#santana x rachel
nikkiruncks · 7 months
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moodboard: santana x rachel
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queerstudiesnatural · 7 months
me at 83 years old: but why did rachel and santana sing So Emotional together if not in lesbians with each other
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Pezberry song of the day.
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
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Don’t forget me, I beg. I remember you said…
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bambirex · 2 years
Hello, just read all your pezberry fics on ao3, and I absolutely adore them. Could you do one about them stuck together in an elevator please
Thank you so much! 💕
Warnings: none
"This is just great!" Rachel huffed, throwing her hands up in the air dramatically. "We're gonna be late!"
"Well, you didn't even really wanna come, so..." Santana pointed it out from where she was leisurely leaning against the wall of the elevator. Any other time, if she were alone, she would have been fuming, but she knew it was better not to lose her temper the same time Rachel did.
"Still," Rachel scrunched up her nose, annoyed. The frown made her look like a particularly pissed-off bunny. Santana found it adorable.
"I hate tight spaces!"
She slid onto the floor, burying her face in her hands. Santana rolled her eyes fondly. Of course being stuck in an elevator would bring out Rachel's worst antics.
She sat next to her girlfriend on the floor and wrapped an arm around her. Rachel sighed deeply, but she sunk into Santana's warmth all the same.
"They'll get it done in no time, and we can get out of here," Santana promised. Cheekily, she added "or, you know, we can have some fun while we're in here..."
There was a glimmer in Rachel's eyes that showed she considered it, but then she shook her head with a scandalized gasp.
"There are cameras in here!"
"Free soft porn."
"Okay, okay," Santana laughed, "you know I'm just trying to cheer you up a bit."
Rachel smiled, resting her head on Santana's shoulder. "Sing for me?"
Santana scoffed. "Are you serious right now?"
"Come on, you know that always helps," Rachel whined, making sure to give Santana her best puppy eyes. She threw in a pout, just in case, and Santana immediately felt her composure crumbling.
"God, okay," she sighed, "but the acoustics in here are fucking awful."
She started humming "Get It Right". Immediately, Rachel's face lit up, and she looked up at Santana like she hung the Moon and the stars. She rached for Santana's hand and laced their fingers together, rubbing her thumb across the back of Santana's hand gently.
Santana rested her cheek atop Rachel's head, unable to stop smiling. Who would have thought that being stuck in a tight, uncomfortable place would be such a lovely experience?
Rachel joined in, harmonizing with Santana. Indeed, the acoustics weren't the greatest, but Santana couldn't really mind it. She closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by the bliss of holding her girlfriend close.
"You know, I'm feeling much better about this situation already," Rachel said, grinning up at Santana. Santana couldn't help but notice her grin had a slightly menacing edge to it.
"Maybe I'm even reconsidering what you said about fun times in an elevator..."
Santana laughed in disbelief, but of course she didn't resist when Rachel pulled her into a kiss.
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avasharpexme · 2 years
Check out these amazing fics written by my friend @i-am-gek
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soupandsauce · 6 months
OCD with Finn Hudson
Finn Hudson x Female Reader
I got back into my teenage obsession with Glee ever since I found out it's on Hulu and so I will now be writing for Glee characters! Requests are super welcome!
Summary: How Finn helps and supports you during your OCD episodes
This is mainly for my own comfort as I am really struggling with my OCD now.
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Having contamination OCD is a debilitating disability. Not to mention suffering through it during high school. Your first week was comforting once you met with the counselor, Miss Pillsbury who also struggles with all things germs. She encouraged you to dive into a club to try and socialize with people. Thats what a club is after all, a group of people coming together for a period to support one another.
So you did, or rather, you ignored her idea until someone very handsome came up to you during a rather germs time.
it was lunch, and you were sitting alone in an empty classroom far away from the floating particles of the high school cafeteria. You sat down with a sigh as you opened up your bento box full of healthy and colorful food. after sanitizing your dried out hands, you started to eat. A few laughs and voices occasionally decorating the silence as students walked the halls.
One of those students was Finn Hudson, the quarterback for McKinley high as well as one of the guys known to be in glee club. He was rather tall, couldn't be shorter than six foot four and had soft brown hair. You had seen him in passing as you walked in the halls in between classes. he always had a smile on his face and seemed to be a very gentle and friendly person despite his popular status.
