chenfordsrollisi · 30 days
What the FUCK, GH?
Kelly Monaco has been FIRED from General Hospital and they're killing off Sam McCall. WHAT THE EVER LOVING, FUCK?! Kelly Monaco and Sam are the reason I started watching GH and went back to the show over and over through the years. Now, despite me still liking Dante and Maxie, I won't be watching the show any longer.
FUCK YOU, GENERAL HOSPITAL! I've been a Kelly Monaco/Sam McCall fan since 8/11/2006, and that's never going to change, even if/when they kill Sam off. If they kill her off, hopefully they'll realize their stupidity and bring her back like they did Borg so many times.
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fictionxlover · 24 days
dante going be stuck between lulu and brooklyn then they gonna erase sante like they did samtrick *sighs*
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Catching up on GH, and I was truly robbed of a Samtrick BrOTP after they ended their relationship and Jason returned.
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slexiespuffy · 7 years
Is it bad all I can really think is "They ruined Samtrick for this?" I mean they ended beautifully and i'm glad they left each other on good terms but damnit they were special and deserved better lol. Sam just glowed with him. Sigh. I loved them more than Dream. They were a close tie with OG Jasam. I feel like the last few months Sam has been really like a shell of her former self. Idc if it's Kelly and her acting choices or this is how it's supposed to be or what. I'm just rewatching her reaction to thinking Jason came back the first time and how she was with Patrick and comparing and there was just so much more emotion all the way around. Idk, i'm just not feeling this SL.
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jjohnson217 · 3 years
So, now Drew isn't for Carly? Based on the new preview they're going for the triangle with Dante, Sam, and Drew. Normally I'd be for it but 1. I don't like this Drew, and 2. Sante JUST really got started. Its completely uneven, so its gonna be Samtrick/NuJasam all over and that really sucks.
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greatell · 4 years
I’m only against Sam & Dante because Dante has a crazy situation in that Lulu is in a coma. And I can totally see him & Sam falling in love building a relationship with each other & blending the families only for Lulu to show up & Dante drop Sam. Which is exactly what happened with Sam & Patrick. Although I guess it doesn’t need to be a serious relationship yet I don’t want them to be a rebound. It’ll be great if it was like her & Lucky.
I have two concerns about them. First being, Dante’s brainwashed. Wasn’t until someone on here mentioned it that I thought oh yeah idk how stable he is when that pen clicks. Second, being what you said. I saw someone mention awhile back how it would be Samtrick all over again but this time Sam would be the Patrick in this triangle. I think the show is gonna keep Lulu on ice for awhile, despite Emme apparently being very open to returning. So it’s like a ticking bomb waiting to go off. Hard to give any Sante fans hope when you never know when they’ll bring her back. I’d like to think given the chance Sante can carve out a good base and love story. I just don’t know if it’ll rival Lante or JaSam. Like we all knew once Dante came back it was game over for Dustin. And yes Sam and Lucky were so hot together! I know Greg is off Days, would love to see him return as Lucky and get those two going again
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anyathefandom · 4 years
The whole time sam was pouring out her feelings to carly, carly just kept repeating danger comes with the territory and etc. Carly just sounds so desensitized to the danger that being with sonny brings to her children and the only thing she can say to sam is you knew who he was when you decided to have danny (which she is absolutely right about) but the fact that sam is bringing up good points and talking about how she misses her normal life and carly is like 🤷 says alot what carly's mindset is.
I feel so conflicted when it comes to sam's situation because on one hand you knew what you were going to get when you decided to be with jason again and left drew when he was the one could give you a normal life so I'm just like "It is what it is girl" but on the other hand I do slightly feel bad for you because no one in the corinthos clan seems to want to hear you complain because they want you to stay with jason regardless of the danger it puts her kids in and I- *sigh* Sam just leave jason 🤦
Sidenote: Y'all I'm seeing samtrick was her most healthiest relantionship and I didn't get to see them together because I wasn't watching (I didn't see dream together until jason came back. I had legit stopped watching gh in I think 2014 and started watching again probably at the end of 2018) but anyway there gifs look so fucking cute and I missed out them and I'm probably about to go watch some clips. Oh wait I did watch one clip when they told emma their breaking up and emma made me tear up when she started crying and didn't want sam to leave 😭
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 6 years
Writers: *push Hanna*
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bennettxgemini · 6 years
it’s so interesting how these characters interact in one storyline and relationships will deepen for better or worse in future storylines.
like...elizabeth was there when danny died in front of sam and helped her a bit but down the line they will fight hard over Jason lmao
or how we get these Ric/alexis/Sam scenes and down the line Sam and Ric will have sex....
