#saints row npc quotes
saintlexii · 3 years
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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th3p1nkfr34k · 6 years
Random Things I heard today in Saints Row 2 I found worth noting
*Some of these may be incomplete because the NPC was interrupted by something. 
“Thanks for breaking Laura out” ~ random Saint/Pedestrian 
“You know, my Wendel is buried in the same cemetery as Shogo” ~ some old lady
“Tell Johnny I talked to Aisha” ~ random mall goth
“Why are we called the Ronin? We have a leader” ~ some Ronin girl
these all made me stop and take a second to think about these people
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nihilnovisubsole · 3 years
the thing that persists about the stilwater of saints row 2 is the wistful aura that it shares with other games of its age. a remaster wouldn’t capture it, no matter how faithful, because a lot of the effect comes from its 2008 crumminess. the grimy, pixelated textures on the blocky buildings. the harsh white interior lighting and the flat, gray sun outside. the mercilessness with which it renders characters’ eyebrows, and the way some hairstyles float pitifully off the boss’s head. there’s no way to put it politely: the graphics haven’t aged well, and yet if they were shiny and next-gen, you sense that something would be lost. there’s a brian eno quote about how the flaws of a medium “will be cherished and emulated as soon as they can be avoided.” now that we have engines that render every beard hair and boot scuff, the low-res oldies have become comfort food, an echo of a simpler time.
of course, it goes without saying that the ability to create a nostalgic atmosphere isn’t unique to video games. plenty of books, movies, and tv shows do that, too. but games are different in that the audience is a participant, and that means they can actually inhabit a fictional world. in 2021, if you have a setup that can run saints row 2 - which, i admit, is assuming a lot - you can visit stilwater again. it’ll still be waiting, unchanged. and honestly, i say “again,” but i experienced it on my first playthrough, seeing neighborhoods for the first time. while i’d never been to athos bay or misty lane before, it seemed like i had, in the way you visit a place in a dream and accept that you know where you are. it seemed natural to cruise by the weirdly barren townhouses and strip malls, even though it looked nothing like where i grew up. soon, i developed a soft spot for the crude signs and elevated railways, the way i had for the hills and parking lots in my hometown.
which you wouldn’t think should happen, because stilwater is an uncanny space, with the same liminal quality that a lot of old sandbox games have. the few random NPCs out on the streets give it just enough movement to be interactive, but not quite enough to feel alive. stores and bars never bustle as much as they should. the mall appears half-deserted, like it’s always about to close. in the hazy brown night, entire boroughs become ghost towns, leaving you to wander in your vehicle of choice and take it in. stilwater is your city. whether your boss has just come out of their coma or reached the goof-off millionaire endgame, you know it’s your domain. after a while, when the missions run out and the sense of exploration wears off, the virtual emptiness takes over, and somehow, that fits. power is lonely. your friends in the saints will always be there for you, but they’ll never see the city the way you do. when the sun goes down, it’s just you and your thoughts.
every good sandbox game ultimately captures the same thing, which is the liberated glee of living on your own time. they understand that sometimes, the power fantasy is less about blowing stuff up and more about going anywhere. you can drive down the long, solitary drag toward wardill airport and watch the pale pink sunrise, never needing to go to bed. you can roam around for an hour looking for easter eggs, immersing yourself in city lights, or admiring the coast. that’s what makes the setting a character in a sandbox story, and it’s the character quirks that make it a home away from home.
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corpo-rat · 8 years
so you wanna play saints row
ok, so in case ive managed to get anyone interested in this series, i thought id type up some stuff about where to get the games that might be helpful. buckle up kids, lets get started [last update: 10/8/2018]
first off, you play the whole series as the same unnamed custom character, called playa/boss. in the first game there isnt a female option, but dont let that put you off!! from the second game onward you can play a female character, and customize them all the way down to their voice
Saints Row 1
now, saints row 1 is xbox 360 exclusive. if youre a console hoarder like me and you have one, the game is like $10 in the marketplace, but if you dont then thats where this post comes in saints row 1 is now backwards compatible with the xbox one!! but if you dont have an xbox of any kind then this post might help you
here is a playthrough of the entire game, missions and all, no commentary, so you can still experience the first game. alternatively, here are the cutscenes only (unfortunately in lower quality), if you dont care about mission dialogue (the game will make less sense this way but w/e)
prologue | vice kings (part 1) (part 2) | los carnales (part 1) (part 2) | westside rollerz | ending (start at 5:23)
if you do have an xbox and are playing it yourself, the game can get kind of hard at parts, so as @hawkewouldbethere suggested (thank you!!), here is a list of cheat codes to make it easier (you dial these on your phone with the # included, then theyll be added to the cheat menu on your phone. you can then navigate to and use them at any time)
#2666 - infinite ammo
#777468 - infinite sprint
#3855432584 - restore all health
#66639 - give cash
#778 - fully repairs the car youre driving
#463464836277 - gives the car youre driving infinite mass so it smashes others out of the way
Saints Row 2
saints row 2 is available on PC, xbox 360, and PS3. if you hate buggy pc ports you might want to get the other versions if you can. the audio quality of the PC port is not great, its buggy, and crashes a lot in fullscreen. plus the dlcs are only available on the console versions. i own both pc and xbox 360 versions, and personally i prefer the pc port despite its downsides (i use mods & record clips for gifs, so)
bad pc port aside, i do recommend getting sr2. its usually considered the best in the series, and its my personal favorite as well (note: there is a secret(ish) mission in this game that wraps up events from sr1. if youd like to play it, here is a guide)
if youre playing sr2 on pc, then i greatly recommend installing the mod gentlemen of the row (theres a spoiler for the third game on this page though, just dont read anything til you get to the “gentlemen of the row” banner). i could describe this mod to you but ill just quote the explanation from the site
“The Gentlemen of the Row Saints Row 2 Super Mod is a massive integrated collection of mods from myself and other Saints Row modders. It offers 100+ new clothing items with 120+ new logos, improved weather including a darker nighttime and more vibrant colors in daytime, plane and boat mechanics for customizing, additional missions, new vehicle dealerships, new weapons, new cribs, new homies and gang styles, new taunts and compliments, new walking styles, 100+ new ambient music tracks for purchase, more car paints, more skin colors, tattoos, makeup, optional 360/PS3 onscreen prompts, new cheat codes including NPC morphs, and tons of tweaks and bug fixes.”
