rosaictus · 1 year
as if nero needed to do patrolling around the island, it was most likely a self conscious decision. while it wasn't every ward on the island, it was enough for her. nothing really seemed out of the ordinary, she just feels a bit weird without having a holy grail anywhere. thankful that her praetor is here to show nero the ropes of this city, of course it might be awhile before she will feel acclimated to it.
upon her way back to her housing she notices a man slumped over in an alleyway. hurrying her way of to him and crouching down at his level, hand on his shoulder. nero gives him a little nudge to wake up him.
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"you there, are you harmed?" nero will do her damn best to make sure that this man stays alive. whether or not he wanted her help, it only seemed right. while he didn't seemed injured, but he doesn't look well.
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fifthmagician · 2 months
it wasn't like aoko was paying much attention at the situation in front of her, actually she was trying real hard to ignore it. but somehow with her peering over and seeing a scam happening in real time, the perpetrator and her make eye contact.
ugh great.
scams back at home weren't nearly as common, but it didn't mean that they didn't happen...especially when they target vulnerable individuals.
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"are you seriously trying to haggle me for something, why don't you have someone else do this for you?" whatever this was, aoko had no plans to even entertain the idea of whatever this man was planning. "i'm not one for scamming people, y'know."
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anglerfishnabe · 4 years
Ogata had heard of the castle that had been built on the area but he hadn’t really seen it from too close up. It’s just about big and extravagant as one would expect from a castle. 
He’s not hear to stare the building though but rather taking shelter from the shelter, outside the building still. 
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“ .... “
But of course when you hang around someone’s house, castle or not, there’s a high chance you’ll bump into them or they onto you. 
....the guy looks a tad familiar though, now that Ogata looks at him. 
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wanderblade · 5 years
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It was desperate times. Not so bad she had to resort to begging yet, but enough to where her budget wasn’t exactly much beyond instant ramens. The market had plenty of choices, some exotic ones even. But none of them were really affordable in her current situation. It’s makes her envious almost, seeing the man grabbing all the good things and putting it in his basket. So much she’d stare, too long even as her attention is noticed. Eyes would advert away, hopefully he didn’t notice? Or bother ask.
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magimariman · 5 years
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“How did you manage to pull that off..?” Romani asked, head canted to the side. It wasn’t his place, really, to ask the other this. Though he did hide it fairly well, he’d become far too used to seeing people hiding injuries to let it pass. Even small ones can turn severe if left unattended. 
“If you’ll let me, I can probably patch you up a bit with what I have on hand. It’s not a proper medical kit but I did purchase some stuff...” In truth, a decent chunk of this was from random stores. Tiny knitting needles. fishing line, scrap fabric.. He’d made himself a faux medical kit rather easily.
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24hrmajimachan · 5 years
@sanpatron said:  [TEXT] Boss: I'll take you up on that meal offer
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Took him long enough. At this point, Majima had almost assumed the other had entirely forgotten about it!
[txt]: sure, sure, vic-chan! [txt]: whaja feelin’? japanese, bar-b-q, chinese?  [txt]: i know sum gr8 spots for each. 
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amelserru · 5 years
It was expected at this point, that something would happen given the dates and holidays that humans grew accustomed to; to not come to such a conclusion was the epitome of stupidity and negligence. The build-up had been there, the signs had been there, and yet the transition was sudden enough to shake. 
Most of the city lay submerged, broken buildings clearly having sustained a strong impact. Kingu could guess what the image was meant to convey and represent; a colossal wave. It was inconvenient to traverse, even if the water itself posed no threat to his survival, but he managed. When possible, he kept to higher ground.
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The interference with his presence detection, however, proved the worst obstacle. Presences he could feel but not see from his vantage points had left him rather paranoid, and so every noise had Kingu turning sharply in their direction. “Show yourself.”
Had he access to all his abilities, he’d be projectiles instead. ➢ @sanpatron​
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cooldown51-blog · 6 years
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“Ya have a moment?” it was a simple question, though one that was needed for the assassin. He didn’t have the faintest clue where the sodding hell he was and just ‘Spirale’ was the fakest answer he’d heard since one of Sylvia’s many answers on where she vanished off to this time. Of course, just the general look of the other was a close third place. Too kept up and pristine coupled with an admirable amount of muscle. Bodyguard? Police officer? No, too low paygrades for something that fancy.
“C’n ya tell me where th’ bloody fuck I am? None o’ that ‘Oh welcome t’ Spirale’ crap, either. Gettin’ fuckin’ sick of it. Hear it one more time ‘nd someone’ll be swallowing teeth.” 
Despite his aggression, it was rather clear he was just bemused by the general populace that either don’t know better or can’t know better.
