#spa insurance companies
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raz-writes-the-thing · 11 months
Out In The Sticks (Broadchuch Drabble)
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Alec Hardy x GN!Reader / requests are open and encouraged!
Summary: It's high time you forced Alec to take a vacation.
Song: Would That I - Hozier
CW: very soft stuff- idk,, go to your dentists after reading to check for cavities
Broadchurch tag list: @clarina04 @kaylinelizabeth4004 @yeethaw13 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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Alec’s never really been one for vacation. Never been one to kick his feet back, sip on a margarita and relax by the pool with a good book. No, Alec’s idea of relaxing was a quick cup of tea and a read of the paper. 
It had taken a great amount of effort to convince Alec to take some of his very, very extensive leave entitlements and pop off for a weekend away, but you’d got there in the end. 
So here you both were, just arriving at a cabin out in the sticks. It was due to snow tonight. It was safe to say that you were excited, and Alec less so. He really was a total grump, but you loved him anyway.
“I hate the snow,” he complained, right hand reaching out to feel as the first flecks of snow started to fall. “So bleedin’ cold, too.” He shook his hand off when the first two melted instantly, the water cold. 
Alec shivered in his big puffer coat and you cooed, pulling him into your embrace. You patted his head mock-comfortingly. 
“Aww, poor baby,” you pouted. “Izzit too cold for you, hm? Poor little thing, come on inside, darling baby.” 
Alec pulled away from you, giving you an only half sincere glare. 
“Shut up,” he growled with no bite, pointing an accusatory finger at you. You broke out into laughter and pulled him by the hand towards the cabin door. It was a quaint little thing and you couldn’t wait to get inside. There would be plenty of time to explore tomorrow. Alec pulled the key from his pocket and unlocked the cabin, pushing the door open with a very satisfying wooden creak. 
There was a fire roaring in the fireplace for you already. Seemed a little dangerous to you, but hey, you weren’t the one paying for the insurance. You let out a gasp as you took in your surroundings. Wood grain everywhere, pretty rugs and a big comfortable-looking leather sofa. Oh, yes, now this was more like it.
Alec shrugged your coat off, pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead. He placed both yours and his coats on the hook by the door and followed you inside. By the time he’d managed to close the door and toe his shoes off, you were already in front of the fire, warming your cold hands and shivering with relief as the cold finally started to ebb away. 
“We should fuck on the rug later by the fire,” you say casually, not looking away from the flames licking up the sides of the logs. “I’ve always wanted to do that. Isn’t there champagne in an ice bucket somewhere too? It’s a plan. Fuck on the rug and then celebrate our fucking with our ice bucket of champagne.” 
Alec scoffs by your ear, wrapping his arms around you. You jump from how cold his skin is and tut. 
“Jesus, man,” you say, not pulling away in the slightest. “I’m going to have to strap water bottles to you this weekend, aren’t I?” 
Alec kisses the top of your head in response.
The two of you stand there for a little while, swaying softly in the heat of the fire, enjoying each other's company and finally, after a good long while, getting to relax. No work, no stress. 
The only thing that waited for you this weekend was the spa, some wine, maybe a snowball fight and- if you had any say over it- a lot of naked cuddling. 
You couldn’t wait.
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xiubaek-13 · 2 years
The Busiest Night Manager In Seoul Part 1
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Part of the Crimson Aurora Hotel & Spa collaboration
Genre: Hotel AU, eventual smut.
Pairing: Night Manager Baekhyun x Hotel Guest Reader
Word Count: 3,932
Warnings: Christmas tree innuendo? Roleplay if you squint. Nothing really for this chapter, its mostly an intro to their characters.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this. There will be 3 parts to this short fic. I wanted to break it up a bit rather than drop a 15k monster on all of you.
You checked your booking information one last time before leaving for the airport. You’d gotten ready too early, a trait your mother had ingrained into your subconscious, at least you weren’t as extreme as her - she’d be at the airport 8 hours before the flight boarded, you were only a couple of hours ahead of schedule. Still not quite believing that you were off on an all expenses paid trip to Seoul, you shut the door behind you and rolled your suitcase towards the taxi that had just pulled up in front of your building. When you’d topped the sales board for most insurance policies in your branch last year you had been gifted a $100 voucher for dinner so it had come as a huge surprise that this year instead of a gift voucher, you received an envelope through the internal mailing system that contained a plane ticket, a 5 night hotel booking confirmation and details of a one day meeting that you were to attend on behalf of the company. 
After confirming that the trip was indeed real and not some sort of joke you’d looked the hotel up online and it was fancy with a capital F. You just knew you’d look out of place there. The Crimson Aurora Hotel & Spa was a top tier, very expensive, luxury hotel. You had this image of all of the guests in their designer clothes, nary a hair out of place. Your personal style did not scream ‘I have lots of money’, not that you cared. You liked your style, it wasn’t bad, it would just stick out like a sore thumb in a place like that. 
The hotel had recently been renovated. You’d spent a decent portion of your flight to Seoul reading up on the new and improved Crimson Aurora. They offered a wide range of services, more than you’d seen on any hotel list that you’d stayed at before: 24 hr room service, on-site pool, spa, sauna, gym with personal trainer, yoga sessions, cocktail bar, celebrity chef, top of the line security, tour guides, live music. The list went on. Surely they were offering too much? How many employees did it have? It would have to be a lot to accommodate all of those services. 
You were due to arrive late at night, checking in around 11:30pm due to your flight times. You had been given instructions from one of the very helpful receptionists on how to contact the night manager once you arrived so that he could check you in and see you to your room.  While the taxi from the airport took you to your destination you rang the number you’d been provided with. After two rings the night manager answered. 
“Crimson Aurora Hotel & Spa, Night Manager Baekhyun speaking. How may I be of assistance to you this evening?” His voice was soothing, the tone of it comforting. It made you feel like you were speaking to an old friend which kind of startled you.
Pulling your mind from the odd tangent it was headed down Do I know him? Surely not right? But his voice…it feels familiar… “Oh hi, I was told by one of the daytime receptionists to call this number when I was on my way to the hotel. I’m in the taxi from the airport right now.”
“Are you checking in for a stay with us?” He asked.
“Yes. I got stuck with a late flight. Christmas in July and all that. The driver says we’ll be arriving in about 15 minutes. Can you let me in once I arrive so I can check in? I’m sorry to be arriving so late at night.” You apologised. You knew that check in had technically finished hours ago but you’d specially organised the late check in after realising at the airport that your flight was delayed.
“It’s a very busy time for tourists, that's for sure.” He replied, not at all fussed by your late arrival.  “Ma’am if you could provide me with your booking reference I’ll have most of the check in process completed by the time you arrive.” He said kindly.
“Ok great. My booking reference is CHS-01004099.” You replied.
“Thank you ma’am. I’m just bringing the booking up now.” He hummed softly as he pulled up your booking information. The sound was pleasant to your ears but was not doing anything to help keep you awake. “You’re going to be spending a week with us. On behalf of Crimson Aurora Hotel & Spa I hope you enjoy your stay.” You could hear the smile as he spoke. “Now when you arrive, walk up to the glass doors and press the white button on the left hand door frame. That will notify me of your arrival and I will come out to assist you with your bags and finalise the check in process.” He stated.
You nodded, then realised that duh, you were on the phone so he couldn’t see you, and spoke. “Thank you. See you soon then.” You hung up, stifling a yawn as you made sure you had all of your bags ready for when you pulled up to the hotel. 
“Ok you are all set,” He smiled warmly at you as he handed you your room key. “I’ll have Jinki, our bellboy, bring your bags up to your room in a moment. You’ll need to use the room key to access floors above the restaurant level, which is level 3. On behalf of the Crimson Aurora Hotel & Spa I’d like to welcome you and hope that your stay is everything you wish it to be.” He guided you through the hotel lobby and stood with you while you waited for one of the three elevators to arrive. 
You don’t know what you expected the night manager to look like but it sure as well wasn’t what had greeted you when you had arrived. In head to toe black his ash blonde hair stood out almost as much as his incredibly warm smile. He’d greeted you and helped you inside, his ring clad fingers taking your bags from you as you followed him to the reception desk. It had been difficult not to just stare at him, there was no denying that this night manager was handsome. If he’d noticed your lingering gaze on his face and the few too many undone buttons of his shirt, he made no comments about it. Maybe it was the jet lag setting in or maybe it was just him but you continually found yourself stealing glances at him during the entire check in process. Baekhyun had remained a consummate professional so either you weren't staring as much as you thought or he was ignoring it. 
He grinned and waved after you stepped into the elevator. "Sleep well. Just call the front desk if anything in your room isn't right." You nodded in thanks, a small smile creeping onto your face.
The bed in the room was so incredibly comfortable that as soon as your head hit the pillow you fell asleep. You didn't even hear the knock at the door when the bellboy arrived with your bags, nor the way he quietly opened the door and placed them just inside before leaving. The long flight coupled with the huge comfortable bed meant that you slept a lot longer than you had planned. You managed to wake up right before breakfast had finished for the day. One hurried shower later you arrived at the restaurant just before the breakfast buffet closed.  You’d read about this buffet on the flight over and the way it had been described made it a must on your ever growing list of things to see and experience while you were here. 
The review you’d read had been correct, if anything it had undersold on just how unbelievably good the food was. Every single thing that you had off that buffet was delicious to the point that the food was making you mad. Whoever they’d hired as the chef and kitchen staff were worth every cent, possibly more.
