#sam Kiszka angst
anthemofgvf · 3 months
Teacher’s Pet: Sam Kiszka x Reader Fanfiction
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description: when college becomes more interesting from your history with your music professor, you decide to take him up on a private piano lesson to rekindle what once was.
word count: 6.6k+
trope: student reader x professor sam (college au!)
taglist for future fics
warnings after cut…
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warnings: large amount of plot, angst, smut (18+ minors dni!), voyeurism, soft dom! sam, fluff, teacher x adult reader, inappropriate relations, swearing, begging, fingering, oral (fem! and male receiving), handjob, overstimulation, praise kink, unprotected sex, minimal aftercare
a/n: this may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay! would also like to reiterate that reader IS a legal adult. i figured that would be clear considering this is a college au but i just wanted to state it once before the story itself does. all actions are consensual, and i do not condone un-consensual acts. with that being said, enjoy;)
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Starting college at Michigan State University at the age of twenty-one, you walked onto campus with a sense of anticipation and determination that set yourself apart from your younger peers. Your journey to this point had been conventional, marked by years of playing piano at home purely for joy, and finding an intense passion for music itself. Now, as a music theory major, you were ready to immerse yourself in the academic study of music, eager to delve into the intricacies of composition, harmony, and the structures that underpin the art form you love. Your path to college might have been delayed, but your passion for music had only grown stronger with time, making your arrival at the university both a new beginning and a cumulation of years of dedication.
But you were gifted a surprise on your first day in your "Music Theory 101" class when you sat near the front - only a few rows back on the far left, and your professor walked in. The cool fall air of Michigan allowed for him to wear a navy blue long-sleeve and a multicolored-purple scarf, with grey plaid dress pants. He clearly was taller than most, but the boots that he paired with his outfit granted him a few extra inches.
You started to analyze the features of his face, seeing something so familiar in him that you couldn't quite pinpoint. His long, brunette hair that held a light wave with a well-kept mustache and goatee. Something about his eyes were the most recognizable to you with the way they scanned the room slowly, then focusing in on papers on his podium. And as soon as he began to speak and introduce himself to you and your peers, the memories came flooding back into your brain, and you had to hold yourself back from gasping. But you couldn't contain your eyes from widening.
"Hello everyone," he began, "welcome to 'Music Theory 101.'" He said with a smile. "I'm Professor Kiszka, and I'll be teaching this course. I've been teaching music theory for about three years now."
You knew who he was. He was Mr. Kiszka, or Sam, as back then you were able to call him that because he wasn't the hugest fan of being called 'Mr. Kiszka'. He was your student teacher your senior year of high school in your band class. He would help your teacher as if he were a teacher's aide, yet also helped teach the class and was a mentee to your teacher. You couldn't even believe your chances of having him as an actual teacher, let alone even seeing his face again. And God, how he has changed from the guy you once knew. But he'd always be 'Sam' to you, whether you'd call him by his first name or not. You preferred not to take your chances anyways.
You and he had created a small friendship, or better described as a mutualistic relationship, but it went nowhere beyond because being friends would cross the boundaries that the school board had put into place. But it was more than likely for the better, because you had a massive crush on him that accumulated over time with the semester. You were keen to his wit, his attention to detail - his talent in music. Not to mention he had a great sense of humor and was outgoing that paired perfectly with his great looks. You remembered being saddened that you were not going to see him again after your last class of the semester, and while although he gave you a hug and a smile, he had said to you,
"You'll see me again, y/n, I'm sure of it," with a wink.
And somehow, he had predicted the future.
After he gave the class a short introduction, which you surely had missed from reminiscing about the past, he had begun to read down the list of students for attendance. Your heart began to bang against your ribcage with anticipation, with wonderance of if he would even remember you. After all, you were just another student he saw in the school day.
"Y/n L/n?" He had called out, searching for you amongst the crowd.
You shot your eyes up, looking at him as you lightly raised your hand and said, "Here."
He smiled at you, the same smile he always wore. His eyes lightly squinted, and his face lit up with a knowing expression.
"You went to Frankenmuth High School, right?" He pointed his pen out to you with his teeth still on display.
"Yeah, yeah I did." You nodded.
You felt everyone's eyes on you - all 40 something students that filled the lecture hall. He remembered you, and you had forgotten how nervous you would get when his eyes lingered upon you for too long. Surely your face was flushed pink for the whole class to examine, but you were praying the lights were dim enough to hide your complexion.
"It's nice to see you again, y/n." He nodded towards you, closing his mouth to soften his smile and focus his attention back onto the list and calling out other names.
The entire class all you could do was watch his facial expressions, the way he walked and used his hands in conversation and lecture. The way his hair flew with his head whenever he changed directions, the way his voice articulated words. And, surely watching him give the class a demonstration on the piano was going to be the death of you. Time had made him more attractive, and his knowledge of you was somehow a worser fate than going unknown.
He put his whole body into his demonstration, leaning into the keys and throwing his head back every so often. His shoulders would raise in a rigid motion, then relaxing back down whilst his fingers danced along the white keys. You began to press your thighs tightly together and place your fist over your mouth as you watched him intently. You were unsure of how you were going to survive this class for a semester.
But after that first day, he had called you over to his podium. Although the conversation was light, asking you how you've been, wondering what you were going to college for exactly, you couldn't help but feel unprepared to talk to him. He always had a way with words, and anything that came out of his mouth was pure poetry. You just felt like you were blabbing nonsense to him. But he cared what you had to say. He laughed at your jokes, nodded along to show you he was listening. He had not changed one bit after all these years, other than time aging him only enough to present himself as more of a mature adult, but his striking personality stayed intact.
As the semester went on, and you stopping by Sam's desk every so often after class, assignments were assigned. One big project that was presented was to perform a cover on the piano that showcased your level of talent on the keys - 30 measures to be exact. A different assignment was given to those who were incapable of playing the piano, which was to compose a piece instead on an instrument of their choosing, but you took the route of playing on the instrument you enjoyed the most.
With this assignment, he had allowed students to make appointments with him during his office hours for free lessons and guidance on their piece. And as soon as he had announced this, you had booked an appointment.
And that's where you were headed right now: A one-on-one meeting with Professor Kiszka. To say you were nervous was an understatement. His attention was all yours, and there was no avoiding his gaze by sinking into your chair. The only thing that you had repeated in your head was that he was no stranger, and you knew how to hold a conversation with him. Act normal, you said to yourself, act normal.
You pushed open one of the large doors of the classroom that groaned and creaked as it allowed your entrance. Sam had his back to you from across the lecture hall, hunched over as he played a song that was unrecognizable to you on the piano. Whatever it was, it sounded beautiful.
The doors slammed shut behind you as you walked in, which caught Sam's attention. He whipped his head over his shoulder as his fingers relaxed from the keys, and he lifted his wrist up to examine his watch.
"Guess it is that time, huh?" He said out loud, although he was mainly speaking to himself. "Come on in, y/n."
"Forgot I was coming in, Professor Kiszka?" You said with a smirk.
"I'm always forgetting the time as it passes," he chuckled lightly, "surely you'll forgive me."
You walked over to him as he rose from the bench with a light smile, extending his arm towards the piano to motion for you to sit. He wore an ironed white button down, and worn-out jeans that have seen better days. Casual attire: a bit astray from what he normally wears.
You stopped in front of him. "I guess just this once I will." You said to him, then taking your seat on the bench and keeping your posture straightened.
"Alright, y/n," he shook his head with a smile, "what's your song of choice then? Can't pick anything you've played for me before."
You cocked your head to the side as you gave him a pondering look. "There's no way you remember anything I played three years ago."
He pressed his lips together and thought for a moment, then looking down to you with a smile.
"Maybe I do, or maybe I don't. Just seems like you're trying to stall on playing your piece for me." He said to you. "There's nothing to be nervous about, y/n."
You shook your head with a light sigh. "I'll have to test your memory another time then."
He nodded at you. "So, what piece of music did you choose?"
"I chose 'Rhapsody in Blue,' sir." You spoke to him. "I remember you performing it for the class after finals were over, and I've been in love with the piece ever since."
He seemed almost shocked that he had made such an impact on you, one that was still intact after all these years. He gave you an earnest, genuine smile as he placed his hand on his heart.
"It means a lot to me that I played an influential role in your musical journey. Did you learn it after I performed the piece?" He asked.
You nodded with a giggle. "Embarrassingly yes, yes I did." You refrained from eye contact as you felt your face becoming hot.
He raised a brow. "So, this is a piece you're familiar with?" You looked back to him with a singular nod. "Then what is your reasoning for spending time with me during my office hours, y/n? I never knew of you to not be confident in yourself."
You stuck your tongue into your cheek. "Just wanted to make sure that I was playing the piece up to par, and I so happen to enjoy our conversations. Figured we'd be able to catch up a bit during this meeting."
"Is that so, y/n?" He smirked at you. His tongue ran across his bottom lip as he looked down at you. It was almost as if there were words that lingered upon his tongue, yet he was unable to muster the courage to let them roll off smoothly. He had opened his mouth for a moment, then shut it with a grin. "Well, then how about we see how well you can perform this piece, huh? If there's enough time after, I don't see anything wrong with catching up a bit more." His grin was near seductive, although he was talking about a topic pure as white. Something about the way his eyes captivated yours that had your body telling you to either look away flustered, or to hold onto his eyes to match his intimidating gaze.
But rather than look at him any longer, you chose to take in a deep breath in preparation to perform for him. You straightened yourself up once more and saw him leave your sight from the corner of your eye.
"Just a bit too tense, y/n." He said softly to you, placing his hands onto your shoulders gently. "Relax for me."
As if that sentence alone didn't have you feeling even more tense, you closed your eyes and found it within yourself to relax, and to forget that it was Sam's doing for making your nerves skyrocket.
You began the piece, fluttering your eyes open and playing it as you learned it. Some of your mannerisms matched the way Sam played the piece - at least back then, just because you admired how beautiful he looked whilst performing. You were certain that if he hadn't become a teacher, he'd be on a stage performing in front of thousands.
You were lost in the music, lost in your motions and the way your fingers traveled alongst the keys in perfect harmony. So lost that you hadn't realized Sam's hands had left your shoulders, moving to stand near the front of the piano, watching you perform. All you could do was focus on playing as perfectly as you could for him, because if you were to look up and see his admiring stare, you would have forgotten the rest of the piece.
And so, you finished, watching your fingers dance along the last few keys and resting your hands onto your thighs, keeping your eyes down only for a moment before cautiously allowing yourself to look up and see his chin resting into his palm, wearing a large grin that he never seemed to wipe from his face.
"That was," he began to stride slowly towards you, "near perfection."
You followed his movements with your eyes. "Near?"
He sat next to you on the bench, holding onto your eyes. "You lost yourself a bit with the tempo, is all. I'm not shameful to a bit of artistic expression, but that would be for another project. But it's nothing that can't be fixed quickly."
"So, then it's a good thing that I made this appointment, hm? Without your expertise I wouldn't have known to slow down a bit." You said to him.
He huffed a laugh with an amused expression. "What's your game here? Sarcasm or flattery?"
You took a glance at his parted lips, locking eyes with him again. "Your guidance, Professor Kiszka."
He shook his head at you with a knowing look yet dismissing your counter remark and sliding closer to you.
"Well, for one, you should raise your arms a bit higher above the keys." He slid his hands under your forearms and raised them up slightly, being ever-so gentle with his touch. With how close he peered over your shoulder, you were certain if you were to turn to him, your nose would brush against his.
However, you wouldn't have been bothered by it if it were to occur. The opportunity presented itself when he had willingly brought himself even closer to you. Whether you would dare to do it was not on your mind right now, as you were tuning into the feeling of his coarse hands holding your forearms and making them weightless.
You could feel his exhaled breath just barely hit the side of your neck, and your body almost reacted with a shudder. Rather, you could hear your heartbeat in your ears, and suddenly you had become more aware of how many breaths you were taking in.
"And to help keep tempo," Sam slowly slid his hands off your arms, placing his hand lightly onto your thigh, "I'll tap on beat." He said as he began tapping onto your jeans lightly.
You dared to turn towards him and flick your eyes at his parted lips, locking onto his stare and feeling the inability to look away. You were certain the face you were displaying was one of desperation, of want.
But to him, it didn't appear that way. "Is this...okay?" He had said with a hint of worry. Maybe he didn't want to read into your facial expressions too much.
"Yes, yes it's okay." You gave him a reassured smile, along with a small nod, and tore yourself away from his gaze.
You began to play once more, trying to keep your mind on your fingers hitting the keys at the right pace rather than the fact that Sam's hand was on your thigh. The act was supposed to be innocent, a teacher merely helping his student perfect their piece, but to you, it was hard to feel anything pure towards your professor.
With the way his chin nearly rested onto your shoulder, to his steady breaths that matched yours as you played, to the low humming you could hear in your ear as your fingers danced along the piano. How did he expect you to focus when he was closer to you than ever before? When all you were thinking about was how easily it would be to kiss him, to give into him.
"What's on your mind, y/n?" He whispered to you.
You had continued playing, trying to keep up with the tempo he had set on your thigh.
"What do you mean?" You said without missing a beat.
"I can tell you're not focused. You're playing the piece properly, but your mind is somewhere else." He removed his hand from your thigh, which caused you to stop playing.
You turned to him. "I'm just a bit distracted, that's all. I'm sorry, Professor." You pressed your lips together, flicking your eyes down to avoid his gaze. A low sigh escaped his mouth as he watched gravity tilt your head down.
But then you felt his finger hook under your chin, lifting it up to meet his eyes. Every detail of his face was on display, and you couldn't focus your eyes on a single piece of his complexion - it was all something you wanted to remember so intricately.
"Am I distracting you?" He took a glance at your lips only for a discreet moment, then focusing in on your eyes and searched within them for an answer that you had yet to put out into the air.
"Maybe," you began, "what if I said that you were?"
Your bold statement had nearly taken him aback, with his hand removing itself from under your chin, and a light chuckle with the shake of his head as he composed himself. His hand ran to the back of his neck, then finding its resting place on the top of his thigh.
He leaned back slightly, the playful glint in his eyes dimming to something more contemplative. "Then I'd have to ask why," he murmured, his voice dropping to a softer, more intimate tone. "Why do you find me distracting?" The air between you seemed to thicken with unspoken words and unsaid possibilities, leaving you teetering on the edge of where his mind was at.
You took a hard swallow, tugging at the inside of your bottom lip and praying that you weren't about to make an embarrassing mistake.
Your heart raced as you decided to take the plunge. "Because" you began, your voice barely above a whisper, "I've never been able to keep myself composed long enough around you. And, now that we're alone, it's become increasingly hard to even think straight."
His eyes widened slightly, the seriousness of your confession hanging between you two like a fragile thread.
He moved closer, his warm breath just barely grazing the tip of your nose. "Maybe that's not such a bad thing," he said softly, his lips hovering just inches from yours, leaving you breathless and wondering if he was about to close the distance between you. "But you know what the rules are, right, y/n?"
"Do you plan on getting caught?" Your question hung in the air, heavy with implication. You felt a shiver run down your spine as the reality of the situation hit you. How the proximity had almost fizzled out in between you, the way Sam held your eyes in the most captivating way, taking only a millisecond to peak at your lips before returning to your gaze.
"Didn't know of you to be such a risk taker, y/n." He said to you with a steady voice.
A faint smile tugged at the corners of your lips, trying to mask the nervous flutter in your chest. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Sam," you replied, your voice just as steady, matching his intensity.
His gaze flickered with curiosity and something deeper, something that made your pulse quicken more than it already was. "Sam?" He smirked. "As much as I like you calling me 'Professor,' I've missed hearing you say my name."
"I'll say it as many times as you want me to," you said softly, flicking your eyes to his lips before returning back to his gaze.
"Then start now," he murmured, his tone a blend of challenge and invitation. He inched closer, his breath mingling with yours, the space between you almost nonexistent now.
"Sam," you barely voiced.
"Again." He said as his lips were just barely brushing against yours. His hand gently traced the line of your jaw.
"Sam." You repeated for him.
He closed the remaining distance, capturing your lips in a kiss that was as much a promise as it was a risk, practically whimpering into his mouth the second you got a taste whatever flavored ChapStick he wore.
His hand cupped your cheek, while his other hand rested on your thigh. You willingly fell into the touch, placing one of your hands onto his white button down, and the other beginning to tangle itself in his hair. You were merely breathless with the deepening of the kiss quickly becoming apparent, and now you were just desperate to run your hands under his shirt - to feel his warm skin under your touch.
Without unlocking your lips from his, you began to unbutton his shirt, and while he noticed, he allowed you to continue, pulling the shirt off of his shoulders and throwing it wherever it may land onto the ground.
His fingers crept under the hem of your shirt, slowly lifting it up to let every inch of your body feel that singular motion, and as soon as the tips of his fingers hit your bra, you were removing your mouth from his and finishing the job.
"You're eager." He teased at you, tugging at your bottom lip as he encapsulated your lips onto his again.
Instead of giving him a pitiful response into his mouth, you undid your bra with little struggle and threw it off of you whilst scooting yourself closer to your professor. His cold hands almost stung against your bare sides, yet soothed your heated skin as he ran them up slowly, finding your breasts and toying with them tenderly. A soft whine escaped out of your mouth, and in return, his mouth made its journey of running from your jawline, then to your neck, and to your collarbone.
Before you had even realized it, your hand was sliding down his chest, finding his bulge and cupping it. His groan vibrated against your neck, sucking lightly and digging his teeth into your neck as you threw your head back.
You had found yourself already breathless, squeezing your thighs together as your mind wondered to the inevitable. You lightly squeezed on Sam's bulge, hoping that he would mutter another sound for you to listen to.
But he removed himself from you with a heaving chest, unbuckling his belt as he stood up in front of you. While his eyes were first locked in at undoing the material holding up his pants, he then looked to you, pulling and shimmying off his jeans that were caught at his ankles. His briefs followed suit with his motion, and his cock sprung out in front of you.
Without hesitation, you had wrapped your hand around his length, keeping his eyes locked on yours as you pursed your lips and allowed spit to dribble from your mouth onto his cock. His mouth parted slightly, watching as your hand ran up and down him at an agonizingly slow pace. You gave him a small smile, one that had him caressing the side of your face and running his hand to the back of your head.
As he tousled with your hair, you pressed your lips softly onto his tip, then sliding him into your mouth. You watched as he threw his head back, groaning in a deep sigh and lightly tugging at the hair on the back of your head. You kept your hand pumping slowly at his base, while your head bobbed up and down his length.
The sensation of your soft, skilled mouth moving with rhythmic precision drew a deep moan from his lips. Your tongue danced expertly, exploring every inch, while your eyes remained fixed on his as he let his head fall back down towards you, drinking in every reaction. He was entranced with your motions and the way you effortlessly brought him such bliss.
His breathing had become unsteady, tugging at his bottom lip as he tugged your hair back which in return removed your mouth from him. You looked up to him eagerly, and in silence, he slowly fell to his knees at your mercy.
He looked beautiful bowed before you, unbuttoning and unzipping your jeans in a fluid motion, then dipping his thumbs under the denim, and wrapping his hands onto your sides that were hugged by the material. He slid them down slowly, and while doing so, you had lifted yourself up just enough to aid him in fully removing your jeans and panties. He had tossed them to the side, and once he looked back to you, your legs were pressed together.
You had found yourself shy with the vulnerability shared with him. Fully exposed to Sam, permanently imprinting this image of yourself in his brain that he would not dare to allow slip from his mind. His hands came to your knees as he noticed the sudden pink hue in your face.
"Open your legs for me, pretty girl." He said in a hoarse voice whilst he massaged your kneecaps. His demand was calm, and not one that meant to rush you. And you could feel the soothing, comforting energy that he was emulating in this moment that had you realizing he found you breathtaking - every single part of you.
So, you gave in willingly, looking at him with lustful eyes as you spread your legs apart slowly. His eyes were locked in onto your heat. Your bare form was being traced by his eyes, marveling at the curvatures of your body that seemed almost ethereal to him. He could not bring himself to speak a word, but rather sigh in reverence as his head inched closer and closer in between your thighs. It was if he was at your mercy, willing to give up anything and everything just to please you.
His lips pressed softly against the inners of your left thigh, and you had found yourself gasping lightly with a choked breath at the tender impact. Your hand relaxed at the back of his head as you massaged it, just as he did for you before, and a small grin curled onto his lips as he pressed more, soft kisses against your thighs, even sucking softly onto the skin. You were on the verge of begging for his mouth on you but resisted the urgency to see how Sam wanted to navigate himself around your body.
He raised his middle and ring finger to you, looking up at you submissively before uttering a soft, "open," to you. You quickly obeyed, parting your lips and letting him insert his fingers into your mouth, and resting them onto your tongue. You sucked slowly onto his fingers, swirling your tongue around his digits and allowing him to withdrawal them from your mouth.
And he kept his eyes locked on yours, watching intently for your reaction as he slowly inserted his two fingers inside of you. You gasped lightly, jolting forward with your back arched and your hands smashed onto the keys of the piano behind you as Sam curled his fingers. He broke from your eyes to see your hands clenched onto the keys and allowed a small smirk to curl onto his lips. He let that be his only reaction and continued to move his fingers.
You threw your head back as his other hand snaked up your body and lightly massaged your left breast. Your eyes were barely shut, mouth agape and allowing any sound bubbling in your throat out quietly. You had tugged onto the back of his head harshly as soon as you felt his tongue onto your clit, with your thighs squeezing tightly around his head and muffling your moans. As much as he wanted to push your legs apart to listen to every melodic sound that came from your mouth, he wasn't going take away from your bliss.
His tongue circled around your clit at a steady pace, with his fingers quickening to draw your moans out even more. You were tugging at your bottom lip as you rolled your hips into Sam's motions. You couldn't help but admire the view below you: your professor's eyes shut softly, seeming perfectly content in between your legs as he licked and sucked at your clit. He was already in tune with your body, knowing what made you feel good, and exactly what to do to send you over the edge.
You felt the knowing pressure in the pit of your stomach; a knot desperate to be unraveled by your orgasm. Your moans became strained - whiney.
"Sam, fuck, just like that." You slurred. Your hand had yet again found itself bracing against the keys of the piano, pressing a multitude of keys that didn't make the most beautiful melody, but the irony of that was it didn't matter what it sounded like. It mattered how it felt, which it perfectly conveyed.
You were arching your back away from the piano as your thighs trembled around Sam's head, calling out his name once more as your head fell forward and your breathing quickened. You alerted him of your orgasm, and all he did was continue his motions, calming them and seizing their existence after dragging out your high.
"You okay?" He looked up to you, removing his fingers slowly from your entrance and encapsulating them into his mouth to lick them clean.
You shuddered, and quickly swallowed and nodded at him.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." You laughed lightly.
He rose from his knees, standing before you still fully erect. You had forgotten how perfectly carved his abdomen was, how desirable him in his vulnerably, bare entirety was.
His fingers pressed from below your chin, lifting your eyes up to his own and holding a soft smile yet again.
"Are you okay to keep going?"
You smiled at him and his concern that just barely washed over his face.
"Yes, Sam." You nodded, reaching out for his face and him almost immediately complying.
He smashed his lips onto yours as you pulled yourself up from the bench. Your bodies melted into each other in a feverish rush, hands frantically exploring once more to remember the feeling of each other's skin. His hand had found the small of your back, guiding you to rotate to where you were now standing where he originally was.
His mouth kept on yours, slowly sitting down onto the bench and losing your lips with the action. You stood before him, watching his eyes fall to your thighs, where his hands began running slowly up and stopping at your waist.
He met your eyes again with his tongue darting out in between his lips. His touch was both tentative and possessive, as if memorizing every curve and contour. You could feel the heat radiating from his palms and igniting that fire once more.
He pulled you closer, his grip firm yet gentle, urging you to straddle his lap. As you settled into him, he had a hand on the base of his cock, dragging it alongst your sensitive folds that had you whimpering from the slight overstimulation. He looked to you once more to look for any sign of discomfort, but you placed your hands onto his shoulders, and lined yourself up with him.
You had sunk down onto him slowly and could not help breathing a relieved moan. He, on the other hand, released a guttural groan as you fully rested with him completely inside of you. His hands gripped onto your hips, breathing already unsteady, and beginning to guide you at a slow pace.
"Shit, y/n," he breathed, "you feel so perfect." He watched you grind your hips into him and continued. "You are so perfect."
You ran a hand from his shoulder and to his neck, finding his cheek and giving him a lustful smile. You were warm around his bare cock, tight and sucking him in perfectly. Your mind was dizzy with the thought of this all being a reality unfolding at this very moment; dizzy with the way he was making you feel.
You began to bounce at a steady pace, feeling his hips buck into you lightly to help alleviate some of the work on your end. He could tell you were tired. You were lazily chasing your next orgasm, although desperate for yours again and to help him find his, but your energy almost begged to deny it.
His left hand found a home onto the piano keys for leverage, lightly wincing at the sudden noise that filled the nearly silent room. You looked at him and smiled lightly, holding back your laughter at the noise.
"Doesn't sound too good." You teased.
He shook his head at you, furrowing his brows as he battled full euphoria taking over his being and disallowing a response from him. His breath came in short, ragged bursts as he tried to focus, the dissonant chord fading into the background of his awareness.
With a slow, deliberate movement, his thumb pressed into your hipbone, anchoring himself in the reality of your presence. The look in his eyes was a mix of passion and frustration, struggling to form words but failing as the intensity of the moment overwhelmed him.
You leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, a silent promise that you understood. His fingers flexed on the piano keys, creating a soft, accidental melody that echoed the unspoken rhythm of your connection. Even when he's not trying, he can make something beautiful out of a small mistake.
Yours and his's movements became quicker, both of you voicing your satisfaction with breathy moans, mixing swears and each other's names into the lustful air. Your hand ran to the back of his head, tousling with the damp hair and resting your forehead onto his. You both were a sweaty mess, which had you and him sticking to one another. It would be a battle to unravel yourself from him after this, but you warranted that.
He had a harsher grip onto your hip. His fingers dug into the plush skin while his thrusts became unsteady. He removed his hand from the piano and let you carry the pace on as his thumb circled onto your clit. You called out to him in a hushed moan, feeling your second orgasm creeping up quickly. Even though you warned him, he did not care. He wanted that.
"Cum for me again, y/n." He quickened his finger, pressing down onto your lower stomach. "Cum. For. Me." He repeated with gritted teeth.
Your eyebrows pulled together, locking your eyes with his as you reached your high almost immediately and pulled your head back from him with a hand pressed against his chest. You trembled against him and rode yourself through your high, with a high-pitched gasp shooting out from your mouth while you squeezed around him. And although your head was still fuzzy, you kept going for him.
He muttered your name in a warning, lifting you up from his lap just enough for him to pull out from you. You had sat yourself onto the middle portion of his thighs, far enough for him to finish himself off by painting his stomach and hand with his cum. You couldn't tear your eyes from him as he heaved and looked at the mess he had made, lightly chuckling to himself. You found his laughter and matched it, tucking your bottom lip behind your front teeth and smiling.
He reached for your lips once more, pressing a gentle, meaningful kiss onto your mouth as he cupped your cheek with his dry hand. And once your lips parted from his, you found the pattern of his breathing and controlled your own to emulate his.
He lifted his wrist to look at the time, and you in turn gave him a puzzled look whilst throwing your arms around his neck.
"Have another appointment today?" You said to him with slight disappointment. You had almost forgotten where you two were.
"I unfortunately do." He replied. "And I'd suggest we should clean ourselves up now and make it look like we did not just have sex on this fucking piano." He chuckled.
You quickly obeyed, standing up quickly and running over to his podium where he had a tissue box. You knew you were to return home and shower, but for now, this would suffice. Besides, you didn't know how much time you had before a student would walk in, so both of you focused on yourselves.
You had found your phone and quickly switched to the camera to make sure your hair wasn't too much of a mess, along with your makeup. Thankfully, it was a quick fix for anything out of place, and you took care of it while Sam finished buttoning up his shirt.
After you had placed your phone in the back pocket of your jeans, you walked over to him.
"Do you do this with all of your students?" You questioned him with sarcasm.
He shook his head with a breathy chuckle. "Only the ones I like." He shrugged, catching onto your teasing.
You giggled at his response, choosing to leave the teasing behind in fear of the unknown amount of time you had left with him. "So, I'll see you tomorrow for class then?" You rocked on your heels.
"Well, I'd hope so," he smiled at you, sliding his hand onto your waist and pulling you closer. "Will I start seeing you outside of class, too?"
You felt a rush of warmth from his touch, a sense of comfort that had now been familiarized to you. "I think we can arrange that." You said in a playful manner as you placed the palms of your hands onto his chest.
His thumb traced small circles on your waist, his expression softening with a mixture of desire and affection. "Good," he murmured, leaning in to brush his lips against yours once more. "I look forward to it."
After you had parted from his lips again, you reluctantly pulled away from him and made your way to the doors of the lecture hall. You were hoping that whatever student was to come next wasn't outside already, because by the burning sensation that filled your cheeks, you could not hide that something had occurred beyond the lesson with him. With your professor.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
@hollyco @ageofhearingloss @sacredjake @mountain-in-springtime @ignite-my-fire @gvfsstardust @jakesguitarsolo @gold-mines-melting @digitalcalamity @demolitionndann @lipstickitty @joopsworld @gvfgal @gvfpal @hellowgoodbye @writingcold @stardustcatcher @absolutely--mental @hippievanfleet @haileygvf @gretasfallingsky @dont-go-home-without-me @indigofallingsky @sinarainbows @laneygvf @josh-iamyour-mama @starshine-wagner @lyndz2names @jjwasneverhere @mulberrimouse @starcatcher-jake @lallisonl @jordie-gvf @mindastreamofcolours @peaceloveunitygvf
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losfacedevil · 1 year
Hungry Eyes // S.F.K
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a/n ~ Yet another Sammy piece that really got the fuck away from me! I don’t know what my deal is with these damn Sam thoughts, and then last nights tiktok left ya girl in shambles, That suit? Ugh. So here this is. @sammysprincess​ this all for you babe. Requested Prompt: “Stop looking at me like that or I’m gonna kiss you.” WARNINGS: She got away from me so, SMUT, FINGERING (F RECIEVING), PUBLIC MASTURBATION, SOFT DOM!SAM, DIRTY TALK. 18+ MINORS DNI
You had decided to tag along with Sam today, knew he was going to be fitted for a new tour suit but opted to go so you weren’t stuck at home alone. He was on edge all morning, his leg constantly bouncing as the wardrobe tech talked through each piece they had picked. 
He hemmed and hawed at each of the outfits none of them catching his eye the way he had hoped until they pulled over the last suit. An all black suit with a barely visible pattern over a red ribbed sweater - one you knew he’d never opt to wear. 
Sam changed quickly, stepping out from behind the curtain with his white claw in one hand, his other tucked into the pocket of the pants. You watched him intently, pulling out your phone to snap a quick picture for your own collection as his eyes snapped to the wardrobe tech, a quiet ‘what’ slipping past his lips. 
A soft smile played across your lips as you pushed yourself off of the sofa you had taken up residence on, quickly slipping your phone back into your pocket before sauntering over to him.
“I said what.” 
His eyes bore into yours, lips partially open as he set his drink down and crossed his arms over his chest. He tapped his foot impatiently against the floor, cocking his head to the side as you smiled sweetly at him. Lifting your shoulders in a shrug as you took a step towards him. 
His eyes were your favorite feature about him, how they turned downwards slightly at the outer corners; his eyelids hooded perfectly against his brow bone. A dark honey amber color with a thin dark brown rim sealing the amber pools away from the whites of his eyes.  
“I didn’t say nothing, honey.” You voice dripping sugar sweet as you reached out, placing your hands on his hips. 
Sam tilted his head slightly, staring down at you through the honey gold glasses that were perched on the bridge of his nose. You couldn’t help the smile dancing on your lips as you look up at him, biting down on your bottom lip and scrunching your nose at him. 
“Then what can I help you with, Princess?” He spat the name as if it tasted bitter, something he knew would push your buttons the way you were pushing his. You rolled your head from side to side briefly as you wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“Stop looking at me like that or I'm gonna kiss you.” You cooed, slipping your hands up the back of his suit jacket, pulling your nails across the ribbing of his top. He rolled his eyes, sucking his teeth as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. 
“Looking at you like what? Because you’ve fully annoyed me at this point.”  His voice was low, almost a growl while his top lip pulled up into a sneer. He reached up, cupping your cheeks in his large palms as his thumbs swept over your cheek bones. 
“With those hungry eyes. You know exactly how you’re looking at me, Sammy.” Your voice was light, the flirty tone it held causing his attitude to falter slightly. The corners of his mouth quirked up into a smile, gently swaying the both of you as you beamed  up at him. 
“You’re gonna get me in trouble, Princess. Behave.” He chuckled, leaning down to place a soft kiss to your forehead. You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you as you puckered your lips, trying to finesse a kiss out of him. 
He rolled his eyes once more, chuckling as he captured your lips in a sweet kiss. You body melted into his, a soft giggle slipping through your nose as you pressed your body flush against his. He pulled back, breaking the kiss as you tried to deepen it with a quick shake of his head. 
Sam sighed lightly, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead, each cheek, tip of your nose and a quick peck to your lips before pulling away from you completely. 
“I love you, now cut the shit before you get me in trouble.” He chuckled, quickly ruffling your hair as he stepped back into the makeshift dressing room. A giggle slipped past your lips as you shot a look over your shoulder, confirming that everyone else was preoccupied before slipping behind the curtain with him. 
A quiet ‘psst’ slipped past your lips, quickly grabbing his attention as you wrapped your arms around his waist burying your face into the soft material the red top covering his back. The expression that graced his face was one of annoyance, his hands finding yours before he gently pried them off of his midsection. He spun quickly in your grasp, replacing your hands on his hips as he stared down at you. 
His eyes flicked to the curtain, tossing his chin in the direction of the others in a silent question. You shook your head lightly as your gaze danced around the room, looking everywhere but at the boy you know you’ve fully riled up. 
A sly smile spread across his lips as he spun on his heel, tugging you along with him. He slowly backed you up, maneuvering your body around the rolling rack full of clothes and pressed you up against the far wall. His lips dangerously close to your ear as one of his hands danced down your side.
“I told you to behave didn’t I?” 
Your eyes finally found his, the honey colored glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose just enough that you could see his hungry eyes. His hand danced along your thigh, coming incredibly close to your center with each swipe across your cool skin. 
Your breathing hitched as he placed his hand to your face, cupping your chin with his index finger and thumb, the rest of his long fingers finding purchase on your neck. You swallowed thickly, trying to nod your head around the grip he had on you. 
“Use your words, Princess.” He had you right where he wanted you, excitement pooling between your legs as he hitched your skirt up to your waist; tightening your grip on him as your eyes rolled back. 
“Yes sir.” Sam leaned forward slightly, capturing your lips in a fervent kiss, clamping his teeth down on your bottom lip and tugging as he cupped his hand over your clothed sensitive core. 
“And what happens when we don’t behave? Hmm?” His voice was barely above a whisper, fear that the others might hear them coursing through his veins. 
“They get punished.” You squeaked out, focused fully on how he pushed your panties to the side and pressed the pad of his middle finger against your bundle of nerves, sending a shock of pleasure through you. A low chuckle escaped him as he snaked his arm around your back, bracing both of your bodies against the wall as if to support you when your knees would inevitably give out. 
“That’s right my pretty girl. They get punished. They get touched and pet, brought right to the edge until they’re a dripping mess and then, oops, they’re not allowed to cum.” 
The rambling words spilling out of his lips were all gibberish to you as your kept your focus on the way his finger circled your clit, bolts of pleasure shooting through you every time he rubbed across the top, a super sensitive spot he knew drove you crazy. Your hips bucked forward of their own accord, chasing the feeling of his fingers filling you just so as he teased your clit with painstakingly slow fingers. 
“They get made to be quiet, keep all their pretty little noises in their chest because they wouldn’t want us getting caught now would they?” His words were a warning as  he crashed his lips down on yours right as he plunged two fingers inside of you. 
Sam swallowed the noises that bubbled up out of your chest as he slowly dragged his fingers out, plunging them in harder the second time. You couldn’t help the yelp that slipped past your lips as the way his fingers danced in your core. He pulled back quickly, clapping a hand over your mouth; eyes wide and frantic as he looked over his shoulder. 
“You need to be quiet, one more slip up and you’ll have to wait until we’re home to get what you want. And I know full well the princess doesn’t like to wait.” 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in the hair at his nape holding yourself in place as he worked you over slowly. Burying your face in the crook of his neck as you felt the band of pleasure tightening quickly in your stomach. 
His hand remained clamped over your mouth, soft puffs of air from your nose tickling his skin as he gauged your reaction, the way your eyes glazed over and how you clenched around his fingers told him all he needed to know. 
“You’re gonna cum right here on my fingers aren’t you? We can’t let anyone know how much of a naughty girl you are, can we?” He cooed, bringing his face to your ear, teeth nibbling on your ear lobe as he felt you clench tighter. 
Shuffling could be heard outside the curtain, faint voices holding their own conversations as they passed by the dressing room. Your eyes were focused on the curtain now, mind reeling with what was happening and the fact that you could be caught at any second. 
“Sammy boy! What the hells taking you so long?” Sam’s eyes widened as Danny’s voice drifted through the curtain. Head turning to focus on the curtain he quickened the pace of his hand, grinding his palm down on your clit with every thrust. 
“I’ll be right there! I uh, I can’t find my other shoe!” He called back, screwing his face up as the excuse he used played back in his mind. 
“Cum for me, you wouldn’t want them to see me knuckle deep in this pretty pussy would you?” His tone was taunting, eyes ablaze with adrenaline as he continued to work you closer to the edge. You shook your head slightly, biting down hard on the hand cover your mouth and focusing your entire being on the way his hand felt between your legs, how he began curling his fingers just right, hitting that spot only he knew how to find. It wasn’t long before your knees were buckling, body convulsing as one of the most intense orgasms washed over you. Your hands tightened in his hair, yanking hard at his scalp as you tried to keep as quiet as possible. 
“That’s it baby, give it to me.” He chuckled, working you through your high as his fingers slowly came to a halt. He grinned at you devilishly as he pulled his fingers out. You chest heaved as he straightened his back out, holding his hand out in front of his face. His eyes danced across his fingers soaked in your slick, pulling them apart slightly almost in awe of what had just happened. 
His eyes found and held yours as he slowly pushed his fingers past his lips, swirling his tongue around them as he cleaned you off of him. He chuckled around his fingers, pulling them from his mouth and wiping them on the closest napkin he could find. 
“Samuel we need to go, they’re gonna kill us.” Danny groaned, tapping his foot as he stood outside the curtain. Sam rolled his eyes, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
“You wait until we’re down the hall before you come out. We can’t let them know what we did can we?” He chuckled before turning on his heel. 
“I’m coming for fuck sake, Daniel. Can’t a man get some fucking privacy?” He chuckled, ducking around the curtain, a quick lean back on his heel and a wink thrown your way before walking away with Danny.
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sacredjake · 1 year
Teach Me
Coming Friday Sept. 1st…
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pairing: Professor!Sam x College Student!Reader
series warnings: 18+MDNI! angst, drinking, cursing, inappropriate relationship (professor x 21+ student), mild violence, smut. each part will come with its own, in depth, warnings.
teaser & taglist link below the cut
Starting your senior year of college you expected the year to throw some challenges your way. Hell, you even welcomed it. You were not expecting, however, the hardest challenge to be your incredibly hot professor.
“Lying isn’t always the best way to get what you want, ya know? It’s deceiving.” The voice of a man came from your left, and you turned your head to meet the man who spoke. You looked him over, struck by how beautiful he was.
“Well I think it turned out quite well in my favor. As for it being deceiving, isn’t that the whole point of a lie? Besides, how would you know I was lying?” Your lips pulled upwards into a crooked grin, amusement in your eyes.
He was fairly tall, about 5’10, with long chocolate brown hair pulled into a loose bun, and a thick, but short, goatee. His eyes were also brown, but were layered with different shades and they turned downwards in a way that almost made him look sad had he not been smiling.
“It indeed turned out well in your favor, it landed you next to me.” His eyebrows shot up in a playful way, his smile expanding. As you went to respond, the bartender placed the drinks you ordered in front of you along with your receipt and a pen. You grabbed the pen and signed the thin, and now wet, paper.
“And to answer your other question,” You turned back to him as he spoke and you set the pen on top of the receipt and slid it to the bartender, “Maybe you caught my eye the moment you walked in with your friends.”
You gathered the drinks in your hand as best you could and met his eyes once more. “Well then, allow me to catch your eye again as I walk away.”
You shot him a wink with a wide smile before walking outside to join your group. Just before you made it around the corner you glanced back at him. You were not surprised to find his eyes tracking you through the sea of bodies. He raised his beer to you and dipped his head down slightly, smirking before taking a sip. You nodded back to him, and disappeared around the corner.
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taglist: @malany-gvf @gretasimp @dannyandthekiszkas @gold-mines-melting @indigofallingsky @sunandthemoontwinflames @ageofhearingloss @sacredthefran @lipstickitty @hellowgoodbye @demolitionndann @brujamagick @popejosh4ever
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obetrolncocktails · 1 year
Karma Sutra | Sam Kiszka X Reader | Part 1
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Warnings: In this chapter-slut shaming, objectifying women, use of alcohol. This series will include 18+ content. Minors DNI.
Word Count: 2.2K
A/N: This series is one of the first that I put out. It has been left incomplete for quite a while. I felt that it needed some updating and reworking, but it is one of my favorite plot archs...so get ready. There will be fluff, smut, and a WHOLE lot of angst, so pull up your panties and get ready.
Summary: Chasing after the boy who is easily known as one of the sexiest and cockiest on campus...what could go wrong?
You felt eyes on you as you walked across the quad between classes. For what reason, you couldn’t place, but you knew that you were being watched. Peering across the quad, eyes flitting in all directions, you attempted to find the source of your insecurity. Nothing. You bundled yourself tighter within the thickness of your peacoat, shielding yourself from the blustery December cold. Making your way under an awning, you smelled the familiar odor of cigarette smoke. It wafted in your direction, beckoning for you to turn your gaze upward. Ugh. Of-fucking-course. Sam douche-bag-extraordinaire Kiszka. “Cold as fuck out here,” he said, puffing out O-rings of smoke from the side of his mouth. 
“Mm, so you decide to step out in twenty-four degree weather to smoke a ciggy?” You spat sarcastically. 
 “Bad habit, sweetheart. You know what they say…they die hard.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes and kept walking away from him. “There’s a party on the row tonight–you coming?” your eyebrows furrow instantly, turning to meet his gaze. 
“I haven’t been to a frat party in over a year, Sam. Why would I?” He threw his hands in the air, shrugging. His cigarette remained burning between two fingers, dropping ashes every few seconds to the ground. “Just thought it might be nice to see a refreshing face for once.” 
What the fuck? Why was Sam taking sudden interest in me? “I gotta make it to class. See you around.” You waved him off and continued walking to class. 
“Hey, Y/N, for old-time’s-sake, it really would be nice to see you there.” His eyes were the color of chocolate, which was ironic. His beauty could melt any girl on campus just like the confection–except for you. You would always be the exception.
“Bye, Samuel.”
Samuel. He liked that. He bit at the corner of his lip, his eyes following you as you disappeared within the halls. Mm, I’ll save her for later. Blowing out the last puff of smoke, he stubbed out his cigarette against the brick wall, dropping it carelessly to the ground before strolling away to the next entertaining encounter. 
Philosophy class soon turned into Philo-so-fucking-boring class extremely fast. Your mind wandered from the lecture, unable to focus. Why the fuck was he watching me? The truth that you wouldn’t even admit to yourself was that you had feelings for Sam, and had since freshman year. They had remained in the recesses of your mind ever since. For one, he was an asshole. You and almost every girl on campus knew it; however, some part of you would always have a soft spot for him, no matter how cocky he was. He just didn’t know it, and you sure as hell wouldn’t show it either. Fuck that red turtleneck sweater. Why did he have to look so good in it? You caught yourself doodling random hearts and sparkles in the margins of your notes as you thought about him. 
“Pssst, hey.” Your best friend, Paige jabbed you from behind with the top of her pen. “Pay attention, there’s going to be an exam tomorrow.” Your hands flew to cover your notebook from her view. “What are you hiding?” She whispered, curious as to why you were being so secretive. 
“It’s nothing, just drawings.” You realized a little bit too late that mere drawings wouldn’t have elicited such a reaction.
 “Doesn’t seem like it’s just a few drawings.”
 “Ladies, would you like to share your conversation with the class? Is it more important than the material that will be on tomorrow’s exam? Would you like to take it today after class since you don’t seem invested in the review?” You fell silent and averted eye contact, heat creeping up your necks to your faces. The remainder of class passed excruciatingly slow. When three o’clock finally arrived, you filtered out of the classroom to meet up with Paige. 
“So I was thinking…how would you feel about going to the Row tonight.” Meeting your expectations, she recoiled instantly. 
“Uh, who are you and where is Y/N? You never go to parties.” You turn away from her and begin to walk down the hallway. 
“I just thought it might be nice to do something different for a change.” Your cheeks were flaming again. 
“You’re such a liar. Who is it?” You bit your lip. 
“What do you mean?” you stalled. Paige stopped you mid-gait, grabbing at your arm. 
“Who is it, Y/N?” You had no choice but to look at her. 
“Ryan McClean.” Another Lie. It was a good replacement though. He was sweet, good looking and respectful. At least as much as could be expected for a frat boy. Paige stepped back with a hand on her hip. 
