#sandrock haru
sandrockianblues · 7 months
Andy: We need to open this locked door. Haru, give me your credit card.
Haru: Here.
Andy, pocketing it: Thanks. Logan, break down the door.
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pudding-squirrel · 1 year
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Still a WIP but I'm so excited to finish this 😌
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fadinglotophagi · 1 year
I'm convinced that Haru created Rocket Roosters and Logan probably combat-trained them. Like. They're just angry chickens, who gave them explosives? I can only think of one person.
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itsgwem · 5 months
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Yeah, I’m a Vampire. Can I bite you?
__________________________ DECO*27 - The Vampire
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zuzuxb · 6 months
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Happy Holidays to you all!
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ryllen · 7 months
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my builder looks so similar with haru, i started to think they are long separated twins
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sandrockers · 1 year
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Logan, Andy’s adoptive father 🏜️
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lotostar · 1 year
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Best parents <3
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dorospam · 2 months
Some Arvio wips
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More under the cut
No explanation here
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And some Harvio
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mytimeatlautia · 4 months
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sour time at sandrock 🍋
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sandrockianblues · 1 year
Got hcs of Logan slowly building his relationship with the builder after their first encounter? :3
Logan? 🥰
Just like his adoptive son, Logan fell first.
Very strong denial about it but whatever.
Haru likes to speculate that it was destiny when Logan watched the train the builder was on pass the bridge. Like normally, he never cared too much, but he just watched this one time.
Logan denies it to this day.
But what he can’t deny is that after a certain incident that caused him to flee out of town in the early hours on Rambo- catching the gaze of the builder was far more startling than a certain explosion
Y’all may be like “but Siren- the builder’s been simping from the very start?” “Siren, what about the builder fawning over the WANTED posters?” “Siren, don’t forget about that certain bit of dialogue you can say”
That was all just attraction based in my books
Before the builder actually gets to know Logan.
So how may Logan be the one at the precipice of tipping you may ask?
Going off that notion “the eyes are the window to the soul.”
And whose eyes did he meet?
The builder’s.
Did he fall in love right there? No. But it left this raw feeling in him like he just knew he’d someday be exposed before their eyes and made human once more.
Fighting the builder gives Logan a sort of thrill. Like, it was a means of survival before, but now? It’s this rush and boost of adrenaline. It’s a certain kind of fun he hasn’t had in quite a while. And after their first battle? Under all the dire reasons for it to have occurred before? He wants to go again.
Skipping past the spoiler stuff-
And building off assumption bc we in early access folks
He takes a bit to reacquaint himself with Sandrock once more. While he could probably let go of the uneasiness he feels that resides in him and just pretend nothing ever change- it’d be a lie.
These people, his neighbors and friends, believed in him at first but quickly changed their tune. They let doubt cloud their minds. They turned against him. And he can’t just forget about that. He’s not sure who he can exactly trust now outside of Haru and Andy. He feels like he’s walking on eggshells.
But then the builder is there. And they’re new and fresh faced. They’re a change of air and Logan feels drawn towards them. Like, he doesn’t have to plead for forgiveness for them because they met him at his worst and he can only go up from there.
And everyone in Sandrock, he feels either betrayed him or he disappointed them.
So if he’s not with his express adopted child or his co-dad, he’s finding himself trying to capture the builder’s attention.
Need help carrying that? He can do it. Can’t reach that? He can! Forgot the rickety ladder? Logan can lift the builder up.
Requests commissions even if they’re far too simple for the builder to make. It’s a wonder why they’re the ones that snatch his requests up and not Mi-An- but he’s certainly not complaining, that’s the whole reason they’re up there.
He doesn’t realize he’s falling in love with them until Haru makes it clear that he’s got competition (bc let’s be real- builder was racking up relationship hearts with others before they could properly meet)
Jealous cowboy, anyone?
Like his adoptive son, he’s not afraid to take his time in waiting for them.
He just wants to establish that he’s there for them and to at least consider him. If they’re going to open their hearts to anyone, then let him please be on the list of potential candidates.
Logan’s never had a love language before or was really shown one (tho I hc him and Heidi being friendly exes who dated when they were young).
At first, he commissions a lot of weak weapons. Even the builder is confused about it because like, if anyone knows the strength of a weapon, it’d be the monster hunter right???
But then again, the weapons keep breaking and if the weapon breaks… then Logan gets to see the builder again for a valid reason, right? ( @paofia I see what u we’re doing here)
It’s not until Haru AND Andy are like “buddy- maybe you shouldn’t be wasting your money on pointless commissions?”
He ignores them and continues
Doesn’t stop until even the builder is so concerned and a little fed up that they build him really strong weapons for free and dump them in his arms telling him to stop breaking his shit
Logan_the_bandit.exe has stopped working.
His soul has left his body.
His heart? Irrevocably gone.
Big bad ass over here is simping and melting
The builder looks even cuter when they’re frustrated with him. He could just die.
Fine. He won’t do anymore dumb commissions.
He’ll just post bounties but plot twist! There’s a fine print
“Partnered task. Just need an extra hand.”
