#samael galloway
mickskicks-art · 1 year
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Some OCs of mine!
We have Luce Samael LaVey, Kaya Galloway, and Eliza Evans!
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cryptidofthekeys · 5 years
6. Favorite character you ever created. 7. Favorite author. 8. Favorite trope to write. 10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
Oooh all tough questions...
I have a LOT of favorites I’ve created tbh, so far I’m 100% absolutely proud of the family characters I’ve created (aka Wyatt, Luke, Scott, and Alan), love Dean and Jason, a new character that hasn’t been posted yet but I’ll go ahead n reveal him, he’s a mortician named Samael Galloway AND he has a pallbearer with him named Phobos Bates, I also love the mafia characters I’ve created (they need some updating tho bc their ages are all wrong, but their names are Zander, Duncan, Vivian, Carolina, Houston annnd Jeremiah which one day you WILL see backstory too- I got a lot of stuff planned to write), annnd finally to wrap this up, Louie is also a main fave- my gross demon son im love
Honestly? I will admit, I dont know a LOT of authors, I’m always up for recommendations for some (my favorite genre is mainly horror stuff tbh), Stephen King is a cool author tbh, his horror stories are interesting to me
I have WAY too many favorite tropes to write and honestly, I dont genuinely think I can pick just one, there- there’s too many lmao
and Idk if I’d ever co-write with anyone, I just dont have the nerves to handle it tbh- I’d be constantly stressing over my writing wondering if its good enough for this collab, maybe even worrying that my style could annoy someone else, Im just- waayy too anxious for something like that, I mean who knows- I wont say it wont EVER happen, I just gotta take my own time and pace myself with this stuff
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askmyboys · 5 years
Samael Galloway and Phobos Bates
Name: Samael Galloway | Nicknames: Sam/Gallows | Gender: Male | Age: Unknown | Species/Race: Human??? I mean- he sure don't act like one lmao | Height: 7'3" | Occupation: Mortician/Undertaker (whatever ya wanna call that) | Hair Color: Dark Brown (his hairstyle isn't very prominent, his hair is just thin and long and covers his eyes most of the time) | Eye Color: Dull Gray | Appearance: He wears a long black leather trench coat with a simple black shirt underneath it, he also has a long gray tie he wears along with the outfit as well, and of course he wears some black pants- (no, he doesn't wear all black just bc he's a mortician- he legit just likes the color more so than anything else), he wears a black homburg hat, he also of course wears black combat boots, annd he's got black leather gloves he wears as well (not fingerless), and to get this outta the way- he's got a circle beard- he doesn't... actually ever wear anything else much, that's his main attire like constantly- | Personality: woo boy here comes the hardest thing to explain... I will say he's cold and the epitome of evil essentially- to every one of the townsfolk and well- every being that's come in contact with him will say that, he isn't one to be messed with, he doesn't like people at all in the slightest and will only tolerate them for business purposes, he IS a mortician/undertaker after all, there's only one person he seems to not mind in the slightest- and that would be the Pallbearer that he works with, he is the only one Samael lets stay around, when he desires he can be pretty sick, twisted, and definitely cruel- He despises how many people try to snoop and spy on him to see what he's up to, he definitely believes the whole "curiosity killed the cat saying" and takes it v e r y literally, he isn't a talker- he's silent 99% of the time but when he needs too he WILL speak (tl;dr: Cold/Epitome of evil to most people but I mean what can they REALLY do, they have no actual proof he does evil things, he's also the only mortician/undertaker around so yeaahhh, he isn't one to be messed with tho- and their not wrong, will tolerate people but only for business purposes and nothing more, he doesn't seem to like anyone but the Pallbearer he works with and he can and will tolerate, when desired he can be sick/twisted/cruel, he h a t e s people trying to spy on his work or what he's doing when no one's around, takes curiosity killed the cat p literally in a way, doesn't speak 99% of the time but can if he needs, has absolutely killed a few people himself, DEFINITELY buried people alive before, he seems to enjoy the death and the sounds of grief as edgy as that sounds its true) | Side Facts: god- he's gonna sound so edgy but he's supposed to be this scary, creepy, disturbing dude- so anyways, he also enjoys building caskets- its actually fun to him to build these and to know he's either going to put someone who's dead or alive in here, something about that is... Satisfying to him, oh he also sleeps in a casket he built