middaydolomite · 2 years
Acting as Gallery Assistant and Finding the Time to Read
New blog post: Acting as Gallery Assistant and Finding the Time to Read.
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tcw-studio · 2 months
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RUB RUB RUB , Nov. 2023, SaltSpace, Glasgow (part 2, graphic materials)
Oftentimes, it's only when we become foreigners ourselves that we start to reflect and become aware of how much our own culture has an impact on us. We find ourselves in a completely unfamiliar environment, surrounded by people speaking a language we are not as fluent in. When we are pulled away from our accustomed culture, we can only seek consultation within ourselves. Because it's only through inner conversation that we are able to explore who we are and how we reflect on the environment from within.
Being unfamiliar with the language makes us feel lonely and detached from our surroundings. HeeYoung Noh began seeking solace in habits. This inspired the Ttaemiri series. However, she unexpectedly discovered her feeling isolated from her body during bathing, as well as confirming her solitude.
RUB RUB RUB is an exhibition that explores the concepts of habits, unfamiliarity, and loneliness, expressing how it feels as a foreigner trying to be at peace with the new place and with self.
Curated and designed by Julia Wu
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5/30 Notable Exhibitions
Jane Shanks Replicate
Jane Shanks’ SaltSpace show Replicate, explores the representation of Greek goddesses painted during the Renaissance contrasted with the plasticised, sexualised and emotionless nature of mass produced mannequins. Both of these are constructed to be seductive and desirable, supporting an idealised image of the female body. The mannequins used in the work are aged and worn, no longer where they should be, the spaces they occupy in the paintings are quiet and intimate, contrasting with their bustling surroundings in retail. When speaking with Shanks, she told me she used her found mannequins to create the compositions of her oil paintings. I asked her whether she would move to sculpture to which she replied she already has ideas of moving to a 3D realm, experimenting with compositions in 3D. Overall, a really interesting exhibition with really well painted works, and relating to the uncanny through the process of replacing Greek goddesses with discarded mannequins. I would love to see her 3D works.
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Nicole Wermers Day Care
Whilst I didn't get the chance to see this exhibition in person, I managed to see photos online. I really liked Wermers' use of objects, like bags and laundry trolleys to show these figures as if they were in the process of doing tasks.
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Mike Kelley The Uncanny
American artist Mike Kelley’s exhibition ‘The Uncanny’. A collection of pieces that represent the uncanny including found objects, wax figures, dolls and mannequins.
“Instead of feeling we were in a modern art gallery, it seemed we'd stumbled upon an amalgamation of a horror film set, an 18th-century anatomy lesson, a hideous crime scene and an occultist tableau.”
“suspended between life and death.”
Dean Kenning Poor Things
I return to the time I went to see the ‘Poor Things’ exhibition at Fruitmarket and viewed Dean Kenning’s kinetic sculpture Renaissance Man. The sculpture, made from casts of the artists hands, feet, and face, as well as a metal trough, moves back and forth in a repetitive and compulsive way, bringing the materials of the piece into life. The crude and brutal design of the work creates an unsettling feeling while viewing it, but you almost pity the creation.
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bahca-promotion-bahca · 5 months
Possible future exhabition spaces
SALTSPACE Pros and Cons
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I like that they have a focus on graduate artists and want to help up and coming artist get in to the gallery space. This provides experience for artists and a taste of what exhibiting independently and/or as a geoup could be like.
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The space is a place for many diffrent artist, you can become a resident with the gallery and also exhibit by becoming a member.
They also accommodate to charity events and local organisation.
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This is there location on the map amd a pictire of the oitside of the building. As you can see it is a unassuming outside. It was not the easiest place to find and when visiting a fellow clasmates exhabition.
We actually got quite lost as there are diffrent entrances to the building. The gallery space is up a few floors and wasnt sign poster very well inside or out.
I think this is something that they could work on as it may turn away potential viewers of the exhabition.
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This is the space inside. The space is rather small although they do provide you with the keys to the space and give you quite alot of freedom to install how you wish.
This makes the space more appealing to new artists in the industry as it means that you are still able to experiment with installing and your practice.
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When exhibiting in the space you are soley responsible for install and opening night. They are able to provide a small amount of equiptment such as a small tv set, install tools and some tables/chairs.
It might not come with all the bells and whistles so to say, it dose provide freedom for the artist tho which i think is invaluable.
It will ultimately help the artist understand responsibility for their work and the spaces that they exhibit in.
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As an new artist i think this is a reasonable amount of money to pay for a gallery space, paying for the space gives you the chance at exposure and experience. Knowing that the money goes back into the community and space, so other artists can have the same opportunity, is something i think we need more of. Artist should be supporting other artists.