“You’ve never mentioned him, let alone told me you have a crush on him.” You continued to walk, ushering her forward.
 “Well, it kinda happened fast. I don’t know–I was hoping to see him tonight. I wanted to look cute.” You saved face by putting on an extra air of confidence. 
“Okay, okay I see you!” Paige grinned, snapping her fingers left and right as she walked. 
“Unfortunately, I have a date with Mark tonight–so I won’t be able to go.” You nodded, secretly relieved that she wouldn’t have to see you lose what little humility you had left. 
“Stay connected to the phone, don’t drink too much, play safe, get home safe,” she counted off on her fingers. 
“Thank you, Mom. Would you like to dress me, too?” you asked, grinning. Paige rolled her eyes playfully. 
“Actually, now that you ask, let’s go pick out an outfit that doesn’t scream…pilgrim lost in the twenty-first century.” You eyed her for a silent moment, challenging each other not to laugh, but you were the first one to lose, throwing your head back and cackling at her. 
“You are such a bitch!” You said, elbowing her. “Let’s go." Paige wouldn’t let you go to that party without looking your best.
“Lacy Monroe.” “Total babe, 13/10. Would fuck her any day,” Wyatt Sellars interjected, a massive grin pasted on his face. 
“Okay, how about Holly?” Matthew asked the question from the ping-pong table, tapping balls back to Wyatt. Christian Hearst entered the room next, a towel wrapped around his waist, applying deodorant to his armpits. 
“Wilson? She’s a bit of a bitch, but I'd chase her for a little while until I got bored.” He chuckled, walking to the fridge for a beer.
“How about Y/N?” The room falls silent, save for the fast bounce of the forfeited ping pong ball that was previously in play. Samuel Francis Kiszka. He sits cross-legged on a lounge chair in the corner, knocking back the rest of his IPA.
“You mean the sexiest girl at school?” Wyatt offered. “Is she Mormon or something? She could have easily made her way through the entire football team by now.” 
“Jesus, you dumb fuck, she’s not Mormon.” Christian came behind Wyatt, thumping him on the back of his head. 
“Well-I didn’t know, I–” 
“I think she’s stunning,” Sam says, leaning forward to place his elbows on his knees. His grin was obvious. His cunning expression cut through the room.
“Okay, asshole. What’s with the look?” Christian moved to the couch, taking a seat across from sam. 
“I saw her today. Walking to class.” He licked his lips as he talked. Christian rubbed his hands together, prepared to hear about some salacious romp. 
Sam’s eyes grow wider. “Oh, n-nothing happened, I just saw her.” A chorus of disappointed scoffs filled the room.
 “You suck, man. You literally had us going, just for fucking nothing,” Wyatt whined. 
“It’s not like anything would happen– I’m pretty sure she’s a virgin anyway,” Sam continued. 
“Oh, so she’s the pick of the litter. Nice!” Matthew interjected. Sam looked at him with a minor look of disgust, shaking his head. 
“So why are you being a pussy, Sam? I Bet–” Christian pointed his finger at Sam in a telling gesture. “I bet you…I bet you that she won’t let you take her virginity before the month is over.” Rising from his seat, Sam padded to the kitchen tossing his beer bottle across the room, where it clattered into the trash can.
“I bet you I can make it happen. Six hundred dollars and open supply of weed for one month–split evenly.” His grin emanated throughout the room.
“Aha, bet!” Matthew said, coming around Sam to slap him on the back in approval. “Paying up like a man.” Sam took a long gulp of his beer before retreating to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. 
Just as you finished your makeup, your hand slipped and your eyeliner streaked messily through the eyeshadow that you had just applied so effortlessly. “Fuck!” An exasperated sigh escaped your parted lips as you wiped at your eyelid to salvage the look. After several minutes, you emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed except for your top–you didn’t want to ruin it with makeup stains. Just as you pulled your head through the sparkly black crop top, your phone chimes. Paige.
Show Ryan what he’s missing, bitch! Shake that ass in my absence, too. Stay safe, I love you. Call me if you need me.
Right. Ryan. My little secret. You sent her a quick text wishing her well on her date. Pulling a pair of gold hoops through your ears, you got a notification that Carlos, your Uber driver, was waiting outside of your apartment. Grabbing a few last minute items, you made your way downstairs. Pulling up to campus, you noticed one thing first. It was loud. So loud in fact, that your head  was pounding by the time you made it to the Row. The identical houses were arranged in a perfect square with a patch of green lawn in the middle. Adirondack chairs littered the grass, loosely thrown around a glowing brick fire-pit. Girls looped themselves around boys, chattering aimlessly with beverages that sloppily poured over the sides of their cups and onto their laps and into the grass. They giggled and slurred–their heels dug into the earth, causing several unfortunate partygoers to trip and lurch, earning themselves yet another spilled drink or bitchy laughs from gaggles of jealous and judgemental girls.  
You rolled your eyes, debating on going after all, but your feet were already moving underneath you, carrying you along the sidewalk that led to each house. Who were you to think that it was smart to come here alone, especially when it was the first party you had attended in God-knows-how long? 
“Y/N!” Your eyes darted upward, trying to place the voice that was calling your name. You found him. Your eyes met his and you instantly felt like you were drowning. A vignette seemed to filter out the unnecessary material around you; the blaring music muted, the giggles and shouts subsided into soft static. He was impeccably dressed in navy silk. A tailored blazer skimmed his bare chest, provided as a mere accessory rather than a true piece of clothing. His bottoms hugged at his frame, falling just above a perfectly shined pair of leather loafers. His hands were casually tucked into his pockets as he looked directly at you–with that fucking smile. 
He strode towards you, knocking you out of the trance. Your breath hitched, sending bolts of panic through your system as he approached. Oh shit, what do I do? You thought, averting eye contact as you made every attempt to not look as awkward and helpless as you really were. 
“You’re not a hologram, right? If I remember correctly, you acted like you would rather be caught dead than come to the Row.” His feet landed in front of you as he arrived. You met his eyes, crossing your arms defensively.
“Well, I wanted to see what I was missing–by the looks of it, it just looks like it’ll lead to meaningless sex and a bitch of a hangover.” He readjusted in his spot, cocking an eyebrow upward. He likes your sass. He likes it a lot. 
“Well, it is a party, Y/N, what better to do than get drunk and fuck, hmm?” You scoffed at him, stepping off to the side, making your way to the first house. You heard his shoes tapping the pavement as he walked. Good. You wanted him to follow you. 
“What is your drink of choice?” He asked, trying to change the subject to something more playful. “I usually stick with tequila–the citrus notes are just–” You heard him kiss the tips of his fingers in a “chef’s kiss” gesture from behind you. You couldn’t help but grin, careful to maintain your guarded disposition. 
“Got any Pappy?”  You asked, turning over your shoulder with a grin. “I’m an expensive lay.”
Sammy snorts. “Two thousand dollar bourbon? You know the fucking answer, sweetheart.” That earned him a smile. You turned to face him and were immediately tossed upside down at the sight of his dimples. 
“Well, we do have some lovely white claw reserve that was bought at this very upscale store. Maybe you know it–Target?” You couldn’t help but chuckle at him. 
“Shut up, Sam!” He smiled warmly, coming beside you, pulling an arm around your shoulder.
 “Let’s go find something worth drinking, hmm?” You hadn’t processed what was happening, but you didn’t want to, either. You let it happen, weighing risk versus reward.  You stepped forward into the party with him at your side, forgetting the lie you had told paige. So much for finding Ryan. Instead, you found Sam. 
End of Part.
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jordie-gvf · 2 years
little star - sammy kiszka
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summary : you and your sisters boyfriend have a good relationship, but will it turn into something more?
word count : 2.7k+
warnings : fluff, angst, language, arguing, bad boy danny 🫦, mentions of cheating, kind of friends to lovers, smoking, marijuana, parties, mentions of being drunk, mentions of vomit, dismissing someones feelings, four year age gap
Out of all Noel’s past boyfriends, you loved Sammy the most. He had treated you like his little sister. You two hung out together, just you two. You would smoke together. Whenever he came over to the house, he would hug you first, and say he missed his little sister. You would go to his on your own, 
You parked your car in his driveway and called out to him, 
“Oh, Y/N/N, I missed you!” he said to you.
“I missed you too and I miss my Rosie! Where's my Rosie girl?” You asked him.
“She's upstairs with Danny,” he told you. You went upstairs and heard Danny on the piano. All of you had been close, ever since Noel had started dating Sam. You walked into the music room, as Sam called it, and saw Rosie on the couch. She got up and walked over to you, tail wagging in excitement. 
Danny got up and hugged you. You and Danny had been the closest out of all of you. You sat on the couch as Danny played, listening to him. Rosie was cuddled up next to you. Sam came up the stairs and saw you staring at Danny as he played. He smirked and looked at you, he motioned his head over to Danny and raised his eyebrows. You shook your head and laughed. Rosie got up and you went to the bench to sit next to Danny.
He smiled at you as he played and scooched over to let you sit. He asked if you had anything in mind to play, you shook your head and let him play whatever. 
Sammy came over to you and asked if you wanted to smoke with him. You nodded and got up, saying bye to Danny and wrapping your arms around his neck from behind. 
You followed Sam downstairs and he grabbed a few joints. He handed you one and you two sat in the backyard on his bed swing, together. You grabbed your lighter and lit the end. 
Whenever you two would smoke together, things got personal. You would let out some random story about one of your high school hookups to him. He would let out something about him and Noel's relationship, nothing sexual, just stuff he needed to get off his chest. He put his hand on your knee and sat up. 
“Listen, before we get too high to function, I need to talk to you about something.” He said.
You sat up and asked, “Is everything alright??” 
He nodded and told you, “Danny has a bad track record with girls. I need you to listen to me when I tell you, he's not good for you. I don't want to see you get hurt. I've been with Noel for 5 years, which means I've known you for 5 years, and I know how easily attached you get.” 
You scoffed and said, “For the record, Sam, you don't know anything. Why does it matter to you if I date Danny or not?” You got up and went inside, him following you. 
“Y/N, turn around and look at me. I don't want you to get hurt, I love you too much. I couldn't stand watching you deteriorate, that's why it matters to me, because I love you, you're like my little sister and I need you with someone who's going to treat you right.” 
You looked at him and said, “Whatever Sam, I'm leaving,” went out to your car and left. 
After you had gotten to you and Noel's home, she saw you looking visibly upset in the kitchen. She looked at you and said, “Sam told me to keep an eye out for you, what happened?” She sat you down at a bar stool and you explained to her, 
“Your boyfriend tried to give me relationship advice. He told me to watch out for Danny, that he has a bad track record. How could he talk about his own best friend like that? He said he doesn't want me to get hurt, that he knows how easily I get attached, but sorry Noel, your boyfriend doesn't know shit.” You got off the barstool and went up to your room. You showered and then went out to the balcony. 
You grabbed your pipe off the dresser and sat outside in your chair. You heard Lindsay, your other sister, knock on your door. You told her she could come in, that you were outside. She came over to you and said, “I heard the whole conversation. You know what I think? I think he's become emotionally attached to you, he doesn't want you to date Danny, because he wants you to date him.” 
You looked at her in astonishment and shook your head, “He's dating our sister, he doesn't want to date me. Besides, he's 24, and I'm 20. That's kind of weird.” 
“Me and Fernando are 6 years apart. It's not weird, I think you need to talk to him, alone. No Danny at the house, you two should meet somewhere,” Lindsay said.
“I don't want to see him right now, give me a few days.” You said to her. She got up from the other chair you had and slid the door closed. You continued to smoke, alone. 
Your mouth had started to get dry, but you remembered you had water in your room on your nightstand. You opened the balcony door and went over to your nightstand, head down. You grabbed your water, ready to take a sip, when you saw Danny in the doorway. 
He came over to you and asked you, “You need a smoking partner?” You nodded and told him to follow you. You two were on the balcony when he spoke up first, “Y/N, I'm going to be honest with you, ever since Sam introduced you to us when you were 18, i've been in love with you. You and Sam started hanging out, and he would tell us about his day with you. When you and I started hanging out alone, it was so riveting to me. Y/N, will you be my girl?” 
Your mouth hung open and you said, “I would love to be your girl, D.” He smiled and kissed you. He pulled away and said, “Finally.” 
A few days later, you and Danny decided to tell everyone you were dating. You had told Lindsay the day of, considering you two were attached at the hip. He wanted to tell the guys together with you.
Sam was hosting a party for Fourth of July. You, Noel, and Lindsay were invited and were going. Lindsay was the only one who knew about your relationship with Danny. 
The three of you showed up first, then it was Trinity and Josh, then Catalina and Jake. Danny showed up last, a girl with him. You had never seen her before, but Danny told you she was his sister, Josie, that she was visiting. You and Josie had gravitated towards each other, you two were close in age. 
Sam was making jungle juice in the kitchen and Jake was outside grilling. You waved to Sam in the kitchen, but he ignored you. Danny came up behind you and put his hand on your lower back. You two went to take your spots at the outdoor table, next to each other. Lindsay was on your right and Danny was on your left. 
Next to Danny, was Sam. You were dreading the conversation of telling everyone today. Jake brought the burgers over to the table and all of you made your burgers. You made mac and cheese, Danny brought macaroni salad. Rosie was under the table at Sam's feet, eating her food that Sam brought out. 
Everyone had noticed that Danny had his arm around your chair. You reached into your purse and pulled out a joint. You and Danny had passed it back and forth. Sam took notice of this, as it was usually you two that shared weed. Danny stood up and said, “Y/N and I are dating. We have been for about a week.” and sat back down. Sam looked up at him astonished, then looked at you, angry. Noel was next to Sam, trying not to go off on you. Jake and Josh, had no care in the world and Josie was happy for you two. 
You grabbed everyone's paper plates and went inside to throw them away and get more drinks. Sam followed you into the kitchen. You were opening the trash can when he said, “Are you fucking kidding me? Really? After I tell you not to be with him. You completely disregarded my worry for you!” 
You turned around and said, “What I do with my life is no one's business but mine. Who I sleep with and who I date, is also no one's business, Sam.” You filled your cup and walked back outside. You could tell something was off with Danny. You sat next to him and smiled at him, nothing. You thought nothing of it, until when you started talking to him and he said, “Can you just shut up, please?” and turned his attention back to Jake. 
You slumped back in your chair and stayed quiet, not wanting to deal with this right now. Sam had invited his neighbors over to light fireworks. Josh and Jake were manning the fireworks when Sam came up behind you and asked, “Having fun?” You nodded and he said, “You should be, with your new boyfriend,” scoffed and walked away from you. 
He sat down in his chair and you walked over to him. “What the hell is your problem?!” you asked him.
He looked at you and said, “Let's not do this here.” 
“Well then let's go inside then, because we need to talk. Right now.” you scolded him. You walked inside and he trailed behind you. You two went into the first floor guest bedroom, the room you usually slept in. You sat on the bed and he sat directly next to you. 
“Why do you have such a problem with me dating? What's wrong?” You asked him.
He responded with, “it's not that I have a problem with you dating. I have a problem with you and him dating.” 
“Why?! Why does it matter to you who I date?” You had stood up and yelled out to him. 
“Because I love you! Okay? I don't want to date Noel, I want you. I have been wanting you. I don't love your sister anymore, not since she cheated on me. God, I am so in love with you, you have no idea.” he said, equally as upset. 
You shook your head and said, “No, you don't. You're just mad I'm with Danny.” He stood up and chuckled, “Why are you invalidating my feelings? Can't you see that I love you? Isn't that enough?” 
He grabbed your face and you pulled away from him. “Sammy, I can't. I love Danny.” you said and left the room.
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You and Sam hadn't talked since that day, six months ago. You were depressed as all hell. You missed your best friend. It's not like you could ask Noel, she cheated on him again. You two got into an argument about that, 
“How could you cheat on him, again? How hard is it to stay loyal? He never once did anything to you. You are a wicked bitch.” you remember yelling at her.
“Why do you care so much?! Are you in love with him or something?” she had said to you.
You were quick to shut that down, “No, but he was my best friend at some point, and I will always defend him. No matter who it is!”
You had thought about your relationship with Danny that night. You were happy with him, but he didn't seem happy with you. He would always disappear at parties you two would go to together. You had found him once, passed out on someone's bedroom floor, choking in his own vomit. 
You had pushed him to stop drinking so much, that he was slowly killing himself, and he yelled at you. “Don't tell me what to do with my life. You're not my fucking mother.”  
You started distancing yourself from him. He would only call you or text you whenever he was horny or if he needed weed. Your relationship with him was slowly deteriorating. 
Josh and Jake had thrown a New Years Party and Danny had invited you to go with him. You drove over to Danny's and you left. You arrived hand in hand, but by the end of the night, you couldn't find him. You sat on the front steps of their house, blunt in between your fingers. 
You had not brought a jacket, not expecting to be outside for most of the night. The front door had opened and out walked Sammy, a furry jacket in his hand. 
“Saw you from the window, shivering. Figured you might have been cold.” he said, sat down and handed you the jacket. You said thanks and grabbed it. You wrapped it around your shoulders and Sam wrapped his arm around you, holding you close to him, warming you up. 
“Where's Danny?” he asked you.
“No fucking idea, left me alone in the kitchen.” you told him. He scoffed and shook his head. “I'm sorry, Y/N.” he said. You asked, “for what? You didn't leave me alone at a party.” He rested his head against yours and said, “Not for that, just for everything that happened six months ago.” You smiled at him and placed your hand on top of his. 
The front door opened and out walked Danny, drunk as all hell. “Hey princess, need you to drive home. Can't see straight. Hey Sam.” Sam waved to him as you got up, taking his keys from him. Sam looked at you from the front porch with pleading eyes, silently begging you to stay with him. You mouthed to him, “I'll talk tomorrow,” and went over to the car. You strapped Danny in the front seat. You made your way to the driver seat and got in. When you two got back to his apartment, you two took your shoes off and went into the bedroom to change. You were in the closet, getting clothes when Danny asked you, “Do you still love me?” springing one up on you. 
You looked over at him and nodded, “Of course I still love you, what makes you think I don't?” He glanced at you and said, “Baby, I see the way you look at him. He was your best friend before we started dating. You need to tell him.” You started crying and said, “Danny, I'm so sorry.” He turned to you and said. “It's alright. Come here. It's alright.” He scooped you in his arms and embraced you as you sobbed. “Go, I'll be fine here. I've got Paco,” he picked the little dog up and put him in the bed and laid down. He called out for you and you turned around, “Go get him, tiger.” he said. 
You ran to your car in your pajamas, a shirt and pink flare sweats. You called Josh and asked if Sam was still at the party. He said no and you drove straight to Sams. 
When you got there, you noticed a different car in the driveway. You got out of your car and knocked on the door. A girl opened the door, who looked like Jake. “Hi, I'm Veronica, Sam's sister. What can I do for you?” she said.
“Hi, I'm Y/N, Noel's sister. Is Sam home? I really need to talk to him.” you asked her.
“Y/N? What's wrong? Have you been crying?” you heard from inside. Sam walked over to the door and Veronica left the door, leaving you and Sam alone. 
“Sammy, I love you. I loved you before July 4th. I just never said anything, you were with Noel. Sammy, I've been in love with you since we were in high school.” you told him, not even inside the house.
He gave you a blank stare for a few seconds, but slammed his lips against yours. He pulled away and said, "Noel is gonna kill us, little star”  
You looked up at him, he threaded his hand on the side of your head. “As long as I die loving you.”
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hyperfixated-gvf · 2 years
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Chapter 3
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2
Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Danny Wagner | Rated Explicit | Words: 4.2k
Warnings: Language, angst, nudity in the form of skinny-dipping, age-appropriate foolishness
Chapter Summary: Sam pulls away and Danny is left wondering what the hell he did wrong.
In collaboration with/edited by @gretavanfreaky
Author's Note: PLEASE let me know if you don't want to be on the taglist for Sanny fics; I know this isn't everyone's jam and I don't want to be the one to tag you in things you don't want to read. You can stay on the general taglist, I'll just take you off any Sanny works!
As they headed further south down the coast, playing shows and passing through Connecticut and New Jersey, then Virginia, and finally approaching their next venue in the very southern part of North Carolina, the colors of the kaleidoscope leaves slowly but surely began muting in vividness until they all seemed to be a greenish-brown - like time was slowly rotting away at them, instead of making way for new life to grow.
It wasn’t nearly as beautiful, but it didn’t really matter at all to Danny, who spent so much time in his head that the outside world could have been on fire and still, the only thought running cyclic through his mind would have been:
What have I done?
Sam had barely talked to him, barely even looked at him since they had gotten tangled up at the peak. They’d been so high (in every possible way) and he’d thought that maybe as they came down, one of them would muster the courage to talk about it, but Sam had only driven them back into town, to their hotel, where they’d met up with Jake and Josh, who’d apparently left their friend’s house earlier than they’d anticipated because of something they’d said about the band.
Soon after that, it was like a flip had switched, and Danny had no clue why. Sam had been into it – the kissing, the touching, the orgasming – he’d been joking with him, so what had Danny done wrong? What had changed in the short couple of days that had them going from fooling around, what he’d thought had extended past just experimenting with their bodies and maybe encroaching on…feelings and shit to this silent state of a cold shoulder and obvious disdain?
All he got were one-word answers when he tried to start conversations, sometimes nothing at all, and he pursed his lips and furrowed his brows when Danny talked, these days, as if the sound of his voice couldn’t be more unwelcome if he tried.
Before, Danny knew his role. He was the mediator, mostly, but when push came to shove, they were a pair and he was in Sam’s corner.
But it was like Sam didn’t want him there anymore.
Right now, they were in the van, riding rather quietly to another hotel. The air was on, even though they were less than a week from Thanksgiving, making this one of their last shows before flying back to Michigan. 
They were also exactly one week and two days from what happened at Pike Peak - Danny was hopelessly, perhaps pathetically, keeping track of it, as if watching the memory of it fade with the color of the leaves would make him feel better.
It didn’t. In fact, it only made him feel worse.
Their tour manager had informed them with an apologetic frown, when Josh had asked, that they wouldn’t be able to stop by the beach this time, because the timing just wouldn’t allow for it. Plus, if any of them got sick from the frigidness of the East Coast ocean water at this time of year, then they’d basically have to cancel the last two shows, since they were so close together.
Jake and Josh were both still trying to convince their band babysitter to let them just see the ocean, to feel the sand.
“You guys literally have beaches in Michigan,” he sighed, obviously unphased by the constant pestering of the twins to get what they wanted. 
It was a quick gasp and argument from the two older boys. “That’s not the same and you know it! Sam, tell him about that gnarly cut you got on your foot,” Jake demanded, pulling in the attention of his little brother, who sat quite unusually sullen in the seat just behind them, but right in front of Danny. “You remember? From that broken champagne bottle?”
Of course Sam remembered. He’d been put on crutches for the entire time that the stitches were healing and hadn’t had to wear a proper shoe on that foot to school - that wasn’t something someone just forgot. 
He’d milked that injury for all it was worth, and they’d gotten special permission from the principal for Danny to leave class early so that he could help Sam with his books.
“Yeah,” Sam agreed, voice scratchy from disuse. He cleared his throat and tried to brush the thought of Danny out of his head. “Those beaches suck ass. Buncha rich people on the other side of the lake always dump their trash and it washes up and then you get your feet cut open ‘cause of it.”
He was glad that his brothers weren’t annoyed with him anymore after having to clear out the middle seat so that he could claim it. Well, he was glad that Jake wasn’t annoyed with him, because it was his guitars that they’d had to find new homes for. All 6,452 of them, even though Jake didn’t need them all for a tour as short as this one was. 
They’d all grumbled at the hold-up when they stopped in Massachusetts for gas and ended up staying for closer to 45 minutes rearranging instead of the 10-minute ‘fill-up and stretch your legs’ stop that it was supposed to be.
But as glad as he was that Jake was no longer pissed at him, he still couldn’t find his usual pep and response that he got when they were this close to the holidays, and the idea of spending some time with his parents and their dogs was imminent. He had his own bed to look forward to, a kitchen and warm meals, time away from the band to pursue some of his other hobbies, and yet…
He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to shake this guilty, gnawing shamefulness that had been ballooning inside of him. 
It started when they got back, and he was no longer in a blissed-out state of happiness in what felt like a fairy-tale land – the real world hit him, and he…he freaked himself out. Which wouldn’t have been a big deal if it didn’t snowball into this giant, sharp-toothed anxiety that stabbed him in the gut when he thought about the repercussions of their relationship. 
He’d never been one to consider repercussions seriously, but when it came to Danny, there was no way that he couldn’t. The face that he’d fixed Sam with when he asked for the middle seat to be cleared out so that he could stretch his legs, though…Sam had felt like he was gonna to throw up, and it only added to the guilt and shame that had been brewing in his chest. 
Because now, on top of being an asshole for starting something he couldn’t morally finish, he was also an asshole for making Danny sad on multiple accounts.
In all honesty, he hoped Danny hated him for it. He hoped Danny saw him for the asswipe he was instead of doing what Sam knew he would do and agonize over it like it was his fault, but he couldn’t even turn around to peek at him without simultaneously feeling like he was going to spontaneously combust in stomach-dropping shame and tummy-turning, guilty arousal of all things.
So, he settled on moping with his one-person pity party and tried to ignore what he was almost certain was the whisper of Danny’s stare on the back of his neck.
It was.
They’d gotten into plenty of arguments over the years, even ones where either Danny or Sam stopped talking to the other for an indefinite amount of time. But this felt different. Like a line had been crossed and Danny could only sit and stare at it as he and Sam diverged from their places side-by-side.
There was no more stage banter, he no longer caught Sam watching his drum solo – Sam had even gone so far as to choose to get dressed in the bathroom, if they weren’t given separate dressing rooms, and only emerged once Jake called them all together for their pre-show rituals. 
Every time, it made Danny’s face burn with humiliation and shame. The only plausible reasons he’d do it were if he didn’t want to see Danny get undressed, or if he didn’t want Danny to see him get undressed – as if Danny would…would do something inappropriate.
He knew that his brain was coming up with the worst possible explanations, but Danny had dived too deeply into the “what ifs” and the insecurity and the doubt that being rejected brought. And this time, he didn’t have anyone to drag him out in the way Sam’s tough love did.
Danny’s phone pinged and he pulled it out, thankful to have a reprieve from the desolation he was sinking into.
Jake: I hope you packed a swimsuit, cause we’re going swimming.
The message was sent to all four of them, and Josh immediately sent back, “Ain’t no swimsuit for me, I’m flashing the fishes.”
Danny huffed out a chuckle, but only hovered over the messaging box, watching Sam’s upper body to see if he would check his phone, as well. 
Sure enough, his shoulder moved and his head tilted down, but instead of his other arm joining in to reply, Danny saw no ellipsis to signify there would be any response from Sam, and he returned to his previous position without responding at all.
Danny was stuck – did he initiate the interaction by opting to sneak down to the beach and offer an olive branch to Sam? Or did he wait for Sam to agree and then tag along with so that Sam could only backtrack or be forced to stay with the group?
In what he could only classify as a cowardly move, Danny refrained from answering and closed his eyes, letting his actual exhaustion drift to the front of his mind so that he could have an excuse for his lack of response.
It worked, until three hours later when they reached their hotel and he was awoken from his restless daze by the sound of the doors opening from all directions.
“Wake up sleepyhead,” Josh said from behind him, grabbing his bag from the back. “We’re here.”
Danny hummed and disengaged his seatbelt, noting that Sam was already climbing out and Jake was right behind him. He was the last to grab his bag, and their tour manager came trotting out from the lobby with their keys in hand. 
“It’s a share night, tonight, boys,” he said, offering one pack of keys to Josh and one to Danny, since Jake and Sam were still rummaging around the back of the van for their bags. 
Share nights were rather common, just to save money on short stops between venues or one-day shows where they were packed up and on the road again before they got to sleep in the bed. 
Danny took the keys without thinking, still a little bit out of the game from being jarred awake so late at night, and then turned around to get in line for the game of ‘where’s my bag in this pile of tour shit?’
But when he finally tuned into the conversation that was happening between Sam and Jake, he stopped short and his blood ran cold before shooting up to heat his face.
“Will you just switch me tonight? It’s the last shared stop of the leg, and I–”
Jake crossed his arms, face marred in a Kiszka frown that reeked of stubborn resolve and a slightly patronizing judgment. “I said no, Sam. Clean out your ears.” Sam’s lips thinned and Danny could see the frustration take over in his posture and expression, but he stayed silent. “Josh and I had to throw a bunch of shit together last time ‘cause we were late, so he’s got some of my stuff and I’ve got some of his.” 
Sam refused to look at Danny, even though he knew he was there. He’d meant for the exchange to be quiet, so that Danny didn’t know he was trying to switch room partners, but Jake apparently hadn’t caught on to his hushed request and decided to blurt out that Sam was a horrible friend to the entire world.
“That’s fine, then,” he mumbled instead, turning from Jake to Danny. It was still difficult to look him in the eye and not embarrass himself with an erection at the memory of his closed eyes, open mouth, wild, wet hair splayed across the seats– “Can I have a key?”
Jake didn’t drop the issue at first, and he glanced at Danny with an uncharacteristically apologetic look in his eye, “Why do you want to room with Josh so bad, anyways? It’s always been you and Danny–”
“I said it’s fine, Jake,” Sam snapped, pinching the edge of the card and slipping it out of the paper holder before handing it back to Danny. “Drop it.”
He stalked off towards the entrance of the hotel and tried to ignore the stares from his brothers and their tour manager. His mood didn’t change as he entered the room, and he claimed one of the beds then immediately began his nighttime routine, ignoring the door out of humiliation when it opened and shut again, signifying Danny’s presence.
But Danny appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, and Sam quickly looked down when they met eyes through the mirror. “Jake and Josh were asking if you wanted to join – we’re, uh, sneaking down to the beach for a little bit. They’ve already scheduled an Uber.”
“No thanks, I think I’ll stay here. I’m tired.”
He hated how short his tone came out to be, but he really wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone. The stress from his lamenting and the pressure that he was putting on himself was taking its toll, and with the already existing effects that touring had, he was achy, homesick, exhausted, and restless all at once. And, to make matters worse, he wanted a blunt, but Josh had the whole stash in his room.
Danny nodded and backed away from the door. It was obvious that Sam wasn’t going to change his mind. “Oh…okay, yeah, I’ll tell ‘em.”
Perhaps once upon a time, Danny would have been excited for the challenge – usually, it was Sam trying to convince him to break rules, and having the opportunity to flip the scripts would have been a ‘once in a blue moon’ kinda thing. But considering what happened after the last time he initiated something that was slightly illegal, Danny wasn’t brave enough to really push the envelope this time.
So, he grabbed a random pair of shorts to use to swim in, or not – Josh definitely could have been serious about skinny dipping – and absconded to the hallway to meet with the twins, knocking on their door when they didn’t come out. Danny felt a bit of a fool standing in the liminal space of a hotel corridor alone.
Josh opened the door with a grin, but narrowed his eyes when he saw Danny standing by himself. “Sam didn’t come?” 
Danny certainly would have felt a little bit of an outcast and very dejected had Josh not followed up Danny’s responding, “No, he said he was too tired,” with, “That little rat-bastard of a brat child.”
But that’s exactly what happened, and Danny realized that their little situation had been noticed by the twins after all.
“I’m gonna go wrangle Sam,” Josh whisper-yelled back to Jake, and Jake, from in the bathroom, made a noise of assent.
If there was anyone who could drag Sam along with them in their shenanigans, it was Jake and Josh – that was, after all, the reason they were Greta Van Fleet as they were. If they didn’t have that innate, older-brother power, they’d have been hard-pressed to find a bassist with the natural musicianship that Sam had.
Danny lingered at their door after giving Josh his key, and soon Jake appeared, starting down the hall to the elevators. The other two would catch up, Danny knew, so he followed Jake in, staring at his blurry, distorted reflection on the metal wall. “So is Josh actually planning on skinny dipping?” he asked, slipping his hands into the pockets of his joggers.
Jake snorted and peeled the waistband of his own sweatpants down an inch, revealing nothing underneath them. “He’s not the only one. Are you actually not planning on skinny dipping?” he shot back, a tease in his tone. “Lame.”
“Hey now, I haven’t said anything about not doing it!” Danny defended, tucking his shorts behind his back, even though Jake had already seen them. It was all fun and games, though, and he didn’t really care all that much in the end.
“Your safety shorts say otherwise,” Jake sang, sauntering out of the elevator with all the confidence in the world.
Sometimes, Danny wished he could be more like Jake. A lot of the time, actually. He had a swagger that Danny wanted to match – a level of cool that he was sure they’d all grow up and laugh at, but in the moment, served him better than anything else he could have been, and that was admirable. But at the end of the day, honestly, he was just glad to be his friend.
That thought swiped the smile off his face.
It was that way with Sam. Had been, at least. The way he loved Sam to a degree that it shouldn’t have shocked him that he’d begun to feel a certain way once he was introduced to a world in which Sam was, for all intents and purposes, touchable. Attainable. 
But he’d rather have Sam as he was than what they were now. They’d been good, and then Danny had to go and fuck it all up. He knew in his head that it was both of them – that he wasn’t the sole instigator – but it didn’t matter when the dust settled. He was still at least partially at fault, and at this point, looking back at the haze of weed and arousal, he was convinced that it must have been him who initiated the kiss, else Sam wouldn’t be acting this squirrly around him.
The Uber was already parked outside the hotel when they left the building, so they sat in the back seat, making conversation with the driver until Josh and a very pouty Sam came through the sliding doors.
“Look who decided to join after all!” Josh said cheerfully.
Sam did not reflect the attitude.
Josh pushed Sam towards the back seat, where Danny had been delegated the middle, and Josh took the front, listening in and contributing to Jake and the driver’s continued conversation while Sam and Danny sat silently.
They were both ramrod straight, and their legs were drawn tightly together so that they only touched on bumps. Danny was a little apologetic that it meant he had to squish Jake a little bit, but with Sam still pissed at him, he didn’t want to contribute to it by being oblivious.
He’d play along for now, and maybe after their break, everything would resolve itself, and Sam would forget about the whole thing and forgive Danny by the time they all met up again after Christmas.
But that was then, and now, the car stopped in a small parking zone near a wooden pier. They all said their goodbyes and got out, the salty air and sounds of the waves perking them up a little. Sam actually looked a little bit excited to be out and about, now, and Josh had already stripped off his shirt.
“Wait, are you – are you actually going swimming?” Sam asked, staring at his brother incredulously because, as well as the sound of the ocean was lifting his spirits, he still wasn’t gonna be stupid. “Because it’s pitch black out. And you know that sharks hunt at night, right? And that the East Coast is notorious for shark attacks?”
The twins shrugged and started walking towards the sounds of the ocean. “We’re not gonna go too far in! Just enough to get our feet wet.”
The other two followed the older boys, and Sam continued to question their sanity. “Then why are you taking your shirt off?” He got no answer and grumbled, “I’m gonna end up interviewed for Shark Week.”
Danny chuckled, seizing the opportunity to spark conversation. “Well, at least we’ll still have our 15 minutes of fame,” he joked. 
Sam didn’t laugh. “Yeah, I guess,” he said instead, before speeding up to be closer to Jake and Josh.
It wasn’t hard, not with his long legs and their short statures, and Danny was hot on his heels, obviously dejected if the sound of his feet dragging over the wood was any indication.
God, he couldn’t stand himself. But even Danny’s soft joking sent flashes of panic through Sam, and he felt hot and cold and clammy simultaneously, like he did when Rachel Griggs palmed him over the pants for the first time – like he had a stupid schoolboy crush.
And that was a better analogy for this, because Sam wanted everything except Danny not to like him, but that was all he seemed capable of doing in the face of feelings he didn’t recognize and an anxiety that wouldn’t subside.
“You’ll get in with us, right, Danny?” Josh asked, and Sam silently prayed that Danny would say no. The last thing he needed right now was Danny succumbing to a shark without making things right. 
He just didn’t know how to do that properly, right now.
It didn’t seem he was a favorite right now when it came to prayer, though, and Danny said, “Yeah, of course. Never been ocean swimming at night. And I’m willing to take the risk.”
“YOLO!” Jake joked, sighing when his bare feet hit the cool sand.
Sam blinked. Was he being hyper-sensitive to everything Danny said, or was that last part about risks geared toward him? “Well,” he said grumpily, his good mood dissipating in the blink of an eye. “I’m staying on solid ground and away from the dangerous fish in the water.”
His words were dismissed almost immediately, and everyone was shucking off shirts and pants and oh god Josh was actually serious about skinny dipping, and it seemed that everyone else was following his lead, as well. Including Danny, which Sam had to avert his eyes from for boner prevention.
But at this point, Danny was so in tune with what Sam was doing at every point in time they spent together, yet unable to read him like he had before, and seeing him look away so quickly with that grimace on his face almost made Danny pull his skivvies up and sprint back in time to the rental car, tell Sam that they couldn’t go hiking because it was gonna rain, and then avoid all this drama and disappointment entirely.
“Since when have you been such a goody two-shoes, Debby-downer?” Jake scoffed, baring himself to the open water and shivering in the wind.
“Ask me that after you get fucking hypothermia, and maybe I’ll have an answer for you then,” Sam deadpanned. 
Josh let out a maniacal laugh, and then started waltzing towards the black abyss that was the ocean. “We laugh in the face of danger, and keep our dice on the table when odds are against us - have you learned nothing, brother?” he dramatized, putting the first foot into the ocean and tensing up. “But shit is this water gonna hurt.”
There was a sudden ‘whoop’ from beside Sam and he snapped his head towards the sound. The next thing he knew, Danny was throwing himself into the ocean, yelling profanity and unintelligible sounds while Jake and Josh cheered him on.
Sam, though, was frozen in disbelief that Danny would actually be so reckless. Did he feel like he was overreacting? Maybe. 
But he was the one who took risks that would land him in hot water (or…cold), not Danny. And he could only believe that this sudden outburst of rash behavior was partly caused by what transpired in Vermont or, at the very least, how Sam responded to what transpired. 
It wasn’t that Sam was actively trying to dissect every choice Danny made and trace a string back to their hookup, but it seemed like too much of a coincidence to look at it any other way.
In all honesty, though, he knew he was lying to himself. He really was searching, because even if he couldn’t have Danny as a lover, or what seemed like even a friend, then Sam would rather have him hate him than be totally apathetic to the things that should — that would — have mattered.
He was angrier at himself than he was at Danny, and worried that his friend was going to get himself sick and take more heat for having to cancel shows than what was due. 
But it was more than that. He was worried that this would change them forever; worried that their friendship was the wax on Icarus’ wings, and that the moments of bliss they had shared, the sun that would melt it instead of lighting the way for them to fly together.
And Sam didn’t want to see them plummet.
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builtbybrokenbells · 4 months
Little Miss Sunshine | JTK
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Amidst a night of high emotion, one single confession turns your whole world upside down, making you realize that you had a certain someone misunderstood all along.
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Word count: 26k (oops)
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, fingering (f!receiving), oral (f&m receiving), (sort of) face fucking, cum play, rough sex, also sweet sex, katoptronophilia (mirror sex), mentions/phrases pertaining to free use kink, dom/sub, possessiveness, praise, degradation, name calling, impact play, biting, sir kink, mentions of masturbation (f&m), multiple orgasm (m&f), simultaneous orgasm, overstimulation, begging, lots of dirty talk, lots of making out, dry humping, angst, unrequited feelings, feelings of not being good enough/rejection, overthinking, emotional talks, asshole Jake, drunk confessions, arguing, awkward small talk/conversations, fighting, non-sexual name calling, fluff, drinking, smoking, swearing, crying, sorry if i miss any!
heard you guys wanted some grumpy x sunshine love (this is also kind of bordering enemies to lovers) 🤔 also, this picture is EXACTLY what I picture Jake as in this fic. I was gonna wait to post but I was too excited to work on some other stuff coming very soon 😉. I hope you guys enjoy! As always, be kind and don’t mind any grammar mistakes 🤍 (very lightly edited)
“And then I said to him, try that shit around here, and you’ll see how it works out for you.” The tall blonde man spoke, his tone grating and growing more annoying by the second. He had an irritating smile on his lips as he continued trying his best to impress you with another, mind-numbing story.
“Right,” you nodded, swirling your straw around your drink, trying to sound more interested than you actually were. As you tried to think of something to say, you sucked a sharp breath in through your teeth, letting your eyes dart around the room in search of a familiar face. “I’m sure he kept to himself after that.” You finally replied, trying to up the ante and lessen the impact of your monotone response.
“Yeah, I love messing with the new guys at work. Always keeps them on their toes.” He said, taking a sip of his beer as he looked over your face. As he lowered the bottle from his lips, he seemed to lean even closer than he already was, making you force yourself backwards.
You had no idea how you found yourself in the situation, stuck in conversation with a mediocre man about his mediocre job (which you still weren’t quite sure what it even was) and desperate to find a quick way out. You had come to the stupid party for one reason, and so far, you hadn’t seen him once, despite it being hosted at his own house. As you scanned the crowd for the millionth time, you found yourself growing more impatient than you already were. Your foot tapped against the ground as you checked your watch, wondering if you were already in too deep or if you could slide out the front door without being noticed.
Then, a wave of relief washed over you as you caught sight of a familiar head of brown hair. You threw back the last of your drink, placing the empty cup on the table as you scrambled to refill it with the premixed bottle you brought in your bag. You fumbled with the cap you’d screwed on too tight while listening to the man across from you ramble about an office staff party he’d attended last week, eventually prying it from the top of the juice jug after a moment's struggle. You tipped it forward, filling the solo cup and snatching it off the table after you shoved the jug back in your bag.
You had never seen your best friend's house so full; people were crowding the hallways, nearly standing on top of each other as they tried to force their way into the rooms overflowing with bodies. The music was astonishingly loud, and you definitely weren’t drunk enough to enjoy it yet. Worse than that, you barely recognized a single face in the crowd, and you were desperate to find someone you knew.
“Anyway, it was nice getting to know you, Johnny. I see Sam over there, so I better go say hi.” You forced a blinding smile, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder as you tried to map out the best way around him.
“J-Johnny?” He asked, confusion written all over his face. “My name is Jimmy.” He corrected, his ego bruised at your lack of interest in him.
“Oh, shit.” You swallowed back an awkward laugh, biting down on the inside of your lip as you shuffled to the side. “Jimmy, Johnny… same thing, really. See you around?” You offered, knowing there was no way you would ever allow yourself to be alone with him again, unless you spent days sleepless and were desperate to find something that would lull your mind and force your eyes shut.
You didn’t wait for a response, instead pushing through the crowd as quickly as possible so you didn’t lose sight of your target. With your drink clenched tightly to your chest, you fought your way through the swarm of bodies that seemed keen on blocking the doorway. You extended your arm outward, your fingers brushing over the thin material of Sam’s long sleeved shirt as you grabbed onto his shoulder. His head whipped around, wondering who was touching him and why they were in such a panic to catch his attention. When his eyes landed on you, a blinding smile lit up his face.
“Hey, I was looking for you! Didn’t think you’d make it, Knockout.” He stopped in his tracks, completely changing course and turning towards you. He took a step in your direction, extending his arms outwards and engulfing you in a hug. You breathed a sigh of relief, letting the scent of his familiar cologne wrap you in an embrace warmer than the one his arms provided.
“I’m the guest of honor, ‘course I made it.” You rolled your eyes, pulling away from him slightly. “And I told you to stop calling me that.”
“You’re always the guest of honor at my house.” He grinned, letting his hand linger over your back as he looked over your face. You noticed right off the bat that he reeked of alcohol. His eyes were glazed over, soft and dark as his expression spoke loudly of all you needed to know. He was hammered, and you were very late to the party. “And I think knockout is fitting. A ten who will knock me on my ass if I say the wrong thing.”
“I’d like to be equated to more than a ‘ten’ with a bad temper.” You laughed, slouching down slightly as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t call it a bad temper… more or less a ‘fuck around and find out’ type of person.” He explained further, pulling you tightly into his side as he began to weave through the crowd.
“Yeah, I guess that fits.” You hummed an agreement, happy that you were safely by his side so you no longer had to wander aimlessly and get caught in conversation with people you didn’t know.
“It’s way more crowded than I thought it would be.” Sam noted, talking loud enough so you could hear him over the boom of voices and music.
“Yeah, I certainly wasn’t expecting this.” You laughed, honest about your feelings on the matter. When he invited you, he failed to mention that he invited the entire city of Nashville to the party alongside you.
“Yeah, guess I overestimated the size of the place.” He chuckled. “We’re hanging out downstairs, less crowded and a bit more comfortable.” He said, leading you around the corner to the stairwell. There were a few people standing in the way of the stairs, but they dispersed pretty quickly when they realized the two of you were trying to make your way through.
Sam was your best friend, and had been for years. You met not long after he moved to the city, when you were still in college and keen to the party lifestyle. Through mutual friends, you found yourself sitting in front of him at an album release party for a band that no longer existed, sharing your sentiments about the mediocre music and your love of tequila. From there, the two of you formed a fast friendship, finding you had more in common than a knack for drinking and appreciation for music. You weren’t expecting such a strong relationship to come from a drunken night orchestrated by friends who couldn’t have cared less about you, but you were incredibly grateful that you decided to go.
Since then, you and Sam did nearly everything together when he wasn’t gone on tour. Once you graduated, you found that you lost contact with most people from your university days, but it never seemed to bother you, because Sam was always around to do that, instead. When you were holed up in your house, working from your laptop and too busy to go anywhere, Sam sat beside you, commenting on anything and everything that came to mind. You guys frequented the bars around town, and got lunch when your schedules permitted. Oftentimes, you found yourself dozing off on his couch after a movie night with no intent of staying the night and waking up the next morning with a blanket over you and a pillow under your head.
