#sam kiszka fanf
losfacedevil · 10 months
All My Love // SFK (pt 2)
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a/n ~ Meet Sam and Lovey, high school sweethearts who have to fight and find their way back to each other. This idea makes me nervous due to the subject matter but has to be one of my most self indulgent ideas in the way of the story line. I hope you all enjoy the roller coaster this is about to become. 🎵PLAYLIST🎵 CATCH PART ONE HERE
Another night sat at the bar down the block from her retail job.
Lovey had dragged herself into the bar, the stress of her day finally crashing down onto her shoulders as she slumped herself onto her regular bar stool. The woman behind the bar smiled at the young girl and with a curt nod slid a captain and coke across the bar top to her. Lovey blew a kiss to the older woman before lifting the glass to her lips and took a sip.
She allowed herself to get lost in thought, feeling fully comfortable in the tiny hole in the wall building to do so. Her mind danced to Sam, the disappointed looks and tone he had been taking with her clearly voicing just how he felt about her actions. She disliked herself and who she had become, how she wanted to drink even after a decently good work shift, the fight to keep herself sober becoming harder and harder. The way her body almost craved the way her body would buzz as soon as the alcohol began running through her system.
He had watched her with the softest gaze, not wanting to tip toe around her but also not wanting to upset her in any way. He had become more gentle with her, talking to her like a parent would a child they knew was in the wrong but didn’t want to scold. He’d hold her face in his hands, trying his best to get his point across; his forehead resting against hers as he danced his thumbs over the apples of her cheeks.
“I love you, I do. But you need to understand where I’m coming from.” She would nod her head the best she could with their foreheads kissing, tears prickling the backs of her eyes. She knew he meant well, what he was saying wasn’t because he was trying to be controlling but because he had her best interest at heart and he was scared for her well being.
The voice of a man shook her from her thoughts as he slid his arm around her shoulders and perched himself on the barstool to her left. He was very clearly drunk, the way he swayed in his seat giving him away as he flagged down the bartender and slurred an order for his drink and “whatever this beautiful specimen is drinking.”
Lovey screwed up her face and shook the mans arm off of her shoulder, wanting nothing to do with him. The smell of smoke mixed with that of strong liquor tickled her nose and she leaned farther to her right. His head spun in her direction, brows furrowed as he moved to replace his arm against her shoulders.
“What’s a pretty specimen like you doing here all by yourself?” His words slurred more by the minute, making Lovey more and more uncomfortable. She kept her lips pressed into a straight line, trying to ignore the man’s advances. He leaned over closer to her, the rancid smell of his breath causing her stomach to turn as she shook his arm off of her shoulder once more.
“Leave me alone, please.” She mumbled, raising her voice just enough for him to hear over the bar chatter. A sickening smile spread across the man’s face as he slid off of the bar stool and stood behind her, placing a hand against the counter top on either side of her; essentially boxing her in.
Lovey knew the look on her face conveyed just how uncomfortable she was, her eyes growing wide and cheeks turning a slight shade of green as she tried to silently flag down the bartender. The stench of the man’s breath caused her to heave and swallow hard against the lump in her throat.
“Leave you alone? I bought you a drink. That’s grounds for at least twenty minutes of your time, gorgeous.” He spat and the feeling of his warm saliva against her skin triggered her gag reflex. Straightening her back she turned her head slightly, just enough to catch a glimpse of the man’s face behind her.
“I said leave me alone!” Her voice was louder now, enough to cause the man behind her to jump in a startled manner but not enough for the bartender to take notice. The laugh that elicited from the man’s chest was one of malice, and a sinister smile spread across his face as he moved his hand from the counter and wrapped his right arm around her midsection.
She froze as he snaked his fingers up under her shirt, resting them gently against her stomach which now sat tense as she strained her muscles. Her eyes darted around the bar, not a soul paying attention to anything happening around them. Pulling a deep breath in through her nose she ducked her head slightly and threw it backwards, catching the man behind her right in the nose.
The scream that ripped through mans chest caught he attention of every patron and they all turned their attention to the couple who sat to their right. The bartenders eyes grew wide and her jaw slackened slightly at the sight of blood covering the man’s hands and now dripping down onto his clothing. Lovey had her hand pressed to the back of her head, knowing full well one of his teeth had nicked her skin and drew blood. A wince kissed her face as she pulled her hand away from her head to inspect it; confirming her suspicions.
A deep sigh slipped past the bartenders lips as she moved in their direction, holding out bar towels to each of them to control their bleeding. She shot Lovey a disappointed look and with a soft shake of her head turned to the cordless phone that sat next to her cash register.
“Lovey, what have you done?”
She found herself detained, shoved up against the side of the police car as she rolled her eyes once more. Gone were the sympathetic cops who had understood her need for self defense as the male in question hadn’t been someone she was familiar with. As soon as her attitude slipped out their attitudes shifted.
“You can’t do this, I haven’t done anything!” She yelled, her words holding that of a slight slur. She knew better than to fight back, knew that it would land her in a holding cell all night but with the liquid courage coursing through her body she felt invincible.
“Bar fight is a misdemeanor, continue talking and we’ll take you in for public intoxication, you pick your poison missy.” The female cop placed a harsh hand against Loveys shoulder and pushed, causing her to bend and seated her into the back of the cop car.
“But it was self defense!” She tried again, willing tears to spring to her eyes as she tried to soften the woman up. She shook her head at Lovey before slamming the door shut, securing her in the vehicle.
With a hard roll of her eyes she handed over her credit card - one that would now be at the limit and fully maxed out. The officer having done her a favor of paying her cash bail with her card. She tapped her fingers impatiently against the small sill that sat under the receptionist window. The older woman looked up, peering at Lovey through the plexiglass and with a soft, disapproving shake of her head, slid the credit card back under the break in the window. Lovey sighed as she signed her life away, on the credit card slip and proper paperwork to bail herself out of the holding cell.
She was embarrassed, not wanting to bother either of the boys she took matters into her own hands. She snatched the papers from the break in the window and, turning on her heel, stormed out of there a quickly as she could.
She knew she needed help, sitting for two hours in a holding cell was enough to scare her straight. Pulling her phone out of the small clutch the receptionist had returned to her, her heart shattered when she saw just how many missed notifications she had from Sam.
Pulling a deep breath in through her nose she watched as her phone screen lit up once more, his name and picture lighting up the small display. Tears sprang to her eyes as she watched it ring straight to voicemail and she opened their text thread.
“I’m sorry, I love you.” Sending the text was that of second nature as she tapped the screen and waited for the delivered receipt to pop up before turning off her phone. Her eyes darted around the dark and empty street she stood on, not a soul around for miles. With a nod of her head she turned on her heel and started off in the direction of down town.
She was her own worst nightmare.
Taglist: @gretasmokerising @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @vanfleeter @tommie-gvf @the-wicked-gnome @stardustvanfleet @sinsofstardust @gracev0609 @runwayblues @lightsofthe-living-gvf @mackalah @sunfl0wer-power @twistedmelodies @dannys-dream @chouxsardine @freefallthoughts
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