plastickaiju · 7 years
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Name: Platform: Sametan Artist: Koji Harmon Manufacturer: Cometdebris Material: Sofubi
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juliepowers · 7 years
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🦈GID Sametans🔆!!!
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my-monster-island · 4 years
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Sametan - Cometdebris
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nicholasfung · 7 years
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afuaama · 6 years
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Gnomes | The Forgotten Folk
Gnomes are to elves what halflings are to humans : dimunitive, “quirkier” versions. Gnomes are a bit hard to peg, often described as “dwavres, but not,” gnomes throughout the D&Dverse have had a hard time making a name for themselves as thier own race. So, in my D&D realm gnomes are like my elves in that they have phenotypical colour ranges derived from their subset (negating biracial/bispecies i.e forest+rock gnome child etc.) A noted difference though, is how their eyes and tones are more gem and stone-like.  They’re also even smaller than halflings, averaging several inches shorter, making them the smallest “regular” humanoid native to the Material Plane. Pesonality-wise gnomes are seen as kinda “kooky,” very active, very in touch to the Fey Planes, and natural multitaskers. For mant reasons, it’s a sad truth gnomes are indeed often the last to be remebered or seen. But the average gnome doesn’t mind; in their eyes the folks who matter to them possess the only memories that matter. Pictured are various rock gnomes, the most populous subrace, the first a cliffside ranger, the second a housewife and florist, and the third a jewelcutter rmaking profit in the City of Brass. (SN: real talk, I super disliked gnomes for a looong time. In the Baldur’s Gate series they were all 1) OMG F’ING ANNOYING 2) same big-noses+sametan to dark skin why? aka super uncreative and 3) male. The last a turn-off as I wanted to see a female gnome :P Every single gnome NPC felt like a throw-in meh. Honestly, I was like why are they here? Now, I feel a bit better about them...might give them a fair shake now that I redux’d them in my Forgotten Realms-verse)
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Riweuh banget gusti, damelan meni teu aya tungtungna. Di kantor didamel, di bumi didamel deui, pagi, siang, wengi ngerjakeun damelan, enjing na lebet damel deui, bade ngadamelan tugas—dipiwarangan heula ngiring rapat sareng dewan—jaba 7 jam ngajajanteng di ruangan, raperbup nu kedah direview, diharmonisasi, direvisi aya 8, duka bade nambih atau henteu na—jaba sakapeung sok dirurusuh hoyong enggal dibereskeun—jaba abi teu acan ngartos kumaha petunjuk teknis perihal pajak penerangan jalan? Penyelenggaraan kesehatan?? Retribusi alat pemadam kebakaran??! Peraturan menteri/PP nu mana? Nomor sabaraha? Tentang naon? Masih berlaku teu? Kagentos teu ku UU Ciptaker teu??!
Matriks sareng kajian kanggo perda bangunan gedung diaantos dunungan—jaba 406 halaman—eta teu acan sareng substansi perda na sekitar 112 halaman, ku maca na hungkul ge tos matak pirudeteun—ai teu dibaca bilih katarosan, isin sareng kirang tanggung jawab pami teu ngartos kana damelan anu dipidamel ku nyalira, inventarisasi delegasi perda kedah disisir deui—jaba aya 18 perangkat daerah sareng 127 perda, laporan JDIH teu acan kageroh tos salami 2 sasih, janten sametan di sasih November kedah ngalaporkeun 4 sasih sakaligus, laporan aktualisasi habituasi mingguan diklatsar teu acan didamel tabel-tabelna acan—komo deui rincian kegiatan harian na, draf sambutan pidato bupati perihal penyampaian propemperda 2022 teu acan didamelan pisan—teu acan gaduh waktos pisan kanggo riset perihal dasar hukum, landasan filosofis sareng sosiologis Desa Wisata?! Penggabungan perumda??! Perparkiran?! Kepala desa??
