diaswarriorcats · 3 months
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gooseclan · 1 year
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Moon 5
So there was another patrol scene with Daisyleaf and Suntree going to tend to the graves of dead cats (I’ll just assume it was the StarClan guide)
also Scorchkit bruises healed
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worldsbelow · 1 month
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The kits all get one post!
Rosykit is Lightstar’s little sister! She’s surprisingly chipper about this whole ordeal and spends most of her days exploring around the new camp.
Heatherkit is the clan’s only tom and resident emo boy. If he’s not brooding, he’s sleeping. And if he’s not sleeping, he’s brooding.
Scorchkit is the youngest member of the clan. She’s scared quite easily, and the older kits often pick on her
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duckclan · 8 months
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I'VE BEEN SO HYPED TO DRAW AND SHOW THIS PAGE SINCE THIS HAPPENED IN GAME! Everyone meet the first litter in Duckclan, Antwish's! To continue to leave Ant's AGAB a mystery, I will not state if they were the pregnant one or not, but I will say that her partner is still a Ridgeclan cat, but by the time the two finally came to terms with the fact that they could no longer continue their relationship, the one who carried the kits was already pregnant.
Also a disclaimer: Shimmer and Ant are NOT a thing! He just cares about her very much and wanted to make sure she was okay [that and on the same moon the kits were born, it was said that Shimmer was seen talking to a Ridgeclan cat, so I take that to mean Ant's now-ex partner was asking Shimmer to help take care of the kits.
Aster is the tortie, Pod is the barely seen one, and Scorch has the mask!
If you saw the version of this where one image of Shimmer is missing all his stripes no you didn't
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falconclangen · 11 months
Moon 10
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passing-moments · 5 months
Heya Cloverheart, How’s Scorchkit doing? Are they traumatized or chill?
Also Geometriceyes (The white cat thing that I’ve named for some reason). Why did you specifically choose to take Tulipstar’s voice?
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kittygirl2210 · 8 months
Adderwing and Doverbreeze find Applekit and Scorchkit (Good Omens WC AU)
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This'll definitely be more fleshed out if I make a comic or fic BUT the jist is, Adderwing misinterprets a sign from StarClan when the pair find the kits (his connection to them hasn't been severed, he still receives signs + prophecies from SC but he usually misinterprets them), making him believe that Scorchkit (Warlock, also named by Adderwing) is the prophesied cat. He and Dovebreeze take Applekit to ThunderClan to be raised as there are no nursing queens in RiverClan (and Dovebreeze has a lot on his shoulders anyway) and Adderwing doesn't want to risk Scorchkit being turned away from ShadowClan. Scorchkit is cared for by Adderwing and his adoptive parents, Harestrike (Harriet) and Eagleheart (Thaddeus).
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quiverpaw · 8 months
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lifegen drabbles pt2
a flash flood took out snagreed's apprentice, mudspot, her friend frosthaze, her mates lemonhope and firetail, and her fellow medicine cat, stormcrackle. two of her kits, scorchkit and snoozekit died, but slumberkit and speakerkit survived as slumberflutter (med) and speakerspeck (warrior). she reached 90 moons.
she learned that purrmimic was cheating on her and seeing a cat from another clan. they broke up.
snagreed's only surviving family is her four kits: brawnfern, curlewthunder, slumberflutter and speakerspeck.
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hazeyclan · 8 months
moon 1
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wilkweed kit has become milkweed paw, and began wearing a sprig of lavender behind their ear. scorchkit watches from the side with a jealous glint in their eye. scorchkit wonders why all the herbs have to be stinky and gross. milkweedpaw wonders how scorchkit is doing.
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notwarriorswiki · 2 years
Hey, love you po12 au! I was wondering about something that you said in your gorsetail hc post. You mentioned Lionblaze revealed that truth, what made you want to change it from Hollyleaf to Lionblaze?
Firstly thank you, it always means so much to know people enjoy what I make! It means a ton, genuinely! Second, due to the shift in dynamics the 12 have with different areas of support even amongst the clans, Hollyleaf's shame in being half-clan is not something she would let get to her in such a manner.
Essentially Squirrelflight finds she's pregnant, earlier than she initially was in the books. She realizes she's pregnant around the time Dovepaw and Ivypaw are apprenticed to Lionblaze and Hollyleaf respectively, and at this point the "OG 12" think all is good, though they've all noticed a few strange happenings. Jayfeather notices Dovekit chattering away about things so far away it shouldn't be possible she knows. Tigerheart notices Scorchkit that while Scorchpaw is shy, he's down right terrified and uncomfortable around certain cats for seemingly no reason. Heathertail is curious as to why Sedgepaw likes talking to herself and staring off into space, in particular ThunderClan. And finally, RiverClan just had a rather quirky young cat stroll up saying she was from the mountains. How had someone barely old enough to be an apprentice make that journey all on her own, and without so much as a scratch?