Finn saw you as you ate alone in the classroom. He saw how you were wiping off your fruits and the way that the table underneath you was still partially wet from what must have been a lysol wipe. It reminded him of Miss Pillsbury and how she struggles with OCD. He smiled at your cute frame, no taller than five foot two. He wanted to say hello but for some reason, he felt himself get nervous. As if your beauty enthralled him.
But before he could look away, you looked up from your lunch to see him. He tried to act normal.
"Why are you eating alone? We'd love to meet you." he says as he walks inside the classroom.
"Oh, um, Hi." I say as I blush softly, still stiff.
"Hi." he says softly as he walks over to the table you're at and sits down across from you. So he is incredibly kind.
"I'm Finn." he says "You're new right?"
I swallow a bite of food.
"Yeah, I'm Y/N" you say.
he smiles
"So why are you all alone in here?" he asks again.
You swallow again out of nervousness, you might as well be honest.
"Oh, I have a germ problem." You start
Finn's face softens even further if that's even possible as he listens.
"I'm guessing you've met the counselor?" He says with a cute smile
"You two have a lot in common."
You smile softly and blush again
"Yeah, she's encouraged me to join a club. She says it might help." You say.
Then, Finn smiles. again like he has an idea.
"Do you like music?" He asks
"Yeahhh?" you say, drawing your word out as if you know he's up to something.
Finn giggles a little before saying, "Join glee club! Or just stop by today after school to see what it's like. I'll be there." he says.
You smile softly and blush again.
"Okay" You whisper.
after school, you pack up your bag and put some hand sanitizer onto your hands, grimacing slightly as you see how dry your hands are becoming from the over use. As you stand at your locker, you see Finn walking the hall too and he gives you a smile and a wave. You smile back and wave as well before you turn back around to your locker.
Then, from behind you, a couple of football players are snickering as they both hold slashes in their hands and walk towards you. Finn watches and his usual smile quickly drops into a look of dread and worry. Finn quickly runs over to you and you turn around to see Finn, as well as these two football players all coming towards you, you flinch as they all three get so close, worried that they will touch you.
"Hey new girl, welcome to McKinley." One of the football players says with a smirk on his face as if he's up to no good.
"Don'y even think about it, dude." Finn says.
"Says you, you faggot. Everyone knows that Glee club members are all losers. She associates with you, so therefore, she's a loser too. And you know what losers get." The football guys says as he throws the contents of the slushy into the air towards you.
"No! Stop!" Finn says as he tries to block it, but he's too late. The cold, wet, and sticky slushy splashes all over your face, hair, clothes, and skin and you gasp so loud that Finn think it's a scream.
"Finn looks furious as the two guys who walk away with a strut. And for a moment, you think that Finn is going to run after them and punch em, but instead, Finn turns back to you with a terribly sorry look on his face.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry... I tried to stop them... I know you..." But he can't even finish his sentence before you start breaking down into a panic as you feel the blue slush all over you, CONTAMINATING you.
Finn watches in fear as you shrivel to the ground in a ball and cry as you hyperventilate and panic, unable to move.
"Here" Finn says as he takes you gently by the shoulders and walks you away from the large, watching crowd and into the empty football locker room.
"I-I-its- I..." You try to speak, not only about what just happened, but the fact that the locker room only worsens your situation due to the sporty, sweaty smell.
Finn is quick to fetch his duffel bag from his locker and rummage inside of it to hold out a hoodie and a pair of joggers.
He runs with a towel over to you and wipes off your face as you cry, barely registering the close proximity or how kind he is being to you for a moment. But after a few minutes of him wiping your face and hands clean, you start to catch your breath, hiccuping every so breaths s you sniffle.
"I know it's not the best place in the world, but there's showers around the corner if you wanna wash up a little. I have these clean clothes too if you wanna change." he says in the most gentle voice.
You sniffle as you look at his sorry expression, like he somehow caused it, and suddenly really start to feel for him. You start to tear up again and Finn sees it.
"N-No I didn't mean to make you cry again, im so sorry." Finn says as he stands up straight and puts his hands on his eyes.
"No Finn, you're just so sweet." You say.
"Thank you"
You then decide to take a quick shower while Finn waits right outside the locker room door, making sure that no one comes in. After about 20 minutes of scrubbing and washing, you finally come walking out slowly. Finn turns around to see you, 5'2, with damp hair, all while wearing HIS hoodie and HIS joggers which, mind you, swallow you whole. He smiles.
