#samcedes para
mercedesamayajones · 3 years
Hiking Fun || Samcedes
Who: Mercedes Jones and Sam Evans
What: Sam and Banner join Mercedes, Aiden and James as they go hiking and enjoy a picnic. 
Notes: @sammy-d-evans
Mercedes zipped up the last sandwich and placed it into the bag, glancing out the window and smiling at Aiden and James ran around in the backyard. She went over her list of things they needed for the day, ensuring that she didn't forget a thing. Since they were going on a hiking trail and having a picnic, she didn't want them dragging coolers around, so she made each of them a lunchbox with sandwiches, chips, drinks, and a treat. Brownies were chosen by the boys. Grabbing the ice packs and frozen water bottles from the freezer, she loaded up each bag and smiled. Mercedes zipped up the last sandwich and placed it into the bag, glancing out the window and smiling at Aiden and James ran around in the backyard. They were ready, now all they needed was Sam.
Grabbing her hiking boots, she debated if she should go with tennis shoes but thought against it, then grabbed them just in case. Worst case scenario, she would leave them in the car. Throwing her hair into a messy bun. she glanced at herself once more, smiling at the oversized purple shirt that hung off her left shoulder and pair Capri leggings. There was a time when she would dress up to try and impress Sam, but he friend-zoned her one too many times, and she finally gave up any notion that they would be anything other than friends. No matter if she did still like him as more. Shaking off her thoughts, she called the boys in and smiled. They were going to have fun, she was sure of it.
As he made his way to the back of his truck, Sam couldn't help but smile as Banner greeted him with a wildly wagging tail. "Someone's excited to go on a hike," he spoke as he helped the dog out of the back of his truck. Sam checked if the backpack harness was still in place before he told Banner to follow him. Sam had bought Banner a backpack for hikes like this. The St. Bernard loved to work and help out, so he had him carry treats and water on most of their walks.
He reached the front door of Mercedes house and rang the doorbell, patiently waiting for someone to open the door.
Mercedes heard the doorbell, but Aiden and James ran to the door before she could get it. "Don't you boys open it unless you know it's Sam!" She yelled after them. They quickly looked out the window and yanked the door open. Smiling at Sam but going right to Banner.
Mercedes grabbed the bags and smiled, seeing the kids and Sam. "Hey, Sam! We are ready."
Sam grinned as James and Aiden forgot to greet him in favor of hugging Banner. "Be careful, he drools," Sam jokingly warned before turning his attention to Mercedes. His eyes wandered over her statue. He arched a brow in silent question when he noticed the bags. "Hey, hi. Are you bringing a whole restaurant with ya," he inquired as he reached out to take the bags from her. "I thought we could walk to the start of the trail; it's only like 10 minutes or so."
Mercedes cleared her throat. "Gentlemen! Banner didn't drive himself here. Say hi to Sam!"
"Hi, Uncle Sam." The boys said in unison, and she laughed at Sam's words. "Hardy har har very funny. It's just water and snacks and a picnic; you do realize these boys eat every five minutes, right?" She teased as she grabbed the other bag. "That's fine with me. And I am pretty sure the boys want as much time with Banner as they can get."
"Feelin' the love, guys," Sam snorted as he put his head through the straps of the bags and let them hang over his shoulder. "I know, I know, growing boys and all that...  We should be at a great spot to take a break in like 40 minutes or so," Sam mentioned as he led Mercedes towards the boys.
She laughed as she gave picked up her phone and keys, putting them in her bag. "As long as we make it fun and take breaks for the boys, I think this will be great! It's the perfect weather for hiking too. Is it true that one of the trails has a waterfall?" She handed each boy their bag. "We have extra water just in case." She said, making sure they had everything.
Sam snatched the bags from the boys and put them in his own, nodding his head in reply. "There is, but that one is a lot longer than the trail I planned for us to follow today. Maybe another time?" Sam put Banner on his leash and handed it to the boys. "Alright, all ready for an adventure?"
Mercedes smiled. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan." She locked the door as James and Aiden grabbed the leash.  Taking out her phone, she smiled, taking a few photos of the boys and Banner. "Okay, so how are you doing? How are the store and everything." She asked Sam looking at him for a moment before looking back at the boys.
"I'm good, and so is the store. People really found their way there, and I managed to build a steady stream of loyal customers," Sam started as he led the way outside. Then, after telling Banner to follow him, knowing that the dog would keep the boys from running off, he turned his attention back to Mercedes. "Met up with Quinn yesterday; it was nice getting to catch up with her after all this time. But enough about me, how are you?"
"That is really great! I mean, your store is pretty impressive, so it makes sense you would have a loyal following." As they walked towards the trail, she listened to him speak. "Really? I am so glad she is back for good. We talk so much, but it's been a while since we lived in the same place."
"You've talked to her while she was away," Sam inquired, the surprise of hearing Mercedes say that evident in his voice. "But yeah, it's nice she's back." Sam looked over his shoulder to check if Banner and the boys managed to keep up with them. Then, satisfied that they were, he turned the corner, bringing them to the start or the trail. "And how are things with you? What's this thing you needed a second opinion about?"
Mercedes nodded. "Yeah, we try to talk at least once a week, sometimes more, but now that she is here, I am so happy." Mercedes let the kids move in front of them as they moved to the trail. "Okay, guys, do any of you have to go to the bathroom before we get started?" They shook their heads no, and she nodded. They did go before Sam got there. As they started, she worried her bottom lip. "Umm, well, it's pretty big, and I don't know if it's a good idea."
"I always thought she just disappeared without a trace and didn't have contact with anyone," Sam wondered out loud. The feeling that washed over him stung. He felt somewhat hurt and left in the dark about how his friend had been doing all these years by another one. He swallowed and decided to shake off the feeling. Sam looked at Mercedes. "Sounds serious... what's this big thing?"
Mercedes sighed. "To her credit, she tried, but like with you and everyone else, I made sure we kept in touch." She let them walk in silence, feeling the weight of his stare. Finally, after a few more moments, she cleared her throat. "I want to give Aiden a sibling. I am thinking of using a Sperm Donor."
"It's a little hard to keep in touch when you don't know their number," Sam thought to himself while he nodded in understanding. He almost stumbled over his feet as her words sunk in. "You... oh wow, yeah okay, that's huge."(edited)
Mercedes studied Sam for a moment and waited for his response. She nodded, biting her bottom lip. "I have even looked into possible donors, but it's daunting. What if I choose the wrong one? What will people think of me being a single mom with two kids? But I love Aiden and James, even if he is just my Godson. I am ready to have another one.
"I don't think they'd think any different of you being a single mom of two or just one now," Sam rushed to tell her, trying to take some of her fear of other people's opinions away. "Why a donor, tho? Why not adopt one? There are so many kids out there that need a good place to call home."
Mercedes sighed. "I thought about it, and I do want to adopt; I had always planned on doing it when Aiden got older. Like what my parents did with Cam. But for right now, this is what I want, what I need."
"What brought it on, this sudden need to have another kid now? Is it Aiden starting kindergarten," Sam asked, letting his eyes wander to the front to check if the boys were still walking along the path. "So you might still adopt in the future? That's cool." Then, remembering how Mercedes started the conversation, he circled back to that. "Have you looked at donors already?"
Mercedes chewed her bottom lip. "Honestly, it's been in the back of my mind for a while. We always..." She sighed. "The plan before Aiden... the plan was when he was three we would give him a sibling. When he was 8, we would adopt at least one child that way he could understand and help his sibling understand." She looked at Sam but then back to the boys. "I have felt so guilty for so long about moving on, but it's time to stop feeling guilty and start living again...love may or may not be in my future again, but at least I can have my family." She nodded. "Yeah, I could use some help, though."
Sam nodded in understanding. "Life can throw you a ton of curveballs along the way," he said. "I didn't really know Aiden, but I'm sure that he would have wanted you to be happy in the end. And if this is the way to do that, he'd totally understand that you're moving on. And still, kinda keep with the plans you two made when it comes to kids." Sam slightly tilted his head to the side as he looked at Mercedes. "What kinda help?"
Mercedes chewed her bottom lip. "He was a lot like you if I'm honest. Not as funny; he couldn't do impressions to save his life." She glanced at Aiden.  "I know he would; I'm just sad about it. His parents didn't accept me, and so they didn't accept Aiden, and he will miss out on knowing that half of his family, he deserves to have us here." She stopped talking, not wanting to make things awkward if Sam was just being nice and not really wanted to talk about him. "It's overwhelming trying to find a donor."
"So he was ruggedly handsome, got it," Sam joked, trying to lighten the mood somewhat. "You know, it's their loss. Yeah, Aiden's missing out on knowing that part of his family, but they won't get to see what a great kid Aiden fathered. And they're missing out on getting to know their grandson. Maybe they'll come around one day when they realize what they are missing." Sam told Mercedes. "I bet it is. Especially if the donor wants to stay anonymous and they only let you know the basics."
"Oh, for sure!" She laughed. "So handsome." She sighed. "I know you are right, and I know that he is gonna ask, and eventually I will have to tell him the truth; it's just...sad." She looked at Sam, grateful that he let her talk about Aiden; it had been a while since she had been able to do that. She nodded. "All of them want to stay anonymous, which does suck, but at least Aiden won't wonder why the baby gets a dad, and he doesn't..."
As Sam listened to Mercedes, he couldn't help the confused look that washed over his face. "The baby gets a dad, and he doesn't...? That doesn't make any sense. Aiden has a dad, and he knows that. And the baby kinda will have a dad in the same way... I mean, the baby wouldn't know their dad, won't even have a picture of the dude. But, at least Aiden knows who his dad is and what he looked like."
Mercedes shook her head. "That came out wrong. I mean, if the donor wasn't anonymous and wanted to be in the baby's life, there is no way to guarantee that he would want to be in Aiden's life. And at this age, Aiden might wonder why the baby's dad is around, and his isn't. At least this way, all they know is me." She sighed. "I am sorry, I am just trying to make sense of all this, and I am afraid I am not making sense at all."
"Not really, no," Sam admitted, sounding as confused as he was feeling. "Do you want to know who the donor is, and you want them in not only the kid's life but also Aiden and yours, or do you want them to be anonymous? I think that's what you need to figure out first. And go from there. If you want to have a donor that is involved or at least one that you know, then go look for one that also wants that and wants to be in Aiden's life."
Mercedes watched the boys for a long moment, laughing and playing with Banner. "I can't be selfish, Sam. I am the one who wants this baby; I don't know any man who will gladly give me his sperm and want to not only be a father to our child but be one to Aiden, that would be like making this man have an instant family which isn't fair to him. It's not fair to want more than what I am supposed to get."
"So you want another kid, but you also want the whole family thing with the donor?" Sam asked. "You're not selfish; you just need to be clear upfront with whoever you end up asking. Because it sounds to me like you don't really want your donor to be an anonymous one."
She laughed. "I want the family, I want Aiden to have a dad, I want the new baby to have one, and I want a partner, so I don't have to do this alone." She looked at Sam seriously. "That being said, unless I find someone who wants to be with me, I am not gonna get the whole family vibe. Like this, this would be perfect." She gestured around the trail. "But it's not happening.  So If all I can get out of this is a baby, then that is what I will take." She wanted more than anything for days like this, family walking together laughing; it would be easy to hold Sam's hand and pretend,  but she wouldn't.
Sam scraped his teeth over his bottom lip, not sure how to react to all Mercedes just said. "I'm sure you'll meet someone that wants to be with you for all the right reasons one day, but yeah, that will take time. And if you really want a baby now, then a donor is your best option."
She sighed. "Yeah." She glanced at Aiden. "I may not be able to get everything I want, but I can do this. But you have to help me pick a donor; I could use the help."
"Who says you won't be able to get everything you want? Yeah, it will take time to find someone that wants to be with you and give you that family you so want, but in the end, that's the same for everybody that's looking for someone to spend their life with." Sam nodded. "I can totally do that. Set aside the ones that sound interesting to you, and I can look over whatever information you have about them."
She shrugged. "I am just not gonna focus on that. And focus on the things I am in control of. Looking for someone to spend your life with is too much a gamble." Especially when the only candidate in your life friend-zoned you. She thought to herself. She gave him a soft smile. "Thanks, Sam. I really appreciate that."
Sam looked at her, a frown on his face. "Never say never, love, find a way to sneak up on ya when you least expect it." He spotted the clearing he had in mind for their picnic and sharply whistled to get Banner's attention. "Break time," Sam called out to the boys. "So are you going for an anonymous donor, or do you have people in mind you might want to ask, so you at least know the person?"
She watched the boys running to keep up with Banner as they ran back to her and Sam.  She didn't say anything because if it happened, great! If not, then she wouldn't get her hopes up. "I don't know. I mean, it's not like I can ask someone like you to be my baby daddy. That would make for an awkward conversation, and I would say we have had enough awkward times." Her mind went to when she tried to kiss him a few years back, and he firmly placed her in the friendzone.
"Why not? If you can't even ask one of your best friends something like that, who else would you ask. I'd need some time to seriously think about it and talk to Even and my folks if it ever came up because it's not a decision to take lightly tho." Especially since he hasn't even thought about having kids himself. Sam shrugged when Mercedes mentioned them having awkward times. He had a feeling that she meant the time when he friend-zoned her. Right when most people in town were convinced that they would end up together.  Sam friend-zoned Mercedes because he couldn't give her what she wanted. He didn't feel the same as she did.  "We managed to stay friends through it all, didn't we? And that's what matters most."
Mercedes spread out the blanket and sat down. "Sam, I wouldn't ask you that because I have never even heard you mention kids. Though you are great with them. I wouldn't ask you something this big and have you feel obligated to say yes." She sighed, wanting so much to push all her feelings for Sam away, but some lingered for sure.  "Yeah, we remained friends, and I wouldn't want to lose that."
"Who says I'd feel obligated to say yes? I just told you that I would have to think about it and talk to my folks and Even about it before making any decision. So don't say I'd only say yes because I feel obligated to help out a friend." Sam sighed softly, letting his fingers run through his hair before he looked at Mercedes. "Look, this maybe isn't the time to talk about it; I mean, the boys are almost within hearing distance. If you want my help to find a suitable anonymous donor, I'm here for you. And it's up to you to make up your mind which of your friends you want to ask if you want the donor to be someone you know and who can maybe play a role in the baby's life. I think any of your friends would ask for time to think about things before agreeing to become your donor. It's not something you should rush into; that's all I'm saying. "
Mercedes nodded. "I know you better than that, Sam. I am just. I just wanted to get that out there. But you are right, how about we just table this, for now, you really have given me a lot to think about. And I do appreciate it." She watched as the boys came close. "For now, let's enjoy this beautiful day, which, thank you for doing this."
