witxhmommy · 5 years
Hello again! If I am trying to charm one of my pieces of jewelry to make me calm, how would I go about it??? Thank you
Hi!! 😁
So to make a charm, you first must cleanse the piece. If you can, run it under water. If you can’t, bury it in salt. While you do this, chant something along the lines of “I clear thee! I cleanse thee!” Or any other meaningful words to you.
Then you need to charge the jewelry. Leave it outside or on a window sil to be charged by the sun and moon for at least 24 hours.
Lastly, imprinting your jewelry for it’s purpose. The simplest way is to be really clear in your mind, body and spirit what you want. Then take a deep breath and hold the piece in your hands to your heart.
I found this calming chant that you can recite:
I am peaceful, I am strong
Though my dark may seem so long
For day must follow every night
Everything is alright
I am always safe from harm
The Goddess holds me in her arms
Then simply and plainly state it’s purpose. Example: “I task you with bringing me calmness and peace of mind.”
“So shall it be.”
I hope this helps!! ❤
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witxhmommy · 5 years
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💌Spell Envelopes💌
Y’all this is seriously a game changer!! 
As a college student, I’m super broke and haven’t wanted to buy sachets for spells, but I have a solution! Just use an envelope instead! You can get a whole box for like $3 (or you probs already have some) and they work just like a sachet: you put your herbs, pieces of paper, little crystals, etc. inside.  
You can also decorate them with designs, colors, and sigils that correspond to the spell you’re doing!  The one in this picture is a love spell I made for a friend! Art isn’t your thing? Just use stickers! Washi tape! 
You can carry them around easily and discreetly too.  You could even mail a spell to a friend! And add a layer of enchantment to bless your postal delivery person while they’re carrying the spell :)
Addition:  As the lovely @crystal-w0lf added to the comments, you can also bury them for offerings or protection spells!!!
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witxhmommy · 5 years
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» John Atkinson Grimshaw (1836 - 1893)
Liverpool from Wapping
Stapleton Park near Pontefract Sun
Shipping on the Clyde
Park Row, Leeds
A Moonlit Lane
Blackman Street, London
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witxhmommy · 5 years
The Magickal Association of Herbs - Part 1
Herbs Associated with Aid in Legal Matters: Buckthorn, High John the Conqueror, and Galangal
Herbs Associated with Anti-Sorcery/Uncrossing: Absinthe, African ginger, Agrimony, Ague weed, Angelica, Anise seed, Ash leaves, Basil, Bay, Benzoin, Betony, Blessed thistle, Blood root, Boneset, Broom, Cinquefoil, Clover, Cloves, Curry powder, Dill, Dog grass, Dragon’s blood, Elder, Fennel, Flax, Frankincense, Galangal, Gentian, Geranium, Ginger, Hawthorn, Huckleberry, Hyacinth, Hyssop, Lilac, Lotus flowers, Mandrake root, Marigold, Marjoram, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Nettle, Peony root, Pine (bark), Polkroot, Rue, Sage, Saint John’s wort, Sloe (berries and bark), Spikenard, Tormentil, Unicorn root, Valerian, Vervain, Vetivert, Woodruff, and Wormwood.
Herbs Associated with Astral Projection: Dittany and Mugwort.
Herbs Associated with Courage: Columbine, Rose, and Thyme.
Herbs Associated with Divination: Acacia, Adder’s tongue, Camphor, Cloves, Cowslip, Daisy, Dandelion, Frankincense, Goldenrod, Hawthorn flowers, Hibiscus, Honeysuckle, Lemon Grass, Mace, Mugwort, Nutmeg, Orris root, Peppermint, Rose, Thyme, Vervain, Wormwood, and Yarrow.
Herbs Associated with Dream Magick: Adder’s tongue, Agrimony, Anise, Camphor, Celandine (lesser), Cinnamon, Diasy, Hlly, Hops, Ivy, Lemon verbena, Mandrake root, Marigold, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Onion, Peppermint, Purslane, Rose, Saint John’s wort, Verbena, Vervain, Wormwood, and Yarrow.
Herbs Associated with the Evil Eye: Figwort, Garlic, Hyacinth, Tulip (See also Herbs Associated with Protection, and Herbs Associated with Anti-Sorcery/Uncrossing ) 
Herbs Associated with Exorcism: Angelica, Basil, Cloves, Dragon’s blood, Elder, Fern, Fleabane, Frankincense, Garlic, Horehound, Juniper, Lilac, Mallow, Mint, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Myrrh, Periwinkle, Rue, Solomon’s Seal, Saint John’s wort, Thistle, Vervain, and Yarrow.
Herbs Associated with Fairies, Elves, and Woodland Spirits: Daisy, Elecampane (elfwort), Foxglove (fairy fingers, fairy caps, fairy’s thimbles, fairy’s gloves). Indian pipe (fairy smoke) Ragweed (fairies’ horse), Ragwort, Shamrock (Leprechaun Clover), and Wood Sorrel. 
