#saints row 2 the ronin
crimescrimson · 9 months
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The Brutal Rampage of The Boss in Saints Row 2: Death Of Jessica | Mutilation of Matt | Stabbing of Maero | Death Of Maero | The Ronin Massacre on Misty Lane | Death Of Jyunichi | Death Of Mr Akuji | Death Of Dane Vogel | Death Of Julius Little
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classicsinga · 1 year
This new mod for Saints Row 2 gives the Ronin vehicles a look that's more fitting for a cutthroat Japanese gang based on the Yakuza with Bōsōzoku influences.
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Goofy ass heli assault mission
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dxwnfxll · 10 months
Hiii I just read ‘saints row 2 as dads’ and I a sucker for platonic stuff I was wondering if you could write dad!johnny Maero Benjamin King w a rebellious teen? (Ex smokin weed  sneaking out partying joining gangs?)
Super sorry for taking so long i just got out of writers block but yah!!
This maybe a little ooc as i haven't played SR in a while so i apologize for that in advance LOL and sorry if these are short i'm running on water and 3 hours of sleep
•• Johnny ••
(Warning you'll be his and Eesh's kid so yah)
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- You're a 'bad' kid as some would call it, you smoked, you drank, you followed your dads footsteps. And as many would think Johnny would be proud, they were wrong.
- Johnny hated seeing his kid go down the same path as him, especially after what happened to Aisha. All he could think of was 'what if what happened to Eesh happens to them?' 'What if some bitch gets the upper hand on my kid?'
- He also doesn't like the smoking much, he promised Aisha he wouldn't let you go down the same path as him.
- the two of you get into constant arguments and sometimes they get bad, he never means for them to go so far but he's a gangster not a parent.
- He knows he can't convince you through words so he ends up taking you on some missions, let you see what you'd be getting into if you really wanna be in a gang.
- If he convinces you he's happy and he tries his best to communicate with you about the smoking and drinking, if he doesn't he at least tries to convince you to stay in the saints. At least then you'll be safe in his mind.
- He's just super worried something is gonna happen to you while you're being a Shaundi 2.0 over here, He's still haunted by what happened to Aisha it'd kill him if something happened to you too.
•• Maero ••
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- Maero doesn't really give a shit not so surprisingly, the smoking he's fine with as long as you don't leave cigs and ash everywhere.
- He's fine with the drinking but as long as you drink with him, he doesn't want you to embarrass yourself or get hurt around all the equipment around.
- BUT he's not fine with you joining over gangs, when you tried to join the saints he literally drove up and grabbed you right in front of their 'base' before yelling at Donnie to 'FUCKING DRIVE'
- Similar to Johnny you two get into arguments constantly, he misses when you were a little kid and not some rebellious teen wanting to side with a traitor.
- He doesn't do anything to try and convince you to not be in a gang or not, he literally has his guys watch you whenever he can't so now you're stuck inside 24/7.
- you can't even sneak out without hearing his trucks horn and hearing it roll up next to you.
- He doesn't care about the weed or the smoking hell not even the drinking, just don't join any gangs.
- he doesn't even want you in any gang business, you're his only kid with a past ex. He raised you and he knows how gangs can be, he doesn't want what happened to the Ronins leader happen to you.
•• Ben King ••
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- Ben is the only one here that would put his foot down, very big dad energy and very responsible LOL.
- You are NOT smoking, you are NOT drinking, and you sure as hell are NOT joining a gang his or not. No kid of his is gonna throw away their life to play with guns.
- He wants you to go to college, get an education and get the hell out Stillwater. Become something big like maybe an author or a politician (just don't go corrupt).
- when he catches you smoking he deep searches your room for anymore and gets rid of any drugs or cigs you had, and if someone gave them to you consider them demoted.
- if he catches you drinking, a smack upside the head with a "the hell is wrong with you?!" And you'll be watching as he pours out each damn drink you have.
- Anytime you sneak out you're met with him turning the light on in your room with a 'where have you been.?'
- Now if he catches you trying to join a gang??? He's dragging you back home by the ear and be glad that's all he does, He's very pissed.
- he talks to you though and tells you over and over "i don't want you to be like me, to be like Jules. I want you to be better than me, don't ruin your damn life just because you wanna be like your old man."
- He loves you and wants what's best for you, nothing you do will make him hate you but he's disappointed
•• Troy ••
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- So we all know about Troy, He's not actually a gangster. Just a cop in dress up.
- When he catches you smoking it's kind of expected and he doesn't deal with it well, he was the type to just make you smoke a whole pack to teach you a lesson.
- When you're sneaking out to parties he doesn't care until you get back, he shows he was worried and of course y'all get into a small spat that leads to you locking yourself in your room.