Once you finished eating you took yourself on a tour around the hotel grounds, past the gym where you saw a few people taking a class with a very enthusiastic instructor, the pool; manned by a seemingly disinterested pool boy, the massage parlour; which was manned by one overconfident man who winked at you as you wandered by, the yoga studio where a class had just finished, the beautiful gardens and a second restaurant spot. You found your way back to the main area of the hotel and passed through the bar lounge and games area before you came to a stop in the lobby. The hotel was beautiful and whoever had redecorated had done an amazing job. You had read in the information pack that the Kim Kibum (better known in the art world as Key) was the mastermind behind the interior decorating.
The rest of your day was not very busy. You took yourself on a tour around Seoul, taking in all of the sites, doing some shopping and eating some local foods. Tomorrow would be the day of your actual meeting so you worked out the building that you had to go to and the most efficient route between it and the hotel. You went back to your room to look over the schedule for the day as well as key points and topics to be covered. Most of it was boring pseudo sales crap but you made sure to read all of it, not wanting to be under prepared. You are an excellent sales person but you also like to be prepared for these sorts of things, not wanting anyone to surprise you and make you look like a fool.
Baekhyun POV 
“Yah Junmyeon! When are you gonna hire more staff? I can't keep doing this on my own every single night. There's too many jobs, too many guests and I'm the only one apart from Jinki who works the night shift.” He half whined down the phone at his friend and boss. He was tired. Tired of demanding shifts with little to no thanks. He needed at least one more staff member and one more security officer before his job could become smoother. He also needed the damn bartender and the musician to start already. He was being run ragged and if the issue didn’t resolve itself soon, he’d be in danger of burning out.
Ever since the refurbishment of the hotel Junmyeon had been busy searching for and hiring new staff. He only wanted the best - he had a vision of what his hotel could be and this was his chance to get it right. So far he had hired a world class celebrity chef, an incredibly attractive pool boy, a masseuse who was good at his job but would steal your heart, a flashy bartender and a new musician. However, not all of these hires had commenced work yet. Some were still in mandatory training and others weren’t due to start until August. He couldn’t have pulled this difficult period without his events coordinator who was a true lifesaver almost as much as Baekhyun was. Junmyeon truly didn't know how he would have continued to run the hotel without Baekhyun's help. He was willing to do a shift that no one else wanted to, giving up his nights to cater to the whims of tired, grumpy, drunk and handsy elite guests. He was always available to work, was never sick and Junmyeon was pretty sure he hadn’t had a day off in at least three months. It was something he wanted to change but it would have to wait until after the Christmas in July period because he couldn’t trust anyone else to keep up the charade to children in the night when Santa was concerned.
“Soon Baek, I’m interviewing more candidates today.” He sighed, the pressure to get his staffing issue solved quickly weighing down on him. “I’m doing my best to find more staff to cover the nights and we’ve got others starting next month. We’ve just got to get through July.” Junmyeon couldn’t risk hiring the wrong people so his screening process was lengthy and demanding. 
“I know you are hyung. It’s just been a lot this past week. Christmas in July has made my shifts incredibly busy and while I’m amazing, arguably the best night manager there ever was or ever will be, I’m only one man.” He said.
“You know how much I value you Baek. I’m going to find you the staff you need but I can’t rush it. We’ve gotta trust the process.” He paused. “I’ve gotta go, the first candidate for the day has arrived.”
Baekhyun hung up and continued his journey to his room. One of the perks of being Night Manager was a suite on the eastern side of the hotel. His suite was lovely, he’d done his best (much to the chagrin of Key) to make it feel like home. He accepted all of these shifts, as well as the title of Night Manager, because he loved working for the hotel. He considered Junmyeon to be one of his closest friends, he didn’t even mind that his close friend was his boss. 
He loved his job, he just wished that he didn't have to wear so many hats at the moment to please the guests that they had. As it was newly refurbished they were trying to bring in new clientele and in order to do that it had to seem like the hotel was fully staffed at all times including the night shift so not only was he night manager but he was everyone else during the hours of 10 until 6. To say that this was exhausting and kind of boring in the beginning was not an understatement but he turned it into a game to keep it interesting for him.
Behind the reception area where no one could see he had a coat rack full of the other uniforms that staff would wear to fulfil their various roles and when it was called for he did a very quick costume change, disappearing and reappearing as someone new. For him the most fun was when he impersonated the staff that weren’t there.
Most of the guests were so full of themselves or the business that they were there for that they didn't really pay much attention to the staff as long as the staff member was good at their job and present so Baekhyun had gotten away with his ruse for quite some time. He had it down to a fine art. Until you. You saw him and he didn’t know how to feel about that. At first he was scared that you’d make a complaint to the hotel about him, but you seemed to enjoy watching him play his many roles. He wasn’t sure why the thought of that thrilled him as much as it did.
It had been quite some time since a guest had stared at him the way you did, as though you were transfixed by him. He was used to people looking through him, just seeing a staff member that they needed for something, which was fine with him, but you looked at him. That first night when you checked in he hadn’t had time to change back into the suit he wore for his main role. He’d been serving drinks at the bar right up until you buzzed the front door. He hadn’t missed the way that your eyes kept drifting to his lips, chest, hands, and thighs. It felt good to be looked at like that, as someone desirable, but he kept quiet about it. He didn’t want to make you embarrassed as he was pretty sure you weren’t aware of how unsubtle you were being after having been in transit for most of the day. He hoped he’d get to know you better during the course of the week. 
Your POV
After two days at the hotel you’d come to know a few things. 1. During the day, the place was bustling with both guests and staff. 2. At night, it was still bustling with guests but the staff… well the staff seemed to just be Baekhyun and Jinki. 3. Baekhyun denied this vehemently. 
The first night after your arrival you headed down to see the Christmas tree in the main lobby and grab a drink at the bar, maybe even listen to the dulcet tones of their newly hired pianist. You saw Baekhyun at the reception desk, giving him a small wave as you passed by. He smiled and waved back as he continued to assist the couple in front of him with directions.
You stood in front of the large tree in awe. You’d never seen a Christmas tree of this magnitude before. It was lit up, well like a Christmas tree, the red and gold baubles accenting the green of the tree beautifully. It was a lot grander than your small tree at home. Granted, yours was a real tree and you had to keep it alive (something you wouldn’t say you were excelling at but the thing wasn’t dead). 
“I’ll give you a drink voucher if you can spot my favourite decoration.” His voice startled you. You turned to your left and found Baekhyun grinning as he stood next to you. “Sorry, I thought you’d have heard me walking over. You must have really been immersed in the tree.”
You nodded. “Yeah, I’ve never seen one this big before.” He laughed. “It’s huge! Who has a Christmas tree that’s at least three storeys high and isn’t amazed by it?!”
He shrugged. “I guess I’m just used to it. I see it every day so its size doesn’t distract me.” He fought the urge to wink as he spoke. “Anyway, my offer for a drink voucher stands. You just have to find my favourite decoration. I’ll give you one chance per day.” The distinct ring of the bell at the front desk sounded and he sighed. “I’ll be back. Go get up close and personal with it.” 
Not one to pass up a free anything, you moved closer to the tree as Baekhyun went about doing his job. At first glance you’d only focused on the red and gold baubles but the longer you looked, the more decorations you noticed. There were ornaments spread across the entire tree. You spotted a candy cane, a nutcracker, various glittery pine cones, some snowmen, some varied Santa ornaments, and angel or two, a range of coloured balls with odd symbols on them, random animals with vaguely Christmas themed objects; like the corgi with a snowglobe. 
You decided to pick the European gnome style Santa ornament, with his hat covering all of his face except for his nose and beard but when you turned around, Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen. You decided to go to the bar, figuring you’d see him on your way back to the elevator when you were ready to return to your room for the night.
“Why are you everywhere?” You asked, pointedly.
The bartender, who was without a shadow of a doubt, Baekhyun replied. “I don’t know what you mean.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You served me a drink then disappeared, only to suddenly be over at the piano accompanying the jazz singer who’s here tonight, and now you’re back serving drinks.” 
“You’re mistaken.” He gestured to the tag on his shirt. “I’m Taemin, as you can see from my name badge and the pianist is Chanyeol. We’ve got similar hairstyles so I could understand why you might confuse the two of us.” He pointed at his attire. “But as you can see, I’m wearing completely different clothing. Maybe you need your eyes checked. We staff aren’t all the same, you know.” He smirked as he shook a cocktail for another guest, expertly adding little flourishes as he worked. You were not convinced. This man tending the bar, as far as you were concerned, was Baekhyun and he was doing a terrible job of convincing you otherwise. Maybe the other guests didn’t notice him the way you did but you had memorised the features of his face, and apparently some other features as well.
You leant forward on the bar counter. “You both look alarmingly similar to the night manager…” 
He chuckled as he shook his head at you in disbelief. “So our CEO has a type. How is that our fault?”
“Baekhyun…” You started.
He tutted at you as he moved to stand directly in front of you, only the bar counter separating the two of you. “I might have to cut you off little lady, I just said my name was Taemin. How could you get that so wrong?” He tilted his head, a mischievous glint in his eye. It felt like a challenge, one you were willing to play along with for now.
“My apologies, er Taemin was it?” He nodded, happy that you were playing along. “Your drinks must be stronger than I anticipated. You see I was talking with the aforementioned Night Manager before I came in here. He offered me a free drink voucher if I could guess his favourite decoration on the Christmas tree.”
He leant forward on the bar, his closeness almost distracting you. “Did you guess correctly?” He asked, a knowing smile forming on his face.
You shook your head, pouting. “No. He was nowhere to be seen when I was ready to make my first guess.”
“Ah, he is a busy man.” Not-Baekhyun offered. “I’m sure you’ll see him before you return to your room.
You sighed. “True, but I wanted to make my guess. I really stared at that huge, girthy tree for so long and got so close to it to inspect all of the details.” 
He cleared his throat. “Now I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone describe the Christmas tree like that before.” 