"If you really did know me better than that, then you'd know not to put words in my mouth or assume that I'd react one way or the other. You know I hate that." He gave her a slight smile. "No problem, it's my pleasure. I like spending time with you and Aiden and, of course, James as well."
She didn't look at him, sometimes she just said what she was thinking, it happened, but it was no point in dwelling on it. She nodded. "We like spending time with you and Banner, though pretty sure Banner is coming out on top right now."
"as usual, feeling the love," Sam chuckled as Banner sat in front of him. "I've got you, buddy," he said, opening one of Banner's backpacks and taking out some food and water for the dog. "It's a shame the weather is getting colder; else, we could do this more often."
Mercedes laughed, grabbing the wipes out for the boys to wipe their hands. "He's a dog, but trust when it's time to hear a story, they choose you." She nodded, looking around. "I know, but maybe there is some indoor thing we can do."
"We can always look into that climbing wall thing Billy is setting up," Sam suggested.
Mercedes smiled. "You know, Billy was saying he could set it up for Aiden's party; maybe we can check it out to see if it is something A and J like." She said, handing the boys their lunches. She reached in her bag and handed Sam his. "Made your favorite Sandwich and got your chips too."
"Yeah, we can do that.' Sam took the sandwich from Mercedes, setting it aside for a bit. "Thanks."
She looked at him. "Not hungry?"
"Uhh, oh no, I'll eat in a bit. Want something to drink first." Sam replied, digging up the bottle of water he brought with him.
She nodded, watching the boys laughing and whispering. She was glad James and Aiden got on so well; it would have sucked had they not. And it just made her want to give him some kind of sibling in the future.
Sam was actually enjoying the small hike and watching the boys play. It reminded him of the days where it was just Even and him running around all over their grandparent's farm. He finally took a bite from the sandwich. "This is good."
Mercedes offered him a small smile as she ate her own sandwich. "I know the boys are going to sleep very well tonight!"
"That's the outdoor air for ya; it totally has a relaxing effect," Sam told her. "Plus, by the time we're back, they'll have walked at least 3 miles. It's why I brought Banner along. If they get too tired, they can always climb on his back, and he'll walk them home."
She smiled. "I spent so much time on buses and in venues now I like to be outside as much as I can. Plus, it's a great way to keep Aiden entertained." At his words, she looked to Banner relaxing on the ground. "Thanks for that. I am sure at least one of them will need it."
"and that's why hiking would be a good hobby to have," Sam told her. He chuckled softly as his eyes took in Banner. "He loves helping; it's like in his DNA or something."
Mercedes smiled. Staring at the scene before her. This was what she wanted; she knew Sam just saw her as his friend. And she was okay with that on most days... But moments like these, she wished for more. Wished she could lean on him watching the boys talk and chat. Hold his hand. And that brought a look of sadness on her face for the briefest of moments.
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whatifmercyjones · 2 years
What are we having? || Samcedes || 5/18/2022
Mercedes took a deep breath but it wasn’t helping, he leg tapped nervously as she sat in the waiting area with Sam. They were doing their first appointment together and they were going to find out what they were having. She didn’t care as long as the baby was happy and healthy she would be happy. But still she couldn’t help but wonder what if something was wrong. The doctors office she has found was very discrete and she and Sam were the only ones in the waiting area at the moment. She looked over to him and smiled softly, he had been so great, she knew he was really happy being a dad.
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originalnovelist · 2 years
More Life
INVOLVED: Samuel Evans, Mercedes Jones, & Co.  LOCATION: 4Play Gentlemens Club; Los Angeles, California.  TIME FRAME: Saturday, July, 2nd NOTES: A party is thrown for Samuel.
Samuel sat in the back of the sprinter, his fingers tapping against his personal phone’s screen. He ignored the rowdiness of the other men surrounding him as they passed around solo cups of dark liquor. He looked up as CJ poured codeine into a bottle of sprite, watching him reach for some jolly ranchers thereafter. He looked back down at his phone. He didn’t ask for CJ to plan this, he also couldn’t tell the men no. They refused to listen, so here he was on his way to a strip club that he was sure would be jammed packed with bodies. All wanting to kick it with him unknowing that his best friend's idea of sending him off was ass shaking and lean drinking. Blinking, he sent his text and grabbed the blunt as it was passed his way, he hit it and passed it to the next body. Sighing to himself before he released a cloud of smoke. 
The huge hookah pipe sat in the middle of the table, arms spidering out all around. Mercedes smirked, at the sea of women, men -shit bodies that moved around her. One thick thigh crossed over the other, she briefly wondered if she should even be here.  
“Here.” Ronda said, passing the pipe to Mercedes. 
Mercedes took the pipe and changed out the tip for her own. 
“I am so happy you brought me along.” Ronda told Mercedes, “I don’t even mind being a glorified bodyguard.” Ronda said, eyeing the singer lustfully. 
Mercedes rolled her eyes, “Girl boo and bye.” She used the tip of the hookah, to point to the guy standing near the table, arms folded at his waste.  “I think tiny has me covered. Besides, I am not entirely sure I wouldn’t need guarding from your ass.”  Mercedes laughed.  
Pouting Ronda’s eyes moved down towards Mercedes’ wristband.  
Mercedes caught the look as she took a drag off the hookah, ‘watermelon,’ She thought approvingly. Exhaling into her friend's face, nodding towards a big butt blond girl, moving past them.  “I think she is your type.” 
Ronda followed the woman with her eyes, before turning back to Mercedes. “Only from the back. You know I like chocolate.” the woman said, with a wink.
“You know motherhood has changed you..  Do you think you can hang?  Or is this just you keeping an eye on your ex?”  Ronda added, bluntly.  
Mercedes took another pull off the hookah.  Smirking, she blew a smoke ring in the air. “Tonight is about having fun.” 
Samuel looked at his watch before he looked at CJ, he shook his head no to the cup he was offering him. If it wasn’t solely liquor he didn’t want it. Licking his lips he gestured for the blunt to be passed back and he hit it again as he leaned back. His head rested against the back of the seat and he stared up at the ceiling. 
“Just take a small sip” CJ said and he crashed into the seat next to Samuel. 
“Hell nawl” Samuel replied back looking at the bottle, “you know that shit gone kill you one day right” he replied as he hit the blunt again. 
“I’m cool with that,” CJ replied as he kicked his feet up. “You good?” he asked the big guy. 
Shaking his head Samuel looked at him exhaling a cloud of smoke “I’m cool” he replied back to him placing the blunt between his lips. He drew from it again before he handed it off. “You ain’t have to do all this shit” he told him again. 
CJ nodded his head “I know, but if you plan on leaving you might as well leave with a bang” he said chuckling as he gulped down some lean. 
Samuel looked at him rolling his eyes “you a dick” he replied with a chuckle as the sprinter slowed to a stop. 
“This shit is packed” CJ announced happily and he hopped up, moving for the doors “ass galore” he breathed with a smile on his face. 
“Your wife is definitely in the building my guy” Samuel replied as he stood up. 
CJ looked back at Samuel and chuckled, a few guys joining in “fuck that mean?” he asked him as he climbed out first. “Get them duffles, he trippin’” CJ continued to chuckle as he moved for the building. 
Mercedes watched the smoke ring dissipate into the thick air. 
“You’re full of shit.” Ronda said, drawing Mercedes attention.  
Mercedes shrugged her shoulders., “Believe as you will. But I promise you I’m not here to rain on anyone’s parade.  Not even,” She placed air quotes around the words, “My ex.” 
Ronda shook her head, “Whatever.  You know how I feel about YO baby daddy…  I see he’s expecting again. From the looks of you tonight.” Ronda glanced over Mercedes' bare midriff,  “I’d venture to say, you ain’t the mom?” 
Ronda’s comment shook Mercedes, almost rattling her perfect calm cage.  “Fuck you. Why must you alway be slick at the motherfucking mouth..  If you don’t want to be here then fucking leave.” Mercedes told the woman took  another puff off the hookah, before getting up from the table and slipped into the crowd, Tiny rushing after her as she moved. 
Samuel shook his head watching the men gather the duffles filled with cash for the strippers, he climbed out of the sprinter brushing the silk shirt off. He nodded his head and waved at the few outside of the club as they screamed for him. He put his hand up blocking the camera flashes as he was escorted in, he slapped hands with the club promoter as he met them at the entrance. He heard the DJ announce him being the building and he looked up finally. Body on top of body, women danced, men drunk, there were clouds of smoke, titties, ass, the list went on. He saw CJ with the DJ and he stuck one hand in his jean pocket as he was moved towards VIP. His eyes scanned the room as if you could really take all the commotion in. 
Mercedes hadn’t gone four steps before the room erupted.’ Samuel.’ She smirked as she pressed through the bodies, making  her way to the bar.  
Ronda rushed after her friend, grabbing her by the arm. 
Mercedes whipped around, wondering why Tiny wasn’t doing his job.  
“What?” Mercedes barked over the crowd, snatching her arm away from Ronda.
“I am sorry,” Ronda whispered, loudly into Mercedes' ear.  “You know how my mouth is. Don’t be like that.” She said, locking arms with Mercedes. The roars got louder in the building and Ronda could no longer resist the urge, she went up on tiptoes, looking towards the entrance. Turning back to Mercedes she rolled her neck. “Bitch….” She said, eyeing Mercedes from head to toe.  “You trifling. -Mrs. Carbon copy.  No wonder you’re being so coy. They are headed to the VIP.” She said, eagerly.  ”You need to go handle this… I need VIP access. You should go fix that.” 
Mercedes shook her head, “I’ll think about it. Why doesn’t my ‘assistant’ go get me a drink?  Something strong.” Mercedes said, turning back towards her table. 
Samuel slid past people and he stopped short seeing Natasha, damn, thought to himself. He didn’t know the woman was coming. 
“You lookin’ good papi” Natasha said. 
He nodded his head. “You too, turn up” he added, patting her on the shoulder gently before he walked off. This bitch. He moved towards the raised area, centered with the dancers in the middle of the stage. He stepped up and stood against the rails looking around. “Mr. Most Hated” he heard and turned around with a smirk “shut yo ass up, and get me a bottle” Samuel chuckled. “Motherfuckers love me” he said slyly as he looked to CJ from across the room, he was already grinning in big booty bitches faces. And somewhere his wife was watching. “What type bottles do we need?” was asked and Samuel shrugged “some good shit, Patron, Dusse, Ace - I don’t know, surprise me” he said watching the crowd. 
Tiny parted a way for Mercedes as she moved back towards her table. She’d opted to start the night on the ground floor instead of VIP.    She felt the soft  hand at her waist and spun expecting to see Ronda again. “What!” She snapped before realizing it was one the club’s featured dancers, smirking.  “You seem uptight.  I think you need a dance..”   Mercedes smiled, “Maybe later.”  The dancer gave Mercedes a sidelong glance. “I’m going to hold you to that.”  Mercedes pursed her lips, then pointed to the VIP.  “The guests of honor, the big guy with the braid.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a small stack of bills. “Give him a dance on me.” She slapped the girl on her ass “and make it a good one.” She told the woman sending her off.   
Ronda appeared carrying two glasses.  Her eyes widened.  “What the hell was that about?”  
Mercedes took her glass from the woman and slid back into her seat.  “I thought you wanted to get into the VIP?” She said, sipping from the glass.  
“Dusse” CJ said moving into VIP as he handed Samuel a bottle.
“Thanks” Samuel replied back to him over the loud music. He opened it, pouring some into his mouth and placing the cork back in. “Yo wife gone beat yo ass man” Samuel smirked.
 CJ plopped down on the couch taking some ACE to the head. “She’ll be alright,” CJ replied, pulling the gold bottle from his mouth. 
The DJ played the first song dedicated to Samuel and he smirked, he took another sip from the bottle, his head bobbing. “Shawty with the long text, I don't talk, ayy. Shawty with the long legs, she don't walk, ayy. Yeah, last year, I kept it on the tuck, ayy. 2020, I came to fuck it up, yeah. I want a long life, a legendary one” he rapped along with Drake. “I want a quick death, and an easy one. I want a pretty girl and an honest one. I want this drink, and another one, yeah. And I'm troublesome, yeah” he said, saluting the DJ with his bottle. As the girl approached him, he looked at CJ, and then back at the dancer. He smirked his attention moving back to the song “Ariana, Selena, my Visa. It can take as many charges as it needs to, my girl. That shit platinum just like all of my releases, my girl. -  come for me, I tear them all to pieces, my girl. I'ma show your sexy ass what relief is, my girl” he rapped as he looked down at the crowd “here open your mouth” he said pouring shots into the mouths of the women beneath him. 
Mercedes snorted as the crowd swayed, a sea of people rapping the lyrics in time with the song. She finished one drink, before the club promoter approached, with a bottle of Ace of Spades ARMAND DE BRIGNAC. “For one special lady.  Amiyah, you honor me with your presence here tonight.”  Mercdes inclined her head, and whispered a soft, “Thank you.” to the owner. “If you need anything.  Anything at all, please let me know.” The man bowed himself away with a bob of his head and disappeared into the crowd.  
Ronda rushed over to Mercedes itching to tell her who was in the building. “You will never guess who I just saw your ex speaking to.” 
Mercedes sang her reply, “I don’t care.”  
Ronda blinked, eyes going wide.  “So,  you don’t want to know?”  
 Mercedes poured the clear champagne into her glass, “Nope… I told you to have fun.”  She reminded, getting annoyed.  “Shit, why don’t you go dance or something.”  Mercedes said, sipping her drink.  
Ronda shifted on her feet, the hot news she had, withering on her tongue. “Okay, but only if you come dance with me.” 
Mercedes sipped her drink, then conceded  “Anything to shut you the fuck up.” Mercedes finished her drink and grabbed her friend's hand. Telling Tiny to stay, she bounced her ass as she moved onto the dance floor.     