now, if you dont want to deal with any of that, @block-of-writers has given me links to their playthrough of the entire game, missions and all (thank you so much!!)
prologue | the brotherhood | sons of samedi | ronin | epilogue & secret mission
Saints Row: The Third | Saints Row IV
saints row the third and saints row IV are both available on PC, xbox 360, xbox one, and PS3. IV was also made compatible with the PS4
there is also a mod similar to gentlemen of the row for saints row the third, named gentlemen of steelport. it adds things like mission replay, and you can get it on the same page i linked earlier
here is a playthrough of all of saints row the third plus the gangsters in space dlc (thanks to @block-of-writers again!!)
there is also sandbox+ for both srtt and sriv (srtt ver | sriv ver). this adds something akin to console commands that can be used via keyboard shortcuts, and theres a command list on each page. it differs for each game, but in sriv you can toggle animations on yourself, disable the HUD, enable flycam, teleport to different maps, etc. its not something you need but ill add it in case anyone wants it
Gat Out Of Hell
there is also gat out of hell, which is sort of a standalone post-game dlc for saints row IV, available on all the same platforms. this means you can play it without a copy of IV, but if you have IV installed it will automatically import your character from your latest save. as of the last SRIV patch, character import to gat out of hell is broken. heres a very complicated tool you can use to forcibly import your boss via hex editing (i used it and while theres a bug with a high pitched voice, it works perfect otherwise)
here is a game movie version of gat out of hell, with all the cutscenes and important bits of gameplay
and thats all!! have fun
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jan-jaap4vc-blog · 6 years
CKV opdracht 6
Assassins Creed II
6.                                                                                 Individueel & coöperatief (games)
 Digitaal  spanningsveld
De kracht van het spel Assassins  Creed II ligt in de erfgoedsfeer. Het speelt zich namelijk af in het  Florence van de renaissance. Wanneer je het spel speelt, word je  ondergedompeld in de kunstgeschiedenis van deze stad. Uffizi, Ponte Vecchio,  Duomo vormen de levensechte context voor de speler. De graphics zijn zo  herkenbaar en goed getroffen, dat het spel zelfs gebruikt kan worden als  digitale reisgids wanneer je vandaag de dag Florence bezoekt.
 Bij de ontwikkeling van een game zijn veel mensen betrokken.  Tekenaars, programmeurs, muzikanten, acteurs, zij zijn de moderne  ambachtslieden die in deze industrie werkzaam zijn. Kennen we hun namen? Beschouwen  we hen als ambachtslieden of zijn ze industrieel ontwerpers?
 Een actuele ontwikkeling binnen de game-industrie is dat games niet  alleen zijn voor vermaak, maar dat ze ook werken aan bewustwording en een  creatieve houding van de gebruiker stimuleren. Door een rol in een spel te  spelen, word je je bewust van de grenzen van het karakter en van de missie.  Je moet zelf het verhaal samenstellen, waardoor je wordt gestimuleerd na te  denken over belangrijke vraagstukken. Een Zweedse scholier was zelfs zo  creatief dat hij zijn eigen spel heeft ontworpen. Dit spel, Minecraft, daagt de gamer uit om de  wereld van het spel vorm te geven. Het simpele spel is inmiddels door  miljoenen mensen gespeeld en heeft miljarden opgebracht.
 Neem twee games die zo veel mogelijk van       elkaar verschillen en ontleed ze volgens de volgende componenten:       verhaal, graphics, muziek en voice acting.
 GAME 1: Papers  Please, het is zo’n simpel lijkend spel met zo’n leuke speel ervaring. Je  speelt als douane voor Arstozka en jij bent degene die bepaalt wie naar  binnen mag en wie niet maar je moet/mag je aan de regels houden en zo creeër  je je eigen verhaallijn. Op de achtergrond speelt één en hetzelfde deuntje  speciaal gemaakt voor de game. Er is geen sprake van voice acting omdat alles  net zo als in pokemon wordt gesproken in spraak ‘wolken’.
