gooseclan · 3 months
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arce-elliot · 7 years
A little thing I wrote for my character Hornetnose in @clansoforegon. I apologize in advance.
Also, keep in mind that all the subjects talked about in this story are vague and described from a child-like perspective. If that is something that you think may bother you, proceed with caution.
TW: death, head injury, child abuse, self-deprication
“It’s hard for me to tell what makes cats mad sometimes.”
My name is Hornetkit and I’m two moons old! I have a sister named Honeykit and two dads! My papa’s name is Sandtuft, he stays with us in the nursery. My father’s name is Salmonbelly, he’s a big, brave warrior!
I mean, Sandtuft is an amazing warrior too, but Salmonbelly is super strong! He doesn’t spend too much time with us but Sandtuft says he loves us very much. He’s just too busy being the best warrior in the Clan! I wanna be the best warrior one day too!
We’re in RippleClan, which is the best Clan ever! We live near the water and we get to eat fish! I haven’t gotten to try fish yet ‘cause I’m too little, but Sandtuft says we can try it soon!
We also have the best medicine cat! Their name is Smokeleaf. They get to spend all day in their den with lots of funny smelling leaves and pretty flowers! I try to sneak in there a lot to look, but Sandtuft says I shouldn’t do that. Sometimes I knock the leaves over but I don’t do it on purpose! My legs are long and it’s hard to walk! I don’t know how the grown-up cats do it.
My name is Hornetkit and I’m in trouble. Well, Sandtuft and Honeykit say I’m not, but everyone looks at me like I am.
Honeykit and I got to go outside of the den for the first time a few days ago! I can’t remember it much but I bet it was super fun! But apparently I tripped and hit my head. I told you walking was too hard!
Anyway, Smokeleaf says I’m fine but I had to go in the medicine den for a few days. That was amazing! I got to see all the pretty leaves and things! Sometimes I even got to eat some stuff! It was very cool. I even started learning some of the names. The things that Smokeleaf keep giving me are called chamomile and feverfew! They are both cute little flowers so I don’t want to eat them, but they make my head not hurt as much and make it less fuzzy.
Sometimes I hear Smokeleaf and Swallowstar whispering outside the den. Sometimes they even say my name! But whenever I ask what they’re talking about Smokeleaf just makes this face and stops talking. I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but it makes Smokeleaf sad. I don’t want them to be sad!
Sandtuft and Honeykit visit me a lot! Salmonbelly hasn’t had a chance yet, though. He’s too busy hunting!
My name is Hornetkit and I’m so proud of my sister! She became an apprentice today! Her mentor is Fawnwhisker. She’s super excited but she’s sad that I can’t be an apprentice yet. That’s what Swallowstar and Smokeleaf were always whispering about, apparently, but its fine! Swallowstar just wants to make sure I’m totally fine to become the best warrior ever! At least, that’s what Sandtuft told me.
Sandtuft was very upset about it too. I tried to tell him it was okay but he was still very sad. I heard him and Salmonbelly arguing the other day, and Sandtuft sounded like he was crying. I hope he’s okay.
My name is Hornetpaw and I’m an apprentice now! My mentor is Mottlefoot and he is the second best warrior ever! He would be the best, but Salmonbelly is the best! He even came to my apprentice ceremony! He was kind of frowny the whole time, but he’s usually like that! I finally get to sleep in the apprentice’s den with Honeypaw and that’s so fun! We haven’t gotten to train together yet but Mottlefoot says we could later if I work really hard!
I’m trying my best but I don’t think I’m learning fast enough. Mottlefoot is very nice and patient, but when I get something wrong he smiles at me and something’s wrong with it. It’s a good smile, but it’s…it’s hard to explain. It reminds me of the smile Smokeleaf gave me in the medicine den when I was little.
I’m going to say a mean thing, but I would never say it if I wasn’t repeating it. Salmonbelly pulled me aside the other day and told me that Mottlefoot was…that he was a… “mouseheart”. Ugh, even thinking about it makes me feel icky. What a mean thing to say! He said that I was never going to learn to fight well with him as my mentor. I tried to say something back but he kind of walked away.
Mottlefoot said it was okay I wasn’t good at fighting. He says that every cat in the Clan has different skills and that makes a Clan strong. But Salmonbelly says I’m not a good warrior if I can’t fight. How am I going to be the best warrior ever if I’m not sure what being the best warrior even means?
My name is Hornetpaw and today was a bad day.
Sandtuft took me out hunting today and we ran into a big fox. It was so big, and its teeth were so sharp, I’ve never seen anything scarier in my life. Sandtuft told me to run back to camp and get help, and I ran back so fast, I ran as fast as I could, I did my best I tried so hard!
But by the time we got back to the fox…Sandtuft was hurt really bad. I don’t remember much after that; Smokeleaf says I fainted. But we had the vigil tonight and it was so sad. I can’t believe he’s gone. But Mottlefoot says he’s up in StarClan now, watching over us, and that I’ll get to see him again someday. I hope so.
