d4djobesemuses · 6 months
Rei was beyond excited, she hadn't even considered going to a pool in so long, but she felt so lucky when she discovered the Ohara Hotel's store went up to 10XL in the swimwear sizes, and all of incredibly high quality too!
After purchasing herself a pair that fit just a little snugly, Rei checked in, had a "light" three hour breakfast in the hotel's buffet, leaving Rinku to gorge just when she felt appropriately stuffed, and made her way to the hotel's swimming pool.
Perhaps it was the day, or the angle advertising to obese idols primarily, but Rei thanked whomever let the pool be completely empty at this hour of the day.
Taking plodding step after plodding step, the enormity of Rei was undeniable, round cheeks leading to a hefty, wobbling double chin that completely obscured her neck, glistening sweat rolling from it and down her hefty chest in it's quite revealing swimsuit top, it left very little to the imagination, resting atop the star of the show, her wobbling orb of a belly that hung down halfway to her knees, it was a singular slab of fat, slapping with wet plops at every step against her meaty thighs as sweat dripped like a showerhead onto the poolside floor, some ending on her fattened feet, too disfigured by fat to provide the perfect balance, forcing every step Rei took to be even more calculated than it would have already been.
And although walking down a flat surface was a challenge, it was one that the former pianist relished in, the issues only truly began once she reached the pool itself.
With a nervous gulp, Rei slowly lowered a foot onto the first step, and immediately felt years of neglecting her muscles catch up with her, strain went through her left leg as well as shock from the cool temperature of the pool's water.
"Ngh- ghahh... this is... hahh... a problem...!" She worried out loud, not aware that a certain bluenette just might be within earshiot
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bountifulbulk · 3 months
"Oi, Neesan." A certain black and red-haired tomboy who used to have a talking uniform would go pester her sister about... things. Physically-altering, high-calorie things. "Uh, your lunch is here... Plus I wanna talk to ya if you got time to... between stuffin' your face n' all..."
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"Yes?" The ravenette’s presence as commanding usual even at her immense size. The custom-tailored uniform straining against her frame as she waddled over towards her sister. “Thank you… although you didn’t have to bring it up here… I know how heavy these bags are… but I do have some time… what do you want to talk about…” Reaching for her lunch, her bean bag belly growling from the smell alone.
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corpulentcarbs · 4 months
"Homura-chan, Homura-chan~!!" The pink puella would lumber up to the girl holding what looked like dry-cleaning in one hand; a bright, excited smile on her pudgy face. "I wanted to ask a favor~!"
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“Hm?” The ravenette turned her curiosities towards Madoka who was calling out, making sure that she doesn’t knock into her as she turned. Always knowing how to brighten up her day with her presence alone, but today seemed different a lot more cheery than usual. Seeing the dry cleaning, it was a bit out of place but she thought nothing of it mostly. “What can I do for you?”
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Mari hummed contently to herself as she was busy assisting with a food delivery ordered to one of her hotel's many rooms. The blonde quietly read the door numbers to herself as she kept an eye on the order. "Hmmm... Nothing but burgers and beef bowls... She must have quite the cravings. So dense for an idol... Not that I'm one to speak~"
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She finally reached the room she was aiming for, giving a knock before checking inside. "Rise Kujikawa-saaan~? Your third dinner is here, as requested~"
From deep within the hotel door some noises could be heard. Familiar ones. The noises of someone ravenously enjoying a meal. A deep gurgle akin to the growl of a beast, and a belch that rung out through the room. "Oough, O-One Second! Oof..." Such a dainty voice for such crass noises and habits, and footsteps that shook the floor. Clearly a wrecking ball of a girl coming to the door. And when it opened up, the red headed idol sensation, Rise Kujikawa, was there blushing and wiping a little drool from the corner of her mouth. It was clear from the door opening that she'd been so preoccupied stuffing her face that cleanliness and hygiene may have taken a backseat...
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"S-Sorry about that! Man, Third Dinner already? I figured that'd take longer, thanks! And they had to send a cutie to my door with it too, I'll make sure to tip extra well~!"
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slobbyprincess · 7 months
Riko was intrigued. A living sword? And one with two personas at that. She'd read of sentient swords in lore and fiction, but she never knew one really existed, let alone in the way Pyra and Mythra did. She had to know more about them... "Surely such a prestigious weapon would look just as regal... Right?"
