#samba has been driving me crazy with how hot he is lately and this is the result apparently
bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
dropping a new raretrio here today – it is my honor(??) to be the first(??) to tag this ship on ao3 ✌️
~6.8k words, explicit, 90's au with Ed/Stede/Roach (yes you read that right)
When Roach's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, he has to count on the kindness of the strangers who live in the only house nearby. Turns out, they aren't really strangers at all—living in the house are legendary (retired) porn star Blackbeard (Roach's inspiration for going into porn himself) and Stede Bonnet, the man behind the Captain Edwards series of erotic romance novels, and they give Roach a lot more than just kindness.
For the OFMD AUpril Day 25 prompts: Rural – Porn Star – Romance author
thanks to @blakbonnet for being the world's fastest beta reader and supporting my unhinged ideas 🤸
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metalchick19-blog · 5 years
The Bowers Gang: Ship #4 - Belch Huggins
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Request: Hello, wanna know if you can ship me? I’m a brazilian girl, pansexual, with light brown hair and eyes. I’m a curvy girl, I’d say. About my personality: I’m not an easy person, I have borderline personality disorder and unfortunately that describes me more than I’d like to. I’m a bit sassy and incredible snobbish even thought I suffer of low self-esteem. I can be completely broken inside but I act like a bitch so no one can see through me +  I’m kinda naughty too? I’m kinky as FUCK and enjoy things other people don’t and some of them says I’m weird for that. Also I’m a switch. Well I guess that’s it. It’s v complicated sorry
Note: To the person who made this request - I just wanted you to know that I also have borderline personality disorder, and was raised by a Mother who had it as well. I know what it’s like to feel defined by something you never asked for, but I’m sure you’re so much more than what our disorder dictates. We’re our own people, and being difficult sometimes doesn’t make us any less worthwhile - if anything, we’re more interesting because we’re a little insane. Hope you enjoy.
Constantly has his hands on your hips/waist/butt because he cannot get enough of your friggin’ curves 
Randomly asks you to say specific words out loud, because he’s also 100% in love with your Brazilian accent 
Keeps insisting that you teach him how to do the samba 
Kind of just assumes you know it, because Brazil and female, but doesn’t mean anything by it
You guys start trying out moves in Belch’s living-room after school some days, even if you didn’t know it originally (which brings about some major weight loss and muscle toneage where Belch is concerned)
Eventually become proficient enough to dance-battle other couples at the drop of a hat, but the opportunity never presents itself (though Belch will always be ready)
Often asks if you think other girls in the vicinity are hot, because he’ll never stop being awestruck about the fact that you are legitimately pansexual
... Also makes him a little insecure, because he kind of feels like he can lose you to anyone, but he’s just fascinated for the most part 
Your sassiness is so on-point that you replace Patrick as the most capable roaster in the gang (which Belch loves with all of his heart)
Your sassiness in general is the chief thing that makes you stand up for Belch whenever Henry and Patrick make fun of him (i.e. at least twice a day)
Eventually gets to the point where Henry straight-up stops messing with Belch whenever you’re around, because he knows he’ll get roasted 1000x harder by you than he could ever hope to roast Belch
...Seriously, it’s so funny - Henry will very obviously think of something mean to say about Belch, turn to Patrick with a shit-eating smirk on his face, then see you glaring at him and just shut his mouth
The meanest boy in town has never been so obedient 
... Patrick stills takes verbal jabs at him 24/7 though, so have fun
Your disorder doesn’t even come up for a good while when you and Belch first get together, because Belch is just too oblivious to notice abnormal patterns of behavior 
Adjusts extremely well to any unstable moods you might have after he knows about your disorder though, and doesn’t hold it against you when you have an outburst - he’s patient, and understands that you can’t help feeling things as hard as you do 
Never really freaks out when you do something crazy and/or act crazy, because he knows that once you realize you’re being crazy, you’ll calm down and apologize
Basically just gets that most of the time all you need to do is work things out in your head, and then everything will be fine
Caters to certain aspects of your disorder so well though
Knows to give you time alone when you’re mad, knows how to help you keep things in perspective when you start to get overwhelmed, etc.