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Poster for workshop by artist and advertised by the salt space ^^^^
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Some examples of the residents that work at the salt space.
This artwork is by Shona Wardrop, their 2022 resident. The artwork explores being a disabled woman in the artworld wanting to be a voice for these women.
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Salt Space gallery
Salt Space is an artist-run voluntary comparative that has a maker space and a gallery space in which members can exhibit in.
They offer a membership program which allows the artist to participate in their annual members' exhibit, to sell their work at a 0% commission which is a rare find and allows members to submit applications to their artist residency program. This comes at a small fee of £15 for students who have graduated within a year or £25 for an emerging artist the only catch is that you need to be Scottish or be working in Scotland or have graduated form a Scottish institution.
I think the fee for what you receive in return is very reasonable and many other subscriptions such as Netflix and other streaming services cost just the same and you wouldn't notice the money gone and in return, you become a part of a community of artist that you can learn from. Salt space doesn't only uses their space to hold exhibitions but also presentations and workshops which members can have access to learning and networking.
In regards to the space's online presence, they have nearly 6000 followers and are posting frequently. An other perk of being a member and exhibiting at the space is they promote you on their Instagram which has engagement. Their website is fresh and a bit different but is still easily navigated which is a bonus its easy to find the forms to apply to be a member and to find where they are location wises and all their contact details. Having the gallery promote you is a real asset and allows your work to get exposure to a different demographic but still those interest in art.
My only negative takeaway from the Gallery is its size and location when attending Piotr's exhibition we got lost and went into the wrong building, i think this is the issue with many spaces that aren't on street level as I believe it was on the 2nd floor. Maybe this could have been avodied if there was better signage outside or maybe some posters outside directing people into the building .
The space itself is a typical gallery space of white walls and grey floor however for a solo show and for what Piotr was exhibiting was perfect but if more than 2 or 3 people were exhibiting large pieces it could be very cramped. These are things to consider when looking at the scale of work or if group shows would work in the space.
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Evaluation 01
My Promotion module began with an exciting opportunity to exhibit my own work in SaltSpace Gallery, which was immensely important in me gaining skills in curation, and professional practice, as well as being a great way to promote myself.
SaltSpace is a great starting point for any artist’s career as the owners have a hands-off approach to exhibitions, allowing artists to learn the skills of organising their own exhibition. The artist has control, from proposal, all the way till deinstalling. This was fun as I was able to make my own poster and experience the stress of organising an opening night. I have prior experience with graphic design, meaning I was able to create a poster that held all the relevant information to promote the exhibition, like the address, artist information, and opening times, alongside an eye-catching image.
I wrote a short 100-word statement to accompany my work, inspired by my gallery visits over the last few months. I have found that myself, alongside my peers, agree that the longer the statement the less likely we are to take in the information provided, skimming the text rather than soaking it in. I did not want the experience of the visitors to be hindered by a long and convoluted piece of text. The basis of the exhibition was simple which made this easy. This is also something I will try to do for the degree show. My Divergent module outcome resulted in extra woodcut prints that I turned into screen-printed business cards holding basic information like an email and Instagram account for any possible enquiries, as well as being one-of-a-kind artworks I could hand out.
Invigilating the show over the week was the perfect opportunity to discuss my work with people outside of my peer group, who were able to give me feedback from an outside perspective.
I promoted my show via an artist Instagram that features regular posts and updates on my artistic practice. I see it as a visual diary that I myself can look back upon. Instagram is also a great platform to follow other artists and delve deeper into their practice, with many posting progress updates on art they are in the process of making. I follow lots of Scottish galleries which advertise exhibitions and opportunities regularly.  I was surprised to find that my show had been promoted by the Glasgow Art Map, which is something I myself have used in the past to look at upcoming or current shows which was a proud moment. This is also the strategy I will be using to find any other interesting shows over the next few months as well as the many mailing lists I am signed up to that notify me of new exhibitions. I am hoping the exhibitions I visit will help me with possible hanging solutions for my work which is something I am struggling with right now.
Leading up to my exhibition I was also responsible for filling in a risk assessment form and gallery contract, which was great experience for future exhibitions or careers and made me keen on continuing my learning of the admin side to exhibiting with the group show we were holding.
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Piotr Gacmenga, Hand @ Saltspace
Piotr held a solo show at the Saltspace gallery, titled 'Hand'.
The exhibition was a great opportunity for me to see how we, at this early stage of our careers, might command a space of our own.We have good experience in group shows now, and until Piotr's exhibition it felt like a solo show was fairly unattainable. It was great to see how Piotr used scale to command the room, the images were impactful.
