#saramsrein(useless boss)
uselessboss · 7 months
Character Bio - Saramsrein
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A immortal and ancient demon immune to any harm and whose rules of life does not apply to him(he doesn't need to sleep, eat, drink nor procreate) so as a result he had a hard time to find kinship with other beings, even others of his own "race"(demons)
Because he had no instinct of "survival" to guide him nor give him a goal to work for Saramsrein attacked humans because he deduced that as a "demon" that was what he was supposed to be doing. It was how most of his existence went, aimless, empty and senseless.
Until he met Faust. The only human capable of sealing him for his heart was not moved to any ill will towards him, but to protect humanity, and the world, as whole.
This started then a cycle of inumerous lifetimes of battles between them- Faust giving his life to seal him and Saramsrein patiently waiting until his unleash to meet the human that became the first constant in his eternal life. From this unlikely circumstance a bond was formed and Saramsrein, in his simplistic and beast like mind, started to put more effort in their fights as a way to "extend" their time together, until it culminated in him winning his last bout with Faust.
However the outcome of this battle was unlike the others, it did not end in Faust's death as Saramsrein had, for the first time, not chosen to kill- 'This human became important to him' is what he thought, the beginnings of his ego and own sense of self taking shape for the first time.
After that Faust took him in and treated Saramsrein like family, with his progeny becoming important figures in Saramrein's existence, teaching him the meaning of life and how to cherish it.
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kah-ocs · 2 years
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“Hey kiddo"
You don't need to worry, I won't bite". Miller chuckled, sitting across the table so she would be facing him.
“S-Sorry I guess I am a bit skittish". Safir shuffles awkwardly. “H-Huh… Where's Saram…srein?”
“Told him to stay in the kitchen so we could talk alone" Miller replies. “So feel free to talk about anything that comes to your mind"
“I… Uhhhh…” Safir splutters, less than eloquent.
This wasn't a great start.
“It must be hard to think of anything to say under these circumstances right?” Miller smiles. “Then let me start by asking you the reason to why you accepted this job. After all, knowing Saram, he must have been very vague and sketchy about it"
“I… Had barely money left if any, my circumstances were so dire that I thought I would have nothing to lose”
He knew that didn't paint a pretty look at his situation but he had an inkling that the woman in front of him would be able to tell if he was lying so he saw no point in being anything but as honest and sincere as possible here.
“But I genuinely like this job now! I really like being here” he hastily adds.
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“Life must have been very unfair to you until now." Miller's expression softens. “ Were you treated unkindly in the past?”
Safir meekly nods.
“I won't lie to you. Your situation worries me.” Miller rest her face on her hands. “Saram lacks the ability to influence you like other supernatural creatures and yet you still seem to be unable to assert yourself and he isn't the best person suited to help you with this process.”
He had nothing he could say to that.
“Saram holds the responsibility to look after you here but if I had to guess you didn't voice anything either right?” Safir flinches at her accurate observation. “Why is that?”
"…I thought he might get disappointed with me". Safir shrinks, almost curling on himself. "It was the first time someone thought I was worth something and I didn't want to disappoint.”
He hangs his head in shame.
“It… Might be irrational but I was deeply afraid of being hated.”
“You weren't being irrational" Miller says, making Safir snap his head up in surprise. “That's what experience taught you. If someone wants to hurt you it's only fair that you would treat them with wariness"
“…But Saram never did something like that"
“But he probably did something similar enough for you to reach such a conclusion right?”
Safir thinks back to all the moments he was set up to fail, placed under unreasonable circumstances so he would slip up eventually. How he was berated and it made him feel terribly worthless for it.
His heart squeezes in guilt.
“…Things like that make too much sense so it can be hard to believe otherwise.” She speaks kindly. “I once did something similar and even WORSE might I add.”
“You…Did?” Safir shyly asks.
“People looked down on me for many reasons. Some petty and others completely understandable." Her smile was sad. “ In fact, so understandable that I thought it couldn't be helped and nothing would be able to change that and yet…”
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“Somehow, for some reason there were people that saw something good in me" She pauses, reminiscing. “They saw something good in me but the same couldn't be said from my part. More than them, more than anyone, I was the one to believe the most in being hurt and hated.”
“Even if they didn't want anything to do with such a role I kept pushing them to it. It was like I was forcing them to be something they didn't want to be"
She clenches her hands together, nails digging on her skin.
“Do you see what I'm trying to get at?” Miller asks, looking at Safir straight into his eyes. “I don't wish for either you nor Saram to go through what happened to me.”
“Can I… Ask what happened?”
“I destroyed them and ruined our relationship" Her voice was filled with regret. “And by pure miracle I didn't do the same mistake twice"
“What changed the second time?”
“That despite everything they still sought to stand by me.” At that her expression changed to something warmer. “That was the moment when the reason to why I should be hated stopped mattering and I realized for the first time that they were just a good soul. I finally gave them a chance to show what kind of person they really were and honestly? That fit them so much better"
It sounds nice.
The way she spoke so fondly of this person made Safir wonder about it. About how it would feel to have something so precious and treasured like that.
“Your name is Safir right?”
“People usually feel frustrated at Saram because of his ‘limitations' and concludes that he can't be reasoned with so it really hurts him and makes him feel lonely." her eyes glints. “…But he told me that when you felt genuinely appreciative of his efforts, as clumsy as they were, he thought for the first time that he had the ability to ‘understand’ things.”
He flushes at that.
He didn't think there would be ever a day that he would mean so much to anyone or that he had something he could offer to someone.
It was a comforting thought.
“If you are willing to keep that in mind I wouldn't be against you staying here"
“Does that mean…?” His eyes widens, expectant.
“Yes. As long as you keep that in mind and a few other things". Miller nods, and Safir leans closer to make clear he was listening. “What we do here is saving lives so don't hesitate to ask for our help if you have any doubts"
Her face turn serious.
“So, if it's to save a life it wouldn't matter to me how many times and how many questions you have, I will gladly answer them.”
Safir nods, a bit more resolute to Miller’s satisfaction.
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“And… This is a safe place, other supernatural beings wouldn't mess with you in Saram's territory" She pats his head. “ So use this opportunity to figure more about yourself. What makes you mad, sad, what you like, dislike and above all, what makes you happy alright?”
"I will"
"That sounds better". She smirks. "Just to be safe I will check on you two time from time ok?"
"Glad you seem more enthusiastic about my presence". Miller joked. " Saram! I'm going home!"
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"Now I understand why you hold her opinions in such high regards". Safir speaks softly.
"I'm glad you two got along well!" Saram looked ecstactic, enthusiasm bubbling from his voice.
"That said..." Safir hesitated for a moment, before concluding he would rather clear that question away. " Would you mind if I ask what would be the reason to why you would have agreed if she said 'no'?"
"Because that would mean that I couldn't be counted on to not be a threat to your safety"
"...Don't worry I won't allow that to happen"
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uselessboss · 7 months
Case 01-Aftermath(3/?)
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“Hunter told me about it so I thought about offering my help too.” Andrews explains. “…As long as it doesn't feel too crowded for the kid I mean.”
“I don't think Safir will mind.” She smiles. “Would it be ok to ask why the sudden decision? Just out of curiosity”
“I have been doing some thinking after talking with both you and Hunter” He smiles “And my conclusion was that I really don't like settling for a bad outcome after all. Staying idle sure doesn't fit me"
He gives her a knowing look.
He was acknowledging it. All those words said out loud as well as those left unsaid. About them and about himself, what he seeks out and what he wants to give back. She was sure of it, ever since their first exchange of words, that the man in front of her was someone capable of so much care and putting his heart into whatever he was set to do.
It's something she witnessed time and time again as his partner. The subtle twitch of his fingers itching to act, the glances of concern whenever he thought no one was looking, the small excuses he came up with to justify his involvement as he tried to downplay his contributions. Even after being disillusioned by betrayal after betrayal that cadence still remained somewhere in his heart.
It made her want to believe in him, it made her want to protect that light.
It wasn't the smoothest of the sailings. Both were very clumsy and awkward at their attempts at connecting with each other and perhaps even approaching it in all the wrong ways possible. Her coming too strongly and hasty and him not wanting to commit and suffer another heartbreak. Both unwilling to trust the other completely, at least not for the important things.
It wasn't an easy process to admit their vulnerability but still, they were getting there. Their roles might have changed from what it once was before but not their promise.
They are, at last, true companions and partners at heart.
“I will make sure to tell Safir. I promise to do my best to convince him to let you come along”
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“Thank you Safir" He could picture Miller's whole expression lit up. “Ah, by the way, one of them, Andrews, was the one helping me with your case. He was the one in charge of Morrigan's investigation while I chased after your assailant "
“Then l have to thank him for it"
“I am sure he will appreciate your gesture. Your words… It will mean a lot to him"
Her voice was soft, oozing with affection and gratitude. It was much lighter than the last time they spoke, as if the weight on her shoulders had been lift. Perhaps thanks to those friends of hers?
It was rather reassuring thought. Miller might be strong and always looking out for everyone but she wasn't invincible, so he was glad that she had people that could be there for her when she was in need for support herself.
“I am looking forward for the day we meet.” He smiles. “See you soon Miller"
“...Were you talking with Miller about your outing?”
“Oh? Hello Saram" he greets after pressing the button to end the call. “ Yes, Miller was asking if she could invite her friends to come along”
“Her… Friends? Are them per chance called “Hunter" or “Andrews”?”
“Do you know them?”
“Mostly in passing. I meet them whenever I am summoned for a supernatural case but we don't interact much if at all"
“But would you like to? I mean, you could join us. It would be the perfect chance for that”
“I… Am not sure" Saram hesitates. “I don't think they like me so I might makes things awkward”
“How so? By the way Miller talks about them they seem to be pretty friendly"
“They are good people” he nods. “It's just that…”
Saramsrein makes a complicated face. His gaze drops and he twiddles a lock of his hair in deep thought. It was a habit he picked to occupy himself to ease his nerves whenever he wanted to share something deeply personal and important to him.
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“Faust. He's Miller's grandfather" Saram clarifies. “He was the first human to ever “defeat" me. The only one who could have done it"
His existence was impervious to harm and any attempt at hostility which included most sealing techniques. To bypass his absolute protection one must aim to not cause any damage to him nor carry any resentment in doing so. A nigh impossible task, inhuman creature or not, as the “Demon of Unravel" he was the most dreaded creature in existence. He was meant to be rejected and despised by all living beings that walked this earth.
“Faust didn't hold any ill will towards me. Even through I was an irrational killing beast when we first met he didn't hate me. The only thing in his heart was… The immense love he held for this world and his desire to protect its future. Even if he had to bet his life for the chance to keep it flourishing he gladly did it. No matter how many times, no matter how many lifetimes he had to sacrifice for it, he never once hesitated.”
And from this unlikely meeting of unending battles, when by all accounts it should have given birth to strife and hatred… It created a “bond".
“In a weird sense those battles were the closest thing to a “constant" I had. A… Weird “companionship" of sorts.” Saram stares at his hands again, opening and closing his palm. It still looked like of a human's physically, but mentally he saw his sharp claws in its place. He saw a deep red. Blood, HIS blood. “I started to crave more of this “companionship", but my mind was of simple minded brute, fighting was the only thing I knew of and that's what I went with. I fought, harder and harder, until I landed a decisive blow on Faust in our last bout"
Looking back at it perhaps that was the first sign of his sense of self taking shape. The first sprout of the seedlings of his so called “identity”.
Before he didn't care about the damage and sorrow his actions caused. He didn't care about the lives he took, he was completely indifferent.
And yet, at that fateful moment, when he found Faust at his mercy after a decisive blow he hesitated. For the first time he found himself faltering and being invested in the outcome of a battle. As unbelievable as it sounded, specially as Faust's still warm and fresh blood dripped from his monstrous claws and from the huge gashes left in his battered body, he did not want to kill him.
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“Faust extended his kind hand and gave me a chance. As long I promised to not kill any human again he would show me another path.” He reminisces. “I complied to his request and in turn he granted me… Fulfillment. He allowed me to be not only part of his life but also of his own family."
Those were the happiest years of his eternal existence.
“But something happened and you were forced to break your promise right?”
Wordlessly, Saram gets up and picks a folder from the top of one of the shelves, giving it up to him, his expression looking the most serious and grave Safir had ever seen.
As he carefully opens the folder he finds several clippings inside it. Newspapers and printed articles about a case that happened years ago, about a gruesome bloodbath of unprecedent proportions enacted by an individual that should be, by all accounts, regarded as an example of an upstanding individual.
It was about Miller.
"Miller was always overly emphatic and kind, moreso to ones that couldn't be heard. It was also one of the reasons to why she became a cop, to help grieving spirits to go to Eternity in peace"
'See this? It’s the result of me dropping my guard. If you are not careful enough this kind of thing can ruin your life'
"And yet the same courtesy can't be said to have been extended to her. After failing to bring a corrupt culprit to justice their victims' malice got out of control. They demanded revenge of her to quell their wrath, torturing her day after day until she was mentally broken enough for them to take control of her body. So they could inflict the same pain and misery that was inflicted on them."
And the result of that was…
Safir's eyes scanned the content of the articles again.
Anger, hatred, ressentment, slander and hostility.
He couldn't even begin to fathom the amount of torment Miller was forced to endure- Mind, body and soul. It brought to mind Saram's strong reaction days ago, his panic attack towards the scent of "burning flesh" and his rambling over failing to save her over and over again. He had an inkling since then that they had been masking their pain for a long time, that it ran far deeper and rawer than was downplayed by them, and with this talk it seemed that his suspicions had been spot on.
"She got stigmatized by other humans. Hated, loathed and derided to the point of trying of having attempts made against her life. Even while she laid on a hospital bed barely alive and defenseless. They didn't give her any mercy nor respite".
Saramsrein's voice drops. Low, guttural and threatening. His sharp irises growing thinner, longer, making his eyes look bigger and more intense than usual.
"I killed them all. Anyone who dared to hurt her." he growled. "I thought that by doing that I was protecting Miller, that I was keeping her safe, avoinding further harm to befall on her but…"
'… After a series of missing cases that happened around the time Miller was in the hospital I was put under arrest on the suspicion of being the responsible for it'
"I caught others in the crossfire. Just like the spirits that hurt Miller, my selfish actions brought suffering to others, even the one I was trying to protect." The growl in his voice disappeared, being replaced with deep regret and sadness in its place. "Her friend, Andrews, just wanted to stand by her side and be her strength but my meddling ruined that. He was blamed for the deaths and in turn Miller was forced to cut ties with him. To fix my mess and protect him from receiving further backlash, leaving her to face the world all on her own"
"On her own?"
"I was a coward. After Miller found out what I did she reacted to me with fear. My actions reminded her too much of all the traumatic things she went through." he confessed. "And I… Was taken aback by her reaction. I was confused and filled with a sense of shame and I didn't know how to handle it so I just… Disappeared. Out of the human world"
Out of her life.
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"Are you ok Safir?" Miller asked.
"You look rather pensive"
'Somehow I could make amends with Miller after what happened but the same can't be said about her friend. I wish I could have him the truth. He deserves it after all the grief I also put him in but… I'm unable to do so.'
Because of their involvement with the supernatural.
"Miller, can I ask you something?"
"Are your friends aware of your secret? About your powers, Saram or the supernatural?"
"Hum… It's a rather complicated situation. Unlike us who are more inclined to accept the supernatural because of our affinity the reaction of normal people can be rather unpredictable." Miller hums. "So I didn't tell them. YET"
"Yet?" he raises an eyebrow at her phrasing.
"Yes. I do plan to one day tell them everything. I just need to take small steps, one at the time, in order to prepare them for it. For the truth"
So that means…!
Maybe… Just maybe, there's a possibility for Saram to reconcile?
"...We arrived at our meeting place" Miller announced. "Ready to meet my pals?"
"Yes, gladly" Safir gave her a confident grin.
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"Technically they are my subordinates while on clock but on practice they are my equals" Miller chuckles. "Althrough, in Andrews' case you could argue he's the "real boss" as he oversees and directs my unit most of the time"
"Nah, I would still call you our boss Miller, the final say is still yours" the man Safir identified as Andrews grinned. "So you are the kid Miller was talking about huh? Nice to meet you, I'm Daniel Andrews, but you can call me Andrews like all my buddies do"
"I'm also happy to be able to meet you, my name is Safir" he polited greeted. "Miller told me about how you were in charge of my case. I don't have enough words to express my gratitude for what you have done for me. so thank you"
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"I… Uh?" Safir blinks in confusion.
Miller's friends sure are… Quite a character themselves huh?
"Sorry kiddo, I was just surprised" Andrews chuckles. "People usually don't take well when we "fail" at our jobs so it caught me off guard. You are more chill than I expected"
"I'm not new to losing a "home". When you live on the streets you learn quickly enough that crying about the unfairness of the situation is useless" he lays it bluntly. "Most of the time you can only count on yourself to get out of this situation so your time is better spent doing something about it than walling about your losses"
"Oh.I… See"
Now it's Safir's turn to chuckle at his rather awkward reaction.
"That's why I appreciate yours and everyone's gesture. Not only for providing me a place that I can genuinely call "my home", but also for not letting all my efforts and progress go to waste. It's nice to have people to count on for a change"
"… You are really mature huh?" Andrews smiles. "Perhaps the most mature of everyone here"
"Indeed he is. Safir has a good head over his shoulders" Miller grins, like a proud mother. "He's very reliable"
"Would you mind if I asked how you two met? Miller mentioned that you contacted her directly about Morrigan so I can only assume you knew each other prior to this case right?" the silver haired man interjected. "Ah, I'm Wolf Hunter by the way, like Andrews here you can address me by "Hunter" as well"
"Actually I was introduced to her by Saram… I mean, Saramsrein. I'm also currently living in his home"
Miller's friends exchange a look in surprise.
"That… Comes off as a surprise. He seemed rather… "Awkward" with interacting with anyone that isn't Miller. How did you two even met?"
"Let's just say that it was all thanks to his dorky and clumsy attempts at making friends" he smiled.
"Hum…" Hunter taps his chin in deep thought. "I guess it might explain some things. Namely his change"
"His change?"
"Well, as I said he still acts a bit awkward with us but it isn't as bad as it was before. Let's se… How should I put it?" Hunter trails off. "Before he was somewhat emotionless and standoffish to an almost eerie degree if I'm being honest but now he seems more… Approachable? Expressive? At least he greets us now"
They are indeed good people.
"You said your name was Hunter right?"
"You are exactly as Miller has described. You are a pretty sensitive soul aren't you?"
"He's also very easy to fluster" Miller grins mischievously as she places an arm around Hunter's shoulder. "If he ever tries to be mean to you then feel free to bully him back"
"Why would I- Anyway. The list. Do you have an inventory of the lost property and current possessions you have?"
"Yes, here it is"
"Hum… You have the basics covered but I think there's still room for a few purchases to be made" Hunter assess the list.
"Like what?"Safir blinks, scooting closer.
"An extra blanket for starters" Hunter points. "You will need a spare if you wash the one you already have right? We could check a store that sells sewing supplies"
"Sewing supplies? Not a store that sells blankets itself?"
"Personally I prefer a custom blanket. If you put a zipper on it and buy the stuffing it makes it so much more versatile as you can choose how thick you want your cover. It also makes it easier to wash, which reminds me that we should buy some washing bags too."
"Ah, but I don't know to sew"
"Don't worry I can do it for you" Hunter gives a pause. "…Or teach you how to do it if you are interested, sewing is a very useful skill to learn after all"
"Ah… Would that be ok?"
"Of couse. I can send you my schedule and then you can pick whichiever day would suit you best"
As an orphan he never got to experience what it was like having a family of his own. He never met his parents nor had any siblings to speak of. He lived with other kids at the orphanage sure, but he would hardly call his relationship with them or the staff as "familial".
