#samson being the realest when he said that
eddie-redcliffe · 5 months
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'Especially always being the funny guy, it's hard to convince people that you're anything other than that. Just seeing Rhys really hone in on those moments was like 'Oh, shit, alright.' It's really beautiful.'
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Glad the storm didn't give you trouble! Also: #23 for the 200 word prompts, in an AU maybe?
Wow. I loved this one more than I thought I would initially. Thanks for it! Prompt 23 ahead: “Why did you spare me?” Surprise surprise ahead ;p
The morning before everything changed, he woke up, and everything made sense. Everything was all right in the world.Everything was where it should be.
It was anightmare that drew him from the fade, though that was to be expected. Theywould never allude him. At the very least his rank allowed him privatequarters, and only the walls of his room in the Gallows bore witness to hiscries. Yet he shook the nightmare of Uldred and Kinloch away, washed, anddonned his uniform as ceremoniously as he always did. He did so because it waswhat he had to do. What he would always have to do, to make the world safe. Hecaught a glimpse of the insignia engraved in his breastplate before he left.
This was his sacred duty.
Meredith hadcalled him into her office as well. Nothing unusual. There’s word of an apostate in the Wounded Coast. If they resist, kill them.Take Samson with you.
They alwaysresist, Samson said before they departed, though Cullen knew it was what Samsonalways told Meredith when he came back from a mission.
They arrivedat the Coast to the cave. Samson went one way, Cullen the other. Itwasn’t wise to split up but Samson had insisted. There was only one, he said. One would be easy enough. So Cullen traversed throughthe darkness, sword and shield in hand. Someone was there, that was abundantlyclear. The torches lit the way, and when he turned, he saw the light of a fire.It seemed whoever this apostate was, they wanted to be found.  He heard voices, whispers of templars thatmay find them, coming from a voice distinctly feminine. More than one, he realized, and she didn’tknow how right she was about that fact.
He woulddispel the area and tell them to surrender. It was the least he could do beforeSamson came, he knew that man wouldn’t be as merciful.
Later, bitterly he would laugh as he remembered, because he wokeup that morning and everything was as it should be. It was right. He knew hisduty. He knew. Yet when he saw this woman, this mage appear for the first time, fire pooling in her palm, he forgot everything until there was only her.
Dumbstruckhe stared. It couldn’t…it couldn’t really be…
It wasimpossible. The woman from the book of stories his mother used to put him tobed with couldn’t really come to life from the page, be this woman no less.Not her, not this mage…
But Maker’sbreath she was looking at him with all the same determination as Cliodna, thewoman who had searched the lowlands, looking for her lover.What did thiswoman search for? Freedom perhaps, it was what all apostates wanted, andexactly what they couldn’t have.
They stared,neither one so much as breathing in this space that they created, the spacewhere the apostate and templar lay in wait, something more than distrust and blind hatred tangible in the air. Perhaps, he thought, it was fascination, or at least a mutual unwillingness to strike. However, just as Cullen kept his sword drawn and shield ready, the fire kept pulling in her hands, though the glow was growing dimmer anddimmer.
The fire mayhave dimmed in her palm, but in her eyes, blue as the deepest sea, grewbrighter. Such a contradiction that shouldn’t even have been possible: fire inthe sea of blue. Yet there it was.
Her hair wasa dark brown, long and to her back, loose and unruly. She wore the standardcircle robe, blue and unshapely as it was, though upon further inspectionCullen could see she filled out the robe rather well. She was rather tall, andher hips were well defined, as was her…
What was hedoing? Maker what was he doing? He should have dispelled her. If Samson hadfound her first he would have killed her for daring to draw fire upon him.
Yet Cullenwas struck with something. Something that made his heart pound a million beats. He woke upthat morning, and he knew his duty. He knew that if a mage ever dared to reignfire upon him, even so much as have it in their palms, ready to attack, thewould have to slay them. When Cullenwoke up that morning, he would have never known he would see this woman, mage,being that so perfectly emulated Cliodna, and allow his sacred duty to fall tothe wayside.
He would not strike her.