He was the best friend you’d ever had, and you were thankful for his love every single day. You loved him so much that you couldn’t even refuse his invitations to parties where you knew nobody but him and his brothers, and most times you were glad you went, just so you had another memory to share with him. That night was no different; he was throwing a party just for the sake of it, inviting friends he’d made in the industry and drinking for the sake of being drunk. When he asked you to come, you gave a hesitant reply, knowing that you were bound to be awkwardly standing amongst a swarm of strangers. Within a few days, he’d convinced you it was alright, and eventually you gave in.
That afternoon, you spent an extra amount of time making yourself look nice. You went out the day before and got your hair touched up, and you even bought a new dress. You were feeling a little down, finding yourself in quite the romantic draught that worsened your loneliness as time went on. When you expressed such feelings to Sam, he seemed to make it a point to set you up with some of his company and promised that tonight would end the embarrassingly long bout of involuntary abstinence. Although you were nervous about his choice of company for you, you opened yourself up to the idea, knowing that you wouldn’t have much luck on your own.
It wasn’t that you were deliberately choosing to abstain from dating, but you were having a particularly hard time finding anyone who met your standards and more importantly, your needs. You were growing sick and tired of modern dating, and despised dating apps and all that came along with them. You weren’t in search of a hookup, and you weren’t looking for marriage tomorrow. You wanted someone who you could have fun with, to get to know without it being overwhelming and too much too fast. You wanted someone suitable for your mid-twenties; exciting, compatible, and loyal. Unfortunately, that seemed to be quite hard to come by.
You knew you had a lot to offer. You were kind, funny, and sometimes too nice for your own good. At the same time, you didn’t put up with any bullshit, which made it incredibly hard to open yourself up to someone. You could easily tell when someone only wanted sex, and people like Johnny (or Jimmy; whatever the hell his name was) made it abundantly clear. His lack of self-awareness and his commitment to getting closer to you despite there being no invitation to do so turned you off of him from the minute he began to speak.
On the other hand, because of your guard being up, oftentimes you read a little too much into the situation and ruined things before they could even begin. You were at an impasse, and such a large one that you enlisted Sam’s help to find you a suitor. You were an overly nice person who’d been burned too many times, and you were (as some would say) picky. You barely trusted his judgment, but you figured that you would at least try and open yourself up to his ideas, because you certainly weren’t getting anywhere by yourself.
“You know, I figured that tonight might be a good night for you and Jake to get to know each other.” Sam stated, nearing the bottom of the stairs.
“Jake?” You asked, confused as you followed behind him. You pulled down the skirt of your tight fitting dress, carefully stepping down on the cool wooden floor as you passed the bottom step. “Like, your brother who’s barely given me any inclination that he knows I exist?” You asked, bewildered that Sam would even suggest that. “And when he does, he looks like he’d rather be with anyone else rather than with me?”
“Oh, come on. That’s not true.” Sam chuckled, turning back to face you now that you were on solid ground. The basement was much less crowded than the upstairs, just like Sam had told you. It was nice, allowing you to actually sort out your thoughts before your head was pulled into another direction.
“It is so!” You laughed, taking his response with a grain of salt. You didn’t have complete certainty that Jake felt that way about you, but he definitely didn’t make it a point to try and be friendly. “I get along so well with Josh and Danny, and then there’s him. He never talks to me, and he basically ignores me when I speak first. When he does answer, it’s like, one or two words, and never any kind of emotion. I don’t think he likes me, and that’s fine, but I definitely don’t think we should ‘get to know each other’.”
“The other day you guys talked about the weather!” Sam argued his point, only making you roll your eyes.
“Yeah, the weather, Sam. You know, like the most basic of small talk that exists?”
“He seemed really passionate about the sun.” Sam shrugged, reaching out and placing a hand on your back. “Just give it a shot. You never know, right?”
“Sam, if that’s who you’re trying to set me up with, you’ve officially gone insane.” You muttered, letting him guide you towards the group of people huddled by his large arrangement instruments.
“Not insane, and I mean it, Y/N. I think you guys would really get along if you got past the weather. It’s not that you don’t like each other, you’ve just never tried that hard, and neither has he.”
“Yeah, because I’m pretty sure he hates me!” You whisper-shouted, nearing the chattering crowd.
“That’s a strong word,” Sam said, clearly trying to put an end to the argument. “Besides, I already asked him to talk to you tonight, so I guess there’s no real way out of it.” He shrugged, a sly smile forming on his lips as he began to walk away from you.
“Sam!” You exploded, reaching forward and grabbing his hand to hold him in place. “Why would you do that? Now he’s going to feel pressured into talking to me!”
“Listen, Y/N.” he sighed, his lips still holding a ghost of a smile. “Jake won’t feel pressured into talking to you. If he really doesn’t want to, he won’t. Jake does not hate you, and Jake knows you exist. He’s just not the most outgoing. Once he’s out of his shell, I promise you’ll understand what I mean.” You could tell that Sam was genuine in his response, much different to the lighthearted jokes that he spewed prior. You didn’t want to be the bad guy and tell him that you thought his brother was an asshole, so instead you shifted uncomfortably under his strong gaze and gave a single nod of your head.
If Sam wanted you to try so bad, you would, but only because Sam was your best friend.
In truth, it wasn’t like you never thought of Jake in that way. In fact, you thought about it more often than you cared to admit, but you would have been caught dead before confessing it aloud. Most of the fantasies of Jake were contained within your bedroom walls, in the late hours of the night and earliest hours of the morning, and it had little to do with conversing with him and certainly not anything romantic.
Jake was attractive, and that was undeniable; he drew attention from the crowd the minute he walked in the room, and eyes never strayed from him until the moment he walked out. His long hair and his beautiful brown eyes made for a deadly combination, and the slight rasp to his tone when he spoke low and slow sent a rush of emotion straight to the pit of your stomach. The pinkness of his lips, especially when they glistened after his tongue ran over the bottom one, was delicious, and you were all but ignorant to that. He did not talk often, not nearly as much as his company, but when he did, it was always worth listening to, whether it was a joke or something insightful.
Jake's physical appearance had little to do with your apprehensions. If anything, it made you more willing to try out what Sam was asking of you. Although he’d never been outright mean to you, Jake had solidified his impression in your mind over the years; curt, dry, and a little judgemental. His micro expressions that seemed to go unnoticed by everyone else spoke louder than words to you, and he never seemed like he wanted to interact with you at all. He sat on the opposite side of the room from you, avoided your group-pointed topics and questions, avoided being alone with you at all costs, and got out of every one on one conversation with you as fast as he could.
Oftentimes you felt like he was watching you, studying you so he could find something he didn’t like, so then he could be crude and unapologetic about it. His eyes always seemed to land on you as the nights dragged on, and the drunker he got, the more often he stared, but he never spoke. If he wasn’t so attractive, his actions may have been more off putting than curious to you, but even if you felt like he hated you, you definitely didn’t mind his attention being on you.
He was more gruff than Sam and Josh combined, and his resting expression was not the most inviting. He joked with his brothers, but not you directly. Although, whenever he said something to gain a laugh, his eyes always flickered to you, as if he was looking to see if you thought he was funny, too. He was a mystery, but not one you wanted to solve. Every interaction with him led you to believe he was not a fan of you, and every time you tried to analyze it, you only ever found yourself believing it ran even deeper than that.
Still, he was fucking hot, and you hated yourself for being so attracted to someone who couldn’t care less about you.
You followed behind Sam, your cheeks red as you bargained with your embarrassment over the situation. What did Sam actually say to Jake? Was it as innocent as he framed it, or did it go beyond the minimal information he gave you? You weren’t sure you wanted to know, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to speak to Jake at all. In your years of friendship with Sam and the hundreds of times you had been around him, he had never been nice, and you were fairly certain he wouldn’t start now.
You wanted to believe Sam’s explanation of Jake, that he was just a tough nut to crack and you had never been fully committed to knowing him, but it just didn’t seem to check out. You were sure by now, Jake would have shown some idea that he didn’t mind you, or at least that he didn’t hate you, but there was nothing.
Well, except for one small little thing, but it was so long ago that you were sure he’d long forgotten about it.
“Woah, sorry!” Jake exclaimed as the door swung itself open. He took a step back, recoiling from the scene as if he’d just walked in on something explicit and was trying to avoid the awkwardness.
“No, it’s okay.” You muttered, closing your eyes and taking in a deep breath. This interaction was the last thing you wanted to experience in such a state, and you could only look forward to his standoffish nature worsening your already solemn state.
You had changed from your party clothes, the nice new jeans and shirt your sister had bought you for your birthday, which was the whole reason Sam threw you the damn party in the first place. You were in shorts and a t-shirt that hung just above your knees, your face tired and tear-stained as you made a quick move to wipe the dampness from your cheeks. “S’all good, Jake. You can have the bathroom.” You spoke again, a little clearer. The rasp of sadness in your tone was impossible to ignore, and even in his drunken state, he seemed to pick up on it.
You hated your birthday, and you hated that Sam insisted on throwing you a party for it. You wanted to leave, to go home after seeing everyone having such a great time while you were so miserable, but you were too drunk to drive and you would have felt terrible for abandoning Sam when he’d worked so hard to plan this all for you. The gathering was small, filled with people you loved dearly, and drinks were plentiful. Sam went all out with food, decorations, and dessert. You’d never had such an extravagant cake in your life, and you owed him everything for caring about you so much. You were so ashamed of your misery that you felt the need to hide in the bathroom while you cried, just so you didn’t hurt his feelings.
You weren’t sad because of the party, or even because of your birthday in itself. You were upset about the fact that no matter how hard you tried to have fun, something always happened that seemed to ruin the whole day, and this time was no different.
“You okay, Y/N?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowing together as he tried to read the situation. You barely looked up at him, feeling another wave of tears well in your eyes. He smelled so distinctly of whiskey, and his normal tough exterior slackened into something you could almost relate to relaxed.
“Yeah, fine.” You nodded, taking a step towards the doorway and expecting him to recoil when you neared him.
“Clearly not, sweetheart.” The pet name struck you as odd, the confusion growing even worse as he stepped in front of you to stop your attempt at escaping. “You’re crying, up here all alone on your birthday. Talk to me.” You finally looked up to meet his face, noticing your body flood with an unfamiliar feeling. There was a type of care in his face that you had never seen from him before, and it made your entire body raise with goosebumps.
“I… I’m alright, I guess.” You said, trying to find a way around confessing your sorrows to him.
“Can I come in?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, sure.” You breathed, nodding and stepping backwards out of his way. Once he was inside the room, he closed the door quietly, leaning against it as he casted his gaze back in your direction. Now that you were locked in a room with him, the smell of alcohol became all the more apparent, and it seemed to be mixed with a sweet scent of an unfamiliar cologne.
“What’s going on?” He asked, standing stagnant by the door as if he was fearful of coming any closer.
“It’s a long story, but I guess it doesn’t really matter. It’s over now.” You shrugged, raising your hand to your face to wipe your face clean of the sadness.
“Is it that guy you were with last time you were here?” He asked, hitting the nail straight on the head without even trying.
“Uh, yeah.” You nodded, surprised he even cared to notice you had company the last time you were around him. Jake had never been overly concerned with your presence, and you barely expected him to care enough to ask if you were alright. “Got in a fight before I came. Said he didn’t have time to come to my ‘stupid birthday party’ with my ‘stupid friends’.” You air quoted the phrases he used, sickened that you even let yourself spend time with someone who thought so little about the people you loved so dearly. “But he wasn’t too busy to party without me, and certainly didn’t mind locking lips with some other girl at the bar.” You explained, remembering the painful picture one of his friends sent through to you. You appreciated the fact that someone was willing to tell you about it, but it didn’t seem to make it hurt any less.
His lips pressed together tightly, the corners turned down into a frown as he digested the information you threw his way. For a second, he seemed as though he wanted to speak, but not long after that he silenced himself before he could get the words out. He swallowed thickly, toying with the ring on his middle finger as he tried his best to think of a response. Eventually, he took a deep breath and spoke words you never expected to hear from him.
“You are far too special to be caught up on someone like that, Y/N.” His tone was strong, leaving no room for doubt that he meant it. “I know it hurts right now, but you have to know that.”
“Thank you, Jake.” You said, your indifference for him melting away momentarily.
“Is it alright if I hug you?” He asked, carefully scanning your face. “Seems like you need it.”
“O-oh,” you breathed, shocked at his question. “Yeah, s’pose I do.” You let out a nervous chuckle. At that, all hesitation left his body and he stepped towards you. Carefully, he pulled you into his arms, his hold firm and the warmth of his body soothing. You let your head rest on his shoulder, trying to ignore the strangeness of the moment and enjoy the comfort. With your face buried in his button-up shirt, you finally had the chance to breathe in the cologne you had only previously caught a faint hint of. It was deep, woodsy and ambery, and it was unfortunately one of the most pleasant things you’d ever experienced.
You could feel his heartbeat, fast and strong as he held you close to him. One hand rested on the back of your head, an extra touch of warmth within his already strange actions. You had never been so close to Jake before, and for some strange reason, you never wanted to let go of him. From the minute he touched you, things seemed okay again, like nothing in the whole world could hurt you so long as he was right beside you.
Just when you felt yourself slipping out of the state of sadness, he pulled away. You found yourself mourning the loss of his touch, sad for a whole new reason as his body parted from yours. He didn’t completely abandon you, though. He let one hand rest on your arm as he used his other to wipe your tears away from your cheeks. With a soft smile, he spoke again.
“Don’t waste your tears on him, sweetheart. When it starts to hurt a little less, you should thank him for it, ‘cause it means someone as great as you won’t be stuck with someone like him.” He paused, ensuring you understood him before he continued. “Now, put a smile on that pretty face and come back downstairs. It’s your day, your friends are down there, and we want you to have a good night. Don’t let him win.”
You thought that maybe after such a sweet moment shared between the two of you, the dynamic might change, that he would warm up to you and a friendship would blossom. Thinking back on your hopefulness, you wanted to laugh in your own face. If anything, after the bathroom escapade, he grew even more distant. He stopped looking at you as often, avoiding your eyes when you looked his way and refusing to even let a chuckle slip when you spewed a joke. His already curt responses grew even shorter, and even less friendly. All of the affection he shared with you disappeared, and he acted as if it never happened at all.
You were ridiculous for expecting change, but disappointed still when you understood that he probably didn’t remember the interaction between you. He was drunk, and so were you, and it didn’t mean anything.
Still, no matter how hard you tried to believe it, it still fucking sucked.
You did everything in your power to get that side of him to surface again, but it only seemed to worsen his withdrawl. The nicer you were to him, the more he pulled away. So, eventually you stopped completely. You stopped going out of your way to build a relationship with him, because it was abundantly clear he wasn’t interested in it.
Funny thing is, when you started pulling away, he began to try.
A few weeks after you stopped talking, he went out of his way to ask you how you were. He lingered in rooms after everyone left, trying to remain inconspicuous as he waited for you to speak to him. His eyes landed on you more often than not, watching you carefully as you spoke to everyone else, waiting to see if you would laugh at his jokes. It was as if he missed you talking to him, even if he was the reason you distanced yourself in the first place.
He was so confusing, and you knew it was best to stay out of it. Even if you did think he was ridiculously attractive, he clearly had no clue how to express himself or any emotion whatsoever. The only thing you regularly saw from him was undesirable personality traits, indifference and annoyance most often, and anger at other times. You knew it wasn’t good for you, that you should stay away because you couldn’t get involved with someone so cold, and you did the best you could. Still, you would be the first to volunteer to kiss that damned scowl off his face, and happy to let him take his anger out on you.
The fact that Sam ever thought the two of you would work was absolutely blasphemous, but if Sam wanted you to try, you would at least give it another shot. Even if it was half-assed, you could still say you gave it your all, and he’d probably believe you.
Sam took one of the two available seats on the couches, far away from you and next to Josh. You felt a stab of pain in your chest as you realized he did so for a specific reason. The only seat left in the room was next to Jake, and as you began to approach, you feared he might get up and walk away as soon as your ass touched the cushion. Keeping your body rigid, you stepped over Danny’s long legs, extended outwards as he leaned back in the couch. You carefully stood between the two, letting the strap of your bag fall from your shoulder and it landed in front of you on the floor. As you sat down, you tucked the bag neatly behind your legs and against the frame of the couch. You let out a small breath of relief, noticing Jake didn’t change his stature at all as you took a seat.
‘Step one: complete.’ You thought to yourself, sipping at your drink to calm your nerves.
How ridiculous it seemed to consider sitting next to Jake a victory. The irony only grew as you remembered that Sam thought the two of you would make a good couple.
Jake had an acoustic guitar sat in his lap, tentatively plucking at the strings as he sat on the very edge of the cushion. You couldn’t help but stare, finding his face devoid of any negative emotion almost alluring. He was so pretty when he focused, the way his hair hung in his face and his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration. You strained to hear the light sounds coming from the strings, trying your best to ignore the booming music upstairs in hopes to recognize the tune he was playing. You watched as the tips of his fingers danced over the fretboard, delicate and calculated in every move they made.
Then, the soft hum stopped and his finger stretched across the fretboard to stop any lingering resonance. Your eyes flickered from his hand to his face, seeing that he was already looking at you. Your cheeks burned red as you understood he noticed your staring, and you swallowed back an awkward laugh.
“Hey, Jake.” You forced the greeting through your teeth, flashing a smile in his direction in hopes that the sweetness would deter his usual grumpiness with you.
“Hi.” He responded, his eyes trailing down to the solo cup in your hand. His greeting was short, but you counted it as a victory. Some nights, he never bothered to reciprocate at all, shooting you a pained look instead. The two of you sat in silence for a moment, neither of you knowing what to do or what to say. It was uncomfortable, but you forced the negative thoughts from your head and tried your best to think of a conversation starter. When it was clear he would not be the one to initiate, you spoke again.
“What song was that?”
“Who’ll Stop The Rain.” He replied, his stony expression remaining strong as he looked in your direction.
“CCR,” you nodded, embarrassed you couldn’t pick out the tune from memory. “My dad was a big fan of John Fogerty. Used to put us to sleep with the recordings from Royal Albert Hall.”
“Yeah, pretty good stuff.” Jake nodded, slow and stiff as if he would rather be anywhere other than with you. You took in a long breath through your nose, hoping that you could ease the painful tension between the two of you, but knowing it wouldn’t never happen unless he was willing to try, too.
“Yeah, absolutely.” You nodded too, taking a long sip from your cup.
“What’s your favourite song from them?” He asked, the words almost sounding strained as he asked the question. You fought back an eye roll, thinking it was absolutely ridiculous that he was troubled just to speak to you.
“Green River.” You answered, trying to be more enthusiastic than he was. You were happy he asked the question at all, considering it was probably the first thing he’d ever asked in attempt to get to know you, but his reluctance still stung.
“I like that one, too.” He said, his tone gruff but more friendly than it had ever been (save for the off night in the bathroom), even if the classification was a stretch. Then, he turned his head back towards the guitar, cutting the conversation short. You couldn’t help but feel a dissatisfaction with his actions, wondering why he couldn’t even pretend to enjoy a conversation with you, but you didn’t let it linger for too long.
You let out a sigh, turning your head to the other side of you, seeing Daniel’s smiling face. It was refreshing, and it was a relief to see his expression did not fade as soon as he looked your way. His arm was slung over the back of the couch behind you, his ankles crossed and a beer bottle clutched tightly in his hand. You figured he was an easier target, and a much more enjoyable way to spend your time.
“Hello, Daniel.” You gave him a warm smile as you spoke.
“Was wondering when you’d get here, K.O.” He said, flashing you a toothy smile to match your own.
“What did I tell you guys about calling me that!” You scolded, your tone light and your eyes shining with joy to tell him you didn’t really care all that much.
“If the shoe fits.” He shrugged, chuckling as he took a sip from his bottle. “What have you been up to? Feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“I was away for a little while for work, actually.” You said, knowing you couldn’t get too much into it.
“You were away? That’s never good to hear.” He said, a slight grimace on his face. He was right; in social work, time spent away from your office usually meant something bad.
“Yeah, but it wasn’t anything major. They have a shortage of people a few towns over, so I volunteered to fill in for a little while until they could hire someone. I handled a few cases, but it was mostly just to do some paperwork so they didn’t get overwhelmed. I got back a few days ago.”
“You’re a saint for doing a job like that, you know.” He said, his words genuine and prompting a smile on your lips.
“It’s not the easiest job, but I like it.” You explained. “Someone has to stick up for the kids, you know? If their own parents aren’t doing it… then someone has to.”
You could not see it, but Jake’s head was turned as he sat behind you, his ear facing you so he could hear the words you were saying.
“You must be pretty good at it, too. I remember when Sam and I stopped by your office, it was plastered with drawings and colouring pages. Do you keep everything they give to you?”
“Yeah, I do.” You looked down at your hands as a sheepish smile crossed your face. “They always get so excited when they see it up on the walls, so it makes it worth it. Besides, brightens up my day when I see it, too.” You explained, knowing that you had never really thought twice about it; everything any of your clients gifted you was important to you and deserved a spot up on your bulletin board.
Alongside from Sam, your work was the most important thing to you. It was a part of you, and the only reason you and Sam got along so well is because he understood that. Lots of plans were cancelled or rescheduled at the drop of a dime, but he never cared and never made you feel bad about it. Sometimes, you were up at four in the morning, running out the door to the hospital in the early stages of your friendship, but it never deterred him from spending time with you. When you moved to a private company, things grew a little more relaxed and you had a lot more scheduled appointments rather than emergency appointments, but Sam would have stuck around no matter your situation.
“I mean, today someone gave me a yo-yo.” You said, a grin lighting up your face. “I’ve always wanted an excuse to learn those stupid tricks everyone knew how to do in middle school, and now I can.”
“Oh, I can’t wait to see that.” Danny let out a laugh, his shoulders shaking and his eyes crinkled with joy just at the thought of it.
“So what about you? What have you been up to?” You asked, growing tired of talking about you and eager to hear what he’d been up to.
“The same old, really. I went home and visited my family for a few days, so that was nice.” He said, knocking back the last of his drink and grabbing another from the box by his feet.
“That is nice!” You exclaimed, a warm smile encasing your lips. “I know you don’t get to see them all that often, so it must have been really good to go home.”
“It was,” he agreed, nodding at the thought.
“How’s your sister doing? I know she was stressed out about the last semester of school the last time we talked.”
“Good! She passed with no problem, worried about nothing as per usual.” He responded, almost wowed by how much attention you paid to him when he spoke.
“And that girl you were talking to… Sarah?” You asked, nervous you might have gotten the name wrong. He gave a nod, reassuring you that you got it right. “How’s that going?”
“Good! She couldn’t make it tonight, but I think it’s headed somewhere. Hopefully, at least.” He shrugged, trying to make it seem like it was less important to him than it was.
“I’m sure it will. I’m happy for you.” You smiled. Just as he was about to respond, Sam shouted his name from across the table, pulling him in a completely different direction. You didn’t pay much mind to it, settling comfortably back in your seat as Sam resumed an earlier conversation with the boy beside you.
You settled back into your seat, finding yourself content without feeling the need to be caught in conversation. You sipped at your drink, noticing your cheeks begin to turn rosy as the tipsiness started to set in. Your skin was warm, your mind swimming with thoughts that pertained to nothing important. You tucked your foot underneath your knee, relaxing into the position as Sam gave you a reassuring smile across the table. You gave him a small wave in return, finding the mixed drink in your cup taste better the longer you worked at it.
Some time passed, but nothing too interesting ensued. No further words were shared between you and Jake, but you did occasionally find yourself talking across the table with Sam, and a few times you were leaned over close to Danny to hear him over the chattering crowd and loud music. Then, something incredibly familiar reached your ears, the sound soothing as it drifted from the guitar in Jake’s lap and over towards you. The twang was different, a little more calm as he played on the acoustic, but it was still just as good.
Green River.
You turned your head towards him, smiling as you watched his fingers pluck the strings. You bit your tongue, tempted to sing along but knowing it likely wouldn’t help the lingering tension between you and the boy. Your gaze flickered to his face, curious to see his expression as he played the song you very clearly expressed your enjoyment of. To your surprise, he was looking at you, and the usual scowl on his face had softened into an almost smile.
He wanted to know if you liked it, almost excited at the prospect of impressing you with the song.
Perhaps Sam was right, and you hadn’t tried hard enough to get to know him. You weren’t committed enough to getting through the tough exterior, because in that moment, you saw a tiny glimpse of the Jake you saw that night in the bathroom. His eyes were warm, glimmering with curiousity as he continued to strum the tune. Maybe he wasn’t so against knowing you, but rather needed some common ground so he could get his footing.
No matter the reasoning, you could go along with it, because without the cold undertones in his expression, he was a million times more attractive than he’d ever been before. The liquor in your cup was strong, definitely encouraging your thoughts about his pretty face, but as he played a song you remembered from the happiest days of your childhood, it struck something within you that he’d never touched before.
“Sing it.” Jake encouraged, his voice just loud enough for you to hear as he played the intro a second time through. You thought you misheard him, unable to believe he was really initiating such a fun moment that involved both of you, together. Even as you tried to discredit it, his eyes told you otherwise, imploring you to do as he asked.
“Well, take me back down where cool water flow,” you began, knowing your intoxication had everything to do with your courage. You worried that he would change his mind, or regret asking you to do so, but as you finished he played the little riff that followed, a genuine smile beginning to blossom on his lips.
“Let me remember things I love, Lord
Stoppin' at the log where catfish bite
Walkin' along the river road at night
Barefoot girls dancin' in the moonlight.” You sang the verse, growing more comfortable when Sam joined in along the way. By the time you finished the last line, Danny was leaned in close behind you, also belting the lyrics alongside you.
Then, the most shocking part of it all came about when Jake led you back into the second verse. He joined in, happily singing along with the three of you as if it were a completely normal thing for him to do.
“Fuck yeah, Jake!” You exclaimed, seeing his eyes brighten at your drunken cheer. For a single moment, things felt normal. They felt right, with you cheering him on and him trying not to laugh at your antics, like it was meant to be that way all along.
Maybe Sam was right, and the two of you could click well, even after all the time spent ignoring each other.
He led himself into a small guitar solo, seemingly trying to show off as he slammed the pick down on the strings. You clapped along, a blinding smile lighting up your face as you watched him do what he loved most. You couldn’t help but admire how stunning he looked, his pink lips slightly damp from his tongue running over them while he focused. The blush of his cheeks under the lowlight, and his dark lashes casting the tiniest of shadows under his eyes. He was beautiful, and you couldn’t seem to pull yourself away from him.
You were so immersed in his enigmatic nature that you failed to sing along with the group when the third verse rounded. Stunned and slightly nervous that someone had caught you amidst the impromptu staring contest, you cleared your throat and joined in with the singing, only slightly less enthusiastic. When the song finished, you were breathless and in a mess of jumbled thoughts, but it had nothing to do with the singing you were doing. Before Jake could say anything to you, you downed the last of your drink, reaching into your bag to refill the cup. You knew you would need the courage, especially now that the relationship between you seemed to hit a pivotal moment.
When you straightened back up in your seat, you sipped from the rim of the cup to lower your chances of spilling it all over yourself. Your eyes flickered to the man beside you, but to your dismay, he wasn’t looking at you at all. The smile faded from your lips as you quickly tried to cover up your growing disappointment, wondering if you were an idiot for thinking the two of you might be more comfortable speaking. You waited for a moment, just to see if he would initiate something, but you were met with nothing once again.
You were an idiot, and for more reason than just that. You were ridiculous for believing that he would be interested with you, in all of his blinding beauty and amidst the rockstar lifestyle. He had girls falling at his feet, prettier and with more to offer than you had. You were breaking your own heart by entertaining the feeble idea Sam planted in your mind, and you needed to realize the truth of the matter.
Still, a small fizzle of hope existed within your chest, and you thought you would give it one last shot.
“That was really good, Jake. Thank you for playing it for me.” You said, keeping your tone sweet and the look in your eyes warm despite the blossoming uncertainty in your stomach.
“What? I didn’t play it for you.” The words tumbled out of his mouth at the speed of light, defensive and with little thought put into them. As if he saw the breaking of your heart before his own eyes, he softened slightly, realizing that his words were too harsh, even for his normal brooding self. “I played it for myself, too. I love that song.” He added, hoping that it would lessen the blow. You could tell he only said it to feel like less of an asshole, and it only worsened your already bruised feelings.
You could feel an unfamiliar feeling rising in your chest, one that craved conflict. You thought that if you handed his rudeness back to him, he’d learn his lesson and realize how terrible he’d been to you over the years of knowing him. You wanted a fight, to figure out the real reason behind his dislike for your company, and you needed it now. If he hated you, you wanted him to come clean and say it. You were sick of trying to start a friendship with someone who only ever made you feel like shit about it.
Then, before the accusations could leave your lips, he spoke again, but you would have preferred him not to say anything at all.
“Heard it’s supposed to be really nice out, tomorrow.” He forced the weather forecast through his teeth, rubbing salt into an already lethal wound.
“Perfect,” your lips pulled together tightly, forcing some semblance of a smile as you nodded your head. “You know, we don’t have to talk about the weather every fucking time we speak, Jake.” He seemed to physically recoil from your nasty tone, seemingly never expecting something even slightly vicious to leave your tongue.
“Okay, what else would you like to talk about, Y/N?” He asked, a hint of condescension in his words. You rolled your eyes, long past furious with his blatant rejection of your presence.
“Maybe one of the fifteen other topics I’ve tried to talk about with you?” You offered the alternative like it never crossed his mind at all. “You know what? Nevermind. Doesn’t matter.” You shook your head, understanding you were preparing to fight a losing battle. When it came to anything negative, Jake was always going to come out on top.
“What, did Little Miss Sunshine finally hit her breaking point? Is this the first time you’ve ever been angry, sweetheart? ‘Cause it wouldn’t fuckin’ surprise me.”
“Fuck off, Jake.” You huffed, leaning forward and grabbing your bag from between your legs. “Like I said, fucking forget about it.”
Just as you did so, Danny leaned towards you in an instinctive reaction to someone playfully pushing him by the arm of the couch. His shoulder collided with your back, causing you to lurch towards Jake and at the same time, your full solo cup to slip from your fingers. As you tried to recover from the strong (and irritatingly painful) collision between your back and Danny’s shoulder, you barely noticed the liquid that had spilled from your hands onto the couch, and unluckily, Jake’s leg.
Before you could process all that happened in such a short time, you heard Danny’s profuse apologies from over your shoulder, but not well over the boom of Jake’s voice.
“Christ, Y/N!” He exclaimed, raising the guitar from his lap as he made a move to stand. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Watch what you’re fucking doing, next time!”
His words, equal to a million stabs in the chest, seemed to snap that little rational part of your brain you tried to desperately hold on to when in his company. Instead of an angry outburst, you felt tears well in your eyes, finally fed up with his irrationally irate attitude towards you. You tried to muster an ‘I’m sorry’, but every time the words began to make their way through your throat, your muscles constricted around them. Instead, you grabbed your things, in a hurry to get out of there and never come back. Before you were on your feet, tears spilled over on your cheeks, and your face felt like it was on fire. Your heart was thumping so fast and hard you could feel it in every part of your body, and your throat ached to cry out.
Why didn’t he like you?
What did you do to deserve such miserable treatment?
Why couldn’t he just pretend to tolerate you, instead of making it blatantly obvious to everyone how much he hated you?
You clutched your empty cup and your bag tightly to your chest as you stepped over Danny’s legs, your vision blurred with tears you refused to let Jake see as you rushed away from the group. By the time you made it to the stairs, you knew you would be alright, so long as you didn’t come face to face with him again. You clambered to the top of the stairwell, pushing through bodies in search of the front door. You were desperate for air, just for a breath of relief to help you forget about his venomous tone. When your fingers clasped around the doorknob, you instantly felt better. You pulled it open, stepping foot into the yard and away from the chaos.
The porch was near vacant aside from the couple engaging in a handsy makeout session a few feet away, but not even they seemed to notice you. You pulled the skirt of your dress down as you stepped forward, crouching down until your ass hit the wooden step. You released your hold on the short dress, stretching your legs out as you adjusted to a more comfortable position on the stair. You let your hand run through your hair, your fingers catching on knots as you combed through the mess of loose curls. You let out a shaky sigh, wiping the tears away from your cheeks as you let your eyes flutter closed.
You wouldn’t let him get the best of you, even though it was so easy for him to do it. You were better than his short fuse and lack of regard for your feelings, and you wouldn’t feed into the fire he created. As much as you wanted to yell, to call him out on his ridiculous behavior, it wasn’t you. You weren’t angry; you were bubbly, happy and outgoing, and you adored making new friends. You were a social worker who loved children because of their unusual glee despite being in horrible situations. You loved it so much, because that’s who you were. You loved being happy, the light shining in darkness even when you should be miserable and sad. You liked being that beacon of light for others, and you made it a point to remember small details so nobody ever felt forgotten.
You were kind hearted and free spirited, and you loved to love. You wouldn’t let him take that away from you, in all of his gruff grumpiness and dark brooding eyes. You were human, and everyone likes to be liked, but you didn’t care anymore. If he wanted to dislike you, that was fine, because you loved being you and you didn’t care to change for anyone. If he didn’t like your behavior, your desperation to see the best in everything and your constantly joyus nature, he was the one losing, not you. You wouldn’t bend your own boundaries to make someone like him happy.
The door creaking open behind you pulled you from your thoughts, making you peek over your shoulder to investigate the disturbance. You were met with a sight for sore eyes, the pure chaos of the moment putting a smile on your face despite your own internal struggles. Sam was stumbling towards you, his eyes heavy and glossy as he clutched a beer bottle tight in his hand. He was positively hammered, and you could tell with every step he took.
His stare landed on you, like he was a predator in search of prey. His hand holding the bottle raised, his index finger straightening and pointed in your direction. “Was looking for you, knockout. You’re fast.”
“You’re drunk, Sam.”
“Pshh,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Tell me something I don’t know.” He took a few unsteady steps towards you, placing his hand against the railing to steady himself as he sat down beside you.
“I love you, you know.” You smiled, hugging your knees to your chest as you rested your chin atop of them.
“I love you, Y/N.” He slurred, the smell of alcohol radiating from him. In some strange way, drunken Sam had always secretly been your favorite, mostly because of his unapologetic nature when it came to the tellings of his heart. “You’re the best friend ever, you know. Like the best. Couldn’t imagine life without you.” He rambled, slinging his arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer to him. “You’re always so sweet and kind, and you make the best cookies, and you come to my stupid parties and talk to my stupid brother, even when you don’t want to. There’s nothing wrong with you, Princess. Don’t listen to him, ‘cause he’s stupid.” He reiterated the same sentiment, causing a small giggle to fall from your lips.
“F’course I show up to your parties, Sammy.” You whispered, leaning your head against his shoulder. He smelled familiar, giving you a sense of home you couldn’t find anywhere else. “Wouldn’t imagine life any other way.”
“And everyone loves you, Y/N. Josh, and Danny, and even Jake. ‘Specially Jake.” He hiccuped, smiling at the thought. The apples of his rosy cheeks were so soft in the moonlight, the sight heartwarming and forcing a smile onto your cheeks, too.
“No, I don’t think he does, Sammy boy, and that’s okay.” You whispered, gazing up at the stars and living in the sweetness of this moment rather than the bitterness of the one you shared with Jake.
“No, don’t think you get it, Princess.” He chuckled, his head toppling over onto yours as he heaved a large breath. He was caught in a nasty bout of hiccups, and his movements were all sloppy and loose. You were beginning to realize he was much more intoxicated than even you perceived him to be, and you were going to have to get him inside and to bed soon. “I can’t tell you, cause he wouldn’t like that, but he likes you, Y/N, wholeee hell of a lot.” He put the extra emphasis on the words to ensure you took him seriously. You laughed at his words, his oxymoronic statement, and the tone in which he said it.
“Sure, Sam.” You chuckled, pulling away from him slightly. You immediately missed the comfort of his touch, but you knew it was for the best. “Why don’t we get you upstairs, honey? Maybe a glass of water?”
“You think?” He asked, squinting at the porch light as he turned to look at you. His expression was challenging, but you both knew you’d win the fight.
“I know, Sam.” You gave him a soft smile. “Come with me?”
“Okay.” He huffed, nodding in agreement. “You’re staying tonight, right? Don’t want you… driving home…” there was a lull in his tone, and you noticed his eyes drooping lower the longer he spoke. “Jake’s an idiot, want you to stay, even if you’re mad at him… please?”
“Of course I’ll stay, love.” You promised, rising to your feet after ensuring you had a firm grip on his arm. “Come on, stand up for me.” You urged, pulling him only slightly from his sitting position.
“Kay,” he let out a shallow sigh, helping you only slightly as you pulled him to his feet. As soon as he was standing, he stumbled forward into you, and you wrapped your arms around him to keep him upright.
“Easy, honey.” You hummed, only slightly intimidated under his body weight.
‘You’ve got this. Get him upstairs and into bed. You can do it.’ You repeated to yourself, carefully moving your grip so you had one arm securely around his torso.
“Come on, Sammy. Help me out here.” You pleaded, taking a step towards the door. He seemed to be growing more tired by the second, and you worried that you would not be able to support his weight if he grew any more lax in your arms. He stumbled forward, uttering nonsense about his love for you as you desperately tried to get him to the door. You figured if you at least got him inside, someone would be around to help you out with the rest.
You felt your legs quivering under his and your own weight, but you managed a few more steps forward until you were just shy of reaching the doorknob. As you ushered him forward, you reached a shaky hand out for the door, only to find someone else already opening it for you. You looked upwards, relief flooding your features until your gaze landed on the body in the doorway.
“Let me help.” Jake grumbled, stepping forward to join the two of you.
“It’s fine, Jacob. I’ve got it.” You snapped, taking another step forward.
“Clearly not, sweetheart. Quit being so fucking stubborn.” He argued, taking post at Sam’s other side as he guided his arm over his shoulder.
“Jake!” Sam exclaimed, a lazy smile crossing his face as he recognized his brother's familiar face. “Y/N, this is my idiot brother Jake. Have you met before?” Sam looked in your direction, sending you a lazy smile and a sloppy wink. You stifled a giggle as you tightened your hold around him.
“Hey, brother. Let’s get you to bed.” He chuckled, anchoring his own arm around Sam’s back alongside yours.
Deciding it was for the best, you let Jake help you with the daunting task. Together, the journey was much less treacherous, and you had him upstairs in no time. In Sam’s bedroom, you and Jake eased your hold on him as he sat down in his bed, his eyes threatening closed as he slumped down onto the mattress.
“I’ve got it from here, thanks.” You snipped, brushing past Jake to grab a trash can, just in case Sam started to feel sick.
“He’s my brother, Y/N. I can take care of him.” He shot back, fixing the pillows so Sam could lay down.
“We’ll he’s my best friend, and I’m not fucking leaving him.” You huffed, helping Sam lay down on his side so he would not fall asleep on his back.
“Guess you’ll just have to deal with it, then, cause I’m staying too.” He rolled his eyes, plopping down on an armchair in the corner of the room.
“Great.” You muttered, fixing the blankets as Sam fought with the buttons on his shirt. “You okay, honey? I can help.” You offered, noticing his particularly annoyed expression as he couldn’t complete the task he’d set out to do. “Can you get him some water, Jacob?” You asked, a little more curt than you intended, but neglecting to feel remorseful about it.
“Why don’t you go, and I’ll get him out of his shirt?” Jake offered, malice fleeing him temporarily in hopes the arrangement might be more comfortable for you.
“Fine.” You sighed, stepping away from the bed and back into the hallway. A quick trip downstairs and one bottle of water later, you were back at Sam’s bedside, trying to get him to sip away at a hydrating alternative to the beer he was drinking all night.
You sat on the edge of the bed, watching as Sam relaxed against the mattress and melted into the pillows. Carefully, you reached out and brushed his hair from his face, gathering it in your hands as you slipped an elastic around it from your wrist. You couldn’t help but smile as he began to softly snore, a sure sign he was out for the night.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Jake said, his tone strong and startling you as you pulled your eyes away from Sam.
“For what?”
“For caring so much about him.” He shrugged, showing you a glimpse of himself as he professed his gratitude. “He’s my brother. Means a lot to me that you love him so much.”
“Don’t need to thank me for it.” You shrugged. “Hard not to. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had.” The two of you fell into a silence for a moment, the tension in the air thick and uncomfortable. You wondered if he would apologize, rectify the harsh words he’d thrown your way, or if maybe tonight would be the night he finally confessed how much he hated you. Or, maybe it was neither of those things, and the night would take the worst turn of all; the two of you sitting there, caring for a drunken Sam in awkward silence and sharing occasional words. Perhaps you could even talk about the weather.
“So when are you two gonna tie the knot?” Jake asked, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched you carefully.
“What?” You asked, looking over at him with confusion written all over.
“Everybody’s thinking it. We’re just waiting for you to get on with it.” He said, his gaze never leaving your face, almost as if he was challenging you.
“I don’t like Sam like that, Jake. He doesn’t feel that way about me, either.” You were firm with your response, ensuring he understood that.
“Right.” He whispered, muttering something under his breath you couldn’t quite catch. Your eyebrows furrowed, curious about his words but unsure if you even cared enough to ask. You turned back to Sam, running a gentle hand over his arm as he slept soundly. As you did so, you could feel Jake’s eyes burning into you, making you shift uncomfortably in your position. Eventually, it became too much to ignore, and your head turned towards him again.
“What is your problem?” You asked, stronger than you intended.
“Nothing,” he defended himself, his lips turned down into a frown. “Am I not allowed to look at you?”
“Why would you want to?” You rolled your eyes, looking away from his face. You found it much harder to stay angry with him when you couldn’t stop thinking about how attractive he was. He opted not to respond to the topic at hand, but instead moved back to a previous one.
“Why don’t you and Sam get together?”
“Jesus, what does it matter?” You asked, answering his questions with more. You weren’t keen on discussing your romantic relationships with a man who barely cared enough to notice your presence in a room, and you definitely weren’t willing to discuss your relationship with Sam with him.
“You wanted me to talk, so I’m talking!” He argued, keeping his voice hushed so he would not wake his brother.
“Yeah, I wanted you to talk three years ago, Jake.” You laughed, shaking your head as you did so, but the situation was not funny to you. You couldn’t believe him, and he continually managed to surprise you with his offputting comments and his vague remarks. “I wanted to know you, but you’ve made enough of an impression already, and that ship has sailed.”
“I’m talking now, Y/N.” He tried again, his voice softer but still seemed standoffish.
“I don’t want you to, Jake.” You clarified, realizing you’d rather sit in silence or talk about the sunny skies, now. “I don’t care. I used to get upset because all you wanted to talk about was the weather, but I get that it is the only thing we have in common.” You stood, knowing you needed to take a step away from the situation before you exploded.
He was so good at getting under your skin, so different and so irritating. He ignored every one of your attempts at getting to know him, and you were over it. He didn’t get to be an asshole for so long and then suddenly change his mind about it, like he got to call the shots. The ball was in your court, and you weren’t willing to give him the time of day anymore.
“Wait,” he pleaded, holding his hand out to stop you from walking out on him. Ignoring his plea, you pushed past him, stepping towards the door with no intent on stopping. “Y/N, please.” He stood, reaching out to grab your arm so you could not leave.
“What, Jake?” You snapped, turning on your heel to face him. “Unless you’re going to tell me what your issue is, I have no interest in talking to you about anything.” There was a fire in his eyes unfamiliar to you, so different than the pained, distant expression he often adorned when looking in your direction.
“My issue is you!” He said, never dropping his hold on your wrist. It wasn’t tight, far from painful, but it was exhilarating. His skin on yours felt fantastic, even if he was an asshole.
“See? Was it that hard to finally fucking say it?” You fumed. “Just say you hate me, Jake. It’ll be so much easier for both of us!”
“It is hard, because I don’t hate you!” He confessed, taking you by complete surprise. “I couldn’t hate you, ever. Trust me when I say, I’ve fucking tried!”
“You don’t?” You asked, your knitting together in confusion. “Then what is your issue with me?”
“I don’t have an issue with you, Y/N. It’s me. It’s my problem.”
“Tell me Jake, please. I’ve spent so long wondering what I did to make you not like me, and I need to know.” You pleaded, your anger dissipating as you realized you finally might get an answer to the one question that constantly plagued you.
“Can we… Can we go somewhere else? Please?” Jake sighed, looking over his shoulder at his sleeping brother.
“Yeah, okay.” You nodded, stepping backwards and out of the room. He stayed close to you, ensuring Sam was alright before he closed the door behind him.
You led him down the hallway, turning into the guest bedroom that had become your very own. You stepped inside first, staying near the door as he walked in behind you. He knocked the door shut as he passed it, the music still booming downstairs and the crowd still plentiful despite the night changing into the early morning hours. You turned to face the boy, finding him already looking at you. His gaze was uncomfortable, especially knowing that there was so much unsaid between the two of you.
“So, what is it, Jake?” You asked, your arms loosely crossed over your chest as you tried to hide yourself under his stare. Now that the two of you were alone, your skimpy dress felt all the smaller, and you were self conscious knowing his eyes were drinking in every detail.
“I’ll tell you, but I need you to answer me first. Is there anything going on between you and Sam?” He asked, his palms pressed together and his fingers extended outwards, pointing towards you as he spoke.