"When I purchase something I take in consideration three things: Utility, space and time." Hunter explains."Take for example this vegetable cutter: You could argue that you don't need it as the same thing could be accomplished by using a knife but the amount of time it saves you while cooking makes it worth it. This model in particular doesn't take much space either and the design is easy to clean so it's pretty practical to mantain"
"Oh! I see" he turns the offered gadget around in curiosity. "Hey... Hunter? Can I ask you something?"
"Of course, feel free to ask me anything"
"The things you are telling me… Were you taught by your parents?"
"Yes. Some of them, but other tricks I learned on my own when I started living by myself"
"Is that so?" He smiles softly. "...It's something wonderful isn't it? Sharing knowledge and life experiences with another I mean. It makes me wonder if this is… What the so called "family bonding" is supposed to be like"
It was a nice thought to have. To think that he could have something to offer for others. To wonder about the possibility of having a family, a child of his own whom he could pass everything he learned. To help with someone's growth just like others did for him.
"You two seem to be getting along"
"Ah! Miller" Both chorused.
"I had a feeling that would would've been the case. You both share a similar disposition towards being dutiful, earnest and diligent after all"
"T-That's..." Safir sees as Hunter stutters and flushes a deep red.
"I never saw you being so enthusiastic like this before Hunter, it's kind nice" Miller chuckles. "Honestly even I felt tempted to buy this stuff, maybe I should drop more often at your home Safir to test it out?"
"Yeah, good thing Hunter decided to take the path of justice and be a cop otherwise we would have to deal with a scary scammer in our hands" Andrews nods jokingly.
"Why a scammer of all things? At least say I would be a good salesman" Hunter complains, making everyone laugh.
"Ok, jokes aside I guess it would be my turn now?"Andrews grins. "Miller told me you need help picking new clothes right?
Andrews, in contrast to the more reserved Hunter, was a mischievous and outgoing man. Friendly, approachable and the kind to encourage you in your exploits. He was a complete social butterfly.
"So, what kind of clothes are you looking for?"
"Well... I do, uh... "Parkour", so something sturdier?"
"Denim it is then. Pants, overalls or maybe even a jacket. It would also allow you to use cheaper fabrics underneath them. Thick wool would also do the trick" Andrews taps his chin as he browses through the clothes. "As for types of clothes you could wear... How about this one?"
"But isn't this one from the woman's section?" Safir blinks as he stares at the piece given to him: A cozy and thick sweater with a long knit skirt. "It is pretty, but would that be ok?"
"Men's clothes can be rather limited in selection, their designs are too samey in my humble opinion." Andrews ruffs. "It's a boon to be able to pull off those clothes so why not go for it?"
"You have a point." he looked at his reflection on the mirror, placing the clothes in front of him. It looked nice. Nicer and more fitting than he expected in fact. "That said, I'm stipulating a hard budget on it. Let's not go overboard with the purchases ok?"
"Okie-Dokie, you are the boss today" Andrews made a salute as if he was answering to a Sergeant.
"Pff... Ha... Haha"
He couldn't stop his giggling fit.
How reassuring.
"Is what I said that funny?" Andrews grins cheekily.
"I wasn't really thinking about it but I guess I WAS a bit nervous" he takes a deep breath to calm himself. "I knew that you two were good people, Miller told me as much, but I couldn't help but worry. The age gap and you being regarded so highly by Miller... But I guess that my fears seemed to be completely unfounded. You two are pretty easy to get along with"
"We should be the ones saying that. What if we were called "old farts" by someone younger? Man, I don't think our frail hearts would have been able to take it" Andrews dramatically wipes a imaginary tear from his eyes.
Another round of laughters.
He's glad he agreed to Miller's request.
"How about this one?"
"We already reached the quota, I think it should be enough"
"I can buy it for you, no problem"
"No, you don't really need..."
"C'mmon, it has such an unique style it would be a shame to pass it on! What if it goes out around the time you decide to buy it? Just this once should be fine right?"
"Nah, you know what?" Andrews swipes his credit card out. "You can't stop me from making bad life decisions!"
Oh? So that's how he wants to do things huh?
He tapped the charm infused with life force in his pocket.
"Just this much should be fine"
Before Andrews could move another step, he somersaulted above his head, easily snatching the card from his hand and landing with practiced grace.
"No. You do not" He waved the card in his hand. "Don't worry, I will give it back AFTER we finish our shopping"
"Wow! That's rare to see someone get the upper hand on you Andrews" Miller claps. "Good job Safir"
"Indeed. Kid is more shrewd than I thought" Andrews nodded, crossing his arms. "Very well, I will concede... For now"
He was smiling.
"Thank you for your cooperation"
He sighed in relief and smiled, glad that he didn't overstep any boundary.
Teasing and playful banter isn't something he was well versed with. For someone that lived most of his life in fear of displeasing others it wasn't something that came easy to him. People hurt him for little and disproportionately retaliated for less so he had avoided stepping out of his comfort zone as much as he could until now.
But watching the trio in front of him share in laughters as they playfully jabbed at each other he couldn't help but think...
Isn't that what it meant to be close to another? To find out where each other's boundaries lied? To be comfortable at sharing even silly moments and being able to laugh at them?
He chuckled to himself.
Now he found himself almost wanting to tease Saramsrein a bit.
"What kind of reaction he will have I wonder?"
"...Phew!" Andrews stretched, popping his back in place after dropping their shopping inside the car. "Mission accomplished!"
"Thank you two for your help" Miller smiled.
"It was a nice outing. I wouldn't mind doing something similar again" Hunter nodded as he placed everything in an organized and neat pile inside the trunk.
"I also think the same. I had a wonderful time, thank you" he laughed in agreement.
"Why are you guys talking as if it's time to say our farewells?" Andrews raises as eyebrow as everyone blinks in confusion."C'mmon, we worked really hard, now it's time to wind down and have some fun right?" A pause. "Not that all this shopping spree wasn't fun, but I mean we should do something more... "Recreational" if you know what I mean?"
"Hum... I guess you are right" Miller tapped her chin. "What do you suggest then dear partner?"
"...An indoor amusement park?" Safir blinks.
"Yep! This place has one, that's why I suggest for us to come to this mall" Andrews winks. "The rides here are nice even if it's not your thing. It isn't as scary as the big ones"
"But why an amusement park?"
"Well... Our lives don't lack any "excitement" I know, but sometimes it's nice to be able to have our fill of thrills without having to stress over possible dangers right?" Andrews explains as he pays for the tickets. "Just the normal kind of excitement. No jumping over crumbling buildings while being carried like a bag"
"Hey, I never once dropped you guys!" Miller protests.
"Miller, carrying us under your arms would hardly be called safe" Hunter deapanned. "I swear I lose years of my lifespan every time you do that"
This makes Miller pout again.
"Experiencing thrills for the sake of it huh?" Safir mumbles to himself.
"Hey guys I got the tickets! Let's go!" Andrews calls.
"...I think it's good thing" Miller inches closer, whispering to him as they wait in line for the ride. "Sometimes it's good to have a nice memory to be associated with your experiences"
Miller throws a quick glance at Hunter's direction, her eyes incredibly warm and fond.
Something told him that there was a story there, but he held back from asking.
After all he would have many opportunities to ask about it in the future, perhaps even from Hunter and Andrews themselves. It would be nice to get to know their perspectives too.
"And speaking of perspectives...."
The ride was surprisingly fun. He didn't have to concern himself with things like worrying over his step nor traversing dangerous paths. The belt and other safety procedures did a great job at reassuring him and as Andrews said he could enjoy the excitement and thrill without a care in the world.
"That was nice"
"Isn't it? I'm glad you liked it" Andrews grins, before turning to Hunter. "Hey Hunter what do you think? This ride wasn't that bad right?"
"Past me would never touch it with a 10 meter pole, but I guess... It wasn't as awful as I thought. Maybe whatever Miller makes us experience on a daily basis amped my immunity to this kind of thing"
"Hahaha! I guess so" Andrew barked in laughter. "Ah, speaking of Miller where is she?"
"She had to step out because she received a call"
"Oh. A call?"
Suddenly the once cheerful mood dropped.
"Why are you two..."
"I'm sorry everyone" Miller interrupted. "I... Was called for a case"
"Should we go too?"
"No." Miller shakes her head. "It's an "off-limits case" sort of deal."
That meant it was a supernatural case.
"...I apologize for asking this but can I ask you two to take all the purchases to Safir's home in my stead?"
"Yes, of course"
They were both smiling as they helped Miller unload all the packages but... He could sense it. The deep heaviness in their heart. The restlessness. The worry.
"Then I will be off" Miller closed the door of her car. "Thank you two"
"Take care of yourself Miller"
"Will do"
And with that she was off.
"... Shall we go then?" Hunter was the first to break the silence.
"Ah... Yes"
They traveled completely in silence. The atmosphere so thick with tension that he could easily cut it with a knife.
"You are worried about her" He tried to start a conversation.
"Ah. Did you pick on that? My bad. We didn't mean to bring the mood down" Andrews replied. His voice lacking the earlier humor and laughter of before.
"We know Miller is strong. We know she can take care of herself" Hunter quietly spoke. "It's just that... Whenever a case like this comes up we get a weird bad feeling about it so we can't help it. Specially after everything she went through. We can't help but worry"
Safir recalls the articles Saram showed him about Miller's case. All the pain and suffering she went through. The lack of support, all the accusations, the hate she had to endure on her own.
That's why they were so devoted to her. To make up for the time they were unable to help her and to relieve her from the burdens she had to carry all by herself until now.
To reassure and remind her that she wasn't alone anymore.
What to say in a moment like this?
"Miller knows you two care" he carefully picks his words. "Which is why... She will answer in kind to your feelings. So keep having faith in her alright?"
"...Yeah, you are right, she never failed to answer our expectations" Andrews chuckles.
"That's the kind of person Miller is after all" Hunter agrees, a smile forming in the corner of his mouth.
"Thank you Safir"
Their auras...
They were serene now.
"...Thank you for helping me carry everything" Safir bowed his head as they finished taking out the last batch of things.
"No problem"
"Why don't you two take a small break? Would you accept a cup of tea? I plan on brewing Chamomile."
"Yeah, I think I will accept your hospitality" Andrews replies as he drops on a nearby chair, streching his limbs once again like a lazy cat.
"I will take the cup of tea" Hunter nods, sitting straight.
"While I brew the tea would you mind telling more about yourselves?" He hums as he fills the kettle with water. "Like... How was your first meeting with Miller? She never told me the specifics, so I'm rather curious"
"Ah. That..." Hunter awkwardly rubs the back of his neck.
"I wish I could say it was all daisies and sunflowers when we first met but that would be a lie. It was so... SO BAD. For both of us" Andrews weakly laughs. "If you knew our stories you would probably lose your respect for us"
"But your gazes are gently and warm now right?" He carefully pours the tea in the teacups, bringing his own cup as he sits closer to them. "And the same applies to Miller. It's clear how much she adores both of you"
He thinks back to his own first meeting with Miller. How skittish and wary he was. He wasn't acting antagonic towards her but he still treated her with caution, projecting past demons, assuming, in his own way, the worst of her.
But Miller was kind to him. She was patient. She understood where he was coming from and was always considerate of his feelings. Of his well-being.
It was the reason to why he came to trust her. Because of her endless compassion.
"Miller really has a way to put restless hearts at ease doesn't she?" he chuckles.
"Yes, she does" Andrews and Hunter respond in unison before laughing at their synchrony.
"If it's ok with both of you I would still like to hear about the story of how you met"
"Well, If you are really ok with it..."
Their story was something else.
Becoming bitter and apathetic after experiencing betrayal after betrayal and then unknowingly perpetuating the cycle by refusing to cooperate. The result of his actions ending up getting Miller hurt and then trying to turn a new leaf only for it to things to go to hell afterwards because of the "incident".
Hounding someone under a misguided attempt of enforcing justice, continuously hurting her with harsh words and actions, being stubborn and biased at first, trying not to acknowledge the truth out of pride, but slowly, but surely coming around to see who Miller truly was and doing his best to atone for his sins.
"It is still hard to know what she saw in us to give us a chance." Hunter spoke. "...But we are gladly that she did. Otherwise we would still be ignorant fools. We are grateful to her"
"But did you really change?"
"What do you mean?"
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Thinking back to the way they behaved during their outing it didn't seem that it was that different from what they are doing before. At least in nature. Only the way they "approached" things that seemed different in his opinion.
"Apathetic disregard to an easygoing and friendly outlook. An obstinate vindictiveness to a compassionate and unyielding heart. Paranoia to prudence" Safir lists. "Two sides of the coin that could swing to either side depending on how you approach things."
It must have been the same for Saramsrein.
When he first listened to his story he didn't feel fear. He didn't feel disgust. In fact he didn't even want to criticize nor denounce him for his sins. Because forgiveness wasn't what Saram expected from him when he shared his deepest secrets. No, he wasn't expecting anything at all.
What Saramsrein was trying to do was to do right to him.
Because that was what he honestly believed i. That it was the correct thing to do. Just like his misguided attempts at emulating other demons or the retaliation towards those who sought out to harm his loved ones. Just like he him fumbling his attempts at being a good charge and now telling him about the dark parts of himself. Him being hated wasn't even a consideration because to him, what was the most important was the though of him deserving to know the truth.
"The truth..."
Saram wanted to tell the truth to those two as well.
"And after listening to their story? I can see why."
'I do plan to one day tell them everything. I just need to take small steps, one at the time, in order to prepare them for it. For the truth'
Miller seemed to think the same.
They deserved to know the truth.
"Say, you two..."
Do you want to know the truth?
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uselessboss · 11 months
Case 01-Aftermath(1/?)
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Deep breaths.
“Get your shit together Miller” she berates herself. “You can't act weak"
She knocks on the door.
“Miller!” Saramsrein greets her in relief.
“Good night Saram" she forces a smile. “Is Safir still awake? I would like to talk to him”
Saramsrein doesn't say anything. Neither does Safir when he opens the door and sees her sitting there, on the living room, hands clasped together on her lap, her smile not reaching her eyes.
They could tell she was bringing bad news.
“Your assailant was found dead" she disclosed. “An autopsy made on the corpse points to prolonged abuse of illicit substances as the cause. No evidence of anyone else being at the site was found so by all accounts the death looks self inflicted"
“So he is unrelated to Morrigan?”
“No. He totally is. My belief is that Morrigan used him because he was at death's door. By using his life force he could keep this man alive long enough to do his dirty job and then let him die after he's finished. He covered his involvement really well"
“… It's frightening how prepared this guy is.” Safir frowns. “If it wasn't for you and Saram I would have been dead by now"
“I wish I could claim we foiled his plans but… We didn't"
If he died he would have become a wandering spirit tormented by his traumatic death, which would require her to go after his killer so his soul could rest in peace.
If he lived then his assailant would still represent a danger in potential as he was on the loose so she would still need to go after him to secure his safety.
No matter the outcome it was inevitable that her hand would forced to act on his behalf.
“That was his goal? To use me as a bait?” Safir gritted his teeth. “But why? What would he gain with that?”
“To buy him time. He wanted to make sure we wouldn't interfere in his plans of gathering evidence to expose the robber's foul deeds"
“But if all he wanted was to arrest him then why go through all this trouble? It doesn't make sense”
“When I said “expose his foul deeds" I didn't mean the robbery. Morrigan wanted everything. Past or present, he wanted to expose every ugly truth and watch him succumb under the destruction it would cause in its wake"
“…He didn't strike me as the “justice" type"
“And he isn't. Morrigan is a man of “freedom". He doesn't like anything that denies who he is nor anything that seeks to tie him down. He feels a particular contempt towards any display of power he regards as “pretentious" and thus seek to undermine and ridicule it in any way he can"
“Morrigan knew that if he let the culprit go he would think money gave him power to be above him.” Safir deduces.
“That's the gist of it, yes"
Safir clenches his fists in frustration.
When he finally learned to control his powers he felt immensely proud of himself. For the first time in his life he believed he could do better and become a reliable person that could make the difference.
But he was naïve.
Life wasn't that easy. Working hard didn't mean that he would receive a pat in the back and be rewarded by his efforts, reality could be rather unjust and unreasonable like that.
“Is this how things end? Him being victorious and suffering no consequences of his acts despite how heinous they were?”
“Not quite so"
Safir looks at her in surprise and she smiles back at him. A more natural and genuine smile this time.
“Morrigan no longer acts incognito thanks to you exposing him Safir. He's now under my watch.” She smirks. “He might have won this battle but not this war. He had to reveal a lot of “tricks" this time and if he keeps going at this pace he will soon run out of options. It will then just become a question of time until he hits the end of the road"
She pats his head.
“You did well Safir" She smiles proudly at him. “I regret not being able to avoid the loss of your home but… Know that I will do everything in my power to help you find a new place to live. It's a promise I intend to keep this time"
“About that Miller” Saramsrein interjects. “I… Invited Safir to live here. With me"
“You did?”
“And what was your answer Safir?”
Safir and Saramsrein share a complicit look and smile at her.
“I accepted his offer" he confirms. “I have been thinking of this place as a home for a while so I saw no reason to refuse it. At least for now"
“I'm happy for you Safir. Also congratulations on your initiative Saram, I'm also very proud of you”
“I-It's nothing, I… Should be the one thanking you. It's thanks to you that I have something to call “mine" to share with others"
“You matured Saram" she chuckles. “I guess I had nothing to worry after all"
“It's nothing" she shakes her head. “I guess that the only thing left to do is to acquire everything that you lost on the fire right?”
“Ah! It's fine, there's no need to do that Miller, you don't have to feel responsible for what happened!”
“Saram told me that you bought new clothes because you wanted them to be something of your choice, to match the new person you wanted to be… Is that true?”
“Hum? Yes?” Safir confirms, eyebrows furrowing in confusion by the sudden change of topic.
“I am not offering you help purely out of a sense of obligation Safir. I am doing this because I want to support you and your conviction”
Sometimes doing your best wasn't enough. Even when you put all the care and zeal in the world in building something it could still easily crumble away into nothing. All your work and progress, undone in an instant.
Many times she felt tempted to give up. To let desolation wash her away but… She still persevered. All thanks to the support of everyone around her. It gave her strength to keep going on and it sustained her heart so despair won't be allowed to break it.
“Life can be unfair at the times. Even when we are on the right path things can happen to discourage us" her voice goes soft. “But when you have the support of others it helps to balances everything out. When they have your back you know they will be there to catch you when you fall"
“The support of others…”
‘You progressed a lot Saram, it would be a shame if you lost that'
Didn't he say something similar to Saramsrein before?
He did it because he believed in him. Because he knew, better than anyone, how much courage and effort it took to take a step forward so he wanted his hard work to be recognized. He wanted to protect and support that resolve.
“I respect your strength Safir so I won't treat you with any pity. All I ask is to be allowed to help you recover the time lost so you wouldn't have to trouble yourself with setbacks. So that the only thing you need to concern yourself with is how to look forward"
“… In that case I will accept your help" he smiles. “Thank you Miller. For everything”
“Call me when you decide to shop for the new things."
“I will. But perhaps not immediately”
“Ah yes, of course, a lot of things happened after all so it's better if you probably need time to process everything"
“No. That's not it” Safir shook his head. “You need to rest too Miller. I can tell this case probably took a toll on you too so please, look after yourself as well and don't worry, I will be fine"
“…You really became strong Safir" she chuckles. “ Thank you. That's reassuring to hear"
“I'm glad I can finally pay back a bit of the kindness you always show me.” Safir manages a grin. “Hey… The words you told me I say back to you too. You are really loved by the people around you so don't feel like you have to hold back. If you are in need of any support we will gladly give it to you”
“I'm so exhausted" Miller rests her head on the wheel of her car.
