent the holidays visiting the churches of Madrid.
One time, his fellow workers complained that his religious practices caused him to be late at work. In order test the truth of accusation, his master hid himself to watch. He noticed that Isidore did actually arrive late, but he also saw several angels assisting him.
Isidore's generosity to the poor was so great that he often reserved for himself only the scraps they left over. On a winter's day, while carrying a sack of corn to be ground, he saw a number of birds on the bare branches of a tree. He opened a sack and poured out half of its contents for them. When he reached the destination, the sack was still full and it produced double of the usual amount of flour.
Isidore died on May 15, 1130 at the age of 59. From that time, many miracles were worked through his intercession.
His wife, Maria Torribia, who survived him for several years, is venerated in Spain as 'Santa María de la Cabeza', because her head is often carried in procession in time of drought.
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mavidin · 1 year
Visita Iglesia
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stjohncapistrano67 · 9 months
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About St Jerome (left)
About St Isidore of Seville (right)
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wabblebees · 10 months
thought id update to say; i survived opening night!!! and not only that, it went REALLY fucking well, and people seemed to REALLY REALLY like it omfg... god this is so crazy
#i was literally holding the script in a bigass binder for almost the entire show (sparing only the parts where i had to BULLFIGHT)#(bc i needed two hands -- one for the cape & one for the banderilla.)(yall i had to learn how to BULLFIGHT TANGO & SWORDFIGHT. in TWO DAYS)#but the audience said afterwards it was like i wasnt even on-book; they hardly noticed it was there??!!#yall this is my real life rn. im failing my classes but yknow what??#i can pull it together enough to emergency understudy in a highly physical show 2 days before opening even with a script ive never SEEN#and apparently we made people fucking CRY. HOLY SHIT!!! HOLY SHIT#this playwright is just. incredible. the script is INSANE. BEAUTIFUL & CLEVER & HILARIOUS & TERRIFYING & VILE & TENDER & TECHNICALLY PERFECT#and apparently our production is like. only the eighth time this show has EVER been produced. for real#but god EVERYONE should know about this playwright's work. fuck i actually think tumblr would really love her. holy shit.#maría irene fornés is her name -- she was a queer cuban-american playwright+director who made radical heartwrenching magical theatre#im so grateful to be doing this & SO fucking sad for the original performer im covering for... god. bc this is just such lifechanging work#this play is queer in EVERY sense. its off-putting loving repulsive peculiar passionate holy and GAY AS HELL. its real its farce its SO CAMP#((IRENE & SUSAN SONTAG DATED. SONTAG AS IN 'NOTES ON ''CAMP''' SONTAG. ITS FUCKING GORGEOUS.))#its gorgeous its gorey its glamourous its also literally the first part ive played that i think might truly fit my casting type exactly lmao#which is INSANE. bc the character is literally just described in the script as ''ISIDORE: an androgynous clown'' LMFAO#but honestly what could be more homoerotic than 2 ''men'' locked in a room together dancing tango+talking abt beetles+stabbing each other#hmm. maybe its the fact that after i stab the other guy i call him ''saint sebastian'' and then we LITERAL ACTUAL GAY KISS#which is crazy bc we only practiced that ONE TIME before opening#and youd think this shit cant get Any Gayer BUT. IT DOES. bc my scene partner+the director are gay+together irl... and uhh.#ive literally been their third. like. more than once.#ISNT THAT FUCKING INSANE. THIS IS MY REAL LIFE?? THIS IS MY REAL LIFE#ANYWAY#so now im headed back out to rehearse more before we perform it again tonight lmao#i hope it goes as well as it did last night#that audience was fucking incredible i really hope the next two like it as much as they did🤞🤞 knocking on wood#so. if u read this far. u should go find+read ''tango palace'' by maría irene fornés. mwah okay bye#bee speaks
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helloparkerrose · 1 year
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lord-here-i-am · 1 year
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Hl. Isidor von Sevilla
Erzbischof von Sevilla, Kirchenlehrer * um 560 in Cartagena in Spanien † 4. April 636 in Sevilla in Spanien
Isidor war der jüngere Bruder des Erzbischofs Leander von Sevilla, der nach dem Tod des Vaters auch seine Erziehung übernahm. Isidor war vielseitig interessiert und hatte eine leidenschaftliche Liebe zu den Büchern. Das Amt des Bischofs, das er kurz vor 600 übernehmen musste, war für ihn eine große Last. Er bemühte sich vor allem um die wissenschaftliche Bildung der Priester. Er selbst schrieb zahlreiche Bücher, in denen er das ganze Wissen des Altertums zusammenfassen wollte, um es der kommenden Zeit weiterzugeben. Vor allem sein Hauptwerk, die zwanzig Bücher der „Etymologien“ oder „Ursprünge“, wurde im Mittelalter oft abgeschrieben und viel benützt, zum Teil auch ins Althochdeutsche übersetzt. Man bezeichnet Isidor als den letzten abendländischen Kirchenvater. Er starb 636. Arbeit und Heiligkeit „Die bischöfliche Würde bedeutet Arbeit, nicht Ehre, und deshalb ist derjenige kein Bischof, der den Bischofsstab führt, um eine Rolle zu spielen, und nicht, um für die anderen nützlich zu sein.“ - „Vor allem muss er die hervorragendste aller Gaben, die Liebe, erwerben, ohne die jede Tugend Lüge ist. Der Schutz jeder Heiligkeit ist die Liebe, und die Demut ist der Ort, an dem sie wohnt.“ (Isidor von Sevilla)
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egoschwank · 1 year
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1193
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first posted in facebook may 19, 2023
