santamonicaroleplay · 5 years
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TASK 003:
Due to popular demand, this task is more focused on the ins and outs of your character. Below are a series of character development questions that are, you guessed it, all about your character(s). We hope that this gives you as writers a chance to explore your creations, and it gives us more insight into them. You don’t have to answer all the questions, but obviously you can if you feel so inclined. Have fun! Please make sure to tag it santamtask3.
→ general information
full name:
date of birth:
current residence:
financial status:
educational level:
→ relationships
relationship status:
when/who was your first kiss:
are you a virgin:
have you ever had a same sex experience:
do you ever want to get married/have children:
what do you look for in a potential significant other:
→ personality
positive traits:
negative traits:
biggest fear:
what’s more important- sex or intimacy:
do you believe in true love:
have you ever been in love:
are you a leader or follower:
do you care what others think of you:
how do you deal with stress:
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan:
→ misc
If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be?
What is your character’s favorite physical activity?
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity?
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is her first reaction?
What is your character’s favorite weather?
What is your character’s favorite season?
What is your character’s least favorite season?
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If she could only keep one photo, what would it depict?
Does your character keep any pets?
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory?
Someone asks your character to describe her family. How do they answer?
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely?
What is your character’s least favorite color?
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react?
What mythological figure best personifies your character?
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beckettmarsden · 5 years
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→ general information
full name: beckett james marsden
nickname(s): bee, beck, becky (by v select people)
age: twenty three
date of birth: august 19th, 1995
nationality: american with unknown ethnic background
occupation: self employed web and app developer, part-time drug dealer
religion: catholic
sexuality: heterosexual
hometown: los angeles, california
current residence: downtown santa monica
financial status: lower middle class
educational level: college graduate, BA in Computer Science from University of Southern California
→ relationships
father: unknown
mother: unknown
siblings: unknown even though he assumes he has some out there in the world
relationship status: single
when/who was your first kiss: marcia gonzalez when he was nineteen years old.
are you a virgin: he’ll tell you he’s not when he actually is
have you ever had a same sex experience: no 
do you ever want to get married/have children: not particularly. he doesn’t really believe in marriage or that children make people happy after he was basically abandoned by his own parents when he was born.
what do you look for in a potential significant other: a living breathing human. that’s it. that’s all he looks for.
→ personality
positive traits: kind, witty, observant, creative, amicable, hardworking
negative traits: obnoxious, reckless, blunt, analytical, irresponsible 
biggest fear: dying alone
what’s more important- sex or intimacy: he personally feels like both go hand in hand? that you can’t have one without the other.
do you believe in true love: as of the present, he does not.
have you ever been in love: he’s been in love two times in his life and both times he always gave more than he should have which went unnoticed.
are you a leader or follower: neither because he more so prefers to be on his own
do you care what others think of you: not even a little bit. he has a strong youre born alone you die alone philosophy so nobodys thoughts of him phase him.
how do you deal with stress: playing video games
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: definitely more of a spontaenous soul who has never planned for anything in his life. he just does it and runs with the outcome.
→ misc
If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be? he wouldn’t really change anything about himself. he loves himself and his physical details so he feels like that’s just how he was always meant to look. why change what he was given.
What is your character’s favorite physical activity? running but only when the weather outside is gloomy/dark because you’ll never see him running when the suns out. it’s just not happening.
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity? anything that involves bending your body in ways that don’t make sense like yoga or pilates. 
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is his first reaction? probably go in head first and start swinging because he’s dumb and doesn’t think before doing things or while being confronted. 
What is your character’s favorite weather? gloomy/dark weather. they make him feel calm even though he doesn’t necessarily mind the sun.
What is your character’s favorite season? california doesn’t have seasons and he’s never been anywhere outside of california so he just always says summer.
What is your character’s least favorite season? he doesn’t have an answer to that since the experience with other seasons is non-existent.