Maybe she should take Safir's advice after all.
“But before that…” Her hand twitches as she touches the cellphone in her pocket.
She needed to talk with Hunter.
“He's probably baffled with the way I acted. I wonder if he's disappointed"
‘Now that he's dead it doesn't matter anymore’
‘…I already wasted too much time with him, more than I could afford in fact'
It made her shudder. To think she could speak of someone's death like that, to treat a loss of human life with such coldness and disregard… She was no better than Morrigan.
“Maybe he wouldn't even want to with me. It was kind awkward after that” she sighed as she opened the messages up. “Huh?”
“Miller, would it be ok to meet you to talk? Only if you are available of course"
She blinked in surprise.
How… Unexpected.
She tapped a message back.
“Of course, where would you like to meet?”
“Your home if it's not too much of a bother" was the instant reply.
“I don't mind. Feel free to come"
“Thank you. Then I will be on my way"
Well, she better get home ASAP.
Maybe if she's fast enough she can take a bath before he arrives.
“Coming!” she hastily drapes a towel on her head, running at quick steps to answer the door.
“Goodnight Mi- Sorry, did I interrupt your bath?”
“It's ok, I just finished it" she shakes her head. “I only need to dry my hair and I am good to go"
“May I?”
“Huh? What?”
“Dry your hair for you" Hunter offers.
“Ah! Yes! I would love that" she perks up at the invitation. “Just give me a second, I need to find my hairdryer first"
Hunter’s touch is soothing.
He’s gentle with his ministrations- Slowly and carefully toweling her hair and always making sure to properly remove the dampness from the roots. He works through them with the same diligence and attention as everything he does in his life.
Drowsiness started to settle in, little by little, as he proceeds to massage her head, alternating between rubbing her scalp in circles, applying the right amount of pressure here and there and uncovering the towel just enough so he can comb through her hair by running his nails softly. She could feel her body turning into a puddle, the stress of the last days slowly melting away under his deftly hands.
“Ops!” She squeaks as her head launches backwards. “Sorry Hunter, I dozed for a second here"
“You must be really tired"
“I guess so" she laughs it off. “Although I would say it's more because your touch is soothing. It feels nice"
“Can you endure the sleep monster for a bit while I use the hairdryer?” he jokes, amused. “I don't want to accidentally yank your hair"
“I will do my best" she chuckles back. “Wow! You are pretty good at this, where you learned how to treat long hair?”
“You mean brushing it in sections and holding the base so it doesn't pull the roots? Isn't that common sense?”
“Hum… I wonder about that"
“Miller don't tell me that all this time you brushed it in one go"
“I was joking, I know how to do it. Although it can't be helped when I am busy"
“Wear shorter hair then"
“But I like it at this length" she pouted.
“You can be surprisingly stubborn for the strangest things" Hunter shakes his head. “But I guess… It does look good on you. It makes you look rather dashing when it flows through the wind in the thick of a fight"
His voice sounded kind.
She wondered what kind of expression he was making at this moment.
“Thank you Hunter. I will put these things away real quick and then we can talk"
“By the way why did you ask to talk here instead of doing a facecam this time?”
“Because I thought it might be better to talk with you personally" he hesitates “It's… About the way I acted around you earlier"
Oh, so he wanted to talk about “that" after all.
She steeled herself.
“Hunter, about tha-”
“I'm sorry"
“I didn't mean to come off as if I was judging you" he apologizes “In truth I was… Worried about you"
Her eyes widen in surprise.
“I didn't know what to do. You sounded like you were in pain but I didn't know how to help. I wasn’t sure if I could ask about it either so I was at loss about what to do"
“I'm such an idiot"
There was no reason for her to worry.
The days of doubt were long behind them.
“It's ok Hunter, I meant to tell you everything"
‘You are really loved by the people around you so don't feel like you have to hold back. If you are in need of any support we will gladly give it to you’
Safir was right, she should learn to rely more on others too.
“…So that was why you said that" Hunter furrowed his eyebrows. “I saw my share of corrupt cops but this guy is still something else, to try to kill someone as a distraction… Disgusting"
“Yes. It's frustrating to admit but it was a trap I couldn't avoid. I played right into Morrigan's hands"
“But how did he find out? There's no one as careful as you and Andrews"
“That was… My fault" she clenched her fists. “When I instructed Andrews to do his investigation I failed to account for something as simple as paying attention to the order of the files. Morrigan noticed something was off with the time the records were checked in and caught on what we were planning"
That’s right. Her mistake almost cost Safir's life. Andrews also got humiliated as a result of her poor command.
She still remembers Andrews' expression. Even through she had desperately tried to shift the blame away from him it didn't work. She could see how Morrigan's words cut him deeply, reopening old wounds and bringing back a guilty he shouldn't feel responsible to carry.
It's so frustrating. Why she kept failing the people dear to her? Why she can't protect anyone? Why…
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“Punishment only teaches you to fear mistakes, not to overcome then. You were the one who taught me that" he hugs her tighter. “I don't want you to be bond by those fears"
“I… Am trying my best but it's still not enough" she buries her face in his neck. “And with each mistake my confidence wanes. My heart… It keeps wavering"
“I wonder if it's really like that"
“I don't know this kid personally but I have a feeling that he doesn't blame you for what happened.” He hums, resting his chin on her shoulder. “No one does. Regardless of the outcome we believe without a doubt that you saved us.”
“How? How could anyone still trust me after that?”
“Sometimes what we need the most is for someone to be there for us. A hand that won't let go no matter what, even if it has to challenge the most unlikely odds. We know we can count on you to do that” Hunter pulls back briefly to smile at her. “Besides, if we are talking about terrible decisions then this Morrigan guy did the biggest mistake of everyone involved”
“Huh? What mistake?”
“Picking a fight with you of course"
“What are you saying…” She laughs, shaking her head “...Thank you Hunter, I really appreciate it"
“Anytime" He squeezes her hand. “If you need anything you can tell me Miller"
“Can we stay like this a bit longer?” she rests her head in his chest, close to his heart, soaking in the warmth and comfort of the arms enveloping her. “It calms me down"
“Of course” Hunter nods, adjusting their position to make it more comfortable for her. “As long as you need Miller"
“Thank you Hunter" she whispers as she lets herself sunks in his embrace, feeling her tension melt away as Hunter gently strokes her head.
'I'm so sleepy... I guess i'm more tired than I thought'
She didn't know for how long they stayed like that nor she cared to find out.
The only thing in her mind and her last conscious thought, before she feel under dream's spell was...
How she wished for this moment to never end.
0 notes
uselessboss · 1 year
Case 01 -(6/7)
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The fault of the loss of Safir's home lied mostly on his assailant but he couldn't deny his own blame in it. He tore everything apart in his rush to reach Safir in time. In his panic and haste he didn't bother to check his surroundings, the only thing in his mind was to guarantee his well being.
Safir was quiet when he confessed what he had done. He didn't seem to be mad but he got into a pensive mood ever since.
He wished he knew what to say in a situation like this.
"I have to find a new home" Safir finally spoke.
"After everything is over of course, we still can't drop our guard" Safir expanded. "Maybe I should use this time to make a list of the items I lost so I know what I have to scavenger for"
His voice was very matter-of-fact and neutral, betraying no emotion, love or attachment.
"Safir are you... Really ok?" he asked with hesitancy.
"This isn't the first time this happened. Losing my "home" that is" Safir's smile was sad. "Althrough this time it lasted fairly longer than the other times"
He felt appalled by Safir's words.
Even a creature like him understood the importance of a "home".
It was something sacred. A place you were supposed to be safe, your sanctuary. To have this right denied time and time again was nothing short of a violation of your dignity as a living being, even if nomadic in nature.
"Hey, there's no need to make that face Saram. It's something that just happens when you live on the streets, so you don't to feel bad for what happened" Safir placed his mug on the table, patting his arm. "You are not guaranteed to keep anything which is why you learn to get used to it and simply move on"
Safir drops his hand.
Getting attached to anything was a waste when it could be taken from you at any moment. It was a pain he learned to avoid early on and a waste of time that he could not afford to have when every moment he was left vulnerable represented more danger to himself. Survival has always been his only priority.
"... But I have to admit that it stung when I lost everything we bought recently. Specially the scarf you gifted me, I wish I could have saved it"
Safir touched his neck, eyes dropping in sorrow.
It was clear how much it had affected him, more so than even the loss of his home.
What words he could say at this moment to comfort him? Should he tell him it wasn't a big deal, that he could buy another one?
No. That didn't feel right.
Besides it would have been a lie as he felt just as upset about it as Safir did.
That was it!
Maybe he could make this work.
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"Huh?" Safir blinked. "Ah! Wait! I didn't mean to whine or come off as if I am demanding you to do something about it, it's ok!"
"No, that's not it" he shook his head. "... It's something I have been thinking for a while, about how this place has become yours just as much as mine"
Safir widens his eyes in surprise.
"Before this place was just somewhere I used to manifest, there was really no other purpose for it" His voice softens. "But ever since you appeared things have changed. Now I sit on the dinning table and share meals. We spend time together in the living room or the study and we even started cooking together in the kitchen. There are "signs of life" everywhere now. It feels like a proper "home" now"
He fiddled with his hair.
He had to consider his next words carefully.
A lot of new and fascinating things have been happening recently and many things caugh his eye now. He had likes and dislikes, hobbies, favorite places to go and preferences, things to ascertain his identity.
It was exciting!
He had been learning how to express it. How to convey what was important to him.
"I'm glad that you got upset over my gift. Because it shows how important it was to you" he took a deep breath. "I wish my house to be regarded the same way to you- Irrepleceable. A home where you could create memories to cherish and to hold dear and close to your heart"
"... I wonder if that would be really ok"
"You are going to spend some time here right? Why don't you use this chance to test the waters? To see if it feels right or wrong?"
"Hum..." Safir mused. "But what if I end up choosing to not stay in the end?"
"In that case I would be content as long as you can find a home you could invite me over"
"I promise I will think about it then" Safir smiled.
"It's all I could ask for" he smiles back. "Ah! You must be tired right? I put aside a towel and some clean clothes for you, if you want you can take a bath while I order some food for you"
"I think I would like that, thank you"
Safir closed the door of the bathroom behind him.
"Brr... It's cold!" he rubbed his arms as he took his clothes off, placing them in a neat pile inside a basket that Saram probably had put there for him.
Stepping inside the shower he turned the knob of the water and marveled at the sensation of first drops of warm water hitting his skin.
It has been a long time since he had experienced a proper shower. The last time was back when he was still at the orphanage, years ago. After he ran away the only "baths" he had been taking was with damp towels to minimize the usage of precious water resources.
(And to make it more bearable during winter. Heating it with campfires were dangerous, not only because fire could be rather volatile but also because it could attract unwanted attention.)
It felt rather nice.
"It's amazing how much a good shower can do to lift your spirits up" he hummed as he dried his hair with the towel left for him. "The clothes are bit large but they are still pretty comfortable. I wonder where Saram got them."
"Food will arrive in a short while" Saramsrein greeted him with a nod. "Would you like to eat it at the dinning room or the living room?"
"Dinning room is fine"
Saramsrein had ordered from a nearby place so it didn't take too long for the food to arrive. As he took the first bite his eyes lit up in recognition, smiling at the familiarity of the flavor.
"Isn't this the same food you ordered when I first came here?" he asked.
"Did you recognize it?" Saramsrein chirped. "I thought it would be an appropriate choice for the occasion, like a "welcome" meal of sorts"
It felt like a long time ago. The day he had strumbled at Saram's place looking for a job, weak from starvation. Body and soul weary from malnourishment and mistreatment.
Even back then Saram had showed nothing but kindness and compassion to him. He took care of him, letting him sleep on his bed, tucking him bellow nice covers and even ordering some food to quell his hunger without asking nothing in return.
He took another bite from his food.
It felt just as nice as back then.
He rubbed his eyes as he quickly adjusted to his surroundings.
Where... Where was he?
He blinked.
A bed, cozy covers and a spacious room.
"Oh, right, I'm at Saram's house" he yawned as he got up. "It seems to be still pretty early, guess that even with everything that happened my internal clock is still on point huh?"
'I wonder if Saram is still here'
He walked out of his room to check.
"Hum... Not at the living room" his eyes scanned the surroundings. "Maybe the study room?"
'Bingo' He thought as he saw the familiar long and white cascade of pure white hair.
"Huh? Safir?" Saram placed the book he was reading on the table. "Why are you up so early? Did you have a nightmare?"
"No, that's the time I usually get up"
"You woke up at this time everyday before coming here?"
"Well... Yes"
"Huh. In that case if you want you could sleep a bit later today. You are already here. You should also take the day off to rest a bit more"
"Would it be ok to sleep here then?"
"Wouldn't you be more comfortable sleeping on a bed?"
"It's just for a bit, I don't want to sleep too much"
"Ok" Saramsrein scooched over to give him more space to sleep next to him.
He chuckled at the gesture.
"What's wrong?" Saram blinked.
"Nothing" he giggled, taking the offered space.
There was a perfectly empty and spacious couch on the other side, but for Saramsrein to assume that he was asking him to move over so he could stay close to him was nothing short of endearing.
After making himself comfortable he closed his eyes, falling in the realm of the dreams once again.
He wakes to the sound of his stomach growling.
"What time is it?"
"Almost 10 a.m" Saram informs. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up because you seemed to need the rest"
"No, it's alright"
"Miller stocked the fridge so feel free to take anything you want"
"When did she do that?"
"It was after she arranged a room for you at the hospital and getting the permits to allow me to be by your side to protect you. So that you won't be put needless in risk by going outside yourself or being left alone while she is still investigating"
"Oh. I see"
"E-Everything will be fine! Miller got this!"
"It's alright, I'm not worried"
And that wasn't a lie. He was feeling surprisingly calm all things considered.
Usually he would be shaken after a close brush with danger, but for some reason, despite going through the most terrifying experience in his life he wasn't feeling frigthened at all.
He wondered why.
He mused about his situation as he nibbled on the sandwich he made with the items he found on the fridge.
To be honest the only "worry" he had in mind right now was considering Saram's offer.
He was no stranger to living with other people as he did live in an orphanage before but that still didn't mean he was well suited for it.
He didn't know how other places operated but at least in the one he stayed at there was a distinctive lack of privacy.
The dormitories were big rooms with bunk beds were they all slept together regardless of age range, how long they had lived there or the temperament of the kids. It was a mess.
Kids crying over recently losing their family, the older and meanest kids screaming at them to shut up and the troublemakers taking the opportunity of the authority figures not being around to torment the weak.
There was no respite nor safety there, not even with your own thoughts.
It was why he had ran away from it. He couldn't stand it anymore. If living with others meant to live with people that hated and tormented you then it would feel rather preferable to take his chance with the streets.
At least there he had the option to avoid them.
"...Saram could I take one book with me to read in my guest room?"
"Yes, of course"
"Thank you"
The guest room he was currently occupying was very minimalistic with only one bed and wardrobe inside the spacious and bare room.
"I like it" he regarded the place as he sat on the bed, propping himself with the comfortable pillows, stretching himself like a pleased cat.
How wonderful it was to not be confined to a tiny and cramped space like the backside of an old and bent car. To not have to bend over to fit and to sleep in and odd, uncomfortable and curled position. To not need to shift his body constantly to avoid getting a sore pain in his neck or limbs.
His room was so pleasant to stay at that he didn't even notice how much time he had been spending there, not until he heard a knock on his door.
"Can I enter?" Asked Saram from the other side.
"Yes, of course" he chuckled. "It's your house you know?"
"Still, it's better to ask. I was taught that it's discourteous to disrespect people's privacy"
"Thank you, I really appreciate that" he smiled, incredibly touched by Saram's mindfullness.
"What would you like to order today?"
"Hum... I think I prefer cooking something myself this time" he tapped his chin. "Sitting still and being idle isn't for me, it makes me antsy"
"... Are you sure?" Saramsrein's voice was hesitant.
"Yes? Why?"
"Aenr't you... Sorry, it's nothing. It's only me fretting by myself here"
"Ok?" he cocked his head to the side as they walked towards the kitchen.
Saram was acting weird.
"I will keep it simple today so I will be making hamburgers" he tied his apron behind his back. "Saram could you pick the things on the fridge for me?"
"I will season it and you can fry the patties"
"I..." Saram hesitated again. "Fine"
"Saram are you ok? If you want we can switch"
"No. I am fine. I can do it" his grip tigthened around the spatula.
"Are you sure?"
He was definetely not ok.
His body was shaking.
"There's something setting him off, but what could it be?" he pondered as he cut the sliced the igredients to put in the patty. "He started to act weird as soon as I said I wanted to cook, but why? He never acted like this before in any of our prior cooking sessions so what makes this time so different from the others?"
"Saram let's switch, mold the patty for me and I will fry it"
"No, it's fine"
"Your hands are trembling" he pointed. "Something is clearly bothering you. I know you are invulnerable but I would still not put you under unnecessary stress ok?"
"I... Ok." Saram obediently nodded, switching stations with him.
He breathed in relief as he saw Saram's shoulder become less tense.
"Good, he looks better now" He thought as he poured oil in one of the pans and quickly lit one of the burners on.
"... Does it really not bother you?" Saram asked again.
"Exactly what Saram?" he asked, waiting for Saram to elaborate his vague question.
"...The fire" he mumbled.
"The fire?" He blinked and then hit his open hand with his palm, realization finally dawning in "Oh, is that what was bothering you? No, I'm fine, don't worry about it"
"If you say so" Saram replied, still looking unsure. "Huh... Here, I finished everything"
"Thank you Saram" he nodded as he picked the neatly shapped patties, carefully placing them on the pan, the meat making sizzling sounds as soon as it touched the hot oil.
"Saram?" he turned, worried by the sudden choked noises behind him.
Saramsrein let out a scream and curled on the floor, his breathing heavy and erratic.
He was having a panic attack.
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Burning human flesh?
He didn't have any injury outside of the cut on his cheek so where did that come from?
"DON'T DIE! DON'T DIE! DON'T DIE! PLEASE!" Saram kept muttering frantically. "I promised him. I promised that I would protect you in his stead"
"Who was "him"?"
Safir wondered for a moment before shaking his head.
This was no time to worry about mysteries. Right now he needed to calm Saram down.
He mentioned protecting someone right? Someone that wasn't him.
"It can't be..."
'See this? It’s the result of me dropping my guard. If you are not careful enough this kind of thing can ruin your life'
The scars on Miller's face. Was that a result from fire?
So when he called for Saram and didn't receive an answer it wasn't because of the fire blocking the sound of his voice.
It was because Saram was frozen stiff, reliving his worst nightmare. The traumatic event of almost falling to save someone under his care.
"Hey Saram! Listen to my voice! Come back to me!" He placed himself in front of Saramsrein, putting his hand firmly on each side of his face, trying to make him look at him.
"Sa... fir?"
"Yes. It's me. I'm here. I'm fine" he tried to assure him. "Miller too, she's alive. We are both ok"
"You are alive" Saramsrein placed his hand on top of his and leaned forward, resting his head on his chest. "You are here"
"Yes, I am" he whispered softly. "Can you hear the sound of my heartbeat?"
"It's proof that I'm alive. Alive and well" He hugged him closer.
They stayed like this for a while. Whispering soft words of reassurance until Saramsrein's breath managed to calm down.
"...Something is burning" Saram mumbled.
"Let me turn off the burner then" he nodded, switching it off to avoid starting a real fire.
Once was enough for both of them.
