#same goes for online ppl tbhhhhhh aahhh lmao
hanarchy · 2 years
idk what it is abt me like i might be too eager or too absent or not funny enough, or too honest or not honest enough or just weird but like… I get attached to people so fast and they’re just… not attached to me lol
and i’m grown and i’m ok and i do have friends and can deal with it but some days i just… hate myself a lot bc i’m not a person others get attached to? like am i that boring or that awkward or do i act too detached when i’m actually not or what is it??? thats what drives me insane, not knowing what it is. and whats funny is its probably nothing? relationships just move at their own pace? lol
but yeah i hold back sooooo much, like i wanna tell people i love them every day and that they can come to me if they need help etc etc and i dont say it bc i know its weird and aaaaaaahhh fuck
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