#sammy fabelman x reader
creepling · 2 years
dating sammy fabelman headcanons
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can be read as gn!
you definitely star in a lot of his short films. you are his muse
the way the light hits your face, the way you look on camera... oh he gets carried away
you're probs shy to be in his films and ask him to give you small parts -- or just cut you out entirely. but he says "no, nooooo you're amazing"
you'll be like "sammy i'm not an actor, give the part to someone who wants to do it"
and he hits you with the "you should be an actor! what, you just wanna have a normal, boring job like everyone else?"
and you're like "...yes, sammy. normal is fine"
you admire his creativeness, and he loves how straightforward you are. you can't think outside the box like him, but when he's getting too carried away with ideas, you're there to ground him.
he likes to film you doing mundane things. doing homework? cameras on. styling your hair? smile!
"sam, put the camera away"
"why? you're gorgeous"
"enough with the romantics, romeo"
his parents actually found out about your relationship because of the abundance of film he has of you. one day he was showing one of his movies to his family, but put the wrong film in by accident. then your face projected onto the screen and sammy can be heard saying behind the camera "there they are, the love of my life"
sammy's sisters erupt in shocked laughter "you're DATING someone?"
mitzi gushes "who is that, sammy? do they go to your school?"
sammy is fumbling with the film that refuses to shut off, his face crimson, "MOM STOP"
sammy's a hopeless romantic. before you become official, he was smitten by you and found it difficult to not gawk at you
and now he's dating you?? good golly, he feels so lucky
he makes it mandatory to take you on a date every weekend. your favourite spot is the beach, sitting on the shore and watching the sunset.
i see his love language being words of affirmation. he constantly wants to remind you how much he loves you, and likes the favour returned, but doesn't get butt hurt when you're not as intense as him. he's tries his best to refrain it but.... oh he loves you too much
you hate to admit it, but you like it when he's clingy. because on the days and weeks where he's too busy making his movies, he can't spend as much time with you (hence why he always wants you starring in them)
so when you meet him after a week of not seeing each other, and he just hugs you and splatters kisses all over your face, it makes you feel so happy.
when you don't have classes together and past each other in the corridor, you brush your hands in passing, taking in each others faces, before you have to go off again.
you love watching sam when he's concentrated. the way his lip is tight and eyes hyperfocused, it's a derpy face, but you think it's cute
he likes it when you play with his hair and sing songs softly in his ear. he thinks you have a lovely voice.
when sam is prone to have a panic attack, you're always there to comfort him. you get him a glass of water, sit with him silently and rub his back. now and then you'll say to him "everything is okay" "i love you" "i'm here for you, always". you seem to be the only person that can help him surpass it.
whenever you're having a bad day, sam knows you don't like the extravigants, so he does small things for you. when you graduate and live together, he cleans the house, does the dishes, makes the bed; and cooks your favourite meal for you coming in from work.
he'd just be an amazing partner, and you'd be high school sweethearts grown into loving, supporting relationship later in life. you're there for each other, thick and thin.
he really makes an effort, considering he seen how his parents ended up. he doesn't want the same happening to your relationship. if you were to leave, he'd have no idea what to do with himself.
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Sam Fabelman x Male Reader
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A/N: So after getting my hands on this movie on 4K, it’s finally time to tackle this thing. This takes place a little while into Sam and his family moving to Cali, before the whole monkey thing-. As we all know, Sam is really bad at school so you are tasked with tutoring him. I apologize if there’s any grammatical errors. This one’s for you @danny-boy27 
TW: none (I think-)
He/Him/His pronouns used for the reader insert.
Y/N woke up tired, like really tired. He had stayed up last night studying for a chemistry quiz and his brain was still fried. It took all his energy to get up and get ready for school. Once he got ready he trudged his way to school still on the precipice between being awake and falling asleep. He made it to his math class and was on his way to his seat before his teacher called him.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Y/N turned around and walked up to the teachers desk.