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promotionmodhonsemmas · 7 months
Connections to art gallaries:
Top Glasgow art galleries:-
• The Modern Institute
^ Tel: +44 (0) 1412483711
• Tramway
^ Tel: 08453303501
• Transmission Gallery
^ Tel: 01415527141
• Gellery of Modern Art
^instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glasgowgoma/
^ Tel: +44 (0) 1412873024
• The Burrell Collection
^ Tel: 01412872550
• Glasgow Print Studio
^ Tel: +44 (0) 1415522919
• The Gallery Factory
• CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts
^ Tel: 01413524900
• Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
^ hunterian-enquiries @glasgow.ac.uk
^ Tel: 01413304221
• Saltspace
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Jane Shanks
Jane Shanks’ SaltSpace show ‘Replicate’ explores the representation of Greek goddesses painted during the Renaissance contrasted with the plasticised, sexualised and emotionless nature of mass produced mannequins. Both of these are constructed to be seductive and desirable, supporting an idealised image of the female body. The mannequins used in the work are aged and worn, no longer where they should be, the spaces they occupy in the paintings are quiet and intimate, contrasting with their bustling surroundings in retail.
When speaking with Shanks, she told me she used her found mannequins to create the compositions of her oil paintings. I asked her whether she would move to sculpture to which she replied she already has ideas of moving to a 3D realm, experimenting with compositions in 3D. Overall, a really interesting exhibition with really well painted works, and relating to the uncanny through the process of replacing Greek goddesses with discarded mannequins. I would love to see her 3D works.
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Salt Space Co
SaltSpace is a creative co-operative based in Glasgow which aims to provide a supportive platform for new graduates and early year creatives as a stepping-stone into their artistic career.
Members of SaltSpace are able to exhibit their work in a provided gallery space in the form of a solo showor a group exhibit. This is a great entry way for new graduate students who are struggling to know what to do with their art to promote themselves.
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georgina-promotion · 1 year
Saltspace Events
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'Quiet Studio Plant Fire' by Eifion Sven-Myer
28th April - 2nd May 11am - 5pm Axiom Building Floor 2 54 Washington Street, Glasgow, UK
SaltSpace is excited to invite you to our upcoming exhibition 'Quiet Studio Plant Fire' by Eifion Sven-Myer opening Friday 28th April 7pm at Axiom Building Glasgow! The show will then run 29th - 2nd May 11am - 5pm. This series of work by Glasgow based artist Eifion Sven-Myer presents a direct emotional response through paint and abstraction to the constant feed of information relating to our changing climate and impact on plant and animal life. Musing over the discrepancy between the serene environment of the home and studio with the environmental devastation in the ‘outside world’. Items painted include the potted plants surrounding him in his workspace, at times beneath imaginary flames or sitting upon abstracted melting ice caps. Playing with these visual queues became a way for the artist to process the harrowing yet dislocated information of ecological degradation. From this platform the compositions displayed have emerged and developed their own formal characteristics. Often unsettling yet with saturated colours, the work undulates between focused representation and hazy textured colour fields.
Eifion’s work concerns bridging dualities, in form, process and concept. Aesthetically speaking by combining still and moving image mediums such as sculpture and animation, or 2D painting with 3D installation. Subjects he has addressed include presenting the green man from various mythologies (embodying the wild, nature and chaos), opposing the green man from the traffic signal, which served to personify order and civilisation. His process inhabits contrasting methods where considered detail sits aside fulminant gestures, displaying the actions of the contending hemispheres of the mind. This push and pull phenomena were expressed in his installations where he destroyed paintings then carefully curated and adorned them with mirrors and lights. His time as a cleaner in a theatre was explored visually as a humorous reality of another dualism experienced by many artists, being their bread earning labour in variance with their creative pursuits. Currently Eifion is investigating the notion of climate change brought into the domestic space. Such as representing worldwide vegetation burning by painting potted plants from life engulfed in abstracted flames, depictions of warming ice caps created next to frozen radiators, too expensive to turn on. Eifion Sven-Myer has completed residencies abroad in Portugal, Bulgaria and Germany. He has exhibited in the UK including in The Garment Factory, g39, Oriel Davies, The Glynn Vivian, Beep International Painting Prize, Elysium, Dumfries House. His solo shows include Arcadecardiff and The Grand Theatre Swansea. He is originally from Wales, has a Masters in Painting from The Glasgow School of Art and is currently based in Glasgow.
This particular event was for a solo exhibition, and page information was much more tailored to the specific artist. It included an artist's statement to compliment the description of the event, giving more context to the artist's process and methodology, as well as any achievements.
