#salon insurance companies
wtii · 24 days
Top Benefits of Small Company Insurance for Salons and Small Businesses
Small businesses, such as salons, often face numerous risks while operating on a day-to-day basis. From potential lawsuits to property damage, these risks can potentially harm the financial stability of the business. That's where small company insurance comes into play, providing essential protection against unforeseen events.
One of the most important types of insurance that small businesses should consider is commercial general liability CGL insurance. CGL insurance is designed to provide coverage for property damage, bodily injury, and personal injury claims that occur on the business premises or as a result of the business's operations.
There are several key benefits of CGL insurance for salons insurance and small businesses:
Protection from Lawsuits: In today's litigious society, lawsuits can happen at any time, whether it's a slip and fall accident, a customer getting injured during a service, or a third party claiming that your business caused them harm. CGL insurance provides coverage for legal expenses and settlement costs in the event of a lawsuit, helping to protect the financial well-being of the business.
Property Damage Coverage: In the event that your business's property is damaged, whether it's due to a fire, theft, or natural disaster, CGL insurance can help cover the costs of repairs or replacements. This can save your salon from having to bear the financial burden on its own.
Bodily Injury Coverage: If a customer or third party is injured on your business premises, CGL insurance can help cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs. This not only protects the injured party but also shields your business from facing significant financial liabilities.
Personal Injury Coverage: Personal injury claims, such as defamation, slander, or invasion of privacy, can be detrimental to your salon's reputation and finances. CGL insurance can provide coverage for legal fees and damages in the event of a personal injury claim, helping to safeguard your business's reputation.
Peace of Mind: Running a small business is already stressful enough without having to worry about potential risks and liabilities. CGL insurance provides peace of mind, knowing that your salon is protected against unforeseen events that could jeopardize its success.
While CGL insurance is a vital component of small company insurance for salons and small businesses, it's important to note that it may not cover all risks. That's why it's essential to work with an experienced insurance provider to tailor a comprehensive insurance package that meets the specific needs of your business. By investing in the right insurance coverage, you can protect your salon from potential risks and ensure its long-term success.
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mousemilf · 11 months
in 2030 you will need "hair insurance" to afford a haircut at any reputable salon. fly-by-night underground salons with untrained stylists will operate out of spare rooms in small apartments, offering haircuts and dye jobs to the uninsured at a high premium. but the procedure is risky, as the stylists are uncertified and completely unregulated, and do not have access to fda-approved dyes and hair products. there will be cute infographics warning of the dangers of attempting to cut or dye your hair at home. some companies insurance plans will only cover haircuts that fit the companys image, and some will even trademark a haircut that is available to only their employees. it will be possible to identify a walmart employee out of uniform from 50 feet away by their trademarked bowl cut. a new proletarian counterculture will center these "company cuts" as an aesthetic symbol of the working class. many hair insurance companies will refuse coverage to people with a documented family history of balding.
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dollsonmain · 2 months
An I Have a Job Now ramble that is less about the job than about other things.
So the job is basically Do All the Things including some management activities like ordering goods at a small, family owned gas station/convenience mart at the edge of my housing complex which makes it convenient to get to, other than the part where I live in the far-middle of the complex so it's a bit of a slog. I could live farther away from it, but not by a lot. It's about a 20 minute walk.
It's going to suck when it's hot, and it's going to suck when it's cold.
It's also going to suck because the only reason my chronic hip and back pain has been even marginally manageable the past decade or so is because I haven't been moving or standing on my feet much, and now I'm going to be suddenly walking 40 minutes a day and on my feet working for hours between walks.
I'm also going to go from basically no UV exposure to 40 minutes/day so will probably start aging pretty fast. I look a good bit younger than I am due to that lack of UV exposure and being plump. I did order some lighter sunscreen as suggested, and hopefully that will at least take some discomfort out of those walks (and work) if I don't have to be super greased up.
It's $10/hr which is nothing and I likely won't get full time because then they have to provide insurance and I have no idea if their company is big enough to do that. Normally I would be annoyed by that but I've put in hundreds of applications and need a current job on my resume. It won't hurt just to get used to being At Work again, either, and it's both more than no money and so little money that leaving when something better comes up won't be too difficult.
Have to remember to manage my potty mouth, belching, and poots, though. That's not something I've had to care about other than when I was at the store for the past 17 years.
Also have to change my routine to hopping in the shower as soon as That Guy leaves instead of sitting at the computer because my hair takes forever to dry. This will suck more when it's cold.
They hired me despite my very poorly filled out application, which is a big red flag, or could mean no one else applied for early mornings which wouldn't surprise me considering how low the pay they're offering is. Will find out today when I get my schedule, I guess.
I will also find out what I'm expected to wear, then as soon as That Guy gets home with the car have to run out and buy work clothes, then come home and wash them because I start work TOMORROW. I'm hoping they'll either let me wear soft lounge pants or basic men's cargo work pants because Walmart has lots of those, and even had some softer ones yesterday which are better for me because of how hard it is for me to find pants that fit.
No idea what hours, yet, or if I need to bring a lunch/get a lunch break, or anything.
