#sam obisanya oneshot
wlntrsldler · 5 months
crush | sam obisanya
based on crush by tessa violet
description: you started getting origami hearts from a secret admirer. you secretly hoped it was a certain richmond player.
warnings: language-- it's ted lasso, what did ya expect?; kissing! a looootttt of smiling from sam, richmond himbos, sam and jamie bffs
pairing: sam obisanya x f! reader (she/her)
word count: 2.8K
ted lasso requests are open! | main masterlist
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It started on a random Tuesday. 
You walked into the coaches’ office where your temporary desk was located– Beard nearly begged you to take Trent’s old desk because the office without Ted or Trent just felt too empty– and you saw it sitting on top of your work laptop. 
It was a red, origami heart. 
You looked around, puzzled, trying to figure out who left it, or at the very least, if everyone else had one on their desks too. You tried to catch someone’s eye, perhaps they’d reveal who left it on your desk, but all the coaches were in the locker room talking strategy with the entire team. 
Maybe the coaches did get one and they just put it away before you got here. After all, you got to work an hour after everyone else did. You picked up the heart and turned it over to find something scribbled on the back. 
“If I were loved, as I desire to be” - Lord Alfred Tennyson
You furrowed your eyebrows, holding the origami heart gently as you ransacked your small bookshelf beside your desk. Your fingers traced the spines of the books you had laying around, stopping on your copy of Tennyson’s Poetical Works. A bookmark was peeking from the top of the book and you knew exactly what poem it was. 
The small smile on your lips threatened to get bigger as you read the poem over and over again. You were sure you read the poem about fifty times before you shut the book. By the time you got yourself situated, and placed the origami heart with the rest of the trinkets on your desk, it was time to join the coaches in the locker room. 
As you walked in, your eyes met Sam’s. He offered a small wave which you returned happily. Sam was the first friend you made at Nelson Road. When you were hired by KJPR to manage Richmond’s social media and newsletters, your time was split between the KJPR HQ and the facility. It wasn’t because Keeley needed you at KJPR, but more so because you were too nervous to work at a football club every day. 
Turns out, there was no reason to be nervous. About two weeks into your job, you found yourself itching to work onsite at Nelson Road. You loved the community they built there, their camaraderie, and their mutual trust, respect, and love for each other were more than admirable.
And sure, it also helped that Sam Obisanya was here, but that was neither here nor there. 
When Keeley and Rebecca first found out about your crush on Sam, which they had to force out of you– in your defense, you knew about Rebecca and Sam’s history and you didn’t want to step on any toes– they lost it. Rebecca, of course, reassured you that it was alright with her, especially since she was with her Dutchman now. The two women would make googly eyes at you whenever they saw you talking to Sam. 
“Y/N! Why else would he come into your office so often? He fancies you!” 
“He’s just borrowing a book, Keels,” you frowned, “Jan Maas and Bumbercatch do the same thing.” 
Rebecca rolled her eyes, “But they don’t do it as often.” 
You shrugged, “Maybe Sam just reads fast.” 
“Hopeless.” The two women said in sync, laughing as you threw a pen in their direction. 
Stuck in your little daydream, it was Roy’s booming voice that snapped you out of your thoughts. You blinked a few times, surprised to find Sam’s eyes still on yours. You blushed under his intense stare and decided to be the one to break the connection. You walked out behind Nate, pretending to scribble on your notepad. 
“Y/N!” Colin called, running to catch up with you. He threw an arm around you, “How’s my favorite social media and branding manager?” 
You eyed him wearily but played along. You’d need a few more seconds to figure out what he wants, “I’m alright. How about you, Hughes?” 
“I’m doing fine, as well. Say, did you do something new to your hair? It looks absolutely lovel-”
“Give it up, mate,” Sam chimed in, removing Colin’s arm from around you, “She is not taking down your promo pictures from the grid.” 
You feigned a look of hurt, “And here I thought you were just being kind to me!”
Colin let out a long groan, sounding like a toddler throwing a tantrum, “The pictures aren’t flattering, Y/N! I look hideous.” 
You shook your head, leaning up to squish Colin’s cheeks together, “Impossible. You’re proper fit. All of you are.” 
While your (failed attempt) pep talk didn’t lift Colin’s spirits– he then went to Isaac and complained even more as he was stretching– Sam’s ears perked up at your words. Did you think he was fit? No, no, you couldn’t have. You were just saying it to make a point to Colin, right? You said the whole team was fit, not just him. 