  GAME 2: SKYRIM,  elder scrolls 5, een must play als je het mij vraag. Het spel is zo goed en  uitgebreid je hebt zo 100 uur speeltijd en heb ik dat ook alleen doe dat maal  10. Het is een first-person open-world game,kan ook third-person. Je speelt  als je eigen gemaakte karakter je kan kiezen van High elf tot Khajiit en  daarboven op ben jij de Dragonborn en het is jouw taak om de provincie Skyrim  te redden van de draken. De game ziet er fantastisch uit en ondersteund 4k en  dat voor een game uit 2011. Terwijl je de wereld verkent speelt er op de  achtergrond het typische elder scrolls achtergrond muziek met onder andere ingezongen  liederen die er speciaal voor het spel zijn gemaakt en als je interact met  een willekeurige NPC hebben ze allemaal verschillende stemmen die ingesproken  zijn door zo’n duizend stem artiesten. Met mijn favoriete quote van een redguard  “I used to be a adventurer like you. Then i took an arrow in the knee” .
Kortom  geweldig spel met uitgebreide verhaallijn met ingesproken NPC’s met op de  achtergrond de typische muziek in een prachtig uitziende wereld.
     Vergelijk de uitkomsten met elkaar. Welk       spel raakt jou het meest en waarom? Zou je een van de twee spellen tot       kunst rekenen? Of allebei? Op grond waarvan?
Beide games zijn  een kunstwerk rechtstreeks uit de hemel. Beide games zijn hebben een  voorstaande bedoeling de menselijke zintuigen en de menselijke geest te prikkelen  en kunnen dus tot kunst gerekend te worden. Welk spel mij het meest raakt is Papers  Please, want de game kan goed laten zien welke macht jij hebt als douane en  hoe jij deze kan misbruiken. De game kan je ook emotioneel maken door meerdere  bekenden aspecten ook uit het echte leven.
Zoals: je  zorgt voor het inkomen van je gezin, je raakt verstrikt in het liefdesleven van  doorgangers, het verzet dat Arstozka wil laten vallen etc. Die aspecten raakt  je meer dan dat skyrim doet.
     Welke kunstenaars hebben met games gewerkt?       Hoe en waarom hebben ze dit gedaan?
 Een kunstenaar  is Lucas Pope, hij is een individuele kunstenaar en werkt met meerdere game  developers en heeft o.a. mee gewerkt aan de uncharted franchise.
Waarom hij dit  doet is dat hij enorm van games en kunst houdt, hij heeft dit gecombineerd en  is hij tegenwoordig een van de beste grafisch ontwerpers.
     Er bestaat een jaarlijkse prijs voor de       best ontworpen game. Aan welke game zou jij de designprijs uitreiken?       Noem vier criteria die hierbij voor jou van belang zijn. Beargumenteer       je keuze.
Assassin’s  creed odyssey van Ubisoft Qeubec is naar mijn mening de best ontworpen game.  Met de tweede prijs op de game awards 2018 voor Best Art Direction zegt al  veel dat deze game mooi is. Deze realistisch lijkende wereld is gebaseerd op  het oude Sparta en Athene en dat is voor mij belangrijk dat het op iets echts  gebasseerd is en niet op fantasie. Wat ik ook goed vind aan de game is de “dynamic  movement system” ze hebben en tijd en moeite gestopt in de beweging van het karakter  van klimmen toch vechten, alles klopt en dat vind ik heel goed. De cut scenes  van deze game wordt telkens beter en uitgebreider en dat is belangrijk en  veel games kunnen hier nog wat van leren. Maar hetgene waar assassin’s creed odyssey  zich echt mee onderscheid is het karakter customization, alle karakters in  deze game zien er goed uit. Elke NPC ziet er beetje anders uit dan de ander en  er is meer variatie in vijanden en dat zorgt ervoor dat je met recht door de  straten van Athene en Sparta wil lopen voor de volledig voldoening die je  krijgt als je de game speelt.
En daarom is met  recht Assasin’s creed odyssey echt een mooi spel.
 Bekijk de tegenlicht aflevering all-in the game:
 https://www.vpro.nl/programmas/tegenlicht/kijk/afleveringen/2016-2017/all-in-the-game.html (47 min)
 1 Wat zijn de laatste trends in de gamewereld.
Battle – royaal, met zijn allen in de map en wie het langste overleeft wint.
    2 Wat maakt games spelen volgens jou aantrekkelijk?
In offline games is het de voldoening die je krijgt als je een eindbaas op brute manier de kop inslaat of een missie voltooid. En in online games is het iemand zo gek maakt dat je weet dat die jongen/meisje aan de andere kant zich boos maakt of ergert omdat jij hem volledig vernederd in-game en dat maakt het voor mij aantrekkelijk
 3 Ben jij het eens met de uitspraak dat de virtuele wereld concurrentie is geworden voor de echte wereld? Beargumenteer je antwoord:
De virtuele wereld is zeker concurrentie en dat komt doordat je in de virtuele wereld kan je zomaar opnieuw beginnen of je voor doen als een ander dat je in het echte leven niet kan zijn en er zijn nauwelijks teleurstellingen. En dat is wel anders in de echte wereld en op die manier is er zeker een concurrentie tussen deze twee werelden.