“No, Jake. Not that it’s your business, but Sam and I are just friends; it’s always been that way, and it always will be.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes.” You stressed the point. “Why does this have anything to do with you not liking me?”
“It has everything to do with it, because I do like you!” He exploded, the sudden shift taking you by surprise. You recoiled at the strength of his words, watching him in shock for a moment.
“What are you angry about?” You asked, unable to piece together his erratic behaviour. His head fell back on his shoulders, a groan leaving his lips as he struggled to speak. It seemed as if his thoughts were plaguing him and he wanted to do anything other than confess them.
“I do like you, sunshine, and a lot more than you think.” He explained, drawing in a long breath and stepping towards you. “I like you too much, and I am a fucking idiot for treating you so badly, but I didn’t know what else to do.”
“Talk to me, Jake. Tell me what’s wrong, and we can work it out, together.” You pleaded, a shred of sympathy for the man taking hold despite all of your anger.
“See? That’s why, because after three years of me being a dick, you’re still trying to be nice to me!” He exclaimed, appalled at your concern and constant attempts to help fix things. “You should be yelling, or calling me names, or walking away, but you’re not.” He stressed the fact, hoping you understood what he meant.
“Is that what you want me to do?” You asked, confused by his response.
“No, I don’t want—“ he cut himself off, realizing how harsh and condescending the words sounded. “I love you, Y/N, and that’s why I can’t fucking talk to you, because I know I shouldn’t!” You were stunned, taken back by his bold confession and unsure how to respond to it. Your eyes widened, your lips parted as you breathed in his bare honesty hanging in the air. “I’ve spent three years falling for you, and it fucking kills me, but I can’t get you out of my head. Your perfect smile, and that cute little laugh, and the fact you care about everyone and everything, no matter what. You take care of all of us, all of the time. You’re funny, you’re smart, and you are way out of my league.”
You were so shocked at his confession that you forgot to breathe for a moment, and the fact he thought you were out of his league was laughable. You were in such a state that you didn’t think your actions through before responding, and an actual laugh fell from your lips. As soon as the sound reached your ears, your hand instinctively raised and clamped over your mouth, horrified that you made the sound in the first place. A flash of hurt crossed his face, the small expression telling you he regretted speaking at all. The laugh cut deep, but he was misunderstanding the intent behind it.
“You know what? Never mind. Pretend I never said anything at all.” He muttered, stepping towards the door.
“No, Jake.” You stepped forward, this time to stop him from leaving. “I’m not laughing at you.” You promised, your cool hand landing on his noticeably warm biceps. The soft fabric of his shirt felt good on your fingers, and an unfamiliar feeling blossomed in the pit of your stomach. “It’s just… I spent so long thinking you hated me. It’s a lot to take in. You have to understand that.” His eyes flickered back to you, then down to your hand on his arm. There was no longer any malice in his face, the softness of his features all the more alluring now that his defences were down. “Just… work with me, please?”
“Okay.” He whispered, turning back towards you slowly.
“I just… I think that you believing I’m out of your league is funny, because it couldn’t be further from the truth.” You explained, your voice quiet. The two of you were closer than you’d ever been, the heat of his body radiating from him. The sweet, intoxicating smell of his cologne you remembered so fondly from the night in the bathroom hit you with full force, skewing every one of your morals the longer you breathed it in. The drunken, desperate part of you was almost willing to forgo any tough conversation and have your way with him then and there, but you managed to stave off the urge for a little longer. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why would I, Y/N?” He asked, frustrated by the thought, but much more calm now that he understood your feelings a bit better. “Why would I try to pursue you, when we both know that I’m no good for you?”
“No good for me?” You asked, inching closer to him in hopes you wouldn’t have to give up the contact with him.
“Yeah,” he nearly scoffed the word. “No good for you. Think about it, sweetheart. You are a ray of sunshine, all of the time. You light up a room wherever you go, and everyone falls in love with you without even trying. You’re a social worker, for gods sake. You’re so good that you help people for a living, with no benefit to yourself. You remember the small details, you never make anyone feel left out or forgotten. You’re good, and I’m not. I treated you like shit for three years because I couldn’t let myself drag you down with me. I didn’t want to do that to you, but I had to.”
“What are you talking about, Jake? You wouldn’t be dragging me down at all.” You wished he would hear how ridiculous his words sounded, but he was stubborn, and you knew that for a fact.
“I’m miserable. I’m mean, and I’m snarky when I don’t even want to be. I’ve got a temper, and I say things I shouldn’t. You don’t deserve someone like that. You deserve someone who’s just as happy as you are, who puts out just as much good in the world. You’re waking up at three in the morning to go to the hospital and help out a family in need, and I’m just passing out drunk on someone’s couch. You help people, and I hurt people, even when I don’t want to. You don’t deserve that, Y/N, and I can’t do that to you. I bit my tongue because I wanted you to fall in love with someone who could make you happy.” He explained, his drunken ramblings tugging at your heartstrings.
“Jake,” you whispered, your hand tightening on his arm to pull his attention towards you. Now that he started, he couldn’t seem to stop himself from talking. All that he held back for so long was finally surfacing, and it didn’t seem to want to slow.
“I wanted you to fall in love with Sam, because you two are great for each other. It would have sucked, but I know that you deserve someone who can love you like that. I hate myself for pushing you so far away, but I had to, for you. I didn’t want you to get involved with me, because you are too bright and shiny, and I’m a little bit broken. I don’t know how to love, I’m not good at it, and you should be with someone who can give you the world.”
“Hey.” You said, firm as you dropped your hold on his arm. You reached up, taking his cheeks between your hands and forcing him to look at you. “You don’t get to decide that for me. You don’t get to choose who is good for me and who isn’t, Jacob.” You said, swallowing hard as his brown eyes seemed to be staring into your soul. “You’re not broken, and you’re not bad, Jake. I’ve seen it before, and I’m seeing it right now. You have a big heart, and you care so much, even if you aren’t the best at showing it.” You breathed, looking over his face. Your heart was beating fast, your chest a mess of emotions you’d never quite felt before in your life. You were angry, confused, but also incredibly happy to finally hear the truth coming from his lips. You were oddly attracted to him in the moment, and you finally felt like the two of you were on the same page.
“I don’t like Sam that way, because I’m not looking for someone bright and shiny. I’m looking for someone who makes me feel something, and you do, and you always have. Why do you think I’m still trying so hard? After this long, I still want to be around you, and I still want to talk to you. I like being bright and shiny, and I like helping people. That’s who I am, and I can’t change that, but there’s nothing wrong with you, Jake. You said you’re ‘bad’, but how could you be? You spent three years putting me before you, because you didn’t want to hurt me.” You explained, begging for him to see reason. “What you just said to me, about how you feel… Jake, nobody’s ever said anything like that before. Nobody’s ever cared like that before.”
“I do care, and I definitely don’t hate you. I had to push you away, because every time I see you, I want to tell you how badly I need you. I tried so hard to get over you, but I can’t get you out of my fucking head.” At that, his hands raised to your hips, drawing you closer to him as he spoke.
“I’m not asking you to, Jake.” You said, your head spinning from the feeling of his hands on you. It felt so good, so unlike anything you’d ever felt before. Your hands were still on his cheeks, his face unbearably close to your own. After hearing everything he had to say, it made sense. All of the staring, his avoidance of being alone with you, the sweet moment in the bathroom. “I like you, in all of your grumpiness. I think you’re funny, and smart, and you are incredibly talented. I like that you play songs for me on the guitar, even if you don’t want to admit it, and I love that you love me so selflessly. You don’t get to decide if you’re no good for me, and you don’t get to force me to fall in love with someone else, because right now, I’m quite interested in knowing what it’s like to love you.”
“You can’t just say stuff like that, sweetheart.” He warned, his tone gravelly as his heart began to beat solely for you, for the moment you were sharing.
“I’m not just saying it. I mean it. After all this time, I’m still here, listening to everything you have to say.”
“I did play that song for you. I wanted to see you smile.” He confessed, almost pained at how badly he needed to see the joy written over your face. “I wanted to hear you sing it. I wanted you to sit next to me. I want it all, Y/N, all of the god damn time. I want you, but I don’t know how to do it right.”
“We can work on that part, because I want you too, Jake. I can’t walk away from you after you said all of that, because I don’t think I’ll every find anyone else quite like you. I don’t care if you’re grumpy, and I don’t care if you have a hard time showing how you feel. You’re not broken, and you’re not bad for me.” You felt your lips upturn into a small smile, noticing the blush of his cheeks and all of the small details you never had the chance to admire.
There was a splatter of freckles across the bridge of his nose, like a constellation gracing his tanned skin. His brown eyes were even more breathtaking up close, and the fullness of his lips were more tempting than they’d ever been. You wanted to lean forward, to taste the sweetness he’d been withholding from you. The stony expression you’d grown so used to finally melted away, and you could see why he always adorned it while around you. Now that his cover was blown, the mask was gone, and he was looking at you with nothing but love in his eyes.
He was still hesitant, nervous about tainting the perfection you carried around with you. He didn’t want to dim your light, and he didn’t want to hurt you anymore.
“Stop pushing me away, Jacob. I don’t want to be anywhere else, or with anyone else.” You whispered. “I don’t want to walk away and forever wonder what it would feel like to love you. I can’t keep replaying ‘what if’s’ in my head for the rest of my life, and I don’t want that for you, either.”
“I’m not good at this stuff, sweetheart.”
“We’ll never know if we don’t try.” You offered, gravity pulling your face closer to his. Your nose was brushing his own, the smell of whiskey on his breath apparent and inviting. You weren’t sure what he was doing to you, but you’d never been so overcome with emotion in your entire life. “I don’t need someone bright and shiny, Jake. I need someone that balances me out. I need you.” His grip on your hips tightened, the breath catching in his throat at the three little words he’d been longing to hear since he first laid eyes on you.
“You mean it?” He asked, raising one eyebrow in inquiry as he ensured you were certain about everything you said. He didn’t want you to wake up tomorrow and regret it, realizing you drank too much and that he was too much.
“I mean it, Jake. I need you.” You stressed your point, desperate for him to close the gap between your mouths and finally give you the satisfaction of kissing him. Many nights you spent awake in bed, angry about his behavior and unbelievably turned on at how much you liked it. You hated yourself for being attracted to his behavior, but now that it made sense, you didn’t need to feel that way ever again. All the shame was gone, dissolving into one, unbearable, undying need for him.
The two of you clicked, better than anyone else ever had before. Even when you were arguing, short with each other and trying your best to stay away, there was always something. Whether it be a lingering stare, an accidental touch, or a sweet moment when you least expected it, he never failed to capture your attention and you couldn’t seem to pull yourself away. He was infuriating, but you always seemed to come back for more, unable to refute his beauty and unable to resist the urge to know him. You couldn’t stand the idea of him disliking you, because you so badly wanted him to feel the same way about you. You wanted him to be caught up on you, curious about you and desperate to know more. You wanted him to be drawn to you in the same way, and you couldn’t handle him pushing you aside because your interest in him was driving you crazy.
“Say it one more time?” He asked, his lips just barely brushing over your own as he spoke.
“Please, Jake. I need you to kiss me.” You repeated, stronger than the last. Before the last word fully left your mouth, his lips were on yours and he was pulling you into him by your hips.
With your body pressed against his own, you felt all of the tension between the two of you finally subside. His lips were locked with yours, finally getting the satisfaction he’d been craving for so long. Your hands held his face, the touch tender and telling of your enjoyment. The tips of your fingers were tangled in the strands of his hair, the soft chestnut locks twisted around your fingers in a way you only ever imagined they would be. The taste of him on your tongue was addicting, even more so as his tongue swiped over your bottom lip, begging you to let him take it further. You parted your lips for him, feeling his tongue quickly take advantage of the opportunity you had given him.
He tasted as sweet as you imagined he would, the warm remnants of whiskey he was drinking still lingering on him. He was addicting, intoxicating, and he was driving you insane without even trying. His hands on your hips were rough but gentle all the same, holding you tightly but cautious as if he thought he might break you. For the first time in your life, you were overtaken by greed, completely blind to anything other than your desire for him. The heat of his body as he held you to him, how perfect the two of you felt pressed together, was better than anything you’d ever felt in your entire life. His heart was beating hard against his chest, in time with yours as the two of you melted into one, cohesive mess for each other.
You let a moan slip out into his mouth, unable to hide your enjoyment for the moment. You felt his fingers tighten on you as he drank in the sound, surviving off of the sweet noise and locking it up in his heart for safe keeping. He pulled away from you, breathless with stars dancing in his eyes as he looked down at your face. His lips were swollen, the slight pout that so often made an appearance was nowhere to be found. He looked stunning, and you couldn’t believe he felt such a way about you.
“Hard for me to behave myself when you sound like that.” He huffed, his pupils growing large as he continued to study your expression.
“Who said you had to behave?” You asked, a sparkle of mischief shining in your eyes.
“Fuck, baby.” He groaned, your words hitting him harder than you thought they would.
He reached down, his hands landing on the back of your thighs as he lifted you in one swift motion. You locked your arms around his neck, your stomach twisting with excitement as you wrapped your legs around him. As he pressed his lips to yours again, he took a step forward. You were so immersed in the feeling of kissing him that you barely registered the chill that ran through you as he pressed your back up against the wall. With his newfound leverage, he pressed himself further into you, your hips meeting his as he kissed you. The intensity of the moment grew tenfold, especially with the new position.
The burning sensation in the pit of your stomach had prompted an ache between your legs that was becoming harder to ignore the longer he kissed you. Your dress had ridden up your thighs, resting just below your hips now. You quickly understood that you were not the only one with a growing problem, and you could feel his own desperation as your clothed cunt met with his cock through his pants. You could feel his entire length against you, and as much as you loved the feeling of kissing him, it made it incredibly hard to think about anything else.
His strong hands held your thighs, never letting you believe he’d drop you. He had you pinned against the wall, leaving no room for you to escape, and you were happy with it; there was nothing in the world that could stop you now, especially after feeling the euphoric affect of his touch. He was overwhelming entirely, but in the best possible way. You couldn’t even manage to form a coherent thought about anything other than the way he was making you feel, and you were eager to explore the possibilities the night held.
You tangled your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, allowing yourself to fully embrace how good he was making you feel with such a small amount of effort. His hands felt like they were burning into your skin, the touch melting into you, and his chest pressed against yours felt right. The scent of his cologne lingered in the air, filling your senses every time you had a chance to catch your breath. Both of your lips were slippery, slick with saliva as he continued to kiss you, making even more of a mess. His lax attitude made it all the better, showing you that he was completely comfortable no matter how far you wanted to take it.
Perhaps the most pressing thought of all was how perfectly his hips met yours, and how badly you needed to feel it with less clothing in the way.
“Jake,” you breathed, parting from him as you rested your forehead against his.
“Could listen to you say my name like that for the rest of my fucking life.” He muttered, his tone gravelly and his gruffness making a return. This time, instead of irritating you, it sent a wave of pleasure straight through you. In an instant, you understood that his strong personality extended far beyond the realm of casual conversation, and you were eager to see it in action in a whole new way.
“I want you, baby.” You said, the words falling from your lips in a whimper. The need for him completely overtook you, in a way you almost didn’t believe possible. An hour ago, you were furious with him, convinced that he hated you and wanted nothing to do with you. Now, you were digesting the fact that no touch had ever felt so good, and you would do anything to be under him, just for a night. “Please.”
“Tell me what you want, beautiful.” He said, looking over your face with a fire in his eye that you ignited. It felt good to be looked at in such a way, like the whole world turned just for you. “Tell me everything.” He ordered, willing to comply with every one of your wishes, but wanting you to give him every one of the details.
“I want it all, Jake. I want you.” You explained, feeling his hips push forward. The pressure of his cock against your aching clit gave you a hint of relief, but it wasn’t enough. “I want you to make me feel good. I want you to touch me.” You pleaded.
“What else, gorgeous?” He asked, his lips ghosting over your jaw. You let your head fall back against the wall, giving him access to any part of you he wanted. His lips placed kisses along your jawline as he awaited an answer, sloppy as he began and growing even more so as he continued down to your neck.
“I want you to fuck me, Jake.” You confessed, free of any shame over the fact. “I need you to fuck me.” You corrected yourself, your desire pulsing under your skin as his tongue traced over the artery in your neck. He could feel your heartbeat on the tip of his tongue, your very life source offered to him on a silver platter. He pressed his lips to the pulse point, drinking in the desperation in your tone as he suctioned his lips around the very spot. Your eyes fluttered closed as he applied the slightest bit of pressure, focusing his attention there for a moment until he pulled away.
His eyes raked over the sight, the skin pink and irritated from his lips and darkening by the second. A perfect circular mark to remind you of him with every beat of your heart.
“I guess even a perfect little thing like you has some secrets to hide.” He rasped, his pupils consuming his irises as lust worked to craze him. “Tell me how you want me, angel, and I’ll give it to you.” You watched him carefully, your cheeks flushed and your skin hot. Your nipples were hard, pressed against his chest as he spoke to you. Every time he moved, the friction sent another rush of arousal straight to your core. Your skin was tingling, your excitement reaching every nerve ending and sending goosebumps prickling over your skin. “Tell me how you want me to fuck you, sweetheart.” He spoke again, trying to pry the dirty confession from you.
You had thought about it many times, but one thing you never seemed to consider was that in every fantasy, you got off from the simple idea of him doing whatever he wanted to you. Now, after experiencing touch from his hands, you felt that way more than ever before. No matter what he did to you, you knew you were bound to enjoy it.
“That’s it, beautiful? You want me to fuck you however I want?”
“Yes,” you nodded, excited just at the prospect. You looked over his face, piecing together every bit of information you knew about him. He was blunt, honest, and he liked to be in control. You couldn’t imagine sex with him being any other way than that, and you were eager to please him. If it was something as simple as that, you had no issue giving him the chance. “I just want to make you feel good, baby.”
The words seemed to cause a short circuit in his brain as he processed them. His hands tightened on you, his cock pushing forward into your cunt even further and his breath caught in his throat. He studied you for a moment, quiet and concentrated as he tried his best to figure you out. After a moment, his lips upturned into a devious smirk.
“Have you thought about me like this before, sweetheart?” He hummed, smug as he asked you the invasive question. Your cheeks burned red, your heart beating faster than normal as you quickly tried to find a cover up for the truth. Then, you realized you didn’t really care at all. You had thought about him in that way, and you had no reason to be embarrassed about it at all.
“I have.” You gave a slight nod, confirming his suspicion.
“And you got off to that? The thought of being my little fuck toy?” He pressed further, his intent to get you to admit to the dirty little fantasy. Although you wouldn’t have worded it quite the same as he did, the sentiment was the same, and you did get off on that thought alone. “Don’t be shy now, baby.” He said, his fingers snaking up the skirt of your dress.
“I did,” you whispered, biting down on the inside of your lip as you waited for him to respond.
“And you’ve been keeping that to yourself all this time?” He asked, his nose brushing against your jaw as his lips ghosted over your neck again. You squirmed under his touch, the feeling of his hot breath on your skin driving you insane. The tips of his fingers found your hips, settling just below the elastic waistband of your underwear.
He was going to be the death of you, and you were certain of that.
“Let me get this straight, angel.” He contined, pressing a delicate kiss to the sensitive spot just below your ear. A breathy wine pushed past your lips, your entire body ablaze with desire and desperate for him to do something other than tease you. “Did you like it when I was mean to you?” His words were soft, carefully treading the topic as he continued to gently rock his hips against your own. The dry friction was enough to keep you sane, but nowhere near what you needed. He took your silence as enough of an answer, smiling against you as you contined to try and move your hips further down on him. “Never would have guessed that Little Miss Sunshine likes to be treated like a whore.”
“Oh, fuck.” You whimpered, your eyes squeezing shut as you tried to press your thighs together to get a bit of friction. So strung out on desire, you didn’t even realize that all it was doing was pulling him further in to you.
“I bet that pretty cunt is such a mess for me, isn’t it?” He asked, pulling you away from the wall and stepping towards the bed. His hands were on your ass, firmly holding you so you did not have to fear him dropping you.
His cockiness was infuriating in any other context, but in the moment it was sending you feral. You were a shell of who you were earlier that night, the only thing fuelling you was your lust for the man below you. You were desperate, willing to do anything to have him, and finally coming to terms with the fact that your secret fantasies about him had nothing on real life.
“Answer me.” He growled, his fingers tightening on you as he drew your attention back to his question.
“Fuck yes, Jake.” You rushed out, feeling guilty for leaving him hanging.
“You want me to take care of that ache between your legs? Make you feel all better?” He asked, his eyes flickering to your face.
“Yes, please.” You nodded, meeting his gaze with doe eyes that seemed to drive him crazy. With that, he dropped you down on the mattress, the impact lessened by the springs bouncing you back upwards.
“You want me to take care of you, we do this my way.” He said, now gazing down at you with a slight sneer on his face. “Sound good to you, angel?” You nodded, never daring to look away from him. “First off, you refer to me as sir.” He waited until you processed the information before speaking again. “You answer when spoken to.” He added.
“Yes, sir.” You nodded. A small smirk turned his lips at the sound of your response.
“And the last one,” he crouched down, eye level with you to ensure you understood the importance of his rule. “Don’t ever, under any circumstance, be afraid to tell me to stop.” At that, a smile turned your lips, and he reached up to cup your face. “Okay?”
“Okay.” You nodded, your eyes fluttering closed at the feeling of his thumb drifting over your cheek.
“As for me, I’m going to enjoy this no matter how it goes, so tonight’s an apology for how poorly I treated you.”
“It’s okay, Jake.” You assured him, feeling slightly sad that he felt the need to settle the score. “You don’t have to apologize for anything.”
“I want to, ‘cause you deserve so much more than that.”
“Okay.” You breathed, nodding against his gentle hold. His thumb drifted downwards, caressing the smooth skin on your face until it landed over your bottom lip. He traced the outline, taking a moment to admire you and appreciate all he had. As he did so, you placed a kiss to the pad of his thumb, feeling an unfamiliar tug in your heart that did not match the energy the rest of the night held.
For some reason, in that moment, things finally began to sink in for you, and you finally saw him for all he was. He wasn’t just some angry man who was unjust and cruel. He was a person, with feelings that plagued him every day, feelings for you. He chose to push you away not because it would do any good for him, but because he wanted what was best for you. From that alone, you could see that he cared for you far beyond what anyone else ever had. In some strange, twisted turn of events, you could physically feel the pull of emotion in your chest, the blossoming feelings for Jake and all he was, including his pessimistic and avoidant attitude.
This was what was meant for the two of you. Not the fighting, or the avoidance, but this; a blatant and unashamed attempt to show each other how you felt. The whole time, he only wanted to love you, and you only ever wanted him to like you. You had no idea why you wanted him to like you so bad until the sweet words began to fall from his lips, and now you understood that you had always wanted him to be the one to say such things to you.
He was a mystery that you promised yourself you wouldn’t solve, but that’s exactly what you’d been trying to do all along. You started every conversation with the intent of turning it deeper, and you left empty handed and heartbroken because you always felt like there should have been something more between you. If you didn’t truly believe so, you would have quit a long time ago.
Instead of dwelling on the past, you allowed yourself to live in the moment. The rough pad of his thumb still rested on the delicate skin of your lips, and you did the only logical thing that was running through your mind; you parted your lips ever so slightly, pulling the digit into your mouth and letting it rest on your tongue. You suctioned your cheeks around it ever so slightly, your eyes fluttering up to meet his as you did so. His expression was deadly, his eyes focused on you as his jaw clenched and the familiar muscle in his jaw flexed. Slowly, you moved your head back, his thumb sliding from your lips and falling from your mouth with a faint popping sound.
A low groan rattled his chest, his eyes fluttering closed as his head fell towards the ground. You watched him, eyes never leaving him so you could soak up every bit of his energy. “You trying to fucking kill me, sweetheart?” He asked, the rhetoric meant to go unanswered as his hands landed on your hips.
He pulled your near the edge of the bed, settling himself on his knees before you as his hand grabbed the fabric of your dress. He bunched the material in his fists, sliding it upwards with help from you as you lifted your ass from the mattress. When the bottom of the skirt landed near your navel, he dipped his fingers underneath the elastic of your underwear, using the opportunity to pull them down your thighs before you returned to your earlier position.
With your ass resting on the edge of the bed and your lower half bare, he couldn’t seem to control himself any longer. This was a moment he thought about often, but never truly believed he would experience.
“Do you know how often I thought about you like this?” He asked, his fingers roughly guiding your leg over his shoulder. The sudden action knocked the breath straight from your lungs, causing you to clench around nothing just from the thought of what he would do to you. “How many times I wanted to bring you up here and have you all to myself?”
“I thought about it too.” You breathed, your stare locked in on his face as his eyes scanned the sight before him. He leaned forward, his lips brushing over the soft skin of your inner thigh. Carefully, he sucked a trail of marks all the way up to the top of your thigh, determined to ensure you would remember the moment long after it passed. You reached down, brushing the long locks of brown hair away from his face so you could see the whole sight with nothing standing in the way. “I thought about it all of the fucking time.” You let out a shallow breath, watching as his mouth turned inwards towards your cunt.
Your stomach twisted into knots as you watched his tongue dart over his bottom lip, the anticipation killing you the longer he withheld his tongue from you. Without any further words, he leaned forward, unable to wait any longer and let his tongue connect with your core. Starting at your entrance, he let his tongue flatten against you, slowly moving it upwards through your folds until it landed on your clit. He took in a sharp breath before moving his tongue downwards and repeating the action for a second time. When his tongue settled over your clit again, he moved away just for a moment.
“You taste so fucking good, angel.” He rasped, his fingers tightening on your hips as he savored the taste of your arousal on his tongue. It was even better, knowing that he was the reason behind it. “Just as sweet as I thought you would be.”
A pathetic little whine fell from your lips, your face burning and your heart pounding in your chest as he lowered his mouth on you again. This time, his tongue went straight to your clit, his actions full of intent. As soon as his tongue began to trace over the sensitive bundle of nerves, your entire body began to tremble. You tangled your hands in his hair, a shaky breath leaving your lips as he focused his full attention there for a moment.
It has been too long since you had sex, and everything he did felt so good. You were a mess for him before he ever took your clothes off, and you knew it wouldn’t take long before he had you exactly where he wanted you. Your eyes fluttered closed, your head falling back on your shoulders as he worked at you, drinking up every drop of arousal you had to offer. His tongue felt so soft, warm and wet against you, making every movement all the more fantastic.
The power he held over you was nearly incomprehensible. Never in your life had another person affected you so badly and deeply, in everything that he did. Every lingering glance, slight smile and even the roll of his eyes, he had you hanging off it and asking for more. Even when you thought he despised you, you couldn’t shake the temptation to reach out and try again, because even a miserable interaction with Jake was better than nothing at all. You were a fool to think that the same emotions wouldn’t carry over into sex, but with his mouth on you, working you up to an orgasm, you realized that there was nobody in the world quite like him.
He was snide, sharp-tongued and quick witted. He was an enigma, catching attention no matter where he was or what he was doing. You were so convinced he hated you because it was easier to believe than anything else; even then, with his hands on your hips and his mouth on your cunt, you could hardly believe Jake Kiszka was interested in you at all. To know he spent so long hung up on you, thinking he wasn’t good enough for you was nearly painful to imagine. He was everything, even when he wasn’t saying anything at all. He was the whole world, and it felt like you were just living in it, which was why it was so hard to exist without any type of relationship with him. You wanted Jake to know you, to like you, to think of you in the same way you thought of him when you had a moment to yourself.
He let out a hum against you, the vibration running through your whole body and furthering the waves of pleasure already washing over you. You let out a sharp moan, your fingers tightening around the locks of his hair. You laid back on the bed, careful so not as to disturb him while he worked. The new position gave you a bit more control over the motion of your hips, and a lot more pleasure. He took advantage of your new position, pulling your ass off the bed and closer to him so he did not have to lean so far forward.
He groaned against you, completely overtaken with desire and unable to hide his enjoyment as your hips moved against his tongue to meet his time. The fire in the pit of your stomach was growing at a rapid rate, taking over your entire body and causing your mind to jumble with thoughts of nothingness. You needed it more than you ever needed anything in your entire life, and he was quite aware of that as you bucked your hips forward despite his tight hold. He was encouraging you further with every flick of his tongue, and just as you thought you couldn’t take any more, he reached between your legs and added his middle and index finger to you.
Your hips jerked upwards in reaction to the curl of his fingers, which hit against the sensitive spot inside you every time he pumped them into you. You could feel him smirking against you, cocky and rightfully so as he realized how good he was making you feel.
“Oh, fuck.” You whined, your eyes squeezed shut as a particularly intense wave of euphoria took hold. Your abdomen was tense, just the same as your limbs. You felt like if you moved an inch, you would lose the pleasure he was so kindly granting you. “Jake, m’gonna cum.” You warned, feeling the sensation in the pit of your stomach grow stronger, snowballing as it spread across your skin.
He continued to pump his fingers in time with the movements, pushing you closer to the edge by the second. You pulled your leg casted over his shoulders inwards towards you, drawing him in further as he worked at you with intent. You could feel a sheen layer of sweat forming on your skin, glistening under the moonlight through the window to illuminate the sin you were engaging in. The obscenity of the display the two of you found yourselves in was a picture that would be framed in your minds forever, the memory of the event seeping into the walls and remaining there forevermore. You wouldn’t be able to rid the memory from your brain even if you wanted to, and that was okay by you, because Jake was the best that you had ever had.
With one last curl of his fingers, he sent you over the edge, the knot in your belly tightening and snapping under the pressure. Your walls squeezed around his fingers, pulling him in further as his tongue traced over your clit. You cried out for him, pleading for more and less all at the same time, pleading for mercy you knew he would not give. Your hands in his hair were pushing him away and pulling him closer all the same, and you had never felt so strung out on pleasure in your entire life.
“Oh, god.” You whined, your thighs squeezing around his head as he confined to work you through the climax. His hands on your hips, bruising the delicate skin made your heart beat only for him in that moment, living just from the generosity he was granting you and thankful to be his.
When your body relaxed against the bed, he slowed his movements, eventually pulling away from you. Although you were grateful that he didn’t push you to the point of overstimulation, you immediately missed the feeling of his tongue, grieving the loss as if it were something catastrophic.
To you, it was.
He slowly rose to his feet, his hand swiping your arousal from his chin before they dropped to his shirt, quickly unbuttoning it and throwing it to the floor. You looked up at him, in awe of his blinding beauty and unable to process anything further than that. He unbuckled his belt, pulling it from the loops in one swift motion and tossing it to the floor.
“Get up.” He ordered, his usual expression taking over his face again, but this time it seemed even more ethereal. You did as he asked, rising from the bed and to your feet. “M’sorry, angel. Been waiting so fucking long. I need to feel you.” He said, kicking his pants and his boxers to the side to join the rest of his clothes on the floor. He stepped towards you, your eyes trained on his body as you tried to sear the sight into memory forever. He was stunning, more than you ever thought he could be, and seeing all of him only made you realize how lucky you were.
His hands snaked under your dress, pulling the tight material over your head and tossing it to the floor. Now that you were fully naked, he took full advantage of the fact and let his hands wander over you as he pulled you in for a kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue, the feeling sending you feral as the pad of his thumb brushed over your nipple. You wanted to tell him he didn’t need to apologize for anything, that you needed him inside of you just as bad as he did. As your hands roamed his bare torso, you understood you didn’t have to say a word because he could feel how badly you wanted him.
He guided you to the edge of the mattress, taking a seat in front of the vanity Sam had placed at the end of the bed. He sat first, keeping his hands on your hips as he guided you towards him. With a smile, you placed your knees on either side of him, keeping a hand on the back of his neck to steady yourself.
“God, you’re so fucking beautiful. Wish you could see yourself like this.” He muttered, his head craned upwards to meet your gaze as he lined himself with your entrance. The feeling of him against you was fantastic, only growing more so as he ran his tip your arousal. He bright his cock forward, guiding himself so he could slide over your clit. Your hips moved downwards in reaction to the feeling, in search of more. The pressure of him resting against you increased, only worsening your growing need for him. “Come here, gorgeous.” He muttered, carefully guiding your hips backwards. You felt him slide through your folds again, the sensation something so different than anything you’d felt before. When he settled by your entrance again, he couldn’t wait any longer to pull you down on him.
You both let out an audible sigh of relief as he pushed inside of you, the feeling of him filling you so fantastic that you needed to take a moment to appreciate it. You weren’t used to his size, but the stretch of your walls as he pulled your hips down to meet his was fantastic.
“So fucking tight,” he muttered, his nose brushing yours as your forehead rested against his own. “Feel even better than I imagined.” He confessed, his hands trailing up your torso and tickling your skin. You began to move your hips, starting with a slow pace while you both grew comfortable with each other.
You weren’t sure why, but the thought of him imagining the two of you in such a way was enough to get you off all by itself. It affected you so much, you couldn’t help but bring it up with him.
“Yeah?” You hummed, maintaining a slow roll of your hips against him. The ends of your hair tickled the skin of your back, tangling with his fingers as he held your chest to his. “You thought about me like this? Just like this?” You continued, adding a little extra force to your hips as you came down on him.
“All of the time, Y/N.” He said, one hand reaching around you and landing on your ass. His fingers tightened against you, his palm settling directly on the curve of your ass. “Thought about how good that pretty little cunt would feel wrapped around me every fucking night.” He confessed, leaning forward and capturing you in a kiss. He pulled your bottom lip between his teeth, biting down with just enough force to cause your hips to stutter while they moved against him. “Takes everything in me not to take you upstairs and fuck you every time I see you.”
“I thought about you too.” You whined, your eyes fluttering closed as you focused on the feeling of him inside of you. You were without shame anymore, knowing that the two of you were finally on the same page. He thought about you just as much as you thought about him, he wanted it just as bad as you did, and you felt no need to hide it from him.
“Yeah?” He asked, thrilled at the sound of your words despite already knowing as much. His hand on your ass was guiding you down further every time you moved your hips, adding just a little more pressure to the already overwhelming sensation. “Did you play with yourself while you thought of me, angel?” He asked, his lips hovering over your ear as he spoke. The low tone sent a shiver down your spine, and his warm breath on your skin sent goosebumps rising across your entire body. Your hand on his shoulder tightened, but you did not confirm or deny the fact. “Come on, don’t be shy.” He coerced you to answer, leaning forward and gently pulling your earlobe between his teeth. “Want to know all of your dirty little secrets, beautiful.”
“I-I did,” you stuttered, clenching around him ever so slightly. He was impossible to resist and denying him the truth seemed more painful than confessing.
“So I was the one keeping you up at night?” He asked, a little breathless as he spoke as if the idea sent him spiraling. “My name on your lips as you imagined it was me touching you instead? And I wasn’t even there to hear how fucking desperate you were.” He said the second part with a hint of disappointment, as if he was grieving the loss without ever knowing he missed out. “You’re breaking my heart, angel.” He muttered, pushing your hair away from your neck as he pressed a kiss atop the darkening marks he’d already left behind.
“M’sorry, sir.” You pleaded, unsure why you were apologizing but doing so because you were terrified he might stop. He was silent for a moment, his tongue grazing your skin. The saltiness on the tip of his tongue seemed to drive him mad, his stature rigid and his chest heaving with every breath.
“Turn around for me, sweetheart.” He said, ignoring your apologies as his eyes focused on the mirror in front of him. He felt selfish being the only one who could appreciate the view of the scene you found yourselves in.
You slowed your movements, pulling away from him as you complied with his request without hesitation. Slowly, you got to your feet, turning around so you were facing the large vanity mirror as well. He reached out, his hands landing on your hips as he guided you back towards him. You placed your legs on either side of him, feeling him reach between your bodies to line himself back up with you. Once he knew you were comfortable, he pulled your upper half towards him, your back pressed against his chest as he slowly lowered your hips onto him.
“Want you to see how pretty you look when I fill you.” He muttered, pulling you down until he filled up you completely. A shaky breath left your lips as the tip of his cock brushed against your g-spot, the sight almost too much for you to handle. He reached up, brushing your hair from your shoulders and pulling it all to one side. He draped it over one side of you, his chin nestling on the opposite shoulder as you began to move against him again.
With the new position, you could see everything. The furrow of his brow as he bargained with the pleasure of feeling you, his clenched jaw as he tried to keep himself calm, and more importantly, you could see him fucking into you, every time your hips raised and sank back down on him. It was almost too much to take, the sight so obscene yet so beautiful all at once. His hand snaked between your legs, his middle finger resting over your clit as he began to trace slow circles around it. Your legs trembled as you tried to keep a steady pace, the burning in your belly reaching a new level as you watched his lust-crazed eyes, never daring to look away from you.
“This is what you fantasized about, sweetheart?” He asked, making you understand the real reason he switched the position. He wanted you to remember, to know exactly what it looked like as he fucked you, so you had something to think about the next time your mind wandered when you were alone.
“Yes, sir.” You whimpered, your entire body ablaze with emotion. You’d never felt so good, and you’d never felt so alive. Sex with Jake was phenomenal, something so filthy that it only existed in the darkest depths of your mind, even when he wasn’t doing much at all. The closeness was enough to drive you insane, and the pleasure was enough to put you in the grave. His stern demeanor was infuriating outside of the bedroom, but seemed to further his charm as soon as his clothes were off.
“Want you to think about it every time you play with that pretty pussy.” He growled, his hips raising off the bed to meet yours in a moment of high emotion. You let out a muffled yelp, biting down on your lip to silence the sound as it passed through you. “If that’s still not enough, you just let me know. I’ll be happy to take care of her, whenever you need me.” He assured you, his teeth sinking into the skin of your shoulder. The miniscule pain from the action only furthered the knot tightening in your belly. You needed to let go, to show him how good he was making you feel. You needed it more than anything you’d ever needed in your life. The pressure of his jaw slackened, and you felt his tongue gently trace the skin his teeth had marked, soothing the slight irritation he left behind.
A moan fell from your lips, loud and telling of the surplus of pleasure coursing through your body. His finger continued to trace your clit, relentless and unapologetic as he tried to pry another orgasm from you. It was becoming harder to focus, the sensation quickly turning into the only thing you could think about. You watched his face in the mirror, studying the beauty of the man below you. He was concentrated, certain of what he wanted and unwilling to stop until he got it. As you contined to watch him, you understood that his eyes were no longer trained to your face, and instead his gaze had fallen downward, settled on the exact spot where the two of you met. Your stomach burned as you realized he was watching himself fuck into you, the simple idea pushing you just a little closer to the edge.
“You going to cum for me again, angel?” He asked, his tone sickly sweet as if you had a choice in the matter. He wasn’t going to stop until you did, and the question only served as a catalyst in his ever growing ego problem.
Perhaps you were the real catalyst in the equation, because you seemed to lack any self control when it came to him, and you wouldn’t dare deny him of a single wish.
“Yes, sir.” You groaned, your eyes closing and your head falling towards the floor. You felt like you had no control over your body, your movements only made to further the pleasure he was already giving you. It was necessity rather than want; you were tired, but you couldn’t fathom stopping. You wanted to exist in the moment for the rest of your life, never letting him go and never worrying about anything else.
“Look at me.” He growled, his hand raising to your face. He clamped your cheeks between his fingers, forcing your head back upwards to face the mirror. Your body was overtaken with euphoria by the harshness of his actions, the feeling of his hand tightly holding your face adding the extra little bit of pleasure needed to send you over the edge. “Watch how good you look when you cum for me.”
“Oh, fuck.” You whimpered, your movements stuttering as the sensation became too much to withstand.
“That’s it,” he rasped, continuing to hold your head in place. “That’s my fucking girl.” The possessive claim sent you spiraling, the term too much to bear in combination with everything else he was doing to you.
Your walls squeezed around him, pulling him in further and locking him there as your second orgasm washed over you. He raised his hips off the bed, continuing the same pace as your body froze in place. His finger on your clit never faltered, ensuring that you got the most out of the orgasm. He continued to whisper the sweet nothings in your ear, praising you for the show you were putting on as profanities fell from your lips. Your cheeks were red, your face hot as the sensation infiltrated every nerve in your body. Your eyes remained locked on the two of you, soaking in every detail as he worked you through the climax, admiring him as he remained so tentative as you unravelled around him.
Before the pleasure fully subsided, you could feel him shift underneath you. His finger moved from your clit, instead his hand holding your hips as he began to stand. He held you as he stood, guiding you upright with him without ever pulling out of you. Your mind was foggy and your limbs weak as you barely worked to help him, but he didn’t care about the lack of support. He was crazed enough from the look on your face that something superhuman took hold. He pushed you forward, closer to the vanity as his eyes stayed locked on your face.
You raised your hands to the cabinet, knowing his course of action before he ever began. You began to regain your wits at the same time as he pushed your upper half down towards the wooden surface. Your chest landed on the frigid surface, sending a shock through your body as you felt it. He reached upwards, his hand gathering your hair and knotting it around his fist as he began to move his hips. The new position allowed for much more freedom, and much more control. As much as he enjoyed the slowness as you grew familiar with the feeling of him inside you, he could only give up control for so long before he went insane.
“Being so good for me, sweetheart. Just a little bit longer, okay?” He pleaded, his hips slamming forward. A guttural moan tore through your chest, the pain and pleasure mixing together to create a whole new kind of feeling for you. You were tired, nearly fucked out and ready to go to sleep, but if he wanted it, so did you. You would do anything to please him and you would enjoy it while you did so.
“Y-yes, sir.” You complied, your eyes squeezing shut as you tried to fight of the irritating overstimulation trying so hard to take hold. “Whatever you want, sir.” You added, finding that talking was helping you come back to your senses a little more.
“Fuck, baby.” He hissed, his hand coming down on your ass with a force that sent your knees weak. The ring on his middle finger sent an aching pain across the flesh, but it was so addicting you barely thought twice about it. The stinging sensation spread across your skin, the redness already beginning to darken where his palm came in contact with you. “Take it so fucking good.” He praised, his dark eyes still watching your expression in the mirror. Your eyes fluttered open to meet his gaze, the desperation to please him evident and doing nothing but furthering the frenzy he was stuck in.
“F-feels so fucking g-good.” You gasped, stuttering the words out through a mess of moans. You raised your hips a little higher, sinking your upper half down so he could reach a whole new angle inside of you.
“Such a little whore.” He commented, tugging at your hair and forcing your head upwards. Your eyes raked over your reflection in the mirror, barely recognizing yourself so strung out on pleasure. “Do you like being a whore for me, angel?”
“I love it.” You confessed, your heavy-lidded stare burning into him. “Only for you, sir.” You added, ensuring he knew that now, he was the only one who would ever have access to that side of you.
“That’s right.” He affirmed your statement, his words gruff as his movements grew sloppy. He was being pulled in to the same euphoria you’d experienced at his hands only moments before, the sensation taking hold and growing impatient with him. He needed it, and after his generosity, you would do anything to get him there. “This is all for me now, sweetheart. Nobody else gets to see you like this.” A high pitched whine echoed through the room, confirming his feelings on the matter without any words needing to be spoken at all. You wanted to be his; you didn’t want anyone else to have you like that, ever again. He brought out a side of you that you barely knew to exist, and the thought of letting it go was grievous. “Do you understand me?” He growled, knowing you did but eager to hear it anyway.
“Yes, sir.” You panted, watching as wrinkles formed between his brows, showing you just how hard he was trying to hold back.
“Want to hear the words, baby.” He pressed further, his pace bruising and making it difficult to formulate the statement he wanted you to say. Another moan tore through you, your throat raw as it passed through. You were on the brink of another orgasm, so close but it seemed just out of reach.
“I’m all yours, sir.” You promised, pushing your hips back towards him to meet the time of his thrusts. As his cock slammed into your cervix, your knees went weak below you, threatening to collapse under your weight. He noticed the change in your posture, immediately slipping his arm under your hips to hold you upright.
No matter the circumstance, he wanted you to know that you would never have to worry about falling so long as he was there to catch you.
“Fuck, you feel good.” He let out a strained sigh, his face contorting into an expression of pleasure. He was close, but he wasn’t willing to give in until he gave you one last orgasm.
To you, the thought alone was ridiculous; after everything he’d already done for you, you couldn’t imagine him holding back any longer.
“S’okay, baby.” You breathed, catching his eye so he could see the sincerity in your face. “Want you to cum for me.” You said, your words hitting him like a brick. It seemed to cause a short circuit in his brain, the role switch sending him spiralling in an instant.
You could feel him pull out of you, both of you knowing he couldn’t push himself any further. Something seemed to take over you as he did so, unfamiliar but not unwelcome. You spun around, facing him and quickly dropping to your knees before him. You were nearly saddened at the thought of such an anticlimactic end for him, and the feeling forced you to take action as you moved your head forward and took him into your mouth. You could taste yourself on him as you bobbed your head down to take his full length, the simple fact causing the ache between your legs to worsen beyond anything it had already been that night. You missed the feeling of him inside you, but you were more eager to please him than you were to satisfy yourself.
He looked down at your face, shock written across his features as he processed your sudden change. It didn’t take long for the surprise to be forgotten, especially as his tip hit the back of your throat. His hand reached down, holding your hair in his hand so he did not have to miss a single detail of your face. The warm wetness of your mouth was just as inviting as your cunt, and the sensation furthered his pleasure as if he’d never pulled out of you at all. He didn’t want to push you, afraid that you might not be able to handle the same intensity in the newest position, but when you pushed your head further down on him and his cock slid down your throat, he quickly understood that you were willing to take whatever he wanted to give you.