Before you could continue your innuendo another guest arrived at the bar which demanded Not-Baekhyun’s attention. He offered you a slight shrug as he turned to focus on the guest’s order. You couldn’t say that you minded though, you enjoyed watching him tend the bar. He was remarkably good at it, flipping bottles and providing easy banter. You weren’t sure why he was pretending to be someone else, changing his shirt, jacket and sometimes his hair wasn’t enough to fool you. Clearly it worked for the other guests as you’d spotted quite a few people who you’d seen speaking with him at the front desk not even take a second glance at him as they ordered their drinks.
The whole bit with the size of the tree? You’d picked up on his suggestive yet playful tone when he’d first mentioned it. You were here for a few more days and there was absolutely no harm in flirting with the very attractive man who seemed to be doing everyone’s jobs. He seemed interested so even if nothing came of it, you could both have your fun until you left.
As you sipped your drink, a devious little plan formed in your mind. One that would achieve a few goals for you. It would catch him out on pretending to be others and explore the extent of the wardrobe options he had on hand. If it went really well, then you both just might get to have a very Merry Christmas…in July.
Part 2
A/N: Thanks for reading and enjoying this collab. Please don’t forget to check the other writers out @myeoning-call @leewalberg @yourkeeperoftherunners @taem-min @ouvuo @dreamylittlesugarcube @jxstadaydreamer and @sojuri
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What is Ivy's home life like?
Well, she is now officially an adult, but her life still remains the same. Her parents are being busy in the Supernatural World. Rose stopping dragon slayers and Nigel being a wizard (AND NO NIGEL IS NOT HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH HIS WIFE! He is a faithful to her. They goes on dates a couple of times). Yeah it is lonely being in a big house. (At least she can host a big and wild parties at her house when she is home alone. As long as her niece and big sisters are not in the house.) At least her big sister, Evelyn and her daughter, Sibrella are living there now.
Plus, it is better than her childhood, she had a tense relationship with her father. He spoiled her. To be a brat..... Plus, he taught her magic and keeping an eyes on her mana recovery and stamina. Strict and have many expectations placed on her. Her father expected her to be strong in both magic and physically in order to be a sidekick to any of the Guardian Dragons, more specifically the one in NYC. He wanted her to have a Dragon in her friend group. However he saw that Ivy preferred the friends she picked. Nigel did not denied Ivy on her friendships. Reason is Ivy making friends with Bea and Stella allowed him to increase his own reputation by her boost her reputation to increase his reputation. That is why Ivy wanted to be independent and learn about hard work on her own. Another reason to break the cycle - Adults take advantages of her father, Nigel when he was a kid to feed his mind that he is superior and feed his ego to mold him into being used. It is suck. Ivy fell victim to it.
Although the memory is foggy now, Ivy still remember feeling the tight grip of Nigel clutching her shoulders to tell her how a disappointment she really is. That is why it is not a good idea to touch her shoulders.
Nigel really loves his daughter, and would visit her at the hospital if she get injured, and agrees to his wife that she should stop doing heroic works for the time being or permanently if there are severity, such as Ivy losing her leg when being amputated for her own good after an explosion incident at Phoenix Academy. He is an irresponsibly perfectionist with an ego (just liked her). Beside he was a mentor she want because Ivy learned to wield magic differently and Nigel quickly recognized this that he changed his lessons to suit what they both want.
As for her relationship with her mom, it is positive, both past and present. Rose can see the self-doubts right through Ivy. She know her own daughter best;always fascinating when with magic, as she loves to explore the city in search of magic that she has never seen before. Usually, her childish personality emerges when she encounters a new type of magic and gets excited to see it in action. And wants to help people out. Plus the reason why she became a hero and not be following in her father's because witches are cool to her.
When Ivy is putting herself down, Rose occasionally finger pistol Ivy on the forehead till she plead. Then she have her settle down to ask the questions that will go through self-reflection for Ivy, and finally pep-talks and advices to help her.
Rose and Ivy would spars in swordsmanship and throwing hands/H2H combat and would often goes on a mother-and-daughter shopping sprees and spa day. Rose is the one to put Nigel in his place if his parenting is questionable.
Is that the question you wants? If not… Sorry for rambling. The Thrall Residence is a large house that is a blend of Rococo, Victorian Style, and including Neo-Andean because Townsville is futuristic; more uptown/gentrified areas and Solarpunk in the Lunaverse. So the house is installs with nanotech in case it get destroyed, despite insures under Hanout Anoush’s father’s insurance company. Inside the house, there are a personal gym/training room that have a simulation, Rose’s Weapon Room, a personal study room for each of her parent, a state of the art high tech kitchen and living room, a potions supply closet, and a lab to make potions and to perform rituals. A shrine for deities Ivy worshipping too. Ivy have her garden of daylilies, foxgloves, and roses outside and Rose have her training ground. Ivy’s room is based on her subculture: a combination of Cottagecore, Earthcore/Bloomcore, Lovecore, Forest Fairy Princess Core, Whimsigothcore, Pinkcore, and Witchcore.
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brostateexam · 1 year
It turns out she’s down about ten pounds and happy about it. “Somebody once told me I had a size-zero personality, and they assumed that I was thinner than I was,” she tells me. “We don’t talk about it, but everybody knows it. Thin is power.”
Allison isn’t alone in seeming to be suddenly, unaccountably slimmer of late. She admitted to me — with the provision that I not use her real name — the reason, one that is increasingly common if still not quite openly discussed. For the past month, she’s been jabbing herself every week with Ozempic, the heavily advertised (“Oh, oh, oh, Ozempic,” to the tune, none too subtly, of the ’70s classic-rock hit “Magic”) diabetes miracle drug, which works by mimicking a naturally occurring hormone, GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide one), to manage hunger and slow stomach emptying.
For diabetics, it lowers blood-sugar levels. It also subdues the imp of appetite. The pounds fly off. That’s why Allison, who is not diabetic, prediabetic, or even overweight, is on it. Doctors have wide latitude to prescribe drugs off label for anyone they think may medically benefit, and many patients have found doctors — or, failing that, nurse practitioners or medi-spas — ready to certify that they would. Or some, like Allison, find it through a peddler not particular about a prescription or in the web’s dark morass.
To get hers, Allison calls up a Los Angeles–based provider she has never seen or met, sends over $625, and is shipped a monthly supply. What she calls Ozempic is not the brand-name product pre-packaged in a sky-blue injector pen by Novo Nordisk, the Danish pharmaceutical company that makes and markets the drug. She receives generic semaglutide, the active ingredient in the medication, and has to mix and prepare it for injection herself, which — since semaglutide is under patent by Novo Nordisk until 2032 in the U.S. — suggests her meds are likely coming from a compounding pharmacy or a vendor selling research-grade ingredients. The lower price is also a tell: Ozempic retails for about $900 a month if your insurance doesn’t cover it.
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tangledhearts1 · 1 year
Decisions by CVS and Optum Panicked Thousands of Their Sickest Patients
Arthur Allen
NEW YORK — The fear started when a few patients saw their nurses and dietitians posting job searches on LinkedIn.
Word spread to Facebook groups, and patients started calling Coram CVS, a major U.S. supplier of the compounded IV nutrients on which they rely for survival. To their dismay, CVS Health confirmed the rumors on June 1: It was closing 36 of the 71 branches of its Coram home infusion business and laying off about 2,000 nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, and other employees.
Many of the patients left in the lurch have life-threatening digestive disorders that render them unable to eat or drink. They depend on parenteral nutrition, or PN — in which amino acids, sugars, fats, vitamins, and electrolytes are pumped, in most cases, through a specialized catheter directly into a large vein near the heart.
The day after CVS’ move, another big supplier, Optum Rx, announced its own consolidation. Suddenly, thousands would be without their highly complex, shortage-plagued, essential drugs and nutrients.
“With this kind of disruption, patients can’t get through on the phones. They panic,” said Cynthia Reddick, a senior nutritionist who was let go in the CVS restructuring.
“It was very difficult. Many emails, many phone calls, acting as a liaison between my doctor and the company,” said Elizabeth Fisher Smith, a 32-year-old public health instructor in New York City, whose Coram branch closed. A rare medical disorder has forced her to rely on PN for survival since 2017. “In the end, I got my supplies, but it added to my mental burden. And I’m someone who has worked in health care nearly my entire adult life.”
CVS had abandoned most of its less lucrative market in home parenteral nutrition, or HPN, and “acute care” drugs like IV antibiotics. Instead, it would focus on high-dollar, specialty intravenous medications like Remicade, which is used for arthritis and other autoimmune conditions.
Home and outpatient infusions are a growing business in the United States, as new drugs for chronic illness enable patients, health care providers, and insurers to bypass in-person treatment. Even the wellness industry is cashing in, with spa storefronts and home hydration services.
But while reimbursement for expensive new drugs has drawn the interest of big corporations and private equity, the industry is strained by a lack of nurses and pharmacists. And the less profitable parts of the business — as well as the vulnerable patients they serve — are at serious risk.
This includes the 30,000-plus Americans who rely for survival on parenteral nutrition, which has 72 ingredients. Among those patients are premature infants and post-surgery patients with digestive problems, and people with short or damaged bowels, often the result of genetic defects.
While some specialty infusion drugs are billed through pharmacy benefit managers that typically pay suppliers in a few weeks, medical plans that cover HPN, IV antibiotics, and some other infusion drugs can take 90 days to pay, said Dan Manchise, president of Mann Medical Consultants, a home care consulting company.
In the 2010s, CVS bought Coram, and Optum bought up smaller home infusion companies, both with the hope that consolidation and scale would offer more negotiating power with insurers and manufacturers, leading to a more stable market. But the level of patient care required was too high for them to make money, industry officials said.