Samuel stood upright as the song changed and the crowd got louder, he chuckled as his head continued to bob. “She said she got a man, I act deaf, I don't hear her. Come here, girl, stop playin', let me put in your liver. Eat what's in my pants, bae, don't gotta go to dinner” Samuel said as before he poured some more liquor into his mouth. He handed the bottle over, looking back watching CJ get a lap dance. “I stole her heart, thou shall not steal, I'm sorry, I'm a sinner. Let her put my chains on, now she think she me or somethin'. Got a special ringtone, when it beep, I know she comin'. She just put her hair on, she just think she flee or somethin'. Nardo hit that G spot, when she scream, I know she cummin'” he repeated spotting Mercedes on the dance floor. And he tilted his head. He turned to CJ “bro go get Mercedes” he said with a headshake “don’t bring the other bitch though” he told him grabbing the Ace as he plopped down next to CJ. 
CJ smacked the woman on her ass, nodding his head he pushed her with him out of VIP. Moving past bodies he found Mercedes in the wave. “MJ” he said with a slight chuckle “he sending for you girl” he breathed and he looked at the other woman with her. “Not you though,” he added “but it’s okay, you got me” he said with a smirk as he winked at her. 
There was a nice press of bodies gyrating together. The strippers that crowded around Mercedes seemed to want to dance with and challenge the singer at the same time.  Mercedes indulged them a bit, making her ample ass jump and jiggle mindful to control the wave less all her ass be put on display.  Mercedes  laughed, as Ronda went full thot. Giving over to professionals,  Mercedes reached into her purse and pulled a stack of bills,  raining them over Ronda’s back. Mercedes remained in time with Ronda. Mercedes heard the man’s insistent voice and knew who it was immediately.  Only one person called her MJ. “Hello CJ.” She hummed as she glanced up to the VIP.  “Is he now?” She danced around CJ turning a circle as she moved. Coming face to face with Ronda, she raised her  eyebrow, “I’ll be right back” Mercedes said.  Translation to mean, watch your ass with this dude.” 
Ronda, only spun and licked her lips at the site of the tattooed man.  
Mercedes shook her head and set off across the club.  It took her a moment to wiggled through the crowd, politely, pulling her hand out of the grasp of three men and two women. Finally Tiny arrived to escort her the rest of the way.  Moving up the steps, she raised her arm at the hulking man guarding the section.  The man looked from Tiny to the short woman and grunted as he unclasped  the velvet rope. She winked at the bodyguard, “Thank you. Tiny I’m fine you can wait here.”  She said, adjusting her skirt before swaying over to Samuel. “You rang?” She asked, smirking down at the man. 
Samuel drunk behind CJ, his lips twisting in disgust he hated ACE. However, he liked the turn up more, he took another sip and sat the bottle down against the table before him. “Know I keep a bankroll, baby, count my bankroll. Put it in your purse, she say, "It's too much, bae, it won't go
Too much, bae, it won't fold, too much, bae, I'm gon' tote". I know I got a lot of y'all, but, baby, you my favorite hoe” he rapped as Mercedes approached. “I did” he said pulling her down in his lap “you look good” he smirked at her. “You smell good too….”
Mercedes raised an eyebrow, yelping as Samuel pulled her into his lap.  She chuckled, repositioning herself a bit.  Hand running over his shirt, “You don’t look half bad yourself.” She said taking the man in, “Do I?” She smiled at the man sweetly,  “Thank you. May I ask what you need?” She glanced at the cup, in his hand a moment before taking it from him and tasting the constant,  wrinkling her nose.  
Samuel tilted his head at her, eyebrow raising “you supposed to be in VIP why you down there?” He asked, pointing towards the dance floor. 
Michelle moved into the building, there were too many people here. The smell of smoke, many kinds of it filled her sensitive nose. She was here to be supportive is what she told herself, it wasn’t a lie. Partially she wanted to watch Samuel’s moves. Moving in her heels she walked towards the DJ navigating her way around. 
“I guess I’m bothering you huh?” Samuel asked Mercedes as he grabbed his bottle of Dusse. 
Mercedes shrugged, setting the cup to the side.  “I like partying with the common folk.” She chuckled, “Seriously, I thought I’d let you guys have full reign for a bit.  Did you enjoy your lap dance?” Mercedes turned in Samuel’s lap crossing her legs. Licking her full lip, she tapped her fingers on her purse for a moment. “Maybe? Let me think about it.” she chuckled, playful rocking back and forth in his lap. 
At her words he looked at her, his eyes watching her mouth move. He wrapped his hand around her waist, his large hand gripping her ass. The other took a sip from his bottle before he lowered it. “Nah, you're where you supposed to be” he told her. His lips turned downward and he nodded his head at her playful banter. Taking a sip he said “I don’t wanna do that”. 
Michelle looked around licking her lips she moved to snag a seat, looking cute was what she was here to do. And with her matching Versace fit people would know who she was her with, well for. She looked up and saw Samuel. She blinked watching him talking to Mercedes’, who matched him to the T. Parting her lips she looked off with an eye roll. Of course. 
Mercedes smirked, turning as she draped her legs over his, one arm going around his neck. “I suppose.” She reached for his bottle D'usse.  There was a hint of devilment in her as she swallowed  just a little of D'usse down.  She leaned in,  kissing Samuel softly on lips. “Only if you think I should stay.”
“I do,” Samuel said as he wrapped her plush body up in his arms. He kissed her back hungrily, drinking her down. In this moment he knew, he’d be fucking her after he was ready to leave. He smacked her on her round ass pulling away from their kiss. Looking in her eyes “CJ got that lap dance so you know what that means” he finally answered as he reached down for a stack popping the band. 
Mercedes body melted into him, the taste of him and dusse together overpowering.  She rubbed her thumb over his lips as he pulled away, removing lip gloss from his lips.  “I should have guessed.”  She said, rolling her eyes.  ‘This motherfucker.’  Mercedes thought, eyes narrowing playfully. She twisted in his lap, planting both her feet on the ground.  She pulled her purse over her hand, laying it on the couch beside them. Getting to her feet, she spun, smiling evilly at the man seated in front of her. She caressed his thighs. Taking her time, she  slid her hands painfully close to his manhood.  She arched her back as she rose, hands moving over his stomach. Teasing him she held his eyes with her own, moving up his body, pecking his lips as her fingertips , moved up the back of his neck. “I only take hundreds.”   
Samuel watched Mercedes, he fanned himself with some of the ones. “Mm mm mm” he said, finally taking in her whole outfit. He caught eyes with one of CJ friends, hall nawl, he thought to himself. “Oh you expensive” he joked as he pulled her back to him. His hands gliding down her butt and skirt. Her skirt was too short; it was going to get someone killed. “We are going to have to revisit this when I get my paper up” he said with a grin pulling her back down in his lap hiding her from the vultures. The DJ announced that she was in the building and in the VIP section. Bottle girls making way thereafter with more bottles and light signs with his and her name on it. And another that said more life. 
 Mercedes’  hand covered her chest quickly as she landed back in Sameul’s lap.  She would gladly strip for him, but maybe not the rest of the club. She tossed her head back giggling  at his antics. “You can’t afford me, huh?”  As her name was announced, she shook her head. “Your boy is wild.” Exhaling a twinge of worry out  at the words illuminated for all ‘more life’.  She shook off the thought, it was not going to do either of them any good at the moment.  Getting to her feet she moved to the rail picking up the gold gun stamped rainmaker.  Lifting the gun, she spotted a familiar face in the crowd.  Try as she might, she would never like that bitch, Natasha  However, at the moment there were more important things to consider.. Chuckling, she amid the gun in the woman's direction  and pulled the trigger with both hands, spraying dollars out over the crowd.  
Natasha looked up at the announcement of Mercedes’, she squinted her eyes gently. There was the woman who stood in the way of millionaire baby daddy and his big dick. Sigh. She hadn’t seen the woman since their day in court. She looked good, she guessed. 
Michelle looked up at Mercedes’, she raised a single brow at the woman. Looking away from her she looked towards the crowd seeing his other child’s mother. She froze. This motherfucker. Her blood was boiling slightly however she ignored it, swallowing it down. She knew him better than anyone else. And everybody loved his ass. She looked back up towards the man and stood on her feet, pulling the blue gift box out of her bag. Funny. She was never told about the red wrist bands, or the VIP section. 
Samuel chuckled, “I can afford you,” he said, nodding his head. “All of them are” he told her as the women sat the bottles down, he said “thank you” to them as they left the section. He drank from his bottle once more before he sat it down on the table. Smirking at Mercedes’ he pulled his eyes away from her and looked to see a woman in pink shining from head to toe. It was Michelle and he shot you from his seat as she headed towards him. She wasn’t supposed to be there, well she never said she was attending, it was a small conversation they had at her home nothing more. But here she was, at the worst possible moment. 
Once the rainmaker was spent, Mercedes turned around laughing, only to find an empty seat.  Her eyes moved across the space to find a slightly tense Samuel  headed off towards the ropes of the VIP section.  Following his gaze she spotted a woman, pretty in hot pink Versace.  The bump gave her identity away, almost immediately.  A spike of pure anger, annoyance and hurt, gnawed at her chest. She tore her eyes away, gulping down air. She used to ride high, arrogant, dismissive and petty.  It was a high she liked or maybe it was the false confidence that came with it she fed on. ‘No,’ she thought, tomorrow she’d find something to honestly repair the shit she’d like become broken inside of her.  But tonight she’d have just accept this wasn’t her fight, her mess, or her worry.  She’d mourned her relationship a million times, cried over years of wasted time, fought with the possibility, he may not see their children grow up and that no matter what happened, they were in many respects dead.  That was all she had the strength to deal with at the moment. She hummed the lyrics of the song blasting in the club, “Drop your location, she think she me or sum' Put on my chains, now she think she me or sum'” She sang, hips dipping as the down beat struck. CJ’s friend, bottles in hand,  got up to fill the space around Mercedes, as the song swelled. 
Michelle looked to Samuel “I wanted to give you a gift before I go” she said over the music. Samuel leaned against the railing “thank you” he said to her with a head nod. Michelle's eyes moved to Mercedes’ and then back to him. “Enjoy yourself” she said with a smile as she moved to walk away. Samuel nodded his head again, he didn’t really know what to say her in the moment. He held the box in his hand watching her walk away, before he moved back towards Mercedes’. Looking at the guy beside her, he didn’t say anything. Instead he sat the gift down on the table and grabbed his bottle drinking from it again. 
Mercedes smirked as the music continued, laughing with the fellas as they pointed out girls.  The stripper on the center stage, hung from the top of the pole, using her legs to swing down. Called a bottle girl over, leaning over the rail,  pointed to the stage and handed a stack to the bottle girl, “Take the money to the stage for me.”  She stood back up, adjusting her skirt and  went back to swaying along with the fellas.
Samuel watched Mercedes’ and the men from afar. He looked at the blue box before he picked his stack up. He wouldn’t say anything to the man now, he’d beat his ass on the way out though. He looked for CJ in the crowd when the DJ switched up the song. He started tossing the money towards the stage, dollar bills flying. “I'm like, "Oh, nah, she gotta go",  Ask me her name, I swear I don't even fuckin' know” he smirked as he tossed some more dollars. “They wanna know why di gyal dem deh pon me? Dem eye green, dem mind just set pon mi? They wanna know why dem love him off so much? Like, what is the reason?” He song along with the song, he grabbed a mother stack tossing the ones up. “mmm, it's just the vibe, I'm that guy. She put her legs in the sky whenever I. Pull up, she got her clothes off from the walk in. She won't waste no time, She don't want nobody else, I know” he grabbed another stack of twenties tossing those too. The DJ announced for all the dancers to get on stage as Samuel made it ran and he pointed at CJ telling him to come here. 
One of CJ’s friends tapped Mercedes on the shoulder offering her a pour from one of the bottles. She shook her head, “no thank you.” as more money rained in the room. She sighed, finding Ronda. Shaking her head, Mercedes noted, the way her dress was half way up her ass. For all her talk, Ronda couldn’t tell a motherfucker from a hole in the head. Mercedes filed that little tidbit of information away for later. Attention back on the guys,  the boys had started a little two step, one hand resting on the nearest man for keep her balance, she giggled trying to keep up. 
CJ moved for the vibe section pulling stacks out of the duffle and he tossed money up into the air. Turning around behind him he tilted his head and he looked back at Samuel. Hm. Licking his lips he picked up a new bottle of ACE pouring some into his mouth. 
“I want she and she and she. And they love them some me” Samuel song as sent a peck towards one of his favorite strippers as she dance looking up at him. “I can't even speak to all of 'em. So I call her on the FaceTime. She gon' pick up on the first ring, Oo, I got her wrapped around my damn finger” he said as he popped the band to another stack and he began to toss more money. They had half a million to throw tonight. 
“You just gone let him” CJ said, gesturing behind them. Samuel lifted his finger silencing the man “she grown, she single” he said as he picked up another stack of 20’s. “Couldn’t be me my boy” CJ replied. 
“Duh yo wife over there getting a fucking dance” Samuel said looking towards the woman in the corner. 
CJ looked over at the blonde smirking, “yeah, I got her number earlier, we both probably gonna fuck” he grinned as he tossed some more money. 
“Have fun” Samuel replied. 
“So you ain’t leaving with nine of these bitches?” CJ asked him, lips pursed. 
“Nah, I’m good” Samuel said looking at the man. 
Mercedes back out of the throng, stumbling a bit. The guys parted around her, letting her leave, with only slight moans of protest.  It was hot being surrounded on all sides… Mercedes ran her finger through her hair, fluffing up the curls as she sat down on the leather couch.  She found her purse and  pulled out her phone, checking her messages. Ignoring every new message as she scanned for and update from her nanny. Signing, she lowered the phone deciding, no news must be good news.  “See you need a lap dance.” Came the slurred, gruff voice of a man.  Mercedes looked up, shaking her head, “I am good.” She laughed as he twirled, dropping it low in front of her. Searching around quickly for support she spotted CJ  “CJ, come get yo boy!” She said over the music laughing. 
CJ smacked his teeth at Samuel, nonchalantly tossing money up into the air. He looked at Mercedes’ words and shook his head “aye bruh” he called out before he gestured for him to stop before he got hurt. 
Samuel looked back at Mercedes’ and then to CJ, he licked his lips and tossed some more money. “Go sit your ass down” Samuel commanded as he gazed at the door. “Don’t disrespect me in my section, get yo bitch ass outta VIP” he told him gesturing to the exit. He looked at Mercedes’ contemplating kicking her ass out too before he turned back to the dancers. 
