#sans is a special case we'll get into. later. eventually. maybe
copper-skulls · 2 years
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rotating Smok Signals, anyways, I thought about it a little more:
Gaster is bulky but spiky. his wings came in after the barrier came up and he's garbage at flying but he does love smacking things with them.
Papyrus is Long Oval shaped in general, much more lightweight, and while he never reaches Gaster in height, he ends up Longer. his wings also (eventually) are actually good for flying so there's that
watch the way I draw them stretch in weird shapes like taffy for a while, but these are likely the cornerstones I'll be sticking to.
in other news, hnngh dragon fambly.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Where I live the hematology and the oncology department are located in the same building . Since S4 is a pro at misunderstanding, I could easily see the alphabet boys assuming that fushimi San is dying and is not telling us .
Scepter 4 truly has nothing better to do than gossip XD Maybe Fushimi needs to like get some blood tests due to his unhealthy diet, or Munakata found out about Niki dying from organ issues and decides that Fushimi needs to be tested to be sure he doesn't have any kind of hereditary disease. In order to get this done Fushimi has to go to some special clinic that Munakata's arranged for him to visit, which is inside a nearby hospital and which just so happens to be on the same floor as oncology. Fushimi isn't pleased about having to do this but he agrees just to get Munakata to stop bothering him, complaining the whole time. The day he stops at the hospital it happens that Akiyama is there as well visiting his ailing great-grandmother. He's about to greet Fushimi when he sees Fushimi enter the elevator that goes to floor six, which Akiyama knows is the oncology floor, and Akiyama can't help but feel a little concerned wondering why Fushimi-san would be visiting that floor.
Later on when Akiyama returns to the office he mentions it to Benzai kinda off-handedly, like 'I hope Fushimi-san isn't sick' and explaining what he saw. Benzai agrees that it's odd and this is when Hidaka overhears, like wait what about Fushimi-san having cancer. Akiyama's like I didn't say that I just saw him in the hospital but it's too late, the rumor mill has begun. By mid-day the rest of the alphabet boys are just convinced that Fushimi must have cancer and he's dying and not telling us (Fuse maintains that he always thought that hair was a wig, normal hair doesn't do that even with lots of gel). Hidaka's super upset, like no wonder he's so thin and doesn't have an appetite. Enomoto wonders if Captain knows and they're like well he must right he knows everything maybe he was keeping it from us so we won't be upset. Akiyama weakly tries to interject that he didn't actually see Fushimi get off the elevator but everyone's already certain of it, they need to let Fushimi know how much they care about him so he'll admit the truth of his condition.
When Fushimi returns from his doctor visit he's a little tired out from giving blood and probably looks paler than normal, which just makes everyone even more certain that he must be hiding things from him. Imagine the squad trying badly to 'subtly' hint that they know what's wrong, like Hidaka's all Fushimi-san you should take a rest in case anything is tiring you out and Doumyouji's like we wouldn't even care if you were bald you know. Fushimi has no idea why they're all being so nice and he's instantly suspicious, wondering what these idiots aren't telling him. Fuse's like aren't you not telling us something and Fushimi clicks his tongue all I don't need to tell you anything. Somehow this feels like a confession and Hidaka's eyes get all teary as he's like we'll support you until the end Fushimi-san, Fushimi's starting to wonder if he's going to be fired or something. Eventually someone lets it slip about the hospital and Fushimi rolls his eyes and says he was taking a stupid blood test because Captain made him, everyone's so relieved that Fushimi isn't dying that for a moment the forget who they're talking to and Fushimi barely manages to sidestep a thankful group hug.
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