- When you try to join a gang that's it, Troy won't let you and he'll make sure you never join one. He ends up telling you some stories that he backs up with files he shouldn't even be showing you.
- 'you wanna join a gang? There was a kid I knew once who wanted to join one, they did and boom two years later they were blown up on a boat and now they're in a coma. Is that what you want?'
- He's very strict, he doesn't care what job you pursue in the future but you're not gonna become someone he may need to arrest in the future.
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misswoozi · 1 year
I've always wanted to play Saints Row growing up but didn't have an Xbox or PS back in the day. Tell me more about who in NCT/Ateez/EXID do you imagine fitting into this AU 😍 - 🌊
OP! Thank you for asking! Daydreaming about this silly little AU has been getting me through my recent shifts lmao
So! The AU (it needs a name so I can give it a proper tag but we can decide it later) is based on the plot of Saints Row 2.
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Hongjoong is the leader of the 3rd Street Saints, or at least he BECOMES it after breaking out of jail (with the help of San) and rebuilding the Saints from the ground up. He's tough, he's a little crazy and he's a natural-born leader so he gains respect really quickly and a few lieutenants (namely Mingi, Jongho and Yunho.)
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NCT makes up the Ronin, run by Taeyong, Johnny and Yuta. They exclusively drive motorcycles and make most of their money through real estate, casinos and fight clubs.
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Seventeen are the Brotherhood, the car-obsessed punks overseen by Seungcheol. Jeonghan plays guitar in local rock group, Minghao does all of the gang's tattoos and Junhui keeps everyone in line. They own some junkyards, some chop shops and most of them compete in Stillwater's underground demolition derby.
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The Sons of Samedi were taken over (by force) and are led by Solji (though she does typically get a lot of input from Minho and Hani.) Elly, a lieutenant, deejays for Stillwater's rap station while Key and Minho dominate the city's industry. (It's worth noting that Solji puts the fear of GOD into a lot of the other gangs' members and lieutenants.)
(The more I replay SR2, the more sure I am on these assignments.)
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eternivex-a · 2 years
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation? ✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it? 🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation? 💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them! 💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them. 💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
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Time to get so autistic [huh_squidward]
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
Fairly simple actually, my dad had a copy of Saints Row 2 since I was a little kid and when I was like 5? 6? I started playing it, then as the years went on I played more and more of it, beat the story several times, started playing the other games and I beat most of them. Besides Saints Row 1, right up until last year in the summer. I beat SR1 and 2, then in December I beat 3, 4 and Gat Out Of Hell in a week long streak.
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
Honestly, I'm not 100% sure. Anything with violence and crime seems to attract me, but the world and characters definitely play a big part in it all. Maybe it's why I don't enjoy the later games as much, since they were pretty lacking in both departments. The combat is what kept me going back to the later games, since its objectively better than the mechanics in the first two. Overall I'm not really sure, I've just grown really attached to everything with these games over the years.
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
A few! Julius' death in the second game is definitely one, seeing the final climax to what had been built up from the ending of the first game and the events of the second. The entire House Party scene in Saints Row 2 is another one, seeing Gat and the boss fight off the Ronin right after an impactful death is just fuckin awesome.
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
Troy is actually one of my favorites, he's a bit more complex in the sense that he grew genuinely close to the Saints despite being an undercover cop. He saved the playas life twice, once in the beginning of the series and the second time was just by keeping them alive in their coma. Refusing to pull the plug no matter how much he was told to, because he cared about the playa. He still shows loyalty to them even after he becomes chief of police, and is willing to get on the bosses payroll by the third. He should've gotten more screentime honestly, he's one of the most interesting and important characters in the series.
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
It's a tie between Angel and Julius, Angel because he's just a very weak character in terms of, y'know, character. And Julius because of what he did to the boss. But the thing is, Julius actually had a good character and some development, where Angel was just a bad character altogether. I found him to be really annoying and the fact that he refuses to talk to you if you don't kill Killbane at the end of the game is also irritating! Angels just terrible, plain and simple.
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia you'd like to share?
Dex was going to be killed in an Xbox arcade game called moneyshot! You would've sniped him at a dinner party. Julius was never meant to be the villain, the ending to Saints Row 1 was completely altered because some animators didn't do what they were told to. Originally he was supposed to be running out of an alleyway bruised and bloody, but the animators kinda just... Didn't feel like doing that, so they made him stand there looking at his watch which set him up as the bad guy. The playas name was originally Mickey, and they did speak in the trailer. I do prefer the fully customizable direction they went with the game, instead of just having the playa be a set character. Also, there's a direct reference to Dead Rising in the form of a "I've covered wars y'know" line from a male news reporter if you taunt him.