“Yes sir?”
“Hey, so, you know Sam Fabelman right?” The teacher asked.
Y/N nodded even though he never had any interactions with Sam, Y/N only knew him as the new kid.
“Would you mind tutoring him?”
Again, Y/N was tired so it took him a minute to respond.
“I, uh, yeah sure- I wouldn’t mind.”
“Ok great!” The teacher said with a big smile on his face.
Y/N just nodded and went to his seat.
Once Sam had made it into the classroom the teacher told him about the tutoring situation and Y/N supposed that the teacher had also told Sam to sit next to him since Sam was making his way to the seat next to Y/N. Sam sat down and timidly turned to look at Y/N.
“Hey, I’m sorry that you have to tutor me.” Sam said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine.” Y/N said with a reassuring smile.
“I’m Sam Fabelman, even though you probably already knew that.” Sam said, holding out his hand with an awkward chuckle.
“I’m Y/N L/N.” Y/N said as he shook Sam’s Hand.
After school Y/N followed Sam to his house so they could begin their tutoring session. By the way Y/N got a 100 on his Chemistry quiz so he was very happy.
“Soooo, Sam, where are you from?” Y/N asked, trying to start up a conversation.
“Well, I'm originally from New Jersey, but we moved to Arizona after a couple of years.” Sam responded.
“That’s cool.” Y/N said looking up at the sky.
“So how was Arizona?” Y/N asked.
“Hot.” Sam said bluntly.
The two shared a laugh over that response.
“Did you do anything interesting in Arizona?” Y/N asked after the laughter died down.
“I, uh, made movies. Little short films.” Sam responded.
“That’s cool!” Y/N said, genuinely interested, “Have you made any more recently?”
 “Uh, no, I haven’t touched my camera in months.” Sam said, a tad bit sad.
“Ah, what were your films made in Arizona like?”
“Well, the first one I made was a western about a sheriff going after some criminals, and the second one was a war film about World War 2.” Sam said with a smile.
“Wow…do you still have them?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah, probably somewhere in my room.”
“Do ya think you could show me them? After we’re done studying of course” Y/N asked.
“Uh, well, sure! But they’d be without music since I don’t have the record anymore.” Sam said.
“That’s fine.” Y/N said with a smile.
“This is it.” Sam said, pointing at a house that the two were now in-front of.
“Wow, this is a big house-“ Y/N said as he admired it.
“Thanks… I guess” Sam said, unsure if that was the right way to respond to that statement.
Sam opened the door to the house and the two walked in.
“Do you want to, uh, meet my mom?”
“Yeah sure.” Y/N said as the two walked into the kitchen.
“Mom?” Sam called as he entered the kitchen.
“Oh hey sweetie. Oh, whose this?” Mitzi asked, looking at Y/N.
“This is Y/N and he’s here to tutor me.” Sam said, slightly embarrassed admitting that he had to be tutored.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” Mitzi said with a smile as she shook Y/N’s hand.
“And it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Fabelman.” Y/N said with a smile.
“Please, call me Mitzi! And it’s great that you're tutoring Sammy, he definitely needs it.”
“Mom!” Sam groaned, embarrassed.
"Alright, alright, you boys go do your thing, I'll be here being busy." Mitzi said as she grabbed some pots and pans from the drawer.
 “Alright , we’ll be in my room.” Sam said as he walked to his room, Y/N close behind him.
 Once the two made it to Sam’s room the two plopped their textbooks on Sam’s bed. 
 “Alright so, let's begin.” Y/N said, picking up his math textbook.
 “This makes no seeeennsssee!” Sam groaned, pulling his hair.
 Y/N smirked, “I know, I struggled, hard, with this stuff last year too.”
 “I doubt that, you’re like the smartest dude at school.” Sam said, falling onto his bed, defeated.