Slowly, hesheathed his sword. Slowly in turn, the fire in the woman’s hand died. Thetorch nearby illuminated her face however, the curve of her jawline, the upward flex ofher right eyebrow, the quizzical expression.
“Who areyou?” she breathed, her voice a deep contralto.
“My name isCullen,” he said, surprising himself. “I’m…I’m a templar.”
A lookcrossed her face, one that distinctly said, Really stupid? At least shegave him the curtesy not to say anything. Instead she crossed her arms, andoffered him her name. 
Her name wasLydia.
“Lydia,” herepeated, the name sounding strange on his tongue. “It…you should…”
Dammit, whatwas he doing? What was he…?
“Listen, Idon’t know why you didn’t strike, but—"
“Just go.”
Once he saidit he could not take it back. What surprised him though, was how much he didn’twant to take it back.
To the Makerand Andraste he did not wish to take it back.
She stared,mouth agape. “What? You’re not…”
“Go,” hecommanded. “Go before my companion arrives. If you flee now he won’t find youand you’ll live.”
She blinked,unbelieving. “I don’t—why are you sparing me?”
Shedisappeared to the back, and before he could shout at her she was going thewrong way she emerged with two others, a man and a female elf, the two of thembarely so much as glancing at him as they darted out.
Sheremained, staring into his soul.
“Thank you,”she said, and then as quickly as his eyes met the sea blue of hers, shewas gone again.
Cullenwaited for Samson to find him. “Well?” the other templar demanded.
Cullenmotioned to the dying embers of the fire. “Gone,” he said, and as Cullen walkedthe Wounded Coast, he prayed he would not find her.
Meredith told him not to fail again when they returned, and when she left him, Cullen laughed bitterly. 
He neverwould have suspected, when he woke up that morning, how that woman, Lydia, thewoman who reminded him of Cliodna would…
No, he didn’t actually…
Did he?
He prayed that night.He prayed the Maker would forgive him.
He was atHaven, scanning the requisition requests when he saw her, the woman with long,dark hair and blue eyes. The woman that reminded him of Cliodna.
He felt hisheart beat a million beats, he felt the world disappear until there was onlyher.
She wasworking with Sabine and the other healers, and he wondered how long it wouldtake her to recognize him. Maybe it was ridiculous of him, self-centered evento think she would recognize him.
She came tohim, soon after though. She was the one they sent to deliver the potions to histent. Mouth agape, she stared wide eyed.
Well, she did remember.
“You’re…Iremember you,” she stated, almost dropping the elfroot potions to the floor. “Youwere the templar in the cave in Kirkwall.”
“I’m not atemplar anymore,” he replied, feeling the reddening of his cheeks.
“I…I can seethat,” she replied, assessing his new attire, raising her eyebrows in approval. “That day. Why did you spare me?”
He wondered if she would bring that up again. A thousandreasons he admitted to himself, though not to her, and perhaps a thousand more he didn’t dare to admit even to himself. In truth he only knew the biggest reason. It was because she madehim remember. For once, he looked at someone and didn’t remember the bad fromhis past. Only the good. He didn’t think that would ever be possible. 
She made it possible, this woman, radiant, and almost like the sun as she stood in his tent. He felt himself smile, for the first time since this all began. 
Did he save her that day, he found her beautiful?
Skin kissedby the sun. Luxuriant dark hair. Eyes the deepest blue. Earnest and real.Perhaps the realest thing he had ever seen.
The morninghe woke up, the morning he met her, he didn’t know she would never leave his thoughts. 
He knew the answer to his previous question.
“I…I don’tknow,” he said instead. “I just thought…”
“Did youthink I was pretty?”
“I…no,” he stammered, feeling caught.  “Imean…Oh maker, it’s not that you aren’t, but—”
She laughed,and he thought that was the most adorable sound he had ever heard. “I’m onlyteasing,” she said.
“Why didn’t you attack me?” he asked in turn. “You had a ball of fire ready.” 
“I guess I didn’t want to,” she replied. “You looked…you looked sad that day. I don’t know. you didn’t even look like you wanted to attack.”
Maker’s breath, was she going to see right through him? “I guess I was sad,” he admitted, scratching the back of his neck. 