"How do you feel?" He asks
"better, thank you." You say with a quiet and scratchy voice from all the crying and hyperventilating.
Finn smiles back
"Do you still feel good enough for Glee club or do you want to try another day?" He asks, not wanting to pressure you after such a traumatic thing.
You feel some sort of pull to Finn, almost as if you want to be near him always.
"Only if you sit beside me, Finn" You say softly with a smile.
Time went on and Glee club was the thing that really helped you feel more normal, more accepted. And as promised, Finn sat by you each and every time. Almost everyone in the club, including Mr. Schue, were convinced that you and Finn were dating but the both of you denied it until the night of regionals. Before the show, behind the curtain, you two had a rather short conversation.
"Break a leg" You said to Finn
"I love you." he quickly gets out right before the music starts.
Since then, you two have been happily dating.
On nights where he spends the night, or a full weekend over, he always respects your boundaries and little rituals. Finn smiles as he takes off his outside clothes and changes into his inside clothes for you, giving you little winks here and there as he unbuttons his shirt. He helps you by wiping down the counters with lysol wipes after he cooks anything and helps you with the laundry.
But there are times when it gets so bad that Finn tries to help you refrain from doing your cleanings.
Often times, he sees how chapped your hands are from all the hand washing and hand sanitizer so he sits you down and rubs lotion on your hands, whispering softly how you have to take care of them. or he will challenge you to only wash your hands for a minute as he stands next to you. He praises you when you do well.
Mr. Schue really likes you and Finn because he sees himself and Miss Pillsbury in you two. he can tell that you two are going to last based off how you treat each other. And that's the main reason why you two commonly get to sing all the ballads. After performance nights, Finn and you have sleepovers where you clean the trophy while watching a movie together, it's really sweet.
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jomsimagination · 4 months
the other woman || Rachel Berry
warnings: uhm angst? and then cussings, and uh lemme know if I missed anything!
where in, you really are the other woman, not matter how much you try to ignore it, you will always be the other woman. no matter how much it hurts, or how longs, you will always be the other woman. nothing can change that.
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"What!? No fair! He's the other woman-well man!" you shouted to rachel, as you recently had found out she slept with finn while dating you. "how could you rachel! I did nothing but be nice and sweet to you! And you cheat on me with my own brother!" you sobbed, as rachel tried to hug you but you push her off.
She tried to hug you again but you ran away instead, not wanting to see her face ever again. "y/n! Stop!" Finn yelled, from the hallways, daring to even say your name after what he had done to your relationship. "what do you want?" you sobbed, wiping your tears with your hands, "i- thought you loved me finn, i'm your sister and you do this to me" you cried out.
"i-i'm sorry, I thought you never would have found out. i-i swear it was a one time thing! and I love you y/n I really do. you're my little sister." he tries to walk to you, wanting to comfort you. he knew it was wrong but he still loved rachel. 
you continue to run through the halls of mckinley high, wiping away your tears. once you reached outside you sat on a curb crying. how could your own brother do that to you? you knew it, you should've never loved rachel. You loved rachel, she loved you too at least thats what you think, you felt a hand rub your back comfortingly, you look up to see who it was, it was santana.
You guys have been best friends since cheer camp, she was your person you were hers, she liked you but chose not to act on it since you liked rachel, she always encouraged you to go after what you want, even if you liked rachel not her. but you did it.
And here you were, you were the other woman. Not finn it was always you. You knew this. But chose not to believe it. You hated rachel for cheating. But you loved her.
But did she ever even love you?
You cried into santana's arms, "its gonna be fine y/n, you don't need her." She said comfortingly, "how will it be fine" you sobbed over and over again, you tried to stop crying but the tears just kept on coming.
"Because she doesn't deserve you y/n. No one deserves you. You're the rainbow in this miserable world. You bring the sunshine in everyone's life. You deserve everything." Her words echoed in your mind like it was a drop of water in a cave.
You never thought santana liked you. You liked her. But one day she chose to be mean to you.
and It hurt your feelings, but you chose to move on.
"T-thank you san" you said, she put her hand on your cheek, wiping the tears. "i love you y/n" she said, "i love you too" you smiled.