 “Come on Fabelman cheer up I’ve got faith in you, and we’re almost done with what we’re supposed to go over anyways” Y/N said with a reassuring smile.
 Sam got up and sighed, “Alright.”
 After an hour the two were finally finished and they were tired. 
 “Do you still want to watch the movies?” Sam asked
 Y/N smiled, “Sure.”
 Sam got up from his bed, opened a drawer and pulled out two small cans of film. 
 “This might sound weird but we’re going to have to move into the closet. It's the only place without light.
 “Yeah sure, that’s fine.” Y/N said, getting up from the bed.
 Sam reached under his bed and pulled out a box. He opened it and pulled out a camera. The two boys moved into the closet.
 “Dang, it’s dark in here-” Y/N said looking around.
 “Yeah, sorry, I just need to set this up real quick.” Sam said, genuinely embarrassed.
 “Don’t worry, take your time.” Y/N said.
 After a minute of darkness an image appeared on the wall.
 “Alright, aaannnddd action.” Sam said with a chuckle. Y/N laughed before putting his full attention on the image in front of him.
 Sam looked at Y/N’s face so he could see his reaction to the film but after a couple of minutes it wasn’t just to see his reaction anymore. Sam started noticing how good Y/N looked when he smiled, and how Sam got butterflies when Y/N smiled. Sam took in every detail of Y/N’s face, just in awe of how good he looked in this lighting, not even just in this lighting but just in general. Sam wished he could get a camera and film this so he could have this moment forever. Sam only came to when the film ended and Y/N looked right at him. Sam’s eyes widened and his face turned beat red. 
 “That was great Sam!” Y/N said with a smile.
 “I- uh, I- thanks.” Sam said, wiping his face, as if he could wipe the blush away, as he pulled off the can of film from the camera and put in the next one.  
 “You’re not even going to ask me what my favorite part was?” Y/N teased.
 “Oh, uh yeah. What was your favorite part?” Sam asked.
 “Probably the part where the sheriff was shooting the crooks, how did you do that effect with the shooting?” 
 “Oh, I poked holes into the film.” Sam said.
 “Wow, well I've got to tell you Sam, you might suck at math but you’re damn good at making movies.” Y/N said smiling and looking right into Sam’s eyes.
 Sam sighed trying to stop himself from blushing again, “Thanks.”
 “So are you going to show me the second one?’ Y/N asked , gesturing at the camera. 
 “I, uh, sure.” Sam said fumbling with the camera to get it to start projecting the movie. Once it finally did Sam didn’t look at Y/N anymore because he did not want to be a blushing mess again.
 “Damn, that ending-” Y/N said when the film was over. 
 Sam smiled, “So what was your favorite part,” “Hmmm, I think I loved all of it.” Y/N said with a chuckle.
 “I mean, just from those two, I can already imagine the billboards advertising your future movies with “Directed by Sam Fabeman” in big bold letters.” Y/N said gesturing the “billboards” with his hands.
 The two shared a laugh over that. 
 “Well I guess that's a wrap on our tutoring session.” Y/N said, getting up. 
 “Oh, um, yeah.” Sam said getting up as well and opening the closet. 
 The two stepped out and Y/N sighed.
 “Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow Mr. Director.” Y/N said, making Sam chuckle and blush.
 “Yeah, thanks for your help.” Sam said with a smile.
 “Anytime.” Y/N said, smiling, as he walked out of Sam's room. 
 Sam let out a big sigh and collapsed onto his bed, his heart racing.
Yuuhhhh look at me finishing a fic 🤪🤪🤪🤪. I hope you guys enjoyed this and I just wanted to say that I am open to making a part two to this soooo if you’d like that, let me know. (But also know that I am very slow so a part 2 to this would probably take a while-)
Taglist: @danny-boy27
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PLEASE WRITE BURT OR ELI SMUT I AM ON MY KNEES BEGGINg it could literally be anything and i would love it
Seven minutes in Heaven (Burt Fabelman x f!reader)
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WARNINGS: Blowjob, handjob, mouth fucking, age gap (35 & 45, but never mentioned), swearing, and SMUT!!! BLAHHH!!!