His hips bucked forward in response to the feeling, and you forced yourself to swallow, your throat constricting around him and effortlessly sending him over the edge. At the same time, the most beautiful sound fell from his lips, gracing your ears and settling deep in the pit of your stomach.
For a moment, you felt like you could get off on the sound of his pleasure alone.
His posture slipped slightly as his orgasm washed over him, his release spilling down your throat as he held you to him. You moved your head against the force of his hand, your tongue moving against the underside of his cock as you swallowed back every last drop of him. A strangled cry left his lips as he pulled back, his hips jutting forward again as you ran your tongue over his tip. The saltiness lingered on your lips, making your mouth water and leaving you wanting more. In that moment, there wasn’t a single thing you wouldn’t do for the man standing before you.
“Get up.” He spat, his shoulders still heaving with his breaths. Your eyes flickered upwards, catching his gaze as you withdrew your head. His tip fell from your lips with a slight popping sound, and you couldn’t bite back the smirk forming on your lips. “You think you can do something like that and finish it there?” He growled, watching as you rose to your feet. He was not angry, and not a single part of his face gave you that impression. He was enamoured with you, unable to walk away without at least thanking you for the service, and he was completely beside himself with desire. “Turn around. I’m not fucking done with you, yet.”
You did as he asked, spinning back around to face the mirror. You sunk back to the position you were in moments before, your hands clamped around the edge of the wooden dresser. Instead of returning to his earlier position, he sunk to his knees similar to how you had done for him, his head between your legs and within seconds, his tongue connecting with your core.
He got straight to the point, so far gone he didn’t even care to tease you anymore as his tongue settled over your clit. Your hips moved back to meet his mouth, in desperate search of more and he barely even started. You were too far gone to care, much similar to him, and your body was still abuzz with the pleasure he had already granted you that night.
“Fuck, Jake.” You cried, your voice raspy and your tone breathy as your eyebrows knitted together in pleasure. His movements were different than before, more messy and much less calculated, but it almost made the entire ordeal even more enjoyable. The knowledge that he was completely feral for you alone was overwhelming, and the fact he was pleasuring you solely because he enjoyed it was something you’d never experienced before. “Please don’t stop, baby.” You pleaded, your heart thudding against your chest and your face hot with emotion. He moaned against you, assuring you he would never even dream of it. The sound appeared much more animalistic than it was before. His hands raised, grabbing your hips and pulling you back towards his face. He was working at you with desperation, like he needed it just as bad as you did.
Your stomach was tense, your legs trembling as his fingers bruised your skin. You were so close, too far gone to care about keeping yourself quiet and without a care in the world about the marks he was leaving on your body. You wanted to remember it, to wake up in the morning and see the dirty details of the night lingering on your skin. In days to come, you wanted to think of the night every time you took your clothes off, living in the feeling of being his just for a moment longer.
“Jake!” You cried, your knuckles white from your grip on the vanity. Your body ached with exhaustion, but you were in such desperate need of another climax that not even that could deter you. He hummed against you, the warmth of his tongue and the vibration of the sound working together to push you closer to the edge. You could barely think straight, your skin tingling with pleasure every time he moved. You worried that you might not survive the fall, the orgasm barreling towards you faster than you could comprehend. Then again, with him holding you, you had a lingering sense of comfort, like you could survive anything so long as he was there to support you through it.
With one last flick of his tongue, you were pushed over the edge and there was no coming back. A strangled whine tore through your chest, your legs locking in place as the sensation took hold. You were crying his name, begging him for something he couldn’t give, because not even you knew what you needed. He didn’t even think of moving away, working you through the process until you rode out the high, and even then he felt like he had to force himself away from you.
When you relaxed against him, you could barely keep your eyes open. You were so tired, so ready to curl up in bed with him by your side. You wanted to sleep soundly, so much so that you could forgo the conversation about what the two of you were and deal with it in the morning. You expected him to feel the same, but he rose to his feet with a whole new surge of energy overtaking him. Wordlessly, he helped you stand upright, spinning you around once more by your hips, but he didn’t let go this time. Instead, he lifted you up, similar to how he did earlier that night but with much more strength due to the lust working to his advantage. You wrapped your legs around him, exhausted but still able to comply to his demands. Your mind was elsewhere, your body working solely to please him as he held you to him with one hand. His other reached out, carelessly clearing the surface of the vanity with one swipe of his arm. The few items toppled over and landed on the floor, and he sat you down on the edge of it.
“I know you’re tired angel, but I need to feel you again. I can’t fucking help myself.” He explained, reaching between you and running his tip through the wetness still lingering between your legs. He was still achingly hard, in dire need of relief again despite his last orgasm only being moments before. Your eyes were drooping so close to closed, but as his cock drifted over your clit, your hips grinded forward into the feeling, in search of the very thing that might be the death of you.
Slowly, he thrusted himself forward, his dick falling into position and slowly pushing inside of you again. Unprotected sex was risky, especially after his previous orgasm, but neither of you seemed to care a bit about it, too desperate to be close to each other again. The sensation of him inside you was too much, the stretch of your walls as he filled you again so much more daunting than the last time. Still, despite your body screaming with overstimulation, you couldn’t deny how right it felt to have him so close.
“You can take it, baby. I know you can.” He encouraged, beginning a slow rock of his hips against you. The newest position allowed for a whole lot more intimacy, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t completely living for it. Your arms raised, locking around his neck and pulling him closer. “Being so, so good for me, baby.” He praised, his hands traveling over your bare back to pull your chest closer to him.
You were completely fucked out, and you had no idea how he was still going. You had a hard time imagining that you had such an effect on him, but the proof was in his actions. This time around, he was much more generous with his sweet side, and had much less control over the sounds falling from his lips. He was desperate, acting as if the control was in your hands despite his dominant aura, like he would die if he couldn’t have you for just a little longer. You never thought Jake Kiszka would be the one before you, pathetically needy and unable to resist the temptation, but you were so glad it ended up that way.
“Come here.” You muttered, pulling his face closer so you could kiss him. The taste of you on his lips still lingered, something that you were growing more used to as time went on. The sweetness of his kiss was nearly too much to bear, a pitiful moan slipping into his mouth as he continued to fuck into you. You were a mess for him, willing to let him do whatever he pleased. The best part about it was that he felt the exact same for you in the moment.
Your tongue glided over his bottom lip, begging for more attention from him. His lips parted slightly, allowing you to slip it into his mouth. The kiss was sloppy, the salvia shared between the two of you soaking your lips and coating the upper part of your chin, but it was addictive. The messiness of the action only made it even more so, and you couldn’t seem to get enough of him.
His chest was pressed against yours, his heart beat wild and matching your own. The dampness from the sweat on your skin caused the two of you to stick together, forcing you to stay in the position. His hands were grasping at your body, doing all he could to bring you closer than you could possibly get, and your hands were tangled in the mess of his hair. Neither of you wanted to break apart, so you stayed just like that for as long as you could.
As you continued to kiss him, the pressure in the pit of your stomach began to rise again, this time different than the last. It had little to do with his hips moving and everything to do with the connection you felt with him. His nose brushing against yours as he did all he could to continue the kiss was euphoric, and you couldn’t believe he wanted you so badly. After so long spent thinking he hated you, the feeling of him loving you was otherworldly. He was holding you with all of the emotion he’d kept locked up for so long, the truth coming out in a climactic and emotional manner. Your legs locked around his waist, pulling him further into you as he continued to fuck you.
For a moment, you felt like you had become one, cohesive being that survived solely off the beating of each others hearts.
You knew you were at the end, that you couldn’t possibly hold anything back. All of your willpower disappeared, your body doing as it pleased and your mind having no say over it. Without confirmation, you believed in your heart that he felt the same way as you did. He could feel the flutter of your walls around him, the telltale sign that you were close to another climax. He continued his pace, never thinking of stopping even for a moment. He needed to feel you in the most primal, visceral way possible.
“Come on, angel.” He muttered against your lips, upping the force in which he was fucking into you. “One more, baby. You can do it.” His voice was strained, like he was teetering on the same edge as you were.
“You too?” You asked, pulling away just enough so you could look over his face.
“Y-yeah,” he nodded, almost embarrassed over the fact. It only seemed to further the burning in your belly, and you wanted him just as bad as he wanted you. Neither of you cared about the consequences, only the intensity of the connection between you as he fucked you closer to the orgasm. In a permissive manner, you leaned toward and pulled him into another kiss, your mouth meeting his own and telling him everything he needed to know.
A groan rattled his chest as his hands fell to your hips, pulling you closer to him as he gave in to the feeling. You did the same, feeling your skin tingle with the intensity you’d felt so many times already. This time was different, more emotional and less physical, but it was a million times better than anything you had ever felt.
Together, the two of you reached the peak, muffling every moan and cry with your mouths. His stature faltered, falling over into you slightly as you held him tightly. Your entire body trembled as the euphoria overtook you one last time, and his hips stuttered as he pulled your hips forward onto him. For the second time, he spilled his release into you, unapologetic as he worked you through your own orgasm. Your body ached from the tension in your limbs, your ribs pained from your heart pounding against them. Your hands loosened on him as you relaxed, the moment passed you by almost as quick as it came.
Reluctantly, he parted from the kiss so he could catch his breath. His forehead rested on your own, and his eyes seemed tired, but full of love. There was no more hesitation, no reluctance or indifference in his gaze. Instead, it was replaced with the emotion he was so determined to confess, and it washed over you like summer rain. It felt better than anything ever had, and you never wanted him to look at you any other way ever again.
Silence became the two of you for a few moments, neither of you having the energy to speak. He rested inside of you, completely content with holding you there as he soaked up the last bit of intimacy the moment had to offer. Your brain was abuzz with thoughts, all pertaining to him, and for once, there was nothing negative. Finally, you were at peace, completely comfortable with the man before you. It felt right. You couldn’t deny the fact, and you were over the moon with the outcome of the entire ordeal.
Eventually, he leaned forward, placing one last, gentle kiss to your lips. It was sweet, soft, and exactly what you needed to come back to earth. A small smile was tugging at his lips as he studied your face, and finally, he spoke. The words were quiet, barely noticeable over the sound of your beating heart, but you clung to them as if it were necessary for survival.
“Let me take you out to dinner. Let me do this right.” He whispered, pulling you closer to him. Your bare chest rested against his own, his arms around your waist and as he held you tightly.
“You sure Little Miss Sunshine isn’t too much for you?” You teased, a tired smile crossing your lips as you rested your forehead against his.
“Never too much for me, sweetheart.” He shook his head, looking over the entire picture before him. He had never felt so lucky in his entire life, and he was so grateful that you decided to take a chance on him even after he’d been so rude to you. As he watched your face, he realized he was almost more excited at the prospect of sleeping next to you than he was over having sex with you. “Little Miss Sunshine’s all mine, now.” He said as a matter of fact, turning his head upwards and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I can get used to that.” You breathed, unable to express just how happy you were at the sound of his words. After having him in such a way, you would be stupid to let him go.
“I think I can, too.” He smiled against you, soaking up the warmth of loving you openly. You let your eyes close, leaning against him, content with staying in the position for a little while longer. The warmth of his body was alluring, and for a brief moment, you thought you might fall asleep right there in his arms.
You couldn’t believe the night had come to such a climactic end, and you never would have thought you and Jake would end up in a position like such. You were happy, relieved even that all the years of struggling to connect turned out to be a misunderstanding at the very core. You were excited for dinner, you were excited to share a bed with him, wrapped up in his arms all night long, and you were excited to know him. Finally, you could delve into more than superficialities and small talk about the weather, and you could know the boy that always seemed to make your heart beat just a little faster.
Despite all of the new and exciting things, there was still one thing that remained true amidst the chaos, and that was the fact that under no circumstance would you ever let it slip that Sam was right, because both of you knew that you would never live it down.
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gretavanmoon · 3 months
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Jake x female reader
4.8k words
+ After indulging in a shared stamina-boosting treat in the dead of summer, you find yourself twisted up in a silly argument that's laced with jealousy... the salt is heavy in more ways than one with this one.
Happy Fourth of July! Keep this in your back pocket for your post-firework bedtime story. Gracias to @gretavangroupie for edits and forcing me to post this love yaaaaa
Warnings: 18+! Angst: Cursing, Substance Use in the form of Aphrodisia, Arguing, Mentions of Alcohol, Heavy Jealousy & Possessiveness, Overall Bossiness Smut: Kissing, Touching, Penetrative Sex, Unprotected Sex, Fingering, Oral Sex (M! and F! Receiving), Dom/Sub kinda
“Son of a bitch, if we keep it up like this I’m not gonna have anything left in me, baby,” Jake admits as he removes his right foot from the arm of the couch, the other standing weakly on the floor, barely holding his weight. Your body is bent in half, your arms holding you uncomfortably upright as he pulls out from behind you, hands still gripped and squeezing tightly around your waist. 
You and Jake had made the early afternoon decision to each eat a special pleasure-boosting chocolate that you’d been told about by a friend a few months ago, and saying that the effects always took perfectly for the both of you would be an understatement. Just one serving would have the two of you ravenous for each other for hours on end, and seeing as how neither of you had anything to do for the rest of the day, it only seemed right to end the weekend on a high note. It was only after you’d both eaten the chocolate and after you figured out that your air conditioning had decided to go out that you told Jake about your plans for next weekend, thus sending him into a pissed-off mood that was borderline a thrown tantrum. But you accounted his mood to the extra blood flow the chemicals in the chocolate had given him going straight to his dick, leaving little for his brain to process thoughts. 
“Hah, look at you calling me baby, after bitching at me all day,” you quip, turning to meet eyes with him as you stand up straight again, the feeling of your own wetness sliding between your thighs. Your muscles already feel weak as you turn to plop back down on the plush cushions of the couch, careful not to drip anything on your freshly washed covers.
He instantly falls to his knees, growling as he grabs the insides of both of your legs to pull you closer to the edge of the couch. His mouth is instantly connected to your core, his tongue already burying itself deep inside your deepest crevices. You’re both groaning from near exhaustion, willing your bodies to keep up with your desire.
“I can bitch at you and still call you baby, Y/N. Not my fault you said yes to a date with someone else without my permission,” he barks before diving back between your legs.
Your hands smooth back the strands of hair sticking to his forehead, pulling them away from his face as you bite both your lips in, finding it insanely difficult to stop yourself from wailing his name so loudly you disturb the neighbors. He’s being facetious and you know that, but his attitude makes it all the more challenging to not give in to him completely. You love it when he gets a little jealous.
Instead of yelling at him, you bite a quick “fuck me” through your tightly clenched teeth, hoping to god he doesn’t hear you. His brow furrows as he makes eye contact with you, a maddening expression painted on his sweat-coated face that you’re sure is only there simply for the sake of playing dumb. “Are you just raving, or is that a request?” he growls as he pulls away just long enough to breathe his words out.
“Neither, asshole,” you lightly tap your fingertips to the side of his temple, knocking him sideways as he presses your legs apart, giving him further access to work you. He likes it. He gets off on you being playfully scornful to him. He cracks a short-lived but devious smile before turning back into his whiney self. 
You take a quick breath, ready to explain yourself again. “And it’s not a date, it’s drinks. With my co-workers. How in the– aahhh, fuckkkk– how in the fuck is that a date?” Your eyes begin to roll back a little as he points his tongue directly over your clit, arrogantly knowing exactly what makes you fall apart for him. 
He pulls his head back with a hiss, making you disconnect your hands from his roots as he eyes you meticulously. He licks his lips, your slick still coating the 5 o’clock shadow that’s now adorning his face after going at it with you all day. His eyes never leave yours as he plunges his two middle fingers inside you, pushing his other hand against the inside of your left thigh. “How is it not a date, baby? Don’t be fucking coy. You dated the man.”
You groan in aggravation as he pisses you off even more, still pinning your leg to the side as his fingers work inside you, hitting your g-spot with so much fucking ease you want to slap him again. “I went on two dates with him! That hardly qualifies as dating, Jacob,” you retort as he flicks his fingers with more precision. Your head falls back again, the pleasure coming in rippling waves now as you feel your stomach tightening. “Plus, he’s my manager… invited everyone… how am I supposed to say no to that?”
The air shifts a little as he loudly clicks his tongue.
“Did you ever fuck him?” he asks quickly, sitting back on his heels as he completely halts all movement of his hand.
He leans in, hovering over your belly as his face is dangerously close to yours, his fingers still buried deep but staying completely still. “Did… you…ever… fuck him? Simple question, love.”
You swallow, not expecting the conversation to even go here, let alone while you’re literally fucking him.
Your eyes dart side to side, the blurry memories of sleeping with the man who is now your boss those some ten-odd years ago flashing through your mind. That was a lifetime ago, you were barely in college a few weeks. And it was two dates and a hookup before the two of you decided to just stay friends, and that was that. You’d only seen him in passing a handful of times over the years, but to be quite honest, after sleeping with him, he barely ever even crossed your mind. 
You swallow again as Jake’s eyebrows raise, waiting for you to answer. He shoves his fingers deeper inside you to remind you that he asked a question, making you clench around him. “Fuck! Yes, okay? Yes. We slept together one time, Jake. Once. And it was ten fucking years ago.” 
He stays silent as he bites his lip in, a rush of what looks like disappointment crashing over his face for just a second. He slowly picks up the pace again, delving his fingers inside at a much slower pace, now. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he mumbles, still biting his lips. You can tell that your admission has defeated him just a little. 
“Tell you what? That I hooked up with him once? Probably because it feels like it was a figment of my imagination, at this point. I was eighteen. Why does it matter?” you ask, wondering if he’s really upset, or if he’s just pouting at the fact that you left this little detail out about this certain person you work with. 
“He’s your fucking manager, Y/N, I don’t know…” he says, shaking his head side to side. You can see the sweat starting to form on his chest, the drips starting to form into a stream that is dripping down to his stomach. You could feel the heat of the day starting to creep into the walls now that the A/C has been out for a few hours, and the sun practically baking everything it touches outside isn’t helping in the matter. But there’s nothing you can do about it right now, the both of you will just have to suffer until the chocolate wears off and you can act like humans instead of rabid animals.
You stay quiet as you feel the knot tightening in your stomach again, wanting him to continue so you can reach your high, but also feeling the heavy shift in the conversation. You glance at the sweat pouring from him, and some kind of carnal instinct to want to taste it takes over your entire being. You suddenly need your mouth on him. You need to lick up every droplet of sweat that’s rushing down his body, and swallow it down. Taking matters into your own hands, you grab his wrist and rip his hand from you, standing up as you pull him to his feet. The soreness sets in again, having been in nearly every position in the Kama Sutra already today. 
You pull on his hands, making him follow you into the bedroom. “What are you doing, Y/N?” he asks, trailing behind. 
“Come in here, come lay down,” you order, turning him to push him down into the already messy sheets. Luckily, there’s a fan in here, giving the two of you a little reprieve as the heat fills the house. You watch as his tanned body falls backwards into the stark white sheets, his hair falling behind him as he reclines. His skin is glowing, his eyes trained on you, watching your every move as you crawl up him, purposefully snaking your body so that he has a visual of every single curve of your sweat-covered self.
You lean down, outstretching your tongue and touching his navel, working your way up his stomach and to his chest, collecting the deliciously salty taste of him on your tongue. There’s something about it, the flavor and the scent and the way he feels beneath you… it’s not the most pleasant, but you’re positive nothing on this earth tastes or smells more like home to you. You’d always read about how animals are attracted to their mates’ scent, and you never understood how it could apply to humans, too, until you became serious with Jake. It’s something that’s just wired into your brain now, and the longer you’re together, the more you find yourself craving it. Craving him.
“I’m sweaty and gross, babe,” he complains as he leans up and twists his hair into a knot behind his head, remnant baby hairs still sticking to and framing his face.
“You think I care? You taste so good… like you just got out of the ocean…” you say honestly, making him laugh a little through his nose. You run your tongue all over him, his sides, his groin, his pecs and his neck… each place tasting better than the last, and each spot making him absolutely feral at the feeling of your mouth on him. His light moans of bliss fill the room as his hands search for any part of you he can grab on to, his eyes fluttering open and closed as you watch his face light up. 
You can tell he’s getting hard again as you let your lips lightly ghost over his shaft, the chocolate still putting in work in keeping him turned on. Finally, you find yourself starving for him again, too, letting your lips cup over the head of his dick as you give it one tight little squeeze. 
“Please baby, fuck…” he grunts, his knees bending up and around your body. One thing about the way this chocolate works is that it amplifies everything, making every brush, every touch, every sensation amplified by a hundred. You have already had your mouth on him a couple of times today, but you can imagine how he feels simply from your experience with his mouth on you earlier, begging and wanting and needing the feeling so desperately. Absolutely bursting at the seams to experience the euphoria.
You move your body to straddle him, letting your already completely soaked core drift over his cock, ready and waiting to fill you again.
“Don’t think I forgot about the conversation we were having, Jake,” you tease as you position your knees firmly on either side of him. He fills his cheeks and blows out a long puff of air, his hand hitting his forehead to wipe away the sheen of sweat. 
“I don’t remember us having a conversation, Y/N, but I remember me expressing to you that I’m not happy with this arrangement,” he says, smirking at you a little while he runs his tongue along his teeth. “You fucked him! And you work with him! And you never even told me!” he all but yells.
You let your opening line up with his tip, letting yourself fall on to it just an inch or so. Your body was begging you to sit all the way down, the fire burning within your veins way past its boiling point. But you held strong. 
“You think I fucked him, Jake?” you ask, swirling your hips gently on him.
He tries his best to stifle his words, but he comes up short. “Oh my god, baby, you feel so– please…” he begs, his jaw falling slack just from the tiny touch. His eyes pop open and look at you, his expression absolutely pleading for more. “Yeah, you told me you did…”
You pause, letting the heavy air hang for just a second as you laugh a little under your breath. You shake your head side to side at his naivety, wondering just how he thought the situation went down all those years ago. “I didn’t fuck him,” you answer, letting yourself fall another inch as your fingertips pause on his stomach. “I was eighteen, I didn’t even know what fucking was…” you purr, swirling on him again. 
His chest is heaving with want, his growls now turned into desperate whimpers as he’s doing anything but begging you to let him fill you. You know that if things were normal, and if the two of you weren’t caught up in this childish back-and-forth, he’d be on his hands and knees for you, falling to the floor at your every whim. His hips buck up into you, but you rise on your knees, not allowing him to have any control over the matter.
“But you… you and me… this…” you go on as you sit back down, giving yourself centimeters. “I didn’t know what I was even missing, until I found you…” you admit. “No one has ever made me feel like you do.”
He takes a deep breath, centering himself. “None? None of them?” His hand sneaks up and presses a thumb to your clit, adding just enough pressure to make your breath catch. 
You shake your head side to side again, as you’re almost seated to the hilt, the feeling of him filling you again already making your body shudder. “No baby, none of them. So you can cut the pissy attitude, or I’m hopping off of you, and taking care of myself.” With that, you sit down completely on him, your bodies finally resting together as you feel the tip of him buried as far as he could get.
“Ffffuckk, Y/N, god damnit, yes,” Jake howls into the room as his thumb still works your clit, his other hand rushing up to grip onto your hip. But you steady your movements. Though your body is burning for you to move, you want to give him the same lack of satisfaction he gave you earlier. But just for a second. 
“Answer me, am I going to have to take care of myself, Jake? Or are you going to quit being salty over something that doesn’t fucking matter and let me fuck you how I want?” 
You know the situation matters to him. And you’ll validate that later. But not right now. Right now it’s fueling too much angst and you’re having too much fun.
His grip on your hip tightens so hard that it almost hurts, his fingernails digging into the thick muscle there. You’re fully aware that both of you can get turned on from dirty talk alone, and the chocolate is only exaggerating the feeling. Your brain is buzzing with electricity from it. You love when he gets a little rough. He can tell that your body responds to the little bit of pain, and like a switch flipped in his brain, he lets it turn on all his lights. Suddenly both his hands are on your hips, switching the places of both of you in one swift movement. Your body is pressed against the mattress, your shoulders being held down as he hovers overtop of you. “How about you let me fuck you how I want, hm? How’s that sound?” he challenges with an air of greed. 
Like a petty little pet, you nod your head, completely losing the war of being the one calling the shots the second he squeezes your clit between his thumb and forefinger. The sensation almost kills you, cuts off your ability to breathe altogether as he begins pulsing his fingers quickly, causing the desire to pool up in your belly all over again. He’s never really concentrated his fingers this pointedly before; usually his hands are grabbing and squeezing wherever they can. But with the most sensitive part of your body being held so tightly and at the mercy of his fingers, you feel completely at his will.  “How about I show you exactly why you choose to stick around, and you’ll keep choosing it, no matter how many dates you go on with your boss.”
“God, give it up, Jake,” you complain, rolling your eyes dramatically as his movements set your whole body on fire again.
You’ve barely gotten the words out before his other hand is braced across your neck, applying just the right amount of pressure to your pulse points. You want to swallow, but you can’t, all you can do is let out a pitiful whine that sounds more like a choked sob than a moan. His other two fingers are still gripped on your clit as he balances on his knees, his eyes laser sharp as the sweat continues to drip from his chest. 
“Give it up? Give it up?! Baby, you’re being awfully bossy for someone who is in the wrong, here. And for someone who’s acting so bratty today,” he says, his voice sounding gentler than the words he’s spouting. “Tell me you won’t go to the bar with them. Tell me you’ll back out of the plans.”
Deep down, you know Jake doesn’t give a fuck who you hang out with. You’re both comfortable enough in your relationship that trust is paramount, and neither of you have ever tested it. He trusts you, and you him to come home to one another every night, never straying or giving the other a reason to be suspicious about anything at all.
He squeezes a little harder on your throat, sending a shockwave of pleasure straight to your core as his eyebrows shoot up. 
“Come with me. Come out with us. You haven’t met them yet, anyway… come let them see that I’m yours, we don’t even have to tell them. We can show them…” you suggest, honestly liking this idea way more. His grip on your throat loosens as bit as he contemplates the idea. 
“Show them, hm?” Finally he nods, giving in to your suggestion. “Okay, yeah, I’ll show up…”
You nod back at him as you give him the tiniest smirk, bringing your own hand up to cup over his, squeezing his fingers a little tighter on you. “What’s with you today, huh? Testing me every five minutes…” he asks. His teeth grit against one another as the wind from the fan hits the back of his head just right, blowing his damp hair over his face as he lets go of his grip between your legs, adjusting his body so that he’s positioned perfectly above you again. His hand moves from your throat straight down to your tit, gripping the whole thing roughly as he takes his dick in his hand, running it up through your wetness. The sensation is enough to floor you, every single atom in your body on fire and wanting to feel him completely. 
Your hands find his waist, pulling him into you with everything you have, your legs already wrapping around him. “Stop making me fucking wait Jake,” you spout. “I’ll stop bitching, I promise, just please…” 
“Oh now you wanna back down…? Not like I haven’t gotten you off three times already today…”
“You’re the one who’s been fucking bitching like a teenager all damn day! God…” you rouse, knowing that your voice is probably grating on his nerves right now. He presses himself harder against you, daring you to say another word. 
“Watch your mouth,” he warns, still holding himself in his hand. You can feel his pulse throbbing in the head of his dick as it presses up against you, and you know if you say another cross word, you’re in for it. 
“And what if I don’t?” you press, sounding as prissy as you possibly can.
He taunts you with the same ultimatum that you gave him earlier, “Then I’ll just have to go and take care of myself, I guess… and leave you here unsatisfied. Your mouth has been nothing but aggravating today, Y/N, I swear to god…”
You roll your eyes at him, knowing he most definitely hasn’t forgotten about your lips sucking at him for nearly an hour today, if you added it all up. 
“Will you just fuck me, Jake? I’ll keep my mouth shut if you shut yours…” you spout as you feel your core drip down onto the sheets. 
“Is that a fucking promise?” he asks, cocking both eyebrows.
Like a wild animal that can no longer control it’s instinct, he presses all the way into you, stifling all the noises that you know he wants to make. His body lurches to hover over you as he picks up a slow pace, his hips cracking with extreme precision as his thighs smack against the backs of your legs. “God, you get on my fucking nerves,” he jests through his teeth.
“Mutual,” you say quickly, jutting your chin upward.
Your throat is burning with rage as you stop yourself from crying out, only tiny breaths of whimpers escaping as you hold your side of the quiet bargain. His eyes are dark and devious as his hips snap harder, hitting you more deeply than he has all day. Your vision blurs into a deep black with each thrust, the pleasure threatening to make you go nonverbal, anyway. 
An especially harsh breath falls from you as he bends your leg up, hitting you even deeper and at a new angle. He brings his left hand up to his mouth, pressing his pointer finger gently over his lips with a hushed ‘Shhh’. 
Your hand flies up and cups around your mouth as you follow his order, ceasing all sounds that could possibly escape you. His eyes stay trained on you as his hair falls across his face and yours, his scent wafting across your nose as you take in chopped breaths through it. You force your eyes closed as the pleasure builds in your stomach, the familiar feeling of the beginning of another delicious orgasm overtaking your psyche. It burns, the threat of overstimulation creeping up in your insides, but you ignore it simply for the fact that you are going to feel him so wholly again, letting him bring you to the brink of no return for the third, fourth, fifth… whatever time it will be today. 
Suddenly you feel his lips on the shell of your ear, his teeth biting in as he whispers. “I’ll go on your little work outing with you, but if I’m gonna endure being around a man who’s already fucked you, you’ll do things to my liking, got it?” he asks, and you know better than to say no right now. Your stomach muscles are tightening, jerking your body as the bliss builds up, so you nod in agreement as your hand is still clamped over your mouth. “You’ll wear that low-cut top with the lace straps that I like so much… and that black leather skirt that cuts at your thigh… wear my favorite perfume, and that pretty little necklace I got you for your birthday. Sound good, babydoll?”
You nod again as his teeth pull on your earlobe, his voice low and gravelly, still. “Good. Then it’s settled. Then everyone will see how tantalizing you look outside of your work clothes, and they won’t be able to do a goddamned thing about it… they won’t be able to touch you… They’ll just have to admire you from afar while I tease you under the table…” his hand ghosts down and his thumb finds your clit again, making your eyes shoot closed and your head tilt back into the pillows. Fuck, if he doesn’t always manage to win these things. And you know he isn’t lying, either. You know your entire work outing will be full of his hands secretly snaking between your legs under any table you’re sitting at, his hand gripping your ass at every turn, his eyes staring daggers through you from across the room…begging you to sneak with him into the bathroom.
You know how the game is played, and somehow, he always fucking wins whether you want him to or not. What you don’t know though, is that he thinks the exact same thing of you. You winning him over with the way you feel wrapped around him, your body drenched and buzzing beneath him. He always wins, even when he doesn’t. 
“You gonna cum, baby? Let me have it one more time?” he asks, his hand now pressing down on your stomach where he can feel himself entering you with each pointed thrust he’s still delivering. 
“Mhmm…” you moan into his neck, his mouth still sucking hard on your ear and everything surrounding it. 
“You’re mine… all mine… no one else’s… give me what I want, baby,” he gloats, and his possessive words send a slow shockwave through your body, the rippling effects of the most intense orgasm you’ve had today sending your mind into a noiseless world of white light. All you can feel is him, all you can think about is him… and when you finally catch your breath and let your hand fall to the back of his neck, your pitiful moan on the come-down reverberates off the walls, sending him to finish right behind you. 
When his breath finally evens enough to come back to earth, his body collapses on top of you, completely spent as he pulls himself out of you. You lean down to kiss his neck, his skin still coated in that sweet-salty goodness that is enough to get you going again, but you relax, feeling the effects of the chocolate beginning to slowly wear off. 
He flips his head around to face you as you both lie face-down on the bed, and a smile that you haven’t seen all day sweeps across his pink, pouted lips. “Do I still taste like the ocean?”
You let your fingertips tousle the hair around his face, drenched and sticky. “Better than the ocean. You taste like you.”
His cheeks blush as his demeanor completely shifts into softness. “You know I love you, right?”
“Yeah baby, I know,” you reply with sincerity. 
“And you don’t have to wear all that stuff to the bar. You’ll look beautiful in whatever you choose. You could turn heads in a burlap sack.”
You giggle as you pull his hand up to your lips, kissing his palm. “But what if I want to wear all that? What if I want you to tease me all night, make my boss even more jealous than he probably already is?” you press.
“Then it’s a no brainer. Do it up, baby. I trust you,” he says with confidence. 
“Maybe I will,” you reply, taking a deep breath. “Not pissy anymore now that I gave you what you wanted?”
He smiles coyly, snaking one arm underneath you to pull you on top of him again. “Nah. No more bitching from me. I think I was about to have a heat stroke.” His hands are ghosting all over your body again, but not in a wanting way. His fingertips drift over your curves as if he’s adoring the body that is sitting over him. Simply taking the time to appreciate you.
“Me too,” you giggle, and you know that the festivities for the day have most likely reached their bittersweet end. “I’ll go start us a cold shower while you call the landlord, sound like a plan?” you ask, holding your hand up as you await a high-five.
“Deal,” he says, clapping his hand to yours. “But you can’t try and seduce me in the shower, I don’t think I have anything left in me. You’ve drained me dry, girl.”
You laugh through your nose as you hop into the floor, rushing off to the bathroom. “We’ll see about that.”
xoxoxo Jules
Taglist: @britney-gvf @sacredstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @farfromthehomelands @takenbythemadness @writingcold @builtbybrokenbells @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @fleet-of-fiction @milkgemini @gvfpal @ageofcj@dancingcarbon @highway-tuna @stardustjake @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @gvfmarge @gracev0609 @myleftsock @literal-dead-leaf @peaceloveunitygvf @ageofbajabule @slut4lando @jordie-gvf @sadiechar @tinydancer40 @rosabellagvf @capnjaket @lyndz2names @thetroublegetssoloud71 @gretavanomens @spark-my-nature @josh-iamyour-mama @anythingforjtk @alwaysonthemend @danieljlmwagner @klarxtr @fortunatelytinybasement @demonrat444 @gretavansara @watchingover-hypegirl @hippievanfleet @digitalnomadz @raviolilegs @lipstickitty @hippievanfleet @klarxtr @strange-whorizons @do-it-jakey-baby @myownparadise96 @gvf-luna @starshine-wagner@cassiesgreta @joopsandjangs @whimsiliz @kiszkas-canvas@whimsiliz @joopsandjangs @broken0mens @scoreofinfantryvines @whereiskeara @do-it-jakey-baby @miravanfleet @heckingfrick @gretavangroupie
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gretavangroupie · 3 months
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After countless asks in our inbox, Jules and I have put together a list of some of our favorite fics - the ones we find ourselves reading time and time again. Hopefully there will be a few on here that you haven't read yet and will fall in love with too!
Green Eyed Monster - @builtbybrokenbells
Covet - @jakeyt
Le Morte d'Arthur - @joshym
Until This Is Over - @abeautylives
Cream & Sugar - @sacredthefran
Melodic Memories - @builtbybrokenbells
Come Over - @milkgemini
Valence - @gretavanfleetposts
Imperfect Moments - @abeautylives
Disgrace - @gretavanfleetposts
Lost Boys - @tlexx
The Vanishing - @fleet-of-fiction
Amongst The Wildflowers - @jakeysfallingsky
The Lovers - @age-of-greta
Behind Closed Doors - @anthemofgvf
Decorum and Refinement - @gretavanlace
Rotten Apple - @builtbybrokenbells
Pictures of Time - @farfromthehomelands
Capital Vices - @builtbybrokenbells
Anything for You - @themoreyou-love
What Is and What Should Never Be - @devilat-thedoor
Bound - @gvfgal
Best Laid Plans - @writingcold
It's Never Over - @builtbybrokenbells
Eternal - @readyforthegarden
Honey - @caravelmp3
Endless Summer - @anthemofgvf
Troubled Mind - @britney-gvf
Trip Around the Sun - @abeautylives
The Sex Scene - @fleet-of-fiction
Picasso - @builtbybrokenbells
The Moon - @age-of-greta
Karma Sutra - @obetrolncocktails
Pink Lemonade - @garbagevanfleet
Belladonna - @builtbybrokenbells
Emerald Green - @hearts-hunger
Too Late to Go Back - @stardustndreamsofsilver
Four Weddings and A Funeral - @hearts-hunger
Guilty Pleasures - @builtbybrokenbells
Illicit Affairs - @aflame4goinghome
Forbidden Twins:
Cruel Summer - @sacredstarcatcher
Gold Dust Woman - @builtbybrokenbells
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aflame4goinghome · 10 months
Kay’s Fic Recs !!!
all of these fics are 18+ and contain smut! read at your own discretion ;)
Confession by @thewritingbeforesunrise
The Art of Life by @gvfgal
Brightest Blue by @garbagevanfleet
I See Hell in Your Eyes by @joshsindigostreak
Uncharted Territory by @ficthots
Little Fantasy by @jake-kiszkas-smirk
No Hands by @joshym
Valtava by @gretavanlace
Covet by @jakeyt
Imperfect Moments by @abeautylives
Le Morte d’Arthur by @joshym
Cream & Sugar by @sacredthefran
Sémillante by @profitofthedune
Last Call by @milkgemini
The Red Medallion by @earthlysorrows
Capital Vices by @builtbybrokenbells
Pedagogue by @profitofthedune
Dear Patience by @ageofbajabule
Tending by @zm-gvf
Mirror of the Damned by @alwaysonthemend
The Professor by @jakekiszkasmommy
Crimson Lace by @meetingthestarcatchers
Pink Lemonade by @garbagevanfleet
It’s Called Being Nice by @gretavanfleetposts
Locked Out by @sparrowofthedawnsworld
A Need That Goes Unspoken by @neverwanttofallasleep
How I’m Imagining You by @geminisecrets
Seven by @garbagevanfleet
Stretch You Out by @gvfgal
Black Swan by @holybananafuck
Struck by @gretavangroupie
Little Bird by @gretavanlace
Red by @vanfleeter
Stroke Me by @hyperfixated-gvf
Poppins by @gretavanlace
Kismet by @gretavangroupie & @sacredstarcatcher
What Is And What Should Never Be by @sinsofstardust
Down The Hall by @milkgemini
Skin Deep by @streamingcolors-gvf
Forbidden Twins
Vigilance by @gretavangroupie & @gretavanmoon
A Beautiful Riff by @sparrowofthedawnsworld
Valor by @gretavangroupie & @gretavanmoon
Greta Van Fleet
Fire in the Water by @gretavanfleetposts
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gretavanbrie · 11 months
Landslide (J.T.K.)
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Summary: You’ve loved him for as long as you can remember, does he feel the same?
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x F!Reader
Warnings: no smut for this part just pure ANGST ;), established friendship, swearing, unrequited love, light portrayal of anger, jake & y/n are a little dramatic but aren’t we all?? mentions of childhood, alcohol consumption… if I missed anything lmk, I’ll fix it no issue!!
A/N: I’m actually really excited for this one!! This is based on the winning answer of this poll I did, if you guys are looking for a bit more context on what this is about. I may have hurt my own feelings a couple times amidst writing this, I had my Jake lane friend read it and she was not too happy with me so hopefully this will strike a nerve for you guys as well!! If not that’s cool too! My writing is pretty sporadic so I’m gonna try and put out as much content as I can if you guys end up liking this story. I’m a waitress so my hours are long and unpredictable I do apologize in advance lol. I’m debating on if I should leave this as is, or make two long parts, or even start a mini series…not too sure yet but lmk what you think!!! Also this is vaguely proof read. If there are any mistakes, bare with me.
Part 2 | Part 3
Here you were, standing in front of the mirror, clammy hands nervously smoothing down the fabric of the dress you adorned. You made it a point to pull out all of the stops today, you’d washed and beautifully dried your hair. You gave one last look at your makeup before running your hands through your hair and heading to grab your bag. You let out a shaky breath picking up your phone.
The boys were back from tour and some mutual friends were having a little gathering as a welcome back. Any other time you wouldn’t have been so uneasy but the conversation you had with Josh had been replaying in your head the entire time they’ve been gone.
“Are you ever going to tell him?” You immediately recognize that voice.
Everyone was outside as the small farewell party for the commence of the tour had somehow migrated towards the backyard of Josh’s lovely home. You clear your throat in an attempt to rid the uneasiness in your voice.
“Excuse me?” You turn setting down the bottle of wine you were going to pour for yourself. He stood at the entryway of the kitchen as you feigned a confused expression to which he saw right through.
“Y/n..we may not hang out as much as you and my brother do but I still know you just as well. If not more, it seems” you just stared at him for a moment trying to find a good way out of this before quickly turning around and finished pouring yourself a glass. With your back still turned you speak up knowing there’s no use in hiding it anymore, if there was one person you could trust with this information it would be him.
“It’s just not a conversation to be had, he’s my best friend nothing more. It’s just a silly crush it’ll go away” you waved your hand to seemingly brush it off as you turned to face him. Not the whole truth, but not necessarily a lie? God you didn’t even believe yourself, how could you expect him to. You brought the glass to your lips letting the smooth red ease your nerves.
“A silly crush that’s lasted since senior year?” The minute those words left his mouth your eyes widened in shock. Quickly swallowing to refrain from spitting your drink all over his nice white shirt.
“What do you mean by that?” you stare inquisitively not knowing he was privy to just how deep this ‘silly crush’ had run.
“Oh c’mon don’t play coy. Like I said, I know you. We were friends first..lest you forget.” You giggled recalling the vague memory of 2nd grade recess, he stepped further into the room before continuing on.
“You keep too much to yourself, you’ve gotta stop sacrificing your own needs for the sake of what you think the other person wants. Disregard me as his brother for the time being, right now I’m coming to you as a friend. I’m not here to pressure you into telling him anything, that is your own decision to make. I just want you to ask yourself if this is what you really want. I mean come on your twenty-seven now y/n. You think I haven’t noticed that you’ve refused to see anyone since summer going into senior year?’
“That’s not true” you cut him off, defending yourself.
“I wasn’t completely celibate I was seeing that one guy Liam for some time… a-and Henry my sophomore year of college. I’m just not looking for anything.” Truth was, you were at one point. You convinced yourself getting under someone was the only way to get over another. Until you realized neither of them were Jake and that’s why you could never see them as a part of the long haul.
“And did you ever make it official with them? Or better yet, did they last any longer than 8 months?’ He challenged. You looked down at your feet defeated knowing there’s no use in denying any more. You know he knows. There was a beat of silence before you spoke up once more.
“I’d rather him be my friend than nothing at all, Josh.” you said quietly looking up at him as he embraced you in a hug running his hands through your hair.
You hear him sigh before he quietly speaks into your hair.
“I know.”
You shut your eyes and shook your head as if to rid the memory. You had wracked your brain enough about it. Josh was right and you knew it, it’s been nearly 10 years but you hadn’t always had feelings for Jake. For a while actually you would nearly gag at the mere thought. Albeit there wasn’t much room for romance during the pre-pubescent “cootie” stage of your life.
Your parents and the Kiszka’s became rather close throughout the years. You and the Kiszka clan wreaked borderline havoc growing up. With all the trouble you got into it was only a matter of time your parents would cross paths. Once they realized the five of you were inseparable they decided there was no use in staying strangers. Danny and his family soon came into the picture and you considered yourselves a bond to never be broken from that point on.
Although Jake had deemed you guy’s best friends summer going into 5th grade year, you were closest to Ronnie in high school. You were girls together. During the time of first periods and finding out boys can be attractive you migrated towards each other and found solace together within the testosterone-tainted group you had formed. You’d always struggled making friends, you didn’t normally speak unless spoken to. You weren’t necessarily shy, you just always felt like you didn’t really fit in with all the rest.
Once you crossed paths with Josh 2nd grade, he left you no choice but to be his friend. He was overly inviting and basically dragged you to join him on whatever crazy idea him and his twin had gotten into next. You chose to not complain given he was actually nice to you and took time in making sure to include you.
You had remained school friends for the years following, hangouts limited to recess and lunchtime until around the summer before 5th grade when you moved a few houses down from their own. You saw them playing outside from your bedroom window one day and begged your mom to run down there and greet your friends.
You and your ponytail came flying out of the house screaming “Josh! Jake! It’s me!!! From Ms. Crowley’s Class!!! I live by you now!!!”
“Y/n!! Is it really you!! We can play at home now!!” Josh exclaimed, his twins' smile growing ten fold.
“You have to meet my brother and sister, we can all play together now!” Jake said, calling out for Ronnie and Sam. You were quickly introduced to the two and although they were a couple years younger, you were kids, and found joy in whatever silly games you had come up with together nonetheless.
As you sat up against the tree cooling off from the intense game of freeze tag you all had just played, you saw Jake walk up and sit beside you.
“I can’t believe you moved close to my house, loser. Today was fun.” the boy said, ruffling your hair.
‘Hey! Quit! I’m not a loser.” you laughed pushing his arm away.
“Yea-huhh, that’s why you couldn’t catch me during tag.” he mocked, you squint your eyes at him playfully before pushing him away from you.
“That’s why you have cooties!” You retaliated feeling defensive now.
“See! Sore loooserrr” Jake sing-songed.
‘You’re being a meanie now Jakey, it’s just a game” you pouted looking to your feet. You probably were just being sensitive but you hadn’t known better. His expression softened realizing his words might’ve stricken a nerve.
“Oh come on, you know I’m kidding, you’re my new best friend. Especially now that we live so close” he said, lips tugging into a shy smile as he softly elbowed at your side. You whipped your head up to look at him
“You think I’m your best friend? You promise?” You said as hopeful eyes met his own. No one had ever made it a point to deem you as such. A friend is one thing, but a best friend was something far more special in your mind.
“Pinky promise.” he assured, hooking your smallest of fingers with his own.