personally for himself- the inside is a dull gray cushion-y like material, meanwhile the outside has a rustic wood texture and it looks pretty scratched and beat up actually (its also a very dark brown/umber-like color), he also usually hangs around his little Cemetery in his spare time, going around and looking at the graves and the souls he's put to rest there essentially, he doesn't actually do much in his spare time really- he doesn't even go out into the town much himself unless the pallbearer is accompanying him even then, sometimes if its simple enough- he'll legit just send the other to go get the stuff he needs. and btw- while I'm at it- here's the fuckin Pallbearer's desc | Name: Phobos Bates | Gender: Male | Age: Unknown | Height: 5'2" | Occupation: Pallbearer | Species/Race: Human? He also doesnt fucking act like a human | Hair Color: Pitch Black with gray on the sides (slicked back hair) | Eye Color: Lava Gray | Appearance: Phobos usually wears a black suit with a white vest and underneath- oh and he's got a matching tie to go with his outfit, matching black pants and some rather fancy looking shoes to match as well, he mostly just has suits for his attire, all dark colors (he knows Samael cant stand bright colors or anything really colorful in general, so he keeps his outfits white, gray, and black), even the clothes he sleeps in is nothing special- just dark colored pajamas n such, and again to get the simple part out of the way- he's also got a circle beard as well, he's got no scars but he does have very dark circles under his eyes n such. | Personality: Has high respect for his mortician and is very loyal and honest to him, I wouldn't say its out of fear at all, he just legit holds high respect for this being... He's seen the pure evil, hatred, and all other dark things in this being's eyes, he's not even sure Samael is human himself, it wouldn't surprise him if he wasn't, truth be told, if Phobos REALLY wants he can definitely be just as dark as Sam can be, just as evil, he isn't afraid to do any dirty work either, while he knows not to step out of line and will usually let Samael do stuff unless given specific command to do so himself, he's like a lackey in a FEW ways, he's always the one to tell Sam that "there's someone who has gotten a l i t t l e too curious about us..." he knows that if Samael REALLY wanted, he could easily be disposed of by this being, he isn't got the strength or anything to stop him, but honestly... He probably wouldn't even try to anyways- he is THAT loyal and dedicated to this being (tl;dr: has high respect, loyalty and honesty towards his mortician, its not out of fear either, he's seen the pure evil, hatred and god knows what else just by looking into Samael's eyes which he doesn't see very often due to the other's hair usually covering his entire face p much, he CAN and WILL be just as dark as the mortician can be and isn't afraid to do any dirty work either, he just doesn't want to step out of line and usually lets Samael handle things unless given a specific command, he's sorta like a lackey, knows if Samael desired he'd be killed in a heartbeat but he wouldn't fight back or try to stop him solely out of loyalty and dedication, the one to alert Samael to intruders essentially, he does have some degree of control around the place I mean he IS the pallbearer and he WILL do his duties as well) | Side Facts: Like a Pallbearer typically will, he rolls the caskets out when necessary n all that, im too lazy to type up all what a pallbearer does rn but you get it im sure- anyways, Samael actually built him a casket as well which at first... he won't ever deny, it DID unnerve him but it turns out, Samael told him its a bed, and then showed him the inside which was pearl white cushion-y material, much like his own except for the inside color and outside color (outside color is black), Phobos of course did feel honored that Samael would even do such a thing for him ((listen, ok- I know he only tolerates Phobos but he's not going to let his Pallbearer fucking sleep on the ground or some shit)), they practically live in their little funeral parlor or whatever you wanna call it and the graveyards, like Samael- he does also actually hate people who snoop around, he just wants these pesky people to leave him and his mortician alone, he knows how mad Samael gets at them and he really can't blame them, after all- nobody likes a person sneaking around their property... Phobos is, again, he is usually the one doing the talking both for business and if he lures someone to Samael himself n all that jazz, he's also the one who mainly goes out into town to get supplies or things they both may need, he has only heard Sam speak a few times, maybe even only once or twice in his life and every time he hears that voice, even HE can't help but shudder, its so... unnatural sounding for a human voice, so deep and even raspy at times...
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