“With the margins seen in the industry,” Manchise said, “if you’ve taken on expensive patients and you don’t get paid, you’re dead.”
In September, CVS announced its purchase of Signify Health, a high-tech company that sends out home health workers to evaluate billing rates for “high-priority” Medicare Advantage patients, according to an analyst’s report. In other words, as CVS shed one group of patients whose care yields low margins, it was spending $8 billion to seek more profitable ones.
CVS “pivots when necessary,” spokesperson Mike DeAngelis told KHN. “We decided to focus more resources on patients who receive infusion services for specialty medications” that “continue to see sustained growth.” Optum declined to discuss its move, but a spokesperson said the company was “steadfastly committed to serving the needs” of more than 2,000 HPN patients.
DeAngelis said CVS worked with its HPN patients to “seamlessly transition their care” to new companies.
However, several Coram patients interviewed about the transition indicated it was hardly smooth. Other HPN businesses were strained by the new demand for services, and frightening disruptions occurred.
Smith had to convince her new supplier that she still needed two IV pumps — one for HPN, the other for hydration. Without two, she’d rely partly on “gravity” infusion, in which the IV bag hangs from a pole that must move with the patient, making it impossible for her to keep her job.
“They just blatantly told her they weren’t giving her a pump because it was more expensive, she didn’t need it, and that’s why Coram went out of business,” Smith said.
Many patients who were hospitalized at the time of the switch — several inpatient stays a year are not unusual for HPN patients — had to remain in the hospital until they could find new suppliers. Such hospitalizations typically cost at least $3,000 a day.
“The biggest problem was getting people out of the hospital until other companies had ramped up,” said Dr. David Seres, a professor of medicine at the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University Medical Center. Even over a few days, he said, “there was a lot of emotional hardship and fear over losing long-term relationships.”
To address HPN patients’ nutritional needs, a team of physicians, nurses, and dietitians must work with their supplier, Seres said. The companies conduct weekly bloodwork and adjust the contents of the HPN bags, all under sterile conditions because these patients are at risk of blood infections, which can be grave.
As for Coram, “it’s pretty obvious they had to trim down business that was not making money,” Reddick said, adding that it was noteworthy both Coram and Optum Rx “pivoted the same way to focus on higher-dollar, higher-reimbursement, high-margin populations.”
“I get it, from the business perspective,” Smith said. “At the same time, they left a lot of patients in a not great situation.”
Smith shares a postage-stamp Queens apartment with her husband, Matt; his enormous flight simulator (he’s an amateur pilot); cabinets and fridges full of medical supplies; and two large, friendly dogs, Caspian and Gretl. On a recent morning, she went about her routine: detaching the bag of milky IV fluid that had pumped all night through a central line implanted in her chest, flushing the line with saline, injecting medications into another saline bag, and then hooking it through a paperback-sized pump into her central line.
Smith has a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which can cause many health problems. As a child, Smith had frequent issues such as a torn Achilles tendon and shoulder dislocations. In her 20s, while working as an EMT, she developed severe gut blockages and became progressively less able to digest food. In 2017, she went on HPN and takes nothing by mouth except for an occasional sip of liquid or bite of soft food, in hopes of preventing the total atrophy of her intestines. HPN enabled her to commute to George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where in 2020 she completed a master’s in public health.
On days when she teaches at LaGuardia Community College — she had 35 students this semester — Smith is up at 6 a.m. to tend to her medical care, leaves the house at 9:15 for class, comes home in the afternoon for a bag of IV hydration, then returns for a late afternoon or evening class. In the evening she gets more hydration, then hooks up the HPN bag for the night. On rare occasions she skips the HPN, “but then I regret it,” she said. The next day she’ll have headaches and feel dizzy, sometimes losing her train of thought in class.
Smith describes a “love-hate relationship” with HPN. She hates being dependent on it, the sour smell of the stuff when it spills, and the mountains of unrecyclable garbage from the 120 pounds of supplies couriered to her apartment weekly. She worries about blood clots and infections. She finds the smell of food disconcerting; Matt tries not to cook when she’s home. Other HPN patients speak of sudden cravings for pasta or Frosted Mini-Wheats.
Yet HPN “has given me my life back,” Smith said.
She is a zealous self-caretaker, but some dangers are beyond her control. IV feeding over time is associated with liver damage. The assemblage of HPN bags by compounding pharmacists is risky. If the ingredients aren’t mixed in the right order, they can crystallize and kill a patient, said Seres, Smith’s doctor.
He and other doctors would like to transition patients to food, but this isn’t always possible. Some eventually seek drastic treatments such as bowel lengthening or even transplants of the entire digestive tract.
“When they run out of options, they could die,” said Dr. Ryan Hurt, a Mayo Clinic physician and president of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.
And then there are the shortages.
In 2017, Hurricane Maria crippled dozens of labs and factories making IV components in Puerto Rico; next came the covid-19 emergency, which shifted vital supplies to gravely ill hospital patients.
Prices for vital HPN ingredients can fluctuate unpredictably as companies making them come and go. For example, in recent years the cost of the sodium acetate used as an electrolyte in a bag of HPN ballooned from $2 to $25, then briefly to $300, said Michael Rigas, a co-founder of the home infusion pharmacy KabaFusion.
“There may be 50 different companies involved in producing everything in an HPN bag,” Rigas said. “They’re all doing their own thing — expanding, contracting, looking for ways to make money.” This leaves patients struggling to deal with various shortages from saline and IV bags to special tubing and vitamins.
“In the last five years I’ve seen more things out of stock or on shortage than the previous 35 years combined,” said Rigas.
The sudden retrenchment of CVS and Optum Rx made things worse. Another, infuriating source of worry: the steady rise of IV spas and concierge services, staffed by moonlighting or burned-out hospital nurses, offering IV vitamins and hydration to well-off people who enjoy the rush of infusions to relieve symptoms of a cold, morning sickness, a hangover, or just a case of the blahs.
In January, infusion professionals urged FDA Commissioner Robert Califf to examine spa and concierge services’ use of IV products as an “emerging contributing factor” to shortages.
The FDA, however, has little authority over IV spas. The Federal Trade Commission has cracked down on some spa operations — for unsubstantiated health claims rather than resource misuse.
Bracha Banayan’s concierge service, called IVDRIPS, started in 2017 in New York City and now employs 90 people, including 60 registered nurses, in four states, she said. They visit about 5,000 patrons each year, providing IV hydration and vitamins in sessions of an hour or two for up to $600 a visit. The goal is “to hydrate and be healthy” with a “boost that makes us feel better,” Banayan said.
Although experts don’t recommend IV hydration outside of medical settings, the market has exploded, Banayan said: “Every med spa is like, ‘We want to bring in IV services.’ Every single paramedic I know is opening an IV center.”
Matt Smith, Elizabeth’s husband, isn’t surprised. Educated as a lawyer, he is a paramedic who trains others at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. “You give someone a choice of go up to some rich person’s apartment and start an IV on them, or carry a 500-pound person living in squalor down from their apartment,” he said. “There’s one that’s going to be very hard on your body and one very easy on your body.”
The very existence of IV spa companies can feel like an insult.
“These people are using resources that are literally a matter of life or death to us,” Elizabeth Smith said.
Shortages in HPN supplies have caused serious health problems including organ failure, severe blisters, rashes, and brain damage.
For five months last year, Rylee Cornwell, 18 and living in Spokane, Washington, could rarely procure lipids for her HPN treatment. She grew dizzy or fainted when she tried to stand, so she mostly slept. Eventually she moved to Phoenix, where the Mayo Clinic has many Ehlers-Danlos patients and supplies are easier to access.
Mike Sherels was a University of Minnesota Gophers football coach when an allergic reaction caused him to lose most of his intestines. At times he’s had to rely on an ethanol solution that damages the ports on his central line, a potentially deadly problem “since you can only have so many central access sites put into your body during your life,” he said.
When Faith Johnson, a 22-year-old Las Vegas student, was unable to get IV multivitamins, she tried crushing vitamin pills and swallowing the powder, but couldn’t keep the substance down and became malnourished. She has been hospitalized five times this past year.
Dread stalks Matt Smith, who daily fears that Elizabeth will call to say she has a headache, which could mean a minor allergic or viral issue — or a bloodstream infection that will land her in the hospital.
Even more worrying, he said: “What happens if all these companies stop doing it? What is the alternative? I don’t know what the economics of HPN are. All I know is the stuff either comes or it doesn’t.”
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Read more here https://angelino.news
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heather-lynn · 1 year
Decisions by CVS and Optum Panicked Thousands of Their Sickest Patients
Arthur Allen
NEW YORK — The fear started when a few patients saw their nurses and dietitians posting job searches on LinkedIn.
Word spread to Facebook groups, and patients started calling Coram CVS, a major U.S. supplier of the compounded IV nutrients on which they rely for survival. To their dismay, CVS Health confirmed the rumors on June 1: It was closing 36 of the 71 branches of its Coram home infusion business and laying off about 2,000 nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, and other employees.
Many of the patients left in the lurch have life-threatening digestive disorders that render them unable to eat or drink. They depend on parenteral nutrition, or PN — in which amino acids, sugars, fats, vitamins, and electrolytes are pumped, in most cases, through a specialized catheter directly into a large vein near the heart.
The day after CVS’ move, another big supplier, Optum Rx, announced its own consolidation. Suddenly, thousands would be without their highly complex, shortage-plagued, essential drugs and nutrients.
“With this kind of disruption, patients can’t get through on the phones. They panic,” said Cynthia Reddick, a senior nutritionist who was let go in the CVS restructuring.