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If he could only keep one photo, what would it depict? an old photo of when he was eighteen and leaving the orphanage with the two nuns that had always been there for him. both with tears in their eyes as he smiled sadly on his way to college. all alone.
Does your character keep any pets? he has a small orange cat named mouse
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory? he doesn’t really have many childhood memories he would deem are his fondest aside from the day where he discovered that comic books were a thing.
Someone asks your character to describe her family. How do they answer? ‘biologically? i don’t have one...’ with no expression on his face
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? night owl for the most part but depending on what he needs to do, he can become a morning person pretty easily.
What is your character’s least favorite color? orange
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? he’d likely blink a few times and respond with an equally as crude comment in return once he realized what happened.
What mythological figure best personifies your character? a Minotaur. no actual reason behind it, just because he thinks they’re ‘dope’.
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loganlancaster · 5 years
logan lancaster task 003.
→ general information.
FULL NAME:  logan lancaster.
NICKNAME(S):  n/a.
AGE:  29.
DATE OF BIRTH:  march 28th, 1990.
NATIONALITY:  american.
OCCUPATION:  mechanic and owner of lancaster tire & auto.
RELIGION:  agnostic.
SEXUALITY:  heterosexual.
HOMETOWN:  denver, colorado.
CURRENT RESIDENCE:  santa monica, california (pico boulevard).
FINANCIAL STATUS:  medium income.
EDUCATION LEVEL:  high school diploma.
→ relationships.
FATHER:  unknown.
MOTHER:  unknown.
SIBLINGS:  unknown.
WHEN/WHO WAS YOUR FIRST KISS:  a senior in high school when he was a sophomore.
ARE YOU A VIRGIN?:  please.
WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT OTHER:  someone that understands we’re just here to have a good time.
→ personality.
POSITIVE TRAITS:  adventurous, charismatic, handy, logical, steadfast.
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  cynical, cocky, detached, impulsive, stubborn.
BIGGEST FEAR:  intimacy.
HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH STRESS:  sex or the gym (sometimes both) .
→ misc.
If your character could change one physical detail about themselves, what would it be?  none.
What is your character’s favorite physical activity?  sex.
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity?  running.
Your character comes face-to-face with their worst enemy. What is their first reaction?  walk away.
What is your character’s favorite weather?  sunny.
What is your character’s favorite season?  fall.
What is your character’s least favorite season?  summer.
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from their lifetime. If they could only keep one photo, what would it depict?  a picture of himself outside lancaster tire & auto on opening day.
Does your character keep any pets?  he has a german shepherd named shelby.
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory?  none.
Someone asks your character to describe their family. How do they answer?  he’ll say he doesn’t know them.
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely?  both.
What is your character’s least favorite color?  he could care less.
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react?  makes a sarcastic comment back about the other’s lack of class.
What mythological figure best personifies your character? hephaestus.
