slightlysaneee · 11 months
I've been watching Manly play The Coffin of Andy and LeyLey and... oh boy. OH BOY
First of all, I haven't finished episode two. Secondly, I love the game so far. It's been a significant amount of time if ever since I encountered protagonists as toxic as they are. But, my dear dudes, they are so well written. I absolutely want to murder Ashley, she's a psychopath through and through and I'm willing to adopt and do more things to Andrew. I love when writers make us sympathetic toward the most vile people. I kinda want them to succeed in all their murder endeavors and — curse you twisted brain of mine — I ship them and also I don't (I mean, of course not, and yet). I hate and love Ashley, and I feel so sorry for Andrew and I want him to break free because they are unfortunately so believable, especially together.
Going back to how well written they are. The dialogues are hilarious and natural. Their personalities are so palpable in every scene, in every pause, stutter and eye contact. Especially Andrew's inner turmoil, omg that poor young man.
The whole game is there to morally challenge us. What would we do in their situation? Do we understand their actions? Do we condone them?
So incest... Incest is there, it's very obvious from the start. Are developers pro incest? I don't know and do not care. But honestly, I don't think so. They created a completely dysfunctional family, with unhealthy relationships and codependency between siblings on one side, and neglect from parents' side. In episode two, it's obvious their mother knows how Andrew and Ashley feel toward each other. She is aware of it and wants to break them apart. So I don't think developers romanticize incest - to the contrary, I think they are well aware the immoral side but they wan to toy with players, push our boundaries and blur our moral views. In any case, whether developers are pro or anti incest is not the point at all. I think people, especially on this site, aren't aware that artist/writers are NOT their work. But art will always be there to challenge your views, emotions, to poke you right in the sore spots. It's been like that since the dawn of civilization.
P.S. I love that there is only one coffin for Andy and Leyley. There is so much meaning there.
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slightlysaneee · 11 months
I saw a fanart on Pinterest where Shepard was covered in scars, real deep ones, so face, chest, legs, all pink and deformed (which make sense considering what she's been through and looks cool af).
And I'm thinking, Garrus getting scars in ME2 would make him look more like her in that case (he doesn't have that many scars because he's basically a sexy armadillo lol).
His scars are healing in ME3, while Shepard's still stay quite visible and then he goes with those lines (paraphrase):
The scars are starting fade... but I could get some new ones if that would help.
And I know he said it to flirt, showing how he still wants to be with her and be sexy for her, but he could also want to look more like her as well. Because he admires her and loves her in every way possible aslsjkqolalajkal
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slightlysaneee · 1 month
This blog is 100% fandom blog now. It's still MDNI space since I am an extremely horny woman. Follow @slightly-knot-insane for monsterfucking and femdom stuff
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slightlysaneee · 9 months
Now, NOW of all times, when I'm in bed and it's 1am, I want to draw Shakarian. And I know the pose and I know their expressions and fuck me it would take me days to draw it
*sigh* I wish I had a standalone drawing tablet so that I could draw anywhere and anytime
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slightlysaneee · 1 year
I have stayed up yet again until 2am drawing the last pair of hands. What kind of demon possessed me to draw handholding Garrus & Shepard with dedication I rarely get, is beyond me
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slightlysaneee · 10 months
Since finishing ME3 a few weeks ago, I wasn't able to play anything else. I don't think I will be able for some time. Stray is waiting for me, but my brain is still not vacant enough for a new game.
It's pretty obvious that I became obsessed with the games. The odd thing is, that I liked the ending too. First I got the Refusal ending (not by shooting the kid though, lol), because I didn't want to negotiate anything. And then I was debating with myself should I choose Synthesis or Destroy? My sis (who already completed the game) asked me 'Will you really believe anything reapers say?' so I chose Destroy ending. And I haven't regretted it.
I can imagine how pissed off the players were back in 2012 when there was no epilogue. I would be too (just like in DA:O when nobody mentioned Alistair dying during the final battle). Luckily, they fixed this. In the end, overall, even with the whole vague philosophy behind the reapers alongside the destroy ending - I fucking like how the game ends. It hurt my core to play it, but it ended in a narratively good way - Shepard sacrificing themself for others like the hero they were.
I don't consider leaving so many things open necessarily a bad thing. I wish to replay the games again (many times), explore more, and think deeply about every item, character, and piece of lore.
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slightlysaneee · 11 months
I have to work instead of finishing ME and honestly I'm so pissed off I want to cry
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slightlysaneee · 10 months
My obsession toward ME has definitely grown into love and I don't feel the constant need to daydream about Garrus lol. I barely think about him (which makes me a bit sad). However, the urge to replay all three games + Andromeda is consuming my soul. Especially the first part since I barely remember it now, it was my first sci fi game of that kind and I was super confused lol
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slightlysaneee · 10 months
I realized there is not a lot of point in me hiding that I'm also a nsfw artist/writer. I will continue to separate accounts and blogs for the sake of my followers and I will use different signatures (currently I have three signatures: sfw, nsfw and sfw Serbian/Balkan).
It was... odd to admit that I draw porn to a family friend (we're not close), but I should start accepting that I am what I am. Also, if I ever start doing commissions or anything similar one day, I will be able to show different accounts for different kind of stuff. But I won't hide that I do explicit stuff if it ever comes up.
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slightlysaneee · 10 months
I might have just attempted to put garrus making NOISES file into my phone
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slightlysaneee · 11 months
me: intensively following mass effect blogs after finishing ME for the first time just to surround myself with other broken souls
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slightlysaneee · 11 months
New nsft art later today!!!
I have another very wholesome one but it's not ready lol, so you're getting lineart + shading part. Full colored pic coming soon.
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slightlysaneee · 11 months
Okay seriously there isn't enough people who know what POV means. When I search for female POV sex, I want to see a guy or a girl doing stuff TO A GIRL. I go to a porn site, looking for references, and I get the same results whether I type in male or female pov 🙄
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slightlysaneee · 11 months
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slightlysaneee · 1 year
all these wonderful mass effect fanblogs reblogging my art and i refuse to look at them because i haven't played me3 yet lmao
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slightlysaneee · 7 months
I'm playing a visual novel and lacking self-control so much I need to time myself lol
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