Mercedes laughed, pushing the man off, “boy move.” She giggled, making the man grind in her face even harder. Samuel’s  voice cut through the scenes and Mercedes' head snapped to the man, frowning as he barked at his friend. She met his eyes briefly noting the shift.  ‘Now what in the world?’  She thought eyebrow raised.  CJ’s friend held his hands up, straightening as he moved away from  Mercedes , face turning deep crimson, “My bad… bro.”  Mercedes pushed her phone into her purse, then sat the bag next to a blue box on the table. Sitting back she crossed legs and watched the money rain down to the floor.
CJ raised a brow at Samuel smirking to himself, he looked back at Mercedes’ before he turned back to the women. “Mm mm mm” he said aloud. 
Samuel looked at CJ and said “shut up” as he pushed off the railing and moved to sit back down on the couch. “You ready to ditch this party?” He asked Mercedes’ pulling her closer to him. 
Mercedes pursed her lips, crossing her legs, she gave  CJ a look that clearly said boy please.  She scooted over a bit, making room for Samuel on the couch.  “This party?” She smirked, crossing and recrossing her legs angling more towards the man. “Depends?  Where are we going?” 
“I don’t know,” Samuel said as he leaned his head back, closing his eyes. “Wherever you want to go” he said, large hands gripping her thigh as he held her.  He bobbed his head lightly to the song change “You pray for my demons, girl, I got you. Every time I sip on codeine, I get vulnerable. Ignoring the sounds of the storm when it come” he said, rapping along with Future. “She understand I can't take her everywhere a - going. I been in the field like the children of the corn. I can hear your tears when they drop over the phone. Get mad at yourself 'cause you can't leave me alone. Gossip, bein' messy, that ain't what we doing…” 
Mercedes leaned in to Samuel humming along with the music.   She glanced back, to see the large man mellowing into vibe mode.  She uncrossed her legs and stood taking her purse from the table. “We can leave.” She said, reaching for his hand. She had a sneaky suspicion Samuel was tired. 
Samuel opened his eyes and looked at the woman, “okay” he said eagerly. He had been ready to go when he came. He’d rather be with his kids or Mercedes. He stood up, pulling her up with him. He grabbed the blue fox sticking it in his pocket and moved towards CJ “imma hit the streets” he told the man. “Y’all party the night away though bro, thank you” he said to him. 
“Ah come on,” CJ protested. He hugged the man still however “I love you bro, more life fam” he told him. 
Samuel chuckled, hugging the man back “more life brother” he replied back. “Alright” he said as he offered Mercedes’ his hand. 
Mercedes quickened her pace to stay in step with Sameul as he pulled her along.  Samuel stopped to say good night to CJ and Mercedes looked out over the crowd craning to find Ronda.  Sighing  she turned back and smiled at the men’s outward showing of affection.  She smiled down at CJ’s hand and slipped her hand into his. “Try  not to get into too much trouble.” She smiled, “Thank you… This was fun.”   
“Trouble is my middle name,” CJ smirked at the woman. “Good seeing MJ, thanks for coming,'' he said respectfully. “If your girls stay, I’ll keep a watchful eye out” he said pouring more ACE into his mouth. 
Samuel gestured to the other men with a hand toss before he walked out of the VIP section stepping down, he held Mercedes’ hand helping her down as well. He gestured to the DJ who announced his departure “thank you” he said over the loud music to the man. The bodyguards moved people out of the way, letting the man and woman through the crowd. He tugged his shirt fanning himself as money continued to rain and ass continued to shake left and right. “Good looking out man” he said the promoter as he dapped the man up. 
“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” Mercedes said, glancing up at Samuel. At CJ’s comment about Ronda, Mercedes chuckled. “MHM, I’m sure you will.” She said, as she was being led away by Samuel. Ronda was a big girl.  She hoped the woman knew what she was doing. Mercedes mused as they made their way out of the club.  
Moving for the exit Samuel pulled Mercedes’ to his side as she walked out the door towards a car. He opened the truck door and allowed Mercedes’ to climb into the backseat of the truck before him. He climbed in behind her and closed the door behind himself. “Your place?” He asked her. 
Mercedes scooted across the seat.  Exhaling she leaned back against the leather.  She watched as Samuel climbed through the door.. There was no hesitation when she was asked where she wanted to go.  She nodded her head, “yeah.  That is fine.”  
Nodding his head Samuel gave the driver the directions of where to go. He sat back shifting in his seat, stretching his legs and leaned his head back against the seat. He adjusted the gun on his hip. “I think I’m all partied out” he told her “shit is so…” he shrugged “pointless to me now” he told her leaning against the door as he looked out the window. 
Mercedes rubbed her hand over her thighs with a sigh,  “Yeah.  Shit hits differently when the highlight of your night is waiting on a text update from the babysitter.”  She turned to the man reaching a hand out to run her fingers over his braid. “I don’t think it is a bad thing. “ She wondered if this was him growing up or the looming operation. 
Samuel smirked at her comment, he did miss the kids himself but that was nothing new. “Yeah” he breathed heavily “it just doesn’t” he shrugged “I don’t know… bring any satisfaction” he admitted. “Anyway” he said as he leaned upright “it was good that you got out” he told her “mothers are allowed to have fun too right” he said turning his head to look at her.
Mercedes chuckled, letting her hand fall away from Samuel.  “It was… though your  boys are something else.” She told him, raising an eyebrow. “I’m not sure the world would agree but I’m starting to believe we should.” She smiled lightly, “I hope you had at least a little fun tonight.” She asked, pinching her fingers together.  
“Yeah, they are,” Samuel said, nodding his head. He chuckled at her words “you are an amazing mother, you should be able to enjoy yourself from time to time” he told her. “Yeah, it felt good being in a room full of people who actually give a shot about me, even if it is a little bit” he told her. “However, I miss the kids. And I’m tired” he smirked to himself. 
Mercedes chuckled. I'll try to remember that.  It’s good advice.” Mercedes listened wondering if Samuel really understood his impact on the people around him.  “You are well loved Samuel, in whatever room you enter.” Mercedes told the man knowingly. Women, men -everyone loved Samuel.   Adjusted herself on the seat and unbuckled her shoes. Looking at Samuel, “I know.” She smiled, “I am sure they are feeling the exact same way right about now.” She laughed, reaching for her purse. “The boys may also be hungry too though.” 
Samuel tilted his head at her squinting, she was just trying to make him feel better he guessed. The truth was nobody gave a shit about him, just about who he was. He looked out the window again, “well, here you are Miss Jones” he said as the large house came to view. “Your stop” he breathed. 
Mercedes looked at Samuel laughing, “Don’t look at me like that.”  She could almost guess what he was thinking. The only people who actually loved  her were her mother, sister and the three kids waiting for her at home. No one knew her, not really. With a groan Mercedes reached down and quickly refastened her shoes as they pulled into her driveway. There was absolutely no need to ruin her tights.  
Samuel raised his hands defensively, “I’m not looking at you like anything” he chuckled. As the car rolled to a stop he watched her put her shoes on he said “would you mind if I came in to kids the kids goodnight?”
“Lies” Mercedes chuckled, struggling a bit to  fasten the clasp of her shoe. Finally, getting the shoe on, she sat up and placed her bag on her shoulder.  She shook her head, “Samuel you know I don’t mind, but thank you for asking.”  She told the man respectfully. As the door opened, she slid across to Samuel’s side waiting for him to get out of the car first. 
Samuel nodded his head at her and moved to climb out of the car before Mercedes’, he stood off to the side to let her climb out. Licking his lips, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his side, hugging her gently. 
Mercedes swung her legs out of the truck behind Samuel, fishing  her keys out of her purse.  She gripped them in her fist as she climbed the rest of the way out of the truck. Caught off guard by Samuel pulling her into his side, she rubbed his back and he hugged her.  Still holding his hand, she wiggled out of the hug and pulled him towards the house. “Come on” She said, facing him as she walked backwards, she turned and unlocked the door, moving into the house's foyer. The house was dim and quiet, “humm this nanny might just make it.” 
Samuel raised both brows at Mercedes’, moving alo bc with her as she tugged him towards the door. He walked in the house and chuckled. “Her hands were full, if she managed she’s a keeper” he said. 
Mercedes closed the front door behind Samuel, chuckling. “Your children are particular.” She smiled moving away from the man, she placed her keys and purse on the foyer table, before reaching down to remove her shoes.  She stepped out of the platforms, shrinking almost 3 inches instantly.  She really didn’t need to lead Samuel through the house, the man definitely knew the way.  But,  she chuckled, taking his hand again, starting  up the steps towards the twins’ room.  
“Are you trying to say my children are just like me?” He asked her with a playful squint. He held her hand walking with her as they moved to the twins room. In the moment he wondered to himself for the first time, would the four actually be make do without him? He knew she was more than capable, but would she want to? Any respectable person would say no he guessed. 
Mercedes shook her head, side eyeing Samuel.  “You're kidding me with this question right now?” She asked, rolling her eyes.  It was still too early to tell with the boys, but Mack was Samuel’s through and through. Twisting the door to the nursery open, she walked in and found Ms. Roxy asleep in the boy's glider, wisps for white hair, sticking out along the front of her head. Mercedes knew just from the sound of the boys breathing, they were resting comfortably. She placed a finger over her lips and looked to Samuel before entering the room fully. She nodded  towards the boy’s circle crib signing to Sam, while she moved over to wake the nanny. She touched the old nurse, softly and the older lady jumped.  “Thank you. Why don’t head to bed.  I’ve got the kids. We’ll discuss things in the morning.” Ms. Roxy pursed her lip, “I was just resting my eyes.” she whispered to the girl. She looked around Mercedes, to the huge fellow over with the boys.  This was her first time seeing the man up close. The older woman sat up. “Well, I’ll be right down the hall if you need me.” Roxy told Mercedes before leaving the room.   
“Uh..” Samuel said with an eyebrow raised “I think Mackenna has a little bit of you in there too” he said slyly. Samuel moved over towards the crib, taking the two children sleeping form in before he bent down and kissed the both lovingly. He stood upright again looking back at the older woman, he offered her a polite smile. 
Mercedes grinned at his response, but reserved her comment.  Ms. Roxy inclined  her head towards the towering man.  If she was 20  years younger, she thought, smiling good naturally towards the boy, before closing the door behind her.  Mercedes moved over to the crib, looking down on the boys. She grinned and brushed her hand over their heads lightly.   “I think Ms. Roxy is good for them.” she said, staring down for a moment longer, holding the side of the crib.  With one last once over, “I’m going to check on Mack.” She said turning to leave. 
He wanted to hold them both but he knew he couldn’t, he shouldn’t at least. They were sleeping peacefully and he knew how long nights could be with newer babies. He watched Mercedes leave and he took in their nursery around him before he looked at the children again and moved to leave. Samuel followed behind Mercedes’ slowly towards their oldest child room. 
Mercedes wasn’t quite as careful opening her daughter's door.  Mackenna had always been a heavy sleeper.  She opened the door wide and stood in the doorway shaking her head. Mack was sprawled out over the entire bed, stuffed animals and dolls all around her.  Mercedes walked in the room, scooping up toys as she moved. Depositing the first set into the toy box, she went over to the bed and took up another armful of stuffed animals and moved back to the box once more. 
Entering the room he looked towards the little girl as Mercedes cleaned her room. Samuel smiled to himself walking over to Mackenna. He bent down and offered her a small sweet kiss too, pulling her covers over her and tucking her in gently. 
Mercedes snatched the last bear up by the ear from the bed watching Samuel with a smirk.  Sighing softly, she looked down into the bears face then decided, taking all her little friends would be cruel.  Placing the bear under the covers with the little girl, she tucked the covers around them both  tighter. Standing she looked over at Samuel, then back  down at the sleeping child. Stepping around the bed, she took Samuel’s hand and sandwiched it between her own squeezing it softly.  
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mercysingstheblues · 4 years
In The Midnight Hour || Samcedes
Mercedes: stares at the clock reading 3:21am. Her mind was heavy. She couldn't sleep. Not when she had so much information and thoughts running through her brain. For a brief moment she was interrupted from her thoughts as she hears the sound of faint snoring coming from behind her. Rolling over she smiles at the sight of Sam's dreamy face. "Sam," she called out to him softly. "You awake?" She didn't give him time to answer before she gently shook his shoulder waiting for him to wake up.
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mercedesevansvow · 4 years
Big News || Sancedes
Mercedes stared down at Sam. She was an emotional wreck and it was all Sam’s fault. He called her amazing. She knew he was sleep but he called her amazing, he kissed her and it made her feel like maybe, just maybe they had a chance. Hearing the door open, she kissed Sam softly on his forehead. “I love you.” She whispered into his ear before pulling the blanket over him and leaving him to sleep. 
Walking out into the living room, she bit her lip with a smile seeing Santana standing in front of her. Her emotions usually stayed in check but the moment she saw her best friend, everything she had been feeling just emptied out of her and she started to cry. Going to Santana she wrapped her arms around the brunette.
She couldn’t even speak but at the moment she didn’t want too. She had to be strong for Sam but she knew she could break down in front of Santana, it wasn’t the first time for either of them and it wouldn’t be the last. The beauty of their friendship was that they took turns being each other’s rocks. yes Sam was apart of that too but right now it was just the two of them.
“I’m sorry I just I had to get that out.” She said sniffling as she pulled away. “So much has happened and I felt like I was gonna break.” She stepped back in search for some tissue and wiped her face. “Come and and sit with me in the kitchen, you are gonna wanna sit down.”