 4 Volgens sommigen komt er in de computergames te veel geweld voor. Ook in het programma  zie je fragmenten waarin geweld te zien is. Geef je mening over geweld in computergames. Geef ook enkele argumenten voor je mening, liefst door te verwijzen naar het programma.
Geweld in games hoort erbij. En wat is teveel geweld in Mortal Combat heb je de winnaar die de verliezer compleet verbrijzeld tot het bot is dat teveel of is het Call of Duty black ops waar je iemand neerknalt en binnen een paar seconde verdwijnt en re-spawnd. Geweld in games is ook goed mensen kunnen hun frustraties kwijt door bijvoorbeeld Goden te slachten in de God of War franchise. Soms is er ook teveel geweld en is met recht Rollercoaster Holocaust nooit vrijgegeven voor verkoop. Naar mijn mening is er nooit teveel geweld in een game wanneer het mensen aanzet tot geweld.    
 4 Je ziet dat er in het programma veel aandacht is voor het ontwerpen van de hoofdfiguren in computergames.
 A Geef twee redenen waarom het ontwerpen van aansprekende hoofdpersonen van belang is.
1)    Het ontwerp is belangrijk omdat je je moet kunnen identificeren met je karakter.
2)    Je speelt in de meeste ten alle tijden met hetzelfde hoofdpersoon
 Beantwoord de onderstaande vragen en vorm zo je mening over hoofdfiguren in games.
 A  Welke soorten niet-digitale spellen ken je? Geef een aantal categorieën aan.
1)    Voetbal     (sport)
2)    Monopoly (bordspel)
3)    Poker        (kaartspel)
    B  Geef aan of je van deze ‘traditionele’ spelsoorten ook een digitale versie kent.
1)    Fifa en PES
2)    Monopoly the game (meerder varianten)
3)    Poker (minigame in games en online poker variant)
 In de klas met z’n allen:
Met welke computer games ben je bekend? Hoe lang en hoe vaak speel je zelf deze spellen? Maak een inventaris in groepjes van 10 leerlingen en breng overeenkomsten en verschillen in kaart op een A2 poster
1)    Manual samual – 1 uur
2)    God of war        -  1 uur
3)    Civilazation 5   - 502 uur
4)    Fifa                    – te veel
5)    Call of duty       - 8 dagen
6)    Fallout 4            - 30 uur
7)    Assasin’s creed – wil ik het niet over hebben
8)    Skyrim               - 1000 uur ong
9)    Rust                   - 200 + uur
10)  Medieval war   - onbekend
11)  Bully scholar ship edition – 40+uur
12)  Saints row        - 100+uur
13) Banjo en Kazooie – onbekend
14) Battlefield
15) Red dead redemption
16) Oblivian elder scrolls 4
17) FarCry 4
18) Black Flag
19) Gears of war
20) Pirates of the carribean lego
21) Pure
22) Batman lego
23) Fables
24) Fifa street
25) Icon
26) PES
27) Tom clancys end war
28) The division
29) Need for Speed
30) Call of Juarez
31) Fortnite
32) Madmax
33) God of war
34) Red dead redemption 2
35) Watchdogs
36) Until Dawn
37) Dit is een klein deel van mijn gespeelde spellen, kan nog wel doorgaan maar dan wordt het alleen maar treuriger
 Stel een top 3 samen van de mooiste gamefiguren.
1. Edward James Kenway – Assassin’s creed Black Flag
2. Wrench – Watch Dogs 2
3. Lara Croft -
 Geef aan op grond van welke criteria je tot je keuze bent gekomen.
Edward onbetwist op nummer 1, hij is een van de meest badass hoofdpersonen zijn prachtige knotje tot de grijns die die trekt als hij de ene kapitein na de ander de keel doorsnijd. De typische Assassin’s pak uit de voorgaande edities is terug en hij draagt hem met trots en is zo de mooiste sluipmoorden ooit en mooiste karakter ooit. Wrench is een anonieme zij-personage in watchdogs 2. Zijn demin spijkerbroek met zwart t-shirt met zwarte spijkerjack met de zwarte-capuchon en bikers-facemask met veranderde figuren voor zijn ogen en niet te vergeten de tatoeage van de ster van Satan in zijn nek maakt hem een prachtig personage en daarom voor mij op nummer 2.
Lara Croft ik moest een vrouwelijk personage in deze lijst en dan is Lara Croft de meest bekende en het meest mooie vrouwelijke hoofdpersonage. Er was veel ophef over haar vanuit de feministen en dat is vooral de reden waarom zij op plek 3 staat.
 Concept game                                                                                                                                                             keuze 1
Vorm met klasgenoten een ontwerpteam van maximaal 3 leerlingen en maak een ontwerp voor een nieuwe game. Geef via een moodboard de sfeer van het spel weer en kies muziek die goed bij het spel past. Ontwerp ook twee personages voor je game. Zorg dat het werkproces duidelijk vast is gelegd in foto’s.
Verkennen verbreden, verdiepen, verbinden; hoe heb je dit gedaan?
 Presenteer je ontwerp aan de klas. Reflecteer op de invloed van de samenwerking op het eindproduct.
Geef een uitgebreide toelichting, hoe je tot bepaalde keuzes bent gekomen.
 Tha game of my life                                                                                                                                                 keuze 2
Maak een ontwerp voor een Avatar geïnspireerd op jezelf.