Becomes your “safe space” in a way, in that he never does anything to trigger your temper
Also he can make you laugh in less than a second if you’re in a bad mood
He’ll make you laugh even when you legitimately don’t want to, because he knows what you need in the moment, girl 
Seriously though, he’ll tickle you if he has to - Huggins knows that laughter cures all things 
So many late-night drives outside the Derry city limits - you guys just pick up some takeout, share Belch’s aux cord, and drive for miles while feeding each other various trans fats (the best kinds of fats)
You often stop somewhere (usually in an open field), put the top down, and just talk for hours while looking at the stars
Making out on the hood of the car (and sometimes getting it on in the back) is always destined to happen 
You and Belch take turns being the dominant one in bed, because switch
Starts off nervous when he has to be the dom, but legitimately starts to like being in control and taking charge in bed after a while
Ends up being a regular thing that you guys have to flip a coin to decide who’s going to be the dom for the night, because Huggins suddenly wants to do it all the time
Enjoy that for all of us - it’s very rare that a girl is special enough to give rise to dominant Belch
Great match, and one that would make Belch an extremely happy man
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pushingmorebuttons · 7 years
Stay Stays Are More Than Merely a Tendency
Proper who is waving a selfie stick, depends upon is merely his small telephone screen, irrespective of who and what is around.  best selfie stick 2018 Selfie sticks have started out like a wildfire ever since they were first released in China sometime late last summer. Move anywhere remotely touristic and you'll see groups of stick-brandishing, laughing, mouth-wide-opening persons huddling together for friends shot of nothing a great deal more than their particular selves. Called "the absolute most controversial surprise of 2014" by New York Instances and, on the opposite, "the best innovation of 2014" by TIME magazine, this can be a place of conflict for people. Some contact it the "Narcissus'team" or the rather poetic "solipsistick ".But I just simply believe deploying it makes one such as for instance a pig head. I spent twenty weeks in Brazil last winter. But enough time turned out to be purely watching people getting selfie images which has changed into a national passion to competitor soccer. There clearly was a man in Janeiro waiting to go up the Hill Sugarloaf cable vehicle whose enormous selfie held getting caught in the vinyl roof of the waiting area. This produced other individuals inside the already-crowded wire car very uneasy. I'll remember the girl at a spectacular northeastern seaside who never took her eyes far from her lengthy phone. She carefully waded in to the hot water water while keeping her selfie stay at the perfect angle. She sat, smiled, straight her head and posed again until she found a satisfactory perspective and visited the button. Maybe not once did she deposit her stick to actually move in the water. I took an image of her finally. The selfie stay situation is indeed crazy that Rio's important samba schools restricted them all through Carnaval. As you samba college manager informed E Globo, "Harmony is crucial for the group. If people stop to take pictures, that means they are maybe not singing or moving. That may decrease a part of the parade and restrict spontaneity." In New York, some museums have banned selfie stay use since they're distracting and irritating to others and also possibly harming the arts, creates Dorothy Hampson in the Globe and Mail. They've also been prohibited in football grounds in the United Kingdom. What drives me crazy is how incredibly narcissistic the selfie stick customers are. When somebody is stuck to their cell phone camera and selfie stick, they view the entire world as a possible photograph op. They are in mad pursuit of that ideal selfie by which they'll look wonderful and garner a lot of feel-good likes on social media. They'll do any such thing to get it. Hampson requested a selfie stick salesperson if he thinks self-conscious while using it. His response: "Only if you care what individuals think." But that, Hampson highlights, is the issue: "There are other people on the planet besides you." The selfie stick supporters can't truly see what's planning on about them. Documenting their particular presence at a particular moment is the utmost effective goal than creating eye experience of people or staring to the distance. The real history or beauty or ethnic differences before their eyes are ignored. Positive, a selfie stick indicates a person may click away and never having to question passersby to get pictures for them.But exactly why is that a bad issue? I'm one of those unusual people who still stop visitors for a picture on occasion, and it can lead to short interesting conversations.