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freespiritalyssa · 4 years
Para || A Little Surprise ||
Description: Alyssa heads to her appointment and gets some news 
TW: Abortion
A/N: lets just pretend that time froze and she’s still early on in her pregnancy lol 
Alyssa had never been fond of doctors. If anything she hated going to them. It was a cold, unwelcoming place that posed a nuisance to her schedule and her day. Even when she had her annual check ups, she made sure to wait until the absolute last moment before going. So when she scheduled her appointment for today, she was torn. On the one had she hated the doctor regardless. On the other hand she was going to be happy to get back to her life as usual. No worry of morning sickness or babies that she hadn't planned or wanted. She knew that she could have called someone to be with her. In fact Santana had offered multiple times and had even suggested that she contact Sam but she really wanted to just get this over with. She felt nothing but fear and annoyance at her pregnancy. She wasnt even sure if she wanted kids ever and here she was pregnant when that wasnt apart of the plan. She knew that it was her body and she had the right to choose what she did with it and she was choosing this. She lifted her sunglasses off of her face as she entered the office and walked to the front desk. “Hi, my names Alyssa Johnson. I have an appointment at 11:30,” she smiled to the nurse. The older woman looked up and nodded, handing her a clipboard with information for her to fill out. “Fill this out and then we’ll be right with you.” Alyssa took the clipboard and walked over to one of the empty seats, an extra pen in hand and began to fill out the info. She wrote down her full name, her age, how long she assumed she was pregnant, all of the details that doctors needed to know before terminating a pregnancy. She looked around her, seeing a few other people, one girl who looked young and scared. She couldnt have been older than 18 and she was nervously nibbling on her nails. Alyssa felt sorry for her and wondered why she was here alone. Her eyes drifted to a couple, whispering amongst themselves and flipping through a magazine. They looked a bit older than her and Alyssa wondered why they were here in the first place. They seemed like the type who wanted kids and would make good parents. But she also knew that she couldnt judge a book by it’s cover. “Alyssa Johnson.” She stood up and grabbed her bag that was placed beside her before following the doctor who had called her name. “Hi,” she nodded. “Hi,” the doctor grinned. “I’m Dr. Hassan. I’ll be doing your procedure today. Is this your first time?” Alyssa followed her into the examination room and nodded. “Uh, yeah,” she said, placing her bag on the chair by the bed. “Well it’s okay to be nervous or even apprehensive. My job is to make sure that you know your options and help you with whatever choice you make,” Dr. Hassan smiled. “You can change into your gown while I go grab your information okay?” “Okay,” Alyssa replied, watching the doctor walk out of the room. She quickly stripped out of her clothes and changed into the itchy hospital gown before leaping on to the bed. She clicked her heels together, waiting for the doctor to return and nearly jumped when she came back, swinging the door open “Okay,” Dr. Hassan clapped her hands. “So by law I have to inform you of your options as far as your pregnancy goes. There’s of course adoption, termination and moving forward with the pregnancy. Have you considered any other option besides termination?” “No,” Alyssa shook her head, nervously twisting the end of the hospital gown. “The um… the guy that you know… we’re not together and neither of us want kids right now. I know my options but everything besides this is not a real option. I’m a model and pregnancy is the last thing my career needs.” Dr. Hassan nodded. “If your choice. Shall we get started then?” “Please.” “So it says on your chart that you think that you’re about three months along?” “Yeah I mean. I shouldnt be more than that right?” she shrugged. “Well how about I take a look okay? Lay back for me.” Alyssa followed her instructions and placed her feet in the stirrups. Dr. Hassan sat down on her stool and pulled the ultrasound around to face her. “Alright so you’re gonna feel a slight pinch but that’s just me looking to see how far along you are okay?” “Okay,” Alyssa nodded. She winced, feeling Dr. Hassan insert the ultrasound stick but soon relaxed, knowing that this would all be over before she knew it. Dr. Hassan was silent for a while and she started to grow uncomfortable. “Anything?” “Well, you’re definitely pregnant,” she said, furrowing her brows. “Hmm.” “Hm? Is that good or bad?” Dr. Hassan removed the ultrasound stick and unrolled her gloves off her hands. “Alyssa, I dont think I’ll be able to do this procedure today.” Alyssa shot up. “What? Why?” “Because, I believe you’re further along than 3 months. Unfortunately in the state of New York and in most states, terminations cant be performed after 12 weeks. It’s far to dangerous for the patient and while early delivery is possible, that’s only in extreme medical cases.” Alyssa wasnt sure what she was hearing. She knew time wise, it was a little off but she also knew that there was no way that she could have this baby. “What are you saying?” she blinked. “I”m saying that it’s too late to get an abortion. Looking at this ultrasound and based off of the info you gave me about your last period, you’re about 16 weeks along.” She shook her head, her anxiety setting in. “No. No, I mean it was New Years but it cant be too late.” “I’m sorry Alyssa but it is,” she frowned. “If you’d like, I have some pamphlets about your other options but I recommend you get an OBGYN soon.” Alyssa felt like she was about to burst with emotions and nodded her head as tears fell from her eyes. Dr. Hassan left her to change and Alyssa curled her knees up to her chin. This couldnt be happening. Being pregnant and then terminating it was one thing but finding out that she couldnt. That she was going to have to have this baby regardless, made her feel worse than morning sickness. She suddenly wished she’d brought Santana because she felt so alone. She mentally ran through all the things she would have to do to figure this out. She wasnt a mom type. Being a mother was the last thing she wanted and she’d grown up with horrible examples as it was. And now she was going to have a baby. She was terrified. She quickly dressed, not thinking about the information that Dr. Hassan was bringing back to her and practically ran out of the office. She didnt know where she was running to. All she knew was that she needed to get out of there.
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musiciansam · 5 years
Back 2 Good || Samcedes
Sam: strums his guitar as he begins to sing. “It's nothing, it's so normal you. You just stand there, I could say so much. But I don't go there 'cause I don't want to.” He continues playing and singing not looking up when he hears the door to the bus open and someone enters. “I was thinking if you were lonely. Maybe we could leave here and no one would know. At least not to the point that we would think so....”
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ladyofmercy · 5 years
The War || Samcedes
Who: 10 year old Mercedes Jones and Sam Evans with Courtney Holland and James Matthews
What: Sam and Mercedes have a falling out when they each make new friends.
Where: School and Home
Notes: None
Sam was always happy to see Mercedes. She was his best friend in the whole world. He smiled at how excited Mercedes was but the smile faded when he met her new friend Courtney. Mercedes was his friend, and he didn't like how excited she was about Courtney. So he put on a fake smile. "That's nice Mercedes. My dad bought me a new Mario Kart game for my Nintendo. You want to come over after school to play?"
Mercedes nodded. “She has a pool too!” Mercedes said knowing Sam had to be impressed with that. “Mario Kart? Yes! Can Courtney come too?” She asked oblivious too Sam not being happy.
Her having a pool was cool, but Sam didn't want to admit that to Mercedes. Sam didn't want Courtney to come. But he didn't want to hurt Mercedes’s feelings when she was so obviously happy about a new friend. Why did Mercedes need a new friend anyway? "I only have two controllers though."
Mercedes shrugged. “You guys can play and I can watch. I know how to share, momma said I was the best at it. Let me go ask her if she can come over your place!” She said turning to leave but stopped. “Also she gonna sit with us on the bus!” Mercedes said happily. “
"But three people sharing a seat is crowded." Sam shouted at Mercedes, but she was already running off to Courtney. Sam turned around and sat on the curb waiting for recess to be over. He didn't like this new feeling of being replaced.
After school, Sam got on the bus and went to the seat that he and Mercedes always sat. He sat on the end so she can have the window seat. Normally they arrived at the same time, but today he got there first and looked eagerly down the aisle for her.
Mercedes and Courtney chatted away as they got to the bus. Mercedes and Courtney seemed to have a lot in common and she liked that about them. As they got on the bus,  Mercedes lead them to Sam. "Sammy guess what? Courtney's mom is gonna take us to the Zoo. Sammy scoot over." She said sitting on the seat so Courtney could sit across from her. As they sat down, Mercedes bounced in her seat. 
Sam's smile faded when Mercedes said they were going to the zoo. "I thought you were coming over to play Mario Kart." Sam slid over and couldn't help but think that things were changing between them and he didn't like that feeling one bit.
Mercedes nodded. “We are just tomorrow maybe… you can come too Courtney said her mom said we all could go as long as our moms said it was okay.” She turned to look at Sam and smiled brightly. “So we can ask as soon as we get home.” 
"Oh, I forgot that me and my dad were going to throw the football around today after school. But have fun at the zoo." Sam turned so he could stare out the window. 
Mercedes watched Sam but nodded looking back at Courtney. Sam was acting weird, she just didn’t know why. As they made it to their bus stop she grabbed Sam’s hand as she always did and pulled him off the bus with Courtney following them. “Courtney I am gonna go ask my mom right now and I will come right over.” She said pulled Sam towards their houses. “Sam, you sure you don’t wanna come? We get to get slushies.”
Sam wanted to go because he loved the zoo, but he wasn't in the best of moods and didn't want to bring everyone down. "I'm sure. Have fun for us both. Bye Mercedes." Without waiting for a response, Sam went into his house and went straight into his room to play video games. He needed a distraction.
Mercedes walked over to Sam's desk with the picture she made. Art wasn’t her favorite subject but she was proud of her canvas. She made flowers and a blue sky. Plus a lot of green, Sam’s favorite color. “Sammy look at my picture I think its the best one yet.” She said holding it up.
Sam was drawing the Animaniacs, one of his favorite cartoon characters when Mercedes showed him her picture. “You draw really good Cedes. I really like the flowers. You should add some cows so they are munching on the grass.” Sam still felt worried that Mercedes was replacing him,  but he wasn’t going to show her that. And besides, he really did like her drawing. “How was the zoo?”
Mercedes laughed. "Cows? I can’t draw cows." She placed her paper down. "It was awesome, we are going to the Fort after School," The for was Mercedes treehouse. No one but she and Sam had ever been there.
“Drawing Cows is easy. I can show you if you want, or draw them for you.” Sam’s eyes bulged when she said she was taking Courtney to the Fort. That was their special spot. “But you just met her. Are you sure she’s worthy of the fort?”
"Maybe show me later?" Mercedes nodded. "She is! You should come too and help me show her so we all can be friends!" She asked hopefully.
Sam’s eyes dropped to his drawing in front of him. “How do you like my picture? I drew the Animaniacs. One of my favorite cartoons.” Sam hoped that she wouldn’t mind him changing the subject.
She looked at it. "It’s awesome but Sam you draw real good anyways." She put his picture down. "Are you gonna come to the fort?"
Sam knew better than to think that she would just drop it. “I don’t know. If you want me to come then I will.” Sam went back to his drawing. Maybe he should give this girl a chance.
"Of course I want you too she's my best friend now too." Mercedes sat next to him. "Oh and guess what? Her dad is taking us to Disney on ice!"
That was it. Sam was not happy. Mercedes was his friend. Ever since Courtney came, it's like Mercedes forgot about him. "I can't. I promised to spend more time with Stevie and Stacy. Have fun." Sam got and began preparing to go home.
Mercedes frowned. "Sam why can't you play with them later?" She watches him gather his things, and the teacher calls for her to do the same. "We will talk on the bus." She said turning. As she walked away, someone bumped her. Seeing it was James she frowned. "Watchout!" James just shrugged and kept moving. Mercedes sighed going back to her desk.
Sam didn't want to talk about anymore. He needed a new friend since Mercedes had one. He knew he couldn't replace her but at least he could keep busy with someone else. He saw James stick his tongue out a Mercedes when her back was turned, and figured he could be a good friend. He walked up to James and smiled. "Do you like video games?" James looked at him and nodded. "Great! You're my new best friend!"  James shrugged. "Okay." Sam beamed. "Good! Sit with me on the bus?" James nodded. "Ok." They both lined up and when they got on the bus, Sam sat in the seat that him and Mercedes usually sit and James sat next to him. Sam felt good about this.
Mercedes watched Sam lined up, she knew something was bothering him, she just didn't know what it was, so she figured they could talk about it on the bus. As she made her way to her seat, she frowned seeing James in her seat. Moving towards it she folded her arms. "That's my seat! You gotta move!"
Sam was telling James all about his games when Mercedes popped up. He could tell she was unhappy, but James was his new friend. James frowns at Mercedes. "Your name isn't on it. I can sit where I want." James doesn't move and Sam could see if he didn't interfere, things would turn badly. "Mercedes, James is my new best friend. He likes video games also."
Mercedes eyed James.  "I dont care if hes your new best friend that my seat!" She insisted. "Move!" James continued to sit there and the driver told her to take a seat she grew angrier. "Move!!" James smiled sticking his tongue out at her. "Make me." The driver said to sit again. Court pulled Mercedes to her seat behind Sam and James and Mercedes sat back staring at them. This meant war.
Sam never saw Mercedes so angry before. It was just a seat. He felt bad that he let James take her seat, but she had Court now. "Mercedes is psycho. I mean it's just a seat." Sam startled at James voice. "If I were you, I wouldn't say that too loud. Anyway, are you coming to my house after school? We can play with my power rangers." As James and Sam continued talking, their bus stop came. Come on James, I'll introduce you to my mom and siblings. My dad is at work." The continued talking as they walked off the bus. Sam turned around and wave to Mercedes. "See ya later Merce."
Mercedes was livid, and when she was livid she was petty. The entire bus ride was spent plotting her revenge and now she was gonna get it. When Sam waved at her she rolled her eyes and stuck her nose up at him. He was no longer her friend. Courtney had to run home and change then she would come back over. Coming in the house her mom smiled. "Hey Merce! How was school?" Mercedes just shrugged. Amelia looked at her. "Where is Sam? Doesn't he usually come over after school? I haven't seen him in a few days." Mercedes folded her arms. "Sam's not my best friend anymore." She walked away and to her room, grabbing her supplies, then snuck into her brothers rooms for more ammo. "They wont know what hit them."
After calling James parents to let them know where he was, the boys immediately ran back outside to throw a football around. The twins were taking a nap and Mary didn't want Sam and James to wake them up. "How many little brother and sisters do you have?" James asked curiously. "Just two. They're twins." James nodded in understanding. Your mom seems cool." Sam beamed. "She's the best." Sam and James continued tossing the ball around not aware of any danger that may be brewing next door.
Mercedes had began to fill up the water Balloons when her mom let Courtney in. Once the girl's were done filling the balloons and water guns, they used the Forts dolly to lift it inside. Courtney looked over at Sam and James. "Are they gonna be mad?" Mercedes shrugged. "Probably but I don't care." Courtney nodded. "I don't care either." Mercedes grabbed the super soaker and pushed the bucket of balloons to the window. Grabbing two balloons she looked out of it. "Hey butt heads? This is for sitting in my seat!" She yelled unleashing the water balloons at Sam and James.