Wat zijn je superkrachten? Wie zou jij zijn als game-figuur en waarom? In welk soort game-wereld/ soort spel zou jij zitten? Wat is je einddoel?
Ontwerp/ teken twee versies van de avatar. Leg je proces op een creatieve manier vast.
Verkennen, verbreden, verdiepen, verbinden; hoe heb je dit gedaan?
Presenteer je ontwerp aan de klas. Geef een uitgebreide toelichting, hoe je tot bepaalde keuzes bent gekomen.
Dit zijn twee makkelijk en snel gemaakte personages, cartoon style want daarvan ben ik
Makkelijk in staat om te maken.
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Ik heb dit gemaakt in Photoshop Cs6, ik heb al jaren ervaring met dit programma.
Main soundtrack van de game is – Glorious Moring van Waterflame
Waarom? Glorious Morning is een lied dat alles heeft maar goed op de achtergrond blijft, en dat is belangrijk de soundtrack moet niet te veel op de voorgrond treden.
Het lied is snel en verveeld nooit en is daarom perfect voor een RPG.
De drum en fluit zijn zeer mooi als je in een gevecht zit en geven je moed, daarbij geeft dit lied een avontuurlijke sfeer aan de RPG en dat is wat we zoeken.
Kortom een uiterst compleet lied voor een kleine avonturiers game
 Het idee
De game is een RPG en lijkt op Mardek, pokemon etc.
Het speelt zich af in het bos. Je hebt twee personages Legen en Dary. Als je Legen kiest als hoofdpersoon is Dary je kameraad. Kies je Dary als hoofdpersoon dan is Legen je kameraad.
Legen heeft een zwaart en is snel en behendig.
Dary heeft een bijl en is traag maar sterk.
+ De cursor is een zwaard 
+ tijdens het laden s het een draaiend schild
Legen en zijn kameraad Dary zien in de avond vanuit hun boomhut een vallend object uit de lucht vallen in het bos niet heel ver van hun vandaan. Ze besluiten samen op pad te gaan en uit te zoeken wat het object is. Tijdens hun zoektocht komen ze verschillende vijanden tegen zoals: grote spinnen, vleermuizen etc. Ook vinden ze verschillende verlaten huisjes met andere mensen die hun helpen en zijn door de map verschillend kisten te vinden met objecten speciaal voor Legen of Dary. Tijdens hun avontuur verzamelen ze XP die ze kunnen gebruiken om nieuwe vaardigheden vrij te spelen.
Het spel speelt zich af in het bos. En is cartoon achtig zoals de hoofdpersonages ook zijn.
Er moet een grauwe sfeer hangen, maar door de muziek moet je moed krijgen om er doorheen te lopen, want je bent met zijn tweeën in een eng bos en je moet je daar doorheen vechten. Deze sfeer moet door veel donkere kleuren, bomen, paddenstoelen, bosjes etc. gecreëerd worden en om dit gevoel te versterken speelt zich het spel af in de avond.  
De bomen geven tegelijkertijd de grens aan van de map en de weg die je moet volgen. Natuurlijk is er ook een soort doolhof element waarin je kan verdwalen maar ook huisjes kan ontdekken, kisten kan vinden, mensen kan ontmoeten etc.
Dit doolhof element zorgt tevens ervoor dat je niet direct het hoofdverhaallijn snel uitspeelt maar blijft hangen waardoor het spel langer lijkt. Mardek geeft een goed beeld hiervan
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0 notes
saintlexii · 3 years
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- I just wanted to do a little off track betting. 
- I have a family, I can't afford to be a hero!
- This thing still better run!
- You better have insurance!
- Do I look like some poor person you can just hit?
- You think you're a big man, don't you?
- To sit in sullen silence on a dull dark dock.
- China Town is a poor substitute for the real thing.
- I'm going to Rico's club tonight, it's not like I we him money.
- How much do you cost?
- I can't believe that bastard had the balls to hold the door open for me.
- I can't believe my nephew joined up with those Westside - whatever they're calleds.
- Why those mother fuckers keep asking me what time it is?
- Ain't no way around it, my crew's gonna fuck you up!
- Men like you make me sick.
- I don't wanna lower myself by speaking with you.
- People like you turn the Barrio into a warzone.
- I've heard all about you, so don't think you're getting any of this!
- You wanna head on back to my trailer, baby?
- I'm pressing charges!
- I'm surprised Julius would get mixed up with someone like you.
- My people don't really know your people.
- I wanna read about this stuff, not live it!
- Oh wow, she's gotta be a hooker!
- The police will take care of you soon enough!
- Thanks for checking if I'm okay, asshole!
- Can't believe my parents still give me a curfew.
- Get lost drop out.
- Maybe Tanya will hire me back.
- My grandpa says Julius ain't nothing but a bitch, that true?
- Trust me, you don't know who you're dealing with.
- You hear what they sell under the counter at Brown Baggers?
- I hope I have better luck tomorrow.
- I don't know what people are talking about, you don't seem like a bitch.
- You bottom feeders only make things worse.
- Wow, that's so big... Really, I mean it.
- Why are you strapping that on?
- You're prettier than that last girl I had.
- Is this your first time or something?