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emre--yavuz · 5 years
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→ general information
full name: emre asen yavuz
nickname(s): n/a
age: twenty-seven
date of birth: august 5, 1992
nationality: turkish/american
occupation: entrepreneur 
religion: undetermined
sexuality: pansexual
hometown: santa monica, california
current residence: santa monica, california
financial status: upper class
educational level: business mba (dartmouth), economics ba (dartmouth)
→ relationships
father: mustafa yavuz
mother: irem yavuz
siblings: leyla yavuz (twin sister), kessa davis yavuz (older sister)
relationship status: single
when/who was your first kiss: age nine, jaqueline bennett
are you a virgin: no
have you ever had a same sex experience: yes
do you ever want to get married/have children: yes, someday
what do you look for in a potential significant other: someone that’s kind and i feel at balance with that pulls me out of my routines and challenges me emotionally to stay away from emotional shut down tendencies
→ personality
positive traits: confident, ambitious, generous
negative traits: impulsive, distant, arrogant
biggest fear: being a failure, or not being remembered
what’s more important- sex or intimacy: intimacy
do you believe in true love: yes.. or its possible 
have you ever been in love: yes
are you a leader or follower: leader
do you care what others think of you: sometimes, with family
how do you deal with stress: i ignore it by going into full work mode
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: i like to plan but often end up being spontaneous 
→ misc
If your character could change one physical detail about themself, what would it be? nothing
What is your character’s favorite physical activity? anything weight related at the gym (leg/bench press), trail running
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity? there is no least favorite
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is their first reaction? not fazed, not giving them attention is what pisses them off the most
What is your character’s favorite weather? crisp fall weather
What is your character’s favorite season? fall and winter
What is your character’s least favorite season? there is no least favorite
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from his lifetime. If he could only keep one photo, what would it depict? the twins ninth brithday party. leyla and emre blowing out the candles on the cake 
Does your character keep any pets? none yet, plans on getting a  pembroke welsh corgi
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory? summers spent at the family vacation home, going down to the lake every day 
Someone asks your character to describe his family. How do they answer? my family is a front page picture on the newspaper type of family. while there isn’t anything necessarily wrong, there are a lot of things missing. it has been difficult to really look up to either of my parents as an example in some areas but they try. leyla is probably the only real support system i had growing up and there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do for my sister. while i don’t know kessa as well as i should have, i do feel i have a responsibility in looking out for her as well.
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? he is a morning person, through and through
What is your character’s least favorite color? least favorite color would have to be bright magenta
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? anything someone would say, could easily be returned three times in severity.
What mythological figure best personifies your character? hades
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iriskaram · 5 years
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→ general information
full name: iris rose karam espino
nickname(s): sirenita (by her mother)
age: twenty six (26)
date of birth: february 15th, 1993
nationality: australian with a mexican/lebanese ethnic background
occupation: former marine biologist turned cafe owner
religion: catholic, non-practicing
sexuality: demisexual
hometown: newtown, sydney, australia
current residence: a cute little townhouse in ocean park boulevard
financial status: middle class
educational level: college graduate, masters in marine biology @ University of Hawaii Manoa
→ relationships
father: joseph karam - ever since her fathers infidelity which led to her parents subsequent divorce when she was around seven years old, she has not spoken to her father.
mother: miriam karam - with a very gilmore girls type relationship, iris talks to her mother almost every single day and when she doesn’t? her mother calls her asap. 
siblings: two half sisters; younger karam & alondra karam
relationship status: single
when/who was your first kiss: ashton mitchell when she was in eighth grade courtesy of a very stressful game of spin the bottle.
are you a virgin: no
have you ever had a same sex experience: no
do you ever want to get married/have children: one thing iris has always wanted was to get married and have kids. both of which could have been possible had her relationship with her ex-boyfriend not gone completely south. now, she’s hesitant to even flirt with people let alone think of having a child.
what do you look for in a potential significant other: kindness, loyalty and a good sense of humor. though, iris is very touch starved so if anyone showed her only one of those when in a romantic situation she’d not know what to do.
→ personality
positive traits: intelligent, caring, carefree, adventurous, affectionate, romantic
negative traits: awkward, self-concious, stubborn, slightly clingy, impulsive, 
biggest fear: getting trapped in an elevator
what’s more important- sex or intimacy: intimacy above anything unless she’s truly comfortable with the person and has that connection then it’s intimacy followed by sex.
do you believe in true love: she does but she believes that she simply hasn’t found it yet nor will she ever find it.
have you ever been in love: very much so because she was so in love with her ex-boyfriend to the point that it blinded her despite his behavior.
are you a leader or follower: leader
do you care what others think of you: not particularly. her mother raised her to believe that the only person who’s opinion should matter is her own and that’s why she lives such a carefree life. because it’s what she chose to have a philosophy.
how do you deal with stress: normally, she’ll go out and buy some takeout before proceeding to pick her favorite bath bomb in order to take a relaxing bath. when she doesn’t want to do that, you’ll normally find her sat on the beach just watching the ocean waves and listening to the sounds that come with it.