That Guy, after I had those kidney problems, he nearly let me die from them, and then the medical bills came in demanded I get a job and health insurance while being completely in the way of me getting either, and then also told me to get out when Son turns 18 and blah blah blah, and now that I've gotten hired somewhere, especially somewhere I don't need him to drive me, he's moping. He does not like not being in control, and he does not like me having my own money. He grills me on where every dollar I've come up with has come from and tries to monitor what I buy etc. Me having money makes him nervous.
He tried to demand information yesterday "how are we going to manage logistics" without being specific and when I finally got him to be specific, I didn't have any answers for him because I don't know, yet. He also whined "I just want you to talk to me... No one talks to me....." and yep, no one talks to him because he's consistently, distressingly unpleasant to talk to.
Then, to add stress to the stress, before I went to bed I got an incoming package email from USPS Informed Delivery stating that another big box of ponies for the salon is on the way, then another which is a doll hair plus chemicals experiment subject, and then a THIRD which is from Scott.
He sent me his old android phone so I can use the camera because the camera on the iPhone6s is kind of not great. Explaining the extra, unfamiliar phone to That Guy is going to be... Fun... It doesn't even have a SIM card.
I have no idea how I'm going to manage the salon now with a job, especially a job that WILL hurt, and have two boxes incoming.... Outgoing boxes will likely have to be taken to the post office because I can't sit and watch them to be sure they're not stolen anymore, unless I schedule pick ups on Saturdays. I guess I can do that.
It's going to be even slower than before, and I will not be able to work on personal projects at all for lack of spoons after working on commissions.
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David Whamond, Toronto Star
Trump's $175 million bond in NY civil fraud trial may be fraudulent
Among the many problems with the bond obtained by Trump to forestall collection of the $464 million civil judgment in the NY fraud trial, the company that issued the bond is not admitted to issue bonds in New York and does not have the cash reserves required under New York law to issue the bond.
On Monday, The Daily Beast reported that experts who examined the bond said that it does not obligate the bonding company to pay the judgment if Trump loses on appeal—which is the essential feature of an appeal bond. Instead, the language of the bond says that Donald Trump “shall pay the bond.” See Salon, “Incomprehensible”: Experts say Trump’s $175 million bond makes no sense.
In essence, the insurance company filed a bond that said that Donald Trump would pay the underlying judgment, which he was required to do in any event.
I haven’t read the bond (I don’t have access to a copy), so I am relying on reporting from secondary sources. However, if those reports are true, Trump has filed a sham document that misrepresents the facts. The irony is that the sham bond was provided to secure a judgment against Trump for misrepresenting his financial position.
Judge Engoron will hear evidence regarding the sufficiency of the bond on April 22. We should expect that Judge Engoron will scrutinize the bond closely—and may require Trump to secure a different bond. But, if all goes according to plan, Trump will be otherwise occupied on April 22—he will be sitting at the defendant’s table in Judge Merchan’s courtroom, defending himself against felony charges of election interference.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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thatonesadending · 2 years
How Caleb got that silly red ribbon
(I had to take a break from editing the 16,000 words I have yet to post for my main fic, and this happen) Established Essek/Caleb + feelings about Molly/Kingsley 
Angst/Pining/Not really a happy ending/open ending - Mild Mighty Nein Reunion Spoilers
“I don’t know why you insist on wearing this thing, but if you must, at least insure that it is straight,” Essek sighed dramatically, leaning into Caleb in front of the others, pointedly ignoring their snickers and whispers while he adjusted the red bow at Caleb’s collar.
“Nothing about him is straight, Essek. You should know that,” Beau teased from the bean bag she was sharing with Yasha, pulled into the circle of furniture in the salon where the Nein had gathered for their first of many monthly gatherings in the Tower. 
Essek ignored her goating. They hadn’t made their relationship public yet, but there was increasingly less of a point to it since it was fairly obvious to everyone, especially since the spymaster elf could not contain his sly smile as he smooth his hands down Caleb’s shoulders after correcting the crooked bow and making the human blush. 
“It’s a tie,” Caleb offered as an excuse even though he knew none was needed for the playful ribbing.
“I may not be an expert in Empire fashions, but I am quite certain that this is not a tie,” Caleb opened his mouth to argue, but Essek swiftly stopped him by continuing, “and do not insult bow ties by insinuating that is one.”
“My students like it.”
“They like having something to snicker at,” Essek flicked one of the ends of the red ribbon before smiling into his half drunk glass of wine. It was good to see him like this, relaxed and enjoying himself. Not that that had been an uncommon sight for Caleb the past few months, but the rest of their friends hadn’t gotten to see much of it, and it made Caleb’s heart a little more full to be able to share it with them in their magical home. 
They all were gathered around a warm fire in the Salon, glasses all at different levels and with full bellies, relaxing in each other’s company with no looming threats for what felt like the first time. Or at least that’s what Caleb had thought, somehow missing the agitated swish of a lavender tail in the corner of the room. 
“Godsdamn,” Kingsley abruptly stood up, his stride smooth after a wobbly first one thanks to the endless refills of ale provided by the tower cats, “Had I known it was gonna bother your boyfriend so fucking much, I wouldn’t have bothered.”