- Use the cigarette lighter.
- I thought you said I could keep the panties.
- Don't be shy, use as many fingers as you want.
- You deserve a uh ticket!
- I gotta hit the showers, I smell like a whore.
- You woman hating jackass!
- It'll wash out of your hair eventually.
- Sorry about your handbag.
- I got some pills if you wanna party!
- You missed me, asshole!
- I swear, the next person to call me twinkie gets their nose broken.
- I wander what happened to Luz. I haven't seen her since she started dating Angelo.
- Hey, are you a pimp?
- Have you ever thought about getting a real job?
- Why don't you ditch those skanky hoes and be with a real woman?
- It's not all about material possessions, man.
- I wish my parents would let me shave.
- You look familiar... Did I defend you once?
- When Hughes is elected, all of your ghetto friends are gonna be history.
- You tell that scrub, Dex, that I'm on to him.
- It takes more than running the Row to impress us here.
- You got something you wanna say to me, bitch?
- Up to no good, son?
- You got your work cut out for you, Playa.
- Any good clubs in Saints Row?
- You don't think being in a gang is a turn on, do ya?
- How the fuck did they make child support mandatory?
-It breaks my heart seeing a sister disrespecting herself by turning tricks.
- You lookin' lonely, honey.
- You know a guy named Troy? That asshole never called me back.
- When are men gonna get that talking about cars is a bigger turn off than syphilis. 
- I think all the rap music is making kids violent.
- Fur is murder!
- So what is 3rd Street? A modeling agency?
- Those Rollerz are a blight on the suburbs.
- I have seen you friend Johnny in court. He has quite the temper.
- So you hang out with that Johnny guy, right?
- Oh darn, I forgot to wear those panties he likes.
- Since I'm a gentleman, I'll let you pick the hoe.
- Be careful, flashy clothes don't stop a bullet.
- We need to save the trees!
- Look, I don't want any trouble... homie.
- How am I supposed to pay for a hooker when I keep getting held up?
- Are you one of those awful gang boys?
- Could you give Johnny my number?
- Stay away from the drugs, you hear me?
- Shit, my baby sister's more gangster than you.
-I wander where I can meet some Asian chicks.
- If you want some high grade dick, just let me know.
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saintlexii · 3 years
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- I hope you're an organ donor!
- I can't afford to fix this!
- I'm not gonna have to fill out a uh police thingy am I?"
- Street racin' son of a bitch!
- Is danger a game to you people?
- Don't make me another statistic!
- When is Winslow gonna drop out of the race?
- I gotta get a scratch off.
- Stay off the road, asshole!
- I could kill you right here and nobody would care.
- I hope you die in that fucking car!
- That's not sexy, that just hurts.
- This driver's drunk or something.
- Next time you're giving head, you might wanna lose the gum.
- I'm as freaky as they get, sugar.
- Wow, got the whole fist in there, huh?
- How is sucking cock working out for ya?
- I'll tell my wife you said hi.
- You are much uglier than your picture.
- I don't want my grandkids to know about this!
- Where's a cop when you need one?
- You're lucky I don't have a phone to call the police with.
- If I had a phone I would call the police.
- When I'm done fucking you up you gonna wish you never came here!
- I gotta get my ma' outta Sunnyvale.
- You belong in jail!
- It's only a matter of time before Monroe busts your ass!
- Don't you go to school with my daughter?
- They weren't supposed to find the body!
- How am I supposed to take care of my kids when the government keeps fucking me?
- You livin' on the street too?
- I can't audition if I'm dead!
- So you're Julius's new wangster huh?
- As long as you're flying those flags, I got your back.
- I hope you get hepatitis.
- I can bend my body any way you want.
- That new RV is a chick magnet.
- I know you didn't just look at me!
- Hey honey, if you don't like to fuck on the first date, I'll settle for a blowjob.
- Hey, you don't do baptisms, do ya?
- You'd think a whole football team would find more than one girl.
- Let me know if you want a job housekeeping.
- Hey, I'm trying to ride somebody back here!
- I left my wife's anniversary present at the strip club, can we go get it?
- Drive like that again and you'll be talking to my 12 gauge!
- The Saints don't have a fuckin' prayer!
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saintlexii · 4 years
Saints Row NPC Quotes
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
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saintlexii · 4 years
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
- I don't wanna die before they pick the lottery numbers.
- I can't believe the Boss burnt down Shivington.
- Fuck community college, let's get drunk and eat chicken fingers.
- Word all up in ya homie.
- Damn, this is the best part of my job.
- Somebody better call the manager.
- You lookin' to get your legs broke?
- What'd I tell you, G? We took those Ronin bitches to school!
- I hope you really hurt Ultor. Dane Vogel is not a dog person.
- How is that Gat boy doing?
- Yay uncle Eddie is out of jail!
- How am I going to break the news to my daughter that Aisha's dead?
- You know what I forgot to do when I built that house? Nails.It takes Uranus 84 years to orbit the Sun once
- Where did my kids go?
- I've seen horses prettier than you.
- Is that my husband's mugshot in there?
- Did someone hit you with the ugly stick?
- I hope The General keeps you alive while he skins you.
- You got any money for a man who fought for his country?
- You ever fuck on a palletjack?