Back to Squirrelflight, she's shocked. Brambleclaw is elated, I mean he loves Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze, so more kits was great news! Everyone is happy for her, but Jayfeather feels an overwhelming sense of... anger, in his mother. It surprises him. This should be something to celebrate, and Squirrelflight outwardly does. It bothers Jayfeather, but he doesn't push it, keeping it to himself.
However, that night Squirrelflight pulls Leafpool aside and they go out for a walk, and that anger is so loud that Jayfeather can't ignore it. Concerned for his family, he attempts to sneaks out to just keep an eye on things, though he is rather quickly caught by Hollyleaf. Before he can even fully explain, they take cover and overheart something they didn't expect to hear that night.
"We need to talk." Squirrelflight turned to look at her sister, voice flat, if not cold. Leafpool's ears flattened, lowering her head as she seemed to cower slightly. "Is it about the kits?" she asked, voice barely above a murmur. "Of course it's about the kits!" Squirrelflight hissed. Her ginger fur bristled, though her voice remained soft. Her sharp green eyes quickly glanced around, her claws kneading the ground as anxiety practically radiated off of her pelt. "You said I was barren. StarClan said I was barren. You said I'd never have any of my own." The dark ginger she-cat approached her sister, each pawstep heavy as she got closer. "Do you have anything to say to me now? You lied to me Leafpool. You and StarClan lied to me!" "Squirrelflight, I-" "Explain. Why? Why did you?" "You wouldn't take them otherwise. I had to, or else I'd lose everything and-" Squirelflight cut the medicine cat off, lashing her tail as she snarled. "Lose everything?! I would've stood right at your side. I lied to everyone, even my own mate. I've lied to our mom and dad. I've lied to the whole clan. I've lied to everyone I've ever cared about. I've lied to those children who I loved and raised as my own." Leafpool was silent, the brown tabby's amber eyes seeming to harden her own pelt faintly bristled. "Are you saying you regret it? That you regret being their mother?" Jayfeather had listened on in silence, unable to look away. He was as still as he could be, but not due to any amount of trying. His body wouldn't move even if he wanted it to. The gray tabby's throat was dry, and he could only imagine Hollyleaf's expression. His body practically trembled, but the feeling of his sister's soft black fur against his remained. It never dared to leave his side, the two siblings pressed against each other like when they were kits, together in the bushes. "Not for a second. I may not have brought them into this world, but they're still my kits. I'm their mother, and I'll always be their mother. But don't you use them against me now to make your lie to me ok, Leafpool."
They didn't need to hear much more. As the two sisters continued to argue, Hollyleaf would lead Jayfeather away, heading towards a spot Jayfeather always took comfort in - the WindClan border. It was quiet there, the two sitting in silence before Hollyleaf had the strength to finally speak.
"She's not our mom... Squirrelflight isn't our mom..." Her voice was so hollow, Jayfeather's own tightening as he nodded. "Brambleclaw... he isn't our dad, is he?" "I...I don't think so." Hollyleaf took a deep breath, eventually pressing against the gray tabby beside her. She buried her face in his fur, despair washing over her so strong that it could almost knock Jayfeather over. "I don't think so..."
Leafpool was their mother. Everything felt different after that. The two siblings knew they had to tell Lionblaze, and they did so pretty promptly the next day.
In my rewrite, I really strived to make Lionblaze a lot less... boring. He has anger issues, is rather impulsive, and while he has a good heart, he thinks more with it than his head to the point of issues. While Jayfeather and Hollyleaf are more logical and have simply not talked more about it beyond the simple fact of their parentage, Lionblaze is distraught and show is. He paces, he growls, he weeps, he scratches trees - he wants answers but is talked down by Jayfeather who insists they can't go throwing a stone in things now. They had a enough on their plate with StarClan, the Dark Forest, Sol, Darktail, and working with the others. Lionblaze hates to agree, but in the end all three do ask the question-
What would it change?
Outing themselves as children to a medicine cat would do them nothing but harm. In this case the ThunderClan three are much less focused on themselves and their own origin, and instead know they have stuff to do. It's hard to be angry about your origin when you believe you have most definitely been blessed.