The swashbuckler was attempting to keep his tone light, play off his annoyance as a joke, but Caleb could feel his hurt by how he squatted in front of where the human sat on the loveseat next to Essek and lifted his bearded chin a bit more roughly then necessary. Quick fingers and a tug, and the ribbon was gone from around Caleb’s next. He wanted to protest, ask to keep the ribbon at least, but Kingsley stood and already had his deft hands tying the colorful gifted ribbon around the wizard’s ponytail instead. 
“Ta-da! Better?” He asked Essek with a half sarcastic flourish, to which the elf stayed quite unsure how to interpret Kingsley's mood.
“Aww, now he kinda looks like a schoolgirl! I am sure your lady students will love it, Cayleb,” Jester was trying to defuse the tension, but Kingsley’s eye twitched before his face turned hard as stone. 
“You lot really will make fun of him for anything, huh?” The ribbon was pulled free again, and this time Kingsley took it with him as he walked away, leaving Caleb with his protests caught in his throat lest he make his friend more frustrated. He hadn’t reached the chaise lounge he had been occupying before another of their friends spoke up, and Caleb kicked himself for not stepping in sooner to defend the ribbon.
“What the fuck man? We are just having a little fun, it's just a ribbon,” Beau chuckled, half confused and half dismissive. 
Kingsley sighed, shaking his head as to dispel his foul mood. However, Caleb saw how his gloved hand clenched around the ribbon repeatedly before dumping the object of contention in one of the waste bins, and then stuffing his hands back into his coat pockets that were lined in the same material. 
“No, no you are right, I am just tired, is all. Bit sensitive from a day trying to keep the crew from ruining the hull further while we patched her up, apparently. Gonna go take a bath. Night y’all.” 
Kingsley didn’t give anyone the space to challenge him, but ducked out of the Salon much quicker than a sore sailor should be able to. An awkward silence stretched for a time, until a dark purple Mage Hand fished the discarded ribbon, and Essek dutifully cast Prestidigitation on it a few times despite there being nothing soiling it.  
“I sincerely apologize, Caleb. I had not meant any ill —”
“No need, Schatz. You did not do anything wrong, I know you only tease because you care. I took no offense,” the confusion and worry ebbed a bit from Essek’s eyes, which was worth admission of affection in front of their friends. 
“I do believe I need to apologize to Kingsley, however. I had not known he had gifted it to you, otherwise I wouldn’t have—”
“He did not,” Caleb felt horrible about cutting Essek off again, and worst for the listening ears now on him looking for an explanation, “He did not give it to me, not really. It had been meant as a gift for Frumpkin.”
The seconds dragged as Caleb fought not to get overwhelmed by the Nein’s silence as they all understood the unspoken in what he had said. All except for Essek. 
“To my knowledge, Kingsley never met Frumpkin, correct?”
“Yes, that is correct.”
The skin on the back of his neck burned, but he dropped his voice closer to a whisper, knowing it wouldn’t do much good to the more inquisitive of their group. 
“I hadn’t expected him to be so upset when he found out Frumpkin was no longer with me. I took the gift and wore it myself as more of a joke to make him less sad. I will admit to continuing to wear it because it made him smile, and in turn me, because it reminded me of my friend,” the confession brought up so many conflicting and confusing feelings for the wizard that he had been stuffing down since they left Cognoza, and he couldn’t help the guilt that washed over him as he told his friend turned lover what he had been keeping private, “I am sorry, Essek. I should not have kept that from you.”
“It seems like both have a habit of apologizing to the wrong people,” Essek huffed, but still gave Caleb a kind smile while cupping his cheek with understanding the human was sure he didn’t deserve, “Go talk to him. I am sure he will be glad to retie it if you ask.”
“Nein,” Caleb shook his head, taking the hand away from his face and giving it a definitive kiss along the knuckles so Essek wouldn’t think for a moment he was wavering on his feelings for the other wizard.  “This is for the best. It hadn’t been meant for me, it will be better if I let it go.”
Let him go.
”Besides, you are right,” he continued, louder and with an attempt to return to casualness he did not feel, “it was a rather unprofessional tie. You will just have to help me select a new one before the start of the new semester at the Academy.” 
Predictably, there was a chorus of cheers and questions from the others at this confirmation that Caleb had finally accepted the offered teaching position at his old school. He answered all of them except for Jester’s more filthy ones about how he planned on christening his office. Eventually the good-natured mood returned to their group, aided with refilled glasses and fresh pastries. 
Everyone that was, except for Essek, whose gaze was watching Caleb a little too carefully in that way that told the human his partner was not happy with his evasiveness on the subject. Caleb watched the red ribbon disappear quietly into the elf’s WristPocket, he had almost reached out to grab it, to ask to keep it. But he didn’t think his heart would survive the explanation, that it was the only reminder he had left of his old friend. The colorful tattoo’s glamored away in an effort to make Kingsley more of his own, all his old jewelry lying in a shallow grave where Lucien had tossed them, the coat and cards all now belonging to someone new. 