- So you're one of the reasons my daughter dresses the way she does.
- I should probably get home and feed my kids. I haven't done that since last week.
- Did you know Dane Vogel almost landed on me when you kicked him out of that building?
- I'd kill to see her in a pantsuit and a ball gag.
- I'd be careful, I bet The General put some voodoo ass curse of you before he died.
- Ooooh baby, look at the junk in that trunk.
- You remind me of my wife, but without the mustache.
- Why don't you get a straight job like Dex?
- A smart man would have taken a vile of Sunshine's blood and sold it to the highest bidder.
- Where'd you learn to kick ass like you do?
- As a successful woman, any advice you can offer me?
- Why does my son need a birthday party every year?
- We should race sometime.
- I knew Shogo would cry like a little bitch.
- Hey, your picture was in the newspaper I used as a blanket last night.
- With Dane dead I wander if Dex is gonna get promoted.
- I need money and you look like you need to get laid. I think we can help each other out.
- It's never too late to betray your family.
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saintlexii · 5 years
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A/N: More Saints Row 1 NPC quotes for y'all because I got board. (Quotes come from my 3 different saved games at 8%, 49%, and 77% completion)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
- Watch your back, man, I hear Hughes is taking names.
- Maybe my girl would respect me more if I hung out with you.
- I'm buyin' a bunch of purple clothes today, isn't that cool?
- If I don't kill someone soon I'm gonna forget how.
- If my man is asleep when I come home I'm throwing his ass out.
- They don't teach you how to change clothes in the Row?
- Who sold out your boss?
- I didn't wanna be in that stupid sorority anyway.
- Third Street's outta the ghetto now.
- You got us to the top, I hope you keep us there.
- I give the best damn blowjob in Stilwater.
- Remember where you came up from, man.
- There's no way I coulda done what you did.
- Maybe now there'll be some order.
- The Lopez family's gone? I don't believe it.
- So, how does it feel to be the voice of Julius?
- With you callin' the shots, no one can touch us.
- There ain't a man working the docks that hasn't heard of you.
- This whole town's afraid of us.
- The way I hear it, you're lookin' to take the whole damn city.
- You make sure Julius finishes what he started.
- Is Julius gonna stick around this time?
- If you ever wanna start some shit, let me know.
- I think my philosophy professor was hitting on me.
- Don't tell anyone, but I think you might be harder than Johnny.
- Julius better watch himself, King ain't gonna play nice this time.
- Do you like older women?
- I should hookup with a gang, that'll get me some chicks.
- Julius ever mention me?
- Looks like the Saints weren't pussies like everyone said.
- How's Lin doin'? I ain't seen her in a while.
- I wouldn't wanna be in your way.
- The Saints have earned some respect, but that don't mean people are gonna roll over.
- My son was talking about you last night.
- I don't care what people say, you gangsters have pizazz.
- Shit, man, they owe you money or somethin'?
- I don't know of it's just me, but Troy's been acting nervous.
- How come you always doing everything around here?
- All you do is ruin people's lives.
- Laura sure is making a lot of friends at the PTA, I wonder what her secret is.
- I oughta invest in a bigger flask.
- I wonder where I can meet some Asian chicks.
- If I see that ho come by my place one more time I'm gonna slap the black off of her.
- Fuck no, I ain't shaving my shit, that's just nasty.
- How am I supposed to take care of my kids when the government keeps fucking with me?
- It's not cheating if you call me your wife's name.
- I wish Friendly Fire took food stamps.
- What's Tanya got that I don't?
- If I suck one more dick tonight I'll make the rent.
- Next time she asks, I'm gonna say "yes, you do look fat in that dress".
- Shit, you must've killed half the people in this city.
- Wanna catch dinner and a drug deal?
- Damn you look fine.
- Goddamn, I want some cookies.
- I haven't seen Johnny in a while, I hope he's okay.
- Minimum wage my ass, I can't even afford a lighter.
- I'm getting sick of Troy acting like he's better than everyone.
- I gotta stop getting high and talking to myself on the street.
- Hey, you're the guy that finally put down Victor.
- Don't worry, they say jail isnt too bad here.
- Why's Troy always gotta stick his nose in my business?
- I don't give a fuck what she days, he's my man.
- I'd be all over that ass if she put a bag over her head.
- I've gotta see a doctor, Mister Whiskers just smells awful lately.
- I can't believe my dad gave me shit for dating a black guy.
- Be careful, I used to be important, look at me now.
- How did you kill Victor?
- I was there when they found Lin's body.
- I may be poor, but I ain't ever whoring myself out.
- If it ain't the big man himself.
- You're gonna be running this gang pretty soon.
- How come I never see you hitting the bars?
- Next time you roll over on some motherfuckers take me along.
- Make sure Julius knows what's up over here.
- Ah man, I'm from the suburbs, I don't know how to deal with gangs.
- What's this bullshit about Dex being a lieutenant?
- When I finally move outta here I ain't ever looking back.
- You been telling Julius about all the good shit I do, right?
- Vote Winslow, Hughes kicks puppies!
- Is it true you cut some guys dick off for lookin' at your girl?
- We ain't a bunch of bursters no more thanks to you.
- Aisha's just using Johnny.
- So, are you one of those street racers?
- From all the stories I heard I thought you'd be taller.