"...I'm sorry"
"You don't need to apologize Saram, having a panic attack is never easy"
"But I ruined your food"
"It's ok. We can make it again"
"Yes, only this time I will be in charge of the part with the fire. You can wait on the living room to avoid being triggered again" he smiled. "You can avoid handling the burners, at least for now. I can wait until you are feeling better"
"Isn't that too much trouble?"
"Not at all" he shook his head. "I know better than anyone how hard you have been working on learning how to cook. You progressed a lot Saram, it would be a shame if you lost that."
"... You are really strong Safir" Saram mumbled on his shoulder. "I wish I could be like you"
"Why are you talking as if you see yourself as weak Saram?"
"Because I am? I am pathetic"
"Do you know why I am not feeling scared despite everything I went through Saram?" Saram shakes his head. "It's because I have you. I know that I have no reason to be afraid of anything because I'm aware that I have people that I can count on"
It was the truth.
To have people in his life that cared so much for him and who were willing to go such great lenghts to guarantee his well being and happiness... He was truly blessed.
"I won't lie. I was truly frightened when I got trapped inside that inferno of fire, I really thought I was done for" he confided. "Then you came to my mind and I instantly calmed down as if by magic. I was no longer afraid. I remembered the promise you made to me to come to my rescue and I believed it"
He held Saram's hand on his.
"Thank you for keeping your word Saram. For coming to my aid when I needed the most. For saving me" his voice goes soft. "It's truly reassuring to be able to count on someone that cares as much as you do. It's why I unconditionally trust you"
"Thank you Safir" Saram whispered, shyly looking down at their joined hands. "I think the same of you. I find your presence comforting and reassuring."
"Is that so?" he laughed. "It makes me glad to hear it. You can count on me as much as you need. If you ever feel discouraged don't hold back and talk to me ok? I would be more than happy to help"
"I will" he nods.
"I know I said we could try to make it again, but it's become pretty late now" He chuckled. "Can you order the food for me? I think it will be faster"
"Of course"
"That said would you like to try again tomorrow?" He smiled at Saram.
"Yes. Tomorrow" Saram smiled back.
"It's a promise"
0 notes
uselessboss · 1 year
Case 01-(5/7)
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“Is it related to my case?” Safir asked.
“I think so" Saramsrein nods, apprehensive.
'Saram, if you sense anything amiss or detect any spiritual power that isn't mine then I want you to take Safir and escape'
Could it be?
To think there was another one so close by… And as a foe on top of that.
It was the worst case scenario.
“I apologize for my tardiness” Miller sighed. “I had to take a detour to my house just on the off chance of being tailed"
“It's ok. We understand"
“… How are you? Did anything weird happen recently?”
They shook their heads. “That's good" Miller breathed in relief.
“Miller, what's going on? Is the guy you were looking into that bad?”
“Yes. Much worse than I even expected”
Miller told them everything.
The name of the policeman in charge of his case was Svi Morrigan. A man with strong spiritual powers just like Miller's and a sharp and cunning wit to make great use of it to his advantage. Meticulous, skilled and efficient, coupled with his mischievous disposition and self centered free spirited personality, it made him a rather dangerous and volatile threat to deal with.
“I know I told you that I trust in your capacities Safir but I have to ask you to stay here, at Saram's home for now" her face was tense. “I think I was successful at convincing him that my interest was purely personal but I rather not risk it. He's very perceptive and not someone to take light of"
“It’s alright, I know you are saying that because the situation is that serious. I trust in your judgment.”
“It’s better if we put this in practice starting from today. I know it might make you uncomfortable to be provided for during your stay, but I still need to ask you to bring the bare minimum from your home Safir, preferably in one trip”
“Wouldn't it be better if I accompany him?” Saramsrein interjected.
“No. Your presence might provoke Morrigan to use his powers from the get go and you know you can't stop him" Miller shook her head. “Safir has no spiritual power and Morrigan has no reason to believe he has a “spiritual empathy" to detect him. It's the one advantage he has to get the upper hand on him"
“Of course I’m not telling you to just sit here and do nothing. What I mean by this is that you should be prepared to whisk Safir away to safety at any moment Saram. You know what I am getting at right?”
“A summoning sigil”
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“The symbol is disappearing” Safir notes as the mark fades away, not a trace left on his skin.
“For discretion purposes" Saramsrein explains. “It is still there. You only need to touch it and call for my name, “Saramsrein", and then I will be summoned to wherever you are"
“...I have to pick the pace up so I am resuming my investigation now." Miller placed a hand on their shoulders, giving them both a comforting squeeze. "Call me if anything happens ok?”
It had been a while since he felt this tense and nervous.
He checked the clock.
He was instructed by Miller to wait around 30 minutes after her departure before he could go out himself as a preventive measure. Just in the off chance of her being followed outside her range of detection so she could bait any potential pursuer away from his location.
"I can't detect any suspicious presence so far"
But that was still not enough to quell his apreheension.
Miller was the most cautious, thorough and mindful person he ever met. She didn't leave any stones unturned, never underestimated her odds and didn't neglect any details, as innocuous as they might seen. To have someone like her be put on guard like that, to believe her measures to not be good enough... It made him doubt his own chances.
Could he really do it? What if he wasn't good enough? What if he slipped and messed everything up?
He shook his head.He thought he had long surpassed that.
His insecurities, his feeling of inadequacy, his low self worth that always made him second guess himself.
'Ignore it. Ignore those voices. You should know better already'
"It's almost time"
He had to go. Even if he wasn't feeling ready yet.
But it should be fine. It wasn't like he ever felt prepared while living on the streets and he still made it this far. It wasn't anything new to him.
He should...
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"I have a bad feeling about this" Saramsrein mumbled. "I know you can take care of yourself but please don't hesitate to call for me, I will come right away"
He felt his body relax.
"Thank you Saram. I will" He hugged him back.
How mysterious. All the worries and fears that had been plagging his heart have disappeared. He wondered why.
Perhaps it was because the person holding him was a reminder that he wasn't alone anymore.
He had to struggle by himself for a long time as failure was met with unforgiving retribuition in this world. He lost count of how many times he had been beaten black and blue, almost to an inch of his life even when he begged to make it stop or crying for help that never came. He had to wisen up fast because he could only count on himself while he lived on the streets.
But now he had people that cared for him. That would offer their aid unconditionally and that would go a mile to guarantee his safety and not think of it as a bother or inconvenience. People that he could unconditionally trust himself and his well being to.
"I will be right back"
"Good. I managed to safely reach this place with no setbacks" Safir's shoulders sagged in relief.
He had taken his own set of precautions as well.
He took a more unconventional route to his home this time. Badly lit alleys, tight paths along the walls and climbing through precarious footing spaces. Not even a bike would be able to give chase to him under these circumstances.
It had its own share of dangers of course, but at least they weren't anything new or unexpected to him. He had plenty of experience with that.
"And it also served as a good way to put all my training in practice"
His new training consisted on adapting his body to the use of "soul enhancement".
As the name implied, by being infused with life force his body could be inhanced to perform beyond the limits of what the human body usually did, being more durable, faster, stronger and a a bit more resilient to damage.
The effects and improvements depended on the type of body of course.
Miller was a frontline fighter so all her fighting prowess increased tenfold with her body being capable of tanking enormous amounts of damage and dishing just as much hurt in return. She could pulverize through concrete with her kicks like it was nothing and was blinding fast in her assaults.
And that was how she did in the human world. According to Saram, she was even stronger inside a spiritual realm and pulverized demons twice her size on a regular basis.
He wasn't a battler so his enhancements were focused all on his dexterity, evasion, nimbleness and acrobatics. He had cat like reflexes and coulg climb even the the most steep walls like a mountain goat too.
'You can't generate this power on your own so it's better to train your body to instantly adapt to the changes between having the enhancements on and off' Miller had adviced him. 'You also need to develop a good judgment to know when to use it because becoming overdependant on it could be fatal. You might run out of uses and me and Saram might not be nearby to recharge it'
He touches the jewel on his pocket.
He still had plenty of uses left as he only needed to use it sparingly on the way.
"Maybe I can use it to carry more stuff"
He didn't decide on what items to bring with him before because he needed to scout the way out before anything else. But now that he had safely reached his destination and had a better grasp on how to manage his resources he could stop and think about it.
"Undergarments for a week, 2 sets of clothes and a tootbrush." he counted. "The recipe book might be bulky but I can wrap the clothes around it and... Saram's scarf. It might not be too cold now but it might be better to take it with me"
He would have liked to bring the new clothes he bought or the food he stored so it wouldn't end up going bad but that might be pushing it.
"It's a shame it will go to waste, but I can't... Huh?"
Hostility. Intent to harm him.
"Nnngh!" he barely dodged, flinching from the stinging pain of his cheek geting cut by the thrust of a knife.
He jumps back so he's facing his assailant.
The man looked shabby. He wore clothes just as worn out as his, but more sloppy and dirtier than an old rag. A strange and pungent smell came from his body, making his nose twitch. It was mix of a rotten carcass, alcohol, cigars and some other weird odors that he wasn't able to identify but he would assume that it came from whatever drug the man had got his hand on.
It wasn't strange for shady figures to appear around those parts as it was still a clandestine dump at the end of the day but usually he could detect their presence, even before he had a better control of his powers and these kind of people were not subtle about hiding their intentions.
"But his hostility flared so suddenly, as if provoked by a specific trigger" he mused to himself. "As if..."
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But how? He had been very careful. He made sure he hadn't been followed ever since he told Miller about the suspicious cop, not even Saramsrein nor Miller knew where his address were!
'He has the same powers as me'
'Morrigan is sharp and cunning and very meticulous'
Could it be? This man had investigated him even before his suspicions arose? Just how much steps ahead this man was?!
And with a strong spiritual power at his disposal, with his "spiritual empathy" to track lingering traces of him it would make it a child's play to figure out where he lived.
But then, why didn't he attack him while he was at Saram's house? Saramsrein couldn't fend of someone with a spiritual power after all.
"Maybe he doesn't know about Saram or finding where I lived was his only concern. It's the only place I could be attacked without bothering with possible witness as a homeless boy"
He stood up and touched the jewel on his pocket for a quick boost.
He would worry about that later, right now he had to focus on arriving "home", where he would be safe.
Even if the man knew were he lived he couldn't enter his home, so he just had to arrive there on time.
"Hah... Hah..."
He felt like his heart would explode out of his chest with how hard it was beating.
"I have to calm down. Panicking would do no good to me now"
He had to assess his situation first.
The man was too big and clumsy to reach him there and even then he made sure to hide under the lowest part of the car pile, bellow the floor level just to be on the safer side. If the assailant wanted to catch him he would need to wait until he came out of his hiding spot.
"I have plenty of resources stored here so I could wait until he either fell asleep or is forced to scavenger for sustenance and slip away at this moment" he calculated his odds. "He wouldn't know when I got out or which direction I took so it might get me a good enough head start to run away"
The waiting game began.
He felt the man's presence nearby.
Just as he suspected. He knew where his home was.
It was a frightening experience and all his instincts screamed at him to run but he knew he couldn't be hasty. It was more important than ever to be patient and calm at times like these.
"I can do this"
After waiting for a bit and being certain that the man couldn't REALLY enter his home he started climbing to the upper floors of the pile so he could lay on the wait for his opportunity to escape.
"Hum? What's that smell?" he frowned. "Is this... Gasoline?"
His eyes widened in horror.
"Don't tell me...!"
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The way ahead was blocked from the debris and even if it wasn't he could see the inferno of fire ahead. All the exits were sealed off.
He quickly scurried back to the lowest level of the pile.
But that was an useless and feebly resistence of his part. All he did was just delay his inevitable and horrifying death at the hands of the fire.
He coughs.
Or maybe he wouldn't even reach that point. The flames were consuming all the oxygen. Soon enough he would die either from asphyxia or from the toxic fumes dispelled by the burning of his enclosure.
"Someone... Anyone... Please... Save me..."
'Please... Promise me. Promise me that you will summon me if you are in danger'
'Don't hesitate to call for me, I will come right away'
He touches the jewel from his pocket to boost his body all the way up to protect it.
"I hope it buys enough time for this"
He holds the hand where Saram had place his sigil, shutting his eyes with force, he cleared his mind, focusing his thoughts solely on one person.
"Saram... Saramsrein, please come to me!"
He feels his hand tingle.
"Saram! I am here!" He screams in relief. "Over here!"
He couldn't hear his reply.
Was the sound of the fire too strong his his voice to be heard?
"Saram! Ah! Coug- Saramsrein!" He coughed, getting more and more out of breath, his vision starting to swim.
But he was determined.
He tried screaming for him again.
He wouldn't stop calling him, even to his last breath.
Because he knows Saram would save him.
"Sa- Saram..." He coughs weakly for the last time before he loses his consciouness due to the lack of oxygen.
"Miller! Please! You have to come! Safir...! Safir is...!"
Who's voice was that?
"T-There was a fire and I almost... I almost!"
It sounded so distressed. Was it Saram?
He felt a warm liquid drop on his face as someone hugged him closer to his body, body being hacked with pitiful sobs.
He had to comfort him. To reach him, touch his face and reassure him that he was ok. That he did it. He protected him.
But his body felt so weak and heavy, as if made from lead. And he was so tired...
He lost conciouness once again.
"... How are you feeling Safir?"
He slowly opened his eyes.
Where... Where was he?
"Miller?" he turned his head, voice hoarse.
"You gave us quite a scare" Miller smiled.
Her face looked haggard, as if she didn't have a wink of proper sleep.
"Where... Where am I?"
"The hospital"
Miller told him everything that transpired while he was unconscious. How Saram arrived at the scene, rescuying him from the flames and whisking him away to the safety of his home. His desperate and packined call as he told her about the situation and them immediately rushing him to the nearest hospital.
"Where is Saram now?"
"He's right there" Miller montioned with her head to the corner of the room, Saramsrein looking down as soon as their gazes met.
Why was he reacting that way?
"... Safir I know you just woke up and I understand that you went through something very distressing but I need to talk to you" Miller interjects. "Call you tell me what happened?"
He nodded and told her everything. The assailant, the ambush, how he knew about where he lived and tried to kill him by burning him alive in his hiding.
"He used gasoline?"
"Saram, did you see anyone else when you arrived?''
"I don't think so"
"And you said you summoned Saram immediately right?"
"As soon as I smelled the scent of gasoline yes"
"This operation was done with enough foresight to predict every move despite our best efforts but then the assailant didn't even wait to confirm if he had succeded or not" Miller mumbled. "In fact he couldn't even be sure if Safir would hide there or not."
Miller's expression darkers.
"THIS PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!" she growls, startling both him and Saram.
That was... The first time he saw Miller look so furious.
"... I'm going after him. Your assailant." Miller took a deep breath, trying to compose herself.
"But what about your current investigation? Would it be ok?"
"Don't worry, I will ask for people of trust to handle it in my stead" Miller tried to reassure him, patting his head. "I know that Saram can protect you but it wouldn't be right to leave this matter unresolved. The priority right now is to guarantee your safety and well being so it would be better if we caught this criminal first. Besides we can make him spill the beans about Morrigan's involvement in this as well"
Her smile was strained.
Miller was trying to put a brave front for him.
"If... If there's anything I can do to help then I will cooperate in any way I can"
"Just focus on your recovery for now" She squeezed his hand, "I asked the hospital to do some tests to check if your body is ok so when you feel well enough for it I suggest you to take them"
"I can do it now"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, it's better to find out these kind of things sooner than later"
"Ok, then I will call the doctor" Miller nodded, standing up. "I will be gone after that to hunt your assailant but Saram will stay here. If anything else happens or if you need to talk with me about anything don't hesitate to reach me ok? Even if it's for something small, I won't mind it"
"Thank you Miller"
"I hope you the best Safir"
The door clicked shut, leaving him and Saram alone in the room.
"Thank you for saving me Saram" he tried to make small talk.
"A-Ah yes. I'm glad you are well despite me..."
Saram shut his mouth, lips firmly pressed in a thin line.
Something was clearly bothering him.
"But it might be better to no press him. Miller is right, it might be better for me to focus on my health first. If he's worried about my well being then getting better will be the best proof that I am alright"
Saram accompanied him in silence as he did his tests.
He caught him throwing glances at him from time to time, opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something but then quickly shutting it off and looking down whenever he did so.
Ok, now he was starting to get concerned.
There was something serious going on.
What was it that Saram wanted to tell?
"Your tests just came out and everything seems fine. No infections were detected, no signs of poisoning from the toxic fumes nor impairment of your lungs" The doctor informed. "You are in the clear young man"
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1 note · View note
uselessboss · 1 year
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“Thank you for agreeing on accompanying me Saram” Safir chuckled as he placed another item on the basket that Saramsrein offered to carry for him. “I was worried that I would be mistaken as a thief because of my shabby clothes and for only having hard cash on me”
“I don't mind, I am more than happy to keep you company" Saramsrein shook his head.
Things have changed between them since the day they went stargazing together.
“Miller can you be Safir's “official" boss?” Saramsrein had asked her.
“Why is that?”
“I… I am not trying to dump my responsibilities on you again.” He tried to explain himself. “I talked with Safir and we agreed that it would be for the best. Being a boss was never my intention from the beginning. What I really wished for was to form bonds that I could cherish"
“If you two want to quit this job partnership then why ask me to take charge of it?”
“B-Because I want to do it.” Safir stepped in. “I thought a lot about what I can and want to offer and I believe this is something is this. I want to help"
“Hum…” Miller looked pensive.
“Very well, I shall respect your wishes and do as you requested”
As promised they started to hang out more with each other, no longer as “boss" and “subordinate” but as “friends".
Even though they still mostly hanged out at Saram's home as he couldn't afford higher luxuries (and he vehemently refused to let Saram pay for him) he could feel the shift in their relationship.
Saram looked far more comfortable now that the weight of the role of a “boss" was taken off his shoulders. There was no longer the expectation for him to take charge of something he was clearly unprepared for - No need to make himself an anxious wreck over taking accountability for a mistake or for overlooking something, when he answered his questions he could now just focus in helping him.
He looked more confident. Perhaps even more proactive and competent than when he was his boss in fact.
They brainstormed ideas together and discussed the pros and cons of it. Whenever one noticed a flaw in each other's plans or found the other's to be the better option they didn't feel like they had to hold back on it. There was no “boss who should know better" or an “underling that shouldn't transgress an authority", they were on equal footing now.
“I was a bit surprised when you told me you wanted to buy clothes, you usually don't like to spend your money on items like that" Saram commented.
It was certainly uncommon. His spending criteria focused on guaranteeing his basic necessities like hygienic products, medicine and food. Anything else that he could scrape by like clothes ranked lower in his list of priorities as he could acquire hand-me-down clothes from donation centers.
“I thought it would be an important step for my change in mindset"
“How so?”
“You could argue that I don't need these new clothes as I already have some in still doable condition but…” he opens the door to the changing room, looking at the clothes he was currently wearing - Shabby, worn out, the color faded and a size too big to fit his small frame. “…I guess I always felt self conscious about how sloppy they made me look”
He always received some stares. A few not even well concealed. It was pretty obvious when you looked at the way he was dressed.
A nobody kid with nothing to his name.
The clothes he wore were often mismatched, a bunch of miscellaneous things thrown together – Not by choice, but because it was the only options available to him.
“That's why I thought that it would be nice to wear something I picked for myself. Something that suits me.”
He doesn't know if the clothes he picked will even look good on him but it still make him proud nonetheless. It's his choice, he's picking something he likes for once.
“I see". Saram nods. “I like these clothes. I think they look good on you"
“Thank you Saram" he smiles.
“Ah! While you were in the changing room I found this shirt that has a nice design. What do you think?”
“It's indeed very pretty" he agreed. “Is there any other color available besides white?”