Lebet sasih Oktober—di kaping 25 Pangandaran yuswa na lebet ka 9 tahun, pak sekda saurna bade macakeun wawangsit ti pakidulan—sapertos deklarasi pemisahan administratif ti Ciamis, ai file wawangsitna ternyata scan pdf image—sanes pdf teks, tulisan na rada teu ka baca, janten hoyong dirobih heula tulisan na ka word keun, teras diprint ulang—duh gaweaneun deui wae.
Gusti, abi sanes ngeluh, mung hoyong ngadugikeun yèn abi ayeuna nuju kaseueuran pidameulan sareng tanggung jawab anu sifatna kedah segera dituntaskeun kanggo pertanggungjawaban jabatan, ka dunungan, sareng utami na ka warga-masyarakat, kumargi salami 9 sasih ieu, abi menghidupi salira nganggo artos pajak anu sumber na ditarik ti masyarakat. Abi menyadari yèn abi teh seueur pisan kakirangan sareng keterbatasan na, abi ngan gaduh panangan dua, soca dua, cepil dua sareng tanagi anu teu tiasa dianggo teras-terasan 24 jam kanggo ngerjakeun padamelan nu aya. Abi masih peryogi waktos kanggo istirahat sareng nguruskeun nu sanesna.
Kumargi kitu, abi nyungkeun hoyong dipasihan kasehatan sareng kelancaran dina sagala rupi padamelan atanapi perkawis naon wae anu janten tanggung jawab abi ayeuna sareng kapayun na. Mung sakitu anu tiasa abi dugikeun, mugia gusti kersa kanggo ngawujudkeunna na, amin ya robal alamin..
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killa2 · 6 years
via The Toy Chronicle
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theblotsays · 6 years
Cometdebris' Five Points Festival 2018 Exclusives!
Koji Harmon of Cometdebris is heading to the second annual Five Points Festival convention this weekend in New York City, where he’ll be releasing some awesome sofubi exclusives and customs. There will be at least six different Cometdebris Five Points Festival exclusives dropping at the two day convention: Translucent Pink Tofu Kid (LE 10 - $30), Clear with Glitter Kid Ace ($35), Kappaborg (LE 3 - $50), Red and Green Glow Sametan ($50), Marbled Glow and Purple Kappa Shonen ($60) and Peach Oni Kid ($40). Koji will also have a ton of 1-off customs, which will be starting at just $50! All of these fantastic figures cast in soft Japanese vinyl can be purchased at the Cometdebris FPF booth #344. http://dlvr.it/QVVM9K
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carterie-flavie · 7 years
En ce 19 décrembre, nous fêtons les #Urbain, #Anastasia, #Samantha et #Anastase #Anastasian #Nastase #Sametane #Samthann #Urban #Urbane #Urbanie #Urbanilla #Bonnefete #Fete DuJour #Fete #Mardi #decembre
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causticplastic · 7 years
Those glow in the dark Sametans are collectible bagged vinyl figures!!! They're usually hand painted/sprayed by the artist, and there's hundreds of customs from many indie/lowbrow artists! (They usually run from $40+ and come in old-school plastic bags with a paper tag with custom art!) I think there's also resin poured versions of him, and that he was made for shark hunting awareness and that's why he's got stitches on his fins, showing the effects of shark fin soup on the population.
thats so cute!! i love it. thank u for your explanation 💛
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juliepowers · 7 years
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🦈 Summer Vacation Sametam!!☀️
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sharkbitesonline · 11 years
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Pretty pumped on this years #designercon pickups. A couple of #sametans by @cometdebris and @pangeaseed. Also... the Mako Knight by @theartofskinner. Also got a boat load of free prints for my new place. #dcon #art #toy
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carterie-flavie · 7 years
En ce 19 décrembre, nous fêtons les #Urbain, #Anastasia, #Samantha et #Anastase #Anastasian #Nastase #Sametane #Samthann #Urban #Urbane #Urbanie #Urbanilla #Bonnefete #Fete DuJour #Fete #Mardi #decembre
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