- You single?
- Unless you wanna end up in jail you better slow down.
- I'm meeting some friends downtown tonight, wanna come?
- I hear you're a good guy to know.
- You better be careful, Stilwater can be a nasty place.
- If I max out another card I'll never hear the end of it.
- You've become quite the local figure.
- You belong in jail!
- I can't wait to cheat on my online girlfriend, that girl has it coming.
- Julius ain't nothing but a washed up banger past his prime.
- You're as hard as Julius said you were.
- I hope the next dead body I see on the street is you!
- Between Gat and that mute motherfucker, we got nothing to worry about.
- I'm gonna kill my parents for naming me River.
- I wonder if the secretary is wearing tose panties I like.
- I heard Julius talking about promoting you.
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saintlexii · 5 years
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
A/N: Finally onto Saints Row 2, but I only got to 66 because my game kept glitching.
- Boss, you're a living legend.
- How's Carlos doing? Oh, right, dead.
- What do you have against Ultor?
- Marry me!
- Buried alive? That's some hard core shit. Hahahaha
- I heard Johnny Gat only sleeps one hour night.
- I can hook you up if you're in the Saints.
- No, it's not a fetish thing, I used to be a Nun.
- Have you ever considered robbing the rich and giving to the poor?
- This umbrella is both fashionable and functional.
- My Wendell would be so happy with what you've done.
- I'm sorry about Carlos, he seemed like a good kid.
- What do you think about polyamory?
- Marriage has made me resent and fear women.
- Dane's a real great guy once you get to know him.
- Have you read Ben King's book? It's life changing.
- Yo, do you got a license to be packing that much hott?
- Wong sends his thanks.
- I need to find a swimming pool that isn't occupied by fifty first graders and their urine.
- You won't be on top for long.
- Any time you wanna feel the wind in your hair just let me know.
- I think you're the first woman I ever loved.
- What was in that shipment anyway?
- I'm ready any time you wanna replace Carlos.
- Thanks for getting rid of the Ronin and their fucking crotch rockets.
- At this point I sleep with anyone who has air conditioning.
- Wait, you killed Matt? He never finished my back tattoo.
- You gave Shogo a Texas funeral?
- I can't believe you took on all those karate fucks and lived.
- You know, maybe Monroe was wrong about you.
- I wonder what ever happened to that nice boy Carlos.
- I could make some good money with a piece of ass like that.
- Man, I'd like to take her to the VIP room.
- I'd love to tap that ass
- Wanna go for a ride, honey?
- Killing Jessica didn't solve anything, just kept the psycho going.
- I told Carlos to be careful around the Brotherhood.
- Why can't anyone see how evil Ultor is?
- I don't think they're running out of ammo any time soon.
- Toss a bag over her head and I'd hit it.
- You got some pretty big shoes to fill.
- You have a real knack for running around setting things on fire.
- What got into your head where you think shooting up a hospital is a good idea?
- You know, my Wendell is buried in the same graveyard Shogo is.
- Are you shitting me? I was totally gonna score with Jessica.
- On one hand, you killed a lot of my friends. On the other, I got a lot of days off because of it.
- If only Veteran Child would've killed Shaundi, all of my problems would've been solved.
- That was fucking hard core what you did to Maero's girl.
- Buried alive, I love it! That's the new punishment for failure in my company.
- Sorry to hear about Carlos, stay strong.
- I'd just like to know what went through your head when you decided to crush a fine piece of ass like Jessica.
- Have you heard from Julius at all?
- It's never too late to tell your kids they were a mistake.
- Holy shit, this car has a CD player?
- Can't believe what those cabrons did to Carlos.
- You sure Aisha's dead this time? I got played for a fool once.
- I like Maero's new tattoo.
- Why would you burn down that beautiful farm, why?
- Why do you gotta pick on Donnie so much, he ain't done nothing but help you?
- Do you think Shogo is still alive in that casket?
- They should totally have a show based on you guys.
- Hey, it's not your fault about Aisha, you know.
- Sorry about Aisha, Gat must be really broken up.
- I heard that you buried Shogo alive in a casket filled with acid and leaches.
- I like Johnny Gat's style.
- Carlos is in a better place now.
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saintlexii · 5 years
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
- That Donnie kid is dreaming she's way outta his league.
- Is Julius gonna stick around this time?
- If you and Dex are up for a 3-way give me a call.
- Hey baby, I'll give you the best two and a half minutes of your life.
- The Row would be fucked without you.
- King's not around to bail Julius out this time.
- I really should stop fucking my therapist.
- You're getting in way over your head, hun.
- Tell Gat one of his shipments came in.
- It's all going down like Julius said.
- I'm harder than Johnny and Lin combined!
- No Saint has ever moved up as quick as you.
- It aint over yet.
- The church aint the same without Lin.
- Where'd my kitty go? Here kitty, kitty, kitty.
- You aint worried Dex is gonna pull some Warren Williams shit, are ya?
- You should run for mayor, you'd have my vote.
- Gat says you're a bad muthafucka, and he hates everyone.
- This turfwar bullshit happens every couple years.
- I can't believe you took care of Hector like that.
- I can't believe you saved Johnny's ass.
- Stilwater needs you Playa, don't get yourself killed.
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