fountainstrangerart · 6 months
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It seems like I'm saying this with every piece, but i fee like I've gotten ever better~
For those who have been around before you may recognize Saphielle as one of my adopts who is happily owned by LeoForce who also commissioned this redesign for her. A fresh look for a blue princess~
I'm trying something new, instead of having to use the No AI watermark I've decided to start Glazing my work. 
I may go back if i feel like i need to, but if anyone was confused why it seemed like i changed my mind on AI, I haven't. Its just awesome that there are people who genuinely care about the people who put in real time and work into their craft.
Design Commissions are open, DM for more details
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
What if instead of elves growing pointed ears when they're old, they start growing them at puberty and that's why Alden thought Sophie needed to be taken to the Lost Cities right away. The Black Swan were planning to explain away Sophie's pointed ears as some sort of harmless disorder/genetic condition so her human family wouldn't worry about it.
This just in, elves don't grow tits they grow ears. But in all seriousness I like this interpretation! It brings in more of traditional elven things (like having pointed ears) while merging it with the modern world in the way that Shannon has.
I'm curious how that explanation would've gone over for The Black Swan, as they may have to invent a disorder and that would definitely not fit in with the "making Sophie truly believe she is a normal human girl" thing they were going for. The closest thing I found in my cursory searches on the internet is Stahl's ear, which is a birth defect babies are born with on the outer part of the ear and in some cases it can look like a pointed elf ear. Depends on how the ear deforms. Perhaps they'd try to pass it off as some latent, later-in-life Stahl's ear, or perhaps they'd have to set up for this possibility from the beginning and do some elf mind trickery to plant the possibility of this deformity in her parents minds from the beginning so that it doesn't raise any questions later on.
of course however all that worked out (I'm not really focusing on the details I'm just spitballing here) Alden would be none the wiser, which could lead to that part you mentioned of him thinking she needs to be taken more immediately. This whole thing would both characterize the elves in a different way and offer a potentially different explanation for events! The longer Sophie stayed in the human world the more chance their was of people finding out about her and accidentally revealing elves/inhuman beings, which would be made even more pressing by her being on the precipice of puberty as changing ears are a visible physical change. She can use her hair to hide them, but there's still a risk of being exposed.
ooh! concept! sophie being an elf without pointed ears for whatever reason. that's as far as I've thought it through, but could be a fun thing to play with her having rounded ears in a world full of pointed. and since rounded ears are during elven childhood, you could play with her being seen/treated as a child because her ears never pointed. people treating her differently and her having to fight to be listened to on another level
This isn't what you were talking about, but it gave me an idea. If pointed elven ears are formed during puberty, then it stands to reason that, like everything else during puberty, everyone's ears would develop differently. Different shapes and degrees of point and length for everyone, none specifically better than the other but all unique. I just think that's a fun little worldbuilding thing, giving all the elves different kinds of pointy ears :)
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zeydaan-isabella · 11 months
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Saphielle Chilling
Commission for SaphielleFox of them chilled and propped against a recently sprayed wall.
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sole-inquisitor · 10 months
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my inquisitors ♡
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vive-la-revolution · 2 years
part 2.2: the adults
book : 1 : 2.1 : 3
@ultravioletmorning--light @quillsink
loreleia miaren - thatia
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she/her lesbian
28 years old and queen of thatia. descended from faeries and has seelie blood, giving her a few of its perks, such as not being able to lie and slow aging.
jaya miaren (formerly ahuja) - thatia
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she/her lesbian
30 years old. wife of queen loreleia and joint ruler of thatia queendom. was born in natis but moved to thatia when she was three.
mythanar daucourt - natis
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he/him straight
38 years old. king of natis. father of caspian. i literally based his design off lucius malfoy lmfao
saphielle daucourt (formerly reya) - natis
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she/her straight
40 years old. mother of caspian and queen of natis. very vain and self-centered. vaguely unnecessary will probably get killed off
mirlayna elvyre (formerly olavaris) - abinyth
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she/her pansexual
THE ABSOLUTE LOVE OF MY LIFE <333 mirlayna is half-elf and 27 years old. she is married to king eastyn’s eldest child, prince oswyn. (he doesn’t deserve her but that’s an opinion) literally her main purpose is to be his wife for plot advancement but now that i’m so attracted to her i guess she’s gonna have to have a storyline now
ekbel fellbottom - abinyth
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he/him straight
literally this guy is so unimportant he’s just another plot advancement spouse. ekbel is 32 years old and a wealthy lord. he is betrothed to king eastyn’s oldest daughter, cordelia.
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ketopagano · 7 months
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Saphielle partial fursuit commission is ready!