You waved goodbye to Sam, smiling at him once again, and he swears he felt his knees buckle from under him. How he managed to make it the rest of the way to the pitch and how he managed to remember how to play football after that was truly beyond him.
“Lord help me,” Sam muttered, leaning down to touch his toes. 
“Yeah, lad,” Jamie grimaced next to him, though his tone was teasing. He watched the entire situation unfold. He knew about Sam’s pining and has been on the receiving end of many of Sam’s “Y/N is so lovely. Y/N is so smart. Isn’t she great?” ramblings. “You need some divine intervention because you’re pathetic.” 
Sam just shoved Jamie, but he knew he was right. He was a goner. 
You figured that the origami heart was a one-time thing, but to your surprise, you found another one on your desk the following day. This time it was blue. Excited to find out what lies behind the paper, you picked it up hurriedly, already smiling ear to ear before you even read it. 
“In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” - Virginia Woolf
“What do you have there?” 
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” You jumped at the sound of Keeley’s voice. She was leaning against the doorframe, smirking at your caught reaction. You held the heart between your pointer finger and thumb. You walked over to her, “This is the second one I’ve gotten.” 
Keeley’s eyes widened as she read the words on the back. She squealed, rushing to you to shake you by your shoulders, “Babe, you’ve got a secret admirer! Oh my gosh, this is so cute!” 
Keeley, bless her, was never one to be discreet when it came to all things romantic. Everyone in the locker room turned to look at you and Keeley in the coaches’ office, most with a confused expression on their face. You awkwardly waved before reaching over to pull Keeley into the covered part of the office. Sure, it wasn’t soundproof, but at least they didn’t get to see your embarrassment. 
“Hush,” you tutted, taking the heart back from her. You placed it beside the red one, smiling at how it made your desk look more colorful. “I do not have a secret admirer. Whoever is doing this obviously just has an affinity for good literature and wants to share it with me since I’m a reader.” 
“Right well I have an affinity for good champagne, but you don’t see me popping bottles with you every chance I get,” Keeley rolled her eyes, sitting on your desk. She picked up the origami heart from yesterday, groaning in disbelief, “Seriously, Y/N! How much more obvious can they get? They literally confessed their love for you in this one!” 
“I do not have a secret admirer.” 
“Who has a secret admirer?” 
You, once again, jumped at the sound of Rebecca’s voice. Her eyebrows were raised as she walked into your office, munching on some cookies. They weren’t better than Ted’s but she’d gotten used to having cookies for breakfast that she had to make do. 
“Y/N has a secret admirer, look!” Keeley ran to Rebecca, holding the two origami hearts in her hand. “Look at how cute these are.” 
Rebecca studied them closely, a large smirk on her face when she locked eyes with you, “This is Sam.” 
You blushed at the mention of his name, “It is not Sam because I don’t have a secret admirer. Now if you excuse me, I have work to do.” 
You tried your best to steady yourself as you walked out to the locker room. The coaches had finished their talk and the team was just doing some final things before they headed out to the pitch for training. 
Sam walked over to you, head tilted in question. “What was that about?” 
“Nothing,” you shook your head. “Keeley and Rebecca are just being silly.” 
He nodded, “Hey, I’m almost finished with the most recent book you loaned me.” 
“Are you?” You grinned at him. He mirrored you. “I love that book.” 
“I know,” Sam’s eyes drifted briefly to your lips. Oh, what he would give to feel your lips on his, even just for a second. He couldn’t help but keep staring at you as you went on about your favorite parts. Sam could picture the hundreds of outlined quotes you had in the copy he borrowed, different colored sticky notes and highlighters for different things. He noticed that as you spoke you stayed within the confines of the first part of the book. Sam realized later that it was because you didn’t want to risk spoiling anything for him. His heart warmed at the thought. 
By the time you finished recounting the book, you were red and out of breath. You placed a hand on Sam’s bicep, not missing the way he tensed under your palm. You could feel the outline of his hard muscles under his kit, which made you suck in a breath. “I’ll see you around, Sam. Come find me when you finish the book and I’ll let you talk my ear off about it. Only fair since I just did it to you.” 
He chuckled, watching you disappear into the hallway where Higgins' office was, the opposite way of the pitch where he was headed. His eyes followed your figure until you fully disappeared, which meant that he was not paying attention to where he was going. Right before his body crashed into a pole, Jamie grabbed Sam’s arm and pulled him toward the walkway. Sam, who seemed to awaken from his trance, shyly looked at Jamie. 
