#sao last recollection
gabbyp09 · 9 months
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zodiac-senpai · 11 months
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As of now, we have about 74 days until the release of Sword Art Online: Last Recollection. (proud to say I preordered this wonderful game :) And with almost two months left, we so far know this:
Over 40+ playable characters.
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The Bed Scenes will be in the game as “DLCs”. (supposedly as part of the “heroine packs”, which yes, includes Eugeo 💙 they might make them separately too; who knows(?)
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My only gripe here is we need more male characters with bed scenes but that’s a personal thing; I know Eugeo being “the only guy” with one is meant to show how unique he is as a “male heroine” (and Kirito’s sole male love interest/harem member) but still, with options like Iskahn, Renly, Eldrie, or hell, Bercouli, the sky’s the limit. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I was a little concerned still for how they’d handle Kureha and Zeliska, since unlike Lycoris, these are the REAL ones coming into Underworld and giving them bed scenes would be… more than complicated (😅) Now, if they do their best to show them in a platonic light and mainly talk about the Fatal Bullet MC, I can respect that. Probably make sense Itsuki doesn’t get one, since he more or less was jelly of Kirito being around us (😂) but what got me most excited is what steamy outfit are they gonna give Eugeo (👀💕).
Yuuki will appear in Underworld, apparently as the game-original Goddess, “Gladia”. (poor Lunaria/moon goddess)
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No fishing but we’ll have other activities (yay 😇)
Our boi Itsuki is returning, courtesy of Protagonist-kun asking him to in his stead.
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With Yuuki’s confirmation, we got Asuna (Stacia), Sinon (Solus), Leafa (Terraria), Lisbeth (Ignia), Silica (Aeria), and Yuuki (Gladia) using Goddess Accounts.
All the ga(y)meverse heroines (yes, that includes Itsuki, cowards 😂) will appear in SAOLR: Itsuki, Kureha, Zeliska, Medina, Philia, Premiere, Rain, Seven, Strea, and Tia. (GIMME EIJI AND ROGU!!)
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Argo and Yui will also appear (not sure if Yui is gonna be playable or not)
Weapon types are: One-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Swords, Dual-Wielding, Rapiers, Bows, Daggers, Maces, Katanas, Spears, Whips, Axes/Shields, and the new weapon type, Scythes. (with characters like Argo and Iskahn being playable, odds are we’re getting a unique weapon type for them).
No more ACC (accuracy).
Kirito, Eugeo, and Alice will be slaying some new outfits for WoU (War of Underworld) as evident by the trailers.
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And last... but not least...
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Definitely shaping up to be the best SAO game in the franchise
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Can ANYONE at all on this platform PLEASE be normal about Rogu ??
Posts that even do so much as mention the poor guy are scarce as is, but ALL OF THEM that i've seen treat him like he's some kind of shiny new boytoy for gay people or something !! Y'all ?? Does this make NO ONE ELSE uncomfortable ?? How ? The fact that I'm seeing this from the Yujikiri crowd of all people makes me supremely uncomfortable...
He's a child. He acts like a child. He's clearly stated to be the little sibling of the Rulid Trio. His main trauma is shown to be tied to strong abandonment, loneliness and self-worth issues, which he is seeking to heal by forging familial bonds with our main characters, which ends up putting him in the role of a little kid brother.
And people are seeing this character and thinking about how hot he is and the myriad kinks they can associate with him ?? I'm sorry, but what...? The same people who rave about Eugeo being such a beautiful tragic character and how precious his relationship with Kirito is ? Those people ?
Honestly I feel like I just lost a mildly safe space here ( and I say only mildly because some of the shit some people say is extremely alienating to me as an aro person who yes, loves Eugeo and Kirito's non-platonic relationship. but seriously, how do you gayasses manage to uphold the rules of heteronormativity in your gay ship posts ? there's myriads of types of love and attraction that aren't romance ! you can do better at inclusivity ). Even just for browsing around, let alone interacting.
Truly I chose the wrong character to become attached to after my Lycoris binge.
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good7luck · 1 year
Sword Art Online official game+anime MV by ReoNa
(by video length order)
I don’t see anything of lyrics, except the original Japanese one???
Not ReoNa, but for some overlapping animation parts
SAO official MV with another song by ReoNa again, but for some real life game event
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shijimamei · 10 months
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ok but why not lux?
