#samuel starters
modcrnspirits · 4 months
open starters! the deal. muse: samuel mac cumhaill. plot: your muse summoned samuel for a job (it depends on your muse's good/bad stance, Samuel never judges) and Samuel asked to make love to your muse once the job was done. Now, to end their deal, your muse must come. Top or bottom. possible k*nks: (these are examples, feel free to ignore or add to them) feet worship, armpit worship, rimming, cum swapping, breeding, magic use for enhance of pleasure, etc.
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"the job is done, summoner." Samuel's voice was subtle and low, but it was all over the house, despite the wind blowing through the open windows. Nighttime came fresh with those winds, but he was completely naked as the sheets and light curtains blew around him. His wings were closed beneath his naked body as he watched the man. "Now, your part." He said with a serious face. The deal had been simple - the summoner had offered his soul, but these things bored Samuel. He gave another proposal in return. A night of sex. No sleeping until the sun was up and the skies were clear. That night had arrived. Samuel wanted his part of the deal.
"Come, Summoner, take my body. Take every inch, every part. Rejoice. Humans know little of the pleasures I can grant." His open legs revealed a cock that rested against his thigh. He was not yet hard, but he would soon be.
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general-kalani · 3 months
{ Open starter based on what I wrote here }
Finally, time alone for each other. Hard to keep their relationship a secret when they could barely handle being away from each other for more than a day.
And feeling frisky at a time like this... Well, it meant that closing the door surely meant they weren't meant to be disturbed.
Sitting on the desk, Cobbs had one leg over one of Grants hips. A grin on his face as one hand was placed onto his shoulder. "Waiting for an invitation?"
A tease, a dangerous game they danced with each other.
Grants mouth went down to the exposed neck barely peeking out above the collar of the shirt Cobbs wore. A sigh, a tilt of the head...
And then caught the eye of someone looking through a door.
Time to scramble and act casual.
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mettleborn · 4 months
Mr & Mrs Smith - closed starter for @xgoldxnhour
The questions asked aren’t extremely intrusive but they are strangely specific; ranging from favourite foods, books, films and clothing brands, to more personal themes of sexual attraction and previous failed relationships. Throughout it all Samuel answers honestly, eyes fixed on the blinking red light ahead, the only indication that the computer system in front of him is observing and most likely monitoring the quality of both his answers and his physical reactions. It’s a surreal process, devoid of any human interaction and in truth, it is only when the machine through which his potential employer is communicating, asks if he is willing to relocate, that Sam is forced to pause. Admittedly he likes living in Seattle and can’t imagine living anywhere else, but if he is going to make the most of this opportunity, he knows he needs to be flexible. Living elsewhere at least avoids the complexity of bumping into family or friends and being forced to lie about his work, his life and his new wife - that is the only part of this process which he is confident about from his texts with the organisation; he won’t be working alone. From what he understands, if selected, he’ll be in deep cover with a partner, one he hopes has a decent kill count and sense enough to keep them both from getting in over their heads.
It is less than a week later that he arrives in front of a large town house in Manhattan. It’s a big place, clearly expensive, most likely a family home – certainly a significant departure from his average rent bachelor pad in Seattle. Entering with the key that was couriered to him, Sam finds himself creeping slowly inside despite the fact it is obvious no one else is here. Carefully placing his bags down onto the freshly polished wooden floors, he takes the opportunity to have a quick look around. For a new home, the place feels strangely lived in – the bookshelves are filled with some of his favourite authors and the fridge is stocked with many of his favourite foods and soda. Noticing a case of his preferred brand of beer, Sam makes a mental note to return for one after he’s finished unpacking.
Walking through from the kitchen to the large living area, which looks ideal for entertaining company, he notices another set of bags set down beside the sofa, left stranded similarly to his own. Hearing a small scuffle Samuel turns swiftly to see a small ginger cat begin to rub its face against the side of the sofa before moving towards him, clearly seeking some attention. Bending, Sam rubs his palm along the length of its back, watching as it arches in response, the action causing a soft smile; weird, it must have come with the house.
Moving through the rooms, Sam discovers a door with a discreet fingerprint locking mechanism, pressing his thumb to it expectantly, it immediately opens, allowing him access. Upon entering, he finds himself face to face with a stranger, presumably his new housemate, or should he say wife. Oh, she’s pretty, the kind of pretty that looks like butter wouldn’t melt in fact, certainly not the kind of woman who looks like she is an accomplished assassin or mercenary of some kind; that is a strength of course; to disguise her threat so naturally - no one would see her coming, not even Sam himself.
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“Hi, I’m…” Pausing for a second, Sam suddenly realises that to use his real name in a situation like this would probably be foolhardy. “I’m John, John Smith…and you must be…Jane.”
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grcveyacd · 2 months
open — anyone! muse — samuel grey, 24, college student / soccer captain. okay to assume any sort of connection.
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“ i’m not the person you want. i know you think i am , but it won’t take you long to realize that this is a mistake. “ 
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stcllata · 3 months
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LIKE THIS POST for a STARTER from the following canon muses; scott mccall, raymond palmer, adam park, steven rogers, jason lee scott and samuel winchester.