Or the small samtrick moments where it can be banter or Sam confessing her soul to Patrick (OTP FEEELS)
it’s kinda crazy
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Tagged by: @jjohnson217
If you could change (or rather fix) the background and/or paternity of any five characters, who would they be?
Sam McCall - While I liked early Julexis, what the writers did to them pissed me off and turned me off of the couple.  Sam understandably kicked Julian out of her life, but has nothing to do with the rest of her Jerome relatives?  I liked her scenes with Ava when she was sick with toxoplasmosis.  She and Kiki interacted a lot and got along well when Sam dated Kiki’s dad Silas, but they don’t acknowledge the fact that they are cousins.  She doesn’t interact with Lucas or even babysit her baby brother Leo.  What was the purpose of making Julian Sam’s dad?
Franco - I hate this character for many reasons and the only time I liked him (as played by Roger Howarth) was when he and Nina were together pre-baby issue.  James Franco’s Franco was a fun psycho villain.  I hate all of his paternity rewrites.  First, he was Betsy Frank’s son.  Nope, he is Jason’s fraternal twin via Alan and Susan Moore.  Wrong, he is Heather Webber’s son by Scott, despite not looking like either one.  I like Roger Howarth, but he is miscast in this role.  I would rather Franco be Betsy Frank’s with the probably abusive creep Jim Harvey (who he resembles) rather than tarnish the Baldwins (Scott, Karen, Serena, Gail and Lee), even by association.
Nelle - There is so much wrong with this character.  If they were going to connect her to Carly, she should have been a Spencer relative, capitalizing on the fact that she previously played a younger version of Luke and Bobbie’s sister Pat, and not a Benson.  While in her early days, I liked that she was like a young Carly set on revenge.  They could have made her Carly’s daughter somehow, either from pre-Port Charles days in Florida (possibly from sleeping with Reese’s dad) or a previously unknown twin of Michael’s.  That way we wouldn’t have had to suffer through the train wreck that was Melle.  Or if they wanted her to be an original character, why not utilize the chemistry she had with Nina and reveal that she was Nina and Silas’ baby that was supposedly miscarried after what Madeline did?
Avery - Like many of you, I wish Avery was Morgan’s daughter.  It wouldn’t change much of her story.  Carly would definitely try and rig the paternity test.  Maybe we wouldn’t have suffered through more MorKiki and Ava wouldn’t have been indirectly responsible for Morgan’s death.
Griffin - I would make him Anna’s son with Duke, the child she supposedly miscarried when Olivia Jerome pushed her in the elevator.  In one of Olivia’s last scenes, she made an ominous remark about Griffin’s mother.  It would be amazing if she knew that Griffin was Anna’s and kept that secret out of revenge against the woman who “stole” Duke from her.  Plus, he is basically Anna’s son already with how protective and caring she is for him because he is Duke’s son.  Also, Robin and Emma already see him as a brother/uncle-like figure.  If Josh Madden, Erica Kane’s famous abortion, could be transplanted into her doctor’s wife as an embryo, why not the same treatment (in a good way) for Anna and Griffin?
****BONUS****  If we are stuck with Anna having a child with Faison, I would rather it not be the obvious path - Valentin lied about it being a girl and it will be Henrik/Peter August, who we know is Faison’s son and cohorts with Valentin.  I don’t mind Peter being Faison’s son and in league with Valentin, because we all knew the boy was shady af.  However, I would prefer if Anna did have another daughter and it was revealed to be Dr. Kim Nero.  She looks a lot like Anna.  It would give Tamara more story to work with and more avenues to take the character of Kim in.  Kim and Oscar would have more family (Henrik/Peter, Britt, Maxie’s baby, Robin, Emma, baby Noah, Alex Devane Marick, Gabriel Devane, Aidan Devane).