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: a mixture of both because it mainly depends on the situation. most of the time, however, she tends to be the latter because she feels like she’ll get more out of a situation if it’s planned. but she’s only human. 
→ misc
If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be? her eye color. she’s always wanted green or even hazel eyes to the point that she owns several pairs of contacts in those colors for days where she wants to be a bit more extra.
What is your character’s favorite physical activity? it’s a tie between surfing or swimming but in the grand scheme of things, she enjoys any and all aquatic activities more than anything outside of water.
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity? jogging, hands down. she never really did much before getting her dog but she’s been doing it more so her dog can get exercise but she always feels like death once it’s done and over with. 
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is her first reaction? she’d probs be a shaking mess if that happened but she’d likely call the cops because she has no plans of letting him get anywhere near her when that ship has very much sailed.
What is your character’s favorite weather? warm weather. she loves the fact that it’s warm enough to go out and do things but not hot enough where you feel like you’re suffocating from the heat itself. 
What is your character’s favorite season? spring time for the same reason as above. 
What is your character’s least favorite season? winter time. there’s something about the cold that does not adjust well with her after growing up somewhere that was almost always warm so now she can’t stand it even if she does find snow gorgeous.
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If she could only keep one photo, what would it depict? it would definitely be a picture of iris with her mother when they first moved to hawaii. it was the first time that iris finally felt like she had a home and all the potential to make friends whereas she’d never felt that way while in australia given her parents work. 
Does your character keep any pets? she has one! a three month old blue merle australian shepherd puppy named aolani (meaning heavenly cloud in hawaiian) who’s a handful and a half but the sweetest dog iris has ever met.
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory? christmas when she was five years old and her father showed up in a full blown santa costumer with a giant bag of christmas presents for her while also sprinkling her with fake snow. everything she had asked for was in that bag including a kitten which she named toodles. 
Someone asks your character to describe her family. How do they answer? ‘like many families, there’s ups and downs but my mum is always going to be my first ever best friend and the one person that could never let me down. she’s strong and courageous while also being poised. without her? i don’t know what i would even do with myself.’
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? definitely more of a morning person. she loves to wake up early to go open her cafe then spends the rest of the day making sure everything is done because night time is reserved for staying in and relaxing or prepping for the following day.
What is your character’s least favorite color? green. more specifically, citron green. 
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? she would either pretend that she didn’t hear anything and proceed to only act kind towards the person or she would turn around and instantly walk away because she isn’t going to allow that person to damper her mood. especially since she’ll likely never see them again.
What mythological figure best personifies your character? 110% a mermaid and she’ll forever feel robbed of the experience to be one since it’s what she feels she was destined to be.
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macwestwood · 5 years
→ general information
full name: Mackenzie Daniel Westwood
nickname(s): Mac
age: 33
date of birth: June 5th, 1985
nationality: American
occupation: Art teacher/Painter
religion: Christian, non practicing
sexuality: Homosexual
hometown: Morgantown, WV
current residence: Santa Monica, CA
financial status: Middle Class
educational level: Graduated with a BFA in Art and Design with majors in Art Education and Painting
→ relationships
father: Gerard Westwood
mother: Linda Westwood
siblings: Kaden Westwood, Eve Westwood (deceased)
relationship status: In a relationship with @jamiexcarter​
when/who was your first kiss: Marissa Lennox, fourth grade. (His first kiss with a boy was with Billy Lincoln, eighth grade.)
are you a virgin: No
have you ever had a same sex experience: Quite a few by now.
do you ever want to get married/have children: Eventually.
what do you look for in a potential significant other: Loyalty and affection.
→ personality
positive traits: ambitious, quick-witted, convival
negative traits: overemotional, uptight, finicky
biggest fear: Not being good enough.
what’s more important- sex or intimacy: Intimacy
do you believe in true love: He wants to. He hopes it’s true.
have you ever been in love: Yes.
are you a leader or follower: Depends. 
do you care what others think of you: Incredibly so.
how do you deal with stress: Drinking, mostly.