"No. Y/n i love you" she reapted, "i already know san i love you too"
"Y/n. I love you as in, i love you more than me, i love being with you, i love you so much that i wish i could spend every moment with you, so much that i wish you would just realize it, so much that the thought of you being with rachel hurt me, and i love you so much that i wanna murder berry cause she's the reason you're crying. I love you y/n"
When she explained how she loves you, you loved her back. But you were always to scared to admit your feelings to her, "i love you too" her face lit up when you said that, "really? Like as in love love me?" She teared up, "yes. I love you so much, but i was to scared to admit it duri-" she cut you off being kissing you.
You kissed her back, as her hand went up to your cheek to stroke it comfortingly, you pulled away in a smile, "i love you so so much, y/n" she smiled, "i know, i love you too" i chuckled.
"Really!" You two heard someone talk, "geez santana we haven't even broken up! And you're out here kissing her!" Rachel shouted, you stood up, "rachel don't blame her! She's not the one who cheated! And it hurts that you cheated on me on my own brother! Who does that!" you yelled in anger, santana even sweared that flames were coming out your head.
"I-i'm sorry y/n. But you knew i liked your brother" she cried, "i didn't, you could've told me instead of sleeping with him" you walk away with santana following you, she grabbed your hand leading you towards her car, once we got there you leaned on your back.
"y/n it'll be alright." She said comfortingly. "I know. I have you" you kiss her, she smiled "lets go home" she said, opening the passenger door for me.
And that was the start of the greatest relationship you ever had. You wished it never ended. And it never did. So here you, celebrating your fifth anniversary with santana by watching a movie with santana and your 3 year old daughter. and It was the absolute best.
You loved her.  She loved you. You loved each other.
A/n: no way?!!?!?!?! me double posting?!?!!?!? what?!?!?! probs cuz its the only fics ill deliver to you in months :)
if you can't tell I'm really bad at writing angst fics.
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doyelikehaggis · 1 month
So, I saw @hevanderson ‘s take on a Glee x Descendants crossover, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it until I made my own version (with a few ideas pinched from their post, because some of them were just too good to change, so I’ve marked those ones with stars!)
• Rachel Berry (Daughter of Tinker Bell)
Raised in/on: Auradon (Never Land) / Species: Half-Fairy / Royal Status: None / Abilities: Pixie Dust Flight
• Finn Hudson (Son of Ariel and Eric)
Raised in/on: Auradon (Westerley, Eric’s Castle) / Species: Half Mer-Man / Royal Status: Prince (heir to the throne) / Abilities: Mermaid Physiology, Tourney
• Kurt Hummel (Son of Cruella De Vil)
Raised in/on: Isle of the Lost (Hell Hall) / Species: Human / Royal Status: None / Abilites: Sewing, Tailoring, Fencing, Fashion Design
• Quinn Fabray (Daughter of Anna and Kristoff)
Raised in/on: Auradon (Arendelle) / Species: Human / Royal Status: Princess (heir to the throne) / Abilities: Magic, Cryokinesis, Cheerleading
• Santana Lopez (Adopted daughter of Dr Facilier)
Raised in/on: Isle of the Lost (Dr Facilier’s Voodoo Emporium) / Species: Human / Royal Status: None / Abilities: Voodoo, Sleight of Hand, Fortune Telling, Cheerleading
• Sam Evans (Son of Mr Smee) ⭐️
Raised in/on: Isle of the Lost (“The Lost Revenge ship) / Species: Human / Royal Status: None / Abilities: Sailing, Tourney
• Blaine Anderson (Son of Snow White)
Raised in/on: Auradon (Charmington) / Species: Human / Royal Status: Prince (Second in line to the throne) / Abilities: Zoolingualism, Boxing, Cheerleading
• Brittany Pierce (Daughter of Merlin)
Raised in/on: Auradon (Camelot Heights, Camelot Castle) / Species: Witch / Royal Status: Future advisor to the Monarch of Camelot / Abilities: Magic, Soothsaying, Metamorphosis, Cheerleading
• Tina Cohen-Chang (Daughter of the Mad Hatter)
Raised in/on: Wonderland (Queen of Hearts’ Castle) / Species: Human / Royal Status: None / Abilities: Hat-Making, Fashion Design, Riddles
• Mike Chang (Son of Mulan and Li Shang)
Raised in/on: Auradon (Northen Wei) / Species: Human / Royal Status: None (Supposed to be joining the Imperial Army/become General) / Abilities: Dancing, Martial Arts, Horse Riding, Expert Swordsmanship, Archery
• Artie Abrams (Son of Belle and Adam) ⭐️