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bigboyplaya · 1 year
I love how your saint relationship lore is more enjoyable than SR2 ronin arc I'd replace this arc with THAT if I was volition
why stop with just the Ronin when I've rewritten every arc in Saints Row 2 - Gat Out Of Hell lmao
I'm just happen to have a hyper fixation, borderline special interest atp, on Saints Row so I've let my brain run rampant like it usually does with games I like.
Like Fallout. My Fallout lore is such a trip.
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sr2-cheats-fl · 2 years
sr2 cheats free 5GR&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Add Police Notoriety - 4. Full Health - 1. Infinite Ammo - Saints Row 2 cheats ; #1 gives you full health - maxes out your health ; #2 is Car Mass Hole - your car can smash through others ; #3 is Milk Bones. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Saints Row 2 for Xbox You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. Log In Sign Up. Cheats Open the phone section for dialing and enter the number. Enter Any Vehicle Instantly PS3 To enter any vehicle in the game instance, you must first get on top of the vehicle most easily accomplished with cars, and more difficult with other vehicles but still possible. Simply hit triangle to enter the vehicle as you normally would and you will instantly be inside the driver's seat. Works on unoccupied and occupied vehicles. Contributed By: VilgeDuin. Instantly warp into any vehicle. Jump on top of any vehicle moving or not, including police vehicles and press Y to instantly kick the driver out and appear in the driver's seat. Kaneda Rides up walls The kaneda bike you unlock from the ronin missions will drive all the way up the side of any building. You need to face the wall and then backup far enough so when you go forward you can wheelie and have your front tire rest on the wall. Then give it gas. If you just do a wheelie at the wall it wont work, you will just do a big burnout on the ground. You need to get the timing right so you are just far enough away to be barely doing a wheelie when you hit the wall with the front tire. Contributed By: lunareklipse. Join them. Step 2 - Start any Fuzz activity. Step 3 - Fail the mission by killing the cameraman, or kill yourselves. Step 4 - When the failed screen shows, tell the host to not press any buttons. Step 5 - At the failed screen, YOU not the host press the back button to exit the game, and save. Step 6 - Load your save and you should have the uniform. Sometimes you may not have the shirt, so you can go to Branded and get one. The badges and radio are stuck to your skin so it will be on whatever shirt you choose. Step 7 - Save your outfit to keep it in your wardrobe. How to Unlock Badges These badges can only be unlocked by playing matches online. Contributed By: AchievemntFreak. In-Game Unlockables Complete the Following. Jane Valderamma PS3 Perform 50 muggings. Contributed By: OmeGigaSavior. Unlockable rewards Complete the objective to unlock reward. Contributed By: InvalidMod.
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sr2-cheats-nh · 2 years
sr2 cheats free 2SX!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Add Police Notoriety - 4. Full Health - 1. Infinite Ammo - Saints Row 2 cheats ; #1 gives you full health - maxes out your health ; #2 is Car Mass Hole - your car can smash through others ; #3 is Milk Bones. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Saints Row 2 for Xbox You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. Log In Sign Up. Cheats Open the phone section for dialing and enter the number. Enter Any Vehicle Instantly PS3 To enter any vehicle in the game instance, you must first get on top of the vehicle most easily accomplished with cars, and more difficult with other vehicles but still possible. Simply hit triangle to enter the vehicle as you normally would and you will instantly be inside the driver's seat. Works on unoccupied and occupied vehicles. Contributed By: VilgeDuin. Instantly warp into any vehicle. Jump on top of any vehicle moving or not, including police vehicles and press Y to instantly kick the driver out and appear in the driver's seat. Kaneda Rides up walls The kaneda bike you unlock from the ronin missions will drive all the way up the side of any building. You need to face the wall and then backup far enough so when you go forward you can wheelie and have your front tire rest on the wall. Then give it gas. If you just do a wheelie at the wall it wont work, you will just do a big burnout on the ground. You need to get the timing right so you are just far enough away to be barely doing a wheelie when you hit the wall with the front tire. Contributed By: lunareklipse. Join them. Step 2 - Start any Fuzz activity. Step 3 - Fail the mission by killing the cameraman, or kill yourselves. Step 4 - When the failed screen shows, tell the host to not press any buttons. Step 5 - At the failed screen, YOU not the host press the back button to exit the game, and save. Step 6 - Load your save and you should have the uniform. Sometimes you may not have the shirt, so you can go to Branded and get one. The badges and radio are stuck to your skin so it will be on whatever shirt you choose. Step 7 - Save your outfit to keep it in your wardrobe. How to Unlock Badges These badges can only be unlocked by playing matches online. Contributed By: AchievemntFreak. In-Game Unlockables Complete the Following. Jane Valderamma PS3 Perform 50 muggings. Contributed By: OmeGigaSavior. Unlockable rewards Complete the objective to unlock reward. Contributed By: InvalidMod.