For awhile things go as normal. They spend time with Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, still excited about the news of having younger siblings in a way. The biggest issue they have is with Leafpool, Lionblaze avoiding the medicine cat den altogether while Hollyleaf has others ask for her. Jayfeather can't avoid it though, and he just becomes more sour with her. He's annoyed just... all around, but he's doing his best to just get by. It's a festering wound for the ThunderClan trio, as they have no way to process it, but also can't give themselves space without drastically shifting their dynamics. The three are very close with Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, keeping up a healthy relationship with their parents even as adults. Suddenly avoiding them wouldn't go unnoticed unless they occupy themselves. And that's admittedly what they do. After all - Lionblaze and Hollyleaf get apprentices - Dovepaw and Ivypaw respectively.
However, everything changes when Heathertail and Lionblaze affirm in one of their Domain meetings that Dovepaw and Sedgepaw had been speaking to each other - Dovepaw seeing Sedgepaw out on the moor, while Dovepaw recited Sedgepaw's words perfectly back, as if the little she-cat was in her head. The two warriors had absolute undeniable confidence that their apprentices had a gift, just as they did - and this shakes Tigerheart and Pebblefoot. Tigerheart says that his apprentice Scorchpaw... well he knew about the Dark Forest, and could pick out who had been there each night perfectly. Pebblefoot's newly assigned apprentice Larkpaw told grand tales of the lights that guided her to RiverClan from the mountains, and how they always appeared to show her where to go...
It went against the prophecy, and that meeting ended rather tense and confused. Jayfeather confronts Chi the next evening, who fesses up that these cats were indeed the true three, and Hollyleaf, Flametail, Harespring, and Willowshine were not apart of the prophecy. As you would guess, this enrages Jayfeather, wondering why Chi didn't say anything before, but alas the godly figure brushes him off, admitting having those non-prophecy cats around had certainly helped with organization. They just didn't have the characteristics Chi desired - a rather flippant and detached response, though then again that wasn't unusual for Chi.
This news devastates the team, causing just about everyone to walk out with their own differing reactions. Hollyleaf is conflicted, Flametail believes he'll never be worth anything, Harespring dives headfirst into helping Ashfoot with his father, and Willowshine detaches from her siblings. Everyone is mad at Jayfeather, except for Kestrelflight, who tries to talk to him, but can't seem to get through since Jayfeather also stops using Domain during this period out of anger with Chi.
Back to our favorite impulsive and anger issues child Lionblaze, he's not talking to Jayfeather. Hollyleaf attempts to kinda get some things in order, but with her own apprentice to focus on, it's rough. Things come to a head during the Gathering where Lionblaze and Jayfeather have a fight and get into an argument.
Trying to sit with the other medicine cats was awkward when Willowshine and Flametail were there. Jayfeather could feel Flametail's hostility, followed closely by the broken despair that wallowed within Willowshine. Even as Leafpool called to him to come sit with her, Jayfeather would step back, turning and pushing his way through the crowd. "Jayfeather!" He recognized Kestrelflight's voice calling him back, but the gray tabby flattened his ears and pushed on. Not him. Not right now. As he grumbled and pushed through the mass of cats, he'd grunt upon running right into a a muscular form, his scent unmistakable. He sighed. "Sorry, Lionblaze." The golden brown tom would slowly gaze down at his brother, beside him being the familiar light brown tabby, Heathertail. Their apprentices sat nearby chattering with each other, blissfully unaware of the anger within Lionblaze. "You should watch where you're going." "Oh? How am I supposed to do that?" Jayfeather retorted back, stepping to the side with the intention of slipping past his brother. With a growl Lionblaze's fur bristled. "You're going to give me an attitude after what you did? Of course, you can never be wrong, can you?" "What's that supposed to mean? Don't you know I always have an attitude? Go ask any cat, then maybe you'll learn it's not so personal." Jayfeather's snarky tone came right out, raising his head in the general direction of his brother as he curled back his lips. "Not personal?!" Lionblaze's voice rang out. The gathering quelled, a hushed murmur being the last noise they'd hear before silence settled over them. With one of his senses practically snatched away, Jayfeather immediately snapped out of it and flicked his tail. He scented the air, and the emotions radiating off of people was pungent. Confusion, Annoyance, Worry, Fear - they all melded together to create a stench that made Jayfeather's fur bristle and his claws curl. "Lionblaze... let's calm down." "Calm down?! No. I won't be calming down when you ask any more. All this time I've listened to you and did my best, but you've been lying and hiding things from me, from all of us!" the golden tabby screeched. "You think things will just go back to normal? That our lives weren't just flipped upside down? You want to walk around and talk like you didn't just crush the sense of normalcy we had. Squirrelflight isn't even our mother, Jayfeather!!!"