“It was very difficult. Many emails, many phone calls, acting as a liaison between my doctor and the company,” said Elizabeth Fisher Smith, a 32-year-old public health instructor in New York City, whose Coram branch closed. A rare medical disorder has forced her to rely on PN for survival since 2017. “In the end, I got my supplies, but it added to my mental burden. And I’m someone who has worked in health care nearly my entire adult life.”
CVS had abandoned most of its less lucrative market in home parenteral nutrition, or HPN, and “acute care” drugs like IV antibiotics. Instead, it would focus on high-dollar, specialty intravenous medications like Remicade, which is used for arthritis and other autoimmune conditions.
Home and outpatient infusions are a growing business in the United States, as new drugs for chronic illness enable patients, health care providers, and insurers to bypass in-person treatment. Even the wellness industry is cashing in, with spa storefronts and home hydration services.
But while reimbursement for expensive new drugs has drawn the interest of big corporations and private equity, the industry is strained by a lack of nurses and pharmacists. And the less profitable parts of the business — as well as the vulnerable patients they serve — are at serious risk.
This includes the 30,000-plus Americans who rely for survival on parenteral nutrition, which has 72 ingredients. Among those patients are premature infants and post-surgery patients with digestive problems, and people with short or damaged bowels, often the result of genetic defects.
While some specialty infusion drugs are billed through pharmacy benefit managers that typically pay suppliers in a few weeks, medical plans that cover HPN, IV antibiotics, and some other infusion drugs can take 90 days to pay, said Dan Manchise, president of Mann Medical Consultants, a home care consulting company.
In the 2010s, CVS bought Coram, and Optum bought up smaller home infusion companies, both with the hope that consolidation and scale would offer more negotiating power with insurers and manufacturers, leading to a more stable market. But the level of patient care required was too high for them to make money, industry officials said.
“With the margins seen in the industry,” Manchise said, “if you’ve taken on expensive patients and you don’t get paid, you’re dead.”
In September, CVS announced its purchase of Signify Health, a high-tech company that sends out home health workers to evaluate billing rates for “high-priority” Medicare Advantage patients, according to an analyst’s report. In other words, as CVS shed one group of patients whose care yields low margins, it was spending $8 billion to seek more profitable ones.
CVS “pivots when necessary,” spokesperson Mike DeAngelis told KHN. “We decided to focus more resources on patients who receive infusion services for specialty medications” that “continue to see sustained growth.” Optum declined to discuss its move, but a spokesperson said the company was “steadfastly committed to serving the needs” of more than 2,000 HPN patients.
DeAngelis said CVS worked with its HPN patients to “seamlessly transition their care” to new companies.
However, several Coram patients interviewed about the transition indicated it was hardly smooth. Other HPN businesses were strained by the new demand for services, and frightening disruptions occurred.
Smith had to convince her new supplier that she still needed two IV pumps — one for HPN, the other for hydration. Without two, she’d rely partly on “gravity” infusion, in which the IV bag hangs from a pole that must move with the patient, making it impossible for her to keep her job.
“They just blatantly told her they weren’t giving her a pump because it was more expensive, she didn’t need it, and that’s why Coram went out of business,” Smith said.
Many patients who were hospitalized at the time of the switch — several inpatient stays a year are not unusual for HPN patients — had to remain in the hospital until they could find new suppliers. Such hospitalizations typically cost at least $3,000 a day.
“The biggest problem was getting people out of the hospital until other companies had ramped up,” said Dr. David Seres, a professor of medicine at the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University Medical Center. Even over a few days, he said, “there was a lot of emotional hardship and fear over losing long-term relationships.”
To address HPN patients’ nutritional needs, a team of physicians, nurses, and dietitians must work with their supplier, Seres said. The companies conduct weekly bloodwork and adjust the contents of the HPN bags, all under sterile conditions because these patients are at risk of blood infections, which can be grave.
As for Coram, “it’s pretty obvious they had to trim down business that was not making money,” Reddick said, adding that it was noteworthy both Coram and Optum Rx “pivoted the same way to focus on higher-dollar, higher-reimbursement, high-margin populations.”
“I get it, from the business perspective,” Smith said. “At the same time, they left a lot of patients in a not great situation.”
Smith shares a postage-stamp Queens apartment with her husband, Matt; his enormous flight simulator (he’s an amateur pilot); cabinets and fridges full of medical supplies; and two large, friendly dogs, Caspian and Gretl. On a recent morning, she went about her routine: detaching the bag of milky IV fluid that had pumped all night through a central line implanted in her chest, flushing the line with saline, injecting medications into another saline bag, and then hooking it through a paperback-sized pump into her central line.
Smith has a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which can cause many health problems. As a child, Smith had frequent issues such as a torn Achilles tendon and shoulder dislocations. In her 20s, while working as an EMT, she developed severe gut blockages and became progressively less able to digest food. In 2017, she went on HPN and takes nothing by mouth except for an occasional sip of liquid or bite of soft food, in hopes of preventing the total atrophy of her intestines. HPN enabled her to commute to George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where in 2020 she completed a master’s in public health.
On days when she teaches at LaGuardia Community College — she had 35 students this semester — Smith is up at 6 a.m. to tend to her medical care, leaves the house at 9:15 for class, comes home in the afternoon for a bag of IV hydration, then returns for a late afternoon or evening class. In the evening she gets more hydration, then hooks up the HPN bag for the night. On rare occasions she skips the HPN, “but then I regret it,” she said. The next day she’ll have headaches and feel dizzy, sometimes losing her train of thought in class.
Smith describes a “love-hate relationship” with HPN. She hates being dependent on it, the sour smell of the stuff when it spills, and the mountains of unrecyclable garbage from the 120 pounds of supplies couriered to her apartment weekly. She worries about blood clots and infections. She finds the smell of food disconcerting; Matt tries not to cook when she’s home. Other HPN patients speak of sudden cravings for pasta or Frosted Mini-Wheats.
Yet HPN “has given me my life back,” Smith said.
She is a zealous self-caretaker, but some dangers are beyond her control. IV feeding over time is associated with liver damage. The assemblage of HPN bags by compounding pharmacists is risky. If the ingredients aren’t mixed in the right order, they can crystallize and kill a patient, said Seres, Smith’s doctor.
He and other doctors would like to transition patients to food, but this isn’t always possible. Some eventually seek drastic treatments such as bowel lengthening or even transplants of the entire digestive tract.
“When they run out of options, they could die,” said Dr. Ryan Hurt, a Mayo Clinic physician and president of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.
And then there are the shortages.
In 2017, Hurricane Maria crippled dozens of labs and factories making IV components in Puerto Rico; next came the covid-19 emergency, which shifted vital supplies to gravely ill hospital patients.
Prices for vital HPN ingredients can fluctuate unpredictably as companies making them come and go. For example, in recent years the cost of the sodium acetate used as an electrolyte in a bag of HPN ballooned from $2 to $25, then briefly to $300, said Michael Rigas, a co-founder of the home infusion pharmacy KabaFusion.
“There may be 50 different companies involved in producing everything in an HPN bag,” Rigas said. “They’re all doing their own thing — expanding, contracting, looking for ways to make money.” This leaves patients struggling to deal with various shortages from saline and IV bags to special tubing and vitamins.
“In the last five years I’ve seen more things out of stock or on shortage than the previous 35 years combined,” said Rigas.
The sudden retrenchment of CVS and Optum Rx made things worse. Another, infuriating source of worry: the steady rise of IV spas and concierge services, staffed by moonlighting or burned-out hospital nurses, offering IV vitamins and hydration to well-off people who enjoy the rush of infusions to relieve symptoms of a cold, morning sickness, a hangover, or just a case of the blahs.
In January, infusion professionals urged FDA Commissioner Robert Califf to examine spa and concierge services’ use of IV products as an “emerging contributing factor” to shortages.
The FDA, however, has little authority over IV spas. The Federal Trade Commission has cracked down on some spa operations — for unsubstantiated health claims rather than resource misuse.
Bracha Banayan’s concierge service, called IVDRIPS, started in 2017 in New York City and now employs 90 people, including 60 registered nurses, in four states, she said. They visit about 5,000 patrons each year, providing IV hydration and vitamins in sessions of an hour or two for up to $600 a visit. The goal is “to hydrate and be healthy” with a “boost that makes us feel better,” Banayan said.
Although experts don’t recommend IV hydration outside of medical settings, the market has exploded, Banayan said: “Every med spa is like, ‘We want to bring in IV services.’ Every single paramedic I know is opening an IV center.”
Matt Smith, Elizabeth’s husband, isn’t surprised. Educated as a lawyer, he is a paramedic who trains others at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. “You give someone a choice of go up to some rich person’s apartment and start an IV on them, or carry a 500-pound person living in squalor down from their apartment,” he said. “There’s one that’s going to be very hard on your body and one very easy on your body.”
The very existence of IV spa companies can feel like an insult.
“These people are using resources that are literally a matter of life or death to us,” Elizabeth Smith said.
Shortages in HPN supplies have caused serious health problems including organ failure, severe blisters, rashes, and brain damage.
For five months last year, Rylee Cornwell, 18 and living in Spokane, Washington, could rarely procure lipids for her HPN treatment. She grew dizzy or fainted when she tried to stand, so she mostly slept. Eventually she moved to Phoenix, where the Mayo Clinic has many Ehlers-Danlos patients and supplies are easier to access.
Mike Sherels was a University of Minnesota Gophers football coach when an allergic reaction caused him to lose most of his intestines. At times he’s had to rely on an ethanol solution that damages the ports on his central line, a potentially deadly problem “since you can only have so many central access sites put into your body during your life,” he said.
When Faith Johnson, a 22-year-old Las Vegas student, was unable to get IV multivitamins, she tried crushing vitamin pills and swallowing the powder, but couldn’t keep the substance down and became malnourished. She has been hospitalized five times this past year.