Sam and James were having fun one minute and the next they knew, they were being attacked by water balloons and water guns. "What are you doing?!" Sam yelled while trying to take cover. "Man she's crazy. All of this because I sat in her seat?" Sam shrugged. "Stop talking and grabbed the hoses." James looked around before replying. "There's only one, what will I use?" Before Sam could reply, a balloon hit him square in the face. "That's it! James get the hose from Mercedes house. Will soak them from both sides." James nods and leave, but becomes target practice for Mercedes and Court. Sam got his hose and him and James started soaking up the tree house and Mercedes and Court. "Surrender!"
Mercedes and Court squirts them more but when they spray them with the hoses she screamed and Court dropped the gun and grabbed her hair. “My hair!! I just got it done! That's it.” She grabbed the super soaker and aimed at James’ head as Mercedes shot Sam right in the face. “You will pay!!!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
James laughed at wetting Court's hair but when she started shooting him and not missing he regretted it. Sam could barely see with how much water is in eyes because of Mercedes, so he felt no remorse about Courtney's hair. He increased the pressure of the hoes and blasted the whole tree house soaking both girls. "You started it, but will finish it!"
“UGH!!!” They both screamed deciding to abandon the tree house. They climbed down the back and Mercedes lead her to the mud pile that contractors left, her parents were having a pool put in. Hiding behind the pile, they grabbed handfuls of Mud and started throwing it at the boys.
Sam and James had big smiles thinking that the girls retreated. "Yea, that'll teach you to mess with us." The celebration was short lived when the girls began to throw mud at them. James turned to Sam. "What now?" Sam found some mud patches my the tree house the girls abandoned. "Follow my lead." Sam ran to the tree house, picked up some mud and began throwing it at the girls. James followed suit.
Amelia was in the kitching, working on dinner when a glob of mud hit the window. “What in the world?” She looked out of it and her eyes grew wide seeing what was happening. She ran outside screaming. “What are you kids doing?! Stop this now!” Mercedes froze seeing her mom. “They started it!” She said pointing to Sam and James.
"No, Mercedes started it!" James yelled. Hearing all the commotion, Mary came out. She intended on telling them to lower their voices because the twins were still sleep. But her mouth flew open at the scene in front of her. "Oh my god Sam. What did you do?" Sam didn't know what to say to his mother or Mrs. Jones. "I'm sorry for messing up your backyard Mrs. Jones." Mary shook her head. "Sam, sometimes sorry doesn't fix it." Mary looked at her son disappointed.
Amelia angrily moved towards Mercedes. "Mercedes Amelia Jones what has gotten into you! I have never been so disappointed in you then I am right now. This is a complete mess." Mercedes looked to the ground. "I'm sorry mommy I am but Sam-" Amelia held up her hands. "I do not want to hear it."
"Amelia, I don't know what has gotten into my son, but Dwight and I will pay for any damages." Mary was just confused. "I thought you two were best friends. Friends don't throw mud at each other. "She isn't my best friend anymore. James is my new best friend and Court is hers."
Amelia shook her head. “No Mary it's okay, they were fixing back here anyways I am more concerned with this. Mercedes you and Sam aren’t friends anymore?” She shook her head, “No he chose James! He gave him my seat!” She said defensively. Amelia rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I think I see what is going on Mary.”
Mary, understood also. “Yea, I’m starting to see also.” Sam didn’t think anyone would understand how he was feeling. “She replaced me with Courtney. It used to be just me and Mercedes, and then when Courtney came, she forgot all about me and liked her more than me. So, I got a new friend, and replaced her. I didn’t think him sitting in her seat would be a big deal, since there aren’t assigned seats on the bus anyway.” Mary just shook her head at Sam. She knew he cared for Mercedes, but she didn’t think he would get jealous of her making new friends. “Sam, Mercedes wasn’t trying to exclude you, in fact, she invited you, but you turned her down. You don’t own Mercedes. She can have a million friends, and still care about you, and want to be your friend.” Sam was still sad. “But she threw water in my face and mud at me for no reason!”
Mercedes folded her arms, she wanted to scream at Sam but his mom said what she was feeling. She was hurt that he thought she replaced him. "You stopped being my friend first! And gave my seat away I sat with you everyday since we moved here. I never gave Court your seat." She said her voice full of hurt." Courtney moved closer. "Mercedes and I thought we were all friends." She confirmed but Sam made her cry." Amelia sighed.  "If you were hurt by Sam you should have talked to him, not spray him and attack him." Mercedes nodded still upset but knowing her mom was right.
"Sam, don't you have something to say to Mercedes?" Mary didn't want to see their friendship dissolve over a misunderstanding. "I'm sorry Mercedes." Sam felt embarrassed so he ran to his room, and shortly after James followed. Mary looked at Sam's retreating form sadly. She turned back to Mercedes. "He'll come around. He's a little embarrassed. Why don't you come over tomorrow after school for some cookies and milk and you and Sam can talk things through?"
Mercedes felt tears come to her eyes and turned to go inside with Courtney on her heels. Both parents could hear Mercedes ask Court why Sam hated her so much." Amelia sighed. "Those two, what are we gonna do with them?"
"I think this will make their friendship stronger. It's clear that they care about each other a lot. Just give it sometime I guess." Mary hoped time was all they needed. "Anyway, I have to get started with dinner. And I meant what I said about Mercedes coming over for cookies and milk, if she wants to of course."
“I will make sure she is there, they are too close to let them define their friendship.” Hugging Mary, Amelia made her way to Mercedes room, she and Court were in the bathroom washing off the mud. Amelia sighed as Mercedes looked at her. “I am still very upset with you girl's but I do understand what happened.” Mercedes looked down at her hands picking at the mud. “He replaced me.” She said softly. “Me and Court wanted to include him but he replaced me…” Amelia moved closer to hug her. “Sweetie boys are complicated at this age, well at every age. So just go over there tomorrow and give it time.”
After Sam and James washed up, Mary called them to help her with dinner while the twins sat in their high chairs. "So Sam, I'm sorry you and Mercedes had a falling out. But you do understand that she wanted for you to also be friends with Courtney. And you know she wouldn't replace you right?" Sam nodded. "I want to be her friend. It was just hard sharing her. She's my bestest friend." Mary smiled sadly at him. "Maybe you should tell her that tomorrow."
After dinner, james mom picked him up and Sam went to his room. He hoped that Mercedes would forgive him. He didnt mean for anything to turn into a fight. Sam wasn't the best at expressing himself, so he drew Mercedes a 'I'm sorry' card. He drew them on the Swings at Mercedes backyard. He was pushing her. That was the first time they played together. He wrote, Dear Mercedes, you are my bestest friend in the whole world. I am sorry how I treated you. I should not have given James you seat. Please forgive me, Your best friend, Sam Evans." He climbed out his window carefully, and crossed the lawn to Mercedes window. He knocked, hoping that she wasn't sleeping yet.
After they got cleaned, Courtney headed home and Mercedes helped clean the windows. Once they were done and dinner was finished, Mercedes made her way to her room. She hated that Sam seemed to hate her now, and gave James her seat. Right now she just figured she had a hard time letting go when she was hurt, in the future she would learn it was just her petty nature. Getting ready for bed she heard a knock and went to the window. She saw Sam and folded her arms. “What do you want?”
Sam could see that Mercedes was still mad at him and he couldn't blame her. "I made you a card. Just wanted to say I'm sorry. I leave it out here if you want to read it." He turned to leave letting his card do the talking for him.
Mercedes watched Sam walk away and opened her window fully to take the card. She read it and smiled. Sam knew her and knew what she liked. She didn’t go after him, she would talk to him tomorrow.
The next day, Mercedes was happy to make her way over to Sam’s. She was ready to forgive him and move on and maybe they could all be friends, well everyone except James, she hated james. She knocked on his door and waited for him to answer.
Mary took the cookies out of the oven and went to answer the door. "Hi Mercedes. Come in." Mary closed the door behind her and called Sam. "Sammy. Mercedes is here!" Sam came bouncing to the front door. He was happy to see her but he didn't know what to say. "Well, I'll let you two talk while the cookies cool off." Mary made her way to the kitchen. "Um, I just want to say sorry for being jealous of you making new friends." Sam felt embarrassed, but at least he got it out of the way.
Looking at Sam as she came inside she searched to see if James was there. Mercedes heard his apology and sighed. “I am sorry for squirting you and throwing mud...at you...though not sorry about doing it to James.” She said honestly. 
A small smile came across Sam's face. "So can we be friends again? James won't sit in your seat anymore." Sam felt bad that Mercedes was still mad at James. It was his fault that James sat their. He'll just tell James to apologize the next time they see each other.
Mercedes hesitated for a moment then smiled softly. “Yes we can be friends again.” She said moving towards the kitchen. She would tell him not to let James near her seat again tomorrow for today she was happy with it being just the two of them.
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qb-sam-evans-blog · 5 years
Forward in Time|| Samcedes
Who: Sam Evans and Mercedes Jones @mercedesaevans
Where: Sam and Mercedes duplex, and their new house
When: June 1,2019
What: Sam wakes up and finds himself in five years in the future.
After a wild night the night before, Sam was expecting to sleep well past noon. What he didn't expect was to be pounced on early in the morning, when he lived by himself. He jumped up and was shocked to see a little boy with tan skin and black curls. Before he could ask where the boy's parents were or what he was doing here, the little boy spoke. "Daddy! Wake up!" Now Sam knew he must have had the biggest hangover in history, because this little boy just called him daddy, and he knew he was no one's daddy. Sam rubbed the sleep out of his eye and tried to blink himself awake, but the boy was still there. And when he glanced around at his surroundings, he didn't recognize the room he was in. Sam had to be dreaming but he didn't know how to wake up from it.
Mercedes had gotten up early to make Sam breakfast, he was in shock last night when she told him about the twins, but it was a good shock. She had just placed the plate onto the tray when she noticed that Cameron was nowhere to be found. She knew exactly where he was, where he always was. Putting the orange juice on the tray, she walks up the stairs of their duplex and shook her head as she opened the door. "Cameron Logan Evans I told you about jumping on your father." She said with a smile on her face. "But its morning." She smirked at him. "Ning baby not ting, But still I told you to wait for mommy. " Going over to the bed she placed the tray of French Toast, Bacon, Eggs and Orange Juice in front of Sam. Leaning over she kissed Sam before pulling back and smoothing down the pink baby doll dress she wore and the matching robe that wasn't tied. "Morning babe."
Sam knew he must have entered the twilight zone when a woman, who looked like Mercedes Jones came into the room with a tray of food and kissed him. But her confirming that this little boy Cameron was his son made him jump off the bed, carefully so he didn't drop the food. "What's going on here? Where am I, and why did you call me his father?" Sam looked bewildered. If this was a dream, waking up now would be paramount. "Why can't I wake up? Did I entered some alternate reality or something?" Sam needed answers, but he didn't know if he would get them anytime soon.
It wasn't until she stopped talking did she finally see Sam's face. "Sam?" She said as he hopped off the bed and Cameron moved over to her arms. "What are you talking about?" She kissed Cameron's forehead as he grabbed a piece of bacon and placed him on the pillow as she stood up. "Sam you are awake. What's going on with you this morning? Are you freaking out because of last night? I know it a lot to take in but I mean we always talked about more kids, you said you were happy about it."
More kids? At that moment, he took a good look at Cameron and saw the resemblance. But this couldn't be true. He didn't have any kids, and last he checked, he wasn't married. But the shiny ring or his left ring finger told him a different story. "We're married? And expecting more kids?" Sam thought someone must have slipped something in his drink the night before.  ""I don't get it. Every time I asked you out you turned me down, and now we're married with a son and expecting another child? How does that happen in less than 24 hours?"
Her eyes follow his to Cameron and it was like he was seeing the little boy for the first time. She placed her hair behind her ears walking closer to him. "Sam, what's wrong baby? You are starting to scare me." He asked his question and she smiled shaking her head. "How many times did you get sacked this season Sam? And hit your head? Yeah a few years ago I wasn't interested, but you convinced me to take a chance on you." this was starting to scare her because the longer she waited for him to say "gotcha" the more fearful she became.
"Years?" This couldn't be right, but he saw the fearfulness in Mercedes eyes and didn't want to alarm her though he was pretty alarmed himself. He figured maybe he should play along and get some information out of her and then he would wake up from this dream. "Oh, it seemed like it was just yesterday that we were at a bar and I asked you to take a chance on me and go on one little date, and you turned me down because of my reputation. I bet you can't remember how many years went by since." Sam hoped that he was being subtle and she would fill in the blanks for him.
Mercedes gave a little sigh of relief as he spoke. She looked back at Cam and then to Sam as she sat on the bed in front of him. "Oh trust me I remember. Five years and some odd number of days ago I, after some clever maneuvering by you, agreed to go on one date with you. I say one because I was very clear about that. And yet, you surprised me. Enough to get two and three and eventually get me to say yes to marriage. It's like I told you on our Anniversary, which thanks to your ability to charm me right out of my clothes probably led to these two little buns in my oven, it was the best decision of my life."
Five years of his life that he has no recollection of. But the look of pure love in Mercedes eyes as she talked about their history of him asking her out and she turned him down made him want to believe that this was his life. The fact that he didn't remember their first date, or the day they got married, or her giving birth to their son, made him feel horrible. So horrible that he didn't notice his eyes filling up with tears until one lone tear fell out. He quickly wiped it away. "So we are expecting twins?" God, why couldn't he remember? "Mercedes I just think I had a bit too much to drink last night, so a lot of things are a little fuzzy. I don't mean to alarm you or Cameron."
She could see the look of surprise on his face. Like he was hearing all of this for the first time. When she watched him wipe away a tear that is when the real fear kicked in, Sam didn't just cry he wasn't that type of guy. And that's when she heard it, he called her Mercedes. It had been years since he used her full name.  And he hardly ever called Cam, Cameron. "You didn't drink last night." She said slowly rising from the bed. "You haven't really drunk since you and B went on that bender a few months back to celebrate him being nominated for a Tony..." Her voice trailed off was this a body snatcher situation? Damn him for making her watch that movie with him!