What five storylines would you rewrite?  And how?
Sam’s paternity/Port Charles re-visited - As I previously mentioned, I would change Sam’s paternity since she doesn’t utilize her Jerome heritage.  I would have made her Ryan Chamberlain’s daughter.  Ryan is Kevin’s dead psycho twin brother.  Ryan would still fit in with Alexis’ bad boy dating profile and it would make since that she would be a dead ringer for Livvie Locke.  I also would have kept Kevin as Livvie’s father since it was a disservice to Port Charles and its fans to rewrite such a story.  I would have kept the nods to Port Charles but they could have left out the supernatural elements, which were only brought into the later seasons of the show.  Port Charles did start out as a show about young doctors (including Scott’s daughter Karen Wexler) and nurses working at General Hospital, when the main soap went to more mob-related stories.  There were a lot of crossovers to begin with.  Also, there would be mention of Scott and Lucy’s adopted daughter Christina.
Nikolas’ storylines 2014-2016.  I’m not sure how I would write it, but Nikolas wouldn’t take over ELQ, be involved involved in “Jake Doe”/Drew/Jason drama, try to blackmail or kill Hayden, fake his death, or be killed by Valentin for Cassadine holdings.  I don’t mind Nik getting some dark Cassadine on, but don’t destroy his character like these years did.
Port Charles Mayoral Campaign of 2018.  I would have kept Laura as the anti-Charles Street development candidate (screw you, Frank!).  Olivia would have been in-character and struggling between supporting her husband Ned and fighting for the down-to-earth people living on Charles Street who are a lot like her Bensonhurst neighbors.  Laura would win, despite the dirty tricks pulled by Jim Harvey.  Ned would run a clean campaign.  Julian would run his bar and have little to do with the story.  Alexis would assist with Laura’s campaign, but otherwise stay out of politics and Charlie’s Pub.
There would be no Friz relationship.  Elizabeth would have dated Griffin instead (sorry, Grava).
Sonny wouldn’t have killed AJ.  While I enjoyed the distance between Michael and Sonny (as well as Carly) because of Sonny’s actions, it didn’t last long enough.  Sonny escaped the consequences yet again.  Also, there would be no Ava/Sonny sex on AJ’s grave, which would mean that Avery would have to be Morgan’s.  Michael would still have good relationships with all of his parents.  We would get to see AJ’s reactions to “Jake Doe” being “Jason” before finally revealed to be Jason’s twin Drew, as well as the real Jason being alive.  I would need all of Alan’s sons to reconcile their feelings toward each other.  AJ would be an attentive uncle to Jake, Danny, and Scout.
Three most annoying retcons in General Hospital history?
Franco’s crimes are a result of a brain tumor.  Such bullshit.
Anna willingly sleeping with Faison when she is a WSB trainee to get info and having his child, who is probably Henrik/Peter.  I may not have been alive when Robert, Anna, and Robin first came on in the 80s, but many fans have said that a flashback showed that Anna was a virgin when she first slept with Robert.  Writers, stop screwing with GH history.
Ignoring Sam’s relationships with Silas and Patrick in favor building up her relationship with Drew.  While I did like Siam, I did feel they were a rebound.  But Samtrick was a real relationship and it was going very well until Carly outed “Jake Doe” as “Jason”.  Sam was still her investigative, risk-taking self and a mom back then, compared to whoever she is now.  Yes, I feel like she would have went back to Jason and Patrick to Robin, in the end.
Favorite incarnations of characters who have been played by multiple actors?