Jamie chuckled quietly at Sam. He whipped Sam playfully with a rolled-up towel. He jogged lightly and called out to him with his Mancunian accent, “Come on, lover boy. We got trainin’ to do.” 
After the fifth day of receiving origami hearts, you decided to take it upon yourself to investigate. Without telling anyone of your plans, not even Keeley or Rebecca who were still convinced it was Sam, you arrived at Nelson Road ten minutes after the call time for the team and coaches. 
You entered from the back of the facility, knowing that you had closed your blinds before you left work yesterday. If there was someone in your office, they wouldn’t see you coming in. As you approached the coaches’ office, the outline of someone leaning across your desk caught your eye. 
Your heart swelled when you realized who it was. You cleared your throat, “Sam?” 
Sam turned around quickly, staring at you like a deer in headlights. He rubbed the back of his neck, “Oh hey, Y/N! You’re here early.” 
“Yeah, I have a few things to get done today,” you lied, walking over to your desk. “What are you doing here?” 
“Oh, right, um,” he held out the book you let him borrow from behind him, “Just wanted to return this. I was just gonna leave it on your desk, but since you’re already here, here you go.” 
“Oh,” you tried to mask your disappointment as you reached over to grab the book from him. Your fingers grazed his, sending shocks throughout your entire body. You looked down on your desk and found an origami heart on your laptop once more. This time it looked like a different type of paper. It was lightly colored and patterned instead of the usual solid color.  You looked at Sam, “Did you see who left this here?” 
Sam, who was already halfway out the door, shrugged, reaching up to rub the back of his neck again, “Nope. It was there when I got here.” 
Sure, you always denied that the secret admirer was Sam whenever Keeley and Rebecca teased you for it, but you would be a liar if you said you didn’t also secretly hope that it was him. You really liked Sam. Ever since you started working for AFC Richmond, Sam has shown you nothing but kindness. He asks you how you’re doing, and genuinely cares about your response. He pops in every week or so to borrow a book from your personal library. Then, he sits in your office after training when he finishes a book to talk about it with you. That was your favorite part of your job. 
The entire day, you felt dejected and defeated. You’re never going to figure out who was leaving you these little hearts. You didn’t join the team on the pitch or leave your office. At the end of the day, you found yourself staring at a blank Word document. A knock on your wall pulled you from your thoughts. You looked up and found Sam, standing in your doorway with two bags of takeaway in his hands. 
“Ready to talk Normal People?” Sam asked, walking in to take his usual spot across your desk. “I brought yummy food.” 
He nodded, unwrapping the boxes of food to lay out on your desk. “Of course.” 
“Yes!” You cheered, reaching for your hand sanitizer. You offered some to Sam, which he gladly accepted. You pumped some into the palm of his hand and watched in concern as he hissed in pain when he rubbed it into his skin. “You okay?” 
He shook his hands to air dry them, a grimace still on his features. “Yeah, just forgot that I had paper cuts.” 
The admission almost flew over your head. Almost. It wasn’t until Sam muttered the word “Shit,” under his breath did you realize what he said. Sam rarely ever cussed, and when he did, it was because of something big. When you looked at him, he was staring at you with a nervous look on his face. 
“Sam…” you trailed off. 
Sam, taking your tone as a rejection, balled up his fist and bit his knuckles in anticipation. When you couldn’t find the right words, Sam interjected, “Okay, Y/N, before you get mad, hear me out please.”
You continued to stare at him in disbelief, unable to accept that it was him. He pushed his chair back, giving himself more space as he began his explanation. “Alright, so… Yes, it’s me. I have been leaving these little hearts on your desk. I’m sorry I lied to you this morning, but I panicked! I didn’t know you were coming in early. Also, I promise that I was going to tell you eventually. I was just nervous because I don’t want to ruin what we have now.” 
“I like being friends with you,” he started to say, then cringed at his own words, “Okay, let me rephrase that–  I enjoy being your friend, but I do want something more. I really like you, Y/N. I have never really been good at expressing my romantic feelings to people so I figured the greats could do it for me so I started making these little origami hearts with my favorite works and quotes on the back. I was getting quite good at it until I switched the paper I was using. Thus, the paper cuts.” 
“Sam, I-”
“Also, I just want to add, you are absolutely under no obligation to go out with me or anything like that. Unless, of course, you want to. Then, that would be great! I would love to go out with you.” He looked at you, like truly looked at you, for the first time since he began his little ramble. He groaned,  “Christ, you didn’t even ask. Wait– I didn’t even ask you to go out yet.” 
