#Wolf Hunter(useless boss)
uselessboss · 8 months
Case 01-Aftermath(3/?)
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“Hunter told me about it so I thought about offering my help too.” Andrews explains. “…As long as it doesn't feel too crowded for the kid I mean.”
“I don't think Safir will mind.” She smiles. “Would it be ok to ask why the sudden decision? Just out of curiosity”
“I have been doing some thinking after talking with both you and Hunter” He smiles “And my conclusion was that I really don't like settling for a bad outcome after all. Staying idle sure doesn't fit me"
He gives her a knowing look.
He was acknowledging it. All those words said out loud as well as those left unsaid. About them and about himself, what he seeks out and what he wants to give back. She was sure of it, ever since their first exchange of words, that the man in front of her was someone capable of so much care and putting his heart into whatever he was set to do.
It's something she witnessed time and time again as his partner. The subtle twitch of his fingers itching to act, the glances of concern whenever he thought no one was looking, the small excuses he came up with to justify his involvement as he tried to downplay his contributions. Even after being disillusioned by betrayal after betrayal that cadence still remained somewhere in his heart.
It made her want to believe in him, it made her want to protect that light.
It wasn't the smoothest of the sailings. Both were very clumsy and awkward at their attempts at connecting with each other and perhaps even approaching it in all the wrong ways possible. Her coming too strongly and hasty and him not wanting to commit and suffer another heartbreak. Both unwilling to trust the other completely, at least not for the important things.
It wasn't an easy process to admit their vulnerability but still, they were getting there. Their roles might have changed from what it once was before but not their promise.
They are, at last, true companions and partners at heart.
“I will make sure to tell Safir. I promise to do my best to convince him to let you come along”
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“Thank you Safir" He could picture Miller's whole expression lit up. “Ah, by the way, one of them, Andrews, was the one helping me with your case. He was the one in charge of Morrigan's investigation while I chased after your assailant "
“Then l have to thank him for it"
“I am sure he will appreciate your gesture. Your words… It will mean a lot to him"
Her voice was soft, oozing with affection and gratitude. It was much lighter than the last time they spoke, as if the weight on her shoulders had been lift. Perhaps thanks to those friends of hers?
It was rather reassuring thought. Miller might be strong and always looking out for everyone but she wasn't invincible, so he was glad that she had people that could be there for her when she was in need for support herself.
“I am looking forward for the day we meet.” He smiles. “See you soon Miller"
“...Were you talking with Miller about your outing?”
“Oh? Hello Saram" he greets after pressing the button to end the call. “ Yes, Miller was asking if she could invite her friends to come along”
“Her… Friends? Are them per chance called “Hunter" or “Andrews”?”
“Do you know them?”
“Mostly in passing. I meet them whenever I am summoned for a supernatural case but we don't interact much if at all"
“But would you like to? I mean, you could join us. It would be the perfect chance for that”
“I… Am not sure" Saram hesitates. “I don't think they like me so I might makes things awkward”
“How so? By the way Miller talks about them they seem to be pretty friendly"
“They are good people” he nods. “It's just that…”
Saramsrein makes a complicated face. His gaze drops and he twiddles a lock of his hair in deep thought. It was a habit he picked to occupy himself to ease his nerves whenever he wanted to share something deeply personal and important to him.
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“Faust. He's Miller's grandfather" Saram clarifies. “He was the first human to ever “defeat" me. The only one who could have done it"
His existence was impervious to harm and any attempt at hostility which included most sealing techniques. To bypass his absolute protection one must aim to not cause any damage to him nor carry any resentment in doing so. A nigh impossible task, inhuman creature or not, as the “Demon of Unravel" he was the most dreaded creature in existence. He was meant to be rejected and despised by all living beings that walked this earth.
“Faust didn't hold any ill will towards me. Even through I was an irrational killing beast when we first met he didn't hate me. The only thing in his heart was… The immense love he held for this world and his desire to protect its future. Even if he had to bet his life for the chance to keep it flourishing he gladly did it. No matter how many times, no matter how many lifetimes he had to sacrifice for it, he never once hesitated.”
And from this unlikely meeting of unending battles, when by all accounts it should have given birth to strife and hatred… It created a “bond".
“In a weird sense those battles were the closest thing to a “constant" I had. A… Weird “companionship" of sorts.” Saram stares at his hands again, opening and closing his palm. It still looked like of a human's physically, but mentally he saw his sharp claws in its place. He saw a deep red. Blood, HIS blood. “I started to crave more of this “companionship", but my mind was of simple minded brute, fighting was the only thing I knew of and that's what I went with. I fought, harder and harder, until I landed a decisive blow on Faust in our last bout"
Looking back at it perhaps that was the first sign of his sense of self taking shape. The first sprout of the seedlings of his so called “identity”.
Before he didn't care about the damage and sorrow his actions caused. He didn't care about the lives he took, he was completely indifferent.
And yet, at that fateful moment, when he found Faust at his mercy after a decisive blow he hesitated. For the first time he found himself faltering and being invested in the outcome of a battle. As unbelievable as it sounded, specially as Faust's still warm and fresh blood dripped from his monstrous claws and from the huge gashes left in his battered body, he did not want to kill him.
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“Faust extended his kind hand and gave me a chance. As long I promised to not kill any human again he would show me another path.” He reminisces. “I complied to his request and in turn he granted me… Fulfillment. He allowed me to be not only part of his life but also of his own family."
Those were the happiest years of his eternal existence.
“But something happened and you were forced to break your promise right?”
Wordlessly, Saram gets up and picks a folder from the top of one of the shelves, giving it up to him, his expression looking the most serious and grave Safir had ever seen.
As he carefully opens the folder he finds several clippings inside it. Newspapers and printed articles about a case that happened years ago, about a gruesome bloodbath of unprecedent proportions enacted by an individual that should be, by all accounts, regarded as an example of an upstanding individual.
It was about Miller.
"Miller was always overly emphatic and kind, moreso to ones that couldn't be heard. It was also one of the reasons to why she became a cop, to help grieving spirits to go to Eternity in peace"
'See this? It’s the result of me dropping my guard. If you are not careful enough this kind of thing can ruin your life'
"And yet the same courtesy can't be said to have been extended to her. After failing to bring a corrupt culprit to justice their victims' malice got out of control. They demanded revenge of her to quell their wrath, torturing her day after day until she was mentally broken enough for them to take control of her body. So they could inflict the same pain and misery that was inflicted on them."
And the result of that was…
Safir's eyes scanned the content of the articles again.
Anger, hatred, ressentment, slander and hostility.
He couldn't even begin to fathom the amount of torment Miller was forced to endure- Mind, body and soul. It brought to mind Saram's strong reaction days ago, his panic attack towards the scent of "burning flesh" and his rambling over failing to save her over and over again. He had an inkling since then that they had been masking their pain for a long time, that it ran far deeper and rawer than was downplayed by them, and with this talk it seemed that his suspicions had been spot on.
"She got stigmatized by other humans. Hated, loathed and derided to the point of trying of having attempts made against her life. Even while she laid on a hospital bed barely alive and defenseless. They didn't give her any mercy nor respite".
Saramsrein's voice drops. Low, guttural and threatening. His sharp irises growing thinner, longer, making his eyes look bigger and more intense than usual.
"I killed them all. Anyone who dared to hurt her." he growled. "I thought that by doing that I was protecting Miller, that I was keeping her safe, avoinding further harm to befall on her but…"
'… After a series of missing cases that happened around the time Miller was in the hospital I was put under arrest on the suspicion of being the responsible for it'
"I caught others in the crossfire. Just like the spirits that hurt Miller, my selfish actions brought suffering to others, even the one I was trying to protect." The growl in his voice disappeared, being replaced with deep regret and sadness in its place. "Her friend, Andrews, just wanted to stand by her side and be her strength but my meddling ruined that. He was blamed for the deaths and in turn Miller was forced to cut ties with him. To fix my mess and protect him from receiving further backlash, leaving her to face the world all on her own"
"On her own?"