A/N: THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST ANON!!! I’ve been hoping to do this, but I’ll probably do Eli in the future!!
Burt Fabelman looks at you the way every man doesn’t.
He looks at you with love, passion, and sweetness. Instead of a shitty way like the other men in your life.
But tonight, the way you sensed he was stressed when he walked into his apartment was quick.
Sammy, his son, was out for the night, going out with some friends.
So you stayed at the apartment the whole day and called off work.
Leaving only him to go to his work alone.
“Honey?” You walk towards him, wearing his button up shirt, and his pajamas pants.
He sets his hat on the coat hanger, before setting his forehead against the wall. “I’m gonna kill my boss, baby..I am.” He groans.
Setting your hands on his shoulders, you start to rub them slowly. “He’s not giving you that raise..Isn’t he?”
He nods to your question, sighing, “How am I gonna pay for Sammy’s stupid camera equipment?” he mutters.
You don’t stop rubbing his shoulders, wishing this could help him in some way. “Baby, I-I can do that. I have enough money.” You remind him.
He has a love and hate relationship when it comes to you helping him with Sammy.
The pros are getting used to each other, Sammy actually liking you, and others.
The cons are trying to help Burt with Sammy.
He knows his son, he loves his only son, but he’s not ready for you to be an actually stepmom to Sam.
You both aren’t married yet, but you both were married to different people.
It just feels weird to Burt, getting his flashbacks to his own stepfather.
“Baby, I-I love you, but no. You’re not paying for that.” He removes his head from the wall, before turning around, and leaning against it.
Slowly stopping rubbing his shoulders, he wraps his arms around your stomach, and leans down to rest his head on your shoulder blade.
He sighs, “Just go to the bedroom for awhile, I’ll be there when the football game is over.” he kisses your shoulder blade, before walking away, and setting his head high.
You needed to fix this. By not talking, by doing something.
Slipping on a pink, short, silk nightgown you found on a sears catalogue, you walk towards the mirror, before smiling.
“He’s gonna love this.” You whisper to yourself.
You turn around, walking to slightly open the bedroom door, watching Burt from afar.
He sips his tea, before setting it down on the coffee table.
You quietly open the bedroom door more, before closing it behind you after you secretly walk out.
Tip toeing to the side of the couch, he turns his head to see me quickly.
Fuck, you thought, you spoiled your prize, Burt.
His eyes widened, before softening as he looks at you in awe. “Angel?” He whispers to you.
Walking towards him, you bite your lip. It’s been months since you guys had sex, you probably guess why that’s the reason he’s cranky.
Burt gently sets his hands on your waist, looking up and down on your body. “Oh, angel,” He whispers, “you’re screwed up and brilliant.” he chuckles quietly.
You smile down at him, he slides you down on his lap, still star strucked.
“Y/N..” He whispers, setting his head onto your tits. “It’s been almost eight months and four days since I ever saw you like this.” He breathed out.
He counted how many hours, days, months, since he saw you in your true form.
An angel, he believes.
You felt his erection poke out of his work pants by the bottom of your white underwear.
Slowly running your hands up and down on his back, he closes his eyes, and then opened them back up to look at you.
“Please..Can we?” He breathes out again, which you nod in response.
“I only have eyes for you.” You remind him, basically giving him consent.
Within a second, he kisses you deeply, his hands up sliding up to grab onto your breast.
You moan into the kiss, leaning onto him. He rests back on the couch, ignoring the football playing on little tv.
Continuing to kiss him, but you trail down slowly, getting off of his lap.
He’s still in his work suit, he’ll kill you if he cums on this suit, probably gonna make you even lick it off if he’s feeling good.
Slowly getting off of his lap and onto your knees down on the floor, you separate your legs a bit as you sit on his cold, leather shoes.
