#same as genuinely being loved and lovingly held (this isn’t saying that lust and romance and love can’t all be equal but the ppl who are
deityofhearts · 8 months
all of my ocs are affection and touch starved btw
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justjen523 · 7 years
Make Me Forget
Ichthys x MC
(Rating E 18+)
I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. The pain felt like a thousand needles in my heart as I raced down the hallway tears spilling from my eyes. I really loved him and thought he felt the same way. How many times had he told me so with such love in his eyes? Had all of it been a lie? Was he playing me all along? We had been together for nearly six months and hearing his words replaying over and over in my mind felt like a cruel joke.
'I must admit Teo, I never expected you to settle for a goldfish. She must be pretty great in the sack.'
'Pfft are you kidding me? She still hasn't let me go past second base.'
'Oh-ho? And you still waste your time with her?'
'Geeze Leon, you just don't get it do you? It's all about the game.'
'Pffft, sounds like a lot of work for a whole lot of nothing. Why bother when you are constantly knee deep in noble goddesses every time you set foot in the Heavens?'
'It's too easy with them. They only want one thing. Goldie actually cares about me and even told me she loves me.'
'Dont tell me you said it back to her.'
'Of course I did. She ate up every single line like candy. It was too easy.'
'But you don't actually love her do you?'
'Ahaha that's a good one. Me love just one woman? Are you outta your mind?'
'Then tell me what good will come of all this? You're just gonna break her heart and make her cry. These weak goldfish put too much stock in their ideas of romance and fantasies.'
'Yeah maybe but I bet she's super cute when she cries. I'll just string her along like I do with all my women and she can be my very own special Goldie toy.'
I couldn't bear to stick around any longer after hearing that. The shock at how coldly and cruelly he said those words made me instantly nauseaus so I took off running. He had no idea I even heard what the two of them were saying as I stood outside the door ready to knock. I had popped over to surprise him with his favorite, homemade milk cookies, but after hearing all that I threw them in anger as I made my hasty escape.
The tears were overflowing as I tried desperately to reach the front door but it was no use, I was practically hyperventilating from sobbing uncontrollably. I needed to gain composure first so I made my way down the Punishments hallway desperately trying to put as much distance as possible between myself and any Wishes gods.
Thankfully since it was already evening no one would be using the reflecting pool so I made my way there as quickly as possible.
Rounding the corner I quickly flung open the door hoping none of the Punishments gods would see me. As soon as I made it inside I quickly shut the door behind me and rested a minute trying to catch my breath. As soon as I did the overwhelming pain once again consumed me and I fell to my knees clutching my hands to my chest sobbing uncontrollably.
Completely lost in my grief I failed to notice that this entire time I had not been alone.
"Woah what's up? You okay?" Upon hearing his voice I nearly jumped out of my skin before spinning around and scrambling to my feet.
"I-Ichthys! W-What are you doing here?" As soon as he saw my face his eyes went wide.
"Working late but nevermind that, what happened?" Ichthys' uncharacteristically serious expression only served to once again remind me of what a fool I'd been. Goldfish had no business in the realm of the gods, a fact I learned the hard way.
"I-Im so sorry to interrupt, please forget you even saw me. I'm gonna go-" As I hastily tried to make my exit a cool hand grabbed my sweaty palm pulling me back before turning me around to face him.
"Unh Unh. You can't possibly believe I'd let you go after seeing you like this. What happened?" The genuine concern in his eyes did nothing to stem the river of tears flowing down my puffy red cheeks.
"I...*hic*" Unable to get anything intelligeble out I once again break down and this time willingly accept his gesture of kindness allowing him to embrace me. Though he is obviously worried he doesn't press me any further and just holds me gently stroking my hair as I cry.
After the initial overload I slowly started to calm down. For whatever reason being held this way by the god of Pisces is oddly peaceful and comforting. Not the words that usually come to mind when describing Ichthys. However, tonight he is everything I need at the moment and I am grateful for it. Feeling nearly exhausted after balling my eyes out, trying to process and mend a broken heart, my eyes feel extremely heavy. Ichthys smells so good and though his hands are cool to the touch his body is warm making me nod off still nestled comfortably in his kind embrace.
As my eyes slowly open I am greeted by a pair of soft grey troubled one's. His cool hand rests upon my forehead, his eyebrows upturned in distress.