"I was a coward. After Miller found out what I did she reacted to me with fear. My actions reminded her too much of all the traumatic things she went through." he confessed. "And I… Was taken aback by her reaction. I was confused and filled with a sense of shame and I didn't know how to handle it so I just… Disappeared. Out of the human world"
Out of her life.
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"Are you ok Safir?" Miller asked.
"You look rather pensive"
'Somehow I could make amends with Miller after what happened but the same can't be said about her friend. I wish I could have him the truth. He deserves it after all the grief I also put him in but… I'm unable to do so.'
Because of their involvement with the supernatural.
"Miller, can I ask you something?"
"Are your friends aware of your secret? About your powers, Saram or the supernatural?"
"Hum… It's a rather complicated situation. Unlike us who are more inclined to accept the supernatural because of our affinity the reaction of normal people can be rather unpredictable." Miller hums. "So I didn't tell them. YET"
"Yet?" he raises an eyebrow at her phrasing.
"Yes. I do plan to one day tell them everything. I just need to take small steps, one at the time, in order to prepare them for it. For the truth"
So that means…!
Maybe… Just maybe, there's a possibility for Saram to reconcile?
"...We arrived at our meeting place" Miller announced. "Ready to meet my pals?"
"Yes, gladly" Safir gave her a confident grin.
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"Technically they are my subordinates while on clock but on practice they are my equals" Miller chuckles. "Althrough, in Andrews' case you could argue he's the "real boss" as he oversees and directs my unit most of the time"
"Nah, I would still call you our boss Miller, the final say is still yours" the man Safir identified as Andrews grinned. "So you are the kid Miller was talking about huh? Nice to meet you, I'm Daniel Andrews, but you can call me Andrews like all my buddies do"
"I'm also happy to be able to meet you, my name is Safir" he polited greeted. "Miller told me about how you were in charge of my case. I don't have enough words to express my gratitude for what you have done for me. so thank you"
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"I… Uh?" Safir blinks in confusion.
Miller's friends sure are… Quite a character themselves huh?
"Sorry kiddo, I was just surprised" Andrews chuckles. "People usually don't take well when we "fail" at our jobs so it caught me off guard. You are more chill than I expected"
"I'm not new to losing a "home". When you live on the streets you learn quickly enough that crying about the unfairness of the situation is useless" he lays it bluntly. "Most of the time you can only count on yourself to get out of this situation so your time is better spent doing something about it than walling about your losses"
"Oh.I… See"
Now it's Safir's turn to chuckle at his rather awkward reaction.
"That's why I appreciate yours and everyone's gesture. Not only for providing me a place that I can genuinely call "my home", but also for not letting all my efforts and progress go to waste. It's nice to have people to count on for a change"
"… You are really mature huh?" Andrews smiles. "Perhaps the most mature of everyone here"
"Indeed he is. Safir has a good head over his shoulders" Miller grins, like a proud mother. "He's very reliable"
"Would you mind if I asked how you two met? Miller mentioned that you contacted her directly about Morrigan so I can only assume you knew each other prior to this case right?" the silver haired man interjected. "Ah, I'm Wolf Hunter by the way, like Andrews here you can address me by "Hunter" as well"
"Actually I was introduced to her by Saram… I mean, Saramsrein. I'm also currently living in his home"
Miller's friends exchange a look in surprise.
"That… Comes off as a surprise. He seemed rather… "Awkward" with interacting with anyone that isn't Miller. How did you two even met?"
"Let's just say that it was all thanks to his dorky and clumsy attempts at making friends" he smiled.
"Hum…" Hunter taps his chin in deep thought. "I guess it might explain some things. Namely his change"
"His change?"
"Well, as I said he still acts a bit awkward with us but it isn't as bad as it was before. Let's se… How should I put it?" Hunter trails off. "Before he was somewhat emotionless and standoffish to an almost eerie degree if I'm being honest but now he seems more… Approachable? Expressive? At least he greets us now"
They are indeed good people.
"You said your name was Hunter right?"
"You are exactly as Miller has described. You are a pretty sensitive soul aren't you?"
"He's also very easy to fluster" Miller grins mischievously as she places an arm around Hunter's shoulder. "If he ever tries to be mean to you then feel free to bully him back"
"Why would I- Anyway. The list. Do you have an inventory of the lost property and current possessions you have?"
"Yes, here it is"
"Hum… You have the basics covered but I think there's still room for a few purchases to be made" Hunter assess the list.
"Like what?"Safir blinks, scooting closer.
"An extra blanket for starters" Hunter points. "You will need a spare if you wash the one you already have right? We could check a store that sells sewing supplies"
"Sewing supplies? Not a store that sells blankets itself?"
"Personally I prefer a custom blanket. If you put a zipper on it and buy the stuffing it makes it so much more versatile as you can choose how thick you want your cover. It also makes it easier to wash, which reminds me that we should buy some washing bags too."
"Ah, but I don't know to sew"
"Don't worry I can do it for you" Hunter gives a pause. "…Or teach you how to do it if you are interested, sewing is a very useful skill to learn after all"
"Ah… Would that be ok?"
"Of couse. I can send you my schedule and then you can pick whichiever day would suit you best"
As an orphan he never got to experience what it was like having a family of his own. He never met his parents nor had any siblings to speak of. He lived with other kids at the orphanage sure, but he would hardly call his relationship with them or the staff as "familial".
"When I purchase something I take in consideration three things: Utility, space and time." Hunter explains."Take for example this vegetable cutter: You could argue that you don't need it as the same thing could be accomplished by using a knife but the amount of time it saves you while cooking makes it worth it. This model in particular doesn't take much space either and the design is easy to clean so it's pretty practical to mantain"
"Oh! I see" he turns the offered gadget around in curiosity. "Hey... Hunter? Can I ask you something?"
"Of course, feel free to ask me anything"
"The things you are telling me… Were you taught by your parents?"
"Yes. Some of them, but other tricks I learned on my own when I started living by myself"
"Is that so?" He smiles softly. "...It's something wonderful isn't it? Sharing knowledge and life experiences with another I mean. It makes me wonder if this is… What the so called "family bonding" is supposed to be like"
It was a nice thought to have. To think that he could have something to offer for others. To wonder about the possibility of having a family, a child of his own whom he could pass everything he learned. To help with someone's growth just like others did for him.
"You two seem to be getting along"
"Ah! Miller" Both chorused.
"I had a feeling that would would've been the case. You both share a similar disposition towards being dutiful, earnest and diligent after all"
"T-That's..." Safir sees as Hunter stutters and flushes a deep red.
"I never saw you being so enthusiastic like this before Hunter, it's kind nice" Miller chuckles. "Honestly even I felt tempted to buy this stuff, maybe I should drop more often at your home Safir to test it out?"
"Yeah, good thing Hunter decided to take the path of justice and be a cop otherwise we would have to deal with a scary scammer in our hands" Andrews nods jokingly.
"Why a scammer of all things? At least say I would be a good salesman" Hunter complains, making everyone laugh.
"Ok, jokes aside I guess it would be my turn now?"Andrews grins. "Miller told me you need help picking new clothes right?
Andrews, in contrast to the more reserved Hunter, was a mischievous and outgoing man. Friendly, approachable and the kind to encourage you in your exploits. He was a complete social butterfly.