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mfaeda2013-blog1 · 7 years
What You Should Know About Selfie Stays
Selfie sticks have began such as for instance a wildfire since these were first introduced in China some time late last summer. Move everywhere remotely touristic and you'll see categories of stick-brandishing, laughing, mouth-wide-opening persons huddling together for friends shot of nothing a lot more than their very own selves. Called "the most controversial gift of 2014" by New York Situations and, on the contrary, "the greatest invention of best selfie stick 2018 " by TIME newspaper, this can be a level of debate for people. Some contact it the "Narcissus'staff" or the fairly poetic "solipsistick ".But I simply just think that using it makes one such as a pig head. I spent five weeks in Brazil last winter. But enough time turned out to be just seeing people taking selfie images which has turned into a national passion to rival soccer. There is a man in Janeiro waiting to move up the Pile Sugarloaf wire car whose large selfie kept finding found in the plastic roof of the waiting area. This built other people within the already-crowded cable vehicle really uneasy. I'll always remember the girl at a magnificent northeastern seaside who never took her eyes far from her extensive phone. She cautiously waded to the hot water water while keeping her selfie stick at an ideal angle. She asked, smiled, angled her mind and asked again till she found an effective direction and visited the button. Perhaps not when did she deposit her stay to really swim in the water. I took a picture of her finally. The selfie stay condition is indeed mad that Rio's important samba schools forbidden them all through Carnaval. As you samba college director told O Globo, "Harmony is crucial for the group. If people end to take pictures, meaning they are not performing or moving. That will slow down a part of the parade and restrict spontaneity." In New York, some museums have prohibited selfie stick use since they are distracting and annoying to others and also probably damaging the arts, produces Sarah Hampson in the Globe and Mail. They have already been restricted in football reasons in the United Kingdom. What drives me crazy is how very narcissistic the selfie stick consumers are. When somebody is caught for their mobile phone camera and selfie stick, they view the entire earth as a possible photo op. They're in angry pursuit of that great selfie where they'll look wonderful and garner plenty of feel-good wants on cultural media. They'll do such a thing to get it. Hampson requested a selfie stay salesperson if he thinks self-conscious while using the it. His response: "As long as you care what individuals think." But that, Hampson highlights, is the issue: "You can find others on earth besides you." The selfie stay supporters can't truly see what's planning on about them. Recording their own existence at a certain moment is the utmost effective concern than making vision experience of persons or staring in to the distance. The real history or beauty or social variations before their eyes are definitely ignored. Sure, a selfie stay indicates a person can break out and never having to ask passersby to get pictures for them.But how come a bad issue? I'm one particular uncommon those who however stop visitors for an image occasionally, and it can cause small exciting conversations.
0 notes
caminho-do-bem · 7 years
Aspiring music artists often go to extreme lengths to get noticed. But few have ever pulled off a stunt like Italo Goncalves (MC Beijinho), a homeless 19-year-old from Salvador, Bahia whose hilarious antics and nerves of steel have helped propel him to national stardom as the voice of this year’s biggest carnival hit.
It was last November when Marcelo Castro, the roving reporter on primetime crime show Balanço Geral, received a tip-off from a contact in the Salvador police force. Officers had just apprehended an eccentric teenager who had robbed two students at knifepoint, and they were now taking him in for questioning. The reporter’s film crew set off in hot pursuit of the patrol car and were soon tailing it back to the police station live on air. In the car park, the officers opened up the boot of the grey hatchback where the 6ft 4in suspect was cooped up. Italo Goncalves, hands cuffed behind his back, beaming from ear to ear, and visibly stoned, launches into a love song for the cameras. ‘He’s an artist,’ the reporter splutters lamely, before giving the microphone back to the singer. This part was not in the script. The suspect didn’t fit in with Balanço Geral’s usual roll call of street thieves, drug dealers and murderers who are paraded in front of the cameras every weekday lunchtime. The police officer, brandishing the yellow knife used in the crime, was explaining how he was a member of the CP faction and used narcotics to commit his crime, but it didn’t add up. When the reporter, wagging a finger in Italo’s face, asks why he robbed the victims, the singer prevaricates, begs him to overlook his mistake, and asks instead that they give his song some much deserved attention. And just in case nobody heard it the first time around, he sings  it again, this time from the top.  