violet-runner · 3 months
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violet-runner · 5 months
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violet-runner · 7 months
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violet-runner · 9 months
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violet-runner · 9 months
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Abdl Canada-verse/Reforms school-verse Caption: Christmas Lights
Rachael looked out the car window as her family drove home from her sister’s school choir holiday performance, mesmerized by the Christmas lights hanging from the different houses in her neighbourhood.
It had been 4 years since she had been age regressed into a baby girl, and 3 years since her family had moved to Canada.
While normally patients of the reform schools and clinics for troubled children would be out of diapers at her stage of rehabilitation, the Canadian laws regarding persons under the age of 30 caused delays in treatment mile stones, the most obvious being potty training.
Do to the chemicals in Canadian foods she was still completely incontinent and despite being more aware of herself again, being treated like a small child (despite being in her early 20’s) by society caused her to slip back into baby mode under the right stimuli. Such as the feeling of the strap of her car seat against her diaper and the flashing patterns of the Christmas lights.
Rachel giggled a little bit as she wet her diaper and her mom finally pulled into their driveway.
A sequel to last year’s caption.
Art by Rocket Manatee.
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violet-runner · 9 months
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It has been three months since we moved to this stupid town. Had we known about the stupid laws put into place we probably wouldn’t have moved here but it’s not like we had many other opinions at the time. My fiancé got a high paying job at an office building near by and we moved here so she could be closer to it. Unfortunately the real-estate agent had neglected to tell us about the towns history and it’s weird laws.
Apparently it was founded as a community for the mentally and physically delayed. As it grew into a bigger and proper town the newly formed town council passed into law that all unemployed members of a household are to be dressed and treated as babies when out in public. It was originally passed to prevent children from bullying their developmentally delayed classmates but due to the wording of the the law it wasn’t long before teens and adults were also babyfied.
“I still don’t understand why we have to do this.” I said as we waited in line.
“To make a good impression with our neighbours. Besides you wouldn’t be in this situation if you would get a job. So quit complaining.” She said whipping some dirt off my face.
Yeah right. I’m only unemployed because I quit my job so we could move here for her job. And It’s not my fault nobody in the area is currently hiring. Well I guess it’s not all bad. I only have to wear this stuff when we’re out of the house which isn’t that often. But we’ve been here for hours and the girl in front of us won’t hurry up and finish telling “Santa” what she wants for Christmas, and I’m starting to really need to use the toilet. I hope she finishes soon so we can get out of here before I use my diapers like a real baby.
Merry Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanza/Solstice/Or What Ever You Celebrate.
Thank you to @jsolano318 for providing the picture. Art by Zee on cushypen.com
Just for fun and because it’s Christmas here’s two captions in one. This one from Santa’s POV.
Just a few more days and it will all be over. I thought to myself as the teenaged girl on my lap continued to list the things she wanted for Christmas. Not missing a beat as she wet the diaper she was wearing.
Replace Santa at a mall a few towns over for a month and I would be eligible for parole come New Years, three months earlier than I would normally be. That was the deal I cut with the judge. It’s not like I would be in jail for a long time anyway.
Last month the guy who was supposed to be Santa was at my local bar and I guess he had one to many and started picking fights. I guess I hit him back a little to hard as he started bleeding when he hit the floor. He later died in hospital. It was self defence and luckily the judge agreed and sentenced me to 8 months in prison with parole eligibility after 4. Then my lawyer managed to cut a deal where I take over as Santa for the month of December in exchange for early parole. The judge agreed and here I am on the last week before Christmas.
If I had known it would be for a town of adult sized babies I would have just waited it out in prison but I guess now I’ll be home for my daughter’s graduation. I just hope none of these giant babies leak.
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violet-runner · 9 months
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Canadian Chrismas Village
“Look Rachael according to this map Santa’s workshop is just up the street from here.” Brittany said, holding out the theme park map to her mentally regressed sister, while their mother Carrie looked at a gift shop window.
“Yeah, Santa!” Rachael exclaimed happily in her giant stroller.
Carrie and her daughters had moved to Canada 7 months ago. A year prior Carries youngest Daughter, Rachael, was sent to the last chance reform school and clinic for troubled girls after being caught shoplifting from multiple stores.
At the end of her daughters first year at the school Carrie was offered a job that required her to move to Canada. After discussing the move with the school and the judge presiding over her daughters case as well as a Canadian Immigration Judge it was agreed that due to the nature of Canada’s laws regarding children under the age of 25 that Rachael would be aloud to enter Canada to finish her regression therapy.
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As the family of three moved towards the line to meet Santa, Rachael began to become fussy before beginning to cry. Taking her daughter out of her stroller revealed the source of her discomfort to be a wet and soiled diaper.
“Shhhh. It’s ok.” Carrie said trying to calm her daughter down as they waited for the Family Restroom to become available.
“What’s taking so long?” Brittany thought to herself as she let out a small fart and began to feel a slight cramping indicating that she too wound need a diaper change very soon if the restroom didn’t become available soon.
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“There we are. All nice and clean.” Carrie said as she wiped up the last of her daughters mess. “And what about you Brittany?”
When they had first moved to Canada Brittany had been reluctant to wear diapers like her sisters. However over the course of 7 months the diet of Canadian food was starting to take its toll. By the time the rest room was free Brittany had soiled her diaper.
Merry Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan or whatever the fuck you celebrate! Here’s a crossover caption of my reform school captionverse and my abdl Canada captionverse to celebrate the holiday season.
(I originally posted this in December but apatently it got flagged again despite the black censor bar I put in place. I managed to appeal it the first time but not this time. It was probably flagged by some unemployed hater with no life that spends all day reporting anything they don’t agree with instead of getting a job)
Images provided by @jsolano318
Art by Rocket Manatee
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violet-runner · 10 months
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violet-runner · 10 months
What he said was:
Your mother is a (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep)-ing (Bleep) lorem ipsum (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) Admitumvenium (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) treguna (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) hippopotamus (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) Republican (Bleep) (Bleep)-ing Daniel Radcliffe (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) with a bucket of (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) in a castle far away where no one can hear you (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) soup (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) with a bucket of (Bleep) (Bleep) Mickey Mouse (Bleep) (Bleep) with a stick of dynamite (Bleep) magical (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) Alakazam
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21K notes · View notes
violet-runner · 11 months
Playing Majora’s Mask Randomized and this was the Bomber’s Code:
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12345. That's the stupidest combination I've ever heard in my life! That's the kinda thing an idiot would have on his luggage.
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violet-runner · 11 months
If you think about it, if an anonymous vote is unanimous then the vote no longer anonymous because you know what everyone voted for.
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violet-runner · 1 year
*Seinfeld Theme plays*
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violet-runner · 1 year
Them: The perfect coming out song doesn’t exist.
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violet-runner · 1 year
Hello everyone. It seems a bigot by the name of @foxytasha thought they were aloud to spread their bigotry on my resent post by leaving this comment:
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They see tans people as an illness. The worse part is this bigot considers himself a part of the ABDL community. Well this hypocrite obviously isn’t aware that the ABDL community supports the LGBTQ+ and not hypocritical bigots like them.
Being trans isn’t a mental illness.
If you’re an abdl and follow @foxytasha I strongly suggest unfollowing them as they obviously don’t support the same values as the rest of us.
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violet-runner · 1 year
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violet-runner · 1 year
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violet-runner · 1 year
Not calling her a liar but just to be we sure will conduct an eye exam. If she could look right here:
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