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Mod Releases ; Activities & Missions · 15 · ; Animations · 5 · 43 ; Character Customisation & Clothing · 44 · K ; Compilations · 16 · K ; Homies & NPCs · 64 · K. Browse Saints Row: The Third files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. Top 13 Saints Row 3 Mods - Save File, Realism, Immersion Mod, etc. · Ultimate Immersion and Gameplay Overhaul Mod · Gameplay and Graphics. Find and Download a mod on one of the sites above, · Move the mod files to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third. - Buy Saints Row The Third Game, Switch, Xbox One, Mods, Achievements, Activities, Weapons, Cars, Download, Tips, Guide Unofficial book online at. Forums New posts Search forums. What's new New posts Latest activity. Members Registered members Current visitors. Log in Register. Search titles only. Search Advanced search…. New posts. Search forums. Log in. Install the app. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Mod Releases. Threads 15 Messages Mission Replay v8. Aug 14, kristopher. Animations Threads 5 Messages Threads 5 Messages Apr 24, Spadita. Threads 44 Messages 2. Saints Row 2 Clothing Colors. Sep 2, Ima Birdplane. Compilations Threads 16 Messages 5. Threads 16 Messages 5. Thursday at PM Admixon. Threads 64 Messages 1. A new Enemy in Town. Saturday at AM Haganu. Vehicles Threads 57 Messages Threads 57 Messages Zin Hovercars. Thursday at PM Ronin. Threads 35 Messages Sep 12, Spadita. Weapons Threads 54 Messages 2. Threads 54 Messages 2. Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod. Sep 24, RM Other Mods Threads 53 Messages Threads 53 Messages Marathon Mad. Filters Show only: Loading…. Minimaul Apr 5, Replies — Views —. You must log in or register to post here. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Accept Learn more….
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crimescrimson · 9 months
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The Brutal Rampage of The Boss in Saints Row 2: The Wrath of a Wounded Heart [The Ronin] & The Finding Out [Ultor]
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classicsinga · 1 year
Dane puts Mr. Akuji in his place.
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saints row 3 mods download free ZJV#
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Mod Releases ; Activities & Missions · 15 · ; Animations · 5 · 43 ; Character Customisation & Clothing · 44 · K ; Compilations · 16 · K ; Homies & NPCs · 64 · K. Browse Saints Row: The Third files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. Top 13 Saints Row 3 Mods - Save File, Realism, Immersion Mod, etc. · Ultimate Immersion and Gameplay Overhaul Mod · Gameplay and Graphics. Find and Download a mod on one of the sites above, · Move the mod files to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third. - Buy Saints Row The Third Game, Switch, Xbox One, Mods, Achievements, Activities, Weapons, Cars, Download, Tips, Guide Unofficial book online at. Forums New posts Search forums. What's new New posts Latest activity. Members Registered members Current visitors. Log in Register. Search titles only. Search Advanced search…. New posts. Search forums. Log in. Install the app. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Mod Releases. Threads 15 Messages Mission Replay v8. Aug 14, kristopher. Animations Threads 5 Messages Threads 5 Messages Apr 24, Spadita. Threads 44 Messages 2. Saints Row 2 Clothing Colors. Sep 2, Ima Birdplane. Compilations Threads 16 Messages 5. Threads 16 Messages 5. Thursday at PM Admixon. Threads 64 Messages 1. A new Enemy in Town. Saturday at AM Haganu. Vehicles Threads 57 Messages Threads 57 Messages Zin Hovercars. Thursday at PM Ronin. Threads 35 Messages Sep 12, Spadita. Weapons Threads 54 Messages 2. Threads 54 Messages 2. Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod. Sep 24, RM Other Mods Threads 53 Messages Threads 53 Messages Marathon Mad. Filters Show only: Loading…. Minimaul Apr 5, Replies — Views —. You must log in or register to post here. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Accept Learn more….
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danthepest · 7 years
“You’ll pay for what you did to Shogo!”
Kazuo Akuji during his attack on Saints HQ. This raises some questions. Is he upset because he truly cared for his son deep down or was he upset that the Saints killed/destroyed someone that he views belonged to him and thus considered his property.
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misswoozi · 5 months
Which version of Saints Row is the AU from?
Saints Row 2... ish.
back in September (...ish lmao) I had an idea for a Saints Row 2 style AU in which Jongho rebuilds the Saints (ATEEZ) and tangles with the Sons (EXID + SHINee, maybe Seventeen), the Ronin (NCT) and the Brotherhood (Day6 + Twice vibes) and this would be securely within that framework
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I got the helicopter stuck on a building. Sorry Shaundi, you're on your own fighting off the Ronin.
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