The poster itself is also much quieter, alluding to the show's title of Quiet Studio Plant Fire, using an example of work by the artist and simple font for the information. It's worthwhile to consider how promotional material engages the viewer and sets expectations of an exhibition before even setting foot inside. The imagery of the posters we will create should also be considered, as it becomes representative of a class that features a wide range of multi-disciplinary artwork.
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promotionsumayyah · 1 year
Came across this post on Facebook, and in the comments, someone linked a pdf of different organisations for artists to look into for job advertisements purposes and support for artists, which I have put below.
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Salt space : provides resources, and spaces for artist from exhibition and studio spaces.
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tcw-studio · 2 months
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RUB RUB RUB , Nov. 2023, SaltSpace, Glasgow (part 1, exhibition)
Oftentimes, it's only when we become foreigners ourselves that we start to reflect and become aware of how much our own culture has an impact on us. We find ourselves in a completely unfamiliar environment, surrounded by people speaking a language we are not as fluent in. When we are pulled away from our accustomed culture, we can only seek consultation within ourselves. Because it's only through inner conversation that we are able to explore who we are and how we reflect on the environment from within.
Being unfamiliar with the language makes us feel lonely and detached from our surroundings. HeeYoung Noh began seeking solace in habits. This inspired the Ttaemiri series. However, she unexpectedly discovered her feeling isolated from her body during bathing, as well as confirming her solitude.
RUB RUB RUB is an exhibition that explores the concepts of habits, unfamiliarity, and loneliness, expressing how it feels as a foreigner trying to be at peace with the new place and with self.
Curated by Julia Wu
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westrockent · 5 years
Practice makes perfect @lovelyyjos_ #working #jmalone #showready #westrockent #saltspace https://www.instagram.com/p/B97rJ8_Jsn_/?igshid=uvteou5rbs4n
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Promotion Strategy and Degree Show Proposal – Beth Mitchell, BA CAP 2021/22 Promotion Strategy
 After exploration, I have settled upon several strategies to promote our degree show both collectively and individually. The first is adequate utilisation of social media. Many of us have individual accounts on various platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) dedicated solely to our art practice, so the most sensical thing to do would be promote degree show dates, location, and contents on our individual profiles.
I will be doing this personally through my professional profiles. We will also repost a degree show poster, when it is made, on story and news feed posts. Keeping a wide digital footprint like this will allow a larger combined audience, and individual attention to each artist. A dedicated COGC 4th Year BA CAP Instagram/Facebook exclusively for the promotion of our degree show could be set up, showing sneak peeks, plans, or updating while the show is open. Another method may be physical leafletting and posters. These could be placed throughout the COGC buildings themselves, or we could ask local galleries and collectives (Alchemy Experiment, SaltSpace, CCA) if they would be willing to pin a poster up. This extends our potential attendees even further outside of the college and into the local contemporary arts community. I would be willing to integrate this physical promotion into my own performance works.
Degree Show Proposal 
My current practice is focused on performance, so it is likely my installation at the degree show will involve performance works and their documentation. This proposal is written on that assumption but may be subject to changes.
My proposal would include a video recording of performance, which will be displayed as a moving image, as well as physical documentation of performance. These may be objects used within the performance or impressions created from objects used within the performance, or physical prints of these images. Preparation must include; preloading a USB with the performance media, painting walls to an acceptable standard if not already done so, allocating plinths and materials accordingly. The use of a projector is something that may be necessary to showcase a moving image. In an ideal situation, I would prefer a digital screen or monitor however budget might make this difficult as well as finding adequate power and a means to display a digital screen within the exhibition space. I think there would be few issues with a projector as it can sit on a plinth or be installed aerially within the space. Any cables would have to be tucked away to prevent a health and safety hazard. A USB or other digital media would have to be preloaded with the video. 
If physical objects are used as documentation, they would be presented on plinths. If the object was a ‘flatter’ sculptural object, like plaster tablets or textiles, I may adhere these objects onto a wall with a deliberate inclusion of visible pins, or include the mounting plates within the sculpture themselves, to adhere them more subtly. Any sculptural element would be presented as a triptych. In the same vein as the physical objects, if prints of objects were used instead, they would also be adhered to the wall with visible pins, invoking connotations of documentation, and presented as a triptych. In total, my proposed installation will include a looped video of performance work, and 3 sculptural objects/photographic prints of sculptural objects displayed on plinths or pinned to a wall
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Jane Shanks' show at Saltspace was the reasoning behind deciding to exhibit there having spoken to Jane and a director who was keen on my idea. At the time I felt the space would be adequate for my idea and resulted in me putting a proposal in months later.
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