The ribbon might have come from the scraps of Kingsley’s new identity, but it was all Caleb had to know that little fragment was still there, not completely lost to the ether. Reaching out to pet his cat like Mollymauk always used to, when really what the BloodHunter had wanted was Caleb’s attention. But the dirty old wizard had never given when he had had the chance, too scared of being hurt. Now too scared of being the one to hurt others. He owed it to Essek, to Kingsley, to not hurt them by holding on to a silly ribbon.
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chubcheckers · 8 months
The Filming of Harry
A shulbby Insurance Salesman discovers new things about himself as an insane husband enacts his revenge.
Harry, an insurance salesman for a shady company, found himself in a perilous situation. Caught red-handed by one of his clients, he was now at the mercy of his own indiscretions. With a desperate demeanor and a weakness for temptation, Harry had succumbed to the allure of a married nymphomaniac who happened to be married to the owner of the local nail salon and check cashing service. As he…
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rotationalsymmetry · 2 years
1. WE believe that fat people are fully entitled to human respect and recognition.
2. WE are angry at mistreatment by commercial and sexist interests. These have exploited our bodies as objects of ridicule, thereby creating an immensely profitable market selling the false promise of avoidance of, or relief from, that ridicule.
3. WE see our struggle as allied with the struggles of other oppressed groups against classism, racism, sexism, ageism, financial exploitation, imperialism and the like.
4. WE demand equal rights for fat people in all aspects of life, as promised in the Constitution of the United States. We demand equal access to goods and services in the public domain, and an end to discrimination against us in the areas of employment, education, public facilities and health services.
5. WE single out as our special enemies the so-called “reducing” industries. These include diet clubs, reducing salons, fat farms, diet doctors, diet books, diet foods and food supplements, surgical procedures, appetite suppressants, drugs and gadgetry such as wraps and “reducing machines”.
WE demand that they take responsibility for their false claims, acknowledge that their products are harmful to the public health, and publish long-term studies proving any statistical efficacy of their products. We make this demand knowing that over 99% of all weight loss programs, when evaluated over a five-year period, fail utterly, and also knowing the extreme proven harmfulness of frequent large changes in weight.
6. WE repudiate the mystified “science” which falsely claims that we are unfit. It has both caused and upheld discrimination against us, in collusion with the financial interests of insurance companies, the fashion and garment industries, reducing industries, the food and drug industries, and the medical and psychiatric establishment.
7. WE refuse to be subjugated to the interests of our enemies. We fully intend to reclaim power over our bodies and our lives. We commit ourselves to pursue these goals together.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me: Hart to Hart 1x19
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Episode Title: Does She or Doesn't She?
Original Airdate: March 18, 1980
Why this one: I've kind of figured it out, I think. When the series finally came out on DVD, they released the first two seasons and then...CRICKETS. So the vast majority of my "favorite" eps come from the first two seasons because they're the ones I've seen the most. Barry and his hothead salon is no exception.
Favorite Quote: After we feather the condor's nest, what do you say we come home and feather our own. What a good idea.
Right off the bat - when Jennifer meets Peggy in the bathroom way back in "You Made Me Kill You", she tells some bullshit story about her hairdresser. The truth is her real hairdresser is Barry and he has been since forever.
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This episode opens with women gossiping with their hairdressers, which are all men.
Jennifer is getting her head done for the "Save the Condor" benefit.
Her stylist, Barry, is flirting with some girl. Jennifer is amused.
Guest star: this fabulous lady from Grease.
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Mrs Hutchins shows up, but her appointment is tomorrow at 2.
She rolls up with a gun and shoots at Barry and Jennifer hits the deck along with everyone else. There is much screaming and running and bullet holes everywhere.
Jonathan pulls up in time to hear the gunshots and he runs in to find Jennifer.
"Boy when I said come pick me up I didn't think it would be off the floor."
Jennifer is really concerned about her earring but Jonathan is like "BABE ARE YOU OK?"
Sally Hutchins, according to Barry, is a really nice lady usually. She must have had a really good reason to shoot him.
Jonathan knows Barry has a good reputation but he prefers when Jennifer does her own hair.
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While they dress they muse about how they don't really get what happened that day, and Jennifer doesn't think he was having an affair with the gun lady.
After all, he's pretty up front with his girlfriends.
Jennifer finds something in her purse that she picked up when she was looking for her earring. Jonathan thinks it's a hair dryer part.
Over at Barry's house, he's being visited by a gangster who wants to talk to him. Tells Barry to get rid of the girl.
We realize that this gangster guy was blackmailing Mrs Sally.
He reminds Barry not to call the police or the insurance company. And when Barry tries to fight back, he gets punched in the stomach for his effort.
Outside of Barry's apartment, Mrs Sally is sitting in the dark with a gun. When she sees the gangster come out, she peels out in her car.
She calls her husband but he can't talk to her. So she apologizes and drives off into the night.
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What is it with this guy and his dumb ascot?
Max has a hangover - he lost his shirt in poker.
There's a call at the gate and it's the Grease lady from the salon.
She is worried about Barry. "He seems to be in quicksand." Every time she asks him, he shuts her up.
Jonathan asks questions about Sally and Grease Lady says Barry was not having an affair with Sally. He draws the line at married women.
