#same w wayv n action figure we will see
wayvtual · 10 months
todays the day i see wayv at kcon n get the trajectory of my life changed forever i hope all my oomfies going have the best time ever n stay safe 💗💗 to my everglow oomfs please stream slay on my behalf 🙏 love u all this is sunmisbf logging off
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hunnyuwu · 4 years
It Was Always You || Wayv Lucas
Premise: Lucas is back in town and you’re not too sure how your heart will manage...
Pairing: reader x idol! Lucas
Genre: fluff, more fluff, lots of fluff, and a little angst (?)
WC: a little under 2k
Warnings: cringe, like always ;)
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Lucas walked further into the dimly lit den, curiously observing the sparks bouncing along the floor accompanied with the loud ring of power tools screwing small metallic parts in the undersides of large vehicles. The place reeked of sweat, gas, and new metals, causing Lucas to slightly cringe and the beautiful concoction of smells. He gripped the item behind his back a little harder, a large lump forming in his throat as he continued on his little adventure through the foreign territory.
“Look who we have here.”
Lucas’s eyes widened at the voice he yearned to hear for years now. He felt relief rush through his body as he looked around for the source of the sentence. The hairs at the nape of his neck stood up when he finally saw the person he came here for.
“Hey, Y/N.” He sighed out, not daring to take his eyes off your form for even a second as you approached him with that smile that made him go insane. A dumb smile pushed the corners of his lips to the ceiling as familiarity flooded his system.
“How has the pretty boy been?” You said calmly as you placed your hands on your hips.
“I’ve been fine.” 
Lucas cursed to himself internally as he ‘unwillingly’ studied your body, like anyone would do, right. You displayed a white tank top with denim jeans. While it was simple, Lucas couldn’t help but admire you like a piece of artwork. He had to admit. You had grown quite nicely.
You sensed an awkward pause between the two of you, so pulled your goggles up to your forehead, wiping some black scum that resided on your hands on your jeans in addition.
“That’s good to hear! Anyways, how did you figure out that I work here?” You chuckled as you gestured to the logo on the wall, the logo of the automobile repair shop that you ended up working for after graduating from high school. You still didn’t know what you wanted to do with your future yet, so this was a good filler in the meantime.
“I visited your mom and dad earlier. And it wasn’t hard to assume that you would follow in the footsteps of your dad.” Lucas bit down a laugh as he watched you let out an embarrassed choke. You nodded understandingly, trying to look anywhere but him.
“Fair enough.”
While you wanted to look calm and collected in front of Yukhei, your heart was beating at a speed that would be illegal to drive in a car. You even felt your palms become sweaty as you tucked them neatly in the back pockets of your jeans. 
Lucas had been your first love and your only love even now. It was a difficult period in your life, your best friend and massive crush had moved to South Korea to become a Kpop idol, which you were extremely supportive of, but you couldn’t help wallow in times when you noticed his obvious absence in your life. You missed him so much that it physically hurt at times. 
It was odd seeing him back, those suppressed feelings that you withheld for the past few years crashed through the barriers over your heart like a tsunami.
“A-Anyways, nice jacket! Fits that whole playboy vibe you know?” You teased, causing him to lightly shove your shoulder with an eye roll, albeit with a large grin. You had to admit, though, that leather jacket that he was wearing hugged him nicely in all the right places, embodying the beautiful model boy that he was. You couldn’t help but eat him up like the eye candy that he was born to be.
“I’ve never been a playboy, and you know that, Y/N.”
“Sorry, the girls loved you, but you never liked admitting that did you. A little birdie even told me that you talked about your outstanding visuals on an interview, saying that no one liked you because you were too handsome.”
Lucas was already so done by your behavior, but he missed this interaction with you so much. He intently watched your cackling form, eyes screwed shut as you threw your head back. He made a resolution within himself, knowing what he had to do now.
You settled down a little bit, giving him your full attention once again. You flushed as you noticed his serious stare, hoping that he wasn’t upset by what you said. As you were formulating an apology in your head, Lucas beat you to the punch.
He brought out something that he kept hidden behind his back the whole time, effectively sucking out all the air in your lungs in one swift punch.
“I got these for you on my way here.” Lucas suddenly became infatuated with your work station as he outstretched the bouquet of flowers your way. You would usually tease him for this kind of behavior, but all you could do now was silently take the arrangement into your cradling arms. You quietly observed them for a moment, a pang squeezing your soft heart.
“Were the peonies a coincidence?” You whispered. Peonies were your absolute favorite.
Lucas gave you a semi-proud look, still retaining that shy side glance from earlier.
“No, you told me that you liked them on your birthday in 2015. I’ve been meaning to give you some for awhile now.” You felt extremely touched that he would even remember something so insignificant. You suddenly felt like such an awful friend in comparison.
“I couldn’t believe that you sent me those care packages when I was a trainee as well as when I officially debuted.”
Your eyes widened, “How did you know that was me? I sent those anonymously, I thought...”