"So, what kind of clothes are you looking for?"
"Well... I do, uh... "Parkour", so something sturdier?"
"Denim it is then. Pants, overalls or maybe even a jacket. It would also allow you to use cheaper fabrics underneath them. Thick wool would also do the trick" Andrews taps his chin as he browses through the clothes. "As for types of clothes you could wear... How about this one?"
"But isn't this one from the woman's section?" Safir blinks as he stares at the piece given to him: A cozy and thick sweater with a long knit skirt. "It is pretty, but would that be ok?"
"Men's clothes can be rather limited in selection, their designs are too samey in my humble opinion." Andrews ruffs. "It's a boon to be able to pull off those clothes so why not go for it?"
"You have a point." he looked at his reflection on the mirror, placing the clothes in front of him. It looked nice. Nicer and more fitting than he expected in fact. "That said, I'm stipulating a hard budget on it. Let's not go overboard with the purchases ok?"
"Okie-Dokie, you are the boss today" Andrews made a salute as if he was answering to a Sergeant.
"Pff... Ha... Haha"
He couldn't stop his giggling fit.
How reassuring.
"Is what I said that funny?" Andrews grins cheekily.
"I wasn't really thinking about it but I guess I WAS a bit nervous" he takes a deep breath to calm himself. "I knew that you two were good people, Miller told me as much, but I couldn't help but worry. The age gap and you being regarded so highly by Miller... But I guess that my fears seemed to be completely unfounded. You two are pretty easy to get along with"
"We should be the ones saying that. What if we were called "old farts" by someone younger? Man, I don't think our frail hearts would have been able to take it" Andrews dramatically wipes a imaginary tear from his eyes.
Another round of laughters.
He's glad he agreed to Miller's request.
"How about this one?"
"We already reached the quota, I think it should be enough"
"I can buy it for you, no problem"
"No, you don't really need..."
"C'mmon, it has such an unique style it would be a shame to pass it on! What if it goes out around the time you decide to buy it? Just this once should be fine right?"
"Nah, you know what?" Andrews swipes his credit card out. "You can't stop me from making bad life decisions!"
Oh? So that's how he wants to do things huh?
He tapped the charm infused with life force in his pocket.
"Just this much should be fine"
Before Andrews could move another step, he somersaulted above his head, easily snatching the card from his hand and landing with practiced grace.
"No. You do not" He waved the card in his hand. "Don't worry, I will give it back AFTER we finish our shopping"
"Wow! That's rare to see someone get the upper hand on you Andrews" Miller claps. "Good job Safir"
"Indeed. Kid is more shrewd than I thought" Andrews nodded, crossing his arms. "Very well, I will concede... For now"
He was smiling.
"Thank you for your cooperation"
He sighed in relief and smiled, glad that he didn't overstep any boundary.
Teasing and playful banter isn't something he was well versed with. For someone that lived most of his life in fear of displeasing others it wasn't something that came easy to him. People hurt him for little and disproportionately retaliated for less so he had avoided stepping out of his comfort zone as much as he could until now.
But watching the trio in front of him share in laughters as they playfully jabbed at each other he couldn't help but think...
Isn't that what it meant to be close to another? To find out where each other's boundaries lied? To be comfortable at sharing even silly moments and being able to laugh at them?
He chuckled to himself.
Now he found himself almost wanting to tease Saramsrein a bit.
"What kind of reaction he will have I wonder?"
"...Phew!" Andrews stretched, popping his back in place after dropping their shopping inside the car. "Mission accomplished!"
"Thank you two for your help" Miller smiled.
"It was a nice outing. I wouldn't mind doing something similar again" Hunter nodded as he placed everything in an organized and neat pile inside the trunk.
"I also think the same. I had a wonderful time, thank you" he laughed in agreement.
"Why are you guys talking as if it's time to say our farewells?" Andrews raises as eyebrow as everyone blinks in confusion."C'mmon, we worked really hard, now it's time to wind down and have some fun right?" A pause. "Not that all this shopping spree wasn't fun, but I mean we should do something more... "Recreational" if you know what I mean?"
"Hum... I guess you are right" Miller tapped her chin. "What do you suggest then dear partner?"
"...An indoor amusement park?" Safir blinks.
"Yep! This place has one, that's why I suggest for us to come to this mall" Andrews winks. "The rides here are nice even if it's not your thing. It isn't as scary as the big ones"
"But why an amusement park?"
"Well... Our lives don't lack any "excitement" I know, but sometimes it's nice to be able to have our fill of thrills without having to stress over possible dangers right?" Andrews explains as he pays for the tickets. "Just the normal kind of excitement. No jumping over crumbling buildings while being carried like a bag"
"Hey, I never once dropped you guys!" Miller protests.
"Miller, carrying us under your arms would hardly be called safe" Hunter deapanned. "I swear I lose years of my lifespan every time you do that"
This makes Miller pout again.
"Experiencing thrills for the sake of it huh?" Safir mumbles to himself.
"Hey guys I got the tickets! Let's go!" Andrews calls.
"...I think it's good thing" Miller inches closer, whispering to him as they wait in line for the ride. "Sometimes it's good to have a nice memory to be associated with your experiences"
Miller throws a quick glance at Hunter's direction, her eyes incredibly warm and fond.
Something told him that there was a story there, but he held back from asking.
After all he would have many opportunities to ask about it in the future, perhaps even from Hunter and Andrews themselves. It would be nice to get to know their perspectives too.
"And speaking of perspectives...."
The ride was surprisingly fun. He didn't have to concern himself with things like worrying over his step nor traversing dangerous paths. The belt and other safety procedures did a great job at reassuring him and as Andrews said he could enjoy the excitement and thrill without a care in the world.
"That was nice"
"Isn't it? I'm glad you liked it" Andrews grins, before turning to Hunter. "Hey Hunter what do you think? This ride wasn't that bad right?"
"Past me would never touch it with a 10 meter pole, but I guess... It wasn't as awful as I thought. Maybe whatever Miller makes us experience on a daily basis amped my immunity to this kind of thing"
"Hahaha! I guess so" Andrew barked in laughter. "Ah, speaking of Miller where is she?"
"She had to step out because she received a call"
"Oh. A call?"
Suddenly the once cheerful mood dropped.
"Why are you two..."
"I'm sorry everyone" Miller interrupted. "I... Was called for a case"
"Should we go too?"
"No." Miller shakes her head. "It's an "off-limits case" sort of deal."
That meant it was a supernatural case.
"...I apologize for asking this but can I ask you two to take all the purchases to Safir's home in my stead?"
"Yes, of course"
They were both smiling as they helped Miller unload all the packages but... He could sense it. The deep heaviness in their heart. The restlessness. The worry.
"Then I will be off" Miller closed the door of her car. "Thank you two"
"Take care of yourself Miller"
"Will do"
And with that she was off.
"... Shall we go then?" Hunter was the first to break the silence.
"Ah... Yes"
They traveled completely in silence. The atmosphere so thick with tension that he could easily cut it with a knife.
"You are worried about her" He tried to start a conversation.
"Ah. Did you pick on that? My bad. We didn't mean to bring the mood down" Andrews replied. His voice lacking the earlier humor and laughter of before.
"We know Miller is strong. We know she can take care of herself" Hunter quietly spoke. "It's just that... Whenever a case like this comes up we get a weird bad feeling about it so we can't help it. Specially after everything she went through. We can't help but worry"
Safir recalls the articles Saram showed him about Miller's case. All the pain and suffering she went through. The lack of support, all the accusations, the hate she had to endure on her own.
That's why they were so devoted to her. To make up for the time they were unable to help her and to relieve her from the burdens she had to carry all by herself until now.