Tamara Braun as Carly Benson Corinthos (I love all Carlys, except for Jennifer Bransford, but Tamara is my fave)
Kirsten Storms as Maxie Jones
Tyler Christopher as Nikolas Cassadine
Julie Marie Berman as Lulu Spencer-Falconeri
John Ingle as Edward Quartermaine
Constance Towers as Helena Cassadine
Aaron Refvem as Morgan Corinthos
both Sean Kanan and Billy Warlock as AJ Quartermaine
both Jonathan Jackson and Greg Vaughn as Lucky Spencer
both Dylan Cash and Chad Duell as Michael Corinthos III
tie between Emma & Sarah Smith, Kali Rodriguez, Lexi Ainsworth, and Lindsey Morgan as Kristina Corinthos-Davis (I’ve loved all of the girls who played Krissy since I started watching GH)
Five character deaths that destroyed you?
Georgie Jones
Emily Quartermaine
Alan Quartermaine
Lila McCall
Nathan West
Honorable Mentions: BJ Jones, Jason Morgan’s not-death, Sabrina Santiago, AJ Quartermaine 
If you could bring back any characters, which ones would they be?  And why?
Emily Quartermaine - pointless death for tragedy and ratings, she is a moral compass for many characters, need more Quartermaines, doctor
Nikolas Cassadine - part of me believes he is still alive, I need him to take back his inheritance and home from Valentin, need more Cassadines, need him to work things out with Britt (since he did far worse) or get back together with an alive Emily
Georgie Jones - pointless death for tragedy and ratings, moral compass for Maxie, Dillon’s OTL
Dillon Quartermaine: TPTB did the character, fans, and Robert Palmer Watkins dirty, need more Qs, more Crimson storylines, he could still be a filmmaker
Hayden Barnes - Elizabeth needs family in PC, need a resolution (and hopefully a reunion) for HayFinn, update on her and HayFinn baby, friendship/maternal relationship with Spencer, still needs to meet biodad Jeff and siblings Steve and Sarah
Lucky Spencer - need to build up the Spencer family, he needs to be (and be seen doing it) a father to all three of his boys, help rein in Lulu’s Spencer traits, help build up the PCPD, support and call out Elizabeth when she needs it, meet his niece Charlotte
Thomas “Tommy” Hardy Jr. - member of Hardy family, Elizabeth needs family in PC, doctor, brings in more diversity
Laura Spencer Collins - Lulu needs her mom’s guidance, she should be mayor, her other grandkids need her too, she needs to bring Spencer home, she and Kevin have barely been married before she left
Spencer Cassadine - he’s so much fun to watch, keeps Valentin in check, needs to reclaim his home and fortune, should reconcile with cousin Charlotte, we might actually see Liz’s kids if he is around, love his relationships with his extended family
Britt Westbourne - emotional support for mom Liesl after Nathan’s death, reconcile and potentially bond with Maxie and cousin Nina over loss of Nathan and love for Naxie baby, resolve things with Nikolas if he is alive, friendship/maternal relationship with Spencer, doctor, meet and have some sort of relationship with half-brother Henrik/Peter, friendship with Brad
Kristina Corinthos-Davis - need more Davis Girls, LGBTQ representation, missing out on stories regarding her families, reconcile with Alexis, potential for character growth
basically the whole Scorpio-Drake family (Robert, Robin, Patrick, Emma, baby Noah, Dr. Noah, and Dr. Matt Hunter) because they are one of my favorite families, doctors, Anna needs more family
more Quartermaines than those listed above for obvious reasons
What storylines would you like to see General Hospital tackle?
big event stories that we had 10-15 years ago that affected the whole community and characters (both contract and recurring) who don’t usually interact shared scenes
better representation of mental illness
more diversity
better LGBTQ representation and stories - utilize the characters they have and introduce Joss & Oscar’s friend
autism (Night Shift did a story with Jagger and his son Stone)
school shooting/gun control plots (for the younger characters) because of the ongoing relevance
If you watched any other ABC soaps (All My Children, One Life to Live, Port Charles, Ryan’s Hope, Loving, The City and I’m including SoapNet’s General Hospital: Night Shift), which characters (living at the time of the soap’s demise) would you bring to GH for a visit/story since they share the same universe?
