mo0nspell · 3 years
all i want in life is to create novelty
in an artistic way
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topimagines · 7 years
The Uries- Brendon and Sarah Urie (poly)
“Go I’ll be fine. God sometimes I feel like you guys think I have to be watched.” you said pushing Brendon and Sarah out the door.
“You sure, you can come with us if you want.” Sarah offered.
“No, it’s your anniversary, go enjoy yourselves. I’ll be here when you get back.” you said.
“Okay, fine, if you insist. Love you babe.” Brendon said kissing you.
“Love you too. Now go before I lock you out.” you said and they both laughed and walked to the car.
It was Brendon and Sarah’s 4 year wedding anniversary and they felt bad leaving you at home. Being in a polyamorous relationship with them was the best thing you could ever ask for. You were friends with Sarah for years and when she met Brendon and married him you were in a relationship with an abusive boyfriend. One night after a huge fight you called Sarah and Brendon showed up to get you because she was out of town.
On the ride back to their place Brendon was really comforting. You had always had a crush on him and Sarah knew it. Long story short you ended up staying with them for the next 2 months. One night you were all hanging out and they brought the idea of you joining the relationship. At first you were shocked but they told you how much they liked you and now 2 years later you’re happily in love.
You plopped down on the couch and Penny and Bogart joined you. This was the first time all day you were alone and you had some emotions building up inside you. All day people were wishing Brendon and Sarah a happy anniversary. That wasn’t the thing that was bothering you, it was the people who were being mean to you.
You saw that two of the trending hashtags were #brendon&sarahgoals and #Y/Ndoesn’tdeservethem on twitter.
The scrolled through and saw that the #brendon&sarahgoals was filled with pictures of them and really sweet tweets from the fans.
Earlier that day you posted a picture on instagram of Brendon and Sarah at their wedding with you as Sarah’s maid of honor. You captioned it with a sweet ‘Hope you have a great anniversary my loves.’
People commented mostly nice things except for the few who said things like ‘when you ruin a perfectly good relationship’ or ‘find your own man.’
You started to scroll throught the #Y/Ndoesn’tdeservethem and started to regret it.
‘Seriously he had something so good and Y/N had to ruin it.’
‘Two beuties and a beast. Guess who the beast is, Y/N. Get someone for yourself.’
‘How slutty do you have to be to need two people. Like she doesn’t deserve them.’
They got worse and worse until you felt a tear stream down your face. You kept torturing yourself by reading all their tweets.
‘They’re right, Brendon and Sarah are so attractive when I’m so ugly’ you told yourself.
It only felt like 20 minutes passed, but when you heard a car pull up and you looked at the time and it had been 4 hours. You were a mess, tears running down your face and stained sleeves from where you wiped away you makeup.
You heard the front door open and knew it was too late to hid away. You laid in the couch, hid your face, and tried as hard as you could to calm down you shaking body from the cry. You faced the inside of the couch and shut your eyes and pretended to sleep.
‘Maybe they won’t even notice.’ you hoped.
You felt the couch move a little and Brendon’s hand and came in contact with your unsteady body.
“Hey there gorgeous.” he said softly “what’s wrong?”
You turned over and he saw your face was all red from crying. You just looked past him and suddenly Sarah came into the room.
“Hey, Y/N what happened?” she asked voice filled with concern.
That’s when the gates of your tears let go. You let them fall down your face as you sat up. Brendon pulled you into his lap and rocked you slowly trying to calm you down. Sarah sat of the side of Brendon and took one of your hands in her’s.
When you finally calmed you asked or your phone and Sarah handed it to you.
You opened twitter and refreshed the #Y/Ndoesn’tdeservethem page.
“Look at Y/N, it’s like playing where’s waldo and always being able to find her.” you said voice shaking and both Brendon and Sarah asked.
You scrolled again.
“Y/N obviously doesn’t see that she’s ruining that relationship. Wouldn’t Brendon propose by now if he actually loved her.” another tear fell from your eyes.