Max enters with the information that Mrs Sally is dead. "Poor Barry," Grease Lady says.
The Harts go to see Barry, dressed in matching outfits.
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The important part of this cap is the giant breast behind them.
Barry is not making an insurance claim and he makes a vague explanation about writing off costs as improvements.
Barry was stunned about Mrs Sally, but he doesn't seem to be too concerned. He tells the Harts to let him handle things.
Jennifer thinks Barry isn't in any position to ask for help, so Jonathan calls Max and asks him to tail Barry.
J&J go to see Mrs Sally's widower.
He seems very sad about his wife. She was very gentle and dependable. And her husband is very guilty about not talking to her the night before.
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At home, J&J are making pasta from scratch.
Jonathan says in his early days he made a buck stretch pretty far.
Max arrives home and has lots of info. A loan shark (the gangster from earlier) visited Barry and then his two goons went into the building next door.
They have an office on the second floor - in Beverly Hills!
The loan shark's goons are there every day at 9, except monday.
The building superintendent is Italian - Alfredo.
Barry's building looks familiar - I think it's a restaurant. Or was.
Anyway, J&J are trying to get into Loan Shark's office and the Harts buy their way in with homemade pasta.
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Let's be real - if these pretty people came and brought me pasta they made with their own four hands, I'd let them do whatever they wanted, too.
So the kids break into the office and guess who pulls up just as they go inside? If you said two goons, give yourself a bowl of pasta.
Micklin. The loan shark's name is Micklin.
Once inside it's a pretty empty office with a giant fish tank and a reel-to-reel recorder. If you don't know what that is, get off my lawn.
Goon #1 realizes the office is unlocked and the Harts claim to be from the humane society, checking on the health of the pirhana. But then they take off running and like all idiots in a chase, they run to the roof.
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With no other choice, they jump into the conveniently located truck full of mattresses.
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"All I can say is it's a heck of a way to get me into bed." Ya'll cannot smash on this mattress don't even think about it.
Micklin tells Barry to get the Harts to quit looking into things, but also warns him not to snitch. But he doesn't trust Barry, so he orders the phone be bugged.
The next scene starts with only dialogue, which is meant to insinuate J&J were able to hold off on smashing untl they got home. Jennifer says she loves the strength in Jonathan's hands.
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Instead, he's just giving her a back massage because she's sore from jumping off the building.
It reminds Jennifer of when they used to play touch football. "It wasn't really touch football was it. You used to tackle me all the time, even when I didn't have the ball." What did the ref say? "There was no ref, we were in the living room. "
Jonathan tells her touch football is for kids - tackle football is for adults. And she knows how he is about contact sports.
AND THEN SHE'S LIKE "CONTACT" and HE SAYS "YOU NOTICED" i'm sorry we're sitting here talking about Jonathan's Big H and *I* am the only one blushing? SHOW.
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"Its not that I really mind but...you never let me score. "
They're really about to do the damn thing when MAX BUZZES IN.
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"Two minute warning," according to Jennifer, who looks bereft. No nookie for you, princess.
Jonathan answers the intercom with his foot - because he's not letting this opportunity slide - but goddamn BARRY is there.
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Not that the Harts managed to get dressed to see him. Fewer clothes means they can get back to their game quicker.
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Anyway, Barry took a loan from Micklin and he doesn't want that to hurt the Harts. He tells them to stay out of it and you know how good this couple is at keeping their noses out of stuff.
They send you-know-who to get some dirt from Micklin the loan shark. He's going to go pretend to take out a $2k loan.
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J&J decide to find out more information about Sally from her private secretary.
The secretary spills that Sally had a flirtatious weekend with someone who isn't her husband but she really loved her husband.
In the last few weeks of her life, Sally was even more tense than usual.
"She wanted to sell a necklace, a very expensive one Mr Hutchins had given her."
Max strikes out with Micklin, who says he only deals in LARGE sums of money with substantial collateral. Max says he has plenty but it's still no deal.
On his way out, Max takes a brochure. Who makes a brochure for their loan sharking business? that's weird.
When Max tells them about his experience, he mentions the locations of Micklin's other businesses...which just happens to coincide with the locations of Barry's other salons. Beverly Hills, New York, Dallas and Palm Beach.
Since there's no internet, J&J call information in all the cities to get the addresses and locations of Barry's salons and Micklin's offices. And in every city they're next door to each other.
And Micklin's offices are open every day but monday - just like hair dressers.
And the thing Jennifer found in her purse is a bugging device.
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Women tell their deepest, darkest secrets to their hair dressers and Micklin has been using the dirt to blackmail the womens.
On confronting Barry, he confirms all of it. He got a loan so he could look fancy but he can't just pay off Micklin. He's in too deep.
So my darling, daft babies decide to set up a sting to get Micklin to blackmail Barry.
At the salon, Jennifer tells Barry that Jonathan is playing a very dangerous game with money. Jonathan is "up to his old tricks again", selling the same shares over and over again.
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Then Jennifer turns into a 1940s gun moll and says "I'd like to meet the man who is a match for my Jonathan."