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: He prefers a plan, but understands that life doesn’t always work that way.
→ misc
If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be? He haaaates his chin. Thinks it’s way too small for his face.
What is your character’s favorite physical activity? He loves going on long walks.
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity? Anything having to do with weightlifting. No thank you.
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is her first reaction? Get out of there ASAP.
What is your character’s favorite weather? Sunny and breezy.
What is your character’s favorite season? Fall
What is your character’s least favorite season? Winter
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If she could only keep one photo, what would it depict? Him, @kadenwestwood​ and Eve when they were young.
Does your character keep any pets? No.
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory? There are very few that he is fond of, but perhaps when he’d have cozy nights in with his sisters when their parents were off on week-long benders.
Someone asks your character to describe her family. How do they answer? It’s just him and his sister. He tells people his parents are dead when they ask. It’s easier than the truth.
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? Definitely a morning person.
What is your character’s least favorite color? Orange.
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? Walk away. Probably cry later. 
What mythological figure best personifies your character? Hephaestus
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phobex · 5 years
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→ general information
full name: Phobe Marie Cole
nickname(s): Pheebs, asshole, bitch
age: 24
date of birth: November 20th
nationality: American
occupation: Waitress
religion: Spiritual
sexuality: Hetrosexual
hometown: Chattanooga, TN 
current residence: Santa Monica
financial status: Poverty
educational level: GED
→ relationships
father: unknown
mother: Rachel Cole
siblings: unknown
relationship status: very single and wanting to mingle
when/who was your first kiss: thirteen, it was a dare
are you a virgin: tight like one
have you ever had a same sex experience: No
do you ever want to get married/have children: Fuck no, already has one
what do you look for in a potential significant other: fuckability 
→ personality
positive traits: loyal af
negative traits: Always negative
biggest fear: Being alone nothing
what’s more important- sex or intimacy: Sex
do you believe in true love: Fuck no
have you ever been in love: Nope
are you a leader or follower: Depends
do you care what others think of you: Fuck that
how do you deal with stress: Beer
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: Spontaneous is always more fun
→ misc
If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be? Everything
What is your character’s favorite physical activity?  Laying on the couch
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity? Running
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is her first reaction?  Hit
What is your character’s favorite weather? A brisk breeze in the air
What is your character’s favorite season? Fall
What is your character’s least favorite season? Winter
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If she could only keep one photo, what would it depict? Dani after she was first born 
Does your character keep any pets? Only Dani
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory? Being in her room
Someone asks your character to describe her family. How do they answer? ‘Just Dani.’ 
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? Owl person
What is your character’s least favorite color? Yellow
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? Hitting them
What mythical figure best personifies your character? Aphrodite
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themarleycallahan · 5 years
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→ General Information:
Full Name: Marley Rose Callahan.
Nickname(s): Mar, Marls, Miss Marley.
Age: Twenty seven.
Date of Birth: May 23rd, 1992.
Nationality: American.
Occupation: Waitress.
Religion: Agnostic.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Hometown: Jerome, Arizona.
Current Residence: Santa Monica, California.
Educational Level: High school diploma.
→ Relationships:
Father: Unknown name, unknown age, unknown occupation.
Mother: Helen Marie Callahan, 43, unknown occupation.
Siblings: None that she is aware of.
Relationship Status: Single.
When/who was your first kiss: Freshman year of high school, on her front porch, with her first boyfriend.
Are you a virgin: No.
Have you ever had a same sex experience: Yes.
Do you ever want to get married/have children: No.
What do you look for in a potential significant other: Sense of humor, respectfulness, a nice smile.
→ Personality:
Positive Traits: Kind, engaging, energetic, enthusiastic, charismatic.
Negative Traits: Selfish, impatient, restless, flakey.
Biggest Fear: Settling.
What’s more important- sex or intimacy: Sex.
Do you believe in true love: No.