The crowd gasped. The silence was deafening now. While much of Lionblaze's words were directed towards the prophecy, it didn't give it away. Most thought it all stemmed from the parentage truth, when really it was a jumble of everything they had been through over less than a moon. The gathering proceeds much like the book after that. Despite being so close to having their kits, Brambleclaw leaves Squirrelflight as a mate and is absolutely devastated. Leafpool admits Crowfeather is the father, another knife in the Thunderclan three's chest as they've soured their relationship with Breezepelt even more now. They're shunned by some of their clan, supported by others, and Leafpool steps down as medicine cat of ThunderClan, leaving Jayfeather as the sole one - which also really isn't helping the massive weight that's practically trippled in an incredibly short period of time.
Lionblaze immediately regrets what happened but is so ashamed he doesn't know how to apologize.
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animatewarriorcats · 2 years
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Featherstorm! Mother to Raggedstar, Scorchwind, and later Dawnpelt Volepaw and Mosspaw. Appears only in Shadowclan supplementary material, her characterization has a lot of gaps. She's about as old as Brightflower, and as a background cat her personality is fairly one dimensional, with almost all her speaking lines being about motherhood. When she is younger it's implied she doesn't connect well with the clan as she isn't close with any tom, leading to speculation that a kittypet fathered Scorchkit and Raggedkit, but we don't actually see that written out in her relationships. She does have the fling with Hal that obviously doesn't end well as she refuses to speak about him and says he gave up the right to be a father when confronted together by Raggedpelt. She trains Russetfur, but that happens mostly off screen and the two cats probably never speak about Hal, as Feather's relationship remains a secret with his death. Later when Brokenstar takes power, her second litter with Blizzardwing are trained as child soldiers and she is pretty horrified. When Mosspaw is killed in training she is forced to retire to hide her devastation from the clan.
design points, two of her kids are solid ginger so I made her a tabby tortie. She also has some white because I said so. Also this is more a relflective, imo it would be cooler if Scorchwind isn't actually related to Hal, and for once warriors had a litter with two fathers like feral cats frequently do.
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gooseclan · 1 year
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Little Scorchkit is so precious oh my goodnesssssssss
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Dark Forest Resident: Squirrelscar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Killer, Stain of WindClan, My Love, Papa, Best Mate in WindClan, Squirrelstar
Gender: male
Sexuality: heterosexual
Family: unnamed mother, Branchmoss( father), Shimmerwhisker (stepmother), Sloebeak, Strawfreckle, Stumppaw (sisters), Wheatpelt, Peat (mates), Scorchkit, Treeblaze, Rosykit, Birchsmoke, Troutshine, Tigerpaw, Brindlekit, Daisypaw, Coniferpaw, Oliveshiver, Silkstar, Dahliatooth (daughters), Caterpillarsplash, Bravekit, Nightkit, Coalpaw, Honeyfern, Patchkit, Adderthroat, Boughmouse, Oakbubble, Stoatquiver, Lightningshimmer (sons), Elmpaw, Olivekit, Pinepaw, Fleetkit, Drizzlekit, Siltstalk, Blossomkit, Lightkit, Irispaw, Brokenthud (granddaughters), Whisperacorn, Bigdapple, Canopykit, Poppykit, Nutdrop, Canopyember, Butterflypaw, Weaselkit Fishpelt (grandsons), Mothpaw (great-granddaughter), Burdockpaw, Branchkit (great-grandsons)
Other Relations: Bayheart (mentor)
Clan: WindClan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: loving, brave pathfinder, good teacher, has exceptionally shitty luck
Number of Victims: 2
Number of Murders: 2
Murder Method: tripping, throwing onto Thunderpath
Known Victims: Foxash, Treestar
Victim Profile: warrior, leader who constantly reminded him of his first crime
Cause of Death: 1: badger 2: whitecough, old age 3-9
Cautionary Tale: ??
Honestly, the Clan had no idea how he pulled it off. Killing a full grown warrior as a newborn kit? Without help? Who in their right mind would believe it?
But believe it the Clan did, and so he was treated like a criminal for the first full-season cycle of his life.
After that, things settled down, but some things never changed.
When he and Wheatpelt welcomed a litter of three, he went to his family to tell the good news, only for his father and step-mother to tell him to get out of their sight.
Unfortunately, his good luck didn’t last.
His Scorchkit, his baby, dead of kittencough! He wailed and cried over the little body for hours, then redoubled his care of his remaining kits.
