#sandra lynn and aelwyn are also prior victors in this au bc i think that's fun
everyone thinks they’re too young to die for the ask game
natasha u are my new favorite person for sending me this ask. i want to talk about this au SO bad. i am so sorry you are the person who sent me this ask because ik you're not into d20 and now are being subjected to me rambling about a crossover with a dnd actual play show.
anyway i am normal about the hunger games (lie) and my greatest joy is putting non thg characters into thg verse and making them experience pain and suffering. ‘everyone thinks that they're too young to die.’ is my fantasy high thg au and it is named because of a fantasy high edit to the hippo campus song, ‘2 young 2 die’ that my friend oj made. basically the premise is it's a fic with differing timelines where each of the bad kids wins the hunger games. it is, as of this moment, unfinished, and 26k. this makes it the longest fic i have ever written and possibly the longest thing, period, i have ever written, because i hand-wrote the novel i wrote when i was eleven and so it doesn't have an accurate word count. i estimate this will probably clock in closer to 50 or 60k by the end of it.
again, my major issue here is plot, but unfortunately i am currently being haunted by this au (cannot stop thinking about it for more than a few days at a time) so i keep adding to it even when those scenes are not at all relevant to the plot of the au. the goal is to finish this fic by november but unfortunately my brain doesn't like deadlines i set for myself and thinks they're fake so we'll see if that actually happens
hallarial lomenelda and bill seacaster were the perfect capitol love story. a beautiful capitolite teen, sending gifts to the handsome teenage victor, him flirting with her, winking at the camera after he opened his sponsor gifts, blowing her kisses after he used the weapon she sent him to disembowel three other teenagers. he'd even proposed to her on live television, after all. 
hallarial lomenelda and bill seacaster were the perfect capitol love story, right up until she gave up her citizenship in the capitol to go live in district four with him.
their love story is what fabian has grown up on. he remembers hearing it every night as a bedtime story, of begging his parents to retell it almost every night — the way the crowd cheered so loud during their proposal that his father thought he'd gone deaf, just for a moment, the way the light glittered off the ocean as they got married, their wedding knot around their wrists and orange in the sunset sky as they’d exchanged their first kiss as a married couple.
on the nights that he isn’t begging for his mother to tell him about her and his father’s love story, he’s begging for his father’s accounting of his time in the arena. about the time a young bill seacaster, sixteen and with more muscle than most of the capitol from working on a fishing boat, was reaped, and against all odds — when he’s reaped, fabian will watch his father’s games in full, will really study them, and he will learn that it wasn’t against all odds at all, his father had the sponsors and the training score and the looks on his side — bill seacaster came home a victor, bringing a year’s worth of grain and oil to district four.
and that, too, is something that bill seacaster has always been proud of. he’s taken care of his people. he’s always taken care of the people of district four like he’s taken care of fabian. 
and he expects fabian to follow in his footsteps. to go off to the hunger games and return a victor. to provide for district four, to be one of their victors that they’re oh so proud of. to join the ranks of cathilda, and marcid, and myrtle, and of course, bill seacaster.
fabian will later think that his father wanted in him not a child but a living legacy. something for the world to remember him by when bill seacaster is just bones and dust.
because, after all, being a victor does not mean you never die. it just means you stave off death for a little while longer.
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