Stupid Micklin rises to the bait.
At the house, J&J have brought in the police who just wants to raid Micklin's office.
It is the HARTS who remind him how police and the law work.
It's also the perfect time for Micklin to call and get the ball rolling.
"We have nothing to talk about Mr Hart. Now you will do the listening. That is, unless you want me to call the authorities. Now at 5:30 you will bring $100k in small bills to the La Brea tarpits."
So they get the money and head to La Brea but first...they decide to call Barry and tell him they're ok.
and do we remember that micklin bugged Barry's phone?
whomp whomp
Barry says he'll thank Jennifer in person and Jonathan says "yeah, but not in private" because sometimes they're just that territorial over each other. Fortunately, it's all in good fun.
a few blocks from the tar pits, Micklin calls Jonathan and tells him to come to the salon and don't call the police if they want to see Barry alive again.
Micklin wants the money and Jonathan says he'll be glad to let him have it...and swings the briefcase at Micklin so that an entire keystone cops fight breaks out. But it doesn't last very long.
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The final cut scene is Barry, Grease Lady, Jennifer and Jonathan sitting around discussing someone in the chair. It's Max.
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"This won't shatter my image, will it Mr H?"
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cambridge-taxi · 22 days
What's The Best Way To Get From Gatwick Airport To Cambridge
When you arrive at Gatwick airport, planning for a trip to Cambridge will include arranging secure transportation. Now, before we discuss the top choice of taxi service from Gatwick Airport to Cambridge for an easy journey, let's explore other options available:
Train- It gives a fast and pleasant journey, where you can go to Cambridge station straight from the airport. Yet, there are some bothers too such as waiting for your train time in busy carriages with no privacy. When you get to the station, find a public taxi for city exploration. If your group is big in size, this might cause more stress.
Bus - It provides a low-cost choice. It takes more time, yet it might still be good compared to the train. However, getting the right bus on the same route as you require can’t be easy. Additionally, you cannot stop wherever you explore at your own pace.
Gatwick Airport To Cambridge Taxi- Flexibility At Your Fingertips:
Renting a car provides ultimate flexibility. It allows you to explore the Cambridge City at your own pace. But, with a public taxi, traffic, and parking costs in Cambridge and potential driving stress can make your journey stressful.
On the other hand, Private Transfers are more safe and enjoyable. It offers a hassle-free experience. A professional taxi can whisk you directly from the airport to your Cambridge destination.
The best part is that you can book an airport taxi for both groups with heavy luggage and solo rides. Prices vary based on the distance and the service provider.
A private taxi service offers door-to-door convenience that is unmatched. It not only offers airport transfers but also caters to different special occasions and business travels. All these things make a professional taxi service stand out from its counterparts.
When it comes to taxi fares, simply get quotes from different airport transfer companies, compare the prices and the services offered, and make an informed decision that suits your budget and preferences.
Which Option Is Right For You?
Choosing the right transportation option depends on your choice, but consider the following factors before deciding on it.
When it comes to speed, the train is the fastest option and bus travel can be cheaper comparatively. However, you cannot expect the Flexibility and Convenience that an airport transfer offers. Taxis or private transfers provide door-to-door service at the best pricing range. They ensure a superior level of customer satisfaction.
Book your Gatwick Airport to Cambridge taxi online in advance to secure your ride. In addition, you can have a chance to choose your favorite taxi, be it a salon, estate, executive car, or MPV. All the vehicles are well-maintained and drivers are skilled and trained, ensuring a comfortable and swift ride.
Looking for a Gatwick airport to Cambridge taxi? Cambridge-Taxi is the most trusted taxi transfer company in Cambridge. Our fixed price for Cambridge to Gatwick Airport for a saloon car is £175 and Gatwick Airport to Cambridge fixed price for a saloon car is £185. Our licensed and insured taxi company ensures the best taxi service. Learn more at www.cambridge-taxi.com
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wtii · 23 days
Why Spa Insurance Matters for Commercial Properties and Constructions in Ontario
As a commercial property owner or construction company in Ontario, it's crucial to understand the importance of having spa insurance to protect your investments. Whether you own a spa, a salon, a wellness center, or any other business that involves spa services, having the right insurance coverage can make all the difference in case of unexpected events.
Commercial property insurance is essential for any business owner, as it provides coverage for property damage, liability claims, and other risks that can arise in the course of operating a business. In the case of spas, where clients come in for relaxation and self-care treatments, there are additional risks that need to be addressed through specialized spa insurance.
One of the main reasons why spa insurance matters for commercial properties and construction insurance Ontario is that it can provide coverage for specific risks that are unique to the spa industry. For example, if a client is injured while receiving a treatment at your spa, you could be held liable for their medical expenses and other damages. Spa insurance can help cover these costs and protect your business from financial losses.
Additionally, spa insurance can also provide coverage for equipment breakdowns, property damage, and other risks that can arise in the course of running a spa business. This can help ensure that your business is protected from unforeseen events that could otherwise result in significant financial losses.