To reassure and remind her that she wasn't alone anymore.
What to say in a moment like this?
"Miller knows you two care" he carefully picks his words. "Which is why... She will answer in kind to your feelings. So keep having faith in her alright?"
"...Yeah, you are right, she never failed to answer our expectations" Andrews chuckles.
"That's the kind of person Miller is after all" Hunter agrees, a smile forming in the corner of his mouth.
"Thank you Safir"
Their auras...
They were serene now.
"...Thank you for helping me carry everything" Safir bowed his head as they finished taking out the last batch of things.
"No problem"
"Why don't you two take a small break? Would you accept a cup of tea? I plan on brewing Chamomile."
"Yeah, I think I will accept your hospitality" Andrews replies as he drops on a nearby chair, streching his limbs once again like a lazy cat.
"I will take the cup of tea" Hunter nods, sitting straight.
"While I brew the tea would you mind telling more about yourselves?" He hums as he fills the kettle with water. "Like... How was your first meeting with Miller? She never told me the specifics, so I'm rather curious"
"Ah. That..." Hunter awkwardly rubs the back of his neck.
"I wish I could say it was all daisies and sunflowers when we first met but that would be a lie. It was so... SO BAD. For both of us" Andrews weakly laughs. "If you knew our stories you would probably lose your respect for us"
"But your gazes are gently and warm now right?" He carefully pours the tea in the teacups, bringing his own cup as he sits closer to them. "And the same applies to Miller. It's clear how much she adores both of you"
He thinks back to his own first meeting with Miller. How skittish and wary he was. He wasn't acting antagonic towards her but he still treated her with caution, projecting past demons, assuming, in his own way, the worst of her.
But Miller was kind to him. She was patient. She understood where he was coming from and was always considerate of his feelings. Of his well-being.
It was the reason to why he came to trust her. Because of her endless compassion.
"Miller really has a way to put restless hearts at ease doesn't she?" he chuckles.
"Yes, she does" Andrews and Hunter respond in unison before laughing at their synchrony.
"If it's ok with both of you I would still like to hear about the story of how you met"
"Well, If you are really ok with it..."
Their story was something else.
Becoming bitter and apathetic after experiencing betrayal after betrayal and then unknowingly perpetuating the cycle by refusing to cooperate. The result of his actions ending up getting Miller hurt and then trying to turn a new leaf only for it to things to go to hell afterwards because of the "incident".
Hounding someone under a misguided attempt of enforcing justice, continuously hurting her with harsh words and actions, being stubborn and biased at first, trying not to acknowledge the truth out of pride, but slowly, but surely coming around to see who Miller truly was and doing his best to atone for his sins.
"It is still hard to know what she saw in us to give us a chance." Hunter spoke. "...But we are gladly that she did. Otherwise we would still be ignorant fools. We are grateful to her"
"But did you really change?"
"What do you mean?"
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Thinking back to the way they behaved during their outing it didn't seem that it was that different from what they are doing before. At least in nature. Only the way they "approached" things that seemed different in his opinion.
"Apathetic disregard to an easygoing and friendly outlook. An obstinate vindictiveness to a compassionate and unyielding heart. Paranoia to prudence" Safir lists. "Two sides of the coin that could swing to either side depending on how you approach things."
It must have been the same for Saramsrein.
When he first listened to his story he didn't feel fear. He didn't feel disgust. In fact he didn't even want to criticize nor denounce him for his sins. Because forgiveness wasn't what Saram expected from him when he shared his deepest secrets. No, he wasn't expecting anything at all.
What Saramsrein was trying to do was to do right to him.
Because that was what he honestly believed i. That it was the correct thing to do. Just like his misguided attempts at emulating other demons or the retaliation towards those who sought out to harm his loved ones. Just like he him fumbling his attempts at being a good charge and now telling him about the dark parts of himself. Him being hated wasn't even a consideration because to him, what was the most important was the though of him deserving to know the truth.
"The truth..."
Saram wanted to tell the truth to those two as well.
"And after listening to their story? I can see why."
'I do plan to one day tell them everything. I just need to take small steps, one at the time, in order to prepare them for it. For the truth'
Miller seemed to think the same.
They deserved to know the truth.
"Say, you two..."
Do you want to know the truth?
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impala-dreamer · 2 years
Everlong - Chapter Ten
A Supernatural Series
~Y/N has everything she’s ever wanted - the love of a good man, a best friend she can lean on, drama, magic, and heroics. But everyone knows, things aren’t always what they seem.~
Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester, Rowena, Castiel, Others
Chapter Ten Word Count: 1217
Everlong Masterlist ~ Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works  ~  Buy Me A Coffee  ~  Feedback is Gold
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The night was cold; the layers of cotton between Y/N and the air did little to protect her. Her exhale pushed out in a misty puff of air as the chill settled over her. Y/N shuddered and looked to Dean who nodded. 
“Ghost?” she mouthed, confused. 
He shrugged but looked off into the distance, green eyes narrowed, body on alert. 
Annoyed that he’d looked away, she kicked at the dirt between them, digging the tip of her boot into the ground. “I thought this was a wolf,” she hissed. 
Again, Dean shrugged. “I don’t know,” he whispered back. “Maybe we fucked up.” 
Y/N leaned back, offended. “We?” 
“Fine,” he huffed. “Me. I fucked up.” 
A smile broke out across her face and Y/N laughed quietly. “I was just gonna blame it on your brother, but OK there, boss.” 
Back to it, they stalked their way around the old building, silver bullets on the ready, though now possibly useless. Y/N followed behind him, keeping an eye out as Dean checked the back door. Finding it unlocked, he slipped inside and Y/N closed it gently behind her. 
The farmhouse kitchen was flooded with candles. Every surface was covered in wax and flame, illuminating the faded buttery yellow walls and rotting wood cabinets. 
Curious, Y/N pushed ahead and found a brass bowl filled with blood and bone on the counter by the sink. She started down at it for a moment before tossing a look over her shoulder at Dean. 
“Witches?” he asked, right eyebrow raised up high. 
Y/N chewed her lip and took a suspicious look around. Hex bag paraphernalia and animal parts were heaped over the counters in messy piles, and the air smelled of sage and cinnamon. 
“What the fuck, dude?” she sighed, spinning to look at Dean. 
“I don’t know.” 
“But really, what the fuck?” 
He grit his teeth. “I don’t know.” Nodding towards the door, he urged her to follow. “Come on.” 
The door swung outwards and Dean stepped through. It swung back into place before Y/N could get to it, cutting the hunters off from each other for a brief moment. 
A strange yellow powder on the ridge of the door gave her pause and Y/N ran her fingers through it. 
“Sulfer… Seriously, what the hell is going on here?” 
Out of sight, Dean called out to her, his voice tight and laced with panic. 
“Dean! They’re demons!” 
Crashing through the portal, Y/N yelled for him, but his reply was muted.  A black gloved hand was clamped down tight over his lips, a dark figure holding him tight. 
Black eyes flashed as she ran inside the livingroom and Y/N gasped at the scene. Blood and flayed skin trailed over the dull hardwood floor. She slipped through a puddle of muck and spread her arms wide to steady herself. 
The fiend holding Dean laughed. “You’re too late.” 
Y/N’s gaze lifted from the floor to the coffee table in the middle of the room. Next to the fireplace lay Sam’s eviscerated corpse. The flames reflected in his empty, staring eyes and gleamed off the fresh blood that dripped from the cavern of his ruptured chest.
Bile filled her throat but Y/N choked it back down, refusing to lose focus. She lifted her pistol and took aim. Even if she couldn’t kill the demon, she could knock him back and set Dean free. 