Lucas smirked, bringing one of his large hands up to your hair to tuck a stray piece behind the shell of your ear, “You thought that you could send me those local Hong Kong snacks without me knowing that it was you immediately?”
You huffed, a pout forming on your lips, “It could have been someone from your family or something!”
“The amazing snacks that you and I used to eat when we had movie nights together? Give me a break, Y/N.” You couldn’t argue any further with his logic, so you just chose to hug the flower bouquet closer to your body as a coping mechanism.
“Anyways,” Lucas pulled away from you, immediately causing you to shiver at the lack of warmth that he surprisingly emitted when he was close to you, “I wanted to ask you something.”
Your pulse quickened with the elusive statement, wanting him to continue immediately.
“I’ve been thinking it over these years when I was away and I think it became more clear to me as time went on. I know this sounds irrational, and w-weird, and don’t be too grossed out but...”
“Just say it, Lucas.” You stated urgently, waiting long enough already.
“I-I... I think I like you more than as just friends and... I was thinking that maybe we could try to you know, date or something. B-Because after all this time I’ve realized that I can’t love anyone but you... You can obviously say no! I won’t take it personally or anything...” Lucas kept stuttering and mumbling, leaving you in a state of shock.
Thee Wong Yukhei liked you? The boy that girls and guys alike pined for all over the world? The Lucas of NCT and Wayv? The boy that was walking down runways as a model? The boy that you had been best friends with since you were walking in diapers? The boy you have loved for years?
Lucas kept mumbling odd words down at the floor, allowing you to carefully think over something that you had wished to do for so long now.
Without another thought, you launched yourself onto the poor boy who stumbled a little at the sudden lopsided weight distribution on him. Your lips crashed into his, allowing you to finally feel those lips that you had seen and admired for years of your life. You soon hoped that you wouldn’t regret these actions in a few moments. 
You became wary as he hadn’t responded for a little while, but you physically relaxed as you felt his lips mold into yours, eventually reciprocating the motions of the kiss that you two had so long been waiting to happen. You melted, screwing your eyes shut as you wanted to fully experience what was happening.
You sighed, feeling like this moment was meant to happen, like it was destiny. Everything felt so right that it even hurt you due to the fact that this could have happened so long ago or never even happened if Lucas never approached you. You were just grateful that you were finally able to indulge in the feelings that you had sealed within yourself for years on end. Unfortunately, you knew this would hit some major roadblocks in the future, but you chose to stay present in the moment for now.
Lucas, basically on the same boat, felt like he could soar to the moon any second. The liberating feeling that he felt against your lips finally sealed the deal that his feelings were definite and true, something that he denied himself for years. He didn’t know what the future held for the two of you, him being a Kpop idol in a whole separate country from you will certainly pose problems, but at this point, Lucas knew that he would make it work. He knew that it would work because it was you, the person he holds dearest to his heart. (next to his family of course)
He would make anything work if it came to you.
The two of you were so desperate for one another that your prolonged kiss had practically sucked all oxygen supply you two had, but you kept going like your lifelines depended on it.
“Can you two kids take this outside or something?”
You two practically threw yourselves as far away from one another as possible at the new voice intruding the area. You paled, wishing it wasn’t this voice in particular.
“I-i’m so sorry, Sir!” You bowed, hoping that you wouldn't get fired on the spot.
“Yeah, yeah. Young love, I get it. You can take off early tonight, Y/N.” He waved you off, leaving the premise before you could even utter a peep.
“What a nice boss.”
“Oh shut it, Yukhei.”
“No, seriously. That means I can take you over to my place, like right now.”
“And what’s that implying, Mr. Wong?”
“You will see when we get there.” Lucas winked, sending your heart into a fluttering, messy frenzy.
“Y-Yukhei! You pervy little sh*t!”
~ ~ ~
This was cringe as heck I’m sorry that you read this!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This was high key inspired by this one picTURE HELP
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always5hineee · 4 years
Profit Margin- Chapter 4: Intricacies of Man
Chapter warnings: Mild language
Word count: 1371
       Hendery. She didn't want to see him, and he sure as hell didn't want to see her. She was unsure as to whether he would even respond to her, but she owed it to Kun to at least try. She had no intention of helping him escape. If anything, she wanted to find a way to pin all of their crimes on him. God knew he deserved it. Walking towards the back of the room, she noted his figure in the last cell on the left. She didn't know whether she was relieved or disappointed to see him alone, leaning over with a stern look on his face.
       He looked pale and tense, chest just barely moving with each breath. His frame was a bit weaker than it had been the night before- maybe he hadn't eaten? Whatever, what did she care? She tapped on the bars to get his attention. He didn't look over, only mentioning that he didn't want to answer any questions.
       "Hendery." She said sternly. His eyes twitched slightly, reacting to her voice in almost aversion. His head turned slowly to face her, as if he didn't want to believe what his ears were telling him. She wasn't here. She couldn't be here. He tried to keep his expression still as he addressed her- thankfully, she didn't notice anything off.
       "Ah. Y/N. Should I ask when our court date is?"
       "I don't know. I haven't spoken to Kun's lawyers yet."        