The sentiment was sweet and you were thankful you had friends like them growing up, it made life a little easier knowing you had a constant. Easier until teenage hormones came into the picture and Jake was no longer your boy-ish ‘best friend’ and had started growing handsomely into his features. His face became more chiseled, his chest a bit more filled out, voice dropping a couple octaves lower and not to mention he grew taller. It all happened too fast for your awkward teenage self to process. One day he was regular old Jake and the next he was…hot.
So, you did what you thought was best. Denied any and all attraction and gaslighted yourself into thinking it would go away. It was Jacob for fucks sake, your life-long friend who you considered a brother to you. You and Ronnie had gotten suspiciously closer that year, you brushed it off as ‘needed girl time’ but as years passed you realized you were just trying to distract yourself from Jake in hopes that if you saw him less, the attraction would eventually metastasize.
Boy were you wrong because Jake was adamant on including you in every hangout as he began to gain popularity. You had convinced yourself things would drift off throughout high school, thinking the boys would deem themselves ‘too cool’ to hang with you now and the silly pinky promise he made would be brushed off as immature to him. But it wasn’t, he instead kept his promise. His friends soon becoming your own, girlfriends never lasting long because ‘you and Ronnie are more important to me than any other girl’ he says. Finding yourself at their house more often than you had expected for this new chapter of your life and before you knew it, you had grown closer than ever, and your growing crush more suppressed than ever.
You were shaken out of your thoughts as your phone began buzzing. An incoming call from none other than Veronica herself. You quickly picked it up, bringing the phone to your ear.
“Girl where are you?! You promised you’d be here by the time I got here” you heard her whine on the other end. “Everyone is already mingling, the boys are late yet again and I have no one!” You laughed into the line knowing she was just exaggerating.
“Oh come on Ron, it can’t be that bad you know Mike a-and Dave’s girlfriend.” You tried reasoning, knowing you’d be just as anxious if your friends hadn’t showed up just yet.
“I’m sure they’re already there, talk to them for a little bit okay? I’m sorry, I’m leaving now I just got caught up finding what to wear” you continued, not necessarily a lie although you didn’t want her to know the real reason you were stalling was because today could possibly change the entire trajectory of your life. Dramatic to say the least, but true.
“It’s okay y/n, I was giving you shit. I’ll be fine… wait a minute. Did you say you were looking for something to wear?? You’ve never cared about that stuff, who are you trying to look good forrrrrr?” she teased.
“‘Oh hush Ronnie, it's just been a while since I’ve gone out and felt hot. Just needed a boost of confidence today is all, no secret fella or anything” you giggled.
“Yet…” she laughed.
“Yea yea whatever, let me go so I can head over” you said grabbing your keys and slipping on your shoes.
“Okay okay, byeeee love you!” She said before quickly hanging up.
“Love you too” you said to no one in particular, smiling to yourself at your dear friend's abruptness.
There was no reason for you to be so nervous, it’s just the boys and Ronnie. It was Jake that had you so uneasy. You had replayed yours and Josh’s conversation enough times to knock some sense into yourself. You weren’t going to lay it on him full force but tonight was your chance to let your guard down and not shy away from him. Maybe even flirt, as best you could anyway, if things were smooth sailing. He’s been single for some time this was your chance to maybe plant a couple seeds. You wanted to see if there was even the slight off-chance he may just like you back and you’d be able to look back at how foolish keeping it from him was.
It was easier said than done as you started second guessing your entire look. You felt as though everyone would think you were trying too hard but that wasn’t the case, you’d gone out in more extravagant looks than the white linen sundress you settled on. It was flowy and stunning, casual but beautiful enough to make you feel at your best. Your hair cascaded beautifully down your back from your blowout, you put on your expensive perfume. You felt great, the only significant difference was that you wore a little extra makeup and you took the time to do your nails. You knew it was purely the anxiety talking. Plus, no one even knows how you feel about him other than Josh.
In attempts to calm yourself, your hand reaches for your phone as you stop at a light. Opening your Spotify you hit shuffle on your playlist. You sighed and smiled as the familiar guitar from Cannock Chase by Labi Siffre started playing. You and Jake loved this song, singing it on too many drunken nights to count. It truly was a beautiful song. You decided to just enjoy yourself and let the evening take its course rather than stressing out about it.
You pull into the long driveway of your friend Spencer’s house seeing all the cars parked out front. You find a good spot and walk up to the door seeing a few others talking by the front steps, you recognize his fiancé and smile politely walking towards her.
“My god, y/n is that you? You look absolutely stunning.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around you before pulling away and linking arms, guiding you towards the entrance of her and Spencer’s shared home.
“Mmm and you always smell amazing, have you been inside yet? We missed you like crazy, Ronnie’s been inside waiting. I think the boys are here already though-“
“Thank you Claire, I appreciate it. I’ll be sure to find them” you cut her off smiling gently as you gave her hand one last squeeze before stepping inside. Claire is a lovely woman but has a bad habit of rambling, you find it endearing but others seem to tire of her rather quickly.
Upon crossing the threshold into their home you’re immediately greeted by the short brunette.
“Finally! The boys are here, come on, we've been wondering where you were.” You nervously laughed as Ronnie grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the backyard.
You weave through the small bunch of people gathered in the living room and kitchen before you walk through to the sliding door, stepping onto the patio. Josh spots you and immediately heads over to give you the warmest of hugs.
“I knew it was you, I’d recognize that perfume anywhere. Glad you could make it little one” you smiled in his embrace at his terms of endearment, your cheeks warmed at the sentiment.
“Thank you Joshy, I’m so happy to finally see you. It’s been far too long.” you smiled up at him before you were quickly swept away.
You startled as you felt strong arms wrap around your waist from behind lifting you up and twirling you. You laughed recognizing the familiar cologne, you see his chestnut brown locks as he sets you down.
“And who might this lovely lady be?” Jake jokes, stepping back to get a good look at you.
“What an extravagant greeting, I see you’ve been gone long enough to forget about a girl like me” you joked back, hand coming up to rest on our chest as you feigned a look of hurt. Your favorite bit with him now taking it’s course.
“Ahhh, nonsense. A girl like you? Unforgettable'' he assured in his familiar cockney accent flashing you that infamous smirk you’ve grown to love. You looked down bashfully as you blushed yet again. You’ve almost grown sick of how quickly he can turn you into mush, you know he means nothing by it. You can’t help but wish maybe he did.
“Oh come on, you’re just saying that.” You laughed as you walked over to pour yourself some wine. Opting for a white this time given your attire. God forbid your nerves get the better of you and you spill it all over yourself.
You can’t help but notice you and Jake had accidentally coordinated outfits. He bore a cream colored blazer, akin to his cream colored pants. The muted brown button up he had on underneath was unsurprisingly left open with a couple of his pendants decorating his chest. He looked handsome, to say the least.
“Hmm you don’t sound so excited to see your lifelong friend, I’ve been gone for months and this is the treatment I receive?” He exaggerates, giggles escaping between words not able to take himself seriously.
“I thought we were besties y/n” he laughs, feigning a hurt expression knowing that would make you crack.
You can’t help but let a giggle escape your lips, the joke now running dry.
“Alright, alright. I guessss I missed you '' you say, wrapping both your arms around his waist. He gives the quickest peck to the top of your head.
“It’s good to see you sunshine, been too long” he gives you one last squeeze, you smiled at the old nickname he called you as you pulled away.
“Did you forget about us?!” You hear Danny exclaim. You whipped your head towards the back door sliding closed as the self-proclaimed “better half” of the band stepped outside.
“How could I? With the million random voice notes I’m sent a day…not a chance” You tease walking up to hug Sam.
“Glad I could aid, you look fantastic y/n. Definitely better than when we left” Sam teased tapping his chin as if in deep thought.
“Hey! Not cool man.” you jokingly retort as Danny comes up to give you a side hug.
“Yeah your hair’s longer or something or..you put on blush? Fuck, I tried. I don’t know what girls do but you look great” Danny says pulling back to examine you, you blushed at all the sweet gestures.
“She’s always been a looker!” Josh blurts in his exaggerated Midwest accent, raising his brows giving you a cheeky smile. You giggle at his candor.
“Yeah? You’re like…glowing, I’m glad to see you so happy. Also I didn’t tell you when I saw you but I don’t know why you were nervous on what to wear, this dress looks beautiful on you” Ronnie says smoothing out the flyaways on the top of your head. You and Josh make eye contact, he flashes you a look knowing exactly why you were nervous before averting his eyes and taking a sip of his mixed drink.
“Thank you guys I really really appreciate it, but this is a celebration for you! We haven’t seen each other in quite some time, let's make the most of it yeah?” You say raising your glass.
Jake would never say it out loud because he loved teasing you, but you did look rather beautiful today. Sam was right, you looked different. Good different. Maybe it was the hair, or maybe it was having some stress-free months without them. Jake knew they could be quite the handful and maybe this time away from each other caused this new glow, so he thought.
Whatever it was, he admired the way your hair blew softly in the wind. How the midday sun had created the perfect glow on your skin. He especially loved how the sweetness of your perfume matched your sweet personality. He was extremely proud to have you in his life.
“Cheers to that!” Sam exclaims raising his seltzer can.
“Alright! First order of business now that we’re all here "Josh butts in, waving a finger in the air. We wait patiently for his supposed plans, all you hear is the faint music for a second before he speaks up again.
“Yeah.. I’ve got nothing. Although it is a rather beautiful day..” he continues looking around at the beautiful midday sunlight. The six of us break into laughter at his wit.
“Doesn’t Spencer have a pool table? I say we play a couple rounds and catch up?" Sam offers looking around for approval.
‘I’m in, everybody down?” Jake speaks up, moving to stand beside you. Hums of approval circulate as we all migrate inside towards the billiards table. Before you fully enter Spencer’s spare room you feel a hand on your lower back. Turning, you're met with Jake's familiar caramel eyes.
“Hey.. whenever you’ve got time, you mind if I get a word alone with you?” He asks. You should feel worried given the question but he seemed…excited? You couldn’t precisely read the emotion clouding his irises.
‘Um, sure. I-is everything okay” you couldn’t help the anxiety that burned in your chest.
“More than. Just gotta share something special with you.” He says flashing you a warm smile, quickly easing your nerves.
“Okay then, I’d love that.” You smile before you two make your way inside the room seeing a couple of others have also decided they wanted a go at pool. You spot Ronnie sitting next to Danny on the loveseat and plop down beside her. Taking a long sip from your wine.
“Thirsty?” She laughs, boy she has no idea.
“Yea just needed some refreshment in my life, you know?” you wink at her before setting your glass on the table beside you. She giggles before continuing her conversation with Danny. You watch as the boys argue over who gets solids and who gets stripes.
“You ever gonna learn how to play pool y/n?” Jake teases knowing you’ve never been the best at it. You decide to entertain it.
“Only if I come across a good enough teacher.” You quip smiling up at him.
“Come on then, I think I know a guy” he smirks, reaching his hand out to help you up. You gently take his into your own, pulling yourself onto your feet. Josh takes your spot on the couch as Jake walks you both towards the table and hands you the stick.
You smile at Sam on the other side of the table. You immediately try and get into position going solely based on what you’ve seen. You hear a chuckle behind you as Jake presses himself against your back and adjusts your aim so it’s pointing towards the white ball. Your breath hitches in your throat at the proximity. He clears his throat before abruptly stepping back and shoving his hands in his pockets. Weird.
“Your position was correct, but you were pointing at the black one..you definitely don’t wanna shoot at that just yet” he laughs. “The white one does your dirty work, use it to bounce a striped ball into the closest hole. You and Sam will take turns shooting at your respective balls unless-“ you can’t help but snort, you quickly cover your mouth realizing you’ve interrupted him.
“Hey, get your mind out of the gutter” you just shrug as he smiles. He continues on demonstrating and explaining the rules until you feel confident enough to play a match by yourself. You were grateful Jake has always been so patient with you.
‘You got this y/n!” You hear Ronnie cheer, flashing you her bright smile. You blow her a kiss as Sam initiates the game. Your turn comes and you throw your hair over your shoulders and lean into position. Jake quickly averts his eyes to be respectful although Josh wasn’t shy with it at all.
“Damn mama, lookin good.” he playfully winks, raising his glass to you.
“Oh hush” you laugh before making your first shot that unfortunately didn’t go in but after a couple tries you got the hang of it and you and Sam were down to a close match. You hear Danny and Josh narrating the match like some football game as it comes down to the last few balls on the table until eventually only the 8-ball remains.
This was it. You were one hit away from winning, if you missed this Sam would win and you wouldn’t let that boastful man win any time soon. You may have calmed down over the years but you were still just as competitive as your younger self. You adjust the stick between your fingers, closing one eye to aim just right.
Point. Shoot.
The familiar thud of the ball falling in sounds. You swiftly turn to the long-haired man standing behind you.
“I did it Jake, I did it!!” You exclaim getting lost in the short high of your win. Letting your excitement get the best of you, you tackle him in a hug wrapping your arm around his neck.
“Can’t believe it took you so long to give in and actually play” he says, arms still wrapped around you, pulling back and staring at you. The realization settling in that you may be way too close for comfort. You swore you saw his eyes flicker down to your lips, you brushed it off as wishful thinking. You allow your eyes to run across his face a couple times. Seeing how the tour has treated him. His stubble subtly grew atop his lip, focusing on how soft they looked. His hands tighten around your waist as his breathing picks up. You realize you’ve lingered for too long as silence washes over the room.
You loosen your grip on him and step away from his embrace. You look around seeing everyone had dispersed talking with others. Suddenly feeling very awkward, you clear your throat adjusting the fabric of your dress before combing your fingers in your hair in an attempt to recollect yourself seeing as you now feel incredibly flushed. You clear your throat before speaking up.
“I think I’m gonna step out for a sec” you smile meekly, grabbing your glass.
“N-no yeah, by all means” he gestures towards the door adjusting the lapel of his coat that you had so desperately clung onto moments before.
You rush out smiling politely at everyone you pass on your way to the back deck. The sun has started to set, the beautiful golden hour shining brighter than ever across the yard. You step outside feeling the breeze brush past your skin, quietly thankful there was no one out here. You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as you sit on the porch swing.
You stare off trying to process whatever the fuck that was. God, he just made your heart flutter without any thought. The way he leaned up against you. The way his eyes seemingly locked onto your lips for a split second. It was all too much, were you being delusional? Either way you needed a breather before you made any mistakes. He was your friend, he would never deem you as anything more. He’s seen all your ugly awkward phases, there’s no way he’d see you in any sort of romantic light especially with the amount of beautiful women he meets, he could have anyone.
“Can we talk?” You heard his voice as the sliding door shut. You turn and meet Jake’s eyes as he steps closer in your direction.
“Of course! Sorry, I didn’t mean to just run off. I think the riesling might’ve gotten to me a bit” you force a laugh.
“Come sit” you continue as you pat the spot next to you on the swing. He adjusts his coat before taking a seat and running his hands through his hair.
“Ahh don’t worry about it, I just figured I wanna tell you sooner than later. This is special to me and I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while” his tight-lipped smile showing as he toys with his bracelets before looking up and turning to face you.
He grabs both your hands in his and your heart beat quickly accelerates.
“You’re important to me, y/n. And I think it’s time I share this with you, I can’t hide it any longer. I've been avoiding it because I couldn’t find the right words to say…” he says as his eyes lock in on your own, his thumb gently rubbing over your fingers.
What the fuck is happening? You think to yourself.
“What is it, Jake? You can tell me anything you know..” you say hopeful eyes gazing up at him.
If this was going in the direction you’d hoped, all your dreams would come true. You quickly brushed it off not wanting to get your hopes up.
“I know, sunshine.” He chuckles softly.
“Um, I wanna start by saying I value how close we are which is why I need to make this known..”
Oh my god, is he…
“I’ve been deciding on wether or not I want to pursue this and I don’t think the answer could’ve been clearer, its been in front of me this whole time for fucks sake” he gives a breathy laugh as he scoots closer, eyes boring into your own. His eyebrows furrow for a moment like he’s unsure if he should continue but it's quickly replaced by a smile.
This is it.. is this his way of telling you he feels it too?
“Fuck it I’m just gonna say it..”
Please say what I think you're gonna say..
“Yeah?” You prod, the hope in your tone making you internally cringe.
“..I started seeing someone from our crew…i really like her y/n” he smiled looking at his shoes.
The minute those words left his mouth your world seemingly went mute. Your ears rung like you had just been dunked under water. Your smile faded as your face became agonizingly hot and your throat tightened. How could you be so foolish? You should’ve known better. Of course he wasn’t about to confess his undying love for you as you would to him, you let your hopeless romanticism take over and now you’ve hurt your own feelings. Your dress suddenly feeling too tight on your body. You hair was touching all the wrong places. There probably was no need for the internalized dramatics but you wanted to crawl out of your own skin right now.
“Earth to y/n? Aren’t you gonna say anything” he laughs, scanning your face for any sort of emotion. You’d learned how to keep a good poker face dealing with his plethora of girlfriends. You faked a bright smile as tears threatened to spill over.
“Y-yeah!” You clear your throat realizing your voice has broken.
“Is everything okay?” He asks cutting you off before you could continue on. You still kept the insufferably wide fake smile on your face.
“Everything’s great! I'm just so happy for you Jakey, she must be a very special girl and I'm glad you’ve found someone who can put a smile like that on your face” you said, taking your hands from his grasp and rubbing his arm. You made sure to bring out your old nickname for him to convince him you were being sincere.
Jake was listening intently but knew you were lying. He’s known you for years, if he had know any better he’d say you looked heartbroken but decided not to press on it.
‘There’s no way she’s upset, she sees me as just a friend.’ Jake thinks to himself.
“Y-yea i just wanted to tell you today ‘cause she’ll be here any minute now and i’d love for you and Ronnie to finally meet her” he says, now seemingly unsure of himself.
“Wow! Y-yeah.. I mean I’d love to!” You say nervously running your fingers through your hair. God, how were you gonna get through meeting her so soon after the love of your life, who didn’t know he was the love of your life, had just single-handedly shattered your heart.
“Great, i'm so happy you’re my best friend sunshine” he says standing up opening his arms signaling he wants a hug. You rise and give him a quick embrace.
“Yea… me too.” You say as you try and fight off the tears once his arms wrap around you.
You excuse yourself to grab another drink. You rush inside but of course you just had run into Josh on your way to find the strongest bottle of alcohol this house could provide.
“Woah slow down little lady— hey… you okay?” he says, noticing your glossy eyes.
“Peachy. Now, if you’ll excuse me for just one second” you say trying to squeeze past.
“Ah-ah-ah, not until you tell me what’s got you in such a hurry.” He says grabbing your wrist.
“I just need a second alone, please josh..” your voice trails off into whisper, you were trying your best to stay composed but the more he kept poking and prodding at this fresh wound the more afraid you were of completely imploding.
“Oh, okay..” he complies, releasing his grip as he watches you snatch the entire bottle of wine and make your way to the guest bathroom. You were gonna need some liquid courage to withstand meeting whoever this chick is. You didn’t mean to be so sour but you felt foolish.
You sat down on the closed toilet seat after locking the bathroom door and thanked whomever that this wine bottle was a twist cap. You took a few sips before processing everything.
10 years.
10 years of convincing yourself that this would go away, but it somehow only grew stronger.
10 years of being irrevocably in love with one of your closest friends.
You were stupid enough to think he would feel the same way when he’s legitimately touring the world and has any girl he chooses at his feet.
Why couldn’t it be me?
I should’ve spoken up sooner. It’s all too late. Would he have even liked me back?
You let your head drop as tears clouded your vision, you succumbed to just letting them fall freely now that you were in private.
You wept for your inner teenage self knowing all she wanted got squashed right before your eye. Life can turn on a dime, you shouldn’t have wasted so much time hoping one day he just might make a move. I mean josh was right, you pathetically remained single because you only had eyes for his brother… for the most part. You’ve mingled but none of them could ever truly get your mind off of him. And for what? He’s just a guy. Albeit, a guy who is incredibly kind to you, knows all your in’s and out’s. How you like your coffee, all your favorite songs. He knew that you had to sleep with one extra blanket in bed because the only way you can fall asleep is if you're wrapped up in it. He knew that you would only ever accept flowers if at least one of the petals has wilted because lest we forget, we too are all but a little damaged. He’d grown to know all your weird habits as if it was second nature to him. He was what every girl desired.
You'd devoted yourself to him, built your life around him almost. Your earliest memories are plagued with him and his family and now everything has come crashing down faster than you can handle. You had a feeling deep down that you needed to get over him years ago so who are you to sit here and feel sorry for yourself. You knew better than to think he could ever love you back. You knew blind faith would come back to bite you in the ass.
It was stupid to wait so long with all these bottled up feelings towards him, you feel like you’ve wasted so much of your time helplessly hoping in silence and now who were you meant to seek advice from. You can’t tell your best friend he’s just broken your heart because you’ve been madly in love with him since you were seventeen. You can’t tell Ronnie because, although you’re incredibly grateful for it, she would come to your immediate defense and the last thing you wanted was a big fallout at their welcome home party. You’ve never been in more internal conflict than now.
You allowed yourself to shed a couple more tears before touching up your makeup and chugging down some more of the cheap Riesling. They would come looking for you any second now.
You collected yourself taking one last glance in the mirror before exuding a shaky breath as your hand reached to turn the knob. Stepping outside your met with Josh leaned up against the wall. Was he waiting for you to get out?
“There you are..” he whispered, swiftly grasping your arm and dragging you right back into the bathroom.
“J-josh what the fuck? What are you doi-“ you were cut off by him shushing you and locking the door.
“Listen, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think he would actually make it official with her. I thought she was some fling of his. If I had known I would’ve warned you.”
“So you know about our conversation?” You softly ask, trying to tame the lump growing in your throat.
“Yea, she’s here and Jake said you ran off after he told you he wanted to introduce you to her”
“Oh my god, I probably embarrassed myself. I wasn’t thinking Josh, I was just afraid I’d lose it in front of him” You say bringing your hands up to rub your temples. Josh reaches to grab your wrists, holding your arms in front of you.
“Hey, hey.. stop stressing yourself out. Everything happens for a reason, okay? You didn’t embarrass yourself, no one suspects a thing. I just wanted to make sure you were alright, it's pretty big news for you” he says, thumb rubbing gently on your forearms. The waterworks were conjuring up again, a small tear slipped as you met his eyes.
“I waited too long Josh…” you whispered.
“You were right. I shouldn’t have done this to myself. I-I mean, am I crazy for wishing someone could love me the way I love them?” You questioned rhetorically, your teary eyes staring into Josh’s pity-filled ones. You hated how he was staring at you. You didn’t need pity, you knew the mess you got yourself into.
"Not crazy at all, sunshine.” Hearing Jake's nickname for you coming out of Josh’s mouth felt wrong. Especially right now.
“Come on. let's take a deep breath and greet the guest, shall we?” He offers. You inhale a sharp breath before nodding your head in compliance, it was gonna happen one way or another, might as well man up for now and wallow in the privacy of your own home.
You both make your way into the living room seeing everyone gathered around the couch. A few people seemed to have gone home, there were a lot less people than when you showed up. Sam, Dan, and Ronnie sat on one couch.
Your eyes peered over to Jake in the kitchen talking to a beautiful blonde. She was wearing black silk blouse and some mom jeans. It was casual but elegant, you envied how effortlessly pretty she was.
“Hey.. stop getting in your head.” Josh whispered in your ear. Claire and Spencer waved for you to come join everyone. You took your seat as Ronnie got up from her spot next to Sam and came over to sit next to you.
“Where were you? You like..disappeared” she giggled. You smiled at her as best you could.
“The wine wasn’t sitting well, I needed a breather” you laugh hoping she believed you.
The only reason you never told any of your friends about your feelings for Jake was because at first you were convinced it would go away, so why embarrass yourself by telling someone something only for it to not be true in a few weeks and potentially jeopardize an entire friendship. Then as the years went on of you gaslighting yourself into thinking it would go away, all of a sudden 10 years had gone by.
“Ugh I feel you, Sam made me the nastiest marg earlier. I thought I was gonna yak” she says clutching her stomach. You laugh along with her, thankful she didn’t pry any further.
You were broken from your conversation as Jake walked in the room, his hand locked in hers as he guided her in.
“Alright everyone, this is Laura. My beautiful girlfriend.” He says leaning in to kiss her cheek. Jake seemed like he’s had one too many, his words slightly slurring but you don’t question any further. She politely smiled and greeted everyone. Jake notices you, his eyes twinkle before shining you a bright smile and gesturing for her to come meet you.
“Y/n, Laura. Laura, y/n.. this lovely lady has been one my best friends since elementary school” he introduces, slurring his words a bit gesturing towards you with an open palm. You smile wide and rise to give her a quick hug, Josh watching you intently. Your hospitality is admirable.
“Oh my gosh! You’re y/n! I've heard so much about you, I love your dress” she compliments.
Fuck. She’s actually really nice, it sounds terrible to say but you were secretly hoping she was bitch so you wouldn’t feel as bad for being so upset. Your moral compass however, refuses to allow you to feel negatively towards anyone undeserving.
“Thank you, you're so kind. It’s a pleasure to meet you” you smile bright as your cheeks flush from the sincerity of the compliment. She excuses herself to the bathroom, as Jake gestures for the two of you to take a seat yet again. The constant sitting and standing was starting to wear you out.
“Soooo what’d you think?” He says
“Short interaction, but she seems like a great girl Jakey. As long as you're happy I’m happy.” You give a tight-lipped smile, toying with a loose string on your dress.
“That’s it? That’s all you're gonna say?” he asks, stumbling over his words. There’s a certain tone he brought on that you didn’t like.
“W-well I don’t know what you want me to say… a-are you drunk right now?” You say, now adopting a confused expression.
“You could at least act a little more enthused for me. I mean do you even care at all? I was excited for the two of you to meet” he says, scooting back in his spot. He seemed offended, where was all this coming from?
“I-I’m sorry? I don’t know why you’re getting so upset with me. What do you want me to do Jake?” You say lowering your tone so the others around you do catch wind of whatever disagreement this seemed to be.
“You know what…just forget it, you could at least act like you care.” He spat, harshly grabbing his drink and abruptly leaving from his spot beside you. You sat there in shock.
What the fuck.
Your face suddenly felt hot, your throat tightened aggressively. You needed to get out of this house. You did care, too much. That’s why you felt your entire body go numb as tears clouded your vision. Why was he being so mean? Today has been the worst day ever. You swiftly get up from the couch and collect your things. You think you’ll make it with a successful Irish goodbye but of course with your luck, Josh catches you just before you slip out the front door.
‘Hey, where are you going” he asks.
“I can’t josh, I need to leave. I’m so sorry I just- I don’t know what came over him or how much he drank in the amount of time between our conversation and now but suddenly I’m the bad guy?? I don’t even know what I did wrong, apparently I don’t care enough? When you and I both know that’s far from the truth. I just wanna go home josh…please. I think I really fucked it this time and I need to process everything a little bit, okay? I really don’t mean to ruin your welcome home party, truly. I’m so glad to see you guys and maybe you and I could grab lunch this weekend to make up for me leaving so soon and bringing this drama.” You ramble, furiously wiping the tears streaming down your face. Josh doesn’t say anything, he just frowns and pulls you into a much needed hug.
“Alright mama, don’t worry about it.. you haven’t ruined anything. He probably had too much to drink. As far as I’m concerned I’m the only one who knows about this little fallout. Text me when you’re home, okay? Are you sure you’re okay to drive?” He questions.
“I’m okay, I was only kinda tipsy and that whole thing really sobered me up.” You let out a pathetic laugh at how humorous this all was. He rubs your arm before allowing you to make your way out.
You felt guilty for leaving so early, you didn’t mean to make it about you and you would’ve stuck it out but given Jake's newfound attitude towards you, you didn’t feel very welcomed anymore. Maybe you could’ve been more enthused but this was also heavy news for you. You start feeling regretful as you realized you had been a bit insensitive. You would have shown more joy for your best friend but how were you meant to give any more than that?? I mean she left for the bathroom in the middle of the greeting for fucks sake.
You sighed feeling at a loss. Granted, your feelings weren’t his responsibility but how exactly was he expecting you to react? You weren’t necessarily jumping with joy at the idea. But then again, he had no idea about your feelings. In his eyes, his best friend wasn’t matching his energy on something he deemed important. You start wracking your brain on everything you could’ve done to avoid this, essentially kicking yourself while your already down.
You make it to your car, hoping to just go home, have a night of reflection in a warm bath. As you sit down your phone vibrates in your hand.
Message from: Sam Wam Bam🕺🏻
-some friend you are..
Sam?? What the fuck? Why is he saying that?
Message from: Jake ❤️
-don’t even bother reaching out anymore.
He must’ve said something to Sam. Now sam probably thinks you were being a shit friend and ditched him and his brother at their own welcome back party after sharing the news with everyone.
You dropped your head to rest on your steering wheel as you realized you seemed inconsiderate to the people who didn’t know about your repressed feelings for the man. You felt like you ruined everything. You knew better than to get your hopes up, why did you think today would be any different and he would spontaneously have feelings for you? Foolish.
You let out a sob at their messages knowing this whole situation has been misunderstood. Because of it, everything was crumbling down around you.
So…thoughts? How we feelin’?
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indigogvf · 10 months
How can you not see it?
Authors note: this is my first time writing smut!! Any feedback/thoughts are much appreciated but please be nice :)
Warnings: 18+, minors dni. Angst (i cant help myself🤭), fluff, drinking, swearing. Let me know if I missed anything!
Word count: 2.7k
Summary: After being fuck buddies with Josh for a few months, he begins to act out when he sees a man buy you a drink. Is this little arrangement between you over, or does it turn into something more?
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You walked up to the bar, standing there for no longer than two seconds before an unfamiliar arm snaked around your waist. “This one’s on me. A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be paying for their own drinks, hm?”
‘Okay, gross…’ you thought, turning to look at him. He had dark brown hair that was gelled to the side, brown eyes with slight stubble on his face. I mean, he wasn’t ugly, but that pick-up line was plain nasty.
“I’m okay, thanks though.” You presented a closed lipped smile in hopes that your bluntness would deter him.
You were wrong.
“C’mon, just one drink. I’ll leave you alone after that, I promise.” He asked, looking at you hopefully.
‘Maybe he isn’t so bad, I mean that’s a pretty reasonable offer.’ Looking over the man’s shoulder, you caught Josh’s eyes burning into you.
“Okay, just one drink, but you have to leave me alone after that.” Accepting his compromise, you took a seat at the bar whilst he ordered you a drink. You caught Josh’s eyes again, noticing that he appeared to be angry. You and Josh have been sleeping together for a few months now, but so far, it has been nothing serious.
It happened at the end of the last tour, when he was pent up after a show and had absolutely no shame in asking for your help in the midst of his desperation. There was no denying that Josh is attractive, and you’d always had a small thing for him, so you happily obliged. But then, it carried on, which isn’t necessarily a problem, but he’s a very confusing person. You know that he’s only using you for a quick fuck, but considering your friendship, you assumed he’d have a tad more respect. You are painfully aware that sex is all it is to him, but you can’t help feeling hurt at times, especially when he has no shame in chatting up random girls when you go out somewhere. You’ve had plenty of opportunities to do the same, but stopped yourself out of respect for Josh.
However, it had been a week since you and Josh last had sex, and the guy currently chatting you up seemed nice enough. You didn’t have any intention of sleeping with him, but it was nice to share a drink with someone, even if it was not the person you wanted to be with.
You finished your drink and said your goodbyes to the guy at the bar, who you never actually caught the name of. Or maybe you did… you can’t remember, and truthfully, you don’t really care. You headed back to the group, which only consisted of you, Josh, Jake, Danny, and Sam. “Who was that?” Jake asked, sharing an intrigued look with the rest of them.
“Just some guy, he said he’d buy me a drink and then leave me alone. Seemed like a fair deal and he was nice enough.” You looked around, and it seemed like your answer was satisfactory. Until you landed on Josh, who was still wearing the same grumpy look. You frowned at him, wondering what his problem was. He caught your gaze and rolled his eyes.
‘What is his problem?’ You thought, frustrated with the lack of communication.
“Where are we going after this?” You asked, trying to avoid Josh’s stare.
“You’re not going home with that guy?” Josh asked, hints of sarcasm seeping through his already harsh tone. You were dumbfounded, Josh never acts this way.
“Excuse me?” You asked, pure confusion evident in your tone.
“I don’t know. You seemed pretty content with him.” You looked around trying to gauge everyone else’s reaction, which was seemingly the same as yours.
“I already told you, he bought me one drink and promised to leave me alone. If he hadn’t made the promise of leaving me alone I would have been opposed to the idea, but he did. It was a harmless drink.” You spoke calmly despite the anger that was flowing through your veins.
‘This is unbelievable! Since when is this a problem for him? He has no issues chatting up girls, but when I have a harmless drink with someone he acts like I’ve committed adultery in a marriage that doesn’t even exist.’ You were fuming, but doing a good job of hiding it.
“Could’ve fooled me” he responded, sarcasm dripping from his words.
“Josh, chill out. Let’s just go back to mine because it's the closest.” Danny pipes up. You weren’t even sure you wanted to stay out after the way Josh has been acting. It was awkward now, no one was really sure of what to say because no one knew what was wrong.
“I think I might just head home for the night. This has been really nice though, we need to make more of an effort to do this more often.” You hoped that they wouldn’t question it. Josh had entirely sucked the fun out of the night and your mood to socialise had gone down the drain. They all protested, asking you to stay just a couple more hours. Josh stayed silent, confirming that he was still in his pathetic little mood. That gave you even more reason to leave, so you did. You all said goodbye and they subtly told you to just ignore Josh and that he’d get over whatever was bothering him.
As soon as you got home you stripped from your restricting skirt and top and got in the shower. The warmth felt so good, releasing all the built up tension from Josh’s digs at you. It started to dawn on you that maybe the whole arrangement you had with Josh was a bad idea. Realistically, it’s never a good idea to sleep with your friends without the intention of more. But, it was going fine, it hadn’t affected your friendship at all until now. You wonder what had changed.
You reluctantly got out the shower and put on your comfiest pyjamas. Then, you ordered some takeout, which is a necessity after a night of drinking. It was still quite early and you weren’t going to go to sleep for a few more hours, so you poured yourself a nice, full glass of wine. You heard a knock at the door before you could enjoy.
‘That was quick…’ you opened the door and was met with Josh’s familiar face. ‘Fucking brilliant.’
“What do you want now? To ruin the rest of my night, too?” You asked. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“No, I was going to apologise but it seems you’re still clinging on to whatever it was I did.” You audibly laughed in his face.
‘Unbelievable. Is he serious? This is so obviously because the rest of them forced him to come and apologise.’ You theorized.
“Seriously, Josh? You were rude. You have no problems chatting up women at bars and I never bat an eyelid. Was it shitty to watch? Sure! But I have no reason to stop you because we are not together. We fuck Josh, that’s the extent of it. We’re friends who fuck. Why is it a problem when I have a drink with someone? I was never going to agree in the first place out of respect for you. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to go home with someone, but I haven’t, because despite the fact that we aren't together, we’re friends. But it’s only fair if I get to talk to other guys. I don’t know what your problem is, but our little arrangement is done. It’s clearly affecting our friendship and you seem to be able to get a good fuck whenever you want, so you obviously don’t need me for that. Now, if you’re not going to sincerely apologise for your pathetic behaviour, I’d like you to leave before my food gets here.” He stared at you, mouth agape in shock. All of the emotions you just poured out started to sink in, and it’s became overwhelming. You hold back the tears and wait for him to respond.
‘Why is this getting to me so mu-‘
“I love you! Jesus, how can you not see it? I’m head over heels for you. Have you never noticed how I always take care of you after we have sex? I stay with you every single time. Have you never noticed the way I look at you every opportunity I get? Have you never thought about why I always get you the most meaningful gifts compared to everyone else? Or why I always sit next to you when we go out? I’m in love with you. I never meant for us sleeping together to become a regular thing, but having you as something more than a friend was better than just being seen as a friend by you, even if it was just as a fuck buddy. The way I acted tonight was wrong and unfair, and you’re right. You should be able to talk to whoever you want because that’s exactly what I do. I’m sorry.”
You were shocked to say the least, but it made sense. Everything made sense. You love him. That’s why it always bothered you to see him talking to other girls. As you stared at him completely baffled, your food arrived, which was honestly perfect timing. It brought you back to reality. You invited Josh into your home and sat down with him, “please say something, you’ve been silent for way too long”
“I’m sorry. I just- it all makes sense now.” You thought about the best way to go about this. You weren’t exactly planning on admitting your feelings for Josh tonight, specifically because you are admitting to feelings that you didn’t even realise you had until five minutes ago. ‘Fuck it.’ “I love you too. I didnt even realise, but it makes sense. It hurt to see you talk to other girls, knowing you could pull any of them whenever you wanted. I just didn’t put the pieces together.” You stared up at him, and you couldn’t stop yourself.
You grabbed his collar and pulled him into you, kissing him with so much force that it made your head spin. He gladly reciprocated. Your mouths moved in sync as his tongue swiped your bottom lip, asking for entrance, which you granted. He pushed you further into the couch, and you wrapped your legs around his waist bringing him in closer. This felt so different; it wasn’t just need and desperation; the atmosphere was filled with love and passion. He groaned into your mouth as you started grinding your hips on him, looking for some type of friction to ease the aching sensation. You could feel how hard he was.
He pulled away to remove your top and groaned when he realised you weren’t wearing a bra. “Fuck. You’re so pretty, mama.” You smiled at him as you moved your hands to his waist and attempted to unbutton his pants when he stopped you, “No. Let me make you feel good, first.” He removed your pants, leaving you completely naked below him. He ran his fingers through your folds collecting the wetness. “All of this for me?” You moaned at the feeling of his fingers on you, bucking your hips to try and get some friction on your aching clit.
“Only for you, Josh” he pushed a finger inside of you, eliciting a moan that was louder than intended. He was moving at an antagonizing pace. “Please, Josh.” You whined. You needed more, you were so desperate for something.
“Please what, baby?”
“I need more. Please.” He pushed another finger into you, increasing his speed. “Fuck! That feels so good.” You moaned. You could feel the warmth blossoming in your belly, getting closer and closer to your release. He knew it, he knew your body so well. He could feel you squeezing his fingers, and just as you were about to come, he removed them. “No! No, no. Please Josh. I was so close”
“Soon, mama. Let me take care of you.” he leaned in, kissing you much softer than before. You whined into his mouth, bucking your hips in an attempt to relieve your desperation. He was just as desperate as you, if not more. You could feel the heat radiating from his cock.
“I need you Josh. I need your cock, please.” You begged. He pulled down his pants along with his boxers and released his achingly hard cock. His head was red and dripping with pre cum, begging to be touched. You reached your hand down and stroked him delicately. “Fuck. Your hands feel so good, baby, but I need to be inside of you.” He lined his cock up with your entrance and bottomed out. You both groaned in sync. He was stretching you out so good.
“Please move Josh.” You begged, and he obliged. He moved slowly, picking up his pace. This was different, he was going slow but so deep compared to usual, where he would mercilessly fuck you. You used your legs that were wrapped around his waist to bring him in closer, digging your nails into his back. He moaned into your neck, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. Your orgasm was approaching quickly after having it taken away a mere five minutes ago. It was so rushed but you couldn’t care less, you just needed him.
“Faster Josh, I’m so close. Fuck!” He did as he was asked, thrusting into you faster. He grabbed your leg and chucked it over his shoulder, somehow achieving an even deeper angle than before. “Jesus Christ, Josh. You feel so good.” Your head rolled back into the cushions behind you as you quickly approached your long awaited orgasm.
“You gonna come for me? Give it to me, mama. I need to feel you come around my cock.” Josh’s words of encouragement threw you over the edge and caused you to come, hard. You don’t even know if you were actually saying anything or if you were just making noises, but you didn’t care. He fucked you through it, picking up his pace as he chased his own orgasm. “I’m close, baby. Can you give me one more?” You nearly cried when he said that. You were beyond fucked out, the alcohol from earlier starting to tire you out.
“I can’t, Josh.” You whined. His hips were faltering now, giving him away. His eyes were screwed shut and his mouth was hanging open. “You can, I know you can. C’mon, mama. Just one more for me. You feel so good. Be good for me, please” his voice was strained, which encouraged you even more. You could feel yourself getting closer. He reached his hand down to your clit and within seconds you were coming again. You saw stars, your legs clamped around his waist even harder as you came. You were shouting his name like a mantra as he thrusted into you at a merciless pace, chasing his own release. You felt him twitch inside of you.
“Fuck! I’m gonna come” he groaned as he stilled inside of you, releasing his hot spurts of cum. His head dropped to the crook of your neck as he worked himself through his orgasm. You both stilled as you caught your breath and he rolled off of you.
He wrapped his arms around you and brought you closer, kissing your forehead gently. “I’m sorry for earlier. I love you.” You smiled up at him and ran your fingers through his hair.
“It’s okay. I love you too, Josh.” You cuddled into him.
‘This feels so right.’ He leaned down and pressed a delicate kiss to your lips whilst he caressed your face. He pulled away and his eyes were filled with nothing but love.
“How does a shower sound?” He suggested, a cheeky glint in his eyes. You grinned up at him and peeled yourself away from his embrace. “I’ll race you.” You giggled, quickly getting up and giving yourself a head start.
“Oh, you’re on!” He chased after you, laughing to himself.
‘This feels so right.’ He thought, too.
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losfacedevil · 3 months
Darkness of the Night (3)
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Meet Samuel, the resident Vampire of New Shoreham… and come along on the journey of his wild life in the afterlife
Warnings: Brotherly fighting, mention of death
Sam had never utilized the speed in which his body moved since he was turned until now. His legs carried him at lightening speed and he was thankful that it was still nightfall as no one could see the speed he was moving. His chest heaved as he rounded the last corner and the duplex that he shared with Josh came into view. Sam swallowed hard around the lump in his throat as he ascended the three concrete steps that led to his front door and took note of how the door was left slightly ajar. 
He couldn’t deny the sounds of a scuffle deep within his half of the house, slowly making his way through his living room and into his relaxation room. His eyes widened at the sight of his second eldest - and Josh’s identical twin - brother Jake, pinning Josh against the wall. Jakes expression was one of disappointment, anger, and upset; an expression Sam had never seen grace his elder brothers face. Sam took a step forward and shoved his arm in between the twins, trying to break the grasp that Jake had on Josh’s shirt collar. 
“What the hell, Jake?” Sam barked, wrapping his hand around Jake’s wrist and pulled Josh free of his brothers grasp. Jakes wild gaze found Sam’s and he charged his youngest brother, backing him into the corner next to the couch your body was lying on. He reached up and pressed his arm across Sam’s chest, feebly holding him in place as he pointed down at your body lying lifelessly across the couch. 
“What the hell, Jake? The fuck you mean what the hell, Jake? WHAT THE HELL, SAMMY?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!” 
Sam reached up and wrapped his hands around Jakes wrists, pulling them off of his chest and pinned them down against his sides, effortlessly lifting Jakes body so they were eye to eye. Jake reared his head back and threw it forward, attempting to head butt Sam. The younger boy rolled his eyes and spun on his heel, pressing Jakes back against the wall he was just pinned against. 
“What have I done to who, Jake? Iris? The random girl that strolled into my diner?” Sam kept his voice steady, not wanting to anger his brother any further. Jake huffed out an annoyed breath and his eyes cut to where you laid, tears beginning to pool against his bottom lids. 
“Iris? Who the fuck is Iris? That’s Vayda…” Jake mumbled as realization washed over his body. He had known as soon as he laid his palm against your cheek and felt the icy chill your skin held, the way your pulse no longer beat beneath the skin of your neck that you were no longer his Vayda. He hadn’t wanted to believe what he saw laid out in front of him until he got confirmation from Sam. 
“Vayda? That’s… that’s her name? You know her?” Sam asked, swallowing hard as his gaze darted between Jake and your body. Jake nodded and began to fight against the way Sam was holding him, trying to get his feet back on the ground. 
“Do I fucking know her. Her name is Vayda… she’s…” Jake swallowed hard, trying to keep his composure and the super natural anger he felt bubbling in his veins at bay.
“She’s my mate…” Jake mumbled and pulled his hand upward, trying with all he could to land a punch into Sam’s gut. 
“We got into it earlier, she snapped because she was frustrated with work and I fed into it when I shouldn’t have. She took off and when she wasn’t back by sundown, my instincts told me something was wrong and I looked for her on life360. Imagine my surprise when I pinged her phone and I find her here. I thought I was seeing things. Vayda doesn’t even know who you two are let alone where to find you so why is she where she doesn’t fucking belong. What have you done to her?!” The shell of Sam’s heart broke in his chest and he let go of Jake, dropping him to the floor and he bent at the knee, kneeling down beside where your body lay. 
“You’re… mate? I killed your fucking mate…” Realization washed over Sam as what Jake said sunk into his mind. She wasn’t a random girl at the diner, she was Jakes mate. 
“You… killed her?!” Jake voice rose as he stood to his full height once more and stood toe to toe with his younger brother. His hands rested in balled fists against his sides and he began to clench and unclench them as he weighed the pros and cons of trying to sock his brother in the jaw. 
“I didn’t kill her per se. She is merely other worldly like you are now…” Sam mumbled and reached up, rubbing his hand soothingly along the back of his neck. 