“You don't like the color white?”
“I don't dislike it but… Well, it stains easily and it's difficult to clean. If I got it dirty I don't think I would be able to wash it away"
He didn't have a washing machine after all. Just a plain bar of soap and his own hands to vigorously scrub everything out.
“Ah, that's why you picked dark colors then" Saram commented as if a light bulb clicked on. “Ok. I will keep that in mind"
“Maybe for a next opportunity" he chuckled as he checked the price tags again, calculating his expenses. “Any more and that would go over my budget"
“I could-"
“That's a No Saram"
Saramsrein pouted, puffing his cheeks.
He reached for Saram’s face and smushed it between his hands, a sound of a deflating balloon escaping between the taller's lips.
He giggled.
No matter how many times he did that it never failed to amuse him.
“Let's go Saram”
“Fine.” He conceded. “Ah. Wait. There's something I meant to buy today"
“What is it?”
“A scarf" Saramsrein smiles as he pick a grayish blue scarf. “I think this one would be good. It feels pretty soft right?”
Saram brought it closer to him so he could also feel the texture. It indeed felt soft. Amazingly so.
“It's a pretty good scarf" he agreed.
Saram's smile widened at his approval.
“Ok, now we can go"
Despite his concerns they didn't face any issues while paying for their purchases. The clerks were sweet faced, attentive and even offered a discount to him for paying up-front (which he happily accepted). They were treating him just like any other person would.
He was no longer a conduit to the supernatural forces.
The other reason to why he was feeling more comfortable about going out was because he learned how to control his powers.
Now that he got more confident and had a better sense of “self” Miller taught him how to block his sensitivity to the emotions of the people and supernatural entities that surrounded him. He no longer had to feel subjected by the cacophony and maelstrom of human emotions that didn't belong to him - The thoughts he heard now were only his, and his alone.
He could now live a normal life.
“I need to drop those stuff “home" first then I can go to your place Saram”
“Ah, that's nic- One moment" Saramsrein stops as his cellphone start to buzz. “Miller? A case right now? Ok, got it.”
“Do you want me to drop your purchase at your home Saram?”
“A-Ah... Well, no, t-that is…” Saramsrein flusters.
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“For me?” Safir blinks, surprised.
“I-I know you said to not use my money on you but this much should be fine right? It's not an expensive item" Saram tries to explain himself. “I can't really feel it myself but I noticed that there are a lot of people wearing more layers than usual so I guessed it had to be pretty cold”.
He didn't know what to say.
Now that he thought of it, the color that Saram had picked did go well with the clothes he purchased.
He picked the scarf from the shopping bag and wrapped it around his neck.
It felt just as soft as when he had touched it for the first time.
“Thank you Saram. I like it.”
“I am glad that you do" Saramsrein perked up, happy for his gift being accepted.
He wasn’t the only one that had been growing recently. Saramsrein had as well. He had become more aware and observant of his surroundings- Better at reading contextual clues, of socializing. He didn't get nearly as anxious as before when he interacted with him or other humans. He learned how to put himself more out there. To voice his opinions, to speak his mind.
“…That being said, you better not think you found a loophole mr. Saramsrein. Cheap or expensive, I am not going to accept it if it's from careless spending”
“I finally got you to accept a gift from me so I'm satisfied… For now" he grinned, very smugly.
“Go already Saramsrein, Miller is waiting" he rolled his eyes in fond amusement.
Disagreements were bound to happen now that they were both being more honest with themselves and each other but neither minded it. Their relationship was like a puzzle. A puzzle that they were trying to figure out where the pieces fit. Together.
After promising each other once again to meet up later after his work was done and after Saram disappeared Safir took one big supermarket’s plastic bag from the pocket of his coat and put his new clothes there, putting the branded bag away, folded so its logo was hidden.
‘Just in case' he thought as he walked “home".
He didn't want to risk being mugged after all.
After making sure he hadn't been followed and stashing his new purchases in one of the trunks of the cars in the bottom of the pile, the hardest place to reach and also the safest, Safir let out a huge sigh in relief.
“Thank God everything went well… Huh? Oh. I forgot to take this off" Safir touched the scarf on his neck.
That was careless of him. The scarf was clearly new, he could have attracted undesirable attention because of it.
He buries his face on the soft fabric, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling of comfort it brought.
Somehow it made him feel “safe".
He stretched his hand and reached for the driver's seat of his hiding spot, picking the cooking book that he now always kept close by.
“Maybe we should try making this one today"
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He was surprised when Saram asked him to teach him how to cook.
‘I thought I couldn't do it because of my limitations but… Maybe if I learn the process I could find a way to reproduce it'
‘I don't mind it, but wouldn't it be better to ask Miller to teach you? She has far more experience than me in the kitchen'
‘Well, yes, but… You seemed to take a liking to learning how to cook recently so I thought you might enjoy challenging yourself like that'
‘It does sound fun' he smiled, incredibly touched by Saram's gesture. ‘Let's do our best then'
Teaching Saram how to cook was an interesting and fascinating process.
He thought he would get far more nervous and anxious about it as it was the first time he was put in charge of anything, but surprisingly, he didn't. His head was clear. He wasn't second guessing himself as he would have done before and he had now a far more critical look at the situation at hand. His focus was, first and foremost, at figuring out how they could make it work.
‘You are acting kind like Miller' Saramsrein one day pointed it out.
‘Did I? I didn't even notice'
Now that he thought about it, he kind did. He remembered Miller pulling something similar with him before.
At that time her actions seemed… Somewhat vague to him. He could understand that what she was doing was helping his growth but he couldn't make sense, for the life of him, of HOW she had figured those steps out. For a good while he thought it was just a “Miller" thing and thus something that was simply beyond him.
It really wasn't.
The more time he spent around her the more he understood that it wasn't that Miller was doing anything special, because she wasn't. It was just that she didn't overcomplicate things.
Like listening to his opinion. She didn't take any issue over listening to advice from someone younger than her or that had less experience on the field. On the contrary, she encouraged it because she didn't take those as legitimate issues that should stop her from hearing him out. She even took pride at him for coming up with some ideas she never thought before.
Which lead to another important thing he learned from her.
To not be ashamed of failure. Because the “questions" were what would guide your path.
He smiled as he went through the recipes he and Saram learned together.
It wasn't many of them and they were fairly simple, but the fact that they managed to pull it off at all was something worth of celebrating over.
In special the seasoning. Saram worked really hard to remember the types and measurements used -It was a work of trial and error, of mistaking salt for sugar, of no taste to too salty but they got there. He could now do it consistently and even developed a better grasp at using them when they tried new recipes despite his lack of tasting sense. He still remembered how radiant Saram looked when they first succeeded, it was a great boost to his confidence.
“Hum… I think some ingredients are missing. I better make a list and buy them before I head to his home"
Luckily for him they weren't the kind that was hard to find so he could pick them up at a small convenience store. He could avoid being stared at by other customers in those places and the cashiers usually only cared if you could pay up your stuff and left you alone otherwise.
“Bingo" he murmured as he opened the door and saw the cashier lazily play with his phone, not even lifting his eyes to acknowledge who entered his store.
Well then.
‘Better this than being kicked out.’ He shrugged.
“Now let's see…” He was going to pick his note out of his coat's pocket when he heard the sound of someone entering the store.
He felt a chill run up his spine.
He hid behind one of the shelves and looked at the person who just entered.
It was a fairly young man. Probably in his late teens, wearing nice clothes of what he could identify as from a pretty good brand, face fair without marks, walking casually as he perused through the goods at the shelves.
He looked like a normal person.
And yet…
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His instincts screamed “DANGER!” at the top of its lungs. Now that he got control over his power to pick on people's emotions he could clearly sense the ill intent radiating from the newcomer.
Making sure to not been seen he discretely took a picture of the young man's face and then slowly backed away, his steps as light and as silent as when he walked on top of walls at night.
“Good, I got clear picture of his face"
He was deciding what he was going to do when suddenly he heard shouting.
Peeking over his hiding place he saw the young man point a gun at the cashier, threatening to shoot him if he didn't give him his money.
He felt his body freeze stiff in fear.
He couldn't do anything to help, except…
His hand trembled as he pressed the button to record everything.
The cashier was pale as a sheet and collapsed on the floor as the assailant ran away with his money, taking away a few beers away in his wake, laughing all the while as if proud of what he just did.
Making sure that the coast was clear and that the robber wasn't coming back Safir got out of his hiding spot and ran towards the fallen cashier, calling the police as he crouched next to the frightened man.
“I called the police, they will be here soon" he tried to assure the man. “Don't worry, I took a photo of them and recorded everything, they will be able to identify him in no t-"
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Safir was startled by the aggressive and accusing voice.
Safir backed away.
It was true. He noticed right away that the man was bad news but didn't do anything about it. He should have shouted, created a distraction, warned the cashier, anything!
Instead he hid away. Like a coward.
He stood in silence as he accepted the verbal lashing.He deserved it.
And he thought he could help people with his power… What a joke!
“I heard there was a robbery here?” the policeman asked.
“Yes, a young man just robbed my store"
“Did you see his face?”
“…No, he demanded to keep my face down all the time or else he would shoot me" the cashier denied. “But this boy managed to take a picture and even record him"
“… Here" Safir gave his cellphone to the policeman.
“Hummmm… I see…” the man hummed as he looked through it.
He felt his power flare again.
When the policeman looked over his evidence he felt something weird coming from him.
“I will need to take this as evidence young man"
“A-Ah wait!” Safir spoke, heart almost beating out of his chest “I use this cellphone for work so I might need to send a message to them so they know that I won't be available at this number for a while"
“…Of course" the officer nodded, giving the cellphone back to him.
He wrote a message to Saramsrein's number just like he told the officer and...
He quickly opened his e-mail page, the one he had created at Miller's insistence, sending her the picture, the video and a brief message of what transpired, making sure to then quickly log out of his account and erase it from his internet browsing history.
“…Here" Safir gave his cellphone back.
It might be paranoia from his part but it was better to be safer than sorry. Perhaps even consult Miller about it.
“...Saram doesn't seem to be here yet" He closed the door behind him with the spare keys Saramsrein gave to him.
He sighed as he dropped on the couch, suddenly feeling very exhausted.
“In the end I didn't buy anything huh?”
Well, even if he did he wouldn't been able to cook anything. He didn't feel like he would be in the mood for it.
“This feels the worst"
He snapped his eyes open, meeting with the concerned face of Saramsrein.
“Did something happen? You don't seem so well"
“Ah, about that, can you contact Miller for me? I don't have my cellphone with me"
“Huh? That's odd, you usually carry it with you"
“I was about to buy some things for our cooking session when a robber entered the store I was in. I had to temporarily(probably) give my cellphone away as evidence".
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“You don't need to worry, I am not hurt. I just want to talk with Ms. Miller because there are some things that bothered me about this case”
“Ok, I will call her” Saram squeezed his hands and got up. “I will also prepare some Chamomile tea for you”
“Thank you Saram"
They waited for Miller together.
The tea he drank was warm.
“Sorry for taking so long, took me awhile to wrap things up” Miller’s voice echoed the silent room as she closed the door behind her.
“I should be the one apologizing for calling you in the middle of your shift"
“Don't worry about it" Miller shook her head. “How are you feeling Safir?”
“I'm fine, but…” he glanced briefly at Saram. “Saram would it be ok if I talked with Miller alone? I am not sure if I'm at liberty to discuss this topic in the open"
“Of course" Saram nodded, standing up. “If you need anything just call my name”
“I will"
Saram squeezed his shoulder before vanishing.
“…Saram briefed me about the situation. He said you witnessed a robbery and wanted to talk with me about it?”
He told Miller everything. About how his power went off when the culprit entered the store, him taking pictures and recording what transpired and about the arrival of the police at the scene.
“…I-It might be paranoia of my part and I know he's a cop but… When he looked at the photo and video I took I felt… Something “off" about him" he twirled his thumbs in anxiety. “That's why I sent the proof I collected to your e-mail before giving away the cellphone you gave to me"
“I see… I will make sure to look into your case and find more about the cop that answered your call as well as the culprit"
“H-Honestly it could be nothing and just me freaking out of my own"
“With your current level of mastery over your power I doubt that your gut feeling would be wrong ” Miller assured him. “Besides, I trust your instincts. For that alone I think it's worth to check it out. Just to be sure"
“Thank you" he sighed in relief.
Count on Miller to be kind, understanding and supportive.
That's why he unconditionally trusted her.
...Perhaps that was why those words hurt him so much. He got so used to Miller's and Saram's kindness that he forgot that not everyone was like them. That just because he could now control his powers that people wouldn't be instantly nice to him.
“You still look troubled" Miller's soft voice snapped him over his thoughts. “If there's anything else you want to talk about then I will listen to it.”
“… When the robber entered the store I noticed he was bad news right off the bat.” He lowered his gaze. “I took a photo of him, but that was all I did. I was hidden when everything happened. The cashier… He got mad at me for not doing anything to help, anything to stop him.”
“Power or no power you are a civilian just like this person. To demand you take responsibility akin to a cop’s duty is unreasonable” Miller shook her head. “Your course of action was correct. Had you directly interfered it might have agitated the culprit AND THEN he would had more reason to react aggressively, putting both of you in needless danger"
“I guess so, but…”
That was no quite it. He didn't know why, but somehow, despite Miller's assurance , he didn't feel like the ugly and nasty feeling in his heart had gone away. He couldn't help but feel guilty for feeling this way.
“Say, Safir, do you know what's the first emotion humans learn?”
“Huh?” he blinked, confused by the sudden change of topic.
“It's to be upset" Miller smiles. “When we are born we cry because we are upset for not being in the safety and warmth of our mother's womb. We cry of hunger, of pain, of feeling discomfort. It's something that could even be said to be tied directly to our survival instincts. A defense mechanism to protect ourselves from taking further harm"
So that was what he was feeling.
He was feeling upset.
It was also why he was feeling so guilty and conflicted about it.
It wasn't like he expected anything in return for his actions, but he also didn't expect to be treated the way he did either. He… Somewhat resented it and yet, at the same time, he couldn't help but feel like he shouldn't feel this way. The intensity of their fear, anger and helplessness… He couldn't simply ignore it.
“Empathy is a beautiful and powerful thing”
His gaze snapped back at Miller.
“It's what allow us to form bonds with other people, understand and support them" Her smile was sad. “However it's also something easily taken advantage of. If you are too receptive, if you don't say when enough is enough then you will only end up being used to take a burden that isn't yours to bear"
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Miller never told him the story behind those scars but there were enough clues for him to figure out what happened.
The warning she gave the first day about supernatural influence, pushing him to develop a strong sense of self and resolve to follow his desires through, helping him control his powers… She did everything in her power to ensure that he could live a life of his own choosing.
Miller was… Used and betrayed. That he was sure of. He might not know the specifics of what truly transpired but he got to know how kind and compassionate she was. To have someone take advantage of that… Regardless of what they did it could be only considered incredibly cruel and unfair.
“Well, I say that, but it's something that I'm not good at doing either" Miller shakes her head. “The world isn't that black and white. Committing mistakes does not make one a bad person and yet, at the same time, you can't have blind faith. To trust unconditionally is nothing but foolishness”
Her voice sounded far away, as if lost in her own thoughts.
Was she talking about something of the past? Or the present?
“…But somehow you did it"
“Huh?” he blinked as Miller suddenly addressed him.
“Saram accidentally repeated patterns that reminded you of bad things in your past and committed a lot of mistakes despite his best intentions right? And you still gave a chance to him, out of your own volition"
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“Giving proof that you care huh?” Miller mused, wistfully. “…I guess you are right. Both sides have to show signs that they can make it work. After all a bridge cannot be built without a good foundation right?”
“You are wiser than I will ever be Safir.” She smiled. “You will be fine. You just have to do the same as you did with Saram: To think if it's a bridge you want to build. Kindness and Forgiveness aren't something to be forced so it’s best to consider whether or not it will be something good for you before making your decision”
“My decision…” he repeated, trying to process the words Miller told him.
“…Perhaps it would be better if you have a break from your training this weekend Safir"
“Eh? Why?”
“It might be better if you lay low while I investigate your case. Just to be sure"
“Besides… It might be a good opportunity to think things thorough. For both of us”.
“Did you say anything Miller?”
“Nothing at all. Don't worry about it" she shook her head. “If you need anything else ask Saram to contact me ok?”
“Ok. I will"
“Good... And Safir?”
“Yes Miller?”
“You have grown. I'm proud of you"
0 notes
uselessboss · 1 year
What Saramsrein means:
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Unintentionally Flirting is boderline genetic with the Millers.
0 notes
uselessboss · 1 year
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He still couldn't believe that this was happening. 
“Did you ever go on a trip Safir?” Miller one day asked. 
He shook his head. 
“I was planning on having a camping trip tomorrow so if you are interested I could take you and Saram with me" 
“Huh? Me too?” Saram asked, blinking and pointing at himself in surprise. 
“Yes. That sounds lovely” He promptly answered. 
“Good. Then I will see you two tomorrow afternoon" 
It felt so different. 
It wasn't as if he never entered a car before. He did, but it wasn't like this. It didn't smell of rust and old fuel, it wasn't pitch black from being buried under a pile of crumbing trash and terribly uncomfortable and cramped. It wasn't made of tears and moldy cushions. 
It was tidy and clean. He sat comfortably in the nice seat, a pillow prepped in his lap, the air feeling fresh as the wind wildly threw his hair around because of the speed of the moving car. 
“Look Saram! A cow!” he giggled as he pointed as they passed the animal leisurely eating grass. 
“Ah? Yes?” Saramsrein replied, dumbfounded. 
“I never saw one before. At least a real one" Safir laughed. 
He probably looked pretty silly right now. Pointing at everything as the car passed by, giggling all the way like a small kid and chattering non-stop about the sights he never saw before. It had been the most talkative he ever been in his entire life.
Thankfully his company didn’t seem to mind it. He could see Miller’s reflection smilling from her rear mirror and Saramsrein, despite not understanding his enthusiasm, nodding along his words - repeating them with a confused smile in place, before getting quickly wrapped up in his enthusiasm and starting to point to things on his own.
“It sure is different from seeing the monotonous gray concrete from the city right boys? Wouldn’t you say it’s a nice change of pace?” Miller laughed.
“It really does” he smiled in agreement.
This felt like a family outing.
They set camp close to a place with a small pond. 
While Saramsrein was in charge of their sleeping accomodations he and Miller started the preparations for their meal.
With practiced ease he started the campfire in no time. Miller complimented him and after setting a makeshift table made of the biggest rocks she could find they started prepping the ingredients they brought along, the sound of the knives tapping the wooden boards filling the cozy silence as they focused on their task.
Miller has been teaching him how to cook recently and he had been equally eager to learn. He even bought a cooking book to test some recipes out, the first “luxury” item he ever bought out of personal interest. His first hobby and something he took immense enjoyment in.
“The tents are up” Saramsrein announced.
“We also finished things here” he spoke back.
Safir turned to see Miller grinning as she took a picture of him.
“Some pictures  to remember this wonderful day” she smiled, ruffling his hair. “I will make sure to print copies to you too”
She gave him her camera and after teaching how to use its features she urged him to take a picture of his own.
What should be the first picture he would take? The pond surrounded by lush greenery? The breath taking skies painted with fiery oranges from the sunset? The delicious food they cooked together?
No. None of them.
He carefully placed the camera on a tree stump and after making sure he put the timer up he ran towards Miller and Saramsrein, motioning for them to bend slightly as they were both taller than him so he could place his arms around their shoulders, smushing their cheeks together as the camera went off.
“It’s a nice photo” Miller smiled as she showed him the photo. Saramsrein’s eyes wide in surprise, Miller’s giggling and amused face and his own smile, radiant and happy.