Dread stalks Matt Smith, who daily fears that Elizabeth will call to say she has a headache, which could mean a minor allergic or viral issue — or a bloodstream infection that will land her in the hospital.
Even more worrying, he said: “What happens if all these companies stop doing it? What is the alternative? I don’t know what the economics of HPN are. All I know is the stuff either comes or it doesn’t.”
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Read more here https://angelino.news
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 04x17
It’s a Terrible Life
This is a fun episode for me because Dean is soooooooooo gay in this one.
Spouse is also extra bitchy today because we ran out of the soda he prefers, and he is craving  b u b b l e s. 
Pointed out the Ken outfit
“Pretty dapper dude” “Are we only following Dean? Please tell me that’s the case” “Oh he’s typing” “oh my god. What?” To the Project Runway joke
“Eating fkn salad, really?” “Do we know that guy yet?” “What a fuck. Cayenne and maple syrup?” Spouse didn’t understand the health club reference
“Who’s going to shoot up the internet?” “hahah” “What do you need pencils for?” “Never trust coworkers. They’re all a bunch of conniving cunts” “What a cunt” (the coworker) “Is this a printer company or something? Sam’s in tech support, and Dean is in sales” “What is he not into? Hmm?” “That’s not too much forward than he is already” “Is this guy’s brain to explode? It would be easier to repeat the work at this point. He’s been there all day and all night now” “Is he going to jump off the building now? Stab a fork in his eye? Get possessed?” “OH YEAH. He fries his head. That’s extreme” “Fries are done” “Why the fuck is he on the same floor as tech support?” “Everybody’s getting possessed” “Vista? How does that have to do with filling out a form?” “Jump out the window? Where is he going?” “Oh shit” “That’s a lot of mess” “You’d have to be pretty accurate to do that. Or wholly unlucky. One or the other” “Since when do you need help, Dean?” “This episode has Deja Vu vibes from Mystery Spot. It’s not like that one but it has vibes” “Why does he have so many pictures of bridges in his office?” “Oh my god. Is that one of Jared’s supplements?” “Just 2 guys in a bathroom. It’s not like the health club bro” “Do you mean super natural?” “I like Dean’s chair” “Look at all this shit I printed out about vampires!!” “to satisfy yourself? Save it for the health club bro” “Is there going to be a red swing line stapler anywhere?” “Oh. You’re dead now, sucker” “Man. Leasing space is so expensive. How do they have the money to have this room filled with old telephones and shit? Doesn’t make sense” “Do kids these days even experience TV static?” “How did he know to grab iron?” “Why does Dean have a part in his hair?” “Is he drinking wine? No, it’s that piss stuff” “Oh Sandover is iron and bridge company hence all the bridges” “The video quality is shit in this episode” “A Bowflex? Holy shit Dean has a Bowflex. AND SPA TOWELS.” “Oh my god” “Creepy” “Oof.” “Whoopsie” Laughing at Dean talking about his portfolio
“The camera had an 8-bladed aperture. Look at that bokeh” “little gay bokeh boy” “oh my god that’s funny” burny acid not LSD acid
“This is before the Ghostfacers got annoying. I did think it was really cheesy at first but it became endearing over time” “They always light Jensen’s face way better than anyone else” “the fuck kinda saying is that?” “What is this phone shit on his belt?” “Was there a 13th floor in this building? Yes. Only really old buildings skipped that floor” “Are you going to let this guard get you that easily?” “So he wasn’t possessed while being a dick?” “Doesn’t he get cut in half? That’s awesome” “They’re focusing on him being slow too much” “nice” I flinched even though I knew it was coming “Is that what you don’t like about this episode? It’s just raspberry sauce” “clearly not worried about blood borne diseases” “They’re like old dry leather gloves. They won’t burn that quickly. They need an accelerant.” “They did use something. They sometimes use it for expense in other shows” laughed at the workout comment
Laughed at the health insurance thing “That’s what angels are for bro” “Did someone knock them out and put them in a dream state or something?” “Bobby, Ellen, and Jo? Really??” but he wants to be a corporate douchebag with his gay little outfits
“Pal. Fkn cranked an eyebrow hard at him. Make those eyebrows work” “That one eyebrow did the job of two” “I can’t remember the last time I used a pencil. Is that sad?” There’s a last time for everything
“Destruction of company property” “No one is asking where he got the fire poker?” “Is his name Ezekiel?” “Is there a western Great Lakes division? If so, I’d imagine the Eastern Great Lakes is pretty small” “Dean is going to have to amp up the sexy outfits to get up the chain faster” “Oh he’s Zachariah.” “Who directed the fkn shit out of this one?” “Literally Ken Business Man, and he’s in Sales and Marketing” I found the Ken doll outfit online
“He’s not strong enough? He’s gotta go to that health club more often” “what’s that supposed to mean?” “I don’t understand”
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balboamedical · 7 days
Comprehensive Insurance Options at Balboa Medical Center & Spa
At Balboa Medical Center & Spa our goal is to try as much as possible to make your health times as smooth as could be expected. Some of the insurance companies which we accept include Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Medicare, Cigna and Tri-Care. For more information of insurances that the facility accepts, the link below can be accessed. However, the reader should bear in mind that the is not a particularly exhaustive list. To receive information on certain specific plans, please feel free to contact our office using the telephone number (818) 701-0017.
Visit: Insurances
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vgrc-llc · 19 days
Spokane's Soft Washing Experts: Gentle Shine with The Roof Ninja & Kc
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👋 Greetings, Spokane County homeowners and commercial property owners alike! 🌟
Ever wondered how to keep your property sparkling without the risk of damaging it? Well, wonder no more! VGRC, LLC, your true local company, is here with a soft touch but a powerful punch. Today, we're diving into the world of Soft Washing—a gentle yet effective way to make your home or business exterior shine like new! 🏠🏢
Why Soft Washing is Better for Your Property
Unlike traditional pressure washing, which can be a bit too rough on delicate surfaces, Soft Washing uses a lower-pressure water stream combined with industry-standard algaecide.
This dynamic duo effectively removes dirt, algae, mold, and grime without harming your property's exterior. It's like giving your home or business a soothing spa treatment! 🧖‍♀️✨
Soft Washing is perfect for all types of surfaces, from vinyl siding to roofs, and it’s the safest way to clean and restore your property's curb appeal. With VGRC, LLC, you’re not just getting a clean—you’re getting a shine that lasts! 🌟
The VGRC, LLC Advantage for Soft Washing
Experience and Expertise: With years of experience in the Spokane County area, we understand the unique challenges our weather can bring. Rain, snow, or shine, we know how to tackle it all! 🌧️☀️
Licensed and Insured: We’re fully licensed and insured (LICENSE #VERACGC770LW), so you can rest easy knowing your property is in the safest hands. 👷‍♂️🥷
Local and Trusted: As a true local company, we’re invested in our community. When you choose VGRC, LLC, you’re not just another job—you’re our neighbor! 🌍
Meet The Roof Ninja & Kc: Your Soft Washing Experts
When it comes to Soft Washing, you want a team that’s as tough on grime as they are gentle on your property. Enter The Roof Ninja 🥷 (that’s me!) and Kc 👷‍♀️, your local soft washing superheroes! With our combined expertise and attention to detail, we ensure that every inch of your property gleams.
Plus, we always bring a little humor to the job—because why not make cleaning fun? 😄
🔧 Joke of the Day: Why did the roof go to therapy? It had too many layers to deal with!
Our Range of Soft Washing and Cleaning Services
Gutter Cleaning: Say goodbye to clogged gutters with our thorough cleaning service. No more overflow, just smooth flow! 🌧️
Roof Blow-Offs: Keep your roof clear of debris with our monthly subscription service, ensuring your home stays pristine and protected all year round! 🍃
Roof Washing: Soft Washing at its finest, we make sure your roof looks as good as new without the risk of damage. 🏠
Exterior Cleaning: Commercial properties, we haven’t forgotten about you! VGRC, LLC also offers comprehensive exterior cleaning, including awning cleaning, to keep your business looking its best. 🏢
Spokane Fun Fact: The Power of Gentle Cleaning
Did you know that Spokane is home to the largest urban waterfall in the United States? 🌊 It's true! Just like Spokane Falls, we believe in powerful yet gentle forces—like Soft Washing! 🚿
DIY Tip: Protect Your Home's Exterior
Looking to keep your home’s exterior in tip-top shape between professional cleanings?
🌱 Here's a quick tip: Regularly trim back trees and shrubs to prevent them from rubbing against your siding or roof, which can cause damage over time. A little maintenance goes a long way! ✂️
Get in Touch with VGRC, LLC
Ready to make your property the talk of the town? Don’t Risk Falls, Give Us A Call! 🎉
Click here to dial our ninja hotline: 📞 509-530-1330 For more about our services, sneak over to our website: 🕵️‍♂️ VGRCLLC.com
Want to stay updated? Follow us for more tips, jokes, and shining results:
🐦 Twitter: x.com/vgrcllc
💼 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/vgrcllc
📸 Instagram: instagram.com/vgrcllc
📘 Facebook: facebook.com/VGRCLLC
Quote of the Day
Final Thoughts
At VGRC, LLC, we don’t just clean—we flatline the gunk! 💪 WE FLAT LINE THE GUNK! And remember, a happy home is just a Soft Wash away! 🏡
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wtii · 22 days
Why Spa Insurance Matters for Commercial Properties and Constructions in Ontario
As a commercial property owner or construction company in Ontario, it's crucial to understand the importance of having spa insurance to protect your investments. Whether you own a spa, a salon, a wellness center, or any other business that involves spa services, having the right insurance coverage can make all the difference in case of unexpected events.