"That also surprised him. He didn't drink? Since when? He was sure he was at a bar last night. "Blaine was nominated for a Tony?" He saw the panicked look in her eyes and hated that he was causing so much confusion. "You know, I'm probably reeling from a dream I had last night. Let's just eat breakfast before it gets too cold. Seems like Cameron has the right idea." He said looking at his son munching on a piece of toast. Sam reached over and ruffled his hair, the movement looking awkward because Sam didn't know how to act around him. "So Mercedes, you cooked this? It looks really good." He sat back down on the bed trying to act natural and begin to eat some of the food. "What's on the agenda today?" Sam didn't know what he normally did as a husband and father, but he would try to let his dream play out.
This was getting weird, and the more he tried to pretend that it wasn't made things more awkward. She watched him with Cameron and if nothing else told her that he wasn't her husband, that did. He was the most attentive and active father to Cam, and that awkward little hair ruffle was not Sam. "Sam, what's going? Are you trying to get back at me by pretending that you have no idea what is going on because you are really scaring me? " And she was scared. This was her fear that one day he would wake up realizing that being a husband and a father was too much. Before she could say anything else, she heard the door open and someone yells "Hello" turning to the doorway she smiled seeing Stacey walk into the room. "Where's Auntie's favorite boy?" Cameron jumped up excitedly. "Here! Stacey!" Mercedes glanced at the younger girl and back at Sam before she turned her attention to Stacey. "Hey, Stace." "Hey Merce, Whoa Sammy, put a shirt on! Nobody wants to see your dad bod." she teased looking at Merce. "Or like he says ‘Rad’ bod."
"Get back at you? No Mercedes. It's just that I had a really freaky dream and I'm probably just reeling from that." Sam didn't feel good about lying to her at all, but he didn't know how to explain it. before he could finish his thought, he heard the very familiar sound of his sister coming through the door and walking into their bedroom. She looked exactly the same and he was relieved to see her. He watched her interact with Mercedes and Cameron and thought she seemed really natural with them. As if she does this on the regular. He glanced down at his body, and then playfully rolled his eyes at her. "Well, this is my room that you just walked in. If you want me to cover up, all you have to do is knock." For some reason interacting with Stacy was easy. It reminded him of when they were younger teasing each other while their parents looked on fondly. "Anyway, Stace, does anything look out of the ordinary to you?"
He was lying, she could always tell, and it wasn't even good lying at that. As he and Stacey interacted she knew it had to be her. She had to be the cause of Sam acting this way. Stacey held onto Cameron and stuck her tongue out at Sam.  At his question, she looked at the room and with a serious note in her voice she nodded. "Wait... yeah Sam something is seriously out of the ordinary." She nodded towards the tray. "That plate still has food on it. God knows the only cooking you love more than Mercedes, is mom's." Mercedes looked at Stacey and smiled. "Yes, and I have come to be okay with that. Your mom can throw down."
Sam chuckled at his sister's joke and sat back down to eat what was left on his plate though it wasn't as hot. And Stacey was right, the breakfast was heavenly. "This does taste delicious Mercedes." It felt weird being so formal with her when Stacey was so casual. He couldn't believe this was his life now. He pinched himself a few times, to see if he would wake up, but all that did was leave a few bruises. "Anyway, Stace, why are you here so early? Not that I’m complaining, but you've never been a morning person."
As Sam sat down to eat, Stacey looked at Mercedes. "Is he okay? He keeps calling you Mercedes." Stacey whispered. Mercedes sighed shaking her head. "TBD Stace."  Mercedes leaned in to kiss Cameron's forehead while he was still in Stacey's arms. Hearing Sam's question Stacey smiled. "I am picking up Cammy Cam for Mom, she and dad are watching him for you guys remember?" Mercedes chewed her bottom lip. "Speaking of, let me go grab his stuff. Cam come with me so we can grab the rest of your things. We will return." She said leaving Sam and Stacey alone.
"Watching him for us? Where are we going?" Sam was still confused about everything and when Cameron and Mercedes left the room, he turned to Stacy hoping that maybe she knew what was going on. "So something weird is going on? This isn't my life. This is either a very elaborate dream, that I can't wake up from, or I'm living someone else's life." Sam knows he probably makes no sense, but it baffles him. "I remember nothing from the last five years. The last thing I remember was that I was a bachelor, with no child. I have no idea how I ended up here." He looked at Stace, with pleading eyes. "You have to help me figure this thing out."
Stacey raised an eyebrow. "You asked mom and dad to watch him so you could surprise Mercedes..." She looked at him seeing the confused look on his face. "With the new house... Sam come on how are you not remembering something you were excited about?" Sam began to speak and she sat down on the bed staring at him. "Sam? What are you talking about? How hung over are you? Are you- are you changing your mind about all this? I mean I am not shocked we all thought you would die a bachelor but when you married Mercedes I thought you changed."
"A house? This is what I'm trying to tell you, I don't remember the last five years. And why are you asking me if I changed my mind? Why would I wait five years and a son later to change my mind? And why am I buying a house? This one seems pretty great and spacious?" Sam let out a frustrated sigh. "Just forget it. You can't help me, and it seems that you only have a one-track mind. I'll figure it out myself."
Stacey frowned. "You and Mercedes wanted a house with a backyard...you are serious, you don't remember anything do you? Not the marriage, Cam's birth...that's why you keep calling Merce, Mercedes." She took his hand. "You need to tell Mercedes."
"I can't tell her. Just because my whole world is turned upside down, I'm not going to do the same thing to her and Cameron." Sam shook his head wishing that this was a dream so he didn't disappoint anyone. "Anyway, do you know where this house is because I'm at a complete loss."
Stacey frowned. "Sam, she is your wife, she is gonna know something is wrong. And Cam,  he's a great little boy. You do know who he is named after right?" She took his hand. "Tell her, she may react to it in some way but she will help you." Stacey shook her head. "All I know is its a house on Cedar... big back yard, all that good stuff. Sorry, I can't be more help. Mom might." Mercedes walked back in the room carrying Cameron. "We are all ready to go! I have his change of clothes and Captain America Pillow that he can't be without. Not that he needs it."(edited)
Sam shook his head. "I'm not telling her Stace. I'll figure out where this house is, and take her to go see it, but I'm not going to ruin her day by telling her that I don't remember her or Cameron. Maybe you can give me some inside information on how I react towards her and Cameron. Like maybe little things that I do that is specifically Sam."
Stacey sighed, she didn't want to fool Mercedes but if Sam wasn't going to say anything, she knew she couldn't. "Stop calling her Mercedes, you don't do that.  You were scared shitless when you learned about Cam but when you saw the sonogram for the first time you just knew everything was going to be alright." She heard Mercedes walking towards them and stood. "You love your family, when you got married you said that the first time you saw her, you just knew. " Stacey gave Sam a reassuring smile when Mercedes and Cameron were fully in the room.  Mercedes placed Cameron on the bed. "Give daddy a big kiss so you can go with Aunt Stacey." Cameron nodded jumping at the chance to pounce on his dad.
Calling her anything but Mercedes would feel weird, but he would try. "What do I normally call her? Mercy, Merce, Cedes? Maybe I'll just stick to baby or love." Hearing about seeing his son's first sonogram hurt him because he didn't remember. He would have to learn how to be a dad all over again and hopefully in time for when the twins will be born. "Thanks, Stace, I will do my best to do right by her." Sam knew that when he first saw Mercedes, he wanted to propose on the spot. He remembered that feeling of butterflies and goosebumps. He just had to channel that. It seemed like he did alright, marrying the one person he saw himself settling down with. When Mercedes came back in, Sam smiled softly at her, but that was short-lived as Cameron jumped on him again. "Woah, buddy. Are you always that energetic?" He said teasing the little boy. Sam gave him a hug and kissed his forehead. "Daddy loves you. You be good to your Aunt Stacy okay?" Sam walked over to Mercedes, wrapped one arm around her waist, and pulled her to his side, before giving her a kiss quick kiss on the lips. "I'm going to head to the shower." He gave Stacy a kiss on the cheek before heading to the master bathroom.
Cameron jumped and laughed kissing Sam then running into Mercedes' arms. Kissing the boy softly, she handed him to Stacey and was surprised by Dam coming and wrapping an arm around her waist. After he kissed her and said goodbye to Stacey, Mercedes looked at the younger girl and raised an eyebrow. "Is he okay Stace? I would never ask you to break that sibling bond so just tell me." Stacey sighed. "He's okay," she said hoping this was just a temporary thing. She would have her dad call him though. Walking Stacey and Cameron to the door, Mercedes kissed the boy once more and hugged them both before shutting the door. Hearing the shower running she made her way to the bathroom and opened the door, walking in. Without another word, she undressed and walked into their spacious shower wrapping her arms around Sam's waist. "Time to "conserve water," as you say." she teased.
Kissing Cam, and Mercedes felt so natural to him, and that confused Sam even more. Why did it feel natural when he didn't remember anything for the last five years. He probably should consider himself lucky that he married Mercedes, because he remembers when he first saw her, he fell for her almost immediately. He remembered wanting to get to know her and to take her. He remembered telling his friends that he would marry her one day. And though he really believed those words, he is shocked that this is his life. He hates that he can't remember what she looked like coming down the aisle, or how their first date was. Not remembering Cameron's birth also hurt him. Those are memories that he won't be able to retrieve. And Sam still wants to know why things turned out this way. He was Sam was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't realize that he wasn't alone in the bathroom anymore. It wasn't until Mercedes stepped in and wrap her arms around him. He jumped, startled, before grabbing his towel wrapping it around his waist, not caring that the towel was getting soaked. "Mercedes! Uh, this is sweet, but I kinda wanted to be alone in the shower to work through some things." He hoped she understood. He just didn't think he could have sex with her without her knowing something was up. It felt wrong to him. This wasn't his life. He wasn't her  Sam.
If Mercedes didn't know something was wrong, she knew now. Sam's appetite was insatiable and he turned her down, turned her down in such a way that it scared her. "Oh umm yeah, of course, I understand." She said grabbing g her own towel and opening the shower door. Was it her? Did he not want her? Old insecurities popped in her mind and she tried to shake it off. One bad morning couldn’t ruin 5 years of Marriage. "I'll just leave you to your thoughts." She said trying to hide the hurt.
Sam instantly felt bad. He wanted to apologize her to her, but he didn't. He didn't want it to turn into makeup sex. He felt that if he had sex with her, then the real Sam will probably find out and it would just cause problems. So instead he finished his shower, and brushed his teeth, before making his way to the bathroom. Once in the room, he looked around to see where his clothes could be, and figured that it would be in the closet. When he opened the closet, he grabbed one of the many Henly shirts, and a pair of jeans before going through some drawers to find his boxers. He walked into the room to get dress but kept his towel on until the last possible moment. He didn't need to flash Mercedes after what happened in the bathroom.
She had showered in Cameron's bathroom and quickly gotten dressed into a pair of hi hugging Jean's and lavender of the shoulder short with a black tank top under it. Throwing her hair into. Messy bun she grabbed the tray and went to the kitchen, cleaning breakfast up and realizing she hadn't eaten, her appetite gone now, she just wanted her husband to tell her what was wrong. Shooting Bas a quick text, maybe even though he and B were in Paris, B could call and talk to Sam.
Once Sam was ready and dressed, he realized that he had no idea where this house was that he brought for them. He couldn't ask Mercedes, because she wouldn't know since it was a surprise. And Stacey already said she didn't know. So he looked through his phone at emails and text messages until he found the paperwork that was emailed to him. He put the address in his maps apps on his phone, and head to the kitchen where Mercedes was. "So, are you ready? I don't know how long my parents have the kid, so we should get going."
Mercedes was deep I  thought when Sam came in. She shook her head. "Overnight,  though I am gonna call them and let them know it's not necessary." She walked past Sam. "Not really in the going out mood, sure you can relate. So I'm just gonna go lay down or something." Something was wrong with her husband, maybe this was the beginning g of the end.
"What? Why? You were excited to go out earlier and now all of a sudden you're not?" Sam didn't know what he normally did to put a smile on her face or to make her feel good. This was like learning everything all over again. Maybe seeing the new house will put a smile on her face. "Come on, just come out with me. I bet it will make you feel better."
She looked at him. "Sam, I'm not stupid, I know something is wrong, and if it's me or the twins, Cam? Just tell me. Please, because you are pulling away from me."
He didn't know what to say or if she would be able to handle the truth. He didn't want to hurt her more than she was. "Babe, it's nothing. I told you I had a bad dream and was a little shaken up. Everything is fine. Can we please go?"
Mercedes stared at him for a moment, something was still off, but she was learning to accept that something she just couldn't control. "Okay." She said softly, he was acting very weird but maybe it was the whole bad dream thing. She grabbed her purse and keys walking to the front door. "Still not telling me where we are going? She asked trying to change the subject.
Sam was relieved that she changed her mind about going out. Now he can show her the house, which would be a surprise to both of them. Sam saw Mercedes grab her keys off of the hook, and saw a pair of keys next to it and assumed it was his and grabbed it. As they walked out of their duplex, Sam saw a few cars in the driveway and had no idea which was his. Last he checked, he drove a regular Toyota. Now he sees a few Luxury cars that baffled him. So Sam hit the unlock on his keys to see which car chirped, and saw that it was the white Range Rover. That shocked the hell out of Sam. He walked over and opened the door for Mercedes, and waited until she was in to walk over to the driver's side. "Nope, not telling you... in face put this on." He handed her a black eye mask to cover her eyes with.
Mercedes was deep in thought all the way down to the cars, she tried to clear her mind, not focus on what happened that morning but that her husband had surprised her with something and she truly wanted to know what it was. Sam had been tight-lipped about it all week. She glanced at the mask and smiled. "God the last time you made me wear this we ended in the back seat of this Range Rover," she said taking it. "If I get sick because of this don't blame me." She said smiling towards him, placing the mask on her eyes she leaned back and decided to just close her eyes and relax on the car ride.