He felt his eyes water as he looked at the picture, chest filled with a warm and indescribable feeling of love and gratitude.
Who would have thought that all of this would happen when he accepted this job offer? Those dreams he had as a small and bright eyed kid that prayed for the stars he couldn’t see, the wishes he held close to his heart as he thought of “what Ifs”, the small wonders he conjured in his imagination as he tried to picture what being loved felt like.
He feels a warm and soft blanket being drapped over his shoulders.
“It’s getting chilly” Miller smiles at him.
“Thank you” he smiles back as Miller nods to him, drapping Saramsrein with a blanket as well.
They both knew that Saramsrein didn’t feel cold nor required protection from the elements, but he still thanked the gesture anyway as he hurdled inside the blanket as he could still feel warmth from it.
“Hey you two, take a look at the sky”
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It was a stunning view.
That was... The first time he had the opportunity to look at the starry sky.
There was no opportunity to admire the view when you lived on the streets. Your only focus was to watch your back and worry about your surroundings until you could arrive in a safe spot and even then those safe spots were hidden from view. The only thing he usually saw when he looked up, when it wasn’t complete darkness, was the low, scratched ceiling of the car he used as sleeping accomodation.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”
He can just nod in awe.
“It’s kind funny how long it took me to notice such a thing. Only very recently I could appreciate such a beauty”
He looks at her in surprise.
“For most of my life I was plagued with nightmares and bad memories. I was scared of this world. Because it was nothing but terrifying and painful to me”
She exchanged looks with him.
She might not have gone throught the same experiences as him, but Miller understood his pain better than anyone else. They both faced similar hardships after all.
“... Then one day someone told me that if I had some nice experiences it might help me overcome those bad memories and nightmares”
“And did it work?”
“Yes” her voice was soft. The most tender, warm and adoring he ever heard. It was clear how much this person meant to her. “This someone shared many wonderful moments with me, including a starry sky like this one.”
Miller looked at the stars again.
“It made me realize how beautiful this world was. The kindness and wonderful things I always dreamt of experiencing one day... They were real after all”
It startled him.
It was like hearing his own thoughts reflected back to him.
Safir thought about his own experiences.
The day when he met Saramsrein. When he had collapsed on the floor, on the verge of dying from malnorishment and his soon to be boss picked him up, placing him on a comfortable bed and even getting food for him so he could recover his energy. He stood by his side until he was sure he was well enough, never prying about his life and always trying to respect his personal space.
The days he patiently taught him what he knew. The day when, unknowingly he had pushed him past his limits and felt bad about it, apologizing to him, feeling genuinely remorseful and trying his best to be mindful of his needs.
The day he had made him acquaitanced with Miller, who had been nothing but caring, understanding and nurturing, like a mother to him. Someone he could confide and seek guidance from.
“Yes. They are real” he whispered softly.
“It’s mysterious isn’t it?” Miller chuckled. “The sky was always there. There was even a chance that we already saw it at some point, yet it’s only on moments like these that it feels like we are REALLY seeing it right?”
“I guess... I guess it’s special because someone gives meaning to it”
Like their meals.
Before he never gave much thought about it. Food was only nourishment to him, just a means to survival. 
He ate scraps, moldy breads and almost rotting fruits all the same- Taste was of no concern to him -As long as it could quell his hunger and not make him sicker than not eating he was glad to wolf it down.
When Miller started to prepare meals to him was when he noticed how different food was. Warm or cold, fresh... Even taste started to become distinct to him.
“Nnnghhh...” he remembered scrunching his face up.
“Hahaha, it seems you are not a fan of bitter food huh?” Miller laughed with humor.
“S-sorry!” He profusely apologized.
"For what?”
“For being picky. It’s not like me to be this way, moreso when you are the one providing me this food”
“You don’t have to worry, not liking bitter tastes is more common than you think” Miller chuckled. “I mean, it can’t be worse than me who dislikes sweets because that’s like... Rejecting half of the food category right?”
They had a good laugh at that.
 Homecooked meals weren’t something he had to shovel down in haste out of fear from having it taken from him. It was given to him, something to be appreciated slowly as he took in all the care put into it -From the taste, to the comforting aromas and neat looks. All appreciated in company.
It became something precious to him. A cherished memory. Even when he ate something by himself the “meaning” behind it stayed. It brought comfort to him whenever he needed it. A source of support and strength.
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“The way you see the world...” Safir repeats.
He never thought about it before but how did HE sees the world? Or what answer would he give if someone asked him about it?
"You overcame a lot of obstacles by yourself. You are a capable person Safir."
What kind of person is he?
“...I wish I could stay up for longer, but as the designed driver it would be better if I don’t sleep on the wheel” Miller winked, getting up.
“I think I will stay up for a little longer” He replied. “I don’t get a lot of opportunities to watch the starry sky so I want to cherish this moment”
“Very well” Miller nodded before patting his head. “Good Night Safir”
“Good Night Miller”
It was only him and Saramsrein now.
Who has been oddly quiet so far.
“... I lived for a long time. Eons of existence, and yet this is the first time that I noticed the starry sky” Saramsrein speaks, as if reading his mind.
Nothing in existence could affect him so nothing mattered to him. No harm could befall him, nothing could stop nor change him.
Until he met Miller’s grandfather.
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Faust Miller. 
The first human to ever change his status quo when he managed to seal him away and at the same time become a constant in his existence as the person he always saw when it came undone. 
They fought and met for inumerous lifetimes. Those small windows of time became precious to him before he was sealed again. It was the first time in his eternal life that he looked forward to something.
So he tried harder with every new clash. Because in his inhuman and simple mind it meant that the more effort he put in it the more time he could spend with him.
This culminated in him winning their last match.
As Faust lied on the floor he had stopped his attacks. He sat patiently, waiting for him to rise up.
“...What are you doing?” He had asked, surprised at him not delivering the finishing blow.
“Waiting for you to recover”
“Are you not going to kill me?”
“...No? I don’t want to kill you” he cocked his head to the side.
“You don’t want... HAHAHAHA!” he laughed, clearly amused.
Faust was something else.
He should be mad or even hate him for literally wasting his inumerous lifetimes on being saddled to fight an undefeatable horror like him and being beaten to an inch of his life but he was, instead, very amused by this turn of events. 
He didn’t have to, he could have sealed him and he wouldn’t have offered any resistence, but he took him in. In his life.
He was the one that has given “meaning” to his existence.
What made Faust happy also made him happy. Everything that reminded him of Faust gave him joy.
So when Faust passed away to “Eternity”, a place where a being of infinite life like him could never reach he felt life lose its luster again. Things stopped holding meaning to him. The only thing left being an immense and hollow gap in its place.
A gap he wanted to fill but didn’t know how to. Perhaps desperately so.
He finally understood.
Everything he did until now was for the sake of dealing with his loliness.
“I apologize Safir”
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“This job was nothing but a sham. I wanted to fill in this lonely existence of mine but didn’t know how to do it so I tried to copy Miller after I saw how well she got along with her peers” . He confessed. “... I just mimicked what she was doing but with no regard or consideration put in what I was doing. It’s no wonder I have been handling things so poorly. Why I had been such an useless boss to you.”
“... I figured it would have been the case”
His eyes widened as he looked at Safir.
He... Didn’t seem mad. Nor hurt, betrayed or disappointed with him.
“Well, for starters your job offer was super sketchy” Safir laughed. “Being ‘small’ as the only requirement and not having any other details about what the jobs entails was odd. If I wasn’t almost starving to the brink of death I don’t think I would have picked it”
Saramsrein flushes at that.
Because he didn’t need anything per say he thought of going with the only thing he couldn’t be.
“... Well, that said I wasn’t entirely certain because I didn’t have a good frame of reference as in all my other jobs my bosses were trying to sabotage me to have a reason to kick me out without having to pay extra for it” Safir patted his arm. “It was only after Miller stepped in to give me proper guidance that I could really tell the difference.”
Going through protocols, teaching him about procedures of what he could and couldn’t do. Taking in consideration his growth, preparing him physically and seeking to constantly improve and adjust her training to optimize his performance to assure the safety of both parties... She took it very seriously.
“Honestly it also put in perspective my own way of living” He furrowed his brows. “You could say I also did things “half-assedly”. Doing my job just for the sake of “survival” and pleasing others... This isn’t a way to live. Tailoring your actions to fit someone else... How could that make you genuinely happy?  When you wouldn’t be living as yourself? Those wouldn’t be your own feelings after all”
“Not your own feelings...” Saram repeated as he tried to digest his last words.
“It’s totally different from doing something because you want to and because you mean it. There’s weight and purpose behind your actions.”
It was something he grew to understand by spending time with people that truly cared for him. They never tried to push their preferences on him or tried to force him to be anything but himself. In fact, what they did was...
"A friendly world where you can share happiness"
"A world of potential where you can take pride on your achievements"
"...A gentle world. Of a reassuring and warm touch. Kind, sweet and caring."
It was “sharing”.
Not trying to take away what made him... “Him”. Whether he accepted those realities was up to him. Just like with a meal the flavors could enhance his experience and give “meaning” and substance to it, but it still ultimately his decision to make if he liked it or not.
“My life wasn’t easy. I suffered a lot and went through many struggles just to survive. It was not fair at all”. His mouth set in a thin, but determined line. “But that isn’t the kind of world I want to share. A world of a defeated and resigned person.”
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“Life was undeniable harsh for me but I’m still alive. That wasn’t achieved by doing nothing about it. Even if I had to scrape by with barely anything I still put my all to succeed at overcoming those hurdles.”
He always thought of himself as someone meek, weak and pathetic but maybe that was the complete opposite?
He wouldn’t have ran away from the orphanage, away from the constant bullying and risking a dangerous life on the streets if he hadn’t guts.
He wouldn’t have choosen to call quits when his working conditions became unbearable, risking his already precarious living stability if he didn’t think he could do better than that.
He might have accepted this job at first because he thought of himself as not having a better choice but now things were different.
“Safir... This is unlike any danger most humans would face, even for someone like you”
“I’m very aware of the dangers of this job, you and Miller told me enough about it” he stood firm. “My answer won’t change. If people need a fighting chance and hope to not give in to adversity... I know I can provide it. I now know this would be truest I would ever be to myself”
Saramsrein was speechless.
“... That said you don’t need to be my boss for that. If what you want from me is to be my friend... I would be sincerely happy to just hang around with you. I don’t want to force you to carry this burden and responsability.” He smiled. “ ...Maybe  I would probably still pester you with a question or another because you know this stuff more than me, but that would be the extent of the assistance I require from you”
“... I’m seriously hopeless as a boss huh?”
Saram smiled, somewhat shy.
“You are truly amazing Safir. I’m glad I was able to meet someone like you”
“I-I think you might be going a bit overboard with the compliments now”
“Perhaps this might be who I am then. Someone that deeply admire others” Saram giggled, looking the happiest and most comfortable he had ever seen. “...I can’t wait until we are back, so that we can properly spend time together now”
“... Me too” Safir smiled, sitting next to him.
“I’m looking forward to it”
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uselessboss · 1 year
Saramsrein’s (Almost) Full Body
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Saramsrein’ is themed after Sheeps, Spiders and thread as “The Demon of Unravel” because he literally can “undo” things like unraveling threads as well as reshape things.
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uselessboss · 1 year
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He was an existence of “nots" and “don'ts".
This appearance, this “disguise" might fool people at first but it wasn't an easily sustainable lie. Spend enough time around him and the farce would easily crumble away. He might look human but couldn't act like one.
He was an unending existence. There was no danger to threaten him nor sustenance required. He didn't need to sleep, eat nor drink so he lacked most of the sensory “motivations" other beings had.
He could not taste, he could not feel the extremes of heat and cold, his sense of smell was very limited and he couldn't experience physical pain derived from a wound as his body could never be harmed.
He couldn't relate. He couldn't share in suffering nor happiness. He couldn't experience life as a human.
Perhaps it was why he admired “them" so much. 
Faust Miller and Crowa Miller. 
They were special and unique even among others of their kind and he didn't mean that just because of their spiritual powers.
(Although that also made them different from others as well)
They were the most empathetic humans he ever met.
He always had viewed himself by his limitations. By what he wasn't, by the differences that separated him from others and could create a rift between them. An outcast that didn't belong anywhere.
‘You might be deprived of some experiences Saramsrein, but that does not mean you are entirely excluded from it'
But they… They always saw him as more than that.
‘See these tarts Saramsrein? What do you think?’
‘I… Cannot taste or eat them Faust'
‘Yes, but you can see its colors right? Look at the artful way the berries were placed and the design of the crust, isn't it pretty?”
‘…Yes. I like it'
‘Taste is nothing more than one of the ways we can perceive and enhance our experiences so even if you are unable to appreciate something in one way there will always be other options available to you’
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No question was stupid, no doubt was insignificant and no inquiry went unanswered. Always so gentle, understanding and patient, they extended their hands to him and made him feel welcomed. It was easy and comfortable to be around them.
Maybe he didn’t need to know everything. Perhaps understanding everything did not matter after all. What was important was that Faust and Miller did and that was enough for him.
...He was so naive.
“Saramsrein... Why... WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!”
Miller had found out what he did.
“Why did you spirit away... Why did you kill all these people?!”
“To protect you”
He barely managed to save her the first time. The inferno of fire surrounding her, the injuries her body sustained, the way her heart and mind had been almost broken by the work of the almagamation of vengeful spirits of spiteful humans taking hold of her... It was a miracle she was alive.
And there were people that wanted to snuff out the light of her life. That small flame, just like a candle, that flickered in danger of going out at any moment as she laid defenseless in her bed, so emaciated from everything she went through.
He couldn’t let that flame go out.
“You promised grandfather! Promised that you wouldn’t kill anymore!” her already feeble body started to quake uncontrollably. “How could you break your promise so easily? To him of all people?”
“He wouldn’t have thought that if it was to save his granddaughter” He tried to justify. “They were going to hurt you Miller. I NEEDED to do that”
“...Needed?” Her voice faltered
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...No matter how difficult it was, no matter what kind of question he had, no matter what mistakes he did Miller had always explained him everything. She always taught him what he did wrong and how to fix his blunders.
But not this time.
Miller took a step back. Mutely, petrified, her eyes were unfocused, as if she couldn’t see him, as if she couldn’t RECOGNIZE him.
He felt shame creep up inside him.
Of what, he didn’t know.
He didn’t understand what he did wrong but knew that he DID do something wrong. He had messed up. Badly. He hurt her and didn’t know how to apologize, how to make up for it.
“Mi-” He reached out.
She strumbled backwards, hitting the wall and then slid to the floor, curling into a ball, voice incoherent and frantic, shoulders quaking as she sobbed pitifully.
He let his hand drop.
“I... I am sorry” He uselessly apologized.
He disappeared. Out of her life. Out of the world. Not a trace of his existence left in her reality.
It would be the last time they would ever see each other again.
...Is what he thought.
“Saram... Saramsrein, I need your help”
She had called for him. Once again.
For a perpetual being like him time usually meant nothing. If he had to compare numbers, the time they had not seen each other wasn’t that long as the inumerous lifetimes he had to wait to see her grandfather, Faust, again.
Yet that felt like the longest time ever.
He didn’t know what happened, but even he could tell that Miller went through a lot during the time they hadn’t see each other.
“It has been a long time, hasn’t it?”
She filled him in on everything. About the new role she had undertaken for the sake of protecting people, how hard it had been to deal with the scorn, distrust and envy from others and the heavy responsabilites that have been placed on her.
About the people that gave her strength during this time, her expression going soft at the mention of certain names, “Hunter” and “Johannes” being mentioned a lot, specially the later as she described how he lost his life when he got involved in a supernatural event and how she was unable to save him. The loss, sadness and grief still palpable in her voice.
She talked about lot of things.
...Except what happened prior to all those events. She didn’t aknowledge nor seemed to want to talk about what transpired between them back then.
Nor did he.
She made arrangements to introduce him to the people she trusted, the people that had been supporting her all this time and that were pivotal in assuring that new tragedies won’t happen again.
He recognized one of them.
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“After we met that day you stopped visiting her”
He flinched. His face scowling in pain and regret.
Oh. He said something bad. He hurt him.
“... After a series of missing cases that happened around the time Miller was in the hospital I was put under arrest on the suspicion of being the responsible for it”
He felt something drop in the pit of his insides.
“... Does Miller knows that?”
“No, or at the very least I didn’t tell anything to her” he shook his head. “I didn’t want to burden her any further”
The feeling of dread crystalized as a horrifying realization hit him.
The consequence of his actions. Because of what he did Miller was driven apart from the only person that could be there for her.
And he had abandoned her. Out of cowardice. At her weakest, when she needed help the most. Left with no one else, Miller was forced to pull herself up together on her own accord and keep struggling with no respite. All alone.
Even if it was for the sake of saving lives, to reach for him despite everything he did was a testament of her strength of heart.
No. It was not because she was stronger, but because she BECAME stronger.
He could only guess that it was thanks to those two.
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She didn’t look lonely anymore.
Miller... She seemed genuinely happy when with those two.
He didn’t want to ruin the happiness she fought so hard to achieve.
So he avoided being anywhere around them, to Miller, as much as possible. To only manifest when Miller called to help solve cases but otherwise sticking straight to the boundaries of the home Miller provided to him or not being in the human realm at all.
Speaking of his “home”, it was still a mystery the reasoning behind why she would ever do that.
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Didn’t he disgust her? Didn’t she seem him as a monster? Hate him?
He... Didn’t understand. Everything was so confusing.
Too much happened to be simply brushed off and for them to go back to how things were before his screw up. It was hard to say if they were even in “good terms”. Miller might not have show open hostility to him but he could see her troubled and complicated expression whenever they interacted.
It made him sad. To know that things could never be the same again.
He thought he accepted that, that he deserved it, but as he kept watching the strong bonds between her and the other two, how close they were, it made a small and persistent thought form in his head.
Maybe he couldn’t go back to how things were before but perhaps he could make new bonds of his own?
But he didn’t know the first thing about making friends, let alone how to connect with people that weren’t Miller or Faust for that matter.
“Miller, how did you became close with those two?”
“You mean Hunter and Andrews? Let me see...” She tapped her chin in deep thought. “I guess you could say it was a matter of “respect””
“Yes” She nooded. “It might come off as a surprise but I didn’t start in good terms with either Andrews nor Hunter. In fact, they disliked me quite a lot when we first met”
“Huh? Really?”
“Really” Miller chuckled as she recalled their first meeting. “It was a long process. To learn to trust each other, see past our own prejudices and the good inside ourselves”
“And how does “respect” plays into it?”
“Our actions, our decisions are reflections of what we are. Make sloppy choices and it will lead to unreliable and flawed results” she explains. "...On the other hand, if you do things with care, dedication, integrity and commitment then the results will be far more positive. It will be something that you can take pride on and that can instill respect on others. A respect that can turn into admiration and appreciation”
United by a sense of “purpose”.
He didn’t really have something like that.
But maybe, just maybe he could replicate it by “coping” her? 
Her two closest confidants were her colleagues after all.
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Safir was the first human he approached of his own accord after Faust and Miller.
He knew not all humans were the same but it still surprised him how Safir was nothing like “them”.
Faust and Miller stood tall, wise, strong, confident while Safir was meek, shy and insecure. His body looked so small, delicate and thin that it made you think he was made of glass and could shatter easily as one.
And yet appearences could be misleading.
Safir was far more resilient and braver than he looked.
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He might doubted himself a lot. He might have been scared of reprisals and cowered under the mental scars of the abuses he went through but he still pressed on to try his best regardless of his fears.
If anything HE was the one that have been struggling the most here.