“Y/N stop.”Sarah said reaching to take your phone. You pulled it from her reach and read another one.
“Oh this is my favorite one by far. When will they realized she’s no good. She’s pretty, but Sarah is so hot. Y/N’s not even funny. Brendon you had so much but lost some of it when you let that pig into the relationship” you said barely able to speak at this point.
“Y/N none of this is true.” Brendon said taking your phone and tossing it to the chair across the room.
You went to get out of Brendon’s hold, but her held you tighter.
“We love you so much, even when you think we don’t. You’re so caring and fucking hilarious. They don’t know you like we know you.” Brendon said rubbing your back soothingly.
“Y/N don’t tell me you believe any of these are true. You’re so beautiful, you’re a great person, and my best friend. No matter what I love you.” Sarah said.
Once you finally calmed down you looked down at the floor.
“Sorry for ruining your anniversary.” you said softly.
“No, no Y/N you didn’t ruin it.” Sarah said quickly.
“Babe, we came home early so we could see you. We missed you and it was boring without you there to make us laugh.” Brendon said kissing the top of your head.
“Let’s go to bed.” Sarah suggested offering you a hand and pulling you up to your feet.
“I’ll meet you guys in there, I have something to take care of.” Brendon said standing from the couch and handing you back your phone.
You headed to the room and washed your face off in the bathroom. You felt Brendon wrap himself around you.
“You’re beautiful, you know that right?”
“I’ve been told a few times.” you said turning around to kiss him.
He pulled away from you and smiled. He dropped to one knee infront of you and pulled something out of his pocket.
“Y/N, I love you, actually we love you.” he said gesturing to where Sarah was standing in the doorway smiling like crazy. “We wanted to make this day not just about you, but about you too. So from now on as we grow old, me and Sarah’s wedding anniversary will also be marked as the day I proposed to you. All you have to do is say yes, so Y/N Y/L/N will you marry me?”
You shook your head yes and a tear fell for your eye. This time is was a tear of Joy.
Brendon stood and slipped the ring on your finger before wrapping you in a tight hug.
“Sarah did you get a picture?” Brendon asked letting you go from his hug.
“Yup, you both look great in it.” she smiled.
“Good. now both of you get some sleep, we’re celebrating tomorrow. I’ll join you in a few minutes.” he said and both you and Sarah headed to the bed.
“Welcome to the Urie world Y/N. I’m glad we’ll be sharing a last name together.” she said kissing you on a the cheek.
Laying down on your side of the bed you covered yourself in the warm blankets. You were just getting comfortable when your phone dinged. You reached for it and saw that Brendon had posted a picture on instagram.
You opened your phone and saw the picture was a selfie of Sarah and him at the jewelry store holding the ring smiling excitedly. You swiped to the left to the second picture which was of you standing in the bathroom and Brendon down on one knee. You smiled at the pictures then read the caption he wrote
‘2 weeks ago me and Sarah search high and low for a perfect ring for a perfect woman. We found the one and for 2 weeks we had to keep this secret from Y/N, which was one of the hardest things to do. Today 4 years ago I married the love of my life Sarah and today I got to propose to the other love of my life. Sarah and I are so excited to make Y/N officially a Urie. Love you two to the moon and back twice. Welcome to the Urie train Y/N, love you beautiful.’
You looked up from your phone with tears in your eyes and saw that both Sarah and Brendon were laying next to you in bed. You put your phone back on the charger and laid into Brendon’s side.
“I love you guys so much. Thank you for everything, I mean it from the bottom of my heart, I love you.” you said kissing each of the.
“Love you too.” Sarah said sleepily.
“I love you Y/N, now sleep, it’s been an emotional night. Just know I’ll always be there for you.”
You laid back down and closed your eyes.
“Wouldn’t doubt that ever.” you said and fell asleep.
Although people didn’t really like you or the idea of Brendon being with two women, you loved both of them. You couldn’t wait to see what the future was for the three of you.
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sicksadplanet · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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