Peach, he loves fighting by their side. He quickly adapts to their rhythm and speed. Knows when to trade covering them to dealing the blows.
Monster killed! Time to reap the benefits and-
Oh no.
No no no no no no-
He thought it was just with the grease and grime of building, or or or when they came out from mining but
Oh no, oh peaCH, HE’S FUCKED.
There’s a little cut here, a little blood there, their hair is wild and caught up in the wind. And the way they hold their weapon???
Builder best fucking know CPR because Logan’s heart just gave out.
Death by: fatal attraction.
Logan is all cool and collected on the outside with his country drawl and spinning pistol, but inside he’s like, “I’d have to throw myself off this cliff if I drop this twirling pistol in my hand rn. I’d rather get hit by a train than embarrass myself in front of them.”
Andy being a lovable little shit and an absolute wingman but shoving into the builder’s legs and all that to push them into Logan.
Haru springs random moments for his pal by telling them Logan needed their help
Cue Logan having to quickly construct a lie because he was not prepared for this.
But taking that first step with Logan can go one of two ways:
He finally works up the courage to ask you out and appears far calmer and cool than he is on the inside
Or the builder snaps and does it instead
But one thing is certain: it’s fairly easy to see Logan blushing because of his complexion and white hair
Even if he wears his mask, his ears give him away too
I feel like Logan has a long running issue with love though and fears truly being with someone because of his mother leaving his father.
So the builder and him will have to slowly work through that.
Like Owen, Logan has a penchant for old fashioned nicknames.
Darling, doll, sweetheart, etc
It’s just what he vibes with and feels compelled to call his builder
Logan also grew up caring for people and once the builder is his, that’s it, they can’t escape his care and affection.
The man is touched-starved and Haru has long since gotten sick of his buddy hanging off him when he was bored or clapping him hard on the back after a job well done
But Logan treats the builder with so much affection and is afraid to break them almost. Afraid to scare them off
He’s been feared for awhile now and he doesn’t want that with them
So he fine tunes himself to be better and treat them with so much love and care
It actually helps quell his fears significantly when time grows closer to him becoming a father. Andy could handle his roughness and strength, but Logan worried so much about hurting the kid.
Having the builder be his and letting him touch them has helped Logan significantly.
One of his favorite sleeping positions- if they let him- is with his head on their chest. There’s something so incredibly intimate and beautiful to him about being able to feel and listen to his builder’s heartbeat when he goes to sleep and when he wakes up.
The same goes for when he sidles up behind them and wraps them in a hug, sliding a hand up to rest against above their heart just to feel it. Sometimes he does it on a bad day, sometimes he does it just because.
The only thing Logan plans in life is for his builder. Birthday coming up? He’s thinking of a thousand and one things to do. They’re having a bad day? He’s got a contingency plan for this, hold up-
If the builder wears his hat, he’ll die on the spot, it never gets old.
The prospect of traveling with them seems to excite Logan because he’s never really left the desert. But it also comes with safety precautions such as having to change his attire and letting his hair down, sometimes sadly limiting his speech around large groups of people- all because a lot of people in the Free Cities know of Sandrock’s infamous handsome bandit, but not a lot care that he’s a good man who has cleared his name somewhat. Judgment doesn’t cease to exist, afterall.
He will propose. Regardless of if the builder beats him to it or not. He will do it. It’s something he needs to do for not only them, but also himself. It’s how he finally lets go of his fear long instilled from his mother leaving both him and his father.
It’ll happen, but give him time. Never push him or question his love for the builder. It’s unyielding, undying, the strongest part about him. But he still needs time to let go of that pain and fear too.
Logan’s love for the builder is indestructible and something of great might. He’s fought countless monsters, but he couldn’t keep himself from losing to his own feelings for them. And he’s glad he lost this one battle.
Also, them speaking in his country accent, sarcastic or not, he still somehow swoons for them. Someone help this man.
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pudding-squirrel · 1 year
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~send help plz~ ❤(ӦvӦ。)
✨ e y e l a s h e s ✨
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sandara-and-coco · 1 month
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⛵️~ Haru and Nautica marine girl’s ~⛵️
hypothetical babies for my Vega 5 AU ~
🔹️Estelle - The shooting star🔹️
▪︎ 14 years old
Estelle, the eldest daughter of Haru and Nautica got a personality as vibrant and changeable as the sky she adores. Quite capricious and bossy she is strongly independant and excell in many subjects. She is drawn to the promise of adventure beyond the sky preferring to soar among the clouds rather than dive into the depths of the sea. A dream she share with her grandmother.
✨️Nori - The firework✨️
▪︎ 8 years old
As the youngest daughter of Haru and Nautica, Nori is like a ray of sunshine on even the stormiest of days. With her infectious laughter and boundless energy she brought joy and warmth to everyone around her. Ever since she was little, Nori developped a special affinity with marine species and despite her young age, she still strives to make the ocean a better place for all creatures, great and small.
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vani-candy · 5 months
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i doodled a bunch of eyeballs
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sunstream7 · 18 days
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redrew that one scott pilgrim frame but with the sillies
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spookemsdukems · 7 months
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quietly obsessing over that one scene in My time at Sandrock coughcough
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