Kissing his zipper, you pull away, and pull the metal zipper down.
He looks down at you, watching you with tired but love in his eyes.
He can’t handle the slow, teasing you always did to him
You were his. You had to do some teasing.
Putting your cold hand under his pants and into his boxers, you found his hard cock.
It’s seven inches, but it’s thick, really thick. Enough for you to take him within a minute in you.
Slowly pulling it out, you look up at him. “I love you.” You whisper.
He grabs your hair gently, making a lazy ponytail. “I love you too, honey.” He whispers back, never breaking eye contact.
Putting the tip in your mouth, lightly sucking it to slow things down.
He gasps quietly, looking up at the celling with his eyes closed. He’s weak in the knees for you.
Only for you.
Pulling your head down more by the hair, he groans loudly. “Fuck, baby, I needed this from you.”
You start to bob your head slowly, closing your eyes tightly. He feels so good inside of your mouth.
His pubes tickling your nose each time you deep throat him just for a second.
His cock twitches in your mouth, now bobbing your head quickly, and shaking it.
He puts his hand on the back of your head, guiding you deeper and deeper.
You pull your head up to look at him, now jerking him off while smiling.
Your lips are wet, sloppy, and his pecum is even on it.
He feels your cold hand wrap around his cock, making his hips thrusts upwards in your hand.
“Wish..this..was..your..mouth.” He growls between thrusts, his teeth clenched.
He pulls your head down back on his cock, slapping your hand away.
His hips are thrusting in your mouth now, instead of your hand.
You couldn’t breathe through your mouth, grabbing on his thighs through his brown pants.
Feeling his speed, he’s already close. So close.
Then suddenly, he reaches his point.
His hips are off of the couch and against your nose, his hip twitching as his cum fills your mouth up.
“Fuuuuuuck..” He sighs in relief, a fainted smile placed on his soft lips.
Burt looks down at you, smiling. “Touchdown.” He chuckles.
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odiesdayoff · 1 year
Parent-Teacher Conference
pair: Burt Fabelman x fem!reader
summary: As Sammy’s teacher, you request a meeting with his parents. Maybe you get a bit too close to his recently-divorced father...
warnings: inappropriate relationship & age gap (all legal no worries); drunk kisses
im sorry steven spielberg for writing about your fictional father. ur fault for casting paul dano.
originally supposed to have smut but then i put off writing this for months.
this is not very proofread, i needed this out of my google doc
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You were always glad to hear the final bell of the school day. All the students in your last-period class spilled out of the room and you were left with a silent room for the first time throughout the day. As much as you loved teaching and all of the students you had, there was something special about not having them around.
Just as your bag was packed and you nearly started to put your jacket on, you heard a knock coming from the doorway. A man stood in a brown suit with a white button-up shirt underneath. His hair was neat and only a strand fell in front of his face, right in front of his circular glasses. He looked familiar and you guessed that he was a parent of one of your students, which was highly unusual.
“You’re Miss L/n, right?” You nodded and his confused expression turned into one of satisfaction, “I’m Sam’s father. I believe you sent a note home wanting to talk?”
You waved him inside and gestured for him to pull up one of the student chairs to your desk, “I have to say, it’s unusual that I see a father come in for a meeting like this. Nice to show involvement in your child’s life.” He grinned in response, awkwardly sitting in the chair that was a little bit too small for him.
He folded his hands and rested them on the desk, “Well, my- she’s very busy right now.” You caught his smile falter for a moment before he returned to his cheery disposition.
“I’m glad you’re here. I just wanted to talk about Sam’s performance in class. For the past few weeks, I’ve noticed him becoming a bit distant during class. His performance on assignments hasn’t changed, he’s still quite the exceptional student,” You tried to search your desk for his latest essay, a creative writing piece that you were absolutely blown away with. It seemed to be under the pile of useless announcements and other things the administration had given you during the day.