Commercial property insurance is essential for any business owner, as it provides coverage for property damage, liability claims, and other risks that can arise in the course of operating a business. In the case of spas, where clients come in for relaxation and self-care treatments, there are additional risks that need to be addressed through specialized spa insurance.
One of the main reasons why spa insurance matters for commercial properties and construction insurance Ontario is that it can provide coverage for specific risks that are unique to the spa industry. For example, if a client is injured while receiving a treatment at your spa, you could be held liable for their medical expenses and other damages. Spa insurance can help cover these costs and protect your business from financial losses.
Additionally, spa insurance can also provide coverage for equipment breakdowns, property damage, and other risks that can arise in the course of running a spa business. This can help ensure that your business is protected from unforeseen events that could otherwise result in significant financial losses.
Construction insurance in Ontario is also crucial for construction companies that are involved in building spas or other commercial properties. Construction projects can be risky endeavors, with potential hazards such as accidents, injuries, property damage, and delays that can occur during the construction process. Having the right construction insurance coverage can help protect construction companies from these risks and provide financial protection in case of unexpected events.
When it comes to spa insurance and construction insurance in Ontario, it's important to work with an insurance provider that understands the unique risks and challenges faced by businesses in these industries. By working with an experienced insurance provider, you can ensure that your business is properly protected and that you have the coverage you need to safeguard your investments.
In conclusion, spa insurance matters for commercial properties and constructions in Ontario because it provides essential coverage for specific risks faced by businesses in the spa industry. Whether you own a spa or are involved in building spa facilities, having the right insurance coverage can help protect your business from financial losses and ensure that you have peace of mind in case of unexpected events. By working with an experienced insurance provider, you can find the right spa insurance and construction insurance coverage for your business and safeguard your investments for the future.
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easternextensions · 24 days
Bathroom Renovations Nunawading: Transforming Your Space.
A well-designed Bathroom Renovations Nunawading can significantly enhance the value and functionality of your home. Nunawading residents seeking to renovate their bathrooms can rely on skilled professionals to create a space that is both beautiful and practical.
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The Importance of Bathroom Renovations
Increased Home Value: A modern and functional bathroom can significantly increase your home's resale value.
Improved Functionality: Enhance the usability of your bathroom with efficient layouts and storage solutions.
Enhanced Aesthetics: Create a stylish and visually appealing space that reflects your personal style.
Enhanced Comfort: Enjoy a more relaxing and enjoyable bathroom experience.
Key Considerations for Bathroom Renovations
Budget: Determine your budget to guide design choices and material selection.
Layout: Consider the optimal layout for your bathroom based on its size and shape.
Style: Choose a design that complements your home's overall aesthetic.
Fixtures and Fittings: Select high-quality fixtures that match your budget and style.
Accessibility: Ensure your bathroom is accessible to all family members, including those with disabilities.
Popular Bathroom Renovation Trends
Spa-Inspired Bathrooms: Create a luxurious and relaxing oasis with features like freestanding tubs, rain showers, and natural materials.
Minimalist Design: Achieve a clean and uncluttered look with simple lines and neutral colors.
Eco-Friendly Features: Incorporate sustainable elements like low-flow toilets, energy-efficient lighting, and eco-friendly materials.
Smart Bathrooms: Integrate technology for features like voice-activated controls, heated floors, and automated lighting.
Finding the Right Bathroom Renovation Company
Experience: Look for a company with a proven track record in bathroom renovations.
Portfolio: Review their previous work to assess their design and craftsmanship.
Customer Reviews: Read online reviews to gauge customer satisfaction.
Licensing and Insurance: Ensure the company is licensed and insured.
Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple companies for comparison.
A well-executed bathroom renovation can transform your space into a luxurious and functional retreat. By carefully considering your budget, design preferences, and functionality requirements, you can create a bathroom that enhances your home's value and your daily living experience.
Visit US - https://easternextensions.com.au/nunawading/
Contact US - Phone - 0422143255
Timings - 9:00AM - 5:00PM
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njcbuilders · 25 days
Welcome to J C Builders, your trusted partner for home remodeling Hoboken. Whether you're dreaming of a modern kitchen, a luxurious bathroom, or a complete home makeover, our team is here to bring your vision to life. With a deep commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we take pride in being one of the leading home remodeling contractors near me. Our focus is on delivering outstanding craftsmanship and creating spaces that reflect your lifestyle and personality.
At J C Builders, we offer a variety of home remodeling services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. No matter the size or complexity of your project, we have the skills and experience to handle it. Here’s a look at what we offer:
Full Home Remodeling: Transform your entire living space with our comprehensive full home remodeling Hoboken services. Whether you want to update your home’s style, improve functionality, or increase its value, we can handle every aspect of the project. From structural changes to finishing touches, we ensure your home reflects your taste and meets your needs.
Kitchen Remodeling: The kitchen is the heart of the home, and our home remodeling contractors specialize in creating beautiful, functional kitchen spaces. Whether you're looking for a complete overhaul or minor upgrades, our team will work with you to design a kitchen that suits your lifestyle. From custom cabinetry and countertops to lighting and flooring, we handle it all.
Bathroom Remodeling: Enhance your daily routine with a luxurious bathroom remodel. Our home remodeling contractor near me offers customized bathroom solutions that combine style and functionality. Whether you want a spa-like retreat or a modern, minimalist design, we provide the expertise to transform your bathroom into a space you’ll love.
Basement Finishing: Unlock the potential of your basement with our finishing services. Whether you want to create a home theater, gym, guest room, or office space, our home remodeler Hoboken can help you maximize your home's usable space. We handle everything from insulation and flooring to electrical and plumbing work.
Home Additions: Need more space? Our home remodeling company Hoboken offers home addition services to give you the extra room you need. Whether it's a new bedroom, sunroom, or extended living area, we can design and build an addition that seamlessly integrates with your existing home structure.
Outdoor Living Spaces: Enhance your home’s exterior with our outdoor living space solutions. From decks and patios to pergolas and outdoor kitchens, our full home remodeler Hoboken team can create beautiful and functional outdoor areas that are perfect for entertaining and relaxation.
Custom Design and Build: If you have a specific vision in mind, our custom design and build services can make it a reality. We work closely with you from concept to completion, ensuring that every detail of your project is tailored to your preferences. As a full home remodeling company Hoboken, we handle everything, so you don’t have to worry about a thing.
Choosing the right home remodeling contractor is crucial to the success of your renovation project. At J C Builders, we understand that your home is more than just a place to live it's a reflection of who you are. That's why we go above and beyond to ensure that every project we undertake not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Here’s why homeowners in Hoboken, NJ choose us:
Skilled Team of Professionals: Our team consists of licensed, insured, and highly experienced professionals. We bring together architects, designers, and builders who are passionate about their craft and committed to delivering high-quality results.
Customer-Centric Approach: We prioritize our clients' needs and preferences, ensuring that their ideas are incorporated into the design. Our collaborative approach guarantees that the final outcome aligns perfectly with your vision.
Comprehensive Services: From initial consultation and design to construction and finishing touches, we offer a full range of services to meet all your home remodeling needs.
Attention to Detail: Every aspect of your renovation is carefully planned and executed. We use only the best materials and follow meticulous processes to ensure that every detail is perfect.
Timely Project Completion: We respect your time and strive to complete projects on schedule without compromising on quality. Our efficient project management ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Local Expertise: As a home remodeling company Hoboken, we understand the local architecture, building codes, and homeowner preferences, which allows us to tailor our services to meet the specific needs of Hoboken residents.
Affordable Solutions: Quality doesn’t have to come at a high price. We offer competitive pricing and transparent quotes, ensuring there are no hidden costs or surprises.
At J C Builders, we believe that every home remodeling project should add value to your property. Whether it’s increasing the market value or simply enhancing your comfort and enjoyment, our work is always focused on delivering tangible benefits. Here’s how we add value to your home:
Increased Property Value: Quality renovations can significantly boost the market value of your home. By choosing a reliable home remodel contractor Hoboken, you can be sure that the improvements will attract potential buyers and increase your return on investment.
Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal: Our design expertise ensures that your home is not only functional but also visually appealing. We keep up with the latest trends and design innovations to create spaces that are both stylish and timeless.
Improved Functionality: We understand that your home needs to work for you. Whether it’s optimizing the layout of your kitchen, adding storage space, or creating an open floor plan, our remodeling solutions are designed to improve the functionality of your home.
Energy Efficiency: Many of our remodeling projects include updates that enhance the energy efficiency of your home. This could involve installing new windows, better insulation, or energy-efficient appliances, helping you save on utility bills.
Personalized Spaces: Your home should reflect your personality and lifestyle. By working closely with you, we ensure that every room in your home feels like a perfect fit for you and your family.
We believe that a successful home remodeling project starts with a clear plan and open communication. Here’s what you can expect when you choose J C Builders for your next project:
Initial Consultation: We begin by meeting with you to discuss your needs, preferences, and budget. This is a crucial step to understand your vision and what you want to achieve with your home remodeling Hoboken project.
Design and Planning: Our design team will create a detailed plan and 3D renderings to help you visualize the final outcome. We work with you to refine the design until it perfectly meets your expectations.
Permitting and Approvals: We handle all the necessary permits and approvals, ensuring that your project complies with local building codes and regulations.
Construction: Once everything is in place, our skilled builders get to work. We keep you informed throughout the construction process, so you always know what’s happening with your project.
Finishing Touches: After the main construction is complete, we take care of the finishing touches, from painting and flooring to fixtures and fittings.
Final Walkthrough: We conduct a final walkthrough with you to ensure everything is done to your satisfaction. Your happiness is our priority, and we won’t consider the project complete until you are completely satisfied.