Herbs Associated with Fertility/Virility: Catnip, Geranium, Gingseng, Lotus flowers, Mandrake root, Mugwort, Myrtle, Sarsaparilla, Tansy, and Yohimbe.
Herbs Associated with Good Luck: Buckthorn (bark) Chamomile, Clover (especially four-leaf clovers), Dandelion, Dragon’s blood, Frankincense, Goldenrod, Healmoss, Job’s tears, John the Conqueror, Kelp, Khus-Khus, Lotus flowers, Lucky hand root, Mistletoe, Mojo wish bean, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Peony Root, Queen of the Meadow, Rose Hips, Rosemary, Sacred bark, Sandalwood, Satyrion root, Star anise, Spearmint, Strawberry, Tonka bean, and Tulip.
Herbs Associated with Health: All-heal, Allspice, Asafetida, Ash leaves, Betony, Buckeye, Caraway seeds, Gardenia, Ginseng, Horehound, John the Conqueror, Laurel, Life-everlasting, Narcissus, Peppermint, Rose, Rue, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Thyme, Vervain, and Wintergreen. 
Herbs Associated with Immortality: Motherwort, Periwinkle, and Tansy.
Herbs Associated with Invisibility: Ferns and Tansy.
Herbs Associated with Love Magick*: Absinthe, Adam and Eve root, Almond, Aloes, Apple Blossoms, Archangel, Ash Leaves, Aster, Balm, Basil, Bay laurel, Bedstraw, Beth root, Birthroot, Bittersweet, Black snakeroot, Bugleweed, Burdock, Cardamom, Catnip, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil. Cloves, Cumin, Diasy, Damiana, Deer’s tongue, Dill seed, Dragon’s blood, Dulse herb, Elder, Elecampane, Fennel seeds, Feverfew, Five-finger grass, Gentian root, Ginger, Grains of Paradise, Groundsel, Heart’s ease, Hemp (seeds), Hibiscus, Hyacinthe, Indian paintbrush, Jasmine, Juniper (berries), Khus-khus, Lady’s mantle, Laurel, Lavender, Lemon, Licorice stick herb, Lime, Linden, Lotus, Lovage, Magnolia, Maidenhair fern, Mandrake, Marjoram, Mint, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Mulleuin (leaves), Myrrh, Myrtle, Orange blossoms, Orchid, Orris root, Passion flower, Patchouli, Pennyroyal, Periwinkle, Primrose, Quassia chips, Queen Elizabeth root, Raspberry, Rose, Ros geraniu, Rosemary, Rue, Sage, Satyrion root, Skullcap, Senna pods, Snakeroot, Southernwood, Spikenard, Strawberry, Sweet bugle, Thyme, Vanilla, Verbena (root), Vervain, Vetivert, Violet, Wormwood, Yerba mate and Ylang Ylang.
* You cannot make someone love you, Love Magick simply means “self-love, true love, current lover” 
“You cannot start a marriage off with a kidnapping” 
Herbs Associated with Lunar Magick: Acanthus, Adder’s tongue, African daisy, Anise, Cabbage, Calla lily, Chickweed, Clary sage, Cleavers, Colewort, Cress (water), Dog Rose, Dog-tooth violet, Duckweed, Flag, Ginger, Goose grass, Iris, Jasmine, Lady’s smock, Lettuce, Loosestrife, Moonwort, Mugwort, Opium poppy, Orach, Orpine, Orris root, Peral Trefoil, Privet, Purslane, Rose (white), Rushes, Sea Holly, Seaweed, Sesame, Stonecrop, Sweetflag, Water chestnut, Water cress, Water lily, Water mosses, and Wintergreen. 
Future posts will contain : Herbs Associated with Money Spells/Magick, Herbs Associated with Peace, Herbs Associated with Protection, Herbs Associated with Psychic Development, Herbs Associated with Shape-Shifting, Herbs Associated with Sorcery (the Black Arts), Herbs Associated with Spirit Conjurations, Herbs Associated with Spiritual Healing, Herbs Associated with Spiritual Purification, Herbs Associated with Success, Herbs Associated with Weatherworking, Herbs Associated with Wisdom, Herbs Associated with Wish-Magick/Wish Spellwork, Herbs Associated with Witchcraft and Magick (the basics and most common). 