You finally pulled the essay out and handed it to him, “He's about to start filling out college applications and I think that it would look better if he was in a higher-level class. I only teach A-track classes, but I spoke with the honors English teacher and she would be more than willing to accept him mid-year. It’s up to you to decide if that’s a good idea for him.”
He let out a sigh and a bit of a laugh, “I thought this would be a disciplinary meeting, so this is fantastic to hear.”
“Don’t worry, sir, he’s a wonderful kid. I just think he’d be happier with more stimulation, especially with all of those films he’s making,” You never actually saw one, but you certainly heard all about it from the students and faculty, “I usually let parents discuss this at home before making a decision, unless you’re on the same page as Mrs. Fabelman.”
He scratched the back of his head, “My wife, she’s, well, not really my wife anymore. Sam was the one that discovered everything first, actually. You see, she’s actually in love with my best friend and now my girls are in another state with them, and Sam’s with me.” The silence in the room was a bit deafening. You had no idea how to respond, “That’s primarily why I was so concerned with this meeting. He’s dealing with that whole situation and I just want him to be happy, you know?”
Hesitantly, you nodded. 
“Oh dear, what am I doing? You don’t want to hear any of this,” He wiped his face with his hand and stood up from the chair, making a screeching noise against the floor. 
You followed his movement, standing as well, “It’s okay! I was gonna leave after this, would you say yes if I offered to buy you a drink?”
It wasn’t California’s nicest bar, but it gave a sort of homey feeling that you--and by association, Mr. Fabelman--needed right now. Not many people were here, given the fact that it was barely five in the afternoon. 
Sitting next to each other in a booth, he spoke about his life while you listened and nursed a long island iced tea. Other than a few antics from his wife--or ex-wife?--and children, it seemed highly normal, and if you were being a bit rude, mediocre. You could tell by the more personal he got about his life story, the more the alcohol was in the driver’s seat.
Once he asked about you, it seemed to have snapped you out of your listening mode. You took a sip of your drink, “There’s not much to say about my life, really. I had a pretty normal childhood, went to college, and now I’m working.”
He raised a brow, “What about romances? Surely, you’re married or at least dating someone!”
You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks before you shook your head, “It’s not really a priority for me. The last time I seriously dated someone was in college, but obviously, that didn’t work out.” 
“It’s hard to believe someone as beautiful as you is still single,” He stared into your eyes, almost in a daze, or perhaps, he was mesmerized by you. The alcohol was definitely in his system, but there was enough in yours as well to find it a bit endearing. He was a good-looking guy with a few family issues, not too much of a red flag. The age was a concern, though.
He kept his blank stare for a moment, then leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You weren’t sure how to react, looking back at him with doe eyes once he pulled away. He shuttered, maybe out of embarrassment, and quickly began to stutter through an apology, “I don’t know what came over me, I-”
Without much thinking on your end, you grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a second kiss. You could taste the faded chapstick on his lips even once you separated. 
It was a sort of post-kiss clarity that suddenly hit you and the situation you were in finally was realized. Your eyes widened and your hand went to your forehead, pushing some of your hair from your face, “Oh my god. This is so unprofessional”
You quickly grabbed your bag and jacket before rushing out, despite Burt’s protests. You couldn’t believe it, kissing a student’s father deliberately. If anything gets out, your job is gone.
“Once again talking about our short stories, I want to remind you all that there is a twenty-page limit and it is due on Friday. Write about anything you want,” You leaned against your desk while the students rolled their eyes and groaned over the big project of the semester. This was usually the case for anything you assigned, despite how fun you might've thought it was.
Before anyone could complain any more about the assignment, the bell rang. In mere seconds, your full room of students was empty. You sat on your desk and pushed some ungraded tests aside. That was a job for you tomorrow, or maybe tonight if you were bored. It’s not like you had much going on in your life.