Construction insurance in Ontario is also crucial for construction companies that are involved in building spas or other commercial properties. Construction projects can be risky endeavors, with potential hazards such as accidents, injuries, property damage, and delays that can occur during the construction process. Having the right construction insurance coverage can help protect construction companies from these risks and provide financial protection in case of unexpected events.
When it comes to spa insurance and construction insurance in Ontario, it's important to work with an insurance provider that understands the unique risks and challenges faced by businesses in these industries. By working with an experienced insurance provider, you can ensure that your business is properly protected and that you have the coverage you need to safeguard your investments.
In conclusion, spa insurance matters for commercial properties and constructions in Ontario because it provides essential coverage for specific risks faced by businesses in the spa industry. Whether you own a spa or are involved in building spa facilities, having the right insurance coverage can help protect your business from financial losses and ensure that you have peace of mind in case of unexpected events. By working with an experienced insurance provider, you can find the right spa insurance and construction insurance coverage for your business and safeguard your investments for the future.
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themirthofanation · 1 month
The crisis is not at the boarder, it is a lot closer.
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Efficient and Reliable Top Commercial Laundry Services in London for Businesses
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Like residential houses, different business places also need the help of commercial laundry services in London to maintain hygiene within those places. Hotels, restaurants, hospitals, salons, and other commercial places should maintain cleanliness. But hiring a commercial laundry cleaning service requires professionals to consider the following areas: 
Reliability: Before finalising a deal with a commercial cleaning service provider, it is necessary to check the reliability of the professional laundry service providers. They should offer all services on time, along with pick-up and delivery. A good way to understand a dry cleaner’s reliability is by reading online reviews from past customers. 
Quality: Different commercial laundry services London offer different services. You may find some dry cleaners offer washing and cleaning services at a low price, but this can compromise the quality of the services. So, while selecting commercial laundry service providers, it is necessary to ask about the quality of their work. You can ask them directly what detergent they use to wash and clean laundry items. 
Laundry Type: Do you need regular laundering of linens, towels, and uniforms, or are there particular items like flame-retardant work wear or medical scrubs? So, it is necessary to check whether the dry cleaners possess all the required knowledge of cleaning different types of items or not. 
Turnaround Time: The turnaround time is one of the most important criteria that you need to consider before hiring a professional laundry cleaner. The demand for dry cleaning companies increases depending on the turnaround time. Different providers offer varying turnaround times, so it is necessary to choose one that supports your operational needs. 
Cleaning Process: While hiring a commercial laundry service near me, you need to inquire about the cleaning methods used. A professional dry cleaning company should always use advanced technologies to maintain hygiene. Reputed dry cleaners always prioritise high-quality detergents and gentle yet effective washing procedures to ensure long-lasting linens. 
Stain Removal: You need to ask the professional dry cleaners regarding the type of stain removal they use. It is also necessary to understand the procedure they follow for stain removal, particularly for heavily soiled items.
Folding and Finishing: Every professional dry cleaner, like Prime Laundry, should deliver the cleaned items with a perfect fold. So, you need to clarify whether the professionals will deliver all the cleaned items perfectly folded or not. 
Communication: Proper communication is a must while dealing with a commercial laundry service in Beckenham. You need to ensure the communication types they prefer. A prompt response is always desirable when hiring a professional commercial laundry cleaning service provider. 
Track and Trace: Many top-ranked professional dry cleaners always facilitate customers with an advanced track-and-trace system that allows you to monitor your laundry’s progress. 
Insurance and Licensing: A reliable and well-established dry-cleaning company must provide exact insurance coverage following the relevant industry regulations and norms. So, you also need to check whether the companies are offering adequate insurance coverage or not. 
Safety Protocols: Reputed dry cleaners always need to maintain the necessary safety protocols to prevent contamination or damage during the laundry process. So, you need to inquire about those safety measures to get a reliable dry cleaning service. 
References and Reviews: When you are going to hire a professional dry cleaner, you need to check the references and reviews first. You can go through the website of the company to get the reviews of old customers. You can also ask your friends or relatives about the commercial laundry services in London and their reliability. 
Price comparison: Different dry cleaning companies offer different pricing structures. So, it is a good option to compare the prices between 2-3 dry cleaning companies. You can obtain quotes from dry cleaners and compare the prices. You should be aware of extremely low quotes that might compromise quality.  
Contractual Terms: It is necessary to review the contract accurately. You need to pay attention to the minimum order requirements, cessation clauses, and any hidden charges. 
Environmentally-Friendly Practices: In recent days, dry cleaners have been paying attention to implementing eco-friendly practices during the washing and cleaning of clothes. The professionals use biodegradable detergents and water-saving technologies to save the environment. These eco-friendly products will also allow companies to maintain their hygiene while saving the earth.  
Disaster Recovery Plan: Many commercial laundry services maintain disaster recovery plans for handling unexpected situations, like equipment failures or natural disasters. The agencies should make a risk assessment and evaluate the critical needs. So, you must ask the dry cleaners whether the company maintains a proper disaster recovery plan. 
Customer Service: Effective customer service is the basis of success for every dry cleaning company. The professionals should pay attention to answering the queries of every customer. Hence, evaluating the provider’s responsiveness and professionalism during interactions is a must before you hire a professional dry cleaning company.