Raised in/on: Auradon (Auradon Central, Beast Castle) / Species: Part-Beast / Royal Status: Prince (Heir to the throne) / Abilities: Beast Form
• Mercedes Jones (Daughter of Hercules and Megara) ⭐️
Raised in/on: Auradon (Olympus) / Species: Part God / Royal Status: None / Abilities: Demigod Physiology
• Noah “Puck” Puckerman (Son of Hades)
Raised in/on: Isle of the Lost / Species: Demigod / Royal Status: Prince of the Underworld / Abilities: Pyrokinesis
• Marley Rose (Daughter of Fairy Godmother) ⭐️
Raised in/on: Auradon / Species: Part Fairy / Royal Status: None / Abilities: Magic, Pixie Dust Flight
• Jake Puckerman (Son of Hades)
Raised in/on: Isle of the Lost / Species: Demigod / Royal Status: Prince of the Underworld / Abilities: Pyrokinesis
• Unique Adams (Daughter of the Queen of Hearts)
Raised in/on: Wonderland (Queen of Hearts’ Castle) / Species: Human / Royal Status: Princess (Heir to the throne) / Abilities: Chess
• Kitty Wilde (Daughter of the Cheshire Cat)
Raised in/on: Wonderland / Species: Part Feline / Royal Status: None / Abilities: Feline Physiology, Cheerleading, Invisibility, Teleportation, Manipulation
• Sebastian Smythe (Son of Hans) ⭐️
Raised in/on: Isle of the Lost / Species: Human / Royal Status: Prince / Abilities: Lacrosse, Manipulation
• Sugar Motta (Daughter of Gaston and one of the Bimbettes)
Raised in/on: Isle of the Lost / Species: Human / Royal Status: None
• Dave Karofsky (Son of Madam Mim)
Raised in/on: Isle of the Lost / Species: Warlock / Royal Status: None / Abilities: Dark Magic, Tourney
• Jesse St. James (Son of Hook)
Raised in/on: Isle of the Lost / Species: Human / Royal Status: None / Abilities: Swordsmanship, Swimming
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theywerebothgirls · 6 months
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i probably had this idea circa 2021 but yay it's never too late to make ideas come true!!!
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
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I loved your hostile takeovers
Encounters closer and closer
All your indecent exposures
Pezberry - Down Bad (Taylor Swift)
@thomas-the-goat-of-satan @angelhummel @rachelberryy @sscrambledmeggss @tthankstoyou @makeyouminemp3 @inlovewith-icecream
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dottiep · 4 months
I guess I have a masterlist now?
Regina x Janis
Just Let Me Try: After Regina gets pushed by the bus, she and Janis are both recovering. Janis works on herself, and they repair their relationship to try to find something — something that is more than good enough. (Multiple chapters, in progress)
Quinn x Santana
Reposting some Quinntana stories (like 90% smut, Seeing You for the First Time Again is the exception):
It Must Be Something in the Water
In Good Faith
Billable Hour
The Best Cure for Insomnia
Do You Know How Fast You Were Going?
Like an Animal
Office Hours
Serenity Now
Easy Like Sunday Morning
You Should Really Stretch First
A Weekend in the Hamptons (short 3 chapters)
Maybe a Three-Time Thing? (8 chapters, set after "I Do," complete)
Seeing You for the First Time Again (multiple chapters, unfinished but will probably work on finishing it now...maybe)
Santana x Rachel
Here's some Pezberry, too (100% smut).
Edge (10 years after high school, Santana runs into Rachel during a trip to NYC.)
No More Slushies (GKM fill)
Lending a Hand (GKM fill): Rachel is in tears after Finn does something stupid…again. Santana actually comforts her…in more ways than one.
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Pezberry song of the day.
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lopeirce · 1 year
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rachel/luce + brittany/santana
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bambirex · 2 years
Pezberry - jealousy on one or both sides. Set during their roommate days Season 4 or 5 pls
I guess this could be read as a mix of season 4 and 5!
Warnings: a bit of angst, self-esteem issues
There was something wrong about that Brody guy, Santana was sure of it. He had that annoying million-dollar grin plastered to his face constantly, his hair was always alarmingly perfect, and he had abs you could shred cheese on. Everything was so utterly charming and so artificially attractive on him that it made Santana's stomach roll.
Especially, because it seemed like these cheap tricks, this fake perfectness worked on Rachel. She looked at Brody like he hung the stars and the moon, clinging onto every word he said. She was utterly besotted with him, and Santana hated him all the more for it.