Sam didn't know what events led them to get it on in the back of a car, but he found that to be a bit amusing. "Babe, if you  feel sick, tell me and I'll pull over because throwing up in this car won't be fun for either of us." He put on some music, and just drove the 30 minutes that the GPS said it would take to get to the new house. Sam was curious as to what the house would look like. Actually, he was curious about a lot of things. He knew he was back up quarterback, but how would he afford a Range Rover, and their duplex and Sam was sure that Mercedes had a nice car also. Maybe her singing took off and paid for everything. He wouldn't be surprised at that. Twenty-five minutes later, Sam was shocked into slowing down. He couldn't believe this was the place. Maybe he put the wrong address in. Sam took out his phone and double checked the email. How did he afford this place? It was way bigger than any house he's ever been in. And why do they need such a big house for the three of them? "Uh, babe, don't take the blindfold off yet. I have to check something." Not believing that this was now theirs, he got out of his car, and walked up to the front door and opened it. It was locked. He checked his email again and it said something about him picking up the keys. He looked at his key chain and saw a set of keys that looked fairly new. He used that key, and voila, the door opened. Still not believing that this was their's he went back to the car and opened Mercedes door. "Uh, you can take off the blindfold now."(edited)
Mercedes sighed getting comfortable and when he started to drive she could feel herself falling asleep due to the darkness. All too soon she was awoken by Sam stopping the car. She stretched out as far as she could and waited for the okay to remove that mask. When she did she stepped out the car, mouth agape. No, he didn't. "Sam?" She walked towards him seeing the keys and shook her head still in disbelief. "You bought it? You actually bought it?" She smiled moving closer to him. "I love you, and I love this house. She pulled him into the house and they stood in the foyer. "I can't believe you snuck back here and bought this. When we looked at it a few weeks ago, we saw everything. Our growing family, a place for your parents to stay,  a gym for you, studio for me and everything. And I know you are right, this is the kind of house that a Grammy Winning Artist has, a Diva who rocked her world tour while pregnant and still made it back to watch you lead the Giants to the Superbowl. This is the type of house the Starting Quarterback has, but are you sure you are okay with this? We can go simple you know me as long as I have you and our kids I am good with anything?" She wanted the house, she loved the house but she wanted him to be sure.
Sam smiled at how happy she was. Seeing her big smile made his stomach flip. He didn't know why, but he loved making her happy. He wondered if the real Sam did this because he knew it would put a smile on her face. Still, as she begins talking about being a Grammy Award Winning Artist. When they meant, she was an up and coming star, but it seems like she blew passed that title. He almost choked on his saliva at her star quarterback comment. "Star Quarterback? What happened to Eli?" And did she just say that he led the Giants to a Superbowl win? This was everything he wanted and it would be so cruel to wake up just to find out this was a joke. "This is your dream home, and I think it's perfect for growing our family. And besides, I already paid a million for it, so it's kind of too late to go back on it." He joked. "This is the house that lil Cameron and the twins will grow up in. The schools are great, we aren't surrounded by neighbors. It's perfect." And at the moment, it wasn't just empty words. (edited)
Mercedes looked at Sam. "Eli retired like three years ago, and you stepped up and signed an amazing 5-year contract. You are the man as your teammates call you." The surprised look on his face worried her. She smiled. "This is my dream home Sam, but that also means we are gonna have to hire staff. At least a maid and you know how I feel about that, I don't even like it that Bruno has to drive me places when I am not with you." She walked around but stopped at his joke. "I mean you did pay for it." She smiled. He mentioned this was the perfect house and she nodded walking into his arms. "It is perfect," she said reaching up and kissing him.
"Eli retired?" Sam said in confusion, and then at the worried look on Mercedes' face, he played it off. "Yea, of course, he did... sometimes it just seemed liked it was yesterday that he was playing with us." Sam hoped she believed the lie that slipped out of his mouth. "A maid? Can we afford that? Just exactly how much was this five-year contract worth?" Sam should ask to see their bank statement so he can see exactly how much money they had.
Mercedes nodded. "Right." She pushed her thoughts out of her head, he was fine, this was fine. He asked if they could afford it and she laughed. "Sam,  considering you signed an 80 million dollar contract,  even if I wasn't a very successful Singer and Actress we could afford it." She sighed turning towards him. "This is everything Sam...thank you. Thank you!" She said kissing him again.
Sam's eyes widen at the 80 million dollar contract remark. He couldn't believe that was how much he made. "You're an actress also? Is there anything you can't do?" Sam wondered if he had seen any of her movies. His thoughts turned to mush when she kissed. He knew he shouldn't enjoy it since this isn't real, but kissing her makes him feel safe. Like everything will be alright. He needed to believe that. So he laid his hands on her hips, and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. "We're something special huh?"
"It was you who told me I should take that role, you know I wanted to work with Tyler Perry." She said with a smiled. When Sam kissed her back and pulled her close she melted against him. "Yeah we are something very special," she said wrapping her arms around him. "Have I told you how much I love you? Cause I do." She stood on her tippy toes, kissing him again. She ran her tongue along the seam of his lips, deepening the kiss.
"I'm glad your dreams are coming true. I'm sure that no one is more deserving than you." Sam smiled when she told him that she loved him. He wanted to tell her back, but that wasn't his place. Besides, he barely knows her. And though he was enjoying kissing her, maybe a little too much, he didn't want to lead her on. Especially since he knew that this life was just temporary. He gently pulled away from her. "Let's check out the rest of the house and see how you're going to decorate it. Then we can pick Cameron and take him out for ice cream or something."
Mercedes didn't get it, one minute he was Sam, her Sam and the next he was pulling away like they were in high school about to get caught. Just like earlier, she frowned. It had to be her. He was giving up a night with her alone to pick up Cam early? There was something definitely wrong here.  "Yeah sure," she said walking away from him.
Sam deflated. For having only found out this morning he was married, he could tell when Mercedes wasn't happy with him. He hated that feeling. He hated disappointing her. "Baby, what's wrong? You were so happy a few minutes ago, and now you're upset and I hate seeing you like that. So why the change in mood?"
Mercedes turned to him and sighed. "Sam I just, is it me? Are you just not attracted to me today? Because the last time we came and toured this house we broke in the bathroom. Hell, last night you couldn't stop talking about what would happen once Cam was with your parents but today you just don't seem to want me so I can take it is it me?"
"What? No, Merce, you're gorgeous." Sam didn't know anything about their sex life, but according to Mercedes, it seemed like he couldn't keep his hands off her. And he can see why. It's a struggle for him to remember that this isn't real. "I just thought we can spend some family time together. Spoil Cameron a bit because once the twins come, he may begin to feel left out. But if you want us to have some alone time tonight, then that's what we'll do." He didn't know how he would avoid sex with her, but he couldn't stand the disappointed look on her face, and he didn't want her to think it was her fault.
Mercedes chewed her bottom lip. "I'm sorry Sam, its these hormones I am all over the place you know and feeling insecure and whatnot." She wiped her eyes. "I know it sounds stupid but like sometimes I just feel bad..." She glanced up to him. "I love that you want family time with Cam and we can, your parents will be disappointed though, they were taking him to the Zoo and somewhere else. They love having him." She turned towards the kitchen. "Holiday's are gonna be so amazing in here. And look at this counter space!"
"No, I'm sorry. We'll let Cam have fun with his grandparents and we'll pick him up tomorrow." Sam didn't want to cut his parent's time with their only grandson. He knows that this is everything his mother wanted. She always wanted him to settle down with a nice woman and give her grandbabies. Sam looked at the kitchen and thought it was too huge for just the three of them. "Yea holidays will be awesome, but when it's just us three, won't it feel a bit overwhelming?"
Mercedes smiled running her hands over the granite counters. "Its okay Sam I get it, I know I have been more...insatiable lately too. It's like I know with Cam I was hungry for you a lot but this time its all the time, I look at you, and I just..." she shook off her head and turned towards the oven. "No it's not too big, with your family and mines, our house was never big enough for all of us but this, shoot my brothers and their family can actually stay with us." She moved over to Sam. "Tell me what you are thinking, do you regret the big house? I know your manager said big houses are in right now but I also know you would be fine with just expanding where we live now. So what do you want babe?"
Sam blushed at Mercedes words. He didn't know much about their sex life, but apparently, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Maybe that's how they ended up pregnant with twins only two years after Cameron was born. He wanted her to finish that thought, but he knew that would just cause more confusion and drama.  "I don't regret anything that puts a smile on your face. You have a beautiful smile by the way. Have I mentioned that before?"  Sam shrugged. "The house is paid for already. And it's gorgeous. We can do a lot with the extra space. Let's enjoy it."
Mercedes blushed looking down at Sam. "I think you have mentioned it a time or two before. I love hearing the things you love about me." She said moving closer to him. She hopped up on the counter and motioned for him to come between her legs. "Look at you being all sneaky, you paid for it behind my back? God, I love you, Sam, so much." Placing her hands on the counter she nodded. "Oh there is so much we can do inside and outside of this house. And that pool oh I see a lot of fun being had."
Sam was nervous. He didn't want to take things further, but with the way Mercedes was looking at him, he didn't think he would be able to stop himself. "Well, how about we save the christening for later? I really want to go and grab a bite to eat. Being in this kitchen has made me really hungry."
Mercedes smiled trying to hide her disappointment. She didn't know if it was the thought of her being pregnant with twins if he just woke up and decided that he didn't want to be with her, but he was definitely not into her like he normally would be and that fact alone hurt her feelings. "You know I could eat, hosting twins is a tough job food wise, it's like each child is craving something different." She hopped off the counter and made her way to the front door. She wasn't sure what was going on with Sam but she was starting to wonder if he was even truly her husband anymore.
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see-jess-write · 5 years
“You worked yourself so hard that you’ve been sentenced to three days of bed rest.” (Samcedes)
“I’m fine, Sam. Did I or didn’t I tell you that when I’m in the zone I can get by on little food and sleep?” She’d never admit she was exhausted, to the point that if she went one more day like this she’d not be able to do anything for a week but this was the final day of recording and she’d get in some sleep and a good dinner. Treat herself to a vacation. Tropical and sunny and with those drinks that had the colorful umbrellas and music only played on steel drums.
One more day. 
Only one more day.
“I love you and I love you want to take care of me but let me do what I’m good at and then come tomorrow you can sentence me to bed or wherever. I’m too close to finishing this track and I don’t want to lose my momentum.” A hand went to take his and Mercedes squeezed. “I’m lucky to have someone who cares as much as you and if you want to come to the studio to watch this session, you can. Then you’ll see that I may be tired, and sore, and in need of a hot soak in a bubble bath, but that’s when I give it my all, baby.”
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justpeachy-cedes · 7 years
Anniversary Romance
General notes: Sam surprises Mercedes with an Anniversary dinner, but She also has a few surprises of her own.. 
Warning: Smut 
M: Mercedes was dragging home from work, it was a short walk that she usually enjoyed, but after her first week of school and work she was starting to feel burned out. "I have to find some energy..." She yawned while walking up the driveway that led to their shared cabin. Luckily she got her shopping out of the way earlier in the week, so now she could just relax and cuddling with her boyfriend. "I wonder how long before I say husband?" The thought popped in her head, causing her to smile as she unlocked the front door. "Saaammmy!-" Mercedes called in her beautiful songstress voice, but the flicker of a million candle lights took her breath away. "Aahhhh! Oh my goodness..." She clutched her chest as her jaw hit the floor at the marvelous sight.
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mercedesjjones · 7 years
A Safe Haven || Samcedes
Mercedes held onto Gabby as the driver made their way to Sam’s place. She called him as soon as Damien went to sleep and told him that she needed to get out now. She left with the clothes on her back and a small backpack of things for Gabby. She didn’t want to pack and risk waking him up. She knew if she didn’t leave now she wouldn’t get out. Damien scared her, he had never put his hands on her, so when he shoved her against the wall and left a bruise on her arm, she knew that was one step away from hitting her. As the car came to a stop, she wondered if Sam would take back what he said once he found out she had a daughter. “Well its now or never.” She said to herself. Picking up Gabby, she made her way tot he front door, and swallowed before ringing the doorbell. She shifted the sleeping girl in her arms as she waited patiently for Sam to answer.
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whatifmercyjones · 2 years
Airport Surprise || Samcedes
Mercedes was tired and hungry, the snacks on her private plane didn’t cut it. She was going to have to make sure next time she flew she had steak. She really just wanted steak. Cravings were weird. She figured she would get her bags and then find a car to take her to the hotel until she could go to see Santana and Brittany and also Sam. 
Making her way to the baggage claim, she pulled her phone out waiting for her things, but stopped in her tracks. The feeling was overwhelming and familiar, she turned searching and stopped when brown eyes locked on green. There standing in front of her was the one person she was both not ready to see, but so relieved to see. “Sam..”
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storytime-with-liz · 7 years
When was the last time Mercedes had more than a few minutes to breathe? To the young woman, who poured so much of her soul into the career she was destined to be in; every single second was worth it. Even with that dedication, a woman needed time to recharge and instead of keeping to Los Angeles, which was filled to the brim with spas, Mercedes needed TLC which required a plane ticket and a trip down memory lane.
It took an entire day of travel and talks with her record producer, as she managed to find someone who didn’t come across as a snake and treated her with the respect she expected from someone who’ll help get her name out there - but she made it, finally and made her first stop a high school she’d not set foot in in far too long. The word from old friends, ones who were as much a family as the ones she actually shared a bloodline with, assured her a special so and so was still hard at work at this very school. Which is what led her to this exact moment, hip against the doorframe and arms crossed while she watched with pride, and a dash of amusement, as the man who captured her heart so many years ago. “The teacher look completely suits you.” When she spoke her voice was lyrical and light, and a warm smile graced her full lips and in that instant Mercedes knew she made the right choice coming back home.
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mercysingstheblues · 5 years
Cater To You || Samcedes
Who: Sam Evans & Mercedes Jones Where: Sam’s Office When: Lunch Time What: Mercedes plans to capitalize on the empty office and show Sam a little appreciation. Warning: Reckless Messiness occurs.
She waited till the last of the employees made their way out the office for lunch before she decided to put her plan in motion. She was still feeling guilty for what she did after Sammie’s birthday and the lie she gave Sam for why she had done it. Quinn was right, she should’ve just been honest from the start but Sam would have been supporting in her decision keeping his thoughts and want to himself and that wasn’t fair. Truth be told she wasn’t quite ready for that conversation yet. She made her way over to the door of Sam’s office nerves of steel but she was determined to do this. ‘Slow, start off slow’ the words of wisdom from her bestie surfing through her head as she turned the knob and smiled at the sight of the man she loved. “You know,” she began making sure to close the door and hit the lock. “Lunch time means taking a break,” she finished, stalking towards him slowly, sitting down on the edge of his desk in front of him. She reached for his tie pulling him closer to her and kissing his lips gently. “All work and no play makes Sam a dull boy,” she whispers in his ear and begins to kiss her way down.
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mercedesevansvow · 4 years
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