Have you ever been in love: Yes.
Are you a leader or follower: Both, depending on the situation.
Do you care what others think of you: No.
How do you deal with stress: Runs away.
Are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: Spontaneous.
→ Misc:
If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be? Make herself a natural blonde.
What is your character’s favorite physical activity? Sex.
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity? Exercising.
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is her first reaction? Smile brightly.
What is your character’s favorite weather? When it’s storming.
What is your character’s favorite season? Spring.
What is your character’s least favorite season? Summer.
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If she could only keep one photo, what would it depict? Her receiving her high school diploma.
Does your character keep any pets? Not currently, but she used to have a cat named Nasty.
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory? A rare day when her mother wasn’t drunk nor hungover. Waking up to the smell and sight of her cooking pancakes in the kitchen.
Someone asks your character to describe her family. How do they answer? Nonexistent.
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? A combination. Doesn’t mind early mornings, despite staying up all night.
What is your character’s least favorite color? Brown.
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? Just keeps smiling.
What mythological figure best personifies your character? Aphrodite or Persephone.
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amyxmcleod · 5 years
TASK No. 3
→ general information
full name: Amy Lorraine McLeod
nickname(s): Ames, Mimi
age: 34
date of birth: February 3rd, 1985
nationality: Korean-American
occupation: Makeup Artist
religion: Agnostic
sexuality: Bisexual
hometown: Los Angeles, CA
current residence: Mid-City
financial status: Middle Class
educational level: College graduate (UCLA)
→ relationships
father: Dr. Henry McLeod, PhD, theology professor
mother: Dr. Lianne McLeod, PHD, theology professor
siblings: One older sister, Anabeth, and one younger sister, Arielle
relationship status: Divorced
when/who was your first kiss: Anthony Cortes, eighth grade, under the bleachers
are you a virgin: No, I’ve had two kids...
have you ever had a same sex experience: I’ve had lots of same sex experiences
do you ever want to get married/have children: I love my kids, I could see maybe getting remarried someday, but not any time soon
what do you look for in a potential significant other: Someone who can make me laugh, respects me, and makes me feel special
→ personality
positive traits: Companionable, compassionate, adventurous
negative traits: Impulsive, naive, uncompromising
biggest fear: Losing her daughters, sharks
what’s more important- sex or intimacy: Intimacy
do you believe in true love: Unsure
have you ever been in love: Yes
are you a leader or follower: Leader
do you care what others think of you: Only my loved ones
how do you deal with stress: Bubble baths, rearranging/moving furniture, punk rock over headphones, weed when the kids are with their dad or grandparents
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: Spontaneous. Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans
→ miscellaneous
If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be? Darker freckles to make her favorite feature more prominent
What is your character’s favorite physical activity? Yoga
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity? StairMaster™
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is her first reaction? Angry tears, a few poignant words, classic storm off
What is your character’s favorite weather? Thunderstorms
What is your character’s favorite season? Fall
What is your character’s least favorite season? Spring (allergies)
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If she could only keep one photo, what would it depict? The first day of her daughter Jessica’s life, Amy in her hospital bed with Jessica in her arms, and her husband and Lyndsey at her bedside
Does your character keep any pets? Three incredible Pomeranians
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory? Her grandmother giving her her first guitar when she was 13 years old
Someone asks your character to describe her family. How do they answer? Two squares adopted three babies, hoping they’d be squares too. They were wrong, but after a long time, they realized it didn’t matter as much as they thought
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? A natural night owl and learned early bird, she gets six hours of sleep a night, even now
What is your character’s least favorite color? Orange
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? Yelling “I’m telling your mother about this at church on Sunday!” has become an effective favorite
What mythological figure best personifies your character? The white-haired centaur wearing red flowers, doing her nails in Fantasia
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wesdawsn · 5 years
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→ general information
full name: wesley xander dawson
nickname(s): wes
