julinoell · 1 year
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mafiyasobaka-blog · 7 years
        liked the starter call!    //    @salemborne.
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                 “ there are only two solutions for this, madam isis! but if you agree to it is up to you. ”
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geraltzriviii · 7 years
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“ i’m not a witch hunter,  i’m a WITCHER.  i’m tracked down a beast that makes this area rather unsave at night,  i wondered if the witch herself knew anything about. ”  it was doubtful but better ask than run around in circles.
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valcrr · 7 years
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‘‘I’m sure you’ve other matters to attend to, bein’ a lady n’ all... Y’all keep busy--- but a lil’ bird told me you might be able to help me.’’
Hat had been removed from atop his head, gentlemanly like talkin’ to a lady, holding it between frigidity fingers. Not so nervous--- more jittery for answers. The hunter manages a smile and he extends a hand. He’s taking the common friendly approach. It gave people a sense of trust and comfort. Made folks more willing to speak with him.
‘’The name’s Giles.’’
------ @salemborne || A THING 4 U <3
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camillelafaye · 7 years
@salemborne replied to your post: Don't see a problem with that look for church??...
only black women really understand the shit you will hear from everyone in church about short dresses lmao.
i MEAAANNNN LMAO im tryna tell you how crazy i was looking when they said this mess. telling you the way you dress is disrespectful bc the men will be looking instead of paying attention
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how dare satan bash burritos like that. I'm unfollowing.
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varcolacui-blog · 7 years
Centuries old, battles fought- won and lost, but his stomach still TWISTED with anxiety. It wasn’t the thought of death or the sights he’d witness. He’s seen them before, lived through them. Imagines that would stick with him till he finally let his last breath escape him. However, it was whom he’d have to leave that rattled him so.
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He smiled as her sweet scent filled him, she always smelt so warm and welcoming. Yet, it fades when he sees her, lost in her own thoughts, working. So soft in the way she moved about--- so gentle she looked for a soul of heartache like himself. Vincent forced himself to speak, breaking the silence and grabbing her attention, ‘’Why you still look as pretty as the day I met you.’’
@salemborne // it begins
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valcrr · 7 years
new aesthetic:
when Giles is such an inconvenience to a werewolf that was slaughtering ppl and a witch that covered his dumb ass that they argue about it centuries later, long after he’s dead, like the married couple they should be
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salemborne replied to your post:    I gotta keep talking about it because the more...
i thought i was the only one who constantly thinks about this
no! and there's a post i'm trying to find that puts my thoughts into words and just! i can't believe stolen bodies have fed this land so much ...
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vamytas · 7 years
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      “Oi, mind doin’ us a favour, love?” The term of endearment is purely the product of his upbringing, a habit exported from home and unshaken even after years of acclimatising under the star spangled banner. “Rushed out the house in a hurry, you know? And now I’m startin’ to feel like she’s clingin’ on too tight...” To elaborate, he raises his index finger and barely manages to edge the tip of his nail underneath the choker grasping his neck. “Trust a woman’s judgement more than mine. Think you could loosen this one up a bit? My gratitude will extend as far as you want it, promise.”   
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duvenin-a-blog · 7 years
cam lowers their glass of iced tea from COAL BLACK lips, to smirk at their long ( ...long, long... ) lived fellow witch. they never knew other witches growing up; ‘twas extremely isolating ! they often dreamt of joining a COVEN; alas, now they were older, that idea had long since passed — the lone life was just something they’d grown accustomed to. but it didn’t mean they scorned the time they spent with another of like ability. no, in fact, they SAVOURED it. they uncross their legs, and then cross them back over the other way.
❝ Forgive me for seeming quite the gossip— ❞ they lean in, hand to the side of their mouth like they’ve done this before.  ❝ —but I’m glad we finally meet, after hearing about you for so long ! ❞
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atcraxia-blog · 7 years
threads four.
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varcolacui-blog · 7 years
A week had passed since the bzou touched American soil for the first time. He fled France with little knowledge of what the “New World” was ever like. He didn’t know the language, he didn’t know the geography, and he didn’t know the PEOPLE. It’s differences--- it was nothing he ever excepted. Styles, looks, speech. He felt completely behind.
Yet, within the short time of arriving, he had already been captivated by a list of things. The top of that list were those of a earthly complexion of sorts. Or, well, it was JUST the one woman he saw that he had tried speaking with. Plenty of miscommunication, staring, and chuckles were ensured. Yet the old wolf was approaching once more.
‘‘I try again---’‘ He was barely sure if those words were right--- if they were, they were masked with a thick accent. Listening around gave him SOME clue on the modern English language, however, having not been in an active conversation with someone willing to try and understand him, there wasn’t much leaning despite his efforts. People either didn’t have the time--- or they treated him childishly. The wolf wasn’t one to stand for disrespect and he found himself walking away with a wave of his hand. ‘‘Hello.’‘
@salemborne // hERE ARE
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rosemancing · 7 years
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❛  HEY,  HAVE WE… MET BEFORE ?   or do you have a grandma that looked EXACTLY like you when she was younger or something ?   like either that or you’ve got a doppelganger. maybe a clone,  are clones even a thing ?  i’m gonna go right ahead and say they’re a thing.  can you imagine having a clone ?  crazy…  maybe you’re the doppelganger, slash, clone.   wow, you look so real.   ❜
。・:*:・゚   ⟨    🌹    ⟩    @salemborne  ♡’d for a starter.
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moonwrought · 7 years
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varcolacul · 7 years
‘‘It’s petty damn funny.’‘
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While his words were out of context, sudden--- they didn’t fail to make sense. Isis would certainly know what the wolf meant. He smiles at her then, warm and happy. A smile that shines his eyes. He holds the door of their campus building open for her. His last class of the day wrapped up early.
‘’Out of all the colleges and universities in the United States, all the number of doctors and professors working there, here we are.’’ he gestures at nothing psychical, but at the rare circumstances of the coincidence entirely. ‘’The education board sends me to this campus and you register for my class.’’
@salemborne || FOR U
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