He winced as he remembered their first day together. How he had pushed him too far, how unattentive and careless he was with his needs, leading to Safir collapsing from sheer exhaustion.
“No matter how thoroughly we are there’s always a risk of one measure not being covered because there are too many of them for us to remember. It’s something that could easily fly under our radar so you might run in a situation where you lack this vital information in no fault of yours”
He was wholly unprepared and lacking in more ways than one.
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Despite how their first meeting went, how apprehensive Safir had been, he had quickly warmed up to Miller and often looked up to her for guidance.
It was only logical after all.
Miller knew everything. She was wise, mindful and nurturing. She knew how to play around weakness and bring out your strengths. Just like her grandfather before her Miller was someone that inspired the “admiration and respect” she talked about.
Meanwhile he was a screw up. A total failure. Overlooking so many important things, commiting so many careless mistakes.
It made him wonder if perhaps it wouldn’t be better if Miller directly took Safir under her wing. If she became his “real boss”.
It made him wonder why she didn’t speak against him being it. Why she left Safir under his care. Why, despite fixing and covering for his inumerous blunders and mistakes, that she hadn’t called him out at all.
He needed to talk to Miller.
“Thank you for coming and sorry for calling you so suddenly like that”
“It's alright, after all you seem to want to talk about something important isn’t that right?”
“... Miller why didn’t you bring attention to my mistakes? The inumerous things I have been doing wrong, things that could have jeopardized Safir’s safety?”
“Because I was waiting for you to reach me”
“What?” He blinked, owlish.
“Both me and grandfather have coddled you too much” Miller sighed “We readily explained everything to you, sometimes unprompted and that had a... Detrimental effect on you.”
“I... Don’t understand”
“Exactly” she stated. “And that’s the problem. We didn’t even give you a chance to try and figure things out by yourself, to develop critical thinking, to determine what your own set of morals and values were”
Her gaze softened.
“To find out what your wants and needs are”
“But I don’t require anything”
“I’m not talking about survival needs Saram” she shook her head. “Sometimes you face shortcomings and you require the means to overcome them. It’s also a “need” just as much as basic instincts are”
“The reason to why you are not improving from your failures is because you lack focus Saram, you don’t know what you want to do nor what you are aiming for”
“Our work...”
“You are not doing it because you want to save humans nor care about stopping supernatural activity. You are doing it simply because I asked you”
He flinches.
“Don’t get me wrong Saram, I’m not demanding you to see things this or that way, in any case, I’m still grateful for your help”
“Then... What should I do?”
“I don’t know. But I think you are beginning to have an idea of what YOU want”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because you sought my help” Miller smiled “You identified that something wasn’t right and tried to find a solution for it. On your own accord, because you judged it was the right thing to do”
He was still not very convinced.
Even more when all he had to show for his attempts are disastrous results.
“I... I can’t do it. I’m not like you or Faust. I can only hurt others. I don’t know how to do the right thing or know what it’s even supposed to be like”
“No one is perfect and exempt from failures Saram. Not me, grandfather or anyone else for that matter”
Her voice was filled with sadness and regret.
“I... Did so many mistakes, hurt so many people with my words and actions. Bystanders, friends, people dear to me” Miller looks him in the eye. “Including you”
She was talking about their fight.
“The words you had spoken were similar to “theirs”” Miller confessed. “The words they used to justify the torture, the massacre, the bloodshed they forced me to do”
A horrible nightmare that still haunted her to this day. An unending horror that had gripped her heart in captivity even after her physical body was free and her wounds closed.
“The way they betrayed... Used me shook me to the core. So when you tried to justify your own actions I thought... For a moment I couldn’t see anything else but you being the same as “them”“
So that was what had happened.
“I wanted to apologize for hurting you, for treating you like a monster, but I couldn’t shake my trauma away, even after that horrible nightmare came to an end. I coudn’t stop the tremors, the fear, the weakness in my heart”
That explained the complicated look on her face. 
It wasn’t a disguised feeling of hatred or ressentment. 
It was a feeling of guilty.
“It took me a while, but thanks to everyone’s patience and kindness, thanks to Andrews, Hunter and even you I could finally overcome some of that fear”
“You sought to interact and bond with other humans of your own volition, with no prompting from my part. The way you became more aware, more mindful of someone else’s needs and tried to provide for them and make up for your shortcomings... It was reassuring. You were nothing like those things.”
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“You are doing much better than you think. You are capable of figuring things out by yourself Saram”
“...But what if there’s something I can’t understand? What if I try my hardest and that’s still not enough?”
“Then you can seek help. It’s not something you need to do alone. Find your questions and keep trying. If you lack the tools to find your answers then we can provide it to you, but the answer you create, the conclusion you reach I want it to be your own”
“I... I will try. I will try to do my best”
“And that’s all I ask of you”
“Miller?” He asks, shyly, as he buries his head on her shoulder.
“Yes Saram?”
“Are we... Are we still friends?”
“Yes. We are. Always, Saram”
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uselessboss · 1 year
tHE TrUE fOrrM
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“The Unending Existence”
“The Demon of Unravel”
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uselessboss · 2 years
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Good Boy Saramsrein recording Safir teaching Howl how to cook.
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uselessboss · 2 years
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He didn’t have a clock. He didn’t have even the sunlight. It was always dark down there, under this pile of rusty, broken and old cars that he called his “home”. It was a tight fit and the condition of the seats that served as his “bed” weren’t the best but at least it was a safe place. No one but him could squeeze between the small and somewhat claustophobic gaps. Him - And whatever supplies he could scavenger, were secured here. He traversed the metal labyrinth with practiced ease, crawling as silently as possible, just in case, always alert and aware to any sign of life outside his small fortress. When the coast was clear he would take one of the cleanest rags he had, submerging it on a small bucket of water and use it to scrub his body clean. It was how he saved his precious water reserves and it felt less chilly to boot. After cleaning himself and putting his ill fitted clothes (finding hand-me-down clothing articles that fit him was pretty difficult) he would go for his hair next. The plastic comb had several teeth missing but thankfully it still did its job so he didn’t have to look for another one so soon.
It was enough for him as long as it worked.
Like the rear mirror of this car. The door was almost falling over, it was dusty, the surface cracked but at least it could be used to check his progress while he combed his hair to a more decent look.
He let out a huge sigh.
This felt like an exercise in futility.
No matter how hard he tried to appear “presentable” there was only so much one could do when you were a homeless orphan that lived on a clandestine junkyard in the middle of nowhere. 
In the eyes of society he wasn’t a kid anymore, young enough to be forgiven for his mishaps and blunders but he was also not old enough to be considered a man and thus worth of trust. It was an unwinnable situation from the very beginning.
And yet still, he foolishly perservered.
Maybe by putting in effort then he wouldn’t be treated as badly. If he lowered his head and shut his mouth he could avoid accidentally getting into conflict with others and maybe it would make him not as hated by his peers.
He was so naive.
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Because he knew that nothing would change. Everything was always the same. No matter what he tried. No matter where he was. He would arrive at his job and then be placed in a position out of the sight of everyone else. 
The desolate dump where he lived was far less isolating and lonely in comparison. Sometimes he wondered if it wouldn’t be better to give up. If being unhappy was the only path available to him then why keep this miserable struggle? But he was glad he didn’t give up. He looked at his reflection on the window of one of the cars. He looked taller. His shoulders didn’t sag inwards anymore. His head no longer hanged down and he didn’t have that constant look of a small scared animal. He still had traces of shyness but he looked much better now. He looked happy and hopeful for once. He actually looked forward to spending time in his job now. It was all thanks to them. To Saramsrein, that despite not being even human had treated him with far more kindness, understanding and care than most of said “humans” he once met. To Miller, who, despite his initial reservations towards her, had become someone he grew to immensely respect and look up to. He still remembers how hectic had been when she came to officially check on them and oversee all procedures. He was as nervous wreck, perhaps even more than their first meeting. Being aware of her kindness didn’t help to quell his fears. It worsened them in fact. It made the prospect of disappointing such a person even more terrifying and dreadful. “Before we begin I need to have a better grasp of your current situation” Miller clapped her hands. “Safir, do you remember our brief talk about the “supernatural affinity”“? “That it’s like a “super empathy” of sorts that allows you to feel and perceive the emotions from people and supernatural beings” he slowly nods. “That’s right” she smiles, satisfied. “You can use this ability to pick the emotions not only from living beings but also from objects that have strong emotions associated with them, “mementos” if you will.” He nods to show that he understood her explanation. “I scattered such items inside this house” Miller explains, “I want you to try and find as many of them as you can, you have 1 hour” “Huh?” He blinked. EEEEEEEHHHHH?! He jumped out of his seat so fast he almost got a whiplash. How... How would he find those items? He didn’t even know what he was supposedly to look out for! For all he knew the items could be in plain sight and he would be none the wiser! But he had to do it. Somehow, he had to pull it off. I will be yelled at. I will be yelled at. I will be yelled at. I will be yelled at. “Time’s up” Miller clapped her hands. “Let me see... 4 items of 22″ This was bad. It was SO BAD. He started to hyperventilate. “I-I’m sorry! I am truly mediocre and incompetent!” he bowed, going on a rant and apologizing profusely. “Not at all. Why would you even think that about yourself?” He snapped his head up in surprise. She... Didn’t seem disappointed. Or mad. “Because... I did so badly here?” “Safir, this wasn’t meant to be a test.” Miller shook her head. “You have no prior training to know what to do so to expect you to perfectly pull it off would be totally absurd and unfair” “But... Why then?” “I told you. I wanted to get a better read on your circumstances, to know how we should proceed from this point forward” Miller smiled, her features soft and reassuring. “I can tell this you this much: You have good instincts Safir” She tapped the 4 items in front of her. “You might have brought me only 4 items but none of them are a miss. That wasn’t luck. You didn’t even know what you are supposed to look for so to be this accurate means that you have been using your ability for a while, albeit not consciously. It’s honestly quite impressive.” So he wasn’t being berated. He felt his shoulders drop in relief. “...Saram told me he was teaching you about the procedures necessary to deal with supernatural entities right?” “Yes” “Mind if I ask a few questions then?” “O-Of course” That’s it. This was the real deal. He had to have the answers at ready, because this time it was expected from him to know so. “For the “Hide and Seek Alone Ritual”, how do you end it?” “Find the doll, pour the water with salt on it, say that you win 3 times and then dispose of the doll by burning it” “That’s correct” she nooded. “Now, how about the “No Face Stealer”? What are you supposed to do?” No Face Stealer? Did he ever read about this one before? He furrowed his brows in deep thought. He didn’t know. Perhaps he did it but couldn’t remember? If Miller was asking him then that meant he HAD seen it before right? “I... I don’t know” “How about a spirit that has a “black mark” spreading throught their body?” “...I d-don’t know” He felt ashamed. Not only for himself, but also because he felt like he had failed Saramsrein. He had spent so much time teaching him, patiently going over everything and answering his doubts without complaining or showing dissafaction even once. He helped him so much and yet he had wasted his time like that. “That’s right, you don’t know” Miller nodded. “It’s something very important to keep in mind” “Huh?” He blinked, self-deprecating thoughts screeching to a halt out of sheer confusion and befuddlement. “Out of the 3 procedures 2 you never learned about” she explained. “Do you know why I picked those two?” He shook his head. She wasn’t trying to set him up to humilliate him. He could tell as much. Her voice wasn’t sarcastic. There was no sneer or signs of mockery in her body language. If anything she was very calm, composed and casual in her speech. “No matter how thoroughly we are there’s always a risk of one measure not being covered because there are too many of them for us to remember. It’s something that could easily fly under our radar so you might run in a situation where you lack this vital information in no fault of yours” “...And the second?” “The second case is something that would be impossible for you to handle. Spirits with a spread of a black mark are “tainted” souls that can only be dealt by someone with spiritual power - Me to be more specific” He was starting to pick on her line of thought now. “Might I ask you another question Safir?” “Yes” “If you were stranded in a deserted island what would you do first? Secure Food? Water? What kind of resource would you prioritize?” He didn’t have to think twice to answer that question. “Shelter” “Good. You seem to get it” Miller smiles in approval. “Shelter, or in another words, “safety” should be your priority. You might not always have the weapon needed to fight but you will always have the legs to run.” Having the answers to everything wasn’t important. Knowing what to do otherwise was what really mattered here.
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“Your experience is your biggest strength. The fact that you are here, right in front of me, well and alive, is more than enough proof of that” How mysterious. Because of the constant abuse he suffered he had trouble in trusting and believing in anything but what his inner demons told him. It had been his truth and reality for the longest time after all. Then Miller came and easily silenced those metaphorical demons in the same way she probably dealt with the real ones. You could not twist or corrupt her words. There was no uncertainty in her voice, only confidence and a sureness of someone stating a fact. He had no choice but believe in her words and assertions about himself. Safir smiled at the memory. He was truly grateful for what she did for him. Not only for giving him a sense of self-worth but also because...
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“Good Morning!” he enthusiastically greeted. “I’m almost done with the breakfast. The only thing missing is the tea” “It’s the water boiling over there right? I will brew it” “Thanks kiddo” The exchange of greetings in the morning, the sounds of cooking, the fragrant smell of tea as hot water was poured on fresh leaves, the low humming of a song as they shared this comfortable atmosphere. It felt homely. This place felt like “home” to him. And to think that this all started with an “unfortunate event” from his part. “Ok, break time you two!” “Ok!” he jumped out the top of the wall, landing like a cat on the floor. Ever since Miller had established the importance of guaranting one’s safety they had been running physical drills to test and improve his agility, nimbleness and skill to use his environment to his advantage. “I had an inkling to be the case, but it’s good that I could confirm it with my own eyes. You are very quick on your feet and wits.” “Hehe, thank you!” He lit up at the praise. Life on the streets was tough. Not only to guarantee your basic necessities but also to be on constant watch for dangers. It’s something you got to learn, how to avoid trouble and to run away from it too if you wanted to survive. “My alarm is telling me that it’s lunch time” Saramsrein interjected. “I... Don’t mind if we keep going on a bit longer” “Resting and replenishing your energies is important too Safir” “I... Er... Forgot to bring my food today” It wasn’t so much that he had “forgotten” his food but moreso that he couldn’t “secure” it. Usually he got some food that was disposed by the local market but it wasn’t always a guaranteed meal. Sometimes everything was wiped bare by people that got there first and sometimes, despite managing to scrap something with a lot of trouble, he was forced to hand it over by people that made use of their size and strength to threaten him with violence if he didn’t do their bidding. “Hum.... I see” Miller cocked her head to the side, but didn’t comment further on it. He hasn’t talked about his living conditions, but he was sure that the older woman was aware of it. She was very smart and perceptive after all. But Miller didn’t comment on it. Besides acknowledging the skills he had acquired thanks to his background she didn’t make a fuss nor brought attention to it. She could probably sense his discomfort over the topic so she tried to respect his wishes and space by not being nosy over it. “Ok, it says it will arrive in 30 minutes” “Eh?” “I ordered some snacks for us” “A-Ah it’s alright! You didn’t have to do this!” He waved his hands, frantically. “I know it’s not advisable to exchange meals for snacks but I think it’s ok to allow yourself some indulgences from time to time right?” She winked. “H-Hum...” “C’mmon kiddo, let’s eat together” “...” That was... A lot of food. “That was... A lot of snacks right? It’s a lot of food for 2 people.” “Oh yeah, I bought a lot so I can have extra to take with me” she waved it off.”I said it was an “indugence” but truth is that it’s probably going to be my dinner tomorrow night” “Huh? Why so?” “Stake out duties. I have to be on watch over a criminal operation so it will probably end up as an all nighter” she groaned. “Wish coffee worked the same, but different from snacks a lukewarm coffee is a disgusting thing to have” “Thermos maybe?” “Yeah, You are right. I should probably stop being so stingy and get a good one already” Eventually he stopped worrying over needless details and just sunk in the cozy and inviting atmosphere. In the small talk, the laughters over a shared meal.
"Let's wrap things up a bit earlier today"
"That said... Hey Safir would you mind coming earlier in the morning tomorrow?"
"Uh? Not at all, but isn't it a work day for you? Would that be alright?"
"Don't worry about it, it will be fine"
"In that case it's ok to me"
"Good, I will be waiting!"
He wondered what she had in mind.
He looked forward to it.
"Get car and put your seatbelt on, we are going to the grocery store"
"Milk, Bread, Eggs, Chicken, Lettuce... Yeah, I think we got everything"
"Safir could you help me carry and store everything?"
"Uh... Miss Miller, what are we exacy doing here?"
"Breakfast for us" she answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Er... What?"
"Safir could you pick some eggs for me?"
"Ah, y-yes!"
"Thank you" Miller nodded without missing a beat. " Ah, and while we are on it could you wash the lettuce for me? I want to use them on the sandwiches"
"O-On it!"
He didn't even have time to process his bafflement or think about anything else. He was too swept away in Miller's rhythm to question it.
"Saram!" Miller summoned.
"Uh, yes Miller?"
"Could you help wash the dishes?"
"Sure" Saramsrein obediently nodded as he took the station next to him.
It was such a bizarre development.
His boss, with rolled up sleeves, washing the dishes at his side.
The "boss of his boss" cooking a breakfast for them while she whistled a carefree melody.
It was so weird.
But he kind liked it.
"Ok, I will slice the onions next. Safir, could you shred the chicken in big chunks? Ah and careful, it might be still hot!"
"Sure!" He promptly replied, getting the hang on following her directions.
"Saram you can now set the table and wait for us there"
"But... I can't eat. Or drink"
"It's ok, it's more for the sake of company, the more the merrier"
He couldn't believe it.
"Aaand it's done! The Scrambled Egg Chicken Sandwich!" Miller announced, "Dig in kiddo and tell me what you think"
"O-Ok" he nodded, taking a bite of the appetitive looking sandwich.
"How is it? Are the spicing up to your taste?"
"It's... Delicious"
"Glad to know you like my cooking!" Miller smiled. "Well, maybe should I say "our cooking"? After all you helped too"
"I-I didn't do anything at all" he bashfully denied.
"As far as I know the lettuce didn't wash itself so I'm inclined to disagree" she joked, laughig heartily.
That was the start of his new routine.
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"Wow, I can't wait to eat, I'm starving!"
"Did you skip meals again?"
"Hectic working schedule, no time for anything else besides taking a bath and dropping dead on my bed"
And yet she always made time to come and have breakfast with them.
Sitting here, together, made him think of his time in the orphanage.
Back to when he would hide behind the door and watch in envy and longing as the other kids would be adopted and embraced by their new family. It made him wonder how it would feel.
Probably something that he would never have a chance to experience for himself.
...Is what he once thought.
But he was here. Sharing this moment together. Eating a homecooked meal that was prepared specially for him.
He wondered how Miller would react.
What she would think if he told her that he saw her as a mother figure.
"Now I'm off to work, have a nice day boys"
"You too Miller. Good luck in your job" Saramsrein nodded.
"Do your best!" He waved of.
"... You seem far happier now that Miller started to come more often" Saramsrein commented.
"Hum... I guess so." He admitted. "Because I can finally look up to someone for guidance"
"I didn't have any role models or people to seek advice while growing up. The adults around me were not the "nicest" people around if I'm being honest"
Worse still, they were demeaning and constantly making him feel like a pathetic excuse of human being.
"... I felt ashamed of who I was for the longest time and I didn't know a way to improve myself" He furrowed his brows. "The people around me...The only thing they showed was how to be worthless"
It meant a lot to him. To have someone finally acknowledge and be proud of him. 
“The thing about figuring myself... I think I am starting to get it, or at the very least it gave me a better idea of what kind of person I want to be”
“The kind of person you want to be...” Saramsrein slowly repeated, furrowing his brows in deep thought as he tried his best to make sense of his words.