Dr. David Hayward, All My Children - Anna’s ex-husband and father to her late daughter Leora, cardiologist/cardiac surgeon, a fun and dynamic villain to root for, has brought people back from the dead via Project Orpheus
Dr. Kyle Julian, General Hospital: Night Shift - doctor, adopted brother Leo was Maxie’s heart surgeon in 2007, LGBTQ representation, sweet and dorky character, potential boyfriend of Felix if he and Donny don’t work out
Oliver Fish, Dr. Kyle Lewis, and Sierra Fish, One Life to Live - Kish was a popular couple, LGBTQ representation, police officer and doctor, potential friends for Brad and Lucas especially in light of their adoption storyline
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chenfordsrollisi · 1 year
This is going to be a list of my shipper tags, that links to anything about the ship that's on my blog. I'll try to update it often.
9-1-1: Bathena Buddie The 100: Bellarke Clexa Chicago Fire: Brettsey Dawsey Chicago Med: Chexton Chicago PD: Burzek
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Avalance Degrassi: Darco Queer as Folk (US): Britin Riverdale: Bughead Choni The Resident: CoNic The Rookie: Chenford The Rookie: Feds Brensen
___________________________ Densi Drewick Glaggie Hodgela Ichabbie JaSam Jemmy Kangs Linstead LuSam Manstead McRoll McSwarek Moreid Neric Olicity Palex Queliot Rollisi Samtrick Sante Sanvers Saudia Seblaine Shangie Sharpwin Spashley Shory Stellaride Supercorp Tangela Tillow Upstead Wayhaught Zibell
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fictionxlover · 6 years
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“Girl ima save you from that toxic hitman one day. I swear it-“
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I feel like I’m the only one that is part of the Peter fan club. Everyone seems to hate him online, yet I’m a fan and I love him. He’s just an interesting new character. The rest have been duds lately. And it’s nice to have a complex character that we don’t know if he’s purely evil or have some good in him. He’s the walking definition of a morally grey character.
Meanwhile I feel like I’m the only one in the Preservation of SamTrick society. I love my JaSam, I love my scrubs. But I’m bitter about the lack of respect SamTrick for last year and how badly rewritten it got.
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slexiespuffy · 8 years
Ugh I am as jasam as it gets but I honestly miss these two. They were perfect. JT and KM played so well off of each other and their chemistry was amazing. <3 
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jjohnson217 · 6 years
Sam's explanation for why she and Patrick made sense made absolutely no sense.
Jason being with Robin had no bearing on her and Patrick. Patrick understanding what it was like to lose the love of your life and having to raise your kid alone was the basis of their friendship, and their love came from that friendship naturally. Why did the writers have to make Sam seem so Jason obsessed? Like the only reason she was with another man(because they COMPLETELY ignored Siam) is because he's the only man who was connected to Jason, even a little bit, that wasn't attached. Which is complete bull. If it wasn't she would've tried to date AJ and it would've been another Sam vs Liz thing(thank god it didn't go there.)
Carly being with Franco because of his being Jason's twin and Jason being gone made sense because she and Jason have a pretty unhealthy codependent relationship. She even had that weird affair thing with AJ. But Sam dated a man so completely detached from Jason, first in Silas, then Patrick, that trying to make it seem like it was because of a tiny connection to him makes her seem obsessed.
Their scenes with Jason freaking out over her dating Patrick were funny and cute, and I almost found myself smiling, but her justifying Samtrick to him by saying it was because of JnR ruined it.
And if that's truly how Sam felt, then the next arc should be her starting a JM addiction group for the women of PC. Carly and Sam and Elizabeth can go, and Robin can come back for a bit, revisit Courtney's back and forth with him through Carly's eyes. Maybe have Lulu and Maxie come and tell them all how unhealthy their obsessions are when they enter another JM phase. It would be stupid, but I could get a couple laughs.
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greatell · 4 years
My samtrick ship still sails! Also dead at Sam mentioning her life with Patrick and not with Drew 💀. I always said, if Sam and Jason couldn’t be together I’d love her back with Patrick. I love that they’re erasing Drew. All I need now is scout to call Jason “dad” 😂
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