As Italo later explained, ‘We’d been doing things with the song, getting it on sound systems, but when I reached the police station, I said to myself: “This is my chance.”’ So had the whole thing been planned from the start? Was it an elaborate hoax? Or had he stolen the mobile phones from the two students in a rush of blood to the head? He later claimed he was broke and needed the cash to attend a reggae show later that evening. But then he explained elsewhere that he wanted to use their phones to record a video of his song. Not even Italo seems be entirely clear on what happened. What is clear is that his two victims were terrified, and after handing over their Samsung handsets ran away. Fortunately Italo was brought up before a sympathetic judge, and after 48 hours of driving the Piatã police station stir crazy with his incessant singing, he was released on bail. Meanwhile, the video of him singing in the back of a police car was being shared across social media and had soon spread halfway across the state of Bahia. Due to the intense interest, he was invited back onto Balanço Geral. This time around, Marcelo Castro visited Italo at his family home where the reporter interviewed his musician uncle and his relieved mother Lindinalva Goncalves, an evangelical Christian who thanked God for his speedy return, while along the bottom of the screen flashed the words ‘Can Italo turn his life around?’ Through the front door now came successful singer-songwriter Filipe Escandurras, who offered to help Italo record the song (Escandurras happens to be managed by the studio presenter of Balanço Geral). It was all too much for Italo who broke down in tears. Since the song’s official release in late December, ‘Me libera, nega’ been playing non-stop on radios across the country. The sublime slice of samba-reggae, with its innocent lyrics (‘I’m going to kiss you, then I’m going to kiss you once again’), marshalled by the sanctified drums of Salvador’s Pelourinho, immediately struck a chord with the public. Juventus footballer Dani Alves and actor Lazaro Ramos have both recorded versions on YouTube. Singer Claudia Leitte performed it on The Voice Brazil. But the ultimate seal of approval came when the Grand Poobah of Brazilian music, Caetano Veloso, recorded a video of himself at home on the sofa strumming to ‘Me Libera, Nega’. For the shy but funny Italo, who has been reborn as MC Beijinho (beijinho is Portuguese for kiss) with his own trademark pout, there’s barely been time for it all sink in. Until his arrest in November, he’d been living in the streets. ‘When it rained, I drank water,’ he explained. He earned R$20 (£5) a week helping to assemble and dismantle market stalls, and also worked in a pet shop where colleagues also complained about his endless singing, but had recently been laid off. At weekends he performed with his uncle who sings at a bar in the historic Liberdade district of Salvador. According to the Folha de São Paulo newspaper, Italo had started smoking crack last August. He is currently in a rehabilitation centre run by an evangelical pastor while recording his debut album. The exact same week that MC Beijinho’s hit was conquering the airwaves, the nation was shaken by a wave of horrific prison massacres among rival drug factions that claimed the lives of more than 90 men. It brought to the forefront of the national consciousness the systemic problems in a prison system which has grown vertiginously in recent years. Much of this is due to a highly regressive war on drugs which locks up young men on minor charges and leaves them waiting months, even years, before being granted a trial. In another scenario, Italo could easily have become another statistic in the country’s ongoing war on its black youth. As Salvador-based journalist Antonio Pita explained, ‘His victory was in securing alternative sentencing, enrolling in a rehabilitation programme, gaining some flexibility in the perverse prison system. There are countless creative, intelligent people, in arts or in other areas, who have been left to the mercy of the drug factions or the violations of the State.’  At this year’s carnival, ‘Me libera, nega’ is guaranteed to be on heavy rotation on the juggernaut-sized floats known as trio eletricos that are a feature of Salvador’s annual bacchanal. MC Beijinho will himself be putting in an appearance alongside his musical hero Bell Marques, although his bail conditions mean he is subject to a curfew and there are restrictions on where he else can perform. In this sugar-coated tale of redemption, the kind that sentimental Brazilians are so fond of, Italo Goncalves is enjoying a second chance. While some of the people posting comments on YouTube think that he should be in jail rather than enjoying his 15 minutes of fame, this tale is a perfect illustration of how the country needs fewer sensationalist crime shows and far more platforms for its misunderstood and misrepresented youth.
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