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ryzingentgaming · 1 year
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eeksmok · 6 months
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welcome to the masterpost of little sketches i accumulated from the year that i forgot about and never posted.
putting all these together took so much longer than i anticipated and theres even more that is just a bit too unfinished to be able share and have it make sense.
i apparently have so much crap that i just dont finish or forget i made this is honestly quite sad.
anyways happy christmas enjoy your silly lil present
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softboysora · 1 year
Last Recollection new illustrations
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meebochii · 1 year
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❥ Fatal Bullet Trio in Last Recollection
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nachtvale101 · 5 months
Got around to finishing the main campaign for SAO Lycoris, and goddamn, I take back all the downbad thoughts I've had about Hersyrian up until that point LMAO (well mostly, he is still quite pretty)
Philia, Premiere, and Itsuki will always take up my top 3 favorite gameverse characters, but if there was ever a contender to threaten one of their spots, it'd be her. She is so <33333
Anyway now I'm making my way through the extra post game content before I start the DLCs. The first apostle quest has reignited my once dead Kirisinon heart fr
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Also Yujikiri
Decent chunk of fuel to be found in Lycoris. In the gameverse in general tbh xD, and I will eat it up every single time
I love them <33
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gabbyp09 · 1 year
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zodiac-senpai · 11 months
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Last Recollection is already shaping up to be my new fav SAO game in the ga(y)meverse… now PLEASE keep Rogu~!!!
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zancorvid · 11 months
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Sword Art Online: Last Recollection booth @ Anime Expo 2023
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medea10 · 5 months
My Review of Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku-hen
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Okay, new season, new characters, new gang, same opening theme song…
Wait, what?! I mean, the graphics are different, but still.
HISTORY: Takemichi. Time travel. 2005 is a cunt year. I’m not going over it again. Here’s season one and here’s season two. Read up.
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SEASON THREE: Previously on Tokyo Revengers, Takemichi returned to 2006 after a glimpse of the most depressing future yet. But that’s going to have to wait as a gang he has no recollection of just kicked the ever-loving crap out of him, Chifuyu, and most of his bros. This is Tenjiku. This gang has Tokyo Manji outnumbered. Many of their captains are so soulless that they’ll beat you within an inch of your life. And worst of all, Kisaki has joined this group. Seeing as Kisaki would be so defiant as to go to another gang five seconds after being thrown out of a gang for trying to turn it into a bloated monster, it gets Takemichi thinking. What if Kisaki is also coming from the future like Takemichi?
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While we have that to ponder, we see the leader of Tenjiku, Izana popping up around Mikey. Turns out there’s more to these two leaders than you would let on. And finally, Takemichi knows another person in Tenjiku. It’s not one of Kisaki’s cronies, it’s actually a childhood friend. His name is Kakucho. Despite him and Takemichi being old buds, Kakucho is going to remain loyal to Izana and Tenjiku. Although, Kakucho does distrust Kisaki. So, there’s that! Takemichi (despite the promise he made last season) returned to the future to see what he could find out about the Tenjiku gang. This ended badly. Oh sure, he got some info from reformed Cocaine Bear from last season Taiju. But Takemichi and Naoto wound up gunned down by Kisaki, Kakucho, and Izana.
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Back in 2006, Takemichi tested if his line to the future is cut off. It is. He shook hands with the young Naoto and no-go, future Naoto is dead. Takemichi’s muttering about the future hit the ears of Hina. Okay, so she knows but will pretend she didn’t hear a thing…for now. And then we learn that Izana is actually Mikey’s half-brother. Mikey’s family tree is fucked up. Add to that, Mikey’s (deceased) older brother Shinichiro was the original leader of Black Dragon. He planned to let Mikey be the leader, but of course he started Tokyo Manji. But then we learn Izana was the 8th generation leader of Black Dragon (the prior leader to Taiju). Okay, my head is spinning with everything happening here.
NEW CHARACTERS: Onto the Tenjiku arc characters. There’s really only two notable new characters here. One more thing, Hulu hasn’t dropped any of these episodes in English so I’m only giving Japanese seiyuus here.
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Izana Kurokawa is the leader of Tenjiku. This is a person that up to this point Takemichi knew nothing about. This season, he’ll know it all. First of all, he’s revealed to allegedly be Mikey’s half-brother. Second, he was once the leader of the Black Dragon gang (the gang that was started by Shinichiro and was to be given to Mikey.
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And then there’s Kakucho! Kakucho was friends with Takemichi back when they were children. But Kakucho went away. I think he went into a group home because his parents died in some sort of accident. I gathered since the anime really didn’t talk much about Kakucho, but the scar on Kakucho’s face tells a big story. While there, he makes a life-long friendship with Izana.