COMMENT ON THIS POST if you want someone specific; otherwise it'll be muse roulette.
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stigmvtas · 9 months
green farmer's market - open
Viktor leaned back in their plastic chair - feet propped against the edge of their unauthorized vendor's booth, their gaze lifting up towards whoever'd been obscuring their sunlight. "What? It's fucking - legal. Take it up with the fucking state board," They swung their legs down, leaning forward to snatch the jar of teeth off their tender's table. "They're locally sourced, ethical - probably. Fifty bucks, five for just a handful. Can't tell you whose mouth they came from - government secret."
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kaylatullz · 3 months
kayla 📲 samuel
Kayla: ...pray tell, what herbs are allowed? Kayla: Because if you can grow basil so I can live a Pesto life I will love you forever and name my first born Samuel.
continued from [x]
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ragewithinthestorm · 1 year
Open to; M/F/NB, 18+, OCs, Canons Muse; Samuel Elliott Relationship; Strangers prior to working on Samuel's family ranch, not dating yet. Plot; With Samuel's parents aging, he took it on himself to hire someone to help out on the ranch so his parents could rest more, eventually they end up dating down the line but are currently mid-conversation on porn.
Samuel shrugged at the others words, “I don’t care if porn's fake, so's reality TV, movies an' politics, but that doesn't stop people enjoying those. I may not have had sex before but I understand it's not like porn.” The paranormal investigating rancher wasn't ashamed of being a virgin at 26. He enjoyed the random conversations he had with the new help on the ranch, it made the day to day work more enjoyable. "O'course it gets tricky when you actually, you know, give a shit about human bein's. The best way to make sure you're watching ethically made stuff is buyin' from 'em directly you know?" Sam tended to break away from the stereotypical rancher, he was very vocal about his views, tending to be more progressive than the local community that was for sure.
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villxin · 10 months
open to: f / nb muse: samuel / 40 / police detective plot: your muse has been bratty / teasing samuel all day and now they're back home & alone. any connection !
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"you really expected to misbehave all day and not be punished?" samuel asked, his tone firm and almost dark, "if you really believe that, then you don't know me at all."
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writermuses · 8 months
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modcrnspirits · 6 months
@themysticcircle liked this for a starter from a top.
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"Well, here I am." Standing completely naked inside the circle of candles and drawing on the floor, Samuel spread his wings, which he generally kept hidden under an illusion. But this wasn't the case, hence the nudity. He had been invoked and he looked the man who did it, from head to toes, measuring the power he had. "I'm not a jinx, if that was what you expected. I don't grant gifts. But I suppose you have a reason for calling me up."
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general-kalani · 3 months
{ Open starter based on a thing said in Frontier season 2 episode 4, under a cut for those watching the show and don't want spoilers, no matter how minor }
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"... My mother did love me, or at least I thought so. Raising me and my infant brother all alone after our father died... But she was just. Full of anxieties and paranoias. Older brother had left at that point as well, and my mother. Well, she couldn't handle everything. I had to raise my infant brother all alone. He was so sweet. Would giggle and hold onto my finger with the cutest grin."
Casually, he sips his glass. A quiet hum.
"One morning, when I was six... I wasn't able to keep him quiet. And it haunts me. He was crying, loud... Obnoxious. Scared my mother so badly she took a rock, beat him to death with brains spilling out all over the ground. His blood was on my face... She nearly killed me too that day, I was sobbing inconsolable."
A shrug, another sip of the glass.
"She was strung up in the gibbet that night. I don't think about Kentucky anymore. Nor whether my older brother lives or not. I only want to live out my life here in Montreal and not worry about whether I'll be judged for having a crazed mother."
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mettleborn · 1 month
V: Fallout
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Please like this post for a Fallout starter.
Also, please let me know whether you want 'fresh from the vault' or 'bounty hunter' variation.
Details of Sam's Fallout verse can be found here.
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seadcgs · 7 months
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like this for a starter from sarah "sally" townsend ! sister to robert townsend & spy in her own right.
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stayliquidarchive · 10 months
closed starter for @godqveens !!
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" i'm not so sure that's a good idea. " the bouncer spoke, moving the drink sitting in front of her off to the side. " in fact, i think you should probably just let me call you an uber home now. "
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stigmvtas · 5 months
( open; marina jail? )
they haven't slept since their arrest - they couldn't, not really; their high extending late into the morning, the soles of their shoes gone smooth from hours of pacing the same traced steps in their too - small cell. they've always been a little claustrophobic - a fear they would kill to defend, probably; but the joke's no longer funny. it no longer lands - viktor doesn't know how to laugh anymore, even as the shock dispels and the comedown crashes into them like a storm's waves. even irony doesn't humor them - eyes tired and disoriented as the guard tells them they have a visitor. christ, really? part of them wants to deny it - but curiosity... a hopefulness, maybe, prevails and they're shuffling after the guard to the visitor's room, taking a seat in front of the glass meant to separate them. viktor can't bring them self to look up, hands fumbling clumsily with the phone for a second before picking it up with a tired tone. "i didn't - fucking do it. any of it - i didn't kill any of them, okay? if that's what you're here for - here to hear, fucking - whatever - fuck off. okay? i didn't do it."
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