This content is originally published on Prime Laundry’s Website: Efficient and Reliable Top Commercial Laundry Services in London for Businesses
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websourceitsolution · 2 months
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mynattinsurance-blog · 3 months
Reasons To Buy Barber Insurance in Carrollwood and Tampa, FL
Numerous tradespeople earn an income on account of their skills throughout the country. The beauty industry is flourishing, with thousands of beauty salons and barber shops operating in highly populated areas. Most cannot protect their business during the lean years and after a natural disaster. Shutting shop and beginning anew is even more troublesome. Carrying barber insurance in Carrollwood and Tampa, FL, that covers all eventualities can be helpful to keep the business operational. ​ Whether one has a full-service salon or provides hair-cutting and trimming services to clients, being covered by the right insurance plan can help one continue the business confidently. Being covered by business insurance is optional for barbers. Still, it certainly helps to mitigate the financial risks significantly, primarily when one obtains the necessary compensation to take care of the following:-
· Medical expenses · Property damage · Legal fees · Lost wages
True, barber shops do not run the risk of being gravely injured on the job. But the risks of hurting oneself or a customer are possible as the professional has to do the following regularly:-
· Work with sharp implements · Management of the staff · Deal with employee dishonesty · Cater to multiple customers with diverse needs simultaneously · Stocking heavy products
It is normal to need clarification about specific coverage to reduce the risks of a barbershop. With different types of shops and salons operating with various kinds of services provided to customers, it makes sense to pick and choose individual coverage carefully. Some of the most necessary types of coverage that hair stylists must consider include the following:-
· Barbershop professional liability insurance · General liability insurance · Property insurance · Equipment breakdown coverage · Workers’ compensation insurance
The necessity is not unlike that of other small business companies. Hair stylists and barbers often purchase the Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), which combines three distinct types of coverage, making insurance more cost-effective. Buying each of the following coverages individually is sure to be more expensive:
· General liability insurance- The compensation is received for resolution of liability claims filed for physical injury or property damage of another person not related to the business
· Commercial property insurance- The insurance carrier pays for damage repair or replacement of equipment that is necessary to operate the shop or salon. Most carriers will cover the following implements:
l Grooming chairs l Clippers l Blow dryers l Towel-warming machines
· Business income insurance- A natural disaster or ongoing renovation may temporarily force one to close the business. The insurance company will reimburse the income lost in the interim, thus making good the loss.
Sure, a small-time barber is likely to worry about insurance coverage expenses. Fortunately, the price is reasonable and easily afforded by most hair professionals.
Big and small businesses can reduce their financial risks by buying the requisite commercial insurance in Tampa and Carrollwood, FL.
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paulasamuels · 3 months
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What a very strange day this has been! We left Paris this morning, departing by train from the Gare St. Lazare and arriving about 1.75 hours later in Rouen. Managing 2 electronic rail passes in a web-based app with spotty internet access proved challenging, but thank goodness for screen shots of our ticket QR codes, which satisfied the SNCF agents who made their way through the train, checking tickets along the way.
The plan was to store our luggage at a Bounce location in Rouen, having already spent about $30 for the convenience of being bag-free for 4 hours. The Bounce location was closed, which left us toodling about town for 4 hours with luggage in tow (no refund yet, but I'm working on that). We had a nice lunch at Dame Cakes Salon de The', but even that required carrying our bags up a flight of steep, narrow stairs to our table. A lunch of tea with savory cakes was great, though, so all was forgiven. We visited 2 fantastic churches, took some nice photos, I had Gelato, and at last we boarded our train for Caen.
Let me start by saying that I had concerns from the start about renting a car in a moderate-sized city, but ultimately decided to do it because of proximity to the train station. My concerns were legitimate. I rented the car via Uber, which partnered with local company Sixt, who tried to sell me overpriced insurance, despite the fact that Uber provides insurance with its rentals. Finally, after sorting out the details, we were given our key and a poorly designed map to go find the car. We walked a good distance, part of it uphill, only to realize we had missed the rental car lot and had to turn around and walk back to a pothole-filled lot where we finally found the car. We inspected the car, took pictures of a couple of scratches, and were finally ready to leave, but I couldn't figure out how to get the manual transmission into reverse. Thank God for Google, where we found the answer (lift up on the little ring at the top of the boot covering the gear shift) and were on our way. While I'm expressing gratitude, let me also give a shoutout to the built-in GPS in our rental Peugeot. Without it, we might still be driving around Caen trying to find the disc golf course needed to keep William's weekly playing streak alive. After 9 holes of disc golf at the park, GPS routed us from Caen to our hotel in Bayeux.
The first thing I did when we checked in to our Bayeux hotel room was konk my head on the square edge of a hanging rack. No blood, but yikes that hurt!
The day ended on a positive note, though. We had a great dinner at a brasserie next door to the hotel, consuming an amount of wine commensurate with the challenging nature of our day. I thanked & congratulated William for maintaining his composure and sense of humor throughout the frustrations of this day. This is how you know when you've found a great travel partner, someone who can laugh at the bizarre inconveniences of traveling independently and keep plugging away, ready for the next adventure.
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