*Izana is played by Nobunaga Shimazaki (known for Haru on Free!, Yuki on Fruits Basket 2019, Yuno on Black Clover, Eugeo on SAO: Alicization, Sengoku on Horimiya, Shinichi on Parasyte, and Sunakawa on Ore Monogatari)
*Kakucho is played by Seiichirou Yamashita (known for Ishikawa on Horimiya, Raiden on 86, Edward on Black Butler, and Clay on Soul Eater NOT)
SHIPPING PART THREE: This does dip into spoilery territory, so I’ll try to mind my words.
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Hina! Yes, Takemichi x Hina is still a thing. They’re cute together. She sees him as a personal hero. And I honestly think that Hina’s love for Takemichi grew when she knew what Takemichi has been doing in terms of leaping through time. There is however one person who has been eyeing Hina for a long time. And that’s Kisaki.
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Back in season two, we do get a flashback of Kisaki and Hina together when they saw Takemichi do something impulsive yet heroic. I kinda thought that there might have been something there, Kisaki-wise. Who knew I was going to be right? Hina said some kind words to Kisaki about him being so smart that it reached his cold, calculating heart. Kisaki loves Hina and that’s all I can talk about as I want save it for the finale portion. Let’s talk about another ship.
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Koko x Inupi. I wasn’t expecting it. I probably should have since our bro Inupi slays in them heels. I’m just a little confused by it. Koko was in love with Inupi’s older sister and Koko’s crusade of earning more and more money was driven because Inupi’s sister was burned in a house fire. But she dies, Koko still strives for more money, and he kisses Inupi because…??? Dead sis, something…Um, let’s talk about another ship.
Emma x Draken is…oh!
YEAH, THIS PART HURT: Emma’s death. Yeah, just going to come out and say it. She dies.
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Now, you would think that Emma dying wasn’t going to cause a ripple. Fuck are you huffing? This ripple caused a major tsunami that shook the foundation of Tokyo Manji to its core. First of all, Emma is Mikey’s little sister. He barely got over his older brother’s death. Second, Emma was Draken’s girlfriend. But then Kisaki came in swinging and knocked Emma off…while Takemichi just stood there.
I saw a lot of comments about this part and a lot of anger towards Takemichi. I am actually going to defend him to an extent. Have you ever been in a situation where you had the opportunity to stop something and you were just frozen in your tracks and couldn’t do anything? It happens! I know he can be impulsive sometimes, but coming from personal experience, I can’t hate on him when this fear hits.
I can however fucking hate Kisaki and Izana. Women are supposed to be off-limits. So, this is the plan Kisaki had to warp Mikey. I hate you.
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ENDING: Tokyo Manji vs. Tenjiku. This is not going well for Tokyo Manji. Their fight between Tenjiku did not start well and they are very much outnumbered. Smiley and Mitsuya are out of commission for the big fight as they were taken out prior. Mikey and Draken are not going to come to this fight as…fucking Emma died. Mikey’s sister, Draken’s girlfriend! Mikey is wrecked and Draken hates everything. So, it is up to Takemichi, Angry, Chifuyu, Hakkai, Inupi, and…this one guy I can’t remember his name up against over 300 grunts, 4 angry big boss guys, Koko, Kakucho, that dick-head Kisaki, and Izana.
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There were some solid hits from Tokyo Manji. Angry went full “Blue Ogre” mode which somehow surpasses his twin brother Smiley’s wrath. And I’m going to admit this. Up until season three, I didn’t know that Smiley had a twin brother. So, color me surprised when I see the blue-haired wonder show up all of a sudden. Back to the fight, Inupi got into Koko’s mind as we got a backstory involving them. All the while, Takemichi pulls his immovable Homer Simpson spirit during the fight. Even Kisaki shooting him in the foot couldn’t stop him. But you have to admit, these boys are outnumbered and not going to win this fight. IN COMES DRAKEN AND MIKEY!
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I knew it was going to happen. Didn’t know how or the provocation, but I saw it coming a mile away. The reason was that Hina let it slip out to both boys that Takemichi has been going back and forth from the future to prevent his friends from dying. Mikey vs. Izana actually lasted a lot longer than the October and Christmas massacres with the main bosses. Mikey’s kicks only worked part of the time against Izana. What Mikey doesn’t know is that Izana learned how to fight from his own older brother Shinichiro.