Green eyes were wide and sad, wet with pained tears. 
“I got you, Dean,” Y/N said, cocking the gun. 
The demon laughed once more and with a flick of his wrists, snapped Dean’s neck. The hunter crumbled like a stringless puppet, his body just another puddle on the ruined floor. 
Y/N screamed. 
Laughter rang through her head and invisible hands slammed into her, sending her flying back against the wall. The air left her lungs, her bones cracked, her vision blurred. 
“Your turn…” 
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The pillow beside her was empty, the blanket undone. The sheets were cold and Dean’s robe was missing. 
Y/N rushed down the hallway, tears streaking her cheeks. She could smell the wax and the blood, feel the heat from the fireplace. The tiles creaked like wood beneath her bare feet as she ran and dread pushed into every cell of her being. 
Sam’s bedroom was empty, his bed neatly made, pillow still dented from his head. 
Her heart was thudding like a jackhammer in her chest as she skidded into the War Room, finding the boys safe and alive, seated across from each other at the big map. The table glowed beneath them, casting strange shadows onto their faces and Y/N nearly collapsed as she ran down the short stack of stairs. 
Dean raced to her side, gathering her up into his warm arms. 
She clawed at the lapels of his bathrobe and hid her face in his chest. “You’re alive,” she sobbed. 
He wrapped his arms around her and sighed, looking over at his brother. “I am. Of course I am.” 
Cautiously, Sam appeared at her side and Y/N lunged at him, hands scraping down his chest to make sure everything was in place. 
“You’re OK?” She looked up at him with fearful eyes and held her breath until he answered. 
“I’m good.” He set his hands on her upper arms and dipped his chin to meet her eyeline. “Are you?” 
“Demons,” she said, lips trembling. “And witches, ghosts, I don’t know. They were things- monsters everywhere. Your blood- I slipped in it. You were dead. You died.” 
Sam’s fingers tightened around her. “Hey. Breathe.” He took a deep breath and urged her to do the same. “In… and out… there you go.” 
Y/N gasped, struggling to steady her breathing and copy Sam, but the tremors were fierce and she could see the blood bubbling at the corners of his mouth. 
“Just breathe.” 
“I can’t! You don’t understand.” Giving up, she let her head fall against his chest and his shirt darkened as the blood seeped through. “Fuck!” 
Footsteps echoed from across the room and Y/N pulled herself from the cave of Sam’s arms, spinning to see an angel in the archway. 
Castiel smiled softly and opened his arms at his sides, a small gesture of greeting. 
Y/N didn’t care that he would find it awkward, she ran to him and tossed her arms around his neck. He was stiff and cool as if the autumn air resided within him. He smelled like the wind and she closed her eyes, finding hope by his side. 
“Hello, Y/N.” 
She smiled up at him and then turned, glowering at Dean. “You called him?” 
He nodded. “Yeah.” 
Y/N pulled away from Cas and shook her head, anger pulsing behind her eyes. “So you do think something’s wrong with me. What was last night? Just get her drunk to shut her up?”
Dean startled. “No. Not at all.” 
“Then why?” 
His shoulders bowed inward. “You were crying in your sleep, Y/N. Screaming. Whatever this is, it isn’t good.” 
She softened and turned back to the angel. “Do you think you can fix me?” 
Castiel nodded, his blue eyes serious and focused. “I can try.” 
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2023 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
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 Series Tag: @globetrotter28 @iamtrash-withrespect @deans-baby-momma
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lunaetis · 1 month
@tunichtgxt asked :
hunter's eyes roamed over his ladies' body before sighing, pulling the girl into his arms and eventually lifting her up, dark eyes staring up into hers for a long moment before he simply captured those lips he'd been staring at for some time now, hand moving to remove the controller from her grip before he lifted her headphones, holding onto her butt with his second hand. "I'm sorry, but the lady deserves better after leading your shitty team to victory." he switched the thing off before he fell onto the bed with her on top. his hands wouldn't stop gently rubbing along her thighs, further up to feel her tiny hips, using the chance to hold onto them. "let me properly celebrate your win, little one. I'll serve you and fulfill all your wishes." his love for the girl was physical. his desire for more was proof of how deeply he felt for her, that he needed no one else in his life. "tell me what's on your mind, wolfie."
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「銀狼」─  the HACKER had been grumbling for the past hour or so during the boss raid that she had organized. it was a requirement to have a team of four, or else she would've gone into this SOLO, and judging from how she was CUSSING her head off every two minutes, it was as good as going in solo. there were time she wanted to fling her controller to the other end of the room as she groaned in frustration. useless ! all of them ! half way through the raid, her whole party was already wiped except for her so she simply abandoned the IDEA of resurrecting them and focused on taking down the BOSS.
                even when it was done, the boss fell in a heap and a big MVP flashed above her character's head, the stellaron hunter didn't feel happy. and apparently someone already have a plan in mind to cheer her up.
                when STRONG HANDS moved to pull her controller away and lifted her gaming headphones, she almost hissed at him out of reflex if it weren't for her lips being CAPTURED in a passionate kiss. it was a soothing yet fiery liplock that quelled down her boiling rage at her teammates. silvery orbs slowly mellowed down as she melted into the kiss, recognizing his presence instantly.
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                " so you were watching, huh ... " she breathed against his lips, letting him take her much smaller frame into his hold, and she fell on top of him in a hover, his sturdy form willingly letting her trap him onto the bed. hmm. she had to admit, he looked good like this, too, underneath her, with his hands tracing up her thighs.
                " you're a sight for sore eyes. " SILVER WOLF quietly admitted, letting her gloved digits trace along his face as she cupped his cheek, thumb caressing under his eye as she leaned down, a playful nip bestowed upon his nose, then a kiss to the corner of his lips. she kissed her way down to his jaw, humming softly as her knees rested on either side of his legs.
                tell me what's on your mind, wolfie.
                the words had her pause her trail of kisses for a moment, leaning back just enough for her silvery orbs to take in the sight of him. how she watched him most carefully, hardened eyes from before were replaced with a softened, tendered hues as she traced the line of his jaw with her knuckles. what's on her mind ... that was when she realized she had completely FORGOTTEN about the terrible experience she had earlier. how her mind was now filled with —
                " you. "
                if it were someone else, even kafka or blade, interrupting her GAMING TIME would result in her growling at them. yet, at this very moment, her thoughts were only of the man who had his arms around her and laid so defenselessly beneath her much smaller body. that trust he had in her to be completely vulnerable and at her mercy. her knees shifted, and she descended, lips hovering over his own as a heated whisper fell to his mouth.
                " my wish ... is you. let me have you, hunter. "
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crescentblossom66 · 10 months
Bond of the Beasts Chapter 9
“Boss, we found hideout of evil creatures!” The hunters stormed into the basement of the restaurant that served as their base of operations. Aside from a huge room to refrigerate fresh produce, the cellar had multiple rooms, one of which was the office of the boss of the hunters, his goons simply knew him as Hunter Boss. The man they were addressing nearly dropped the income for the day and spun on his heel.
“You finally found them?! It took you long enough.” The boss of the hunters tapped his foot impatiently and waited for the two men to debrief him. It appeared they had been in quite the struggle, one of them had a big gash in his leg and was limping while the other seemed to have a rather large injury on his back if the bad posture of the burly man was any indication. “Where are they? You better not tell me anything vague again like that they hide out in the forest.” He had heard that often enough, of course the were-creatures hide out somewhere in the woods, most of them do anyway.
“They live in house near the edge of town. Hunters found them using trail of yellow feathers left behind by wereowl.”
The hunter flinched when their boss yelled. “WEREOWL! Are you sure? Those nasty type of werebeast is quite rare.” He stroked the side of his beard in thought as the hunters elaborated.