       "Kun's..." He said, eyes shifting to the side. "Is he trying to ge us killed? Why would he offer you a lawyer?"
       "He needs me to contact them for you."
       "You're lying."
       "I'm not." He glared upwards, standing to face her as he walked to the bars. She wanted to back up, the hatred radiating off his frame sinking into her very being.
       "Why would you do that?"
       "It's none of your business. Either way, I'm here to give you the cover story. If you don't take it, it's not my problem, you'll just be thrown into a mental facility or something." His eyes looked up and down her body, although she wasn't exactly sure why. Once they were done snaking her frame, they moved to attempt a glance down the hall.
       "I suppose I'll believe you for hypotheses' sake. What's the plan?" She hesitantly repeated most of what Kun mentioned to her, leaving out anything that she felt was irrelevant to him. He had a clear distaste in the suggestion that her and Lucas were in a relationship, or potentially the idea that he was defending the man from her. She wanted to ask what the fuck he was thinking, but she had already made up her mind. He was insane, that's all there was to it. As she was finishing up, she heard a male voice calling down the hall.
       "Miss? Miss!" As the original man rounded the corner, he asked,
       "Oh! How did you get all the way down there?"
       "I-I was going to talk to Hendery."
       "Have you yet?"She looked to him. He gave a slight shake of his head and a warning glance as the man approached.
       "Oh... Would you like too?" She received no indication from Hendery, but she couldn't afford to fake a conversation in front of the man.
       "A-actually, do you mind if I speak to the interviewer again?" She requested, ready to put the plan into action as soon as possible. "There's... there's something I want to tell him." This surprised the man, but he had clearly been informed of the chances of this happening.
       "Of course, right this way. He's waiting for you in his office." So he was already expecting her confession. Clearly she was not as proficient of a liar as she had hoped. This was her chance to throw him off the trail, though. It's not likely that a liar would agree to confess another lie. That was her hope, at least.
       When she arrived in the man's office, he first asked her if she'd like to completely record the tape. He assured her that she could erase the tape herself and start fresh, the prior statements completely off the record. He assured her that he wanted these 'degenerates' brought to justice just as much as she did. Thankfully, the stress was causing her to cry, helping her performance even more.
       "I-I'm so sorry I lied before." She was bawling, rubbing her eyes like the fragile woman she needed to pretend to be.
       "It's quite alright, you have your chance now."
       "I-" She pretended to collect herself, breathing in deeply with a short sob. "I was telling the truth when I said I ran away." He seemed confused at this. The whole reason he had agreed to this was for her admission of kidnapping, her undiagnosed Stockholm. So why was she insisting upon her initial actions? "B-but I lied about where I ran to..." Interesting... so was she also involved in the kidnappings?
       "I-I'm childhood friends with Kun. I knew he was in the area, a-and I needed a place to stay, get away for a bit. I... I knew he was in WayV, but I was just expecting him t-to be living alone. I offered to leave when I met the rest of the band, but he let me stay." Pretending to be embarrassed, she looked towards the ground. "I- I kind of had a crush on Lucas." Just saying it devastated her. She started crying profusely. Certain that he was familiar with the man's injuries, she assumed it wouldn't be suspicious, but her motives were completely different than his expectations.
       "I'm sorry for your pain. Although, may I ask where you're going with this?" Sniffling, she pretended to be distraught.
       "I- Lucas and I started dating. We had to keep it under the radar, of course, since he was famous, b-but it was really nice. He's a sweetheart. Then there was the problem of my boyfriend."
       "Your boyfriend, as in Lucas?"
       "N-no, my ex. W-we only dated for a little bit, and I started getting bad vibes, so I ended it before things got to serious. He wasn't happy with it at all. I'm not sure how, but he found me. Once he found out that I was dating Lucas, well..." Her head dipped as she made little slashing motions across her arms. "He quickly figured out that they were WayV, so he started stealing their money and killing people with the same names as them as some sort of warning." It was clear that the man hadn't made the name connection prior, making her argument all the more believable.
        "Hendery was out at the time, so when he returned to find h-his band member all messed up, he immediately suspected me. I-" This part would be hard for her to say. "I don't blame him, I'm the newest, after all. He had good intentions. He was only carrying a weapon because he thought I was dangerous and wanted to defend himself."
       The interviewer ws now heartily confused at this point, almost preferring the original denial to this new one. He was confident in a lawyer's ability to take down her initial argument, but... but this? What was going on? He had no time to verify the credibility of this statement. He could subject all the members to a blind test, but they could refuse to take it. In addition, they may have already agreed on a fake story. This was going downhill for him quickly. Sighing, he rose .
       "Thank you for your honesty, Miss Y/N. You are free to return home. I'd ask that you refrain from returning to your temporary home, but I have no legal basis for it, so I cannot stop you. I will warn you that we will soon have a search warrant, though, so maybe take your showers sooner rather than later."
       His final statements left a bitter taste in her mouth as she left, already panicking with the amount of work she had to complete. She didn't know why, but this was for them. It had to succeed.
Go to Chapter 5
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