“Sam, please,” You laughed, getting up from your chair to stand in front of him. “I was hoping it was you who was leaving these origami hearts.” 
“Really?” he asked, breathless. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much. “You are not disappointed that it was me?” 
You backed off a bit as he stood from his seat, walking over to you. You shook your head no, “I was absolutely devastated when you said it wasn’t you who put it on my desk this morning.” 
Before you could say anything else, Sam placed his lips on yours. His hands found the side of your face, holding you at an angle that made it easier for your lips to glide against each other. Your hands lay flat against his chest, feeling the rumbling of his heart easily. As you slipped your tongue into his mouth, a deep groan escaped him, which fueled your actions. After a few moments, you pulled away from him but kept him close. 
Your arms were wrapped around his neck as you looked up at him. “So what do you think? The paper cuts worth it?” 
“Oh, 100%,” Sam easily replied, laughing as he squeezed your hips. He leaned down once again, unable to keep his lips away from yours any longer. 
Needless to say, you didn’t get to talk about Normal People, but neither of you cared.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 11 months
oblivious to some, obvious to all
by Rockslove
Moe, Dani, and Sam decide to spy on Colin and Isaac. Roy Kent unknowingly becomes part of their group.
Words: 425, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Colin Hughes, Isaac McAdoo, Sam Obisanya, Roy Kent, Moe Bumbercatch, Dani Rojas (Ted Lasso)
Relationships: Colin Hughes/Isaac McAdoo
Additional Tags: Colin is oblivious, isaac is downright in love with colin, everybody notices, but colin, sam dani and moe are idiots, roy is brought into their idiotic notions, Spying, cursing for roy, Drabble, Oneshot
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48591238
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ao3feed-tedxtrent · 3 years
Biscuits with the Boss (a oneshot collection)
by WhiskedDreaming
Just a fun collection of Ted Lasso oneshots! If you'd like to request anything please comment!
Words: 625, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Jamie Tartt, Ted Lasso, Trent Crimm, Trent Crimm's Daughter, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton, Dani Rojas (Ted Lasso), Coach Beard (Ted Lasso), AFC Richmond Players (Ted Lasso), Phoebe (Ted Lasso), Rupert Mannion, Sam Obisanya
Relationships: Jamie Tartt/Original Male Character(s), Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso, Keeley Jones/Roy Kent, Roy Kent & Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent & Phoebe, Ted Lasso & Rebecca Welton, Coach Beard & Ted Lasso
Additional Tags: oneshots, Oneshot, Oneshot collection, Bisexual Ted Lasso, Ted Lasso Spoilers, Gay Trent Crimm, Gay Panic, Trans Male Character, Songfic, Trans Character, Gay Male Character, Gay Character, Bisexual Jamie Tartt, I'm Bad At Tagging, Pre-Relationship, Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, Post-Break Up, Canon Compliant, During Canon, One Shot, One Shot Collection, One Night Stands, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Transphobia, Implied Sexual Content
from AO3 works tagged 'Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso' https://ift.tt/3CpwOZB
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wlntrsldler · 5 months
hi!! i hope you’re doing well :). can i please request either “and you're telling me you wanna kiss me but we shouldn't cause we're just friends." or “when you found me i was a train wreck” with sam obisanya? i’m not picky either way i just thought they’d both be good and couldn’t decide hehe. thanks!!
kissing in swimming pools | sam obisanya
based on the song kissing in swimming pools by holly humberstone: "when you found me i was a train wreck."
description: the first "i love you" f!reader (she/her)
warnings: language-- it's ted lasso, what did ya expect? fluff! sam in loveeee.
word count: 1356 words
ted lasso requests are open | main masterlist
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There were only three things that Sam Obisanya was sure of. 
The first is that his father will be proud of him no matter what he ends up accomplishing in his life. He was sure that if life didn’t pan out the way that it did and he wasn’t a famous footballer, his father would still be as proud as he is of him. He was lucky in that sense– that he had a father who never once made him doubt whether he loved his son or not. Sam knew that he wouldn’t be half the man that he is if his father wasn’t his father. And in his opinion, he thinks he ended up pretty decent. 