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Mythra is very much not that. Pyra? Maybe. Even probably, despite certainly being a similar weight to Mythra. But the blonde in question? Most certainly not. Sweat pours down her figure, frame caked in the slick liquid as she huffs and puffs, food distending her throat as she shoves quite the large, unwieldy pile of meat down her gullet.
Riko, waddling and struggling her way through the woman's door herself, might think her whole 'food, sweat, and vomit-coated room' vibe is a bit much, buuuut, you know...~
It must also be rather relatable, no?~
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"Nnggh... HOOOOOURRRRRPPPP...~ Whwho....Hfff... are yhouuu... cutie...~?"
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substantial-gains · 2 months
How much taste-testing can Erina stomach in one sitting?
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All of it.
Don't question it, she legally has to-
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pudgy-planets · 30 days
Mari was... surprised. Her hotel usually catered to idols and yet... she caught wind of a patron who had arrived that was nothing of the sort. Suited. Handsome. Yet they were a woman. Not to mention the size of them, according to her staff. Massive in every sense of the word.
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"I have to see her for myself... It's rare to get someone coming to the island who isn't in the music industry in some way...~" She subtly waddled her way to the hotel's dining hall, where she was told the new guest had immediately requested a table at once she signed in...
In a way, Haruka was loosely connected to the musical world. Having previously played integral parts and roles through her pianist expertise.
Having been precisely informed of Mari’s place of business through her sources, the plenteous woman found herself intrigued and felt it warranted a visit. If only to scope out and satiate her own curiosity.
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Upon reaching the dining hall, Mari would be greeted by the sight of that mysterious guest… and the sheer amount of space she seemed to occupy simply by sitting at her luxurious table.
From the chins adorning her face to the creaking of leather dress shoes from adipose-laden feet, her presence was palpable.
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sweetside · 3 months
How much can Kirigiri put away in one sitting? I'd love to see just how gluttonous this detective can get when not worrying about any remote cases~
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You know those big anime meat bowls? About three or four of those. Depending on the weather.
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thehouse-o-girth · 3 months
"Gulph... Ulph... Hff... H-Hah..." Not having Homura fretting over waistlines anymore meant Madoka could indulge herself freely... and regularly. As shown by her much heavier, out of shape form. The pinkette looked like a melted marshmallow forced into a much too small school uniform. She swallowed a handful of rice and karage, smiled lazily, hiccuped and then- "GLURLPHK-!!" Belched a semi-digested glob of what she just ate back up onto her chin bib... "Hah... H-Homura-chan... Ish it almosht time for shecond lunch yet...?"
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"..." It was needless to say as Homura looked at her rather soft and squishy companion, she couldn't help but feel a slight bit of guilt for Madoka having gotten to such a state like this, and by a slight bit, it was like a decent amount as god knew the moment she viciously tore into that sandwich Madoka gave her, it would only give her more fuel to dive deeper into gluttony. And now here she was, now a full-blown Michelin Man whose ass could barely fit in the skirt she was wearing...
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"Soon Madoka... Just... Try your best to keep your meals down alright? The last thing I want is for you is to overload your stomach to the point you're throwing up what you just had 10 minutes ago..."
At the very least, she wasn't in danger of being taken away from her.
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madokamatsu · 6 months
Welcome from one Madoka wg RPer to another! Any favorite aspects of wg/feederism we should consider when interacting with you? Tame, dark or otherwise? Ah, and any limits we should keep in mind, too?
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thank you for the awesome question!! honestly, i couldn't post much of a list of favourites in regards to wg, i like most parts of it on different days and my specific mood is always changing, but this blog may have a somewhat darker theme in general so darker stuff is okay
in regards to limits, i basically only have the obvious ones- gore, etc!! If someone sends an ask past a limit or a topic I don't really feel like doing on that day (or ever), I'll tend to just ignore it- don't worry, i won't be offended by anything anyone sends, and if it starts to become a problem I'll mention it ^_^
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d4djobesemuses · 2 months
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Rei looked at the blob she called pupil and rival, a glint of excitement in her eyes. “Hff… hahh… I wouldn’t… nghff… be sho shure… hff… Kanan… nghk- BGHKRLK-!!” Her cheeks puffed when she pushed against her stomach, forcing several dozen pounds of half digested food out of her stomach and onto the floor, emptying her tank until all she could do is pointlessly gag.
“You’re… hahh… NGHK-… not the only one to get… hff… fattah…” She said, forcing another small wave to escape her lips, spilling unto the ground and joining the pool at her flabby feet.