“We sure, boss. Wereowl attacked fellow Hunter, whole back torn open by sharp talons.” The hunter with the wounded back turned around and showed his bare back which revealed four deep gashes right in the middle, they had been patched up rather sloppily, but the man seemed more or less alright. “Werewolf girl got hurt, wereowl attacked and took little wolf girl away, but sunrise was near, so wereowl lost yellow feathers along the way.” The boss of the hunters seemed to pause in thought for a moment.
“Alright, do you know if there's more of them?” The hunters scratched their heads in thought...they had forgotten to check just how many enemies they had to deal with. All they knew was that the two werebeasts seemed to live there as the wereowl had brought the young werewolf to the house. As soon as the wereowl screeched and ran back into the forest, they had high-tailed it out of there, thinking that the vicious beast had noticed them and was on his way to finish what he'd started.
The burly men started to fidget under the slowly hardening gaze of their leader, who seemed to get more irritated the longer he had to wait for a reply. “N-No...boss...uh...wereowl nearly spotted us. Hunters had to run.” They shrunk in on themselves as right after the hunter finished his sentence, the shorter man let out a guttural scream of inconceivable frustration.
“You useless morons! Get as many men that you can find and deal with them!” The boss of the hunters was grinding his teeth in glared daggers at the sheer incompetence he had to deal with. Sometimes he wished that not everyone from his hometown had only one brain cell.
Spaghetti carbonara or bolgnese? A thought that kept the red-haired woman occupied this rainy evening as she cleaned the kitchen at the restaurant and wondered what she'd prepare for the folks at home. She was sure that the kids would enjoy spaghetti as most kids enjoyed eating noodles. She sighed and stopped wiping the counters as her mind wandered to the red-hooded girl that unfortunately still hadn't woken up. She was worried that the damage done by the silver bullet put too much of a strain on the young girl as she had found that her newest rescue was a bit malnourished and that her immune system was weakened when she had used a spell to scan her health. The witch would have loved to stay home and monitor the werewolf further, but she couldn't skip work.
After she finished cleaning up the mess that her coworkers made, she truly wondered how they managed to burn a salad. She shook her head as the image of their failure came back into the for forefront of her mind, as she picked up her sorbet to bring it to the freezer. The frozen treat nearly slipped out of her hand when she heard her boss yell loudly a couple of rooms further down the hallway. All she heard was the word “Wereowl” It was enough to cause her posture to stiffen. Had they seen a wereowl? She doubted that one was in the premises right now, even a newly turned werebeast wouldn't be dumb enough to head into a restaurant while the lights were still on. She slowly approached the door to the room, careful to stay out of sight. She was just in time to hear one of her coworkers mention yellow feathers. Considering that wereowls were rare and that one that had yellow feathers was even rarer, it left only one possibility to the identity of the wereowl...it must have been Conductor they had spotted when he helped the young werewolf get away...this also meant that...
Her eyes widened when the men's footsteps got closer to the door, making her hurry back to the freezer and out of sight. Could it really be that her incompetent coworkers were in fact...monster hunters? If so, it meant that everyone at home was in danger! She needed to get back right away! Cookie wasted no more time and headed out as soon as she could without raising any suspicion. She ran behind the building and mumbled an incantation that turned her into a tabby cat, it would rouse less attention and would get her home faster. In her changed form, running through the dense shrubbery and maneuvering through the vegetation became a lot easier, so she arrived back at the house in half the time.
Just as she returned home, she heard the sound of the car being started, given the time of day, it was no surprise that the DJ would be on his way to work. Cookie quickly shifted back into her normal self and waved at the basilisk to stop, which he did with a look of confusion which lasted only briefly as the urgency was written clear in the face of the witch. “What happened, darling?” He got out of his car and followed Cookie back inside.
“Everyone, red alert!” She screamed and the man behind her froze in his tracks and gasped.
“They found us?” He answered the question for himself, Cookie wouldn't say it unless she was absolutely sure. “I'll get the kids!” Cookie gave a thankful nod to the basilisk who rushed up the stairs, passing by the vampire who went the opposite way, to explain the situation to the very confused Hat Kid and Bow Kid.
Snatcher scoffed and crossed his arms. “Who blew it this time? Who was the careless one, it certainly wasn't me, I only leave this house as a bat, you know.” He noticed that the tire-looking, old wereowl crept his way out of his room. “Let me guess, it was our regular loud-mouth over here.” He gave his standard toothy grin that showed his two long and pointy vampire teeth, but to his dismay, the man that he was accusing didn't react to his taunt.
While everyone else was busy, evacuating the building, Cookie started to prepare the spell that would move their house elsewhere. She didn't notice that Hattie had sneaked in. “Can I help?” She had focused so much that the inquiry of the girl startled her and nearly caused her to stop her focus and having to start anew.
“Sorry, sweetie, this spell is still a bit too advanced for you.” The witch gave a gentle smile that still didn't manage to vanquish the sadness that started to spread on Hattie's face as she was once again unable to aid the people that she was slowly starting to care about.Hattie joined the others outside and watched as the various stories of the house disappeared one by one as if sucked into a different dimension. Bow next to her watched in awe while holding the hand of the DJ. The Conductor was carrying the still unconscious young werewolf, who was the only one unaware of the looming danger.
Bow turned around to face the adults after the house had fully disappeared. “How did they find us? Are they...are they going to come here to capture us?” The mere thought of being imprisoned again caused the young girl to shiver.
“Let me guess, they followed you here.” The sharp orange eyes of the vampire focused on the Conductor. “They likely followed the trail of feathers that you leave behind as sunrise approaches, and it was early morning when I awoke due to your annoying screeching, fossil.”
For a few seconds, shock and guilt were present on the short man's face, but it shifted to one of slight irritation right after. “What was I supposed to do, laddie? Let the poor, wee lassie die? Only someone as cruel and heartless as ye would even think of that!”
DJ Grooves rolled his eyes behind his shades, this was a dangerous situation. “Would you two quit throwing accusations around, we don't have time for this we have to start moving, darlings!” The two bickering men glared at one another before finally snapping out of their disagreement.
Cookie soon joined up with them, looking a bit drained from needing to exert so much energy and magic. Erasing the whole house and placing it somewhere else again required her to use one of the most complicated spells that she was capable of, as she needed to open a pocket dimension to put it in and get it back out when they reached a new safe spot. “Get in the car!”
Snatcher looked her up and down quizzically. “Cookie, I know that this situation is pretty dire, but an SUV is still not enough for 7 people to fit in.” While the vampire tried to appeal to the common sense of the witch, the two older men carefully placed the young werewolf girl into the car's backseat.
Bow- and Hat Kid looked a bit scared as they climbed onto the free backseats. For a brief moment the changeling's colors changed from a light purple to a darker version of the same colors as the thought of them now getting abandoned came to her mind. Her thoughts were stopped by her sister who placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, knowing exactly what the young changeling was afraid of. “It will all be okay, darlings, we'll figure something out.” The DJ turned back to them after getting into the driver seat and noticing the fearful expressions of the girls in the rear-view mirror.
“But it can fit 5 and a half.” Cookie turned back into her cat form and jumped in the lap of the wereowl that had just sat down on the passenger seat. The blonde man recoiled at the sudden sensation of having her on his lap, but strangely enough he didn't complain, especially not after noticing that she appeared tired from the effort of casting that spell. He, however, was sitting a bit stiffer now, wanting to pet her as she looked soft, but feeling that it would be wrong considering that it was Cookie, not just a random cat.
“They're here!” Bow pointed at the at the vehicles that were making their way through the treeline.