Follow-Up: Our relationship doesn’t end when the project is done. We follow up to ensure that you are still happy with the work and address any concerns you might have.
At J C Builders, customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do. We know that a successful home renovation near me project is about more than just the final result; it’s about the experience. That’s why we prioritize clear communication, transparency, and reliability throughout the entire process. We value your feedback and are always ready to make adjustments to ensure that you are completely satisfied with our work.
Our clients in Hoboken, NJ have consistently praised our professionalism, attention to detail, and commitment to quality. We believe that our reputation as a trustworthy home remodeling company Hoboken is our greatest asset, and we work hard to maintain it with every project we take on.
Contact Us:
J C Builders 417 Washington St Unit 1, Hoboken, NJ 07030 (551) 282-1162
Find us online:
Our Website: https://njcbuilders.com/
Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=11586123825635909959
Houzz: https://www.houzz.com/professionals/general-contractors/j-c-builders-pfvwus-pf~1581532624
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/frost9456/
Waze: https://www.waze.com/en/live-map/directions/us/nj/hoboken/j-c-builders?place=ChIJf0Ag3kucYK0RR-G3xjsuyqA
Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/j-c-builders-new-providence-2
Proven Expert: https://www.provenexpert.com/j-c-builders/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/J-C-Builders/61552193293455/
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industrynewsupdates · 30 days
Driving Business Growth with Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Procurement Intelligence
The courier, express, and parcel services category is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% from 2023 to 2030. The growth of e-commerce is one of the main drivers of the growth of the CEP services market. E-commerce is growing rapidly, and this is leading to an increase in the demand for CEP services. Businesses that sell goods online need to be able to deliver their goods quickly and efficiently to their customers. CEP providers can help businesses do this by providing a variety of delivery services, such as next-day delivery and express delivery.
The North America courier, express, and parcel market is expected to grow rapidly due to factors like economic growth, e-commerce sales, and demand for faster, more reliable delivery services. Technological advancements, such as self-driving trucks, and government initiatives like logistics hub construction are expected to drive market growth. Globalization has increased trade-related activities, necessitating reliable and efficient delivery services.
Companies are continuously focusing on collaborating with technology providers while enhancing their capacities by setting up new hubs in various regions to stay competitive in the market. For instance,
• In January 2022, the Mexican government announced that it would be investing $90 million in the construction of a new logistics hub in Yucatán. The hub will be located in the municipality of Umán. The hub will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure, including a sorting facility, a warehouse, and a fleet of vehicles. It will be able to handle a variety of cargo, including goods from the manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism industries.
• In April 2021, DHL Global Forwarding (DHL GF), a subsidiary of Deutsche Post DHL Group, expanded its presence in Africa by signing a joint venture agreement with Unicargas, a leading logistics company in Angola. The agreement will allow DHL GF to offer a wider range of logistics services in Angola and other countries in Central and Southern Africa.
• In September 2021, in a test project with self-driving truck startup Aurora and heavy-duty vehicle manufacturer Paccar, FedEx Corp. began transporting cargo between Dallas and Houston using self-driving trucks. The self-driving trucks are outfitted with Level 4 autonomous driving technology from Aurora, which enables them to function under some circumstances without human supervision. A safety driver will also be in the truck to handle any emergency.
Order your copy of the Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Sourcing Intelligence Highlights
• The global courier, express, and parcel services category is fragmented and highly competitive, with the presence of several players in the market. To grow their market share, firms in the industry are adopting crucial strategies like opening new distribution centers, mergers, and smart warehouses.
• The major cost components in this category are fuel costs, labor costs, vehicle costs, insurance costs, and administrative costs.
• China's dominance as a sourcing destination for this category is due to its large and growing manufacturing sector, strategic location in the center of Asia, infrastructure development, and government policies.
List of Key Suppliers in the Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Category
• A1 Express Delivery Service Inc
• Aramex International LLC
• Deutsche Post DHL Group
• DTDC Express Ltd
• FedEx Corp.
• SF Express (Group) Co. Ltd
• Poste Italiane SpA
• Qantas Courier Limited
• United Parcel Service Inc.
• SG Holdings Co. Ltd.
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Flexible Packaging Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Commercial Print Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Procurement Intelligence Report Scope 
• Courier, Express, and Parcel Services Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 4.2% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing Growth Outlook: 3% - 4% (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Value-based pricing, volume-based pricing
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, past engagements, geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: Pricing, network, technology, customer service, flexibility, and security
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier positioning matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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miniaturerebellady · 1 month
Key Facts About Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems Every Business Owner Should Know
Commercial fire renovation is a central edge of making certain the safeguard and good-being of employees, valued clientele, and valuable resources. One of the premiere gear in industrial fireplace defense is the install of fire sprinkler strategies. These programs are designed to right away observe and suppress fires, minimizing damage and possibly saving lives. In this newsletter, we'll discover key info approximately business hearth sprinkler approaches that each industrial owner will have to recognise.
Key Facts About Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems Every Business Owner Should Know Importance of Commercial Fire Protection
Commercial hearth safety may want to be a peak precedence for https://www.merchantcircle.com/american-laser-med-spa-corpus-christi-corpus-christi-tx each and every industrial proprietor. Fires can cause great smash to residences, disrupt industrial operations, and even end in accidents or fatalities. Installing a reputable fireplace sprinkler procedure can greatly scale down the risk of those devastating effect.
Benefits of Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems
Commercial fireplace sprinkler methods be offering a number of benefits for establishments. Some of the most important merits incorporate:
Rapid response: Fire sprinklers are designed to set off rapidly once they detect warmness or smoke, supplying an immediate reaction to fires.
Minimized damage: By suppressing fires at their early ranges, sprinkler tactics can assist avert the spread of flames and minimize assets injury.
Life-saving expertise: The presence of hearth sprinklers can buy effectual time for occupants to evacuate thoroughly in the past firefighters arrive.
Lower insurance rates: Many assurance suppliers present coupon codes on premiums for organizations with effectively mounted and maintained hearth sprinkler structures.
Compliance with laws: Depending on nearby development codes and guidelines, industrial houses is also required to have fire sprinklers set up.
Types of Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems
There are a number styles of advertisement fireplace sprinkler procedures attainable, each tailor-made to particular environments and disadvantages. Some straightforward kinds come Fire sprinkler installation with:
Wet pipe procedures: These are the most general sort of hearth sprinkler structures, where water is usually current within the pipes and in a position to be discharged whilst a hearth is detected.
Dry pipe tactics: Ideal for regions with freezing temperatures or environments prone to water spoil, dry pipe structures use pressurized air or nitrogen to keep again water until eventually a fire prompts the sprinklers.
Pre-action methods: These methods require the two a smoke or warmness detector and a sprinkler head to prompt. They are most often used in places with really touchy machine or effective property.
Deluge structures: Deluge platforms are designed for top chance regions wherein instant suppression is needed. When activated, all sprinkler heads inside the area unlock water at the same time.
It is critical for company householders to talk over with gurus specializing in industrial fireplace upkeep to be certain the maximum ideal manner for his or her one of a kind wishes.
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cruisebay2020 · 1 month
How to Choose the Perfect Singapore Cruise Package for Your Honeymoon      
When thinking of cruising in Asia, Singapore remains the undisputed choice among couples and families.  Your honeymoon is going to be one of the most cherished moments with your significant other, so it can be your experience in Singapore cruises. However, given that there are a number of cruise liners offering their services, not all of them might suit your needs, timing, budget, and even your idea of your post-wedding romantic gateway. So it is important to do your research and choose a service accordingly. And don’t forget to skim through the following if you want to use some practical suggestions.
Define What You Look For
How do you envisage a perfect honeymoon? Why not ask yourself:
Do you want a cruise with exotic destinations or a cruise that offers embalming hospitality, absolute privacy, and a lot of chances to lounge?
How much are you ready to pay for?
Do you have a fancy for any particular cruise line? Or are you okay with a well-reputed company that tends to offer maximum value regarding entertainment, dining, and other amenities?
Do the destinations go with your common interests, which can be anything from culture, beaches, or shopping?
Check for the Itinerary
A number of Singapore Cruise Packages offer various itineraries that might sound tempting. But not all might offer what you are specifically looking for. You can choose by:
Deciding on how long your honeymoon cruise should be.
Check whether the proposed ports of call have the factors that fascinate both of you.
See if any specific cruise is offering themes that you like. They can be anything from gourmet experiences to wellness or romance.
What are the perks?
A number of cruise liners offer upgrades for free to the honeymooners. Or you can also enjoy romantic dinners for a rebated price or even free champagne! So never forget to enquire whether you can enjoy some perks in your package.
Accommodation Matters
Make sure to choose an accommodation that is comfortable, safe, and aligns with your budget and preferences. You can get some excellent deals by comparing and contrasting the services. While booking, you might want to look for extras that add to the luxury quotient.  Examples include whirlpool tubs, balconies, and butler service.
Entertainment and Activities
You can make your honeymoon kind of attractive by choosing a cruise that offers what you like. Look for cruises that offer music, live shows, karaoke, spa service, massages, a range of dining options, and anything that promotes romantic amenities.
Real Reviews Don’t Lie
Check online reviews to see what real-life honeymooners have to say about their experiences with specific cruise lines. Services like Cruisebay, for example, have garnered almost unanimously positive testimonials from couples. From honeymoon perks to travel insurance, as they mention, the company covers it all, giving complete peace of mind.
Popular Singapore Destinations
Some of the most reputed cruise lines cover exotic destinations like Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and others. However, the teams can also customize the packages to your needs. Bookings for some of the best-known ships, including the Genting Dreams' and the Anthem of the Seas, are already on for the next year. So, if you want your cabins booked, then consider making it as soon as feasible.
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