With her tank empty, and her body dripping with sweat and digestive fluid, Rei grinned.
“Hff… hahh… hungry… s-sho hungry…” She started drooling, reaching over to her phone clumsily to start placing an order of every greasy food under the sun, her face turning to extreme stress, her cravings and addiction good haywire.
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bountifulbulk · 3 months
"Megumin... I-I don't mean to question things, but maybe it'd be best if you dropped the gaining idea? You've been following my anti-training diet to a tee and it's only made you bigger than you were before in a... shocking and almost envying amount of time."
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“I appreciate your concern but I’ve already made up my mind… and giving up now would just mean abandoning everything. My size now is just a means of my dedication, despite the fact that I’m a lot wider than I am tall. I’m the shortest in this party you could at least let me have this.”
It’s not like Megumin was capable of putting in the effort to lose the weight, there are weight reduction spells but do you really think she would waste her time learning them.
Don’t mind Megumin as she presses her softness against the perverted crusader as she lays into her.
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“I mean if you really wanted me to stop… why did you let me reach up to almost 500 pounds before saying something.”
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corpulentcarbs · 4 months
"Really, I'm... glad you've softened up so much, Homura-chan. You seem so much happier nowadays compared to before...
I guess we just needed to follow Kyoko-chan's lifestyle? Eheh...~"
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“You think so? Well I’ve softened up in more ways than you can imagine. I guess putting on weight has its benefits as well as some downsides of always been hungry.”
“Kyoko said I shouldn’t rush this fatty life, so I’m taking things slow enjoying and savoring every bite.”
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houselessgluttony · 13 hours
"GluuuUUUuurph-" Came the sound of a belch from a chubby pair of pink-haired lips. So much for that being a house-only issue...
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And naturally if this world's normalcy wasn't enough to make matters even more offputting and weird, of course it would add to the plate further by having Madoka look a bit more... softer than she usually did. It wasn't by any means an ideal way of wanting to see Madoka and it did raise a bar of concern within the darker magical girl, but at the very least, she wasn't trapped in a place where the forces beyond were affecting her stomach...
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"Finishing up another packet of those chocolate treats Madoka? I can't help but notice that you've been looking a lot... different lately..."
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mikanlardyclinic · 6 months
Mikan, I understand you're trying to keep your patients from getting any unhealthier but... is eating their meals really needed? You look practically turgid...
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The nurse's taut gut groaned as she shoved more food down her throat... Tears strolling down her face as the pain in her midsection felt sharper and sharper.. But she had to continue.. To help her friends.. To be useful to them otherwise.. They could hate her... Or even worse they could die.. Making everyone hate her!.. But... God.. Why did MIU had to order so much, She was just recovering from her last heart surgery she was supposed to take care of herself like mikan told her!..
"u..ughuu.... Hnnbgh.. Y..yesh... O..otherwishe.. T..the othersh.. The othersh will g..get w..worshe..! A..and they'll hate meeh.."
Forcefully the nurse kept shoving a burger coated in lard down her throat.. Her poor heart doing it's best to beat as more lard emcompassed her
A yellowish vile escaped her lips.. Relieving some pressure but.. Making her burst into a full on cry taking bigher bites of the burger as her vomit dribbled down her chins and chest..
"t..they'll hate meh.. If i.. Washte any of their food... G..gotta pusb.. P..pleashe.. D..don't h..hate meeh.."
Troubled breathing interruped by bites.. Cries and more bile escaping her insidds until she finally took the final bite of the burger.. Wheezing her gut red and taut.. The nurse shoved a fistfull of fries down her throat.. Finishing miu's order.. And felt really bad... Like inminient doom was approaching.. She started crying again..
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"u..ughhuu.. H..hnnnghu.. I..im s..shooou s...shorrry!!!.. P..pleashe d..don't h..hate m..meeeeh!
Lard and remains of the nurse covered the walls.. Lil drops of blood barely noticeable as the lard inside her body emcompassed the room painting it a nasty yellow.. Her cute lil apron coated in food stains slowly floated down.. Falling on the lardy remains of the nurse
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nevermindtheweights · 4 months
"Hoooh-... I think I could use that sort of culinary skill in my hotel with the way things are going with my patrons...~"
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"Hmm... Give me access to any fatty I want and let me source my own stock and I'll do some cooking for you. I'll even bring my own kit too"
Considering she isn't charging her high fee for her culinary prowess, this is probably a good deal.
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