age: twenty-seven
date of birth: november 3, 1991
nationality: american
occupation: band member of Reckless, drummer
religion: undetermined
sexuality: heterosexual
hometown: rochester, new york
current residence: santa monica, california
financial status: upper class
educational level: high school graduate
→ relationships
father: peter dawson
mother: caroline dawson
siblings: none 
relationship status: single
when/who was your first kiss: age thirteen, mallory peralta
are you a virgin: no
have you ever had a same sex experience: no
do you ever want to get married/have children: yes, someday 
what do you look for in a potential significant other: someone that’s compassionate, kind, and open to adventure/seeing the world
→ personality
positive traits: selfless, reliable, creative, understanding
negative traits: passive, withdrawn, impulsive
biggest fear: being alone
what’s more important- sex or intimacy: intimacy 
do you believe in true love: yes, if it’s out there for everyone
have you ever been in love: yes
are you a leader or follower: leader
do you care what others think of you: not at all
how do you deal with stress: surfing, taking time off alone and traveling 
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: mostly spontaneous 
→ misc
If your character could change one physical detail about themself, what would it be?  nothing but at 5′10, probably being taller would be alright
What is your character’s favorite physical activity? surfing and playing baseball
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity? anything that involves doing lunges at the gym
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is their first reaction? walk past them as if they weren’t there at all
What is your character’s favorite weather? sunny with a cool breeze, perfect california weather
What is your character’s favorite season? summer, and fall is a close second
What is your character’s least favorite season? spring only because it’s when allergies tend to flare up
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from his lifetime. If she could only keep one photo, what would it depict? the picture of him and his mom from when he was seven outside their new santa monica home after moving from torrance. wes sitting on his bike with his helmet on and his mother next kneeling next to him with a smile on her face, picture ready
Does your character keep any pets? two guppies, one named spike and the other bartholomew
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory? his first trip to his favorite place in california, the getty villa. his mother loved art and took him to show her the pieces on display at the villa and it became a trip they took once every other month
Someone asks your character to describe his family. How do they answer? "my mom was the only person i considered family for a long time before the band came along. despite having some contact with my dad he still isn’t someone i would consider as being family. at one point sutton was also family — she still is, just a little more distant now.”
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? he is a morning person
What is your character’s least favorite color? he doesn’t necessarily have one but if he had to choose, olive
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? depending on the severity of the comment but likely wouldn’t give it much attention and shrug it off.
What mythological figure best personifies your character? achilles 
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beautbybianca · 5 years
Task 003
→ general information
full name: Bianca Lorenza David
nickname(s): Bee, Lora
age: 30
date of birth: October 24th, 1988
nationality: Vietnamese and African American
occupation: Owner of Beautprism, a beauty salon
religion: Christian
sexuality: Bisexual
hometown: Chicago, IL
current residence: Mid-City
financial status: Middle Class
educational level: College graduate, BA (Northwestern)
→ relationships
father: Henry Thomas
mother: Nancy Thomas (nee' Tran)
siblings: One older sister, Aisha
relationship status: Widowed
when/who was your first kiss: Lisbeth Mercado, it was like 6th or 7th grade.
are you a virgin: No, I have a daughter… besides, that ship sailed a long time ago.
have you ever had a same sex experience: Of course
do you ever want to get married/have children: Well I've already done both of those things.
what do you look for in a potential significant other: Someone who respects me, can love me for me, can put up with my rude ass, but most importantly someone who will love my child. We're a package.
→ personality
positive traits:  Resourceful, brave, passionate
negative traits: Distrusting, jealous, secretive
biggest fear: Losing my child, spiders and the other already came true...
what’s more important- sex or intimacy: Intimacy
do you believe in true love: Yes.
have you ever been in love: Yes, profoundly. 
are you a leader or follower: Neither. I avoid group activities. I don't have the patience for it.
do you care what others think of you: Ha! Nah, not at all.
how do you deal with stress: Weed, wine, kickboxing.
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: I need a plan, I can let go all willy nilly. but 9/10 times I need a plan.  