Salmonbelly won’t talk to me. I overheard one of the younger apprentices saying something. Honeypaw tried to cut them off, but I heard what they said. They said Salmonbelly thinks it’s my fault. But I did everything Sandtuft told me to do! I tried my best!
I don’t know what to think. I’m just sad. I want my papa to come back.
My name is Hornetpaw and I’m scared.
Salmonbelly keeps trying to help me fight better. Whenever I’m out hunting by myself he keeps following me and we always end up sparring. It’s really scary, but I don’t think if I told anyone they would believe me. I mean, Salmonbelly is the best warrior in the Clan, so he knows what he’s doing. Maybe this happens to all the apprentices? Yeah, that makes sense.
Honeypaw is going to be made a warrior soon! I’m so excited! I bet she’s going to get the coolest name ever! Mottlefoot says I’ve still got a little bit to go but I think that’s fine! I don’t want to be a warrior until I’m the best warrior!
Maybe I should ask Honeypaw about Salmonbelly? I don’t know, I don’t want her to get mad at me! It’s hard for me to tell what makes cats mad sometimes.
My name is Hornetpaw and I’ve decided that Salmonbelly might not be the best warrior.
I know that sounds really silly, but it took a long time to think about. I told Honeybee (that’s her name now, Honeybee! Isn’t that amazing?) about what Salmonbelly was doing and she did get kind of mad. But she told me it wasn’t because of me, but that he wasn’t supposed to be doing that. She said she wouldn’t tell, though.
I don’t think Salmonbelly can still be the best warrior if he’s not following all the rules. Warriors are supposed to follow the rules, right?
Maybe if I train really hard he’ll stop doing it. I’m going to ask Mottlefoot if we can do more battle training!
My name is Hornetpaw and my ear hurts really bad.
I did something a little stupid. Salmonbelly snuck up on me again and I told him that he wasn’t supposed to do that anymore. I didn’t tell him who told me, even when he asked me. I’m really proud of myself! He yelled at me super loud and I didn’t even run away! I did flinch a little, though.
Sometimes he hits me over the head with his paw. It doesn’t hurt that bad, it’s just a little cuff, that’s all. Today though he didn’t do it right. Mottlefoot says we’re supposed to keep our claws in whenever we battle train but everyone makes mistakes! Anyway, his claw caught my ear a bit. It hurt a lot but now I have a nick in my ear like all the big strong warriors have! He told me I can’t ever tell anyone how I got it though. I made up this cool story about catching a really strong rabbit that kicked me! Even Honeybee believed it, I’m getting super clever!
My name is Hornetnose! I’m a warrior now!
After my ear got hurt Salmonbelly didn’t bother me anymore. I guess it was a test and I passed! I had my warrior assessment a few days ago and I caught a really big fish and a bird! I also found some foxglove in the territory that no cat had found before! I smelled it super easy, but apparently no one else could. Mottlefoot said that it was poisonous and I did a good job, because now they can tell everyone where it is to avoid it!
Swallowstar named me ‘Hornetnose’ for my ‘exceptional tracking ability’. Did you hear that! I’m exceptional! That’s a very big word, but Honeybee said it meant ‘really really good’!
I don’t know if I’m the best warrior, but at least I’m an exceptional one!
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gooseclan · 3 months
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Mossfrog 2 has joined the Clan lol
also, we have our first unknown residence cat! Their name is Wild.
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gooseclan · 2 months
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cat anatomy
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gooseclan · 4 months
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I actually went into the code to make him alive, but I decided against it. Rip Cherubishiver :( . nobody grieved for him.
but hey hey omen seeker trait! That’s cool!
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gooseclan · 4 months
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gooseclan · 6 months
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I didn’t forget to patrol this moon, what do you mean?
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gooseclan · 3 days
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that newbie’s ears in the first panel looks like a frickin lion’s ears
I’m keeping it
edit: I just realized that the prey isn’t in the first panel of pale and Ollie, my apologies 😅
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gooseclan · 13 days
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happy moon, but boy did palevening catch me off guard
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gooseclan · 8 months
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This has been long overdue :)
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gooseclan · 15 days
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And thus starts the best friend trope between Sandtuft and Dustbillow
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gooseclan · 9 months
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Moon 12
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gooseclan · 9 months
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Moon 9
Vivienne was just like “Aight imma head out”
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gooseclan · 9 months
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Moon 5
So there was another patrol scene with Daisyleaf and Suntree going to tend to the graves of dead cats (I’ll just assume it was the StarClan guide)
also Scorchkit bruises healed
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gooseclan · 6 months
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Honorable Mentions: Tallstone’s leg healed, Scorchsting and Ivyshade’s quills were removed, Branchshine and Olliestem’s torn ears from the rats healed
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gooseclan · 10 months
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Moon 3
So turns out I got the designs mixed up on the kits xd- this is Clawkit. Hopefully.
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