an artist active in bolivia [possibly joaquin castañón] -- "saint isidore the farmer" (ca. 1860)
"culture participates in imperialism yet is somehow excused for its role" ... edward said
"the spanish empire and its patent mercantile companies were the dominant colonial force in america from 1492 to 1832 [...] the colonial encounters and exchanges that established an 'american art' informed by european conventions are also responsible for the violence of forced religious conversions, removal from ancestral homes, and the enslavement of african and indigenous peoples in the hemisphere" ... special exhibitions gallery,  harvard art museums
"imperialism was born when the ruling class in capitalist production came up against national limitations to its economic expansion. the bourgeoisie turned to politics out of economic necessity; for if it did not want to give up the capitalist system whose inherent law is constant economic growth, it had to impose this law upon its home governments and to proclaim expansion to be an ultimate political goal of foreign policy" ... hannah arendt
"this dynamic composition portrays saint isidore the farmer, the patron saint of farmers and the city of madrid [...] his ability to navigate the politics of multiple cultures and religious traditions while maintaining his faith served as a poignant example for converts and priests" ... special exhibitions gallery, harvard art museums
"the conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much" ... joseph conrad
"here, saint isidore is shown dressed as a 19th-century gentleman farmer in the andes. the artist [...] depicts the saint performing one of his many miracles: causing fresh water to gush from the earth [...] the blending of the hagiographic with romanticized depictions of native farm life and dress contributes to the work's power as both an icon and a noteworthy example of costumbrismo: a romanticized approach to the pictorial representation of everyday life and folk traditions in the americas" ... special exhibitions gallery, harvard art museums
"and if all others accepted the lie which the party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'who controls the past' ran the party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past'" ... george orwell
"every empire, however, tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate" ... edward said
"everything americans have been taught over the years has been propaganda by the rich used to justify and maintain their control of power" ... al janik
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furmity · 5 months
Saint Isadore
O God, Who made man from the slime According to Your form sublime, And made Christ share our lowliness To let us share His holiness...
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philoursmars · 6 months
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Troisième étape de mon périple dans l'Ouest pour retrouver des ami(e)s lointain(e)s : Christian en Bretagne, près de Brest. (bon, avec ma lenteur, on en est à un décalage d'un mois, c'était fin février !)
Le village de Brélès, avec l'église, typiquement bretonne. Un Saint Isidore au look de chouan, une croix de procession superbe et une bannière écrite en breton.
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Isidore was born in 1070 in Madrid, Spain. His family was poor. He labored as a farmer on the land owned by a rich man named John de Vergas.
He was very pious and such a good worker that de Vergas allowed him to worship daily in the chapel on his property.
He was often accused by his fellow workers of neglecting his duties because he made prayer a higher priority.
Isidore eventually married a woman named Mary and they had a son. However, their son died while still very young.
Through this, they realized that it was the will of God for them not to have children, so they lived together chastely for the rest of their lives by doing good works.
Although he remained poor, he gave whatever he could spare to those in need.
One tale says that as he walked to the mill one day, he stopped and gave half of the corn in his sack to the hungry birds. By the time he got to the mill, his sack had miraculously filled up again.
He died on 15 May 1130 of natural causes.
Many miracles and cures have been reported at his grave in which his body remains incorruptible.
He was beatified in Rome on 2 May 1619 by Pope Paul V.
He was canonized nearly three years later by Pope Gregory XV, along with Saints Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Teresa of Ávila, and Philip Neri on 12 March 1622.
He is the patron saint of agricultural workers and the United States National Rural Life Conference.
The story of St. Isidore is a reminder of the dignity of work and that ordinary life can lead to holiness.
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vulturesouls · 5 months
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Byzantine pilgrim token stamp with St. Isidore, made in Greece, 6th century AD.
St. Isidore was martyred on the Greek island of Chios in AD 251. The well into which his body was thrown later became a healing shrine, represented at the right. The ship to the left refers to Isidore's role as patron saint of sailors, as well as to the ships that carried pilgrims to his island shrine. This stamp, used to produce pilgrim tokens, has a backward inscription that becomes legible when imprinted in clay.
[Transcription] Inscribed in reverse: + ὁ ἅγιος Ἠσιδόρος [Ἰσιδόρος] / Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς Χ(ριστό)ς / Δέξ(αι) εὐλογί(αν);
[Translation] + Saint Isidore / Jesus Christ / Receive a blessing
Walters Art Museum
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ruemorinpointcom · 9 months
Messes de Noel et du Jour de l'an
Horaire des cérémonies ayant lieu sur le territoire de Chicoutimi Continue reading Untitled
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stjohncapistrano67 · 9 months
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