"Where... I"
"Shhhhh. Don't speak, just rest. You're safe. You collapsed so I brought you back to my room. I was just about to go get Teo-"
"NO! God please no! D-Don't..I.... never wanna see his cruel face again!" Instantly in tears again Ichthys' eyes go wide upon hearing my words before his expression turns pained and then dark. Without having to even say a word I can see his thought process as he finally pieces it all together.
"What happened?" The way he's looking at me right now with such compassion is more than I can bear. I don't even realize what I'm doing until it's too late.
My lips eagerly claim his as I grab the sides of his face pulling him on top of me. Too shocked and stunned in disbelief he doesn't immediately pull away as it hasn't fully registered what I am doing to him yet. It isn't till he starts to kiss me back that he stops himself and pulls away.
"Woah wait a sec! I...can't! I mean, you're Teo's girl and-"
"No, I'm not. Not anymore."
"Okaaay buuuut, you guys obviously just broke up or whatever and this is... probably a really bad idea." Unable to handle any more rejection I suddenly feel very determined to get whatever I want at this moment and right now that happens to be Ichthys.
"It hurts Ichthys. It hurts so bad I can't stand it. Please, I beg you, make me forget. Even if it's just for tonight." I feel guilty watching how conflicted he looks as he is debating what to do next, but I'm surprised when he wipes the tears from the corner of my eyes away.
"A-Are you sure this is what you want? I mean if you're looking for a one night stand the other guys are probably way better than-" I cut him off by kissing him deeply once again only this time he stops hesitating and fully gives in.
His kiss tastes sweet and is intoxicating. Seeing this more mature side of Ichthys is turning me on immensely and I wrap my legs around his waist pressing our bodies together tightly hoping to feel his arousal. He doesn't disappoint. Though obviously excited I can tell he's still worried and starts holding back.
"Ikky it's okay. I want this. I want you. You're being an amazing and great friend by being here for me when I need you most. So please, don't hesitate. Stop worrying." He stops a moment to look at me as if he's pondering something.
"Touch me. I want to feel your hands all over my body. Make love to me Ichthys, I want to feel you inside of me." I mean every word. I never got this far with Teorus because I wanted it to be special and at the "right time." That's no longer the case. I just want to be swept up in a real man's passion. One who has a good heart and actually gives a fuck about me like Ichthys. He's far more worthy than someone like Teo could ever be.
We stare into each other's eyes a moment before he claims my mouth hungrily letting his carnal desires take over. His hands roam all over teasing and caressing my skin making me so wet it's nearly uncomfortable. When his hand finally snakes it's way down my pants and between my legs I quiver at how good it feels.
"Mm...yeah... more Ikky. More.. please." In one swift motion he rips all of the clothing from my body. Staring down at me with lustful eyes I spread my legs wide for him which is his undoing. There's no turning back anymore. He snaps his fingers and his perfect nakedness hovers over me leaving me desperate for more. He's beautiful. Perfect and carved like a marble statue. My hand travels south massaging myself to ease some of the tension building inside of me.
There's no need for foreplay tonight. His hardness slides into me with ease making me hungry for more. We start off slowly, moving together as his hips rock against mine. The weight of our bodies coupled with the way we move causes his bed to creak and groan below us.
"Mmm..yeah. Oh god yes Ikky, you feel SO good." Wrapping my legs around him I grind my hips against his trying to increase our momentum and friction further still. Sensing my desperation he begins thrusting harder, deeper and faster. Burying his face in my neck as we deliciously grind our bodies together it doesn't take long before we are both about to climax.
"I want to see your face as you cum, I bet you are even more beautiful" I whisper in his ear. He kisses me deeply now fucking me hard as the sounds of our bodies coming together over and over echo off the walls.
"Mm...yeah...right there, don't stop! I'm so close!" I can hear him practically growl in response with such a deep low voice as his cock throbs inside of me. When I dig my nails into his back I push him over the edge causing his orgasm to spill out deep inside of me. With his sexy bedroom voice in my ear just hearing the sounds escaping him as he fills me with his cum is more than enough to cause mine to rush forth. Screaming his name and clutching onto him for dear life I ride it out blissfully lost in nothing other than how good I feel at this moment.
Ichthys collapses on top of me as he catches his breath and I contentedly stroke my fingers through his hair. Lost in the afterglow, our bodies lovingly entwined we have no idea that on the other side of the partially ajar door, a dumbfounded and speechless Teorus stares on in bewilderment.
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