#sams a self pitying motherfucker who will find a way to victimize himself always
lightningonatether · 1 year
Thought: Sam going into his plushie form unconsciously when he's asleep and having a nightmare. One time it's a night terror, and Dream is trying to wake him up. It works, but Sam immediately latches onto Dream and won't let go for hours.
When Punz comes back Sam is still in plushie form and does the "I'm going to blow up" intimidation thing and hisses, all while still clinging to Dream.
I know this is VERY cracky, but listen he's just.... he's just a littol... he a smol mans.... with toe beans....little baby mans.
dont worry anon the premise of the au intentionally allows for crack. sometimes i just want to draw bullshit.
but your ask is something that does happen!!! sams incredibly clingy with dream when the opportunity allows itself. especially when he figures out dreams more likely to be nice to himmmmm :((((.
i dont want to say "yes this happens all the time and dreams perfectly okay with comforting sam whenever he has nightmares" but. dream Does comfort him on a few occasions and sam Is very pathetic and miserable and clingy about it. a little bit on purpose. his plush form is like the only reason hes still alive sooo. why not lean into the pathetic miserable weak and hurting cat persona.
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