A few birds flew past the window and for a moment, you longed to be one of them. Your concentration on them broke with a knock at the doorframe and the familiar Sam Fabelman standing next to the light switch. 
You gestured for him to come in and watched as he anxiously walked into the classroom and sat at the frontmost desk, “I’m moving classes on Monday. It’s official.” He had a faint smile, but it didn’t look necessarily happy. He was a boy that had naturally sad eyes, much like his father. They were much more noticeable now.
“You’re an exceptional student. As much as I love having you in class, you’re just too advanced for it. It’ll look great on your resume for schools.” You tried to reason with him. He sighed, fiddling with his fingers in his lap.
He looked down, “Can I still have lunch here?”
With a soft smile, you nodded and checked your watch, “Aren’t you going to miss the bus?”
He flinched for a moment, then realized the time as well. He sprang from his seat and rushed out of the classroom, waving a quick goodbye before disappearing completely. 
He was a good kid. You couldn’t help but admit that you were a bit sad not to have such a kind soul in your classroom every day. It certainly beat the cookie-cutter California kids that drowned the population of the school. 
You didn’t want to get attached to any students, knowing that they would leave after ten months and be replaced like clockwork. Hopefully, when he eventually gets famous for his little movies, he would remember you. Or thank you, if you wanted to be a bit delusional.
More papers were stacked in front of you, finally meticulously graded. The weekend was upon you. No more students and your clock was going to run out in just a few minutes. No longer contractually obligated to be in the building. Like Cinderella, but instead of midnight, it was 4 pm.
You locked your classroom door behind you and fixed your bag on your shoulder. As you turned, there he was, standing right in front of you. You jumped back and held your chest. 
Burt Fabelman in the flesh.
“Oh! Hello, Mr. Fabelman.” You caught your breath and regained your normal stance.
He smiled at the sight of you. “I just wanted to make sure that everything was okay with Sammy and his class transition,” He paused, “And between us.”
This wasn’t exactly what you wanted to deal with at the moment or deal with unprepared, but such is life. You looked at him with a soft smile, “Of course it is. Look, we’re not bound to a parent-teacher relationship now, so we can just call it water under the bridge.”
You nodded and began to continue your walk to your car, hoping that he wouldn’t follow. You weren’t exactly so lucky in that department.
He was hastily following you, now stuttering over his words and making whatever he might be trying to say incomprehensible. You could hear his footsteps over everything else. He caught up, “Would it be unprofessional to ask you out, for real this time, considering that we technically have no relationship with each other inside the school?”
You knew that this was coming and every cell in your body was screaming at you to decline his offer. You knew what that might entail if one nosy parent or student caught wind of your escapades and eventually traced your relationship with him to the parent-teacher meeting. However, he was attractive. And you would be lying if you said that you didn’t think about kissing him again or doing more.
“I…Yeah. I’d love to go out with you.”
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creepling · 2 years
Hiiii!!!!! please please pleaseeeeeee keep writing for sammy fabelman😭 (pref gender neutral or male reader) maybe meeting his parents and family for the first time? also please tag me in any sammy writings i love them!!!!!
remember to drink water!! <3
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gif cred: @manderley
ask and you shall receive!
meeting the fabelmans - headcanon (gn!reader)
sammy would speak low of his family, not in a nasty way, just because he knows that his family will 100% embarrass him.
mitzi will show you embarrassing baby photos. his sisters will ask you intrusive questions, and burt will ask if you're up-to-date with the news on computing science and bore you to death.
but the biggest worry was the family secret - he hasn't told you yet. how can he introduce his parents to the love of his life when their own marriage is falling apart?
you, on the other hand, were estatic to meet sam's family.
if you're jewish, you'd find comfort in meeting another family just like your own; as sammy is the only other jewish person in the school.
if you're not jewish, it's not a concern; the fablemans have no quarrems with that kind of thing, and that's all that matters.
mitzi would suggest going on another camping trip, using the bonding moments to get to know you and let you see what activities they like to do as a family
burt, however, suggests just inviting you over for dinner; not to get you too overwhelmed. "nothing beats good company while eating a nice meal."
ultimately it's up to sammy how he'd like to introduce you, and ends up going with the dinner option.