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We get some flashbacks of Izana’s youth (as well as Kakucho). Izana gets the surprise of his life to know that he has an older brother. Shinichiro made a big impact on Izana and was happy any time he came to visit. It wasn’t until Izana was going to get the Black Dragon gang passed down to him that everything changed. Shinichiro just happened to mention having a younger brother and that just didn’t sit right with him. Younger Mikey seemed okay with the idea of having another brother. Izana was not thrilled. Add to that, Izana blames Mikey for Shinichiro’s death. Kazutoro strikes again! Izana ends up suffering a pretty big mental breakdown during this showdown. The other Tenjiku members were in an agreement that Tokyo Manji won and to just back off gracefully. No. That’s not happening. Kisaki goes and does a stupid thing that ends with both Kakucho and Izana getting shot.
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Oh, now you’re going to be a punk-ass bitch after shooting Izana and Kakucho. Yeah, they’re dying. We get some more flashbacks including an important fact that you can be both shocked and not surprised at the same time. Say it with me now.
Emma’s cunt mother said it to Izana when he ran into her. And then Shinichiro admitted the same. Izana and Kakucho hold each other’s hands as they both die on the ground…or so it seems. More soon! Mikey announces the fight is over and that Tokyo Manji won. Kisaki bails with Hanma. Draken and Takemichi trail this asshole. Once Takemichi caught up to Kisaki, that’s when he learns something important.
Kisaki loves Hina. He’s a strategian by heart and had a 10-year plan to rise the ranks of the gang underworld and to make Hina all his. And during this interaction, Takemichi caught a glimpse of a future moment where Kisaki proposed to Hina and she rejected him like one of those rejection scenes from Tomodachi Life. But one thing Takemichi learned this night with Kisaki was that he was not a time traveler. He’s just bent to the point of wanting to warp Mikey and steal Hina from Takemichi or kill her. And then, things took a turn for the worst…for Kisaki.
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These are the following three things that are acceptable to say for this scene: *Truck-kun saved the day *Best re-dramatization of Phil Ken Sebben’s death ever *Australian fatigue driving PSA in a nutshell
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Okay, I will also accept the phrase, “Ding-dong, the dick is dead”. I am not going to sit here and feel sorry for Kisaki. He was a smarmy bastard in the past and future. And the shit he did in the past should never absolve him. Emma did nothing wrong. Not a fucking thing! Her only crime is that she shared the same blood as Mikey. I’m sick of getting the sad boo-hoo moments for characters who were maggots through and through. You want people to say nice things in your passing, don’t be a dick-bag while you’re alive!
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In this aftermath, there were a total of five arrests and three deaths. The arrests were all the top men from Tenjiku. The deaths were Emma, Izana, and Kisaki. Kakucho survived being shot. He’s got a lot to mull over now that his best friend is dead and the gang is pretty much done. It is unknown about Takemichi and the future as we see him talking to Kakucho in the hospital and he hasn’t stopped trembling after witnessing Kisaki be flattened by a truck. So, we don’t know if Kisaki’s death changed the future for the better or if Takemichi can even go back to the future considering what happened to Naoto.
Okay, I loved this season compared to the Christmas Massacre arc. I just wish the season was an episode or two longer just to fulfill my wants of seeing if the future changed for the better or worse. That last future Takemichi was in had Kisaki and Izana in it, so that must mean Naoto is alive again. I’m going to keep with my thoughts and be a good girl who doesn’t look at manga spoilers. For now! I’m sure there’s gonna be more content in the future. The manga is finished with an astounding 279 chapters and the anime is just under 40 episodes currently. I’m sure there’s more to unfold.
Knowing the setup, I’m pretty sure there’s another gang about to pop up or Hanma is gonna avenge Kisaki or some other drama with Koko and Inupi. Again, I don’t know because I didn’t read the manga. But we still need the conclusion of Hina and if she’s past the point of being saved from a grizzly murder. Kisaki is taken care of, that’s good. I still don’t trust Akkun and he’s still around. Every stinkin’ timeline, he’s the one who does the deed. In the meantime, let’s wait a bit for the next installment. Nothing has been announced as of posting this review, but I’ll remain positive.
Once again, because of Disney+’s acquirement, watching the whole season can be troublesome to those who don’t have a multitude of streaming accounts. Season one can still be found on Crunchyroll. Christmas Massacre and Tenjiku arc will be on Hulu.
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transboykirito · 4 months
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operationrainfall · 10 months
SWORD ART ONLINE Last Recollection Gets a Couple of New Trailers
Bandai Namco has released a couple of new trailers for the upcoming SWORD ART ONLINE Last Recollection. The first shows off the tons of playable characters found in the game, while the second is another showcase of the weapons at the player’s disposal.   The culmination of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series, Last Recollection features the largest roster of SAO playable characters and sub…
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