* Section from “The Wicca Spellbook: A Witch’s Collection of Wiccan Spells, Potions, and Recipes” Gerina Dunwich, author of Wicca Craft
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witxhmommy · 5 years
You’re still a valid witch even if
✧ you don’t know what kind of witch you are
✧ you don’t have the resources to do spells, divination, etc like other witches
✧ you don’t have enough energy to practice your craft often because of chronic illness
✧ you aren’t open about being a witch
✧ your beliefs or craft don’t align with most other witches’
✧ anxiety stops you from spellcasting
✧ you don’t worship anything / worship isn’t part of your craft
✧ you plan to participate more but forget
✧ you don’t have the items you feel are necessary to be the kind of witch you want to be
✧ you don’t live in a place that feels close to nature
✧ your mental health isn’t good enough for you to practice witchcraft consistently
✧ you aren’t interested in learning about common witchcraft things
✧ you’re too busy to participate often
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witxhmommy · 5 years
☁️Zodiac Angels☁️
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♈ Aries / Angel: Camael / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Assertive and Confident
♉ Taurus / Angel: Hagiel / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Reliable and Practical
♊ Gemini / Angel: Raphael / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Adaptable and Sociable
♋ Cancer / Angel: Gabriel / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Sensitive and Sympathetic
♌ Leo / Angel: Michael / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Generous and Open
♍ Virgo / Angel: Raphael / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Efficient and Analytical
♎ Libra / Angel: Hagiel / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Harmonious and Diplomatic
♏ Scorpio / Angel: Azrael and Camael / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Intense And Powerful
♐ Sagittarius / Angel: Zadkiel / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Optimistic And Adventurous 
♑ Capricorn / Angel: Asariel / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Careful And Responsible
♒ Aquarius / Angel: Uriel And Cassiel / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Idealistic And Humanitarian 
♓ Pisces / Angel: Asariel And Zadkiel / Zodiac Sign Qualities: Artistic And Emotional 
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witxhmommy · 5 years
Your craft is your own.
You don’t have to do the same spells as everyone else. You don’t have to have the same ingredients as everyone else. You don’t have to practice like everyone else.
You can make use of what is in your cabinets. Eggshells, nutmeg, syrup, apples, liquor, vanilla.
You can make use of what is in your environment. Flowers, leaves, roots, seashells, carcasses.
You can make use of the heavens. The sun, the moon, the planets, the constellations.
You can make use of the spirits. Angels, ghosts, demons, gods, fae, lands.
You can make use of yourself. Sing, dance, scream, whisper, remain still, dress up, abandon your clothes, dream, stay alert, leave your body, find your creatures.
You can make use of your hands. Potions, infusions, tinctures, oils, incenses, washes, wines, idols, knives.
You can do magic. Craft poppets, carve names into apples, dress candles with blood, pray over talismans, bury witch bottles, create beasts, invoke, evoke, spit curses and blessings, listen to spirits, burn things, reverse them, consecrate them, break them, carve them, paint them, feed them, instruct them, make them rot, bring them alive, sacrifice them.
Your craft is what you make of it, not what is popular.
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witxhmommy · 5 years
🌱Earth Fairies🌱
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Remember playing in the mud as a kid, maybe making mud pies or getting covered in it, and feeling happy to squish it between your fingers and toes? Fairies of the Earth are at work underfoot, they’re the entities that govern the turn of the soil, helping the insects and worms that keep soil aerated and healthy. They encourage seeds, helping them germinate, and then coax the roots, urging them to have bold confidence to claim the soil for themselves. Earth Fairies are stocky with dark green,clay red, or brown hues. They have wings that resemble beetles shiny wings.They’re dense in appearance rather than holographic. They’ll brush against your ankles as you walk, playfully tugging at you through the mud or pricking your bare feet with tiny sticks or thorns, just out of rambunctiousness. They are seen best in the gloaming light at the end of day, as they like to catch a glimpse of the Residential Fairy Queen who passes at twilight.
🌱 How Earth Fairies Help Us 🌱
Earth fairies know that we come from dust and shall return to it, and that all living things on Earth eventually break down into the soil, in one form or another. While we are alive, the Fairies of the Earth long to claim us as the Earth’s gravity and magnetic pull show us that our place is naturally the ground we walk on. They help us understand intrinsically that we thrive from the root up, and need a foundational base in which to grow truly strong. The electrons and healthy bacteria emitted through the earth have great health benefits to us, shifting our moods and regulating bodily organs. Children instinctively run outside barefoot, and adults should too! (always making sure its safe and there’s nothing harmful that can prick your feet). Earth Fairies want us to be and feel grounded, to receive the gifts from the core of the Earth into our own core, and their mission is to give us reason to stabilize our lives through real depth; they want us to take root and know we belong.
🌱How To Connect With Earth Fairies🌱
Go outside as often as you can and walk barefoot. Try to get your feet against the actual ground, and simply feel yourself there, your weight sinking in or being fully supported by it. Earth Fairies will be present as you are infused with pure energy in the form of electrons, receiving and connecting with the biological rhythms of your planet. And don’t be shy about digging, rending to gardens, and reaching with bare hands into the earth. You may not be making mud pies or sand castles anymore, but there are great benefits of getting dirty and standing upon or getting into the rich soil.
Always Be Careful!~
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witxhmommy · 5 years
The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery.
Anais Nin (via tahlialynne)
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