Go check more of my fursuit maker work: https://t.me/KetoFursuits
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Just a shoutout to all my bi/pan babes who are super valid and no less queer even in het appearing relationships🏳️‍🌈
Series guide (Blue Star, Smoke and Shadow, Storm), mild spoilers
✨Malia (P)
✨Brela (P)
✨Oni (P)
✨Malachi (P)
Then my other queer babes who also get love
✨Isobel (L)
✨Mads (aro/ace)
✨Boelyn (aro/ace)
✨Orion (G)
✨Uvrik (G)
✨Ruan (NB/aro/ace)
✨Oudar (G)
✨Saphielle (L)
✨Izette (L)
✨Elias/Farrah/Brela (poly)
✨Hella (L)
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etherwing · 10 months
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This here is Saphiel, an original character for a comic idea I had a long time ago. The comic is no longer, but the character lives on as a mascot.
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st-just · 2 years
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Saphielle Fenvaris von Iallantha by Carlos Eduardo Loiola
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blossom-blur · 10 months
Color Quest: Miri DS Kingdoms and Lands
Ninora (Saeki’s Kingdom)
Gerivila (Grassland)
Ciyial Cave (Crystal Cave)
Duneland - Raghba (Desert Land and Tamako’s Kingdom)
Ilcha (Forest Kingdom ruled by Alyvia)
Weninta (Sky Kingdom ruled by Hanniah)
Brani (Tropical Jungle)
Ursland (Underwater Kingdom ruled by Nami)
Faraland (Flower Kingdom ruled by Flowia)
Nolland (Winter Land ruled by Lumi)
Furorich (Elf Kingdom ruled by Saphielle)
Takaishi (Virus’s Kingdom)
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fuitgummybat · 1 year
A Lengthy Infodump About Nin
Sword-wielding mageborn, elvish nobility, professional himbo.
My PC in my friend's Drakkenheim campaign!
[Spoilers to my fellow players]
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In the year 1057, elvish Duke of the Brachenwald Voren Aresen and his wife Marethari were blessed with their third child. At birth, their youngest was their daughter, but twenty years later he became their son, and was given the name Kerym.
Family Affairs
Although the Aresen family rules over eastern Westemar's Brachenwald, residing in a stately keep in the city of Stolzenfels, they were initially Caspian nobility- having moved countries in an attempt at higher status and a bigger political foothold nearly a century ago. Voren and his two eldest daughters, Melana and Saphielle, are Caspian by birth, while Marethari and their son Kerym were born in Westemar, but all of them were granted the title of Knights of Caspia in order for them to maintain status in their homeland.
In a sea of humans, a family comprising entirely of sun elves is incredibly rare among the noble ranks- however, the Aresen family's reputation far exceeds the novelty of their race. At social events, it's hard to find a better-dressed group; displaying the newest fashion and signs of their prospering wealth to their affluent company. Voren's three children especially are known for being head-turningly beautiful, something that especially Melana, the eldest child, uses to her advantage.
They are also known for their cutthroat business practices and underhanded methods, keeping competitors at bay and secrets under lock and key.
While Melana was raised as the heiress to the duchy of the Brachenwald and Saphielle aggressively studied to someday take her place, Kerym was never considered for any leadership roles in his family's affairs. While his sisters may eventually take their father's place, Kerym's purpose to the family was different.
Despite his introverted nature, he was trained to charm and entertain others of political worth, with the express intention to have him marry someone with a higher-ranking noble title for his family's benefit. Although he may not notice it, he has a tendency to slip into those trained behaviors when he interacts with charming strangers or respected figures.
The Mageborn Issue
In 743, the Edicts of Lumen were established in order to protect mages from being hunted by the Knights of the Silver Order, and to keep mageborn from positions of power to avoid any chance at another era of Sorcerer Kings. These laws were established when Voren, eldest son of the Caspian Aresen family and then-future family head, was 26 years old.
Begrudgingly, Voren and his family were forced to hide their innate magical natures from the world, lest their noble title be stripped and their legacy destroyed. Still, he actively sought a mageborn wife and, during their adolescence, his three children revealed to be mageborn as well.
Kerym, like his sisters, was thoroughly educated on matters of the arcane, and began his training as a secret mage. However, as the years progressed, magical flukes during his spellcasting started to become more commonplace and destructive. By the time he was halfway through his first century, surges of wild magic during spellcasting were guaranteed, and he was barred from continuing his arcane studies.
His magical instability didn't stop there- as he grew older, bouts of strong emotion would trigger the wild magic within him, even without evoking a spell, causing his parents to restrict his public appearances, and hire clerics to follow him during social events he couldn't avoid in case a Calm Emotions spell needed to be cast.
Octarine Dreams
In early autumn of 1110, Kerym started having a reoccuring dream: he was at a ball in Castle Drakken in the city of Drakkenheim- a situation he'd experienced twice before. He'd left the chattering ballroom to get some fresh air on the balcony, only to see the sky grow dark and hear screams from the city down below. Kerym turned around to face the ballroom, only to find that it was entirely empty. Candles unlit.