→ miscellaneous
If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be? Bigger butt. So I could twerk more.
What is your character’s favorite physical activity? Kickboxing
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity? sitting around doing nothing
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is her first reaction? I don't have any enemies.
What is your character’s favorite weather? Rainy days. Because if I'm home with my baby we'll bake some goodies and have an us day.
What is your character’s favorite season? Fall, I'm a Scorpio and my kid is a Libra.
What is your character’s least favorite season? WINTER. I'm from Chicago, those winters are beyond brutal.
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If she could only keep one photo, what would it depict? Imani's second birthday party, there's a picture of them with Matthew by the cake. It was perfect.
Does your character keep any pets? A german shepherd, that’s my son. My first child.
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory? Bianca found her passion when she was just six years old in her family's beauty store when one of her aunts was doing someone's hair in the back of the store. Bianca sat in awe, at the way the woman's appearance had been transformed as well as the immediate joy in the woman. She wanted to make people happy, she wanted to make them look as beautiful on the outside as they felt inside.
Someone asks your character to describe her family. How do they answer? A happy pot of gumbo. A bunch of different shit goes in it, but it comes out delicious.
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? A night owl although after having a child and opening a business, it doesn't really matter. I don't have a preference anymore.
What is your character’s least favorite color? beige. it's the most boring color.
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? “Fuck you that's why ain't nobody want you anyway."
What mythological figure best personifies your character? Aries, the god of war. With a little bit of Aphrodite. So think of a warrior goddess with a flower crown.  
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safiyebarnes · 5 years
→ general information
full name: Sutton Nisa Barnes
nickname(s): S, Sutt, Barnes
age: Twenty-Six
date of birth: October 4th, 1992
nationality: Turkish 
occupation: Former Reality TV Star/Socialite 
sexuality: Bisexual 
hometown: Santa Monica, California 
current residence: Downtown.
financial status: $$$$$$$$$$$$
educational level: Bachelors in Political Science/Public Relations.
→ relationships
father: Michael Başaran Barnes
mother: Brenda Aslan (Deceased), Jessica Barnes (Step-mother)
siblings: Leyla Barnes (Biological older sister), Zemira Barnes (Older Step-Sister)
relationship status: Single
when/who was your first kiss: At thirteen with Wesley Dawson who was my boyfriend at the time. 
are you a virgin: No, I am not. 
have you ever had a same sex experience: One time in college yes I did. 
do you ever want to get married/have children: I would like to accomplish both things eventually down the line.
what do you look for in a potential significant other: Someone who is kind. 
→ personality
positive traits: Loyal, Selfless, Trusting
negative traits: Passive, Moody, Aimless
biggest fear: Realizing that I’m the joke in the room and everyone is laughing at me. 
what’s more important- sex or intimacy: Intimacy 
do you believe in true love: Yes. 
have you ever been in love: Yes. 
are you a leader or follower: Sutton likes to think that she’s a leader, but if we’re being honest she’s a follower and always has been. 
do you care what others think of you: Sutton cares a great deal about what other’s care about her. 
how do you deal with stress: Eating and having panic attacks in her room. 
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: Needs a plan. 
→ misc
If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be? She would like to have a butt for days. 
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is her first reaction? To be as polite as possible even if it kills her. She can’t give her father a bad rap. 
What is your character’s favorite weather? When it’s storming and pouring down rain. 
What is your character’s favorite season? Fall
What is your character’s least favorite season? Summer
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If she could only keep one photo, what would it depict? It would be a photo of her with both of her sisters from any of the family trips they’ve went on. 
Does your character keep any pets? Yes, she has one dog!
Someone asks your character to describe her family. How do they answer? A political controlling trainwreck. 
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? Morning person. 
What is your character’s least favorite color? Green. 
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? Sutton probably wouldn’t react. She would just stare at them slightly confused until it sunk in then it would hurt her feelings. 
What mythological figure best personifies your character? A Phoenix. 
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