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Saramsrein tried hard. He truly did.
If there was something he had also taken notice after he got a better understanding of his own sense of self was that his own awareness and grasp of other people’s emotions and thoughts also increased. Specially with Saramsrein, the one he spent time together the most.
His boss didn’t know what he was doing most of the time and was aware of it.
Saramsrein was very self-conscious about his shortcomings, sometimes to a crippling degree. For every mistake, for every time he forgot to account for something he would lose confidence and become more and more withdrawn.
He barely talked and only limited to answer and interact with him when prompted recently. He no longer smiled and if he did it was a nervous and unsure one at that.
It worried him.
‘If there’s something you could do is to stay true to yourself’
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He remembered Miller’s words of advice when he asked her about what he should do.
“There are things you only understand when you are lacking in something and that includes needs and desires” she explained “Saram is in the process of figuring himself just as much as you do so you only need space to understand yourselves better”
“... But how should I do that?”
“It’s pretty simple” the older woman smiled in a reassuring way. “Steer him towards his questions”
“Questions? Not Answers?”
“Figuring what you want is the most important step of all. No one has all the answers but if you have a question it can give you a goal that will help to guide your decisions”
“I think I am starting to understand what you mean”
“Good” she smiled, ruffling his hair. “That said, don’t forget to watch out for yourself too ok? If you need anything don’t hold back, ask for help”
“Saram... ‘Boss’ ” he called, touching his sleeve to pull him out of his spiralling thoughts.
“Ah, sorry Safir, was I ruminating for too long?”
“No, not all. “He shook his head. “I had some ideas in mind I wanted to try out but I need some testing to do, would you mind helping me?”
‘Push to try new things’
‘Trust in your own experience’
That’s right.
Doing nothing would be of no help for either of them. They have to keep moving one way or another if a change was to happen.
‘...Tell me if I overstep any boundaries and what are your limits, I will try my best to keep them in mind’
He internally smiled.
Everything would be alright this time.
0 notes
uselessboss · 2 years
Useless Effort(2/3)
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Andrews let a long sigh after the door clicked shut.
Why couldn't he control his cursed tongue? He promised himself to not act weak in front of her anymore yet he let something like that slip by.
At least he hoped she didn't catch him glaring at that Saramsrein guy.
“Andrews… Are you ok?” Hunter asked, having stayed behind to check on him after how strange he had been acting the entire time.
“If I am to be sincere then I am not.” Andrews admits with an humorless laugh. “Having THAT guy around Miller fills me with uncertainty”
“Oh! Right, do you know who he is? You seemed to have recognized him”
“Not really, no" Andrews flopped in one of the chairs, staring at the sterile white color of the ceiling, “I even thought this was guy was a figment of my imagination"
“You are not making any sense Andrews"
“Yeah, it doesn’t, does it?” he ruffed “Nothing that happened does"
Even after her sentence was delivered, even after they parted ways to never see each other again he didn't give up.
He had been tirelessly investigating everything related to the incident, hoping against odds to find proof of his dear partner's innocence but only meeting failure and disappointment along the way.
There had to be something missing, he was sure of it. Because what happened didn't make sense at all.
“…Say Hunter" he examined his words carefully, still trying to decide if he could trust the guy or not with what he had to say “What do you think about the ‘incident'? Do you think that Miller was the culprit behind it? That she is a deranged murderer?”
“…I lost count of how many times I had checked the reports and read articles related to her case" Hunter replied, upfront “No matter how much I tried to find something amiss, nothing changed. By all accounts she had to be the culprit”
Hunter looked pensive.
He was once someone that abhorred letting emotions cloud someone’s judgment so he stuck strictly to concrete evidence to dictate whether something was the truth or not.
She showed how naïve his thinking was.
“That said… Even if the clues point to that direction I can't help but not believe it. Miller isn't like that" Hunter firmly stood his ground “If anything I have this sensation that there's something missing, like there's something not quite right here"
“It probably is" Andrews' face scrunched up in distate “For starters, they completely omitted and disregarded my testimony”
Hunter's eyes widened in surprise.
“People talked as if it was a foregone conclusion that she would do something heinous like that because she was acting odd days prior right? But they sure didn't elaborate in what way” he spat “To them Miller was crazy from the get go so anything she did would be seen that way"
She was so scared.
His partner, the strongest and most virtuous person he ever met was scared.
Of what, he didn't know.
But he remembered how tormented she looked, barely sleeping, skittish, flinching at being touched and refusing to tell him anything about what was going on.
“Those signs… Abuse?” Hunter asked, concerned.
“I thought the same so I requested for her to do physical tests yet nothing came up" he frowned “Miller is a strong person, it's unthinkable for her to suddenly go nuts out of nowhere so something HAS to have happened"
“Any other leads?”
“… When she was rescued Miller reacted strongly to sedatives being used on her" he winced as that grotesque and vivid image of her injured body and smell of burnt flesh hit him again “She had to be feeling a lot of pain yet the numbness… The loss of feeling of her body was what terrified her"
“Miller… Miller once told me something similar to that"
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“…She had a panic attack after rescuing someone from drowning because the cold water made her body go numb" Hunter shared, before adding a rhetorical question he was apprehensive sure of what the answer was “She… She didn't have any issues with water before the incident did she?”
“No, she didn't"
“Was she under some sort of “influence” perhaps? I remember her vaguely commenting that she didn't know what “possessed” her and that didn't feel like a joke"
“We did all the tests, no drugs or any foreigner substance found on her body"
“I also checked her cellphone, e-mails, correspondence and searched her home on the unlikely chance that she was being threatened but I found nothing"
It was frustrating.
He knew that had to be the truth yet he couldn't find a single damn proof.
“…I got to know Miller better than anyone. There's no one as kind, selfless and brave as her, I know she would never do something like that” he pressed his clenched fists to his face. “I tried to do everything in my power to help her yet I couldn't do anything! Despite how much she did for me!”
“Tried everything to help Miller…” Hunter mumbled, looking uncertain, “Andrews, there's something I had been wondering for a while”
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“I didn't see your name among the witness or mentioned anywhere else"
“That's because I was under arrest at that time”
“Wait. What?!”
“A series of crimes happened at the same time frame as Miller's stay at the hospital. Missing cases to be more exact"
“And how does that correlate to you at all?” Hunter was baffled.
“Because all of the missing people were targeting Miller.”
“Hired hitmen, relatives of the victims that wanted vengeance or real extremists that wanted to enact justice with their own hands.
“Still, why you?”
“Well, for one because I nearly punched the staff for mistreating Miller" he waves it off to Hunter's astonishment, “And because I was the only one Miller had. There are no register of living relatives, no lovers and no friends besides me. Albeit flimsy, I was the only one in their eyes that had a reason to commit those crimes"
“Wait a second.” Hunter blinked, eyes widening, “Then what…”
“Yes. Then what explain the guy I met nights prior? This “Saramsrein" guy"
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He stood there in the dark in complete silence, his tall figure hunching over Miller as he watched her unconscious figure.
When he noticed his presence and turned to look at him, those big and creepy eyes made him freeze like a deer in the headlights.
He was going to die.
He didn't know why, but his instincts told him so. Every single fiber of his being was telling that the guy was dangerous.
It took his entire willpower and worry over Miller's well being to overpower the fear he was feeling to take his gun out and point at the stranger and even then his hands trembled like crazy.
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He didn't even notice when the guy had approached him. He felt a hand squeeze his shoulder, words whispered to him to look after Miller and then… Nothing.
When he gathered his bearings and turned he saw nothing.
The next day he request for the list of his partner's visitors but there's no one else's name. Only his.
He tried to ask the security team if they saw someone like the intruder enter the premises and checked the footage of every single camera in the building but he couldn't find anything.
“I almost thought I was going insane" he rubbed his temples, remembering the chill that he felt after he found nothing “Because I couldn't find a single proof of that guy's existence… Well, not THERE at least"
“What do you mean Andrews?”
“One of the guys that found Miller and took her to the hospital said that they saw someone that fit his description at the scene carrying Miller in his arms"
“Do you think he could be the real culprit?”
“I… Don't know" Andrews caught himself sighing again, just as dejected as before, “He seemed to drop his hostility after he figured I was on Miller's side but the guy is still hella sketchy”
“…If you think so then why are you allowing him to accompany her Andrews?”
“Because it would represent a far bigger risk to Miller if she felt forced to bring us with her... If I… Became a burden to her again"
Blood. So much blood.
“I told you before didn't I?” his smile was pained, “How once Miller got hurt because I was a good for nothing partner.”
Not only because of his negligence that led to her sacrificing herself for his sake, but also for everything that happened after.
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“She was the one that was hit, her face was ashen from losing blood and from the pain and yet she was the one to call an ambulance, to touch my face as she tried to reassure me while I could only stand there, frozen, panicking as I could only think how everything was my fault".
Useless. He was so pathetic. A sorry excuse of a man.
“Even in this situation, even when she should have been the priority she put herself aside for my sake"
It was always like this.
If she brought him along history would repeat itself, she would prioritize him and she would get hurt one way or another by covering his useless ass.
“I think I can understand now why Miller sought you out when she needed help the most”
“Because you care. Because there's no room to doubt that" Hunter spoke gently “You are the only one that could give her the stability that she needed”
“…That's what I think, but I'm not Miller, it would be better if you confirm that with her"
“Didn't you hear a single word of what I just said Hunter?”
“Yes, and to me that sounded like what happened back then was equally traumatic to you" Hunter crossed his arms, unfazed by his angry outburst, “Talk to Miller, only then you will be able to settle things for good Andrews"
"There is no need for that, I can handle this much"
"If there's something I learned with everything that happened was that some secrets are really not worth keeping." Hunter shook his head before sighing "And... As much as it also pains for me to admit this it's unavoidable that we will keep depending on Miller in one way or another. The only thing we can hope for is for her to feel inclined to rely on us the same way isn't that right?"
"...You sure don't mince words, do you Hunter?" He sighed, before slouching his shoulders in resignation. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Hunter might have a point. 
"Fine... I might give it a try"
1 note · View note
uselessboss · 2 years
Useless Effort(1/3)
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The flowers he brought to leave by Miller’s bed had been thrown on the floor again.
Shards and petals were scattered everywhere on the floor in an ugly mass of stepped flowers and leaves, the water from the vase soaking throught the fabric of his pants as he crouched down and carefully picked the pieces in silence.
“This time they made sure to step on them just so nothing could be salvageable huh?” Andrews gritted his teeth.
He was furious.
He didn’t remember the last time he felt so much anger in his life.
Not when people stole credit from his work.
Not when people disparaged him and treated him with suspicion.
There was nothing he could do to help her so he thought he could at least bring some flowers, to show that someone cared, to bring her any kind of comfort, whoever small it was.
But that wasn’t allowed.
Because in the eyes of everyone else Miller was a deranged criminal that deserved absolutely nothing. Nothing besides scorn, abuse and suffering.
“This is outrageous! What kind of shitty security this place has?!” He shouted, unable to stay civil as he complained to the administration “How can you allow vandals to come and go as they please and thrash Miller’s things like that?!”
“Oh, you mean the flowers?” an uninterested employee answered, dismissive. “It’s nothing surprisingly to see weeds to be on the floor right? And the patient is unscathed every time, so it’s not like we need to mobilize more security for someone that doesn’t need it”
“Doesn’t nee- Listen here you fucking asshole!”
“Honestly you should stop bringing flowers if you want these “vandals” to stop appearing” the employee scoffed at him, “You are seriously troubling our cleaning staff, I heard someone on our team even cut their finger on the shards recently”
“...Fine, then I will bring it in a plastic vase next time, this way it won’t “trouble” the working staff here” he spat, throwing the dirtiest look he cold afford as he made sure to close the door behind him with as much force as he could muster.
His stubborn attempts at protest were meaningless.
Either his flowers were throw straight in the garbage bin or they were placed somewhere else. 
He caught, more than once, glimpses of them being gifted to other patient’s rooms or even being displayed inside the staff’s room, eyes mocking him as they faked innocence when he angrily accused them of stealing the flowers he had gifted to Miller.
He persevered. He wouldn’t let them win.
He lost.
“Miller!” He frantically shouted as he frantically tried to dry her face, his dear partner having a coughing fit because of the water that entered her nose and her mouth, her body shivering because of the cold, the vase laying by her side, next to her head.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back to him.
“I guess now that you got a plastic vase it was too light so the wind probably toppled it” one of the staff joked, the people on the room laughing as if it was the funniest joke their ever heard.
"You think you are funny?” Andrews grabbed their shirt, lifting their butt from the chair they were sitting on and bringing them close to his face, the laughs ceasing as he growled. “You lot call yourselves professionals? You are nothing more than sorry excuses of human beings, what you are doing are unexcusable”
“Well, if you aren’t happy then why don’t you use your money to get her to a better place?” they sarcastically provoked, “Oh, but maybe even if you had the money it would probably be hard for anywhere else to accept a DERANGED MASS MURDERER”
* CRACK! *
Blood dripped on the floor.
He had punched the wall next to their head. 
Everyone was silent. No one dared to say anything after that.
Andrews snapped back to reality after that.
What was he doing? Losing his temper like that... That would only make things worse for his partner, not better.
He left the hospital.
He needed to cool his head.
“Hey Miller...” Andrews weakly greeted, placing his bandaged hand on top of hers. “I’m... Sorry for not bringing flowers this time, didn’t want to risk any more harm done to you, even more after the stunt I pulled last time”
He rested his forehead on top of their hands, shoulders trembling.
He wanted to cry.
“I will be here, next to you. I can do at least this much” he pledged to Miller’s resting figure. “I know you are no criminal Miller, even if everyone is agaisnt you know that I will be by your side. Always”
“...Daniel Andrews, you are to come with us”
“What the heck is happening here?”
“We have some questions for you”
“I already told everything I knew about the incident”, he rolled his eyes, annoyed, “Which is basically nothing. I wasn’t involved in any way so now get out of my way, I need to go and pay Miller a visit”
“We thought so, but due to some “things” that happened recently your innocence was put in question” the policemen explained. “We can’t allow you to see Crowa Miller until everything is cleared up and we are sure of your innocence”
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“Guess it will still be a while until I am over everything that happened huh?”
Those dreams had tormented him frequently.
The guilt. The hopeleness. How much he hated himself for being so useless.
“Can’t believe I fell asleep, hope I didn’t make Miller wait for long”, he yawned as he walked around, looking for her.
That’s right.
That dream was something of the past.
“Hey dear partner!” he grinned.
“Hello Andrews” Miller greeted him back with a smile.
He was back by her side. A place he should have never left in the first place and will never leave ever again no matter what.
“...Andrews are you alright?” Miller blinked, looking concerned. “ You look...”
“Yes, I am fine. I was just sleeping on my chair, not an ideal place for a nap” he joked, cracking his back into place to make a point “So what you wanted to ask me?”
“Oh yes, I was going to ask if you could stay later today”
“Sure, no problem”
“Thanks”, she smiled. “I have a meeting with some higher ups beforehand so can you wait inside the meeting room number one? I already reserved the place for us”
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“Do you know what Miller wanted to discuss with us?” Hunter asked.
“Not really, she didn’t brief anything to me” he shook his head. “But it’s probably something very confidencial if she didn’t want to disclose anything in the open I guess”
“Huh, I see” Hunter muttered as he registered this new piece of information inside his head.
It was endearing how earnest Hunter was when Miller was involved.
He had to admit he hadn’t been very enthused to meet the guy at first because he still had feelings towards Miller but they surprisingly became good pals.
After all it was hard dislike someone that appreciated his dear partner as much as he did.
“Shall we wait inside then?”
“Man, I hope the geezers don’t hold her for too lon-” Andrews opened the door in a joking tone before he saw something that made him freeze.
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“Phew, glad I could leave earlier!” Miller opened the door, sighing, “Ah, everyone is here already? Goo... Andrews? Is something wrong?”
“Miller what you wanted to talk with us?” Hunter interfered, noticing his discomfort, trying to change the subject.
“Ah... Yes...” Miller caught on Hunter’s intentions and played along, “I wanted to introduce you two to Saramsrein, he will work with me from time to time”
“Is he a new member of the unit?” Hunter asked.
“No. He’s an “outside helper” if you will”. Miller denies. “He will join me under... “Special circumstances””
“Special circumstances?” Hunter frowned.
“Hunter. Andrews. You two are strong. Capable and skilled, this is why I count on you two so much”
She pauses.
“But... There are occasions that not even you will be able to handle something”
“Miller what-”
“Saram... Saramsrein will be the one assisting me in the “Off-limit cases””
“You mean the most dangerous cases?” Andrews finally snapped himself back, “The ones where you asked to not let anyone else handle it but yourself?”
“Yes” she nodded.
“Does it really have to be with this guy?” He leered at Saramsrein, “If it was either me or Hunter I wouldn’t mind, but I find it hard to be at ease when a complete stranger of questionable trust will accompany you”
“Saram isn’t a complete stranger. He is... A family’s friend” Miller spills.
That information made him raise an eyebrow.
You were the prime suspect because Miller has no one else close to her. No living family, no lover and no friends besides you.
“...Is there any particular reason that makes this guy more effective than us Miller?” Andrews inquired.
“Because Miller doesn’t need to concern herself with me”
Everyone turns to Saramsrein, who spoke for the first time since the conversation started.
“Miller can not protect me, but only because I don’t need her protection” Saramsrein explained.
“Doesn’t need her protection?” Hunter parrots, confused at the weird choice of words. “What’s that even supposed to mean?”
“It means that I cannot guarantee anyone’s else safety” Miller interjects “Even if I try my best it still won’t be enough”
Miller’s eyes get downcast.
“Johannes was still alive when I found him”
Both him and Hunter widened their eyes.
What truly transpired that day had been a total mystery as not a lot of information was disclosed and what was leaked was of questionable legitimacy.
“He was alive yet... He was killed before my eyes” Miller looks at her hands with interest, clenching them tigthly “I could only uselessly scream his name, unable to reach him in time, despite being so close...!”
An image quickly flashed on his mind. 
The day Miller almost died protecting him. When he just stood there, frozen by the dreadful realization that he was responsible for that nasty wound in her back.
He was also useless at that time.
He still remembered how he felt back then. The pain, the fear, the anger he felt at himself.
The trauma.
He wanted to kick himself.
What was he doing? He didn’t come back so Miller would make him feel better about his own shortcomings.
“... Sorry Miller, I finally understand what your intentions are” he plasters a fake smile in his face. “I will trust in you and your judgment.”
“Thank you Andrews”
“...Are you really the only one capable of handling such cases Miller?”
“Hunter?” they both turned to the other man.
“If it’s a role that only you can pull off and you want us to leave everything to you then can you at least promise us that you will protect your own life as well?” Hunter looks with concern. “After all you can’t save anyone if you aren’t alive and well Miller”
“I promise”
“Good. It was the first reassuring thing you said since we star-.”
“After all If I was dead I would be unable to keep the promise I made to you”
“What promise?” Hunter frowned in confusion.
“Of one day opening to you and relying more on your support” Miller smiled, making Hunter flush.
So that's how he managed to reach his dear partner.
It was a bittersweet feeling.
Sure, he was glad that there was someone that could be there for her in her time of need but he couldn't help but feel a bit lonely.
“...Andrews, the same applies to you” Miller turned to him, expression softening, “I’m glad I got the chance to work with my dear partner again and got to see how amazing he truly is”
Ah. That’s right.
He made that promise because he wanted to change for the sake of this incredible kind and warm woman who made him become a better person.
“Yes, that’s right” Andrews smiled “I am no longer that same useless partner anymore, who always let his partner down, getting her hurt by picking up his slack.”
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