Most nights, his dreams ended there, leaving him with a building sense of dread that followed him for an entire year. Then one night, on the 15th of September, 1111, his dream had a different conclusion.
Kerym was on the balcony, scared and alone, and turned to face the city once again. Suddenly, everything was enveloped in a vibrant purple glow as a meteor came crashing through the sky and destroyed the city below.
Waking up in a panic, Kerym demanded to speak with his father to explain- possibly warn him of the events of his terrifying dream. Voren didn't believe him, stating that Kerym was making a fool of himself.
The following week, news spread through Westemar of the meteor that fell from the sky and hit Drakkenheim in the evening of the 16th of September.
Journey to Drakkenheim
Several years after the Westemarian civil war, Kerym's magical instability had worsened to the point that he was forced to stay within the family keep. Even if he didn't have close friends among the local nobility, the isolation was wearing on him, kept only partially in check by his trusted swordfighting tutor, former Knight Captain Roderik Luceran.
During that time, Voren began showing interest in the mysterious crystals known as delirium that now covers large swaths of the destroyed Drakkenheim. It was theorized that, with the help of these potently magical crystals, they could find a way to cure Kerym's wild magic.
Initially, they had planned to send hired mercenaries to retrieve samples of delirium for experimentation, but Kerym, eager to go out and feeling a pull to the city due to his dreams, offered to lead the expedition himself.
Kerym left Stolzenfels with two dozen mercenaries, all sworn to secrecy. During this time, he learned about the life of a commoner, often being dragged into drinking stupidly strong liquors and easily falling for common pranks done by his traveling companions. It was also during this time that Kerym decided to call himself Nin, the elvish word for 'voice', in order to keep his identity and status a secret.
Despite being away from his family home, his surges were still a consistent and increasingly dangerous problem. As if the Westemarian wildlife and bandits weren't lethal enough, Nin's magical outbursts killed several mercenaries, leaving him with only two companions by the time he reached Emberwood Village- the last populated settlement near the contaminated ruins of Drakkenheim.
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Additional Lore
Here's some other details on Nin that I couldn't find a place for in the big summary!
Nin is 69 years old, turning 70 on May 29th. He is a Gemini.
His full name and title is Sir Lord Kerym Leoric Fen'Soveliss Aresen.
Everyone in the Aresen family has traditional sun elvish tattoos, which are burned into the skin with a form of scarification and ink. They depict the family's history, as well as the individual's personal achievements.
Nin loves sparring, and has sparred with many nobles in the past. His second eldest sister, Saphielle, occasionally sparred with him when she visited their family keep, but he's never been able to beat her.
He's capable of fighting with most weapons, but prefers a two-handed sword, common among protectors.
Nin is bisexual, and is under the assumption that most people are as well.
Nin doesn't know how to whistle.
You can tell Nin is using his magical abilities when purple electricity crawls up his skin. It increases in speed and ferocity when he's about to surge.
Nin is a terrible liar.
Although Nin has little to no insecurities regarding his appearance, he's extremely insecure about his wild magic, and is of the belief that his existence is some kind of divine punishment for his father's hidden crimes.
Nin, like everyone else in his family, has very long hair due to family tradition. Although he'd never consider cutting it because of this, he wouldn't deny that having to brush and braid it every day is a chore.
His favorite drink to order at a tavern is mead, and he's weak for a good charcuterie board.
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Saphielle, Apprentice of Malenia, the Goddess of Rot, Blade of Miquella: [21]
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Once upon a time, in the Lands Between, a lowly tarnished was born anew into a era of stars and moon, of peace and freedom. Her hair was the color of the reddest apple, of dying autumn, and shriveled rose petals; her eyes the color of oak tree bark, filled with anger and resentment; her fair tannish skin nipped with small scars and permanent bruises; and her name is Saphielle. Saphielle was a wretch, an outcast for defying the Golden Order by murdering her abusive and pedophilic father, who was a soldier of General Radahn, but kept his secret well hidden. He never dared to harm his daughter, but couldn't keep his eyes and hands wandering over other young maidens. After she came back from a speedy trial in Queen Marika's court, she left Caelid to forget the awful memories of the past. She had no destination in mind, she just wanted to leave. Thanks to her temporary but harsh training from her father, Saphielle quickly ended the lives of whoever wished her harm throughout her journey. As she continued, the Tarnished discovered two Haligtree medallions. And just as she found the medallions, she found the Haligtree. After placing the medallions in their slots (it took her a while), Saphielle entered the hallowed structure. Going deeper and entering the dungeons, she found herself in a clearing, her boots plopping into puddles of water. Walking towards the enormous roots of the tree, she failed to spot the corpse sitting in a wooden chair...until it moved. Malenia, awoken from her slumber, adjusted her mechanical arm and threatened to cut the wretch open, but stopped when the low tarnished got on her knees and begged for mercy of the Goddess, begging to be allowed to stay and not be forced to return to Caelid. Malenia was taken aback by Saphielle's words, but allowed her to stay with the intention to train the Tarnished on how to be a swordsman. She quickly gained the goddess's admiration, trust, and affection through her consistent determination to become stronger than her father. The bond between Malenia and her "catapiller" strengthened overtime, and despite being so close to Malenia, Saphielle was immune to rot. As part of her training, Saphielle had to create her own sword; she decided to create a sword just like Malenia's. She learned the lore and history between her matron deity and her half-siblings, and when General Radahn and Malenia fought once again, Saphielle was there to help her up and carried her to safety. To show her gratitude, Malenia ripped a part of her cape and adorned it over the shoulders of her champion, uttering a single sentence before she passed out: "Your grace has been restored, beloved Tarnished." While Malenia was healing from her injuries, the Tarnished mended and forged golden armor for her right arm in remembrance of her master, retractable sword and all.