Jake saw red as his blood began to boil and he reached up, wrapping his hands as tightly as he could around Sam’s throat. Sam grimaced against the smell that permeated off of Jake, that of sulfur and wet soil, but Jake couldn’t be bothered to worry about the ways in which he was making his younger brother uncomfortable. A sigh slipped past Sam’s nose, a tactic to try and cover up the stench, and he reached up, wrapping his hands as gently as he could around Jakes wrists and tugged. 
“I’d suggest you don’t do that, unless you want your neck snapped.” Sam’s voice was steady and stern as he pushed Jake back as hard as he could and sent him stumbling into the desk behind him. 
As the shock of seeing his brothers physically brawl wore off, Josh shook his head and took a few steps forward; ultimately angling his body between those of his brothers. Sam’s eyes softened as he looked down at Josh and a flash of regret danced across the fledglings eyes, knowing now he had screwed up on and even more intense level. Reaching up Josh tipped Sam’s head back, trying to assess the already fading red marks where Jake had held him. 
“I’ll be fine, it takes more than that to harm the undead.” Sam muttered and nodded in Jakes direction. 
Jake sat cross legged on the floor with his back pressed against the desk he had just careened into. His elbows rested against his knees and his hands covered his face as sobs violently shook his shoulders. A soft sigh slipped past Josh’s lips as he knelt down next to Jake and placed a comforting hand against his back.  
“Jake I… I don’t know what to say.” Josh mumbled and shot a concerned look up at Sam who shrugged his shoulders idly and watched as Josh tried to comfort Jake. 
“You could have fucking stopped it. You could have told him no!” Jake snapped and moved forward, shaking Josh’s hand off of his back. Josh’s eyes grew wide and he sat back on his knees, his eyes now darting between both of his brothers.
“You really think I’d let him turn someone? I was unaware anything was happening until he called me because he was in trouble. And it’s seems like he’s in worse trouble than we originally thought.” Josh huffed an exasperated breath though his nose as his blood began to boil and anger began to overtake his rational thoughts. 
“What’s done is done, Jake. There’s nothing anyone can do. She’s now one of them and when she wakes up she’s going to be starved. I’d suggest you be far away from her when that happens. Unless you’re rest to turn in your wings for porcelain skin.” Josh mumbled and pushed to his feet, closing the distance between him and your sleeping form. He let his hand fall, landing gently against your chilled cheek and he sighed as the realization of just how real this was washed over him. 
“You promised me, Sam. When you first came back to us… you promised me… you promised us that you would never hurt a human, would never turn a human. And yet here we are, my mate “asleep” on your couch but she won’t be waking up the same. You took my fucking future from me and you don’t even have a single drop of remorse in your body, do you? You KILLED MY MATE SAM! Do you understand the weight of what you’ve done? What do I tell mom or her family? Do I report her as missing to make this more believable? What do I DO SAM?! How do you plan on fixing this?” 
Sam pulled a deep breath in and reached up, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger. What he thought was a small mistake he could hide from the masses quickly became something he wasn’t even sure how he would fix. With a soft shake of his head, he shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to Jake. 
“I. Don’t. Know. But now that I know she’s connected to you… Jake, I’m sorry I just… I don’t know what to say.” Jake stood to his full height and stalked over to where Sam stood. The sound of Jakes pulse began to drive Sam mad as his blood sped through his veins at what seemed like lightening speed. Sam took a step back and put space between them, not trusting his self control. 
“Jake…” Josh tried, and reached out to place a comforting hand against Jakes shoulder once more. His twin shook his head and reached up to knock Josh’s hand off of his shoulder once more.
“You’re gonna wish you were dead, Sammy.” Jake spat and turned on his heel, storming out of the duplex. 
A sigh slipped past Josh’s lips and he turned to face Sam, crossing his arms protectively over his chest. He was at a loss, not sure what to do in the situation he now found himself in. Sam shook his head and closed the distance between him and your sleeping form, kneeling down next to the couch beside where you slept. 
“You’ve gotten me into a world of trouble, Iris. How are we going to get out of this?” He  mumbled, reaching up to cup your cheek in the palm of his hand. 
“What’s the plan?” Josh asked. Sam shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention to his eldest brother, fully at a loss for words. 
Sam paced slowly beside where your body now lay in his bed, having moved you from the uncomfortable couch of his relaxation room. His hands were tangled in his hair, the strands wrapped so tightly around his fingers he thought he’d pull it free of his scalp if he tugged hard enough. He was mumbling to himself, trying to come up with ways to bring up the need for help to Marjorie, someone he knew full well would probably throw him out into the sunlight to perish. 
“Can’t call Danny, he’ll just call Jake and he already hates me so… that’ll really end up with my untimely death by silver sword. Josh is no help now that Jakes somehow entwined in this. What the fuck do I do?” Sam stopped his pacing just long enough to let his gaze focus on your face. He took in just how peaceful you looked, sleeping so soundly in his bed. But he knew once you woke that your eyes would glow a deadly shade of red and he’d have to find you a food source quickly. 
“Such an idiot, I should have just let her die. No… no that’s not nice, but neither was Jakes wrath. I don’t understand what came over me… why? Why her? Why must you be connected to my fucking brother, Iris?!” Sam spoke into the void, not realizing that you were able to hear everything he was saying. 
You were stuck in an out of body realm, watching as Sam paced next to your sleeping body, still not fully aware of what exactly had happened last night. Taking note of how pale your skin had become in just twelve hours, you had the slightest inkling that his taste had become a meal he couldn’t stop. 
You tried to wake your body, bring yourself back into the world of the conscious but failed miserably as whatever Sam had done to you still held strongly to your mind. You yearned to scream into the abyss, wanting nothing more than to curse the man pacing in front of your lifeless body, tell him off for doing something you had no say in and now your life would be completely ruined. 
You watched as he sat on the bed next to your body and reached over to his bedside table, pulling his hairbrush out of the drawer and slowly began to detangle the mess that had become of your hair in your sleep.
“There’s no way we’re going to be able to stay here, Iris. We’re too close to your hometown for a missing persons report to work. Someone’s going to see you and we’re going to be screwed. Marjorie is our only hope of figuring this out.” Sam sighed and laid the hair brush down on the bed next to you, smoothing out your now detangled hair and he finally lay next to you, wishing for a few hours of real rest.  
Until next time…
TAGLIST: @vanfleeter @readyforthegarden @joshsindigostreak @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @dannythedog @stardustvanfleet @devilat-thedoor @the-wicked-gnome @runwayblues @gracev0609 @lipstickitty @sunfl0wer-power @allieisacrybaby @jordie-gvf gvf @josh-iamyour-mama @slut4lando
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sacredjake · 1 year
Teach Me- Part Three
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pairing: Professor!Sam x 21+ College Student Reader
word count: 7.8K
warnings: 18+MDNI! cussing, fluff, small angst, drug use (weed), oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex, penetrative sex, nicknames, soft sammy. let me know if i missed anything!
part 3 is finally here! i apologize for the long wait, i hope this made up for it. huge thank you as always to @malany-gvf for letting me talk through my ideas with her. and a thank you to @gold-mines-melting & @ageofhearingloss for helping as well <3 love y’all! linked below is a song that inspired bits of this, and a visual of sammy :) enjoy and thank you so much for reading and waiting!!
Stars On The Ceiling
sammy visual
The leaves outside had turned from lively green to vibrant shades of reds, oranges and yellows signifying that fall was here, and a month had passed since that day in Professor Buckley’s office with Sam. Since then things had only progressed. The… relationship between the two of you developed more into just that. A relationship. 
Nothing was made official per se, but the foundation of your connection wasn’t based on just sex. Sure the sex was good. Like really, really good, but that wasn’t what kept the you tethered to one another. 
Everything about the two of you just made sense. You shared almost all the same interests which lead into constant conversations about practically anything. With Sam it was just so easy. The flow was natural as if you were meant to be with one another in some way. 
Sam was kind, funny, extremely smart, spontaneous and incredibly sweet. He was also just an overall goofball and sometimes a smartass, but you admired every part of him you’d come to know on a personal level. He never failed to make you feel anything less than special, and made sure to constantly tell you in case his gestures didn’t already show it. 
While you avoided going out together in public, he would still take you on dates to a neighboring town. Neither of you were willing to risk getting caught by anyone who didn’t already know, which was a short list of just Macie, and Sam’s best friend Danny. You had met Danny several times as he and Sam are roommates, and you got along great with him. He was kind and funny, and practically perfect for Macie, who was dying to meet him. 
Which is where you were headed right now. 
When you had told Sam that Macie wanted to meet Danny he came up with the idea for the four of you to head over to an arcade in the next town over as a group. Sure it was more of a set up for your two best friends, but they didn’t really need to know that. You each had just told them that since they were the only two people who knew, that it would be nice to hang out with friends together. Both of them agreed to go almost immediately. 
“Will you please stop that, you’re stressing me out.” Your eyes were trained on the road as you drove, but you could see Macie squirming in her seat every few seconds. It was driving you up a wall. 
“I can’t help it, y/n! I’m nervous!” Macie exclaimed with a huff, wringing her hands in her lap. You let out a breathy laugh and set your hand on top of hers to stop the movement. 
“It’s just Sam, Mace.” 
You knew that Sam was not, in fact, why she was so nervous, but you were hoping maybe it would make her laugh. And it did, kinda. It was more of an annoyed laugh than a genuine one. 
“He is not who I am nervous about! I’m nervous about meeting Danny!” With the movement of her hands ceased, her leg began bouncing up and down violently against her seat. 
“Danny is not in any way intimidating, okay? Just calm down, you will get along just fine.” You tried to give her your best reassuring smile, but the jerky action of her leg made you falter. “And for the love of god stop bouncing your leg!” 
Her knee froze and settled down on the seat with a muttered “Sorry”, unaware of the subconscious action. 
When you pulled into the parking lot of the arcade you were able to spot Danny’s car quickly along with a spot in front of him. This was definitely an intentional move on your part. You knew the guys would be waiting in the car for you and Macie to arrive, so by parking in front of Danny you were able to get Macie’s immediate reaction. 
“Oh. My. God…” She did fairly well at making herself look busy so that she wouldn’t be caught gawking at Danny through the windshield. 
“You didn’t tell me he was a fucking greek god!” Macie exasperated in a hushed tone like she was afraid they would hear. 
“Are you going to keep pretending to look for something in your purse, or are you going to get out of the car?” 
You didn’t leave her the option to reply as you opened your door and stepped out of the car to greet Sam and Danny. Danny looked like the usual Danny you saw at their apartment. He was wearing a backwards cap over his gorgeous curls, a loose t-shirt, black skinny jeans and white vans. Very Danny, which was cute. Sam’s outfit was also very Sam, and was easily one of your favorites. He was wearing an oversized white button-up with pops of color on the shoulders, and a pair of fitted gray trousers. His hair was down and wavy, looking absolutely flawless as always. 
“Hey toots! About time you two showed up.” Sam beamed at you, grasping your hand pulling you in for a quick kiss. When you pulled away you pushed his shoulder lightly and laughed before greeting Danny and introducing Macie. 
“While you two have technically already met,” You gestured between Macie and Sam, “You’ve never met in person, so… Sam, Danny, this is Macie. Macie, this is Sam and Danny.” 
“Nice to know you’re more than just a floating head!” Sam smiled brightly as he shook Macie’s hand, his comment earning a laugh from your best friend. Danny just shook his head at Sam, way too accustomed to his antics. 
“Ignore Sam, he’s an idiot.” Danny muttered to Macie, his voice still loud enough for you and Sam to hear. They shook hands as she laughed, smiles stretching both of their faces. 
“Hey, I happen to be working on my Master's degree right now!” Sam scoff feigning offense, a hand over his chest. 
“Come on you two,” You rolled your eyes playfully and started pulling Sam towards the entrance of the building, “We have games to play and I can’t kick all of your asses if we stand out here and listen to y’all argue over whether or not Sam is an idiot.” 
“Whether or not I’m not an id- Wait, did you just say you were gonna kick our asses?” You looked back at Sam briefly, shooting him a cheeky smile and humming an ‘mhm’. 
“Oh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, honey, but I am quite the champ at laser tag. No way you’re kicking my ass.” 
There was an unintelligible whisper from Danny behind you followed by Macie’s giggles that led you to believe he had made fun of Sam in some way. You both chose to ignore whatever he had said and continued to walk into the building. 
The first thing everyone decided to do as a group was play a game of bowling. It was a nice way to talk and still play some sort of game, the conversations between Macie and Danny flowing easily as you suspected. You got to learn more about what Sam was like growing up, and they were told all about your college escapades. 
Not shocking to you, but shocking to the guys, Macie beat everyone at bowling. It was a little secret you kept to yourself that she was oddly good at the game. Danny seemed quite impressed whereas Sam vowed to take her down in laser tag later in true Sam fashion. 
“I’m pretty hungry, is anyone else ready to eat?” Macie dropped her ball off at the return rack, the rest of your group in tow. 
“I could go for some food right now.” Danny agreed. 
“I’m okay right now, might check out some of the arcade games.” You lied as you placed your ball on the rack. While you were definitely hungry, this was a great opportunity for Macie and Danny to get to know each other. 
Sam opened his mouth to respond and you shot him a warning look, trying to telepathically tell him about your plan. You knew he was probably going to say that he could eat. When he caught your eyes he stopped talking and gave you a weird look before realizing what you were doing. 
“Yeah I’m with y/n, I can wait a bit. You two go ahead and we’ll meet up later for laser tag?” 
The four of you went your separate ways. Danny and Macie to the bar for some lunch, and You and Sam to the arcade portion to play a few games. Together you picked a few two-player games, each of you winning one here and there. Even when you played a game meant for only one person, the other would play after keeping up the friendly competition. Eventually you both decided you’d play a round of skee-ball and then grab a bite to eat. 
“You’re pretty sneaky.” Sam nodded his head over to the bar area before throwing his ball up the ramp. Following his gesture your eyes landed on both of your best friends chatting away as if they had always known each other. 
“I just knew they would hit it off,” You admired them a few seconds longer before returning your attention to your own game, “They look cute together anyways. I hope it works out.” 
Sam hummed in approval, taking his last shot and landing the ball in one of the one hundred slots. The machine lit up wildly with lights, and bells rang making it known to everyone that he had scored a hundred points. He grabbed the tickets that spewed out of the game and walked over to watch your last throw. 
“Think they know this was kind of a set up?” 
“Maybe, but I don’t really think they care all that much. They seem to be enjoying each other’s company.” You threw the last ball and watched as it sank into the fifty point slot. Sam snagged the tickets that had dispensed and handed them to you. 
“Should we go pick out a prize, babe?” He waved the absurd amount of tickets in his fist around, wiggling his eyebrows. You nodded your head with a smile and grabbed his hand, lacing your fingers with his as you walked towards the prize room. 
“What is that?” Danny eyed the box tucked underneath Sam’s arm as the two of you approached the laser tag area. 
When you finally made your way over to the bar for a bite, Danny and Macie had already left so they didn’t get to see the prizes you had picked out. Macie had texted you letting you know that she and Danny were going to do a quick ax throwing session while you ate and they’d meet up with you at laser tag after. 
“It’s my prize!” He held the rectangular box out so they could get a better view of it, excitement written all over his face. 
“A lava lamp? That’s pretty sick.” 
“Hell yeah it is! Cost me all my tickets.” He beamed, looking over the box again like a child on Christmas morning. His reaction when he first saw the item was absolutely adorable and you urged him to get it. It was a pretty cool lamp too. The base of it was black with silver stars littered about, the ‘lava’ inside was a neon, lime green color and the light inside was blue. 
“What did you get y/n?” 
“I didn’t really see anything I liked, so I helped Sam get the lamp.” 
It was partially a lie. You had seen something small that you wanted, but Sam’s reaction to the lava lamp convinced you to do whatever it took to get it for him. Even if that meant you spent your tickets on him. Seeing his joy was worth more to you than the silly item you saw. 
The four of you continued to talk until the game before yours ended. Macie and Danny recounted their ax throwing experience, noting that Danny was a natural while Mace struggled a bit. To which of course Macie said that she was just going easy on him because she had already beat him at bowling and felt bad. 
Finally your group was called to start your game. You entered a prep room, vests and laser guns lining the walls. The room was mostly dark, the only light illuminating it coming from black lights that reflected neon paintings on walls. Each of you stood by a vest and listened as the worker went over the rules and basis of the game. Once he was done explaining everything, he instructed everyone to put on a vest before opening the door to let you inside. 
The goal was simple, you were split into two teams. You and Sam against Macie and Danny. The objective was to hit the opposite players as many times as possible with the laser from your gun. Hits to the shoulder sensors were worth ten points, the back and chest were worth twenty-five. 
Each team would also have a base in which they should be guarding. Hitting the base from far away was worth fifty points and hitting the base from underneath was worth a hundred. While this particular set up was meant for larger parties, the four of you decided it would still be fun. 
As soon as you entered the main room Sam pulled you through the maze of walls and objects towards your base. The clock had already started and there was no time to waste. 
“Alright so here’s what I think our plan should be. I know Daniel is gonna stay and guard the base, so I think you should stay here while I go down.” From the top of the base you could see the entire playing floor, including the other team’s base. The black lights illuminated neon barriers and walls throughout the course along with more artwork. 
“Are you sure? You’re wearing a bright white shirt and I’m wearing black. You’ll be an easy target for either one of them. They won’t see me coming.” 
The sides of his mouth twitched up as he thought about it, amusement spread across his face. He grabbed your face in his hands and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. 
“You’re so smart, did you know that?” He dropped his hands from your face and turned you around to the stairs leading into the main floor. “Now go get us that win, I’ll cover you from up here as best as I can.” His hand connected with your ass cheek, sending you on your way, but not before you threw a playful glare over your shoulder at him. 
You jogged down the stairs making sure your steps were soft in case Mace or Danny were nearby. Staying close to walls and under the bases, you made your way over to the other base. You figured if you couldn’t see the other base, they couldn’t see you from the aerial view. 
Out of the corner of your eye there was a flashing light that streaked by, signaling that someone was close. You pressed yourself into the corner of the wall and waited to see if whoever it was would come closer. Within a few seconds, Macie walked by. She was walking away from you, her back exposed and not noticing you were there. You took the opportunity to shoot her back plate several times before running to safety in another tucked away spot. 
From this spot you had a clear shot of their base. While it wouldn’t earn you the maximum amount of points, the shots would earn fifty each time. Until you were found or could get closer, this was a great option. You were also hoping that maybe it would draw Danny out since you were so close. 
You started firing round after round after round at the giant sensor on the roof of the base. Each round made the object light up with red alarm lights and an automated voice signaling that the base was under attack. You kept shooting at the base until you felt your vest vibrate repeatedly. Danny had finally left his spot and found you, shooting at your chest as quickly as possible. 
Not wanting to risk him racking up more points, you ran by him and back towards your base,  a new plan formed in your head. 
“Alright so when you see Danny leave the base, you need to run over and shoot it from underneath. I’ll take the hits from him, but if we both shoot the base then we'd be able to outweigh whatever he scores off me.” You were out of breath from running back to your base, chest heaving and slightly bent over. 
“That sounds like a great plan. We only have like ten minutes left of game time, I think we should wait a little while.” 
“Agreed. Once Macie sees you’ve left the base she’ll come running over here. We can’t give her a lot of time.” 
“Start with five minutes left?” You nodded in agreement and straightened back up placing your hands on the back of your head. 
“Are you gonna come stay at my place tonight? We could put on a movie, order some pizza and relax? Maybe smoke a little if you wanted?” Sam asked as you caught your breath. 
“Yeah, that sounds nice. We can use your new lava lamp too.” His face lit up at your response, smiling fondly at you. 
“I got something else the other day that I think you might enjoy, but you’ll have to wait to see what it is until later.” 
“Ooo so mysterious.” You grinned back at him, wondering what he could’ve possibly bought. 
The next few minutes passed with the two of you trying to decide on a movie to watch for tonight while keeping an eye on Danny and Macie. With five minutes left in the game it was time to move. 
You followed the same path as before, tucking yourself back into the previous corner. And as before you started shooting their base as quickly as the trigger would allow. It didn’t take very much time at all for Danny to find you, however, by the time he had reached you, Sam had made it underneath their base. The look on Danny’s face was absolutely priceless, realization and shock setting in. 
“Son of a bitch!” He shouted quickly, turning back where he came from to attack Sam. You followed behind him, laser aimed at his back the entire way and lighting him up with each hit. 
By the time he got back to the base and Sam, it was too late. Twenty seconds remained on the clock and Sam had already scored well over a thousand points. There was no catching up. 
“Oh c’mon Daniel, you have to hand it to us, it was pretty clever. Don’t be such a sore loser.” 
“I am not a sore loser.” Danny rolled his eyes at his best friend with a grumble, arms crossed over his chest. You were all standing out by your cars just talking shortly before heading your separate ways. 
“Whatever you say, Danny,” You teased, “To be fair, I did warn everyone that I was gonna kick their asses.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Both Danny and Macie waved you off as you walked by them to open your car. Sam was following behind you to say goodbye, and give Danny a moment with Mace. 
“Alright so I’ll see you around 6?” Sam was leaned in close to you, arms resting on the top of the open car door between you.
“Yeah, I think that’ll work.” 
“Perfect. Let me know when you make it home and are on your way over? I’ll order the pizza when you’re headed my way.” 
“I will, and you do the same please.” He simply nodded in response before leaning in to kiss you and say goodbye. 
You got in your car and shut the door with Macie following not too far behind. There was nothing but silence while you navigated the beginning of your journey home. Although you definitely noticed the small grin plastered on your best friend’s face. 
“Did you have fun? You and Danny hit it off pretty well?”
“Uh… Yeah,” Her cheeks pinked more and more by the second, “I had a good time. He, uh, asked for my phone number so we could hang out just the two of us.” 
“Oh hell yeah! See I knew you two would get along so well!” 
“Yeah, Yeah.” She rolled her eyes playfully at you, still smiling. “Thank you, though for introducing us. He’s really sweet and funny, and definitely super hot… I just hope he’ll actually text me.” 
“Mace, he’ll text you. Danny isn’t the type of guy to lead someone on.” 
“I didn’t get that vibe either, which is nice, but we’ll just have to see.” You nodded your head showing that you understood what she was saying while keeping your eyes on the road. 
The rest of the car ride home was filled with talk about upcoming school assignments and plans the two of you had together with your other roommates. The four of you hadn’t hung out in a few weeks partially due to school work, but also because you were spending a lot of time at Sam’s. Macie had been covering for you and keeping Sam’s identity a secret for now. 
Chloe and Sadie knew that you were seeing someone, but you wouldn’t tell them who. Not that you didn’t trust them of course, but the less people who knew, the better. It kind of sucked because you wanted to do nothing but gush about Sam to your friends constantly, but you weren’t willing to risk anything. 
Eventually you made it home, running inside long enough to change, pack a small overnight bag, grab your backpack and freshen up before you walked back out the door. While you had spent the whole day with Sam, you were eager to see him again so soon. You were especially ready to relax and hang out with just him.
The air was chilly, wind sweeping through your hair and cutting through the thin material of your cardigan that you wrapped tightly at your sides. You walked quickly through the small parking lot to his apartment, trying to lessen your time outside. Sam met you at the door, already having it open since you texted him that you were there. 
“You look a little chilly there, Bug.” Sam called out leaning up against his doorframe. He was wearing a red crewneck and a pair of black sweats with a blanket draped over his shoulders, and no shoes but fun tie-dye socks adorning his feet. 
“Me? Chilly?” You chirped between chattering teeth, “Never. Not at all.” You laughed slightly, your body shaking even more due to the shivering. 
“C’mon let’s get you inside. I have pizza waiting anyways.” As you walked through the threshold he pulled the blanket from his body and wrapped it around yours instead. With the door shut behind you, his hands returned to the tops of your arms rubbing up and down and placed a light kiss on your cheek. 
“Go ahead and get comfy, I'll bring in the pizza and drinks.” He said, ushering you towards his bedroom. You followed his instructions and made your way to his room through the decently sized apartment.
Kicking your shoes off next to his door and dropping your bags next to them, you climbed into his bed noticing the lava lamp from earlier now sitting on his nightstand. It must’ve been on for hours already, probably since he got home, the ‘lava’ flowing to the top and floating back down steadily. The small lamp fit in nicely with his room.
While you waited for Sam to join you, you pulled out your phone to busy yourself for the time being. A text had popped up onto the screen from Sebastian, and you opened the messages app to see the preview of the text first. The text that had come through from your older brother made your heart drop to your stomach, and your stomach drop to your ass, panic flooding your entire body. 
Are you at Oakridge? Thought I saw you walk into Sam Kiszka’s place as I was leaving Brandon’s.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You sat there completely frozen staring at the text, wondering what the fuck you were going to say. When Sam walked in with the pizza and drinks your eyes shifted from the screen to his face. Immediately he could tell something was wrong, stopping just at the foot of the bed with the pizza still in hand. 
“Everything okay?” He sat the pizza box on the bed before moving to the side and setting down the waters on the nightstand. Your eyes followed his movement, never once leaving him.
“My brother just texted me… He asked if I was here because he thought he saw me walking into your apartment.” 
“Oh fuck…” Sam ran a worried hand through his hair before it settled on the back of his neck. 
“I don’t know what to say.” 
Sam rubbed the back of his neck while he thought up a lie as to why you would be here. Sure you were in his class so maybe you needed help with something outside of class, but that’s still unprofessional. With each passing moment the expression you wore grew more worrisome, your face becoming more pale. He sat on the bed across from you with criss-cross legs and gently took your hands in his. 
“Hey it’s gonna be okay, I can tell you’re freaking out, but it’s gonna be okay.” Sam tried to reassure you, his soft brown eyes locked on yours looking more downturned than usual. You looked like you were going to cry, eyes becoming red and shiny nearly breaking his heart.
“Daniel is a tutor. Just tell him that he’s tutoring you in one of your classes because midterms are coming up. He knows that Daniel is my roommate and does tutoring on the side for extra cash. He’ll believe it.” He handed your phone to you before placing his right hand on your cheek. “It’s going to be okay, no need to worry right now.”
You nodded your head silently and unlocked your phone again, the screen still on the messages app. Sam’s hand on your cheek found new purchase on your knee resting lightly and giving it an encouraging squeeze. 
Yeah I am. I needed some extra tutoring for one of my classes since midterms are around the corner, and Danny Wagner is my tutor. I had no idea he was Sam’s roommate.
Both of you waited for a moment, watching as Sebastian read the text. The text bubbles at the bottom of the screen danced while he typed his reply.
Oh okay. Should’ve just asked me, I could’ve helped.
A sign of relief exhaled from your lips, your shoulders dropping from the release of tension. His response was normal, something he says every time you tell him about tutoring. You typed a quick reply explaining that he had enough on his plate and you didn’t want to overload him before looking back to Sam.
“He bought it, thank god. I was really freaking out,” A meek smile spread across your lips, “Thank you.”
“For what?” 
“For being calm and calming me down. For not getting angry. You have a lot more on the line than I do…” Your voice drifted off into a whisper. The Ex’s in your past would have never handled a situation where they could face serious reprimands so calmly, and certainly would have blamed you. Tears pricked your eyes distorting the vision of Sam gazing down at you softly. 
“Oh, sweetheart… C’mere.” He moved to sit up against his headboard, pulling you to sit between his legs once he settled. You leaned into his chest, your back laying flush against him with your head resting in the center of his chest. He pressed play on the TV, the movie both of you had picked earlier coming to life. Sam wrapped his arms around yours and weaved his fingers overtop of your own before crossing both your arms around your waist. 
You sat in comfortable silence just watching the silly romcom and let the rise and fall of his chest ease your breathing. His chin sat on top of your head, the scent from your shampoo drifting lazily in the air. Half-way through the movie and between bites of pizza, Sam spoke.
“Any interest in smoking tonight?” He looked at you with raised eyebrows and a light smile on his lips making his eyes crinkle at the corners ever so slightly. 
“Yeah, just a little bit though.” Sam smiled wider and sat his pizza in the box so he could move off the bed. He moved around his room towards his closet, turning on the light and walking in. When he re-emerged he was holding a small light green hand-blown glass bong with dark green ivy leaves that ran up the sides of it, his red grinder, and a lighter. 
You didn’t indulge in smoking often, but you figured why the hell not, right? Sam also had really good weed. You never had to smoke a lot just to feel the effects, and the strain he smoked never made you feel anxious like others had in the past.
He set the items down on the nightstand and began to prep the bowl, packing the finely ground weed into the bowl using the butt of his lighter. Once the bowl was packed Sam returned the grinder to its spot in the closet. He started the bowl taking a rather large hit before handing it off to you. You sealed your lips on the mouthpiece and held the lighter to the weed for a few seconds. Once satisfied with the amount of smoke you had produced, you pulled the bowl out of the downstem and pulled the air up into your lungs, clearing the chamber. Sam watched as he always did, mesmerized at your ability to inhale all the smoke no matter how much was in it. 
“Perfect,” You handed the piece back to him and met his eyes staring at you with adoration, “You are literally perfect.” The smoke from your exhale drifted into the open air through the smile Sam had caused. You could feel heat crawl its way up your neck and onto your cheeks from his praise, no doubt looking rosier than usual. 
Sam repeated the steps you had just taken, yet again taking a larger hit. He cleared the chamber and set the bong back on the nightstand before turning back to you, the corner of his lips lightly pulled up. The smoke never left his lungs as he beckoned you towards him with a wave of your hand. You obliged knowing what he wanted you to do. 
With your face centimeters from his, Sam’s hand gently held the side of your neck, his long fingers reaching the base of your skull. His thumb stroked your jaw softly as your lips parted slightly. Smoke began to flow smoothly from Sam’s mouth into your own, sucking in the air he released. You held his eye contact for a few moments feeling the soft intimacy of the moment wash over you. Breaking away from his gaze, your eyes fell to his lips that turned up into more of a smirk the longer you looked at them. When you drew your eyes back up to him he was already staring back, the outer corner of his eyes drooping with relaxation the high brought. His top lip curled, turning his smirk into a toothy grin filled with nothing but pure affection. 
The hand resting on your neck pulled you closer to him to close the gap, your lips meeting delicately. His mouth moved against yours slowly like he was savoring the feel and taste of your lips. His tongue dragged across your bottom lip with a languid stripe inviting you to open your mouth fully to him.
 Needing to be closer to him you climbed into his lap hooking your legs around his waist and looping your arms around his neck, never breaking the kiss. Sam’s arms snaked around your back, his right hand tangling in the hair at the back of your head.
Like smooth velvet, his tongue danced against yours, exploring the space like he had never done so before. Each pass of tongue on yours made you melt further into him. You felt that soon enough you would surely just become a part of him. But maybe that was the weed. The tip of his tongue grazed the roof of your mouth before he pulled away, leaving slow, open mouthed kisses along your jaw. 
When he finally came to the corner of your jaw finally dipping down towards your neck, his tongue swept over the skin knowing this was one of your sweet spots. His hand at the back of your head held your exposed neck to him, your head lulling backwards with an airy gasp. Traveling down the column of your neck he continued to leave sweet kisses in his wake. You needed more of him, your hands finding the hem of his crewneck at either side of his hips and pushing the fabric upwards. 
Sam only disconnected his lips from your skin briefly to pull the sweatshirt over his head and toss it to the floor. While he rid himself of his shirt, you pulled your cardigan off and threw it off the bed onto the floor. His fingers lifted the bottom of your shirt and you raised your arms to aid him as he pulled it over your head before it too was flung to the ground. 
Instead of returning his lips to your throat he kissed your lips, following the same pace as before. Sam pulled you closer, both of your bare chests pressed flush against one another. With his arms around your back he began to lean forward, sending you backwards slowly until your back met the mattress. Your legs were still wrapped loosely around his waist connecting his hardening bulge to your core. The thin material of your leggings allowed every bit of him to feel the growing heat between your legs as he kissed you. 
His hips pressed further into yours, driving his erection slowly against your clothed heat drawing soft, low moans from your lips. Your hands threaded into his long chestnut tresses, nails lightly scraping his scalp. His hand ghosted the skin of your side, passing over your ribs like a feather as he made his way up to your breast. With another roll of his hips he took your hardened nipple between his fingers, rolling it with gentle pressure. 
You could feel the high of the weed begin to wash over you, and you weren’t entirely sure that you weren’t floating above the bed right now. Every inch of your skin burned and tingled. It was one of the best feelings you had ever experienced. 
Sam trailed hot kisses down your body, taking his time along the way. Once low enough, the tips of his fingers slipped under the waistband of your leggings and underwear, dragging them down. He continued to leave kisses on your body, and never stopped to tease, going straight to your dripping core. 
With a flat tongue he licked a stripe up your pussy, changing to a point as he passed over your clit. His tongue passed slowly through your folds again repeating the motions from before except when he reached your clit this time he pulled it between his lips, sucking lightly. Your hips bucked upwards involuntarily, hands pressed against his head holding him closer to you. His eyes met yours, his pupils so blown that they overtook the iris making his eyes almost completely black. With his lips still wrapped around your clit, his tongue began massaging the sensitive bundle with his tongue. 
“Oh Sam, fuck.” Your chest rose and fell rapidly, the words full of air. 
“You taste so sweet, baby,” Sam murmured between smooth laps of his tongue, “Like fresh honey.” He returned his attention back to your clit for a moment, babying it as he did before. “Could stay here with my tongue in this sweet pussy all day.” 
Instead of drawing up your core as he had been, he slipped his tongue inside you and let his thumb rub slow, tender circles over your hardened bud. His thumb moved in sync with his tongue, dragging in and out against your walls. Each motion of both pushed you closer and closer to the edge, moans and praises drifting from your parted lips. 
“That’s it, sweet girl,” He coaxed you closer to your release with just his thumb and words, “Almost there.” He watched your orgasm begin to take with soft, loving eyes. Every noise he drew from you was like music to his ears, the most beautiful symphony leading to his favorite crescendo. 
Your orgasm washed over you slowly with Sam talking you through it, praising you over and over again. He watched in awe simply admiring how beautiful you looked, your skin flushed and glistening, back arched, and head thrown back against the blankets with your mouth hung slightly open. 
“God you look so pretty when you cum,” He stopped mid-sentence, his tongue sweeping through your wetness once more to collect the fresh nectar that dripped from your cunt, “Can’t wait to watch you cum again.” 
He moved back up your body, slotting his lips into your own. He was careful to keep distance between your sensitive core and his clothed length to avoid overstimulation. You could taste your release on his tongue as it slid over your own, humming and pulling him closer to you. 
“Sam please.” You begged, pushing the waistband of his sweats down his hips. His hand cupped the side of your face and lifted it to urge you to look at him. 
“Easy now sweetness. I wanna take my time with you tonight,” He placed a kiss to your cheek, “Adore you,” Another one to your other cheek, “Savor you,” The tip of your nose, “Worship you.” Finally placing the last one to your lips. 
“C’mon, let’s move you up to the pillows.” 
You nodded lazily, completely in a daze at how lucky you had gotten with Sam. He was the first partner you’ve had that did exactly as he said he wanted to do. Praise and worship you in every way you deserve. 
He moved off of you allowing you to move up the bed towards the headboard. While you laid against his pillows, he shed himself of his sweats and boxers freeing his hard erection. Your mouth watered as you took in his beauty. Every single part of him was like perfection, handcrafted by Aphrodite herself. God’s greatest creation, you were sure of it. 
Sam made his way back over to you, but stopped on his knees at your propped up legs. He placed his hands on either side of your knees and delicately pushed them apart. You watched him take his pointer and middle fingers into his mouth and wet them, eyes glued to his lips as the digits slipped past them. His wet fingers began to draw circles on your clit, the small bundle growing harder with each swipe. 
Never stopping the motion of his fingers Sam drew closer to lean over you, the tops of his thighs meeting the backs of yours. With his other hand he guided his length along your slit covering himself with your slick. When he reached the base, he drew back and pushed through your wetness again. 
“Already so wet.” He pumped his hand along his pulsating member, spreading your arousal to coat each inch of his velvety skin. 
Sam pulled his hand away from your clit and rested it on your cheek peeling your eyes away from his hand pumping up his shaft to look him in the eyes. 
“Ready for me?” You nodded in favor of a verbal reply, your brain foggy from your previous orgasm and the weed. 
The hand he had pressed to your cheek moved next to your head pressing into the pillow as he braced himself. You wrapped your legs around his lower back bringing you closer to one another as He lined his swollen head up with your entrance and pushed in slowly. His other hand found purchase on your waist while he sheathed himself inch by inch, the slow stretch a delicious burn. As he disappeared inside you he watched loving the way your walls sucked him in. 
When he was fully seated inside his head dropped back, a shaky, “Oh fuck,” escaping his lips. He didn’t move for a few moments as both of you got accustomed to the way the other felt. 
“You feel so fucking good, sweetheart, can I move?” He whispered, eyes meeting yours, pleading and longing.
“Please, oh my god, Sam please.” 
He began to withdraw from you immediately, slowing himself to feel every inch of you against him. He pulled out almost completely, leaving just the tip in before he pushed back in with a steady roll of his hips. Each thrust in and out was slow, calculated and deep. Oh, so deep. With every push inside you took all of him down to the base, his tip grazing that sweet spot causing the imaginary coil in the pit of your belly to tighten.
Just when you thought he couldn’t get any deeper than he already was, Sam pushed his torso away from you, his hands reaching up to grip the headboard above you tightly. The leverage he gained from the bed frame allowed him to drive further into your core, pressing directly into your most sensitive area. He kept up the same slow, yet strong and deep pace continuing to build your orgasm steadily.
“Oh god, Sam- fuck, that feels so good.” The praise bubbled from your chest, fucked out and pitchy, your hands gripping his hips firmly. “Plea- Please don’t stop.” You whined, earning a groan from the depths of Sam's chest.
“Not gonna stop, baby. Won’t stop till you’re cumming around my cock. I can tell you’re almost there.”
He moved one of his hands on the headboard to your clit, toying with it and setting your core on fire. You could feel your walls clenching around him the closer you got to your climax. Neither of you would last much longer, both of you peering over the cliff edge. 
“I’m about to cum, baby. Look at me.” You met Sam’s eyes as he asked, enamored with the sight of him above you. Wavy chestnut hair fell around his face, eyebrows pinched lightly, and his plump pink lips parted. Breathtakingly beautiful.  
“Oh fuck” He moaned as your eyes gazed back into his, “You are so beautiful,” He punctuated the praise with a deep roll of his hips, “Angelic perfection.”
“Sammy.” His name drifted off your lips in a gasp, dissipating in the air. 
“Let go, cum for me. Wanna see that pretty face.” 
If your first orgasm washed over you, the second crashed into you. You felt it all over your body in an instant, every muscle contracting. Sam came shortly after, slowing his thrusts to work you both through the high until he became too sensitive. He collapsed on top of you pressing kisses to the inside of your neck and on your cheek while you both caught your breath. 
Sam pushed up on his arms bringing his face to yours. He brushed the hair out of your eyes with his hand, a fond smile etched onto his face and eyes trailing after his hands. 
“I meant it, you know.” He said softly, taking in every detail of your face like he was committing it to memory. 
“Angelic perfection.” 
Heat flamed your cheeks along with a goofy smile stretching across your lips. Your hands covered your face trying to hide the silly blush that inked your skin, but Sam was quick to pull your hands away. 
“Hey, hey,” He giggled, matching your smile, “You’re not allowed to cover that pretty face.” He kissed your lips sweetly, humming and smiling into the kiss. 
It was short lived though as he pulled away abruptly, nearly jumping off the bed. 
“I almost forgot!” You sat up in his bed pulling the covers over your naked body, watching him walk around his room searching for something. 
“Oh here it is!” 
He came back to the bed, setting an oddly shaped light on the nightstand. It was a dodecahedron with a black stand and hundreds of different sized dots on each face. He plugged the object in and quickly turned off the salt lamp that had been illuminating the room along with the lava lamp. When he turned the new lamp on, your breath was taken away.  
Hundreds of stars along with a few constellations were displayed around his room in a beautiful blue light. 
“It’s so beautiful, Sammy.” You stared in awe at all the different little stars, your head whipping around. Sam climbed back into bed with you and pulled you to lay on top of him, your cheek pressed to his chest. The sound of his heart thumped in your ear, steady like his breathing. 
“I thought you might like it. Pretty neat, huh?” He studied your face as you gaped at the fake stars, the smile from earlier gracing his features again. 
“It’s stunning. I love it.” You drifted back to Sam’s face taking in how pretty he looked in the blue light with stars speckled on his skin. 
“You’re stunning.” He cupped your face with both of his large hands, unable to tear his eyes from you. The bright smile on his face faded into something softer, his eyes following suit as you looked at one another. 
 “I think I’m falling for you, y/n, and I know it might be cheesy, but I wanted to ask if you’d be my girlfriend?” 
Cheesy or not, your heart melted at his confession, warmth encasing your whole body.
He was falling for you. 
You didn’t need to think about your answer. You knew the moment he asked. 
“Yes, of course, Sam.” You beamed, threading your fingers through his that laid on your cheeks.
 “I would love to be your girlfriend.”
His smile widened to match yours, and you could feel the way he felt about you just from his soft eyes locked on yours. Pulling you closer, he kissed you with happy excitement, both of you smiling into the kiss. 
You fell asleep that night with Sam’s bare body pressed into your own thinking for a second time how lucky you were to have stumbled upon Sam. He was everything you had ever wanted and so much more. In such a short amount of time he had become your everything, and you were quickly falling in love with him.
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obetrolncocktails · 1 year
Karma Sutra | Sam Kiszka X Reader | Part 5
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Warnings: None really! Fluff, some slight angst on Sam's part (guilt).
Word Count: 4.4K
A/N: This is somewhat of an "in-between" chapter where we see a little more development in the relationship, as well as how Sam is feeling with the bet weighing on his shoulders as he finds himself falling for Y/n. Also! We will meet Danny in the next chapter!
Summary: With things getting more serious in your relationship, Sam invites you to his family dinner...but he also has another proposition lined up.
“So, what’s he wearing?” Paige asked, tossing pretzel pieces into her mouth. You were an hour and a half into the dress hunt for the winter formal. 
“I’m not sure,” you admitted, shrugging your shoulders. “We haven’t gotten that far yet.”
“Too busy doing other things?” She said with her mouth full, her eyebrows raising as she teased you. 
“Shut up,” You said, embarrassment forcing you to chuckle nervously. You covered your face from her view with the taffeta fabric of the next dress. 
“For real, though. I’m really happy for you guys. You look happy. Happier than I’ve ever seen you, I think.” Paige looked at you for a long moment before dusting her fingers off on her pants and standing up from the dressing room bench, clapping her hands together. “Okay, let’s try this one on,” she said. “You’re not tired of trying these on yet, are you?” She asked, turning her attention to the handful of dresses you had already said no to. 
“I was tired after the first two,” you admitted. “But it has to be perfect. I want to feel comfortable. Those weren’t doing it for me.” 
“So nothing super tight?” Paige asked, walking with you into one of the unoccupied stalls. “Y/n, can I offer some advice?” She asked again, shutting the door behind her, leaving the two of you inside the small dressing stall. 
“Sure,” you sighed, putting your hand on your hip as she unfolded the next dress in her hands. 
“Take a risk,” she said. “You can look sexy without feeling like you’re being someone else. Let’s try to find something that makes you feel comfortable, but that flatters your figure. You’ve got a beautiful body. You should show it off. I promise you we'll find something that looks phenomenal on you. We just have to be patient and you have to keep an open mind.” You nodded after a moment. 
“Okay, okay, give me the dress,” you said, pulling off your clothes. Paige bunched the dress methodically in her hands, pulling it over your head. As the dress fell over your body, she shook her head with rejection.. 
“Nope, it’s not the one,” Paige said, looking into the mirror from behind your shoulder. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty. But it’s not a show stopper, and it’s not your dress.” You turned, looking at yourself at different angles, agreeing with her. 
“Yeah, it’s too…” You couldn’t come up with the words. 
“Boring? Yeah, it’s too safe. And generic. You need to step out of your comfort zone, don’t you think? Something with less…frills,” She said, ruffling the pleats and folds at your shoulders. You snorted through your nose. A few minutes later, you walked out of that dress shop empty-handed and disappointed. 
“Where next?” You asked Paige. 
“I actually have an idea…you’re not going to find your dress at this broke-ass mall.” She said, hitching her purse further on her shoulder with determination. “We were stupid to try to put you in a Dillard’s dress. I don’t want anyone to have the same dress as you. We’re gonna go downtown to the boutiques.” 
“Paige, I don’t have that kind of money,” you told her, your eyes widening with discomfort. 
“I didn’t ask you if you did,” She said, winking at you as she stepped forward to leave. “Don’t worry about it. You’re gonna get the dress you love.” 
Twenty minutes later, she had driven you half-way across town, navigating to a small, but expensive and trendy boutique called ‘Harrah & Company.’ The storefront was unassuming, but behind the glass you could see hundreds of remarkably beautiful gowns lining the shop. 
“Come on,” Paige insisted, taking your hand and leading you into the store with her effervescent smile. “I’ve gotten a lot of my dresses here,” she said to you over her shoulder. “They never disappoint.” 
“Hello ladies, welcome to Harrah’s! What’s the occasion?” A young, chicly dressed woman asked, stepping around the racks of dresses. 
“My friend Y/n is looking for a dress for our winter formal,” Paige began, pulling an arm around your shoulder. 
“Lovely. What kind of style are you looking for?” The clerk asked. 
“Something classy, and elegant,” you said. “Not generic.”
“She has someone she’s looking to impress,” Paige inserted, helping out the trajectory of the shopping excursion. The sales clerk offered a bright, white smile. 