"at least it's easier to run off from a dinner table than the middle of a forest" his excuse was.
you ask "what makes you think i wanna run off?"
"not you, per say. was thinking more me running away, to save me any embarrassment"
you try your best to make a good first impression
wearing your best clothes, polished your shoes, got your mum to bake a cake as a gift.
sammy insisted you didn't need the cake, so when you arrived with it in hand, you felt a bit foolish.
but as mitzi opened the door, and her face lit up at the sight of you (glimpsing the cake) you felt less nervous.
you're welcomed with open arms. literally. the minute burt took the cake with thanks, mitzi engulfed you into a hug.
"you never told me they were so handsome/pretty, sammy" she says
sammy rolls his eyes "yeah, forgot to mention that obvious bit of information"
everytime sam makes a sarcastic remark, you shoot him a stare like "chill out, ok?" and he tries to calm his nerves.
the fabelmans took their turn in talking with you.
you chat with reggie and natalie while mitzi cooks, chuckling at the cheeky remarks they make about there brother
"we never thought he would date anyone!" they both giggled.
"fun fact, it was actually me that spoke to him first, he was so shy" you told.
their giggles grow in volume, "that's no surprise!"
sammy sinks lower in his seat. wishing he could disappear.
like sam guessed, when you all sit at the table and grab servings, burt asks you questions about school; what you're studying, what job you want to persue, do you think about going to college, etc.
you tell him about your ambitions, and he seems impressed.
he talks rambling about computing science, telling you how it'll kick off in the next decade, and it's a good profession to get in.
"they don't wanna do that stuff, dad," sammy sighs.
"no no no, keep going mr. fabelman, it sounds really interesting"
you genuinely are interested, seeing a father be so excited about something. but you also wanted to playfully nudge sammy, knowing it'll annoy him.
you talk to benny also, erupting in laughter at his silly stories and bent-double jokes.
sammy seems a little tense when you talk to him, but you try to shrug it off.
if only you knew what was really going on.
finally, mitzi has her moment to shine with you. you gives you random compliments, getting and giddy and saying "oh my boy is so lucky!" and it makes you blush.
after dinner she goes to her piano and asks you your favourite song. the family chant about how talented she is at piano, and you're eager to listen.
"i really like that one song on the radio, oh i can't mind the name..."
"i know exactly which one it is!"
mitzi stretches her fingers and begins to play. you know it immediately, looking to sammy with a smile. he smiles back, glad to see you happy.
by the evening, you thank the fabelmans for the wonderful meal, and expressed how you genuinely enjoyed yourself.
they welcomed you so fluently, it was a surprise. you were gratified by their generousity and kindness.
"you're welcome anytime," they say, insisting sammy to bring you every weekend.
sammy begins to walk you home, growing silent. he lets out a distressed sigh.
"wasn't so bad, was it?" you say.
"surely you get that most of that was all a front," sammy rolls his eyes.
"and what? all families have their skeletons in the closet. my family has a chest full of them!"
sammy stops in his tracks, staring in a cautious matter, as if he wanted to tell you a secret. you grew worried.
"there's stuff you don't know, okay? and... i'm just not ready to tell them. one day i'll tell you, but right now, i feel like i can't tell anyone, like i have to die with this secret."
you could almost feel the weight on his shoulders. your eyes grew in sympahy.
you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and planted a kiss on his lips, him reacting swiftly and returning the favour; your embrace soothing him.
you pulled away, looked into his eyes, and say "you can tell me when you're ready, i'm here for you; always,"
sam smiles, appreciative of your gentle sympathy. he walks you the rest of the way home, holding your hand in his.
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creepling · 2 years
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