Those two kits grew into great warriors, and he and Wheatpelt soon decided to have a second litter, which blessed the couple with six kittens!
Unfortunately, StarClan was not feeling kind that Leaf-fall. Not only were two of his precious kits stolen from his life, but his sisters to boot!
A mere two moons later, Rosykit, on the eve of her apprentice ceremony, died of yellowcough.
Then Coalpaw, lost to greencough.
And then, the turning point.
He approached Treestar to ask for something, and the leader sneered down his nose, and said:
“You will never be able to outrun your guilt.”
His world stopped.
He wasn’t strong enough to protect his babies, barely strong enough to protect himself, and this rotting maggot had the audacity to bring up the crime he had committed before his eyes were even open!?
His long-lasting temper was starting to fray, which was worsened when Patchkit died of a claw wound. He once again went to Treestar, his idol, only for Treestar to say ‘The blood of your victim stains your paws. I hope it haunts you.”
Distressed, he spoke to his firstborn son, only for Caterpillarsplash to say that he never found Squirrelscar convincing as a warrior.
When he went to his Wheatpelt, his love, his one and only, she turned away in anger, saying that she could’ve trusted him once.
And then it clicked.
They thought he murdered his own son, his own precious kit.
Much like the murder that tarnished his infancy, how he didn’t snap then was a mystery.
But eventually, he couldn’t stand the backhanded comments about the deaths of his babies.
Treestar was found on the Thunderpath with his lives stripped clean out of his pelt.
Much to the shock of everyone, and in a move that probably made Treestar do flips in his grave, Crouchstar promoted Squirrelscar to deputy!
He never expected to go so far, so fast.
Suddenly, he was no longer the Clan pariah. He was respected, honored even.
His kits had kits, precious little bundles of fluff nonetheless afflicted with his cursed luck.
It was rare for his kin to make it to adulthood, but something else was about to change dramatically.
Crouchstar died, leaving Squirrelscar--now Squirrelstar--to take over the Clan.
His lives ceremony was… something else.
Coniferpaw, his daughter, gave him a life for happiness.
Ferretglide gave him a life for sympathy.
Mapledawn, his son, Adderthroat’s, mate gave him a life for clear judgment.
Magnoliawhisker, a former medicine cat, gave him a life for duty.
Almondacorn gave him a life for courage.
Springdapple, the mentor of his son, Boughmouse, gave him a life for strength.
Jaggedtuft, the mentor of his grandkit, Butterflypaw, gave him a life for endurance.
Siltstalk, his first grandkit to reach adulthood, gave him a life for friendship.
Finally, Crouchstar gave him a life to overcome his fears.
Through his lives ceremony, he should’ve been happier, but he kept looking for his lost family. Where was Wheatpelt? Where were the rest of his babies?
He moped, but was soon distracted by his new responsibilities.
Until Peat, his second love, died, birthing their last litter of three.
He started slipping after that, dozing off from reality as the Clan seemed to fall apart.
When Oakbubble died, rather than promoting a competent warrior, he promoted his own daughter, Silkspeckle, to the position instead, letting her run things while he moped in the sun.
Many would later say that he died of a broken heart.
But others would say he was haunted. Many would claim to see a dark tabby figure lurking beside him, whispering poison into his ears.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor
--I think I mentioned on another post where a newborn kit killed a warrior that it's probably some luck like the warrior went to see them and just so happened to have an aneurysm when they entered the nursery or the kitten touched them, or they died the same day--but the Clan is super stupid and superstitious that they believe the baby caused it.
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worldsbelow · 2 months
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Formerly Lightsting of the Kindred of the Moon. After disaster struck, she gathered as many of the clowder's kittens as she could with her dear friend Chasingbite and fled into the night.
She is wary of her new surroundings, and if it weren't for the fact Scorchkit was too young to travel long distances, probably would have rejected Sister Crow's offer of shelter.
If she had a theme song for these early moons, it'd probably be Rock in God's Shoe by Sushi Soucy
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somerandomicthings · 10 months
Garlicclan Moon 4!
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After a big hiatus, since june, here's Moon 4 from Garlicclan, Moon 5 is already on the making, Scorchkit and Mitepaw got a promotion! Now as Scorchpaw and Miteclaw, and i found interesting that Lightingstar choose Raggedthud to be Scorchpaw's mentor, hope nothing bad happens to them :) Also, Scorchpaw and Hailkit is not as close as they used to be, and a little bonus in the end, the Starclan's guide, Sycamorebeam.
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