The second thing he is sure of is that Ted Lasso was put on this earth to be AFC Richmond’s coach, even if it was just for the short time that he did. Some pretty spectacular people had coached Sam, Roy Kent being one of them, but Ted was something special. Not only did he make Sam a better player on the pitch, he also made him a better man. Whenever he does something wrong, he always repeats the words, “Be a goldfish,” in his head, over and over again. When he’s having a bad day, where everything seems to be going wrong, he closes his eyes and the word “Believe,” on that bright yellow paper is the image in his head. 
The third and final thing Sam Obisanya is sure of is that if he was asked who was the love of his life, he would say you with no hesitation. 
He watched you dance with Keeley to some random 2000s pop song on the dance floor. Beard and Jane were engaged in some weird dance routine that had people raising their eyebrows, but Sam figured they were able to act however they wanted since it was their wedding night. He couldn’t help but smile as you threw your head back in laughter as Keeley tried to do the shuffle in her heels. 
“Oi,” Jamie nudged his arm, “You reckon Y/N will still be your date at Jane and Beard’s 25th wedding anniversary?” 
“Absolutely,” Sam replied before Jamie even finished his question, “I love her. There’s no one else for me, Jamie. I don’t think anyone can ever compare.” 
Jamie let out a breath, eyes widening as he took a sip from his bottle, “Sheesh, bold claim, man.”
“Honestly, I know she’s the love of my life.” 
“This is cute and all,” Colin interrupted, leaning across the table to meddle in Sam and Jamie’s conversation, “But have you told her that?” 
Sam shook his head, a goofy smile on his face, “No, not yet. I don’t know how I should tell her or what she’d say. I don’t even know if she feels the same way about me.” 
“You won’t know ‘til you tell her,” Jamie said, “And for what it’s worth, I think it’ll be a good response.” 
Sam took a sip of his own beer and then placed the bottle on the table. He cleared his throat, dusting off his dress pants. As the song transitioned to a slow song, he walked over to where you stood with Keeley on the dance floor. He tried to ignore the sounds of cheering from the table of footballers he just left, but he couldn’t help but bite his bottom lip to control his smile. 
Keeley was facing Sam so she noticed him before you did. She shot him a wink and bid you goodbye by squeezing your arm. As Keeley walked away, you turned around to find Sam with an outstretched hand. 
“May I have this dance?” He asked though he was already pulling you into him. 
“Always,” you responded, draping your arms around his neck while his hands found their way to your hips. You swayed slowly to the sound of the music, staring lovingly into each other’s eyes. You knew that there were others on the dance floor, hell, you knew that the newlyweds were right beside you, but somehow at that moment, you felt like it was just you and Sam. “Y’know, before I met you, I always thought that people were lying when they said that when they’re with their partner the whole world disappears.” 
“What do you think now?” he asked, spinning you around elegantly, “Do you feel that way with me?” 
“Mhm,” you answered. You let your right-hand cup his face. He nuzzled his cheek against your palm, a sigh of contentment leaving his lips. You rubbed his skin with the pad of your thumb, cherishing the way he melted under your touch. “When I met you, I was a train wreck. I was always working. I never took time to take care of myself and for a while, I really did forget how to take care of myself. Then you came along…” 
His smile turned shy as if he couldn’t believe that you were giving him the credit he deserved, “Then I came along…”
“Then you came along and reminded me how beautiful life could be if I just slowed down and took some time to breathe, to experience life, to smile,” you trailed off, not sure how you were going to word the next part. You took a deep breath, halting your movements before saying, “Sam, I lov-”
“No!” He exclaimed, a bit too loudly. He made a face of embarrassment, looking around the dancefloor to see couples staring at him oddly. Keeley, who was dancing with Roy, gave him a questioning look, “Apologies, everyone.” 
You chuckled quietly, moving his face to look at you again, “No?” 
“No- I mean- yes!” He babbled, “I mean, I don’t want you to say it first. I need to say it first. But I do, too. I do. I do love you.” 
You placed a soft kiss on his lips, giggling as you pulled away, “I love you, Sam Obisanya.” 
Sam chased your lips, unable to contain the smile on his face, “I like how that sounds.” 
“What?” you teased, “You like it when I say I love you?” 
“Can’t get enough of it,” he mumbled against your lips, “You’re gonna have to say it at least fifty times a day. Texts don’t count because I don’t get to hear your pretty voice say it. Phone calls are okay and voice memos are the last resort. I would prefer it if you were in front of me when you said it, though. ‘Cause then I will get to kiss you.” 
“You don’t ever need an excuse to kiss me, Sam.” 