But that was not because she had any romantic interest in Rachel, or anything. She was just simply being a good friend, trying to protect Rachel from potential heartbreak.
Yeah, that was all what it was. Santana Lopez had left the cold-hearted bitch facade behind, now warmer and more caring, and she was practicing being a good person on Rachel. Santana was just testing how loyal and protective she could be. And truth be told, Rachel had gotten hurt all too many times, and Santana didn't want to see those beautiful eyes swimming in tears again.
Wait. Why did she think Rachel had beautiful eyes?
Nonsense, Santana thought with a scoff. She was getting too frustrated with Brody, and now she wasn't able to think straight. God, could he just leave already!? He had been here for hours, giggling with Rachel on the couch.
He had his arms around Rachel, and she snuggled into him, smiling up at him brightly. That smile... how Santana wished she could make Rachel smile like that.
What the hell was that thought again? Maybe she needed to check her head. This loft was so damn dusty, she had probably breathed in the mould that sat in the corner of their bathroom, and it spread to her brain. That was the only explanation.
She didn't realize she was still holding that empty mug that she wanted to put into the sink about half an hour ago. Her hands gripped it so tight, it was a wonder she didn't smash it.
Rachel laughed. It was one of her hearty, full laughs, the ones that showed all her teeth and made her toss her head back. The sound rang in the air like a beautiful melody, and now Santana actually wanted to break the mug against the wall.
She wanted to be the one to make Rachel laugh like that. Not Brody, not any other stupid theater nerd around her, but Santana. She wanted to make Rachel happy, and it felt like a glass shard was pushed straight into her chest at the realization that she never could.
Because Rachel wasn't even interested in women, and she certainly wasn't interested in Santana. What could Santana give her, that Mr. Perfect and the kinds of him couldn't?
Rachel suddenly turned her head and looked at Santana. There was something in her eyes, like a question. Her eyes lingered on her, and Santana couldn't bear it anymore- especially because Brody decided this was the best moment to kiss Rachel.
Santana fled the kitchen, the mug still in her hands.
Rachel hated Santana so much. She hated her for bringing up another girl to their loft, for having very loud and probably very passionate sex with her.
How dare she, when Rachel was sleeping in the room right next to her, when she had a rehearsal in the morning, when she ached so badly for Santana.
Rachel squeezed a pillow over her head, trying to shut out the sounds. It took her such a long time to finally admit to herself that she saw Santana as more than a friend. She never had the guts to tell her, and now, look at her, lying in bed pathetically, listening to Santana having sex with someone else.
Rachel knew she was being ridiculous. She had never showed any interest in Santana, had never told her how she felt, how would Santana know that? She had missed her chance, now she needed to suck it up. She had no right feeling jealous over anyone that Santana brought home.
But Rachel couldn't help it. She often wished she had enough balls to trip or pour her oatmeal over the heads of those pretty girls that flocked around Santana all the time. She hated all of them with a burning passion, because they just weren't right for Santana, because they weren't Rachel.
Most of all, Rachel hated herself for not being able to handle this with grace. Why would Santana be interested in her at all? She was not the type of girl Santana liked. She didn't look like a supermodel, she was just plain old Rachel Berry. The one no one would pick.
A tear ran down her cheek, and Rachel wiped it off angrily. Great, now she was crying, too. Truly pathetic. Of course Santana would rather choose anyone else, instead of wasting her time on someone like Rachel.
She heard Santana giggling from the other room- what a rare, but lovely sound-, and Rachel bit down on her lip to stop herself from screaming. She was so fed up, so damn fed up with all of this. She hoped that girl would fall down the stairs on her way home.
After such a horrific night, Rachel hoped for a better morning, which didn't come, as she noticed Santana's hookup sitting at their kitchen table, waving at her like they were friends. Rachel wanted to throttle her.
Santana walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, and sent Rachel a look that she couldn't decipher. Then, she plopped down on that girl's lap, and wrapped her arms around her neck.
Rachel went back to her room, and put the pillow over her face again.
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i-miss-faberry · 2 years
Quinn: I think I'm finally going to ask Rachel out. What do you think?
Finn: Well, she's my girlfriend.
Quinn: Ok. And?? Sharing is caring, Finn.
Kurt: Don't be so selfish, Finn.
Santana: Seriously. Mind your business, Finn.
Rachel: Yeah, Finn.
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