“I’m sure we can make that happen. Come, follow me,” She said, leading you both further into the store. After a brief conversation with the clerk, she pointed you out to specific racks that included both your size and the styles that you were considering. “Take as much time as you need–I’m gonna go reserve a dressing room for you. Would you remind me of your name?”
“Y/n, thank you,” You offered with a smile, feeling a bit relieved when she stepped away to give you full access to the store. The racks were full of dresses of every length, color, and style…
An hour later, you found the dress of your dreams, only finding it when you were just about to purchase a dress that you had liked enough. It was hanging, misplaced on the wrong rack, hidden from your view. 
“Oh my god,” You said when you found it, almost slinging the other dress to the floor, immediately forgotten. As you pulled it off of the rack, you immediately fell in love with it. The dress was made of deep, wine-red velvet, embellished with thousands of the tiniest sparkles that made the dress look like it cost thousands of dollars. 
“You have to try that one on.” Paige said, her eyes widening. “That dress is gorgeous. Don’t look at the price tag, just get your ass in a dressing room,” She continued, ushering you back through the store. 
The dress was very fitted, but not in an overly-uncomfortable way. Paige pulled and tugged on the ties in the back so that the dress would flatter your figure. “There is no way in hell you’re not getting this one,” She said, opening the door. “Come look in the big mirror.” She held the door open for you, and you hiked up the dress, stepping past her into the showing area of the dressing room. You looked at yourself in the large floor to ceiling mirrors, and immediately you knew that Paige was right. The rich, burgundy color looked impeccable against your skin, and your breasts filled out the top of the dress as if it were custom-tailored to you. You didn’t realize initially the dress was off the shoulder, but the way the fabric laid on your arms was extremely flattering, complete with a deep V that showcased your cleavage in an understated, elegant way. The A-line of the dress created a shape that flowed away from your hips into just the right amount of fabric that swept the floor as you walked. 
“Oh wow,” the clerk said, returning to the dressing room to pick up dresses that others had passed on. “You look remarkable in that dress,” she said, pausing in her tracks. “But you need one more thing. What size shoe are you?” She asked. 
“I’m an eight, sometimes eight and a half.”
“I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere.” She floated out of the dressing room area, returning a few minutes later with a few pairs of shoes. “Something like these would be perfect for the extra length of the dress,” she explained, pulling open a box and revealing a black, patent leather stiletto. “How experienced are you with high heels?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. 
You smiled sheepishly. “Uh…do kitten heels count?”  She chuckled. 
“Try these on,” she said, stepping in front of you as you sat on one of the ottomans. You took each shoe from her, putting them on your feet. Standing up went well, at least. You stepped back in front of the mirror and saw what she meant about the length of the dress. Now, there was no sagging in the fabric. It dropped magnificently to the floor, with only three of four inches of drag on the floor, as the designer had intended. 
“Good luck speaking to anyone other than your special someone at your dance,” the clerk said, biting at her bottom lip. “They’re not gonna let you out of their sight.” The clerk took the dress and shoes to the checkout counter for you, and you anxiously got dressed, dreading the price. 
“Put it on my card,” Paige said before the clerk had announced the price out loud. “Run it as credit, please,” She said, handing her card over the counter. 
“Paige-It’s okay–” You said, protesting immediately. 
“No, no. I want you to have this dress, and you know what? Dad pays off my credit cards at the end of the month anyway. I’ll just have to work my magic so he doesn’t kill me at the end of the month. Don’t even think about saying no,” She said, coming over to squeeze you in a reassuring side hug. “You’re gonna have Sam slobbering all over himself.”
“So, are you guys still a thing?” Christian asked Sam, throwing a handful of popcorn into his mouth as he and his roommates walked out of the movie theater. 
“Yeah, what’s the status with that?” Matthew asked, forming a circle with his pointer finger and thumb, sticking the opposite pointer finger though the ring, raising his eyebrows in question.
“Shut the fuck up, Matt. Do you ever think about anything else?” Sam asked, punching Matthew in the shoulder. “Yes, we’re still together.” 
“Okay, but have you fucked?” Christian asked, reaching his hand back into his popcorn bucket. 
“No,” Sam answered, pulling out his phone, considering texting you in order to escape the situation. 
“Awe, look at you two,” Matthew crowed, snatching Sam’s phone out of his hand. “You’ve got her as your lock screen! You’ve gone weak!” 
“That pussy has got you whipped, my man,” Christian chuckled. 
“Don’t fucking talk about my girlfriend like that,” Sam ordered through his anger. 
“Your girlfriend? What happened to the bet, hm?” Christian said, grabbing Sam by his shoulder. “You’ve already come so far, you gonna back down now?” He asked. “You already lost out on part of the bet anyway,” He continued. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” Sam asked, stepping away from them. 
“You said one month,” Matthew interjected. 
“It’s been more than that. I guess she is Mormon after all. We wish you the best in your marriage. Give her the best fuck of her life when you two finally decide to get hitched.” 
“Go fuck yourself,” Sam said with a sneer. “Good luck finding another ride home.” Sam lowered himself into his Tesla as Christian and Matthew glanced dumbly at one another. 
“Now wait a second, man. We were just fucking with you–” they said almost in tandem, lifting their arms in the air with resignation as Sam peeled out of the parking lot. 
“Thanks a lot! Fucking asshole,” Christian huffed under his breath, watching the car leave. 
“So what now?” Matthew asked, scratching his head. 
“Gee, I don’t know, Matt. We call Miss fucking Frizzle?” Christian asked, his voice leached with sarcasm. Matthew looked up at him, confused. 
“Order a fucking Uber, dumbass! Fuck!” 
The mention of the bet sent Sam’s gut churning with guilt and worry. He couldn’t care less about the bet in general, but he cared more than anything about you. He was in over his head now, and he had failed the one unstated rule of the bet. Don’t get attached. Hell, he broke that rule on the first night. Here’s the truth: Sam was not good at playing games, though he made everyone think he was. He didn’t want to go home, and he didn’t want to talk to you, either. He wanted to drive–so that’s what he did. It was well-past eleven, and the highways were no longer teaming with cars. He drove for a long time, listening to your favorite songs, thinking about ways to get the bet to go away. How could he be sure it wouldn’t make its way back to you? It would destroy you, and he knew it. Sam gripped the steering wheel tightly as his head swam. 
His pocket buzzed. Daniel. 
“Hello?” Sam answered, wishing he had let the call go to voicemail. Even though Danny was Sam’s life-long best friend, he didn’t have the wherewithal to pretend tonight.  
“Sam, why haven’t you been returning my calls?” Danny asked, more bluntly than he would usually begin a call. 
“Well, don’t you sound cheerful, Princess,” Sam responded, annoyed. 
“Samuel. What’s going on, man? You’ve been practically invisible for the last month. What’s the deal?” He asked, concern lacing through his speech. 
“I’ve just been busy,” Sam said, sighing, gripping the steering wheel tighter. 
“With school? You and I both know you haven’t been focusing on grades. So what is it?” There was a long silence that drifted between them before Danny spoke again. 
“A girl?” Sam straightened in his seat as he turned onto a new street. 
“Maybe.” He answered protectively. 
“Maybe? Are you back with Andrea again? Or is it Riley this time?” Danny asked, fully aware of Sam’s history of dancing between women. 
“Neither. Her name is Y/n.” 
“Tell me about her,” Danny asked casually. “Pretty?” 
“Gorgeous,” Sam said. “She’s smart, funny, and she’s confident.” Sam explained, his thoughts drifting to you again. 
“Yeah? So she’s not like the others? She actually has a brain this time?” Danny asked, his tone somewhat judgemental of Sam’s previous escapades, though Sam let it slide. 
“Yes, she has a brain. I really like her, Dan. Like really like her. But I’m scared I’m gonna fuck everything up.” 
“Why’s that? I mean besides you being you?” Danny said, and Sam could hear the smirk in his voice. 
“I did something stupid. Before she and I were even a thing…” Sam said, purposefully remaining vague. 
“Okay, what did you do?” Danny asked, prepared to give advice, if there was any that he could offer. 
“I made a stupid bet with the boys, and it’s just–I fucked up.” Sam sighed with frustration, checking his mirrors as he drove. 
“Is it money? Is that the problem? Did you lose a lot of money?” 
Sam shook his head. “No. I bet the boys that I could take Y/n’s virginity in a month.” There was an extended beat of silence. 
“Sam….” Danny said in a reproachful tone. 
“I know, I know,” Sam cut him off. 
“That’s bad,” he said softly. “How many people know about this bet?” 
“Just the boys and I. But I don’t trust them.” 
“Then you really have to tell her the truth. All of it. Now.” Danny advised. “I don’t know how you’ll do it, but you better figure it out.” 
“Yeah, I’m well-aware.” 
“Can I change the topic for a moment–something on a lighter note?” 
“Sure,” Sam said, turning back onto the main strip that would lead him back to campus. 
“So the wedding is coming up. I know you were planning to come by yourself, but now that you’re with Y/n, I thought it might be nice to invite her, don’t you think? I’d love to meet her.” Danny had followed his highschool sweetheart, Meredith, to college. Unfortunately it meant that he and Sam didn’t end up at the same University, though they lived only miles apart.  
“I’ll have to talk to her about it. I asked her over for family dinner the other day.” Sam entered the parking lot of his dorm and turned off the ignition, but stayed in the car. 
“You’ve never invited a girl over for dinner,” Danny said, his voice rising with interest. “Are you really thinking about settling down?” 
“I’m willing to try for her. Listen, I’m a dick head. A big one. A fuck up–but I really just need to get–”
“Your head out of your ass?” Danny suggested, and Sam chuckled. 
“So here’s what you do. Have her meet the fam, invite her to the wedding and show her how much you care about her. Stop with the partying and drinking.”
“That’s kind of hard to do when I live with the–”
“Fine, fine. You’re right.” 
“Mere is calling in, let me take it. Love you, Man. Keep your spirits up. Listen to the people who really have your back, huh?” 
“Yes sir. Love you. Talk to you later.” 
Danny had always been a constant in Sam’s life, though Sam kept a lot of the uncharacteristic shenanigans away from him. Danny would judge. He would remind Sam of the ways he was raised, of his intelligence and potential. For a long time, it was the last thing Sam wanted to be reminded of. Today, however, it was a welcome intervention. Sam wanted his best friend back, and even though they remained close, there had been an emotional disconnect between them both for a while now. 
“Morning,” Sam crooned, knocking softly on your cracked door with donuts and coffee in tow. 
“Y/n?” He asked softly, stepping into the bedroom. “Hey,” Sam whispered, touching your shoulder as you dozed. You jolted awake, your eyes springing open.  
“Jesus!” You sputtered suddenly, seizing in place. 
“Sam, you scared the fuck out of me!” You said, pulling the sheets and comforter over your head, disappearing under the comfort of your blankets. 
“I’m so sorry,” He said, setting the food on your dresser before approaching you, pulling the covers back down with a soft, apologetic chuckle. “You’re the one who gave me the key.”
“Yeah, but I mean like–you could have called me. How do I know you weren’t watching me sleep like Edward from Twilight?” You sat up in bed, pulling the covers over your lap, scooting so that he could move in beside you. You watched him remove his shoes and pull open the sheets. 
“Did you just compare me to a sparkling vampire? A stalking, sparkling vampire?” 
“Maybe,” You said, tilting your head and pursing your lips as you waited for him to kiss you. He lowered himself to you naturally connecting with your lips. 
“Mmm, morning breath,” He said, rolling on top of you, continuing to bathe you in kisses. “My favorite.” 
“You are literally so mean to me,” You said, chuckling softly. 
“I am not mean in the slightest, Miss Halitosis.” 
“Stop it!” You said, reaching for a pillow, thwacking him with it. You began to wrestle with him, your arms flailing about playfully as you both laughed, reached methodically for each other’s weak spots.
“Whatever you say, stinky!” Sam said again. 
Eventually the moment died down into contented silence as you laid with him, staring up at the ceiling. “So I was thinking,” Sam said. You turned to watch him speak, propping yourself up by your elbow. “Mom and Dad are having dinner this Friday night, right? You still interested in coming along?” 
“Of course. I’m a little nervous to meet everyone though,” You admitted. 
“Really?” Sam asked, and he seemed genuinely surprised. “My family is so easy to get along with. If you’re good with big personalities then you’ll do just fine.” 
“What’s your family like?” You asked him. 
“Well, dysfunctional is one word for it,” he said, scratching his chin. “But also super fun. Josh and Jake are always arguing about something,” He said. “Usually it’s Josh feeling intimidated by Jake questioning his intelligence.” You grinned as you watched him talk about his brothers. “Danny will be there, too. You haven’t met him yet, but we practically grew up together.” 
“He’s a friend?” You asked. 
“He’s kind of like another brother, if I’m being perfectly honest. You’ll love him. He’s usually the one speaking sense into people–well, me. If only you could have seen the amount of arguments he’s refereed over the years.” Sam thought about the open invitation to Danny’s wedding, but he didn’t want to load too much on you at once. He would wait to mention it during or after meeting his family. 
“So the drive is about three hours, so we’ve gotta stock up on snacks before we go,” Sam said, having arrived at your apartment already late. 
“You looked at your phone screen. Sam, you said you were going to be here like half an hour ago,” you grinned. 
“What can I say? Greatness takes time,” he said, reaching up to stroke his face exaggeratedly before stepping forward to kiss you softly. “Bad habits die a hard, painful death, sweetheart.” You rolled your eyes with a soft smile, but it faded instantly. 
“Oh my god, weren’t we supposed to make something?” 
“Uh….” He responded, looking at you. “...maybe.” He offered an apologetic smile, raising his eyebrows. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got it handled.” 
“Maybe we can stop by the grocery store and grab a rotisserie chicken or something?” You offered, reaching for your purse and phone. 
“Sure, and I’ll be super quick going in.” He assured you. 
“Nope, not this time.” You patted his chest playfully. “I’m going in and you’ll keep the car nice and cool while you wait.”
“You don’t trust me?” He said, looking at you. 
“Nope. You’d literally get distracted by the exotic fruits section. Come on,” You said, turning away from him and flipping the lights to your bedroom, going through the apartment to make sure that everything was taken care of for the evening. 
“Paige! I’m gone!” 
“Okay! You guys drive safe! Sam, take care of her or else,” She said, tilting her head in a humorous display of intimidation. She pulled her fists in front of her. 
“Oh no, trust me. We will get there in one piece, or I’ll have six people, no seven people looking for me.” He grinned, coming over to give Paige a friendly hug, which surprised you. Why, you weren’t sure, but you were impressed with how he was beginning to integrate himself completely into your life, determined not only to be your boyfriend, but someone who was reliable and present. He wanted you and your friends to notice that he wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. 
Seemingly as soon as you were on the road, Sam pulled into a large gas station, stopping the car and hopping out for snacks. “What do you want?” He asked you, bending down through the door of the driver’s side. 
“Uh… Can you grab some of the cheddar cheese bugles? Ooh and some oreos!”
“Done and done. Do you want a drink?” He asked.
“Surprise me,” you shrugged. 
“Got it,” He tapped the window before stepping inside. 
Ten minutes later he stepped out of the store with a large plastic bag. Your eyes followed him as he walked around the car and got in, placing the bag in his lap. “Okay so I got the goods.”
“And some more,” you said, raising an eyebrow. “What else did you get?” 
“For your drink, I got you a Yerba Mate. Pomegranate flavor.” 
“What the hell is that?” You asked, turning in your seat. 
“Basically a fermented tea.” You turned your face up in suspicious disgust. “Sam, why couldn’t you just go safe? With I don’t know…a water? Or a diet coke?” 
“Have you known me to play it safe?” He asked. “And besides! I thought ahead.” He lifted a diet coke from the bag. 
“But I want you to try it.”
“Fine, but don’t be upset if I spit that shit out.” 
He chuckled, setting the can into the cup holder, along with your diet coke. “Next, I got your bugles,” he said, handing you the orange bag. “And a sleeve of oreos. I will be stealing a few of those,” he said, setting the oreos in your lap. 
“Thank you, baby,” you said with a satisfied smile. There was more in the bag. “What did you get yourself?” You asked him. 
“These,” he said, lifting out a bag of kettle-cooked bag of dill pickle flavored chips. 
“You are so strange!” You told him. “Where did they find you?”
“On the side of the road. I’m sorry you had to find out this way. Don’t feel bad for me, though. I’m healed,” he said, placing a hand on his chest, mimicking a moment of tenderness. He reached and placed his chips in your floorboard between your feet. 
“What else?” You asked, noticing one more item in the bag. 
“I solved the family dinner issue,” He said, reaching into the bag. 
“At a gas station?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “Please show me.” 
He pulled out a paper bag, containing prepared food that was almost bright orange in color. 
“These,” he said, tilting the bag to you. 
“What are those?” You asked, looking at the rolled monstrosities. 
“Taquitos…nacho cheese flavored.”
“Sam. You’re bringing nacho cheese gas station taquitos to family dinner?” You asked him, keeping your tone as neutral as you could, though you felt like busting out laughing. 
“I’ve gotta keep it interesting somehow,” he said with an enthused grin. “They’ll love it.” 
“Be sure to tell them that I had nothing to do with that,” you said. 
“Oh no. We do everything together, Y/n. It’s what you get for being with me.”
“You’re the worst.” 
“And you love it.”
You couldn’t deny it. He made you feel alive in ways you hadn’t in so long. You had laughed so much in the last month and a half, and so much of it was because of Sam. He was fun, and he knew it, too. He pulled you out of your safety-zone, urging you to do more things that you wouldn’t have done without his encouragement. 
“I can’t argue with you there. Come on or we’ll really be late.” You said, putting your seatbelt back on and adjusting in your seat. 
“Aye, aye, captain.”
End of Part 5.
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unplugfromthesource · 4 months
Viva Las Vegas
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🎲About: When invited to see your childhood best friends perform at the International Hotel and Casino, things take a turn of events and reveal suppressed feelings for your once lover and now enemy.
♦️Jake Kiszka x reader
♠️Word count: 6k
♣️Warnings: mentions of sex, drinking, angst, crying, cheating, ldk what else 🙌🏻
🃏Authors note: enjoy this is my first story so I hope it’s good and if the format is messed up sorryyy😛
If you were to be told that your childhood best friends were performing at the International Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, you would die laughing. Growing up in the small town of Frankenmuth Michigan, you were always told you needed to live a big life and make the town proud, and that is exactly what you did. After finishing high school, you dropped the idea of college and found yourself working at the well-known store of Bronners, making a little less than minimum wage, but it worked. You saved up for 2 years straight, just to be able to rent out a small studio apartment in Nashville Tennessee, the music city. You landed yourself a job at a small bar that frequently hosted small and upcoming bands, one of them being the Orange Blossoms: the band you now market for full-time while working for RCA Record Labels. Life was good, really good; well until you got a very interesting call two weeks back from a very drunk childhood best friend, Josh Kiszka.
“Hello?” You asked rubbing your eyes. It had to be at least 3 am and you were woken out of a dead sleep to answer a call you should’ve just let go to voicemail.
“Y/N MY FAVORITE PERSON,” you could practically smell the alcohol reeking off the man you called your other half through the phone “HOW ARE YOU!”
“Josh,” you pulled the phone away from your ear and to no surprise the time read
3:05 am “It’s 3 am I was asleep just like you should be. Is there something you need?”
“Mama, do I ever need a reason to call the girl I love the most?” He asked almost slurring every other word
“No Josh but it’s a Thursday and I have work soon and need to sleep. Goodnight Joshua”.
“NO, NO WAIT. I had something to tell you but it slipped my mind.. Jake, what was I going to tell y/n again?” That name. The name of the man who had destroyed you. Josh’s twin brother, Jacob. Thomas. Kiszka. Silence hit the air and you could hear the long-haired man laugh and mumble something to his brother.
Jake and you had dated back in high school. It wasn’t a quick thing, it was a three-year-long commitment. Jake was your first and you his. He was there for the first time you got black-out drunk, greened out, ran away from home, lost your childhood pet, everything. Jake was not only your boyfriend but your best friend and you were beyond happy, you couldn’t ask for anything more. Well, all that joy and happiness, left in the blink of an eye on the night of your senior prom. It took no time at all for you to see the photo. There, in his jet black tuxedo and pink tye to match your flowing dress was an 18-year-old Jake pushed up against the wall with some dumb blonde. The dumb blonde in question? your best friend. Life had changed completely. All the sorries in the world couldnt make up for what he had done to you. You could care less about the skanky bitch you called your best friend but Jake? Your Jake? You have never felt more alone in your entire life. You broke contact with him for 6 years. Six years of your life you spent tip-toeing around him. You would exchange glances at parties Josh or Sam would host but not a single word would leave your lips. Josh had tried his best to break up the tension but you were stubborn, you always have been and that was partially the reason Jake had stopped trying so hard to apologize to you, because he knew you wouldn’t forgive and forget.
You broke the no contact on the twin's 24th birthday. You were invited to the party and you didn’t think twice about going, not for Jake but for Josh. Only for Josh. However, to lie and say Jake had looked nothing far from gorgeous would be wrong. He looked.. perfect. You found yourself drinking one too many martinis made by the fluffy-haired twin and ended up letting the alcohol take its course and finally speaking to the man who broke your heart. As you moved your body through the sea of people invited to the house located just out of Nashville, you found your glossy eyes looking upon a somber Jake.
“Hi.” you said quietly as you took a seat next to him outside by the small fire that had been growing rather dim as the night went on.
“Hi, Angel.” He said as his eyes met yours, using the same nickname he gave you all those years back in high school.
“ I uh, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday and wish you a year full of good memories or whatever you have in your life you want to be good.” God your mouth had never felt so dry as you were at such a loss for words. Why you were even speaking to him was beyond you.
“Thank you. How have you been? It's been what? Five-ish years?”
“Ive been good, I could be better but work is good and I got a dog of my own, yea lifes been, been going good.” Been going good and we should keep it that way, you thought to yourself.
“I'm glad. Ive missed you, Angel. Ive missed what we had.” His hand found its way to yours. Just as soon as it happened it was over as a girl was soon calling his name. A girl whose voice you’ve heard more than once before. As you turned your head, to no surprise you were met with the girl he cheated on you with all that while back. You sobered right up and stood quickly.
“It shows Jake. Happy birthday again.” and with that, you continued with your life, not speaking to the ghost of the man you once knew.
As you came back from your thoughts you were brought back to a drunk Josh rambling on about god knows what.
“So what do you say?” Jesus you must have been zoned out, I mean it was 3 am and this call was more than unnecessary in your eyes.
“Sorry, repeat what you just said, but make it short.”
“ I SAID, we're going on another leg for the US and were going to this fancy place in Vegas where Elvis played and I want you to come.” You had already seen the infamous Greta Van Fleet perform far more than once but a trip to Vegas didn’t sound too terrible.
“The International Casino?” you asked confusingly
“Yeah, that's the one! It's in a few weeks Angel so you have time to think but it would mean the world to all of us if you would delight us with your amazing presence.” You let out a small laugh, ignoring the fact that the nickname has made its way to stick with you for so long.
“Send me over the details in the morning Josh and I’ll look into it. Im going to bed now and I think you should too, love you lots Josh.” The short man let out a sigh wished you a good night and hung up.
Now, you sit in your hotel room, a suite not to mention, putting on the lash finishing details to your makeup, similar to that of which Josh does, and preparing for the night ahead. As you added the last rhinestone to your cheek, you moved to grab your favorite red lipstick, carefully applying it only to be interrupted by a phone call from no other than the man himself.
“Hello, mamas.”
“Hi Josh, to what do I owe the pleasure”
“I’m sending someone up to your room right now to grab you and bring you to the dressing rooms, then we're gonna bring you to your spot. Sound good?” You laughed knowing that by going on this trip Josh was going to do whatever he needed to make sure that you had lived it to the best extent, even if that meant reserving a special spot in the pit when you were more than happy to be in a seat, out of the way.
“Yes that’s fine Josh,” you said with a laugh “I’ll see you soon.”
With that, you continued applying your lipstick, sprayed your favorite perfume, and were met with a soft knock at the door to your luxurious suite. You opened the door to see one of the many men you'd seen running around with the band before and allowed him to escort you to a room that was titled “Greta Van Fleet-Josh Dressing” and let you inside.
You were immediately met with showers of welcomes, seeing that not only Josh sat in this room but Sam and Danny too, Jake nowhere to be found.
“Angel! We’ve missed you come in!” exclaimed Josh and he sat up from his spot in a chair and left the woman doing his makeup dumbfounded at the sudden change in focus. As he came up to hug you it felt as if any worry you had about the night had left you completely. His hug was soon followed by Sam and Danny which led you all into a deep conversation of how life had been. Well, as deep as it could go seeing as they had to perform in just short of 30 minutes. As Sam rambled on about Rose and his love life your mind drifted to the fact that the other, more serious, twin wasn’t present. It must have shown on your face for Sam cleared his throat and said
“Jake in his dressing room, “practicing” is what he calls it but im pretty sure he's in there taking shots to pregame.” You let out a soft “ah” to show your understanding. It didn’t come as a surprise to you that Jacob Kiszka was pregaming, you felt like you always saw him drinking before a show, even when he was back in Frankenmuth whether it be a beer or a shot of vodka. Soon you found yourself taking a shot with the boys as if to say good luck on the stage tonight, knowing they wouldn’t need that; I mean they were amazing, to say the least. You saw the effect these men had on some of the people in the crowd, not just from their undeniable beauty but from the fact that their music meant something, it changed people and you couldn’t be more proud of them. While you never imagined them this big, you felt like they had this written in the stars for them. After exchanging conversation they got the five-minute call and the next thing you knew you were being brought out of the room and down to the pit. As you walked down the small hallway leading you to the stage, you heard the voice of a man talking to another, but not just talking, he was mad, really mad. The security guard tried to hurry you along past the scene but as you passed him, you could see that black suit, shining in the light due to the amazing detailing from the rhinestones and diamonds, and you knew that was Jake. Your Jake. Why he was mad? You wish you knew. Maybe something happened with his guitar, or maybe he had just gotten bad news from someone, but whatever it was, you weren’t even allowed a moment to process it before you were pushed along to your “special spot”. You found yourself being lifted over the railing of the pit and put smack dab in the middle of the barricade. You almost felt bad, this could’ve been someone else’s spot so before he could walk away, you grabbed the arm of the security guard and pulled him close to the railing.
“Is there anywhere else I can sit? Maybe up there?” you yelled out as you pointed to the seats sitting at an angle to the side of the stage.
The guard just looked at you and sighed, “They told me they wanted you here specifically, so they could see you. Don’t worry we had someone hold this spot for you. Enjoy the show Ms.Y/L/N.” And with that, he was gone and the lights started to dim, followed by a beautiful violin cover of the songs off Starcatcher.
The curtain fell and the boys made their way down from their spots, going on with the show as normal, until it came to the point of what would normally be their switch to the second stage, except this venue, in particular, did not have one, so they stayed put and gathered around into a half circle, facing the crowd in front of them. Sam had started to play a melody on his keys you knew all too well and once Josh started singing, tears filled your eyes. It was always a joke growing up about how much you and Mrs.Kiszka adored John Denver, Jake, and Josh egging it onto you how much you were like their mom. You had always seen on social media postings of them playing bits from The Music Is You, to honor their mom when playing back in your home state, but it never once crossed your mind that they may do the same for you. Josh had sang beautifully as always and made it a point to look right at you and reach his hand out to you when he finished the little snippet of the song you adored oh so much. You wiped your eyes and mouthed a quick thank you to Josh. While it may have seemed silly to the girls around you, you hadn’t seen the boys in truly so long, and just to hear them sing, knowing it was for you, made you appreciate how much they have changed you and your life, good or bad.
As the concert continued you found yourself in a sea of screaming girls once the familiar tune of The Archer, began playing. Josh had told you over the phone about the many interactions he had with fans, going down to the pit, hugging, kissing, grabbing them, and showing his love during Jake's extended solo and you expected nothing different for tonight. Just as you expected, Josh made his way down to the pit, hugging as many as he could but your attention drifted elsewhere. Your eyes found taking in the image of the man you once called your true love as he shook back and forth with his guitar, dramatizing the solo more than it needed to be. You found yourself taking in his features; his long, wet hair, the way it stuck to his face due to the sweat running down his body to his torso, the way his hips shook back and forth as he damn near abused his guitar on the stage. You couldn’t draw your eyes away but were broken out of your trance as soon his met yours. The tension you felt was unreal and hard to differentiate between sexual or pure rage for what had happened all that time back. It wasn’t just the cheating that had you mad though and you knew that. Jake was a slut, a genuine slut. You felt like he was sleeping around with a new girl after every show and he made no point of hiding it as photos circulated on the internet of him leaving venues with different girls every other week. You watched as he would watch himself play, in awe with his state of himself, what a self-centered asshole you thought. Soon, you brought your eyes away from his but couldn’t help but feel them staring down at you throughout the remainder of the show, almost as if he tried his best not to look before but now couldn’t control it. As Josh reached the last note of the last song, they bid their farewells and wished their love to all in the crowd and soon exited the stage.
As the pit fully cleared out, you made your way from the front of the pit despite the security trying to escort you to the boys backstage, you broke out of their hold telling them you needed to go to the restroom and would find your way back there on your own. You felt like you were being babied and honestly needed a drink or two after whatever the hell that show was. You moved through the sea of people and found yourself standing at a bar waving down a bartender, ordering your usual Jack and Coke. As the cold drink met your lips, you could feel yourself loosen up in an instant. Three drinks later you found yourself too far from tipsy but not yet fully drunk, you would give yourself a drink more before you were completely dazed out. You closed out your tab and picked up your phone, being met with text after text from Josh asking where you went. You called him and asked where he was, telling you he was at some restaurant located in the hotel and would send Sam to come and get you. As you sat impatiently, you decided it wouldn’t hurt to get another drink; the boys were probably near drunk by now as well who cares you thought as you ordered another drink, asking for it to be stronger than the last one, asking for this drink just to be put on the room, to which Josh was paying for. As you finished the last drops of your drink it was only a matter of time before the alcohol worked its course and you felt ready to dance and let loose.
Soon, Sam's body found yours as you laughed to him about just how good the show truly was, showering him with compliments on the band's skill. He only laughed alongside you, letting the alcohol drift from his breath to your face, letting you know it indeed was ok to order that last drink. As he guided you back to the restaurant, you were met with surprise seeing as the restaurant was not only a restaurant but a dance club. The seats consisted of a few big, dimly lit booths, and many high tops and scattered lounge chairs. Sam led you to one of the booths and you slid your body right in, to Josh, except the booth was now only being filled by you and Josh, the other three boys out dancing or getting drinks by the bar. You leaned into Josh and shouted as loud as you could over the music.
“The show was amazing Josh,” you said partially slurring your words “thank you for playing my song for me; ‘meant a lot y’know.” You smiled at him, eyes glossy.
“Anything for my favorite girl.” He said, pulling you into his arms and hugging you tightly.
You found yourself being pulled in all sorts of directions as Josh danced the night away with you until your phone read about 2 am. You pulled Josh to the side and told him it was time for you to make your way back to your room and sadness filled his eyes.
“I don’t want the night to end either Josh but I’m tired and drunk and need to sleep.” you laughed lightly.
“Yeah, I know mama. When is your flight back to Nash? Maybe we can spend the day on the strip tomorrow before we gotta go?” You looked at the man like he had six eyes. You were in no state to think of such difficult things, or at least that's how they seemed to you. You lazily gave him an estimate knowing it was some time in the afternoon, but it was late enough for you to spend time with him and the rest of the boys. As you wished him goodnight you stumbled out of the restaurant-themed club and made your way toward the elevators.
As you pressed the elevator buttons and entered in, you pressed the button leading you to the twelfth floor where your room resided. Just as the doors were about to close, a hand wedged itself in between the two doors, opening them back up and bringing you to face a, at least you would think, equally as drunk Jake. You didn’t want to talk to him let alone look at him but god did he look good. As he walked in he let out a small sigh, almost disappointed on who was in the small box with him. Before you could even open your mouth to ask him what floor he was headed to, he leaned in front of you, almost far too close for comfort, and pressed the number directly above the one you lit up and returned to his place on the opposite side, not exchanging a single word. You were praying the floor would stop somewhere else and someone would get into the elevator with the two of you, breaking the awkward silence but no one did. As the elevator made its way up you cleared your throat and as soberly as possible said
“You guys put on quite the show tonight.” You couldn’t tell if it came off as rude or a compliment.
“Glad you enjoyed it, Angel.” He said, his eyes lifting from the floor to look at you, take in your outfit, tailored specifically for this evening. You were dressed in a shorter-than-short silver skirt to show off your height as Jake himself always joked how you should be flaunting your “long legs” whatever the fuck that meant, followed by a black corset that had detailing that was similar to that of what was embroidered on the twins suits. Your skin was covered in glitter, from your chest to your arms and you supported a few dainty necklaces gifted from the boys themselves as well as a bracelet you bought for yourself just for this event. You put on your cleanest pair of go-go boots and do your makeup to resemble Josh, followed by a red lip and your hair in loose curls. How it all stayed on to this moment was a surprise to even you but it did, and maybe this time it genuinely was the alcohol, but you felt hot, really hot. Jake had managed to find time to change so he sported a simple linen set you've seen him wear one too many times before, leaving all but the last two buttons undone to show off his toned chest against the silver of his plethora of silver coins.
“It's not polite to stare.” you stated flatly at the man before you, toying with the bracelet on your wrist to keep you occupied. God this elevator was taking forever.
“You seemed to have no issue earlier towards the end of the show.” He let out slightly with a smug smile almost as if to insinuate something more than what was there.
“I’m sorry? Am I supposed to stare at the floor during a concert?” You snapped back only to be met with a smile forming wider on his lips.
“Like I said, glad you enjoyed Angel.” He said, cooly.
Finally, the elevator reached your floor and you couldn’t help but sit for a minute, debating everything that’s happened between you and Jake, realizing that even after all the years, you find yourself feeling the same way you did for him all that time back. You looked up at the man in front of you in confusion about the way you felt, wondering if he felt the same.
“Goodnight Jake.” you said softly before exiting the small box and beginning the walk down the hallway. As you approached your room you felt like your legs were ready to give out. You pulled your room key out and entered the room, sleep taking over your body. As you walked in you immediately made your way to the bed, needing a minute to regain some energy before getting up again and taking off your ensemble. After a minute, you sat up, taking off your boots, followed by your corset and skirt, taking off your socks and undergarments, and moving to get a a baggy t-shirt and different underwear. Once changed, you made your way toward the bathroom to begin removing your pounds of jewelry. The weight being taken off your neck led you to focus on taking off your bracelet however to your surprise, it wasn’t there. Fuck you thought to yourself. If it was anywhere, it was back in that elevator where you stood fidgeting with it while talking to Jake. You would’ve just let it go had it not been as expensive as it was. You were at a loss of thought. Do you call Jake and ask if he saw it in the elevator? No Jesus no. You tried to collect your thoughts in your drunken state and decided to just go back onto the elevator and look for it there. It was almost 3 am so you would think no one would be out in the hall so you slipped on some ankle socks and crept out of the comforts of your room, making your way to the elevator. Just as you went to press the button to go back down, the doors opened, and before you stood the same man you had just seen minutes before, holding your bracelet. He scanned over your body before stepping out of the elevator, taking in your “pajamas” and smirking slightly.
“You look comfortable.”
“Just give me my bracelet Jake. I’m tired and I want to go to bed.” You snapped at him, almost too loudly.
“Yeesh someone's angry.” He said with a chuckle, reaching his hand out to you.
You snatched it out of his and turned making your way back to the room, not giving him a second longer of your time.
Once you got to the door, the harsh reality hit you. You missed him. He looked so good on that damn stage tonight, it made you realize that you did miss him. You missed the nights when you would spend laughing your asses off at the stupidest tv shows, or the way you would make fun of each other for the way they looked when they woke up in the morning. What you missed most of all? The feeling of his body against yours. The way he made you feel complete. You felt tears build up in your eyes. You had loved him, even from the day he cheated on you, you have always loved him. You never loved another. You missed your Jake. As you entered the room, tears streamed from your eyes, not just out of sadness but anger. Angry that even after he did do this, you still wanted to crawl back into his arms, and be told it was all going to be ok. You moved to grab your phone and opened up your messages. You knew you shouldn’t have but you opened a new conversation and sat, staring at what you would even say. Before you could even type the first letter, a knock at your door filled the silence.
You opened up the door to be met with the eyes of the same boy you had never stopped loving. You locked eyes before the sudden movement of him brought his lips toward yours. It was like he had been thinking the same thing, as his hands met your waist and yours locked around the back of his neck. Quickly, he backed you into the room, kicking the door closed behind him and guiding you towards your bed. Your hands wrapped up into his tangled curls, pulling at them as he deepened the kiss. His hands began to slip under your shirt, searching every inch of your body, stopping just before your chest. As he backed you through your room, you turned, leading him towards the bed instead, moving your hands down to his face. As you approached the bed, you pushed him back and stepped back, moving to lift your shirt off of your body as he worked on his own. Once both were removed, your lips met his again, this time holding more force, as your hands roamed his body, leading you down to his waist, running them over his legs, slowly working their way up to his member, painfully hard already through his linens. A groan hit your lips, letting you know that he wanted this just as badly as you did. All those thoughts of doubt and anger towards him left your mind as he started to work kisses down your chin while you worked on getting his pants off. Once off, you lowered yourself onto your knees, palming him through his underwear as he stared at you with lust-filled eyes as you moved painstakingly slow.
You looked up at him, eyes glossed as you were just as desperate with him and slowly pulled down his underwear, pressing soft kisses to the insides of his thighs. Moving your way up, you could feel his body shudder, struggling to keep the little composure he had left. Finally, you took him into your mouth, pushing him down until he hit the back of your throat and slowly started to move up and down.
“Fuck Y/N.” he whispered, collecting the hair draping around your face, making a ponytail in his fist but using no force and letting you have free reign.
As you got comfortable with the feeling, you began to pick up your pace, settling him at the back of your throat after a little and choking back a gag, tears filling your eyes but this time for all the different reasons. A string of praises and curses left his lips as he started to force your head back up, almost as an instinct. As you let him, he kept up with the pace until he felt it was too much and switched to holding you in place as he began to thrust up into your mouth, quickly, bringing him to let out a loud moan.
He continued to hit the back of your throat and the gag you tried so hard to suppress released itself, causing him to lean his head back in pure ecstasy.
“F-fuck Angel, you're taking me so well” he managed to say with eyes squeezed shut.
The words leaving his lips made the pool forming between your legs ten times worse as you squeezed your legs together for some sort of relief. As you looked up at Jake, his eyes met yours as he reached his hand down to play with your breasts, releasing a moan from your lips. Just as fast as it was happening, it stopped and Jake pulled himself out of your mouth and you up from the floor, pressing kisses along your torso and breasts, hooking his fingers into the sides of your laced underwear. As he pulled them down, he stood, switching positions with you as you slid yourself back towards the head of the bed, laying comfortably as he worked to situate himself between your legs. Following your same movements minutes ago, he began to press kisses into the sides of your thighs, moaning as he did so as if it was pleasure enough to be touching you. Your hand trailed down to the bundle of nerves as the ache growing between your legs began to fog your thoughts. Just as you began to touch yourself, Jake grabbed your wrist stopping you whilst continuing to kiss his way up to that very spot.
He moved your hand out of the way and his lips found your clit, rubbing slow circles with his tongue around the nerves, a quiet moan escaping your lips.
“I wanna hear your pretty little sounds, Angel, don’t get shy on me now.” he said, releasing his mouth from you and slowly moving it back.
As he did so, your breath quickened as he flattened his tongue along your core, taking you in. He refocused his tongue on your clit as his fingers slowly danced along your legs, making their way up to slowly find their way inside of you. Starting with one at a slow pace, your hips jolted forward as you begged for more, allowing him to add a second digit inside of you, picking up the pace. Moans streamed from your lips as he set a steady, fast, pace, whilst continuing to work his tongue over your clit. Your hands found his hair again, pushing his face forward, grinding forward against his lips.
“Holy shit Jake” you moaned out as you began to slowly feel a knot forming in your stomach. Just when you thought it was impossible, he picked up the pace even faster, slipping his hands under your legs pulling you closer, and anchoring you in place as your back arched with pleasure. Your head dug back into the pillows as you let out a close-to-pornographic moan release from your lips. His tongue worked quick circles around your clit, making your head spin with pure pleasure. You had missed the feeling of him on you, in you, and you never wanted to let go of the feeling you gained back.
“J-Jake I’m s’close,” you said a little too loudly “don’t stop, please.” you said with a moan as you could feel you losing yourself with pleasure.
As he continued to work quickly, he involuntarily thrust his hips forward into the mattress and you wanted nothing more than for him to be in you.
“Jake stop fuck stop.” you said almost defeatedly knowing you were close to pure bliss. Immediately without thought, he lifted his face from between your legs, keeping his fingers inserted, moving at a far slower pace.
“What's wrong?” he said breathily, still trying to get his bearings about him.
“Nothing I just,” you said fighting back another moan as his fingers still worked inside of you, “I want you in me, I can’t wait any longer.” you said quickly. He met your words with a smirk and finished by curling his fingers in you and pulling them out, leaving you wishing he didn’t stop. He brought his fingers to his mouth, wrapping his tongue around them and having you watch as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
“Jesus you taste so good Angel” he said raspily, moving his way up to be over you, lining himself up. Rubbing his hands up and down his shaft a few times you took the opportunity to switch positions, straddling him. You leaned forward to press kisses to his lips and slowly down to his chin, then neck, sucking harshly assuring you would leave a proud mark for the morning, down to his chest and torso. Slowly, you reached for his member, giving it a few pumps before slowly lowering yourself down onto him, releasing a mouth from your lips due to the stretch his size brought to you. God how I missed him was all you could think to yourself. Slowly, you began to move, setting a slow back-and-forth movement before working yourself to move more intensely. He brought one hand to your hip as if to anchor you there and another to your breast, leaning forward to put one in his mouth and leave one in his hand, eliciting another moan. As his mouth worked over your sensitive breasts, you began to pick up your pace and slowly pick yourself up off him before quickly lowering you wereslef back down, setting a speed for him to adjust to. Eventually, his head flew back to the pillows out of pure bliss, continuing to move his hand over your breast.
You leaned forward towards his neck as he began to thrust into you, letting you leave more small bruises for the morning. His hands now switched from your legs to your ass, having a firm grip you were scared would leave you with bigger bruises to form.
“ I missed you,” he whispered into your ear “fuck I missed you so much.” God, he sounded needy, desperate, as if you could get closer and you just didn’t know it.
“Tell me, what’d you miss jakey.” you said weakly. As much joy as this brought you, you wanted this to last, to be able to do this with him whenever be able to be his again, and you wanted him to confirm your hopes that he felt the same.
“I missed it all Y/N, I-” he cut himself off with a moan as you tightened around him as you tried to hold back a moan, despite his command to be vocal “ I missed your laugh, and your beautiful smile, fuck, I missed every aspect of you.” Good enough you thought to yourself given that he was fucking you fast.
You brought yourself up from his neck, taking control once more, picking up where his pace left off.
“Shit m’close baby.” he said quickly, with eyes squeezed shut, similar to how he looked while you rubbed your tongue down his shaft. The sweat forming on his face caused his hair to stick to his face, similar to on stage, making you want him even more than you already had him. With that, he flipped you over, taking over once more, and quickened the pace ever so slightly, clearly impatient. One leg found its way around his waist as the opposite hand reached for his back, clawing, trying to stabilize yourself.
“M’close too,” you said with tears forming in your eyes out of pure desperation, “Jake, faster and don’t stop.” you said gravelly.
Following your command, he drilled into you as the knot that had been building up for so long finally came undone and euphoria took over your body, your heading stretching back, moans streaming from your lips followed by his name. Just as you had begun to start to come down, his high began as his movements began to falter, letting you know he was there. He began to move back, trying to put out. You wrapped your other leg around him and pulled him closer, stopping his action.
“Inside me.. I want it inside me.” you said quickly, whilst looking up at him.
Without a second thought, he fully pushed back in and released himself into you, continuing to fuck the release into you, slowly and painfully. Once he was done, he pulled out, plopping down beside you, both of you breathing incredibly fast. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed kisses onto the side of your face and chin. With the moment of calm, your mind began to race again, but his voice pulled you out of thought.
“I love you Y/N. I love you, only you, I’ve only ever loved you, ever since the minute I layed eyes on you, I knew that I wanted to be with you for every minute of every day. I’m sorry for what I did but I will never stop loving you till the day I die.” He said sweetly, a tone you’ve not heard in years. You turned to look at him, your face serious but eyes filled with shock. You couldn’t find the words so you pressed your lips to his. The kiss was not like before. It was slow, passionate, everlasting. You pulled away and pushed your forehead against his.
“I love you forever Jacob Thomas Kiszka.” you said with a smile forming on your lips. All that time you had spent angry with him, upset with him, you had just wished he was different and he was. Maybe it took years, but he changed. He was your Jake and he always would be. The smile that formed on his lips matched yours.
“I do have to say miss Y/L/N,” your eyes furrowed with confusion, “I think you outdid the rest of the girls in the pit with your outfit tonight,” he said as you began to laugh about how unserious he was.
“You’re an idiot”
“But you love me so it works out”
“But I love you so it does work out I guesss” you said dragging out your s’s.
He simply wrapped you up to the side of him pressing a kiss to the side of your head as sleep took over both of your bodies, allowing you to feel content once again with your life knowing you were complete once again.
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