The DJ started the ignition and turned to the vampire that stood outside. “We have to move, now!” he yelled, but the vampire didn't move one bit.
He had no intention of moving, keeping these fools away was an easy task after all. With a gesture of his hand he gave the signal for the others to drive before he waved his hand and created a wall of purple fire that kept the monster hunters at bay. “Why do I always have to do the dirty work in this household?” He was about to simply turn into a bat and fly away when he noticed a sickening stench, one that burned in his nostrils like fire, it was nearly painful. He just managed to jump to the side, avoiding an arrow which had its tip covered in what he now concluded must have been garlic.
One of those simple minded fools must have been smarter than they let on, he could make out a red coat and a bow on one of the men, who seemed to smirk at the disgust and a slight amount of fear that had crept its way onto the face of the purple haired man. “A vampire too! Must be my lucky day.”
Considering that the other hunters, that had been stopped by his illusion of fire, started to figure out that it was a mere trick after their leader jumped through it with ease, and the fact that his useful band of misfits were way out of range for the hunters, Snatcher thought it best to retreat for now. No use wasting energy when it wasn't at all necessary. He turned into a bat and evaded a couple of arrows that were fired his way, one whizzed just by him, too close for comfort, hunters in greater numbers were a real pain to deal with. He doubted that they could track their magic, so they'd be safe...it was strange, however, he could detect a trail of magic...he guessed that Cookie must have had more energy left when she let on. He simply followed the track for now.
“What exactly are you doing with that rain cloud, Hattie?” Bow watched with awe how a small rain cloud followed the vehicle. “When did you learn that?”
“Just a few days ago, I'm getting better at reading, and this spell was quite easy, I only needed to concentrate on a rainy day and it worked.” The young sorceress had a prideful smile on her face as she focused her energy on the low-level spell.”
“It's raining a bit already, why do you need to create more rain, darling?” The DJ looked into the rear-view mirror, and, sure enough, just like the young changeling had said, a small cloud was hovering just behind their car, barely still visible through the rear window. Hattie didn't break her concentration, not wanting the cloud to vanish again.
“I'm trying to hide our tire tracks, so the hunters have an even harder time finding us. They'll wash away in the rain, right?”
He had to agree, it was a smart for them to hide their tracks a bit more, it might just make it easier for them. “Good thinking, darling.” He turned around briefly and smiled, which made Hat Kid beam and almost lose focus on her cloud, which destabilized for a moment.
Bow Kid sighed and looked out the window at the tall trees and bushes, watching a few raindrops go down the window as they made their way to a new location. Everyone was doing something...only she was useless, Her color turned from a light purple to a blue.
The silence was interrupted by the wereowl who turned around carefully as to not disturb the resting Cookie. “How's the hooded lassie?” Bow turned to look at the still unconscious, occasionally twitching, werewolf, who still showed no signs of waking.
As Hattie was occupied with her spell, Bow checked her breathing by observing the red-clothed girl closer, due to the rocking of the car on the uneven terrain, it was quite a challenge to see if the werewolf was breathing. “I think she's okay, she isn't waking up, but she's breathing and twitching sometimes.” The blonde man only nodded and sighed, it was clear that he worried even if his expression didn't change as he turned back to look at the road.
“So...Ye think we're far enough away by now? We've been driving around for fifteen minutes now. Ye're aware that we cannae just leave town, DJ Peck Neck.” The wereowl mumbled from his seat and only got an exasperated sigh as an answer at first.
“I'm well aware, I'm just making sure that they won't find us again...at least not right away.” Both adults knew that they could never truly flee from their aggressors as they had jobs and couldn't just uproot their lives every time they get found, it was a thin rope that all magical creatures had to walk, if they wanted to or not. The rather tense atmosphere that followed in the car was broken when Cookie started meowing and jumped on the dashboard of the car and pointed at a small clearing. “I guess this quaint little clearing will be our new home, darlings.”
The car came to a stop and everyone excited, Bow had to support her sister after using too much of her magic, even if it was a low level spell, had made her a bit dizzy. When asked if she was alright though, the little sorceress just nodded and smiled, happy that she could help.
Cookie shifted back to her normal form, stretched to rid herself of at least a bit of the fatigue she felt, cast the spell again that would materialize the house back from the pocket dimension it was in. The DJ picked up the young werewolf girl and brought her inside the home, giving a worried side glance to the extremely tired looking Cookie, who seemed to be on her feet by mere willpower alone. “I'll bring the hooded darling here upstairs.” While he did that, he was trying to find an excuse for him being late to work as he still needed to head to his club.
The Conductor made sure that Hat- and Bow Kid went inside and kept an eye on the treeline, before turning toward Cookie. “I think we're good fer now. How I wish these blasted peck necks would just leave us all alo-..” He couldn't finish his sentence as he had to sprint over and catch Cookie who was stumbling backwards, the amount of energy she had to spent to save them having taken its tool on her. “Woah, there, lass, careful. I think ye need ta rest a wee bit.” For a moment he hadn't even realized that he had pulled her close to himself, but when he did, he had a hard time hiding his blush.
Thankfully for him, the red-haired witch was way to delirious at the moment to even register what was happening much, she had a hard time standing after being moved into an upright position again. “Yeah, I think that might be a good idea, this was a terrible evenin'.”
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littleweirdlady · 1 year
My OC in Eldarya !
A little Résumé !
Her name is Jules ! Jules Van Helsing
She's 20 years old
And is in the Shadow Guard !
Her familiar is a Black Gallytrot
And has a little (BIG after some time) crush on Nevra !
Her first day in Eldarya was... Well... Original, since she wasn't even conscious... And when she finally awake, some of... Weirdos ? Ask her a ton of questions... She learns after that those weirdos are Eldaryan, Eelian, and guardians, chiefs of the guards.
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Image 2 : Meiker - Elequinoa
Jules was a financial affairs student at a prestigious university. She excelled in everything she did and worked hard to meet the expectations of her parents (especially her father)
When she was young, she loved it when her father and brother told her stories about some magical worlds. But when it comes to reality, she was a little bit less enthousiatic...
She was pretty athletic and practiced fencing, horse riding and archery, just for fun
Jules almost has always been flirtatious, she likes to take care of herself, her hair, her make-up, choose her clothes with care... But that hasn't always been the case... Before she met her best friend , she tended to pay more attention to her mother's expectations than her own person... Now she likes to take care of herself, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about others.
She LOVES animals ! If it was her, she had has ALL THE DOGS AND CATS OF THIS EARTH ! Even other animals ! She loves the specific beauty of all kind of animals, Snakes, mouses, bats etc...
She's from Earth, and lived in a rich family, the Van Helsing ! Knows for hunting vampires... It was what books says about them because they're not even close to Hunters !
Eve - The Mother
She have a mother that she don't really like.
Her mother is really conservative and elitist and will crush her dreams just to makes sure that Jules will follow what she says... She was the first to annoy her husband to stop read her stories about magic worlds... And tell her that reading this kind of books will be useless in the future.
This mother don't really have a mother instinct. She don't really care for her children, for the despair of her husband who really LOVE their children and will do absolutely ANYTHING for them ! Especially Jules.
She's a lawyer, so she is very cartesian, a fact is a fact, even if she is a religious woman !
She unfortunatly already call her own daughter a savage ! Due to her personality and her style. Jules is a free electron and she don't like it at all !
Karl - The Father
Contrary to her mother, Jules REALLY LOVES hef father !
He is a dreamer ! Just like his daughter... He loves reading stories to her, buying books and going to an adventure in the woods... full of danger !