“Thank God for that,” Sam said, spinning you one last time as the music came to a stop. 
As you fell back into his arms, he couldn’t help but imagine you at your wedding; how beautiful of a bride you’d be, how the lads would be cheering for Mr. and Mrs. Obisanya when the two of you walk into the reception, how in his vows, he’ll recount the moment he realized that he was going to marry you. 
You walked back to the table with Sam, hand in hand, with a glow that all of the boys noticed. Dani and Richard were fawning over something on Isaac’s phone, calling you and Sam over to take a look at it. When you saw the picture, tears pooled in your eyes. In the photo, you were staring up at Sam, laughing a bit as he stumbled over his words. Isaac managed to capture the exact moment Sam told you he loved you for the first time. Sam draped an arm over you, kissing the crown of your head, as he chuckled at how stupid he looked in the picture. 
Throughout your relationship, there were many “I love you’s” that followed, many photos that were taken and shared, and many other weddings you attended. But that photo, imperfect, silly, and a bit grainy, was your favorite moment– your favorite “I love you,” your favorite photo of the both of you, but it was taken at your second favorite wedding. Your favorite wedding was your own.
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wlntrsldler · 5 months
song challenge
hi guys! i'm back from my (super long lol) hiatus. my current obsession is ted lasso (specifically jamie tartt and sam obisanya) and i've found that this site is absolutely LACKING in fics.
so to ease back into it, i'm doing a song challenge where i use lyrics from different songs as prompts for some fics. send in your requests!
i'm currently only writing for JAMIE TARTT AND SAM OBISANYA!
song prompts:
cinnamon girl by lana del rey: "there's things i wanna talk about, but better not to give." (cinnamon girl | jamie tartt)
kissing in swimming pools by holly humberstone: "when you found me, i was a train wreck." (kissing in swimming pools | sam obisanya)
dance around by carobae: "if you don't feel the way i do, we don't have to talk about it."
just friends by virginia to vegas: "and you're telling me you wanna kiss me but we shouldn't cause we're just friends." (just friends | jamie tartt)
i quit drinking by kelsea ballerini and lany: "you're the only thing i want when one drop hits my mouth."
beyond by leon bridges: "do you think i'm being foolish if i don't rush in?"
leading me on but i'm not mad about it by remy: "maybe it's all just in my head, maybe i'm wrong. maybe you don't know what you want."
apple pie by lizzy mcalpine: "home is wherever you are tonight." (apple pie | jamie tartt)
crush by tessa violet: "maybe if i'm busy it could keep me from you and i'm pretending you ain't been on my mind."
17 by pink sweat$: "just don't hold back on me, i wanna love you as strong as we're 92, the same as 17."
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 1 year
by deaniels
He’s been not okay before. Those matches after he killed- after Earl died, he was definitely not okay. He remembered standing in the showers, wanting God to wash away his sins and his talent so that no one could be hurt again. Throughout all of that he always knew that he would be okay again, eventually. That it took time, but he had the belief that he would get there. He did still know that. He could see the path in front of him - it just felt like he’s stopped now and the things along the path have blotted out the sun.
Words: 674, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of this might be all that you get
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Dani Rojas (Ted Lasso), Sam Obisanya
Additional Tags: Introspection, just a little 20 min writing practice, dani isn't always happy and thats okay too, Oneshot, Drabble, Animal Death, mentioned but yk
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47090179
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 2 years
Dramatis Personae
by ArdenDrifter
By popular request, I am working on a comprehensive list of the characters in my Ted Lasso fic, "The Iron Giant." If you get lost--I mean, even I do, this is kind of a big fic at this point--then this is a good place to look things up. If I'm missing a character, please let me know.
 This work uses the following symbols:
⁕ Mentioned, Will Appear ⁕⁕ Mentioned, Not Appearing † Deceased ‡ Possibly Deceased
Words: 5811, Chapters: 6/11, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Iron Giant Oneshots, Errata, and Sundry Supporting Documents
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV), The Iron Giant - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Relationships: Keeley Jones/Roy Kent, Keeley Jones/Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt, Richard Montlaur/Everybody, John Jones/Flora Jones, Lindsay Higgins/God, ZeeJay Eames/Hir Murder Boots, Julie Higgins/Leslie Higgins, Sam Obisanya/Rebecca Welton, Dani Rojas/Jamie/Football, Jamie Tartt/Football, Coach Beard/Jane Payne, Flo "Sassy" Collins/Michelle Lasso
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41101743
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