The silence that came between them was comfortable, as the two shared the same space. Not as a mage and templar this time. This time, they were only a man and a woman.
“You’re not a templaranymore,” she eventually said, breaking the silence. “Even though I’m still a mage. But here at least,in the Inquisition, I can help. I promiseI won’t tease you anymore. I mean, only if you want it. Oh Maker…” she blushed an angry red, and he was struck by how sweet the pop of pink looked on her cheeks. “I should go now anyway,” she garbled. “Sabine needs help. I’ll seeyou soon Commander Cullen.”
She leftafter that, leaving the smell of jasmine in his tent. And as he smiled like a great full, Cullen found himself thinking, that maybe, just perhaps, he would allow her to tease him anytime she wanted.
Whew. Okay guys I have to take a writing break for a bit now. Thanks for all the prompts again, and I’ll be back at it Wednesday evening when the GRE is DONE and DONE. Then I’ll be writing some giveaway prizes :) 
Likes and reblogs are the fuzzies of warmth :)
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Ali & Tommy
Ali: Now on the coach Ali: How's Ro been? Ali: Tried to give her as much space as poss Tommy: I'll give it a minute before I let ma know, yeah? Give you some space too like Tommy: Proper shut down. Standard Tommy: She ain't said a word to none of us Ali: Cheers Ali: Been a fucking event, don't think even Ma can top the drama but not dying to find out Ali: I thought as much 😟 Ali: I don't think there's much to be done but be there when she's ready though, right? Ali: idk, plenty of friends cried on these shoulders but never Ro over this, its new ground Tommy: You're alright Tommy: I reckoned as much when she flew home Tommy: Like I've been in with tea but I'm blatantly juggling cups and nothing else Tommy: She ain't about my efforts Tommy: Offered to dance battle him and she didn't even laugh Ali: Tah for being tea boy though, more necessary and appreciated than it might seem when she's catatonic Ali: to be fair, that isn't funny, babe 😜 Tommy: Giving it a go Tommy: x 2 like Tommy: oi I'm well funny Ali: 💚 Ali: hmm Ali: i hope that's not your aim w this theatre school lark Ali: standup you ain't Tommy: Laugh it up or you ain't getting your welcome home cupcakes honey Tommy: 🌟 baker I am Ali: tears of a clown baby bro Ali: 'cos bet mary berry herself didn't whip up anything for your arrival only days previous Ali: that's da Ali: mum is OBVS paul Ali: the accent, the blue steel, the unnecessary harsh judgment Tommy: 😂 Tommy: The cupboards were bare before yours truly showed up to help with the big shop Tommy: Working my ballet body without rest here Ali: wanna have a fab summer not a flab one darling Ali: only thinking of all the money they ain't had to put into your training #datscholarshiptho Tommy: Put your claws away if you ain't aiming them at a diff blonde lad Tommy: That'll be why I'm shameless fave not cause none of yous are about Ali: seriously don't Ali: he better square up when we're in that car park Ali: if the teachers don't get him first...you won't believe the fucking scandal blatantly occurring rn Ali: obvs 😘 'til Bea and Fraze become the big ballers they wanna be and start paying it back Ali: all 'bout that dolla Tommy: if you heard that lad, gotta post up 🥊 Tommy: someone better smack that cunt Tommy: Spill it sister, how is he on worse behavior? Nearly a proper skill at this point Ali: I plan to Ali: just followed Carly into the fucking cupboard bog, like Ali: in what world are you not getting caught Ali: we're in a fucking tin can Tommy: ERRR Tommy: Your Carly? Tommy: she can do better Ali: I been telling her Ali: best believe Ali: can't drag her out like time out bitch Ali: he's a disease s2g Ali: every fucking girl I know Tommy: 💔 not about that for her Tommy: Every girl except you? 