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igotus · 6 years
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“Oh hey- s‘cuse me. I’m trying to collect some info on the people livin’ here in this city and you look like a guy that might know a thing or two. I work for the SNO, you got a minute?”
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heavyhonored-blog · 6 years
@sanpatron​ // *
all things considered, arthur feels at least ten years older than his actual age. mentally, at least.
that hasn’t slowed him down, per say, especially not since his lungs have been rid of that disease and he’s. well, he’s not dead. he doesn’t even feel like the corpse he should be. the same could be said for his temper, which may have been dampened by all that transpired the last year, but still flares right to life when some drunken fool decides to play coy with him.
arthur lifts his head in confusion, gloved hand touching his hair where his hat had rested a moment ago. then, he whirls around to watch a low-life with a shit-eating grin perch the headgear atop their own head, all the while making some jeering comment about the cowboy.
naturally. oh so naturally, arthur slugs the stooge across the mouth. then, he retrieves his hat.
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“sorry to say that i ain’t got much patience for an off-duty clown.”
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eyebrand · 5 years
@sanpatron ♛ ( sc )
A flick of her thumb went to her cheek to wipe the blood from it, as bandits laid dead on the ground around her. It was only a few bandits this time around, and had Lucina not been around, they surely would have robbed the woman who was trying to make her way down the path. She didn’t even care that Lucina was a draken; she was simply thankful for the help before rushing off.
Well, now she’ll have to find a place to dispose the bodies. She didn’t want to kill them, but she was left with no choice. It didn’t help that her newfound attributes made her a little more aggressive than normal. But, that was neither here nor there. Turning around, the princess addressed a certain pair of eyes that had been watching her.
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     “You don’t seem to be the type to hang around bandits,      so I will not ask if you are with them. You were also in the      city of Spirale, were you not?”
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liquidsnxke · 6 years
ʟᴀᴛᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀɪɴɢs sᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀs // @sanpatron​
“what are you doing out this late?”
the question is startling. liquid hadn’t expected to encounter anybody out this late at night, nor in this area. it’s generally quiet - not a breathing soul in sight. breathing being the key word.
a hand instinctively twitches, not toward anything in particular, but the ghost of a gun being the comfort it seeks. he turns his head slowly to peer over his shoulder, a glare over his visible features that says nothing short of ‘fuck off if you want to live’. it’s short-lived; he recognizes the source of the voice.
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“haven’t seen you around in a long while,” liquid snake returns, disregarding the boss’s question as he turns to fully face him.
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@sanpatron​ // *
dante groans out loud, head hanging low enough that his white hair curtains the back of his hand of cards from the other players around the poker table. lost again. he should’ve learned his lesson by now, after all these years, but he can’t help but enjoy the game! gotta stop playing with strangers who don’t wanna play for low stakes.
lifting his head with a sour grimace spread across his scruffy face, the legendary devil hunter tosses out his hand in front of him with a limp wrist, revealing a hand of utterly useless cards up against another player’s full house.
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“boys, i am just not cut out for this.” 
the dealer collects the cards and dante reflects on how he’s about swept clean of the very little money he arrived with. pushing his chair back, the hunter makes movements to leave, but stops when one of his competitors pipes up.
‘you ain’t done yet. siddown.’
dante levels a neutral, if unaffected gaze on the one who’d demanded him to keep playing. he breaks out into a grin then, showing his palms and shaking them slowly, signaling that he’s got nothing and he’s leaving.
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anglerfishnabe · 5 years
ба́ня!!!!! ~isola edition
In the island they called them saunas. He wasn’t frequest visitor. Last time he’d gone was somewhere around this time last year. Before that couple of times and then first when he was still in Karafuto. 
It’s still heavy, the heat clings well and long. Ogata rarely stays long and today’s no exception but he barely entered few minutes ago. He’ll stay for a while and then leaves. He picked a quiet time so he could be alone, in peace. He wouldn’t mind it otherwise but there was the issue how some people would just add the heat as they liked when he preferred to keep it a little bit lower.
He sits there. Blessed in his lack of knowledge of what is to be. 
 When the man enters Ogata is disgruntled. He’s up there almost right next to the door, staring at him as he walks in. 
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“ .... “
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anglerfishnabe · 6 years
clothes make a cat
Ogata doesn’t own much clothing - frankly he doesn’t feel the need to change that often. He’s not very used to it either, as easy as using washing machine turned out to be but now that he’s here he figured he might as well look for something.
Easier said than done, not that there isn’t anything that would look good on him but today it seems like everything that hits his eyes just turns out to be a little too expensive for what someone used to being sparing with his clothes is used to.
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“ ....a little too flashy too”, he mumbles casting aside some shirts doused in bright colours.
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