Saphielle is a muscular, headstrong woman who is in her early twenties. She has dark red and short hair, slightly tanned and scarred skin that became even more damaged as she trained with Malenia to learn her Waterfowl Dance, and brown eyes. Saphielle duel wields two versions of Malenia's swords, one that can be hold without the mechanical arm, and one that is fused to it. She used the ripped part of her matron's cape to make garments for herself. Saphielle often battles without her shoes, preferring to be barefoot to feel the ground beneath her. If she isn't in the company of her goddess, she can be seen walking around the area of the Haligtree, checking for intruders. But when she can, she'll accompany Malenia wherever she travels to, often hunting animals, gathering edible food, and setting up camp for the Goddess of Rot. As suspected as much, whoever is the enemy of Malenia will be the enemy of Saphielle as well, especially Mohg - not so much as General Radahn, since Saphielle does respect him, and even more now that Andromeda (@maiden-of-time-and-space) healed him of Scarlet Rot. [?/only interested in Malenia] (Elden Ring)
...all the souls games are, in my opinion, beautiful pieces of art. Yes, they may have their kinks and loose screws that the directors should have worked on, but those tiny details are what tells you that the game was created by humans, who are not perfect either. I see Malenia's boss fight as a dance of swords. It's hard in the beginning, but as you keep learning the steps, you start flowing along with the pattern. The master dancing with her apprentice. The butterfly teaching the catapiller. So it may not be as colorful and bright as you hoped to be, it is still a unique challenge to overcome for the gamer, and one that plays out elegantly.
You may either hate it or love it, but you have to admit: Malenia is one bada** motherducker.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk!
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Oberon: [adult] An intelligent hybrid of a half-wolf and Runebear through magical means, Oberon is a large runewerewolf with shaggy black fur with a rune pattern on his chest, glowing green eyes that leave a green and white essence whenever he moves, and is as large as a runebear but with werewolf elements. He governs a pack of wolves and hunts great game, like lesser giants. Saphielle once found him with his leg snared in a bear trap. After freeing and healing him, the Tarnished tamed him and used Oberon as a mount and companion on her journeys.
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It's me, Nilnaea! I've recently remembered that I have this blog. There's this Our Generation doll named 'Lin', which I thought was a cute and fun coincidence (she wasn't one of the dolls I ended up choosing, but maybe another time).
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Nilnaea! Hello! I haven't seen you in what feels like forever! Hope you're doing well!
Full honesty I have no clue what you're talking about with dolls, but the Lin is a nice coincidence! Misspelled that as Linh out of habit, I'll never escape keeper. Okay I'm currently on the Our Generation site and I cannot believe they don't have a Sophie. That feels like such a generic name that it must've been used, and yet it was not. No Amy either!
Anyway I'm looking at Lin (which I once again habitually spelled as Linh -_-) and I like that one of the recommended accessories for her is a "Fjord Norwegian Foal". Our Linh would love a fjord norwegian foal they're so right.
I hope you enjoy whichever doll(s) you did choose! I think it's neat that one of them kinda shares a name with Linh, even though they don't look alike. Still cool to see keeper names out in the wild--I bought this one little squishmallow specifically because it's named Dexter, even though it doesn't look like Dex at all (it's a green dragon). He's currently on my bookshelf face first in the books :)
this is very fun, thank you for sharing and it's nice to hear from you!
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saphille · 9 months
いつもは更新しない時間帯ですが今回は雇われオーナーSaphielleの小話です。 9月15日に行われた第2回大和ファッションフェスタにNameless Shopの秘薬低減装備担当のCharm…
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sole-inquisitor · 11 months
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my inquisitors: saphielle 🌱
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ketopagano · 7 months
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Saphielle fursuit head commission is ready! Includes follow me eyes, moving jaw and removable tongue! Please follow me at my Telegram channel <3
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