🤔 suspect Ali: nah Ali: don't need to tell you he treats her like shit, duh Ali: ☕ Tommy: let me at her inbox tbh Tommy: not having this Tommy: she's a cutie Ali: do it Ali: meddlin' gay who smugly knows best defs a better stereotype than jealous ex Ali: 😣 no tah Tommy: Valid Tommy: Your eyes ain't gone green though, have they? Tommy: If this is a triangle, or love square tell me now bitch Ali: Bitch Ali: how dare you do me down like that Ali: Nah, I just want her to be happy Ali: and ain't happening with that cunt Tommy: Don't you reckon she knows that Tommy: She was happy with you but that went how it went maybe she's not looking for it to be like that again Ali: Oh, so I just let her fuck her life up Ali: polite smiles from the sideline like SOOOOO happy for you babes, what a man! Ali: Pfffft 😒 Ali: be a better gay Tommy: Nah but putting yourself out there for the real shit is such a THING Tommy: I get it Ali: So dramatic the lot of you Ali: not gotta get a pug and a mortgage Ali: if you ain't going out there tryna be happy every day every way Ali: what's the point Ali: a madness Tommy: Maybe she's all out of trying after putting up with your high maintenance arse for so long ☕ Tommy: 😂 Tommy: Nobody's bringing their best for that basic fuckboy Ali: 🖕 piss off hair product Tommy: Like you take any less time putting together your 'effortless' lewks you faux hippie Tommy: Don't be coming for my crowning glory Ali: Bleurgh Ali: forgot how much of a bitch you were Ali: when you going back again? 😘 Tommy: We've all seen you #bringitforberlin Tommy: Not that I'm jealous nah Tommy: But how was it? Drama aside Ali: 👼 Don't push me down the stairs, watching my back now like 👀 Ali: It overshadowed everything lowkey but yeah Ali: still ace Tommy: You'll bring it back around when you flatten Drew Ali: 🍑👏 him Tommy: 👑 Tommy: what are we gonna do about Ro and Carly though? 🤔 Must focus Ali: soz, my booty has that affect Ali: but seriously Ali: I am fresh out of ideas... Ali: maybe he's like Samson and we need to give him a buzzcut Ali: break the spell Tommy: or shove a bowl on his head and ✂ Ali: ain't far off Ali: ☕ it ain't that cute a cut Ali: its just shiny and blonde, snap out of it ladies! Tommy: Honestly Tommy: Meena got all the looks and that's the tea Ali: Oooooooooh! 😉 Ali: No argument tho even if you're 😍 Tommy: SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU TALK TO ME ALISON Tommy: She's just better than him very HIGHKEY Tommy: Take it up with our man JC Ali: 😂 Ali: Bless Ali: so sweet Ali: and finally Ali: a matrimony we can all get behind Tommy: excuse me he made me and her both queens Tommy: too fabulous for your hetero baiting of the audience Ali: sure jan Ali: can't fake that chemistry Ali: told you, you're a shit actor Tommy: Take a step back Marsha if you don't want me coming for your weave Tommy: You reckoned on your ex a few back? Marlene would blatantly kill Drew no questions Ali: 💅💄 jealousy's a disease, get well soon bitch 😷 Ali: now you gay baiting! Tommy: 😂 Ali: Let karma sort him out Ali: Ro's well out of it Ali: Carly, I hope, knows what she's doing, even if I don't fuck with it Ali: he ain't gonna 💔 Tommy: Yeah Tommy: Still, drink and debrief when you get home? Tommy: I wanna hear how the teachers throw down Ali: fosho Ali: dog or you SO 100% G.A.Y. now you refuse to go anywhere that ain't flying at least 2 rainbow flags at all times? 😉 Tommy: 🌈 or bust Tommy: not gonna be Ro's scene but if you wanna bring Carly that cunt isn't gonna set foot in such hallowed ground Ali: A different concept for scared straight but I'm with it Ali: I'll ask her Ali: got a party dress I didn't get to debut, gotta save something for the home crowd, like Tommy: I'd watch THAT show Ali: wouldn't we all Ali: so much teen mum to catch up on, you best not have watched it without me! Tommy: Not trying to get struck down ta Tommy: That fury's all for Drew Ali: unless you've deleted all the recording like ur burning after reading, you're alright kid Tommy: Honey I know what's holy Ali: thank God someone does Ali: Drew getting kicked straight to hell and off this bus if he don't chill Tommy: They still going? Tommy: Ugh Ali: Nah Ali: Laoise and her crew dobbed, which fair enough literally no one needs it, doubt they got started before the teachs' were yanking them out Ali: if they had handcuffs Drew would be chained to his seat rn no lie Ali: citizen's arrests and full-scale riot behaviour going down rn from everyone slating Carly Tommy: omhg Tommy: I hope someone's streaming Tommy: Gonna send my girl 💚🍀 Ali: no doubt Ali: reckon we might have to make an emergency stop Ali: couldn't even make the trip home Ali: really lads REALLY Tommy: And I thought my school was full of drama queens and kings Tommy: Christ alive Ali: honestly Ali: got nothing on the common people Ali: i'm so over it Ali: gonna knock myself over the head in a minute so i don't have to deal Tommy: I'd suggest a sing song but don't reckon that'll cut it Tommy: Call me a bad gay again but Tommy: Never hear you over the war cries like Ali: 😂 if there was ever a moment for kumbaya Tommy: If they'd let you keep your 🎸 you'd be thriving Tommy: Yeah I heard about that casual confiscation Tommy: Weapon in more ways than one though, lads Ali: THANK YOU Ali: how we gon' play for peace now Ali: gonna have to get real happy clappy Tommy: 👏stop👏 slutshaming👏 carly👏 Tommy: End with a mexican wave that knocks that cunt out Tommy: She alright? Tommy: I just saw a flash of Ro, safe to say she ain't Ali: I mean, as much as they're all just using this as an excuse to do that Ali: lowkey have a point on this one Ali: why here and why now Ali: its disrespectful Tommy: Talk to her Tommy: Someone's clearly keeping Ro in the loop somehow, is that likely to be her? Ali: Idk Ali: I don't think its her style Ali: she isn't doing it to be malicious to Ro but yeah, idk why she is Tommy: Is she proper 💘 on Drew Tommy: 'Cause lord Ali: How could anyone be Tommy: I have literally no clue Tommy: But Ro's not 💔 about her German accent or whatever Tommy: It's all about him so there's gotta be something we're missing Ali: Oh, that ain't about him Ali: about a lot of things but him being a vessel for her intimacy issues and insecurities is just one of 'em Tommy: So he could've been anyone? Score - 1 for Romeo Ali: Any dickhead who's not gonna make it real on his end and ruin the fairytale, yeah Ali: dime a dozen Tommy: ☕ Ali: safe to say he's fucked the narrative still tho Ali: although, has he? 'cos secretly feeds into the 'i'm wrong and strange' deal we all know is there Tommy: Savage Tommy: But accurate Ali: I know Ali: Die before I said it to her face, like but Ali: makes me worried if she needs to prove that theory right again he could make a reappearance Ali: everyone loves a bit of self-destruction Ali: can't judge but I am Tommy: Samsies Tommy: Fuck's sake Tommy: This family Ali: Rocky the only one with a healthy functioning relationship tbh Tommy: The realest Tommy: Even ma's met her match in ro rn though Tommy: She's lowkey freaking me out and I'm used to you weirdos Ali: Explain Ali: I've seen her at her freakiest, remember, so are we talking worse? Tommy: True maybe I'm just out of practice Tommy: Ghost like vibes catching me off guard Ali: We'll have to keep an eye on the food Ali: she doesn't eat much, and never in front of any of us now Ali: but I can tell when she's had something Ali: make sure we're not hungerstrike vibes again Tommy: I reckon she'll be alright-ish when you get home Tommy: Much as she ever is, you know Tommy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tommy: She's not gonna want to go to hospital or any of that shit Ali: Yeah, you're right Ali: I'm being dramatic, it's catching Tommy: 👑 Tommy: Bea will be if she sees her Tommy: Jesus take the wheel and spare me that Ali: 😬 Ali: can hear the 'I told you so' from here Ali: we're all thinking it but shh Tommy: Inside voices like we do at least Ali: Never know Ali: might be the motivation she needs Ali: Bea disappointment Tommy: Oh snap Ali: You know it works Ali: on Fraze too 😂 Tommy: 😂 Tommy: Yeah
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