#salex shelley imagine
There's Enough Love Here
A/N: A day early so i can focus on my paper a bit more. Updated/edited version from the old blog which was requested.
No warnings.
Request was based a prompt that was Imagine your otp adopting many kittens.
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One thing that I don't understand that makes me despise other people, is how someone can abuse and hurt animals. It breaks my heart that there are cold-hearted people so full of hate that they'll hurt innocent animals. It makes me sick.
My boyfriend, Alex and I are constantly adopting new pets from shelters to give them a better home. We have a Greyhound, 2 cats, a Dalmatian and a Poodle. Alex feels the exact same way I do. It upsets him greatly how people can mistreat their pets. He just wants to make the world a better place for everyone, it's one of the many thing I love about him
Alex was driving and I was just looking out the window as we were driving around. I saw a tiny box which had way too much movement.
"Alex, stop the car!" I said as soon as I noticed it.
"What?" He must have thought I was going insane and obviously didn't it.
"I said stop the car." I repeated, getting more worried about was suffering in that box.
"Y/N, I can't just stop the car in the middle of the street." Unlike me, he was aware that he could cause an accident if he were to suddenly stop in the middle of a street, but I couldn't help but feel whatever is in that box needs saving.
"Can you find somewhere to pull over? Please." All I wanted to do was save the poor thing in that box from suffering. Alex could hear the worry in my voice. He has always been really good at reading people, and I was no exception.
"Have you seen something?" He asked as he was looking for somewhere to pull over.
"There's a box back there with a lot of movement, some poor animal must be stuck in there. I can't just leave it there, we have to do something." He simply nodded in agreement as he found a space where he could pull over.
As soon as he pulled over, I ran out of the car towards the box with Alex not to far behind me. I knelt down to open the box as he came over. When I opened the box and my heart sank to my stomach when I saw what was inside.
Inside the box was 4 small kittens, squashed together, almost suffocating and clearly malnourished. They must have only been a few months old at most and clearly weren't related as they looked different from each other. I couldn't help but cry as I saw them in so much pain.
"How can some bastard be so cruel? What have those poor kittens done to deserve this?" I sobbed out. I couldn't believe that some dick could do this to 4 innocent kittens.
"I know sweetheart." I could tell that this heart was breaking too.
"What are we going to do? We can't just leave them here to suffer and die." I couldn't bare the thought of leaving them there to chance. We have to something. I saw Alex's face light up, the way it does when he gets an idea.
"Stay here, I'll be back in a second." He runs back to the car and leaves me to watch the poor cats. I didn't know how to help them but i felt the need to give them a better life.
About a couple of minutes later Alex returns with one of the spare dog beds we kept in the car, " Put them in here, we'll take them home and nurse them back to health, we'll figure something from there. We'll save them Y/N." I helped him put the small kittens into the bed and getting to the car, securing them safely so they can travel in the car as best as possible until we get home. I was so relieved and happy that we're saving them, givimg them the life they deserved and need.
For the next few weeks that followed Alex and I did our best to nurse them back to health. We gave them the shots and medication they needed, gave them the right food they needed so they wouldn't get sick but most importantly we gave them a home and gave them loads of love. Don't get me wrong, dealing with 9 pets is chaotic but we are giving them all a new life and making them happy, so it's all worth it.
However, we can't keep them. We simply can't justify adding 4 more members to our furry family, it'll be too much. Plus as much as we'd like to take care of animals all day we have job which require us to travel. So we made it our mission to find them a loving home.
The first 2 kittens found a home quickly as Chris was more than willing to take them since he loves cats. He said he would have taken all 4 but he didn't have enough space for them all. We had no problem giving them to him as we knew they would go to a loving home.
The third one we gave to my sister. She has been desperate for a cat for so long but the flat she lived in didn't allow pets. However, she recently moved to a new home that did allow pets so it was a no brainer to give her one of the kittens as she would love it to death and treat them like a child.
However, we were struggling to find a home for the fourth and final one. We couldn't find anyone who wanted her or were able to take care of her. Then it struck me.
"Alex..." I held out his name.
"Yeah, what's up sweetheart?" He looked over at me when he heard his name. I sat down next to him on our couch.
"So, I've been doing some thinking..."
"Uh oh, that's never a good thing." I slapped him in the back of his head. "Ow, I was only kidding." He was rubbing his head, I must have gotten him good this time. "Back on topic, what have you been thinking about?"
"You know how we've been struggling to find a home for our last little kitten?" He nodded his head, waiting for me to continue. "Well, why don't we just keep her? She needs a home and we love and care for her and she is clearly happy here, not to mention it'll be an even playing field here with 3 cats and 3 dogs." I pleaded my case to him. " Please, please, please Alex. Can we keep her please?" I know I sounded like a child but I really wanted to keep her and give her a home.
"Of course Y/N." He had a massive smile on his face.
"Oh my God, do you mean it?"
"Don't be silly Y/N, why would I say no to giving her a home." He looked at me like I had grown 2 heads.
"I suppose not," I kissed his cheek. "You have a big heart full of love, that's why I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed me on the lips. I have never met anyone who is as loving and caring as Alex. His desire to help anyone and everyone inspires me to be a better person.
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