For him, his daughter is the incarnation of freedom ! For him, she's a wolf running in the woods, a crow flying in the sky, between the clouds or a wild horse that nothing and no one can tame.
This man is neither more nor less than the boss of a bank. And one day, it will be his splendid daughter, at the head of the bank.
Even if he is married a little by obligation (a sort of arranged marriage), he is very sad that his wife is so strict, bordering on the villain, with Jules
When he learn that Jules was missing... He was devastated, and if he was not working very hard, he will fall into depression... Later, he will divorce his wife, since she does not seem particularly fond of his dear daughter and will do everything to find her little darling in vain...
Luke - The Big Brother
Jules loves his brother, even if she thinks that he is a bit annoying sometimes...
Like Jules, he suffers from the conservative education of their mother... She is elitist and he knows it, so with all those years, he stops fighting with her and follows her path as a lawyer...
Also like Jules, he was very fond of the wonderful stories of their father ! He liked them but the stubborness of their mother will have been right about him.
He was the protector of the little tornado when she was on Earth, he fight every person that hurts his dear sister... And was devastated when he learn her disappearance...
After an accident, she was teleported on Eldarya. She was really hurt and unconscious.
After her accident, she arrived in Eel. They make her pass all the tests possible and imaginable. The Faeries test came back negative at first, but something was blocking her in her action. (Her cross around hes neck)
She entered in the Shadow Guard, for the happiness of Nevra, who see (FINALLY) a really good looking woman, a beautyful lady right in front his eye !
Her familiar is a Black Gallytrot named Karma ! She found him in the woods, he was hurt and needed help. So she helps him and the guard lets her keep him.
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kah-ocs · 2 years
A Question of Trust (4/4)
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“I was briefed about the case. Missing people and the search party didn’t return yet right?” -Miller asked the officer keeping watch over the place.
“Yes, we lost contact with them for a while”
“Can you send me a list of the members of the search party and their photos? It will come in handy”
“Here it is”
“Thanks”. Miller nodded after she received the data on her cellphone. “Leave everything to me and have ambulances on standy by because I suspect we might need them”.
“What are your instructions Miller?” Hunter asked.
But Miller didn’t reply, her expression was grave, the most serious he ever saw her be.
He kept waiting for her to speak, but she only uttered a word again when they met with Johannes, Miller’s second in command in their unit.
When Miller had to pass her orders around she usually left this task to Johannes because people respected him for being serious, reliable and more approachable than her.
Johannes also respected Miller the most out of everyone.
Which while it made his distate towards him not come off as a surprise Hunter felt that strangely enough it got worse after he stopped being at odds with Miller.
“Tell everyone to stay, I have to go alone”. She instructed after finishing briefing the situation with her second in command.
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“Are you NUTS Miller?! Even an entire search party went missing and you want to go ALONE?!” Hunter grabbed her shoulder. “You are not making any sense and are not even explaining what’s going on and you expect us to follow such ludicrous orders?!”
Miller slapped his hand away.
“Stay.” Her voices goes deathly cold, giving no room to be argued against. “That’s an ORDER Hunter”
He flinches.
“Johannes, if he tries anything stop him”. Miller nods to Johannes and then walks away, not sparing even a glance at him.
That was a shock. 
Because that was the first time he was treated with such coldness from her and because it was the first time she ever used her authority to order him around.
“Oh yeah that’s the first time you see this right? The first time she did that I was also surprised”. Johannes speaks casually as if what happened was nothing unusual. “ That said, she didn’t need to put a babysitter on me when that happened”.
Hunter raises his eyebrow at what Johannes told him.
This strange behavior wasn’t something new?
“I can understand your shock. For a moment I almost wondered if she would make an exception and bring you along”. His voice reeks of smugness and mockery.
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“...Miller ordered us to stay”. Hunter replies.
“Hah! That’s funny coming from you of all people”. Johannes snorts. ““Weren’t you the one constantly spouting that you wouldn’t let her get away if she did anything suspicious? You were all talk huh?”
“Johannes what are you trying to pull?” Hunter frowns. “You are her second in command right? She trusted you with this order”
“Ah yeah, second in command?”. Johannes’s voice is dripping with sarcasm. “Honestly couldn’t tell that when everyone thinks YOU are her right hand man”
“...I’m not trying to steal your position”.
“You know, I would once have cared about that. Back when I was an ambitious person that wasn’t given an opportunity to show what I could do until Miller recognized me and gave me all the space to show my worth when others tried to stiffle it.” Johannes muses. “Like a benevolent Goddess that you just want to worship”
“At first she was a means to an end. I knew about her shady past but thought it didn’t matter what kind of crappy person she was as long as she could open the doors for me to rise in the ranks”. Johannes kept going. “But then I started to think more and more that she, in truth, was the most worthy person I would ever meet and I stopped caring about seeking a higher position. Her praise and attention became the only important thing to me and I was willing to turn a blind eye to things or sacrifice anything if it meant I could keep working with her.”
“Beneath her”.
Johannes stops his spiel to look condescendingly at Hunter.
“You know, seeing how pathetic you were for that woman was a wake up call to me. How I was wasting my time, becoming so pitiful for such a WORHTLESS PERSON”.
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“What did you say?” Hunter spat, furious.
“She trained us really well”. Johannes was unfazed. “Did you know that she never writes any reports when she goes solo and that all victims she rescued are not willing to talk about what happened? I never cared before because whenever she did that it happened in small, isolated incidents with nothing to write home about but maybe she was training us to not find it suspicious for when an opportunity like this arose?”
“...What do you mean by that?” Hunter narrowed his eyes.
“Well, no matter what she tries to pull she can’t erase her past” Johannes references the incident. “But if, say, she got all the credit for saving everyone when not even an entire team could do it then wouldn’t you think that public opinion of her would change for the better?”
...Not like that.
But the words couldn’t leave his lips once again.
Could he really say that? Did he even knew Miller well enough to affirm something like that?
His grip loosens and he let Johannes go.
“...Well, I’m done wasting myself away for her sake so I am going inside.” He adjusts his coat. “I sure as hell won’t let her take all the credit to herself”
He can only stand there in silence, trying to process his chaotic emotions and thoughts.
What Johannes said did make sense, maybe she was up to no good, but...
“Excuse me, Mr.Hunter?”
“Do you know where Johannes is? He still didn’t reported back to the rest of us so we were wondering what were our orders”.
“...Johannes went after Miler”
“Oh, so should we follow them?”
“No” Hunter speaks firmly. “Miller ordered us to stay”
“Huh? But Johannes...”
“JOHANNES DISOBEYED HER ORDERS” He spat. “The orders were for us all to stay”
He decided he would wait.
His old self would surely chide him for his course of action but he couldn’t care less. There was something far more important occupying his mind at that moment.
It took some hours but Miller appeared again, followed by a group of people in bad shape, some with injuries so nasty that they had to be carried by others.
He went to greet her, and she noded in acknowledgement until she noticed the lack of Johannes’ presence, looking at him with confusion.
She expected him to disobey her orders but not Johannes huh?
He tells her what happened.
“I’m going back to look for him”, she didn’t hesitate, worry clouding her features.
Hunter would never forget about that moment.
About the way he wondered why she wasn’t angry, why she was showing such concern for someone that clearly didn’t deserve her consideration and what happened when she returned.
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How distraught and in anguish she was when she returned with Johannes’ dismembered corpse.
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After Johanne’s funeral ended he found Miller sitting alone in a far away bench.
He was trying to decide if he should or not call for her or leave her alone but Miller seemed to notice his presence.
“Why all of this happened?.” Miller spoke out loud. “The day before that I was just talking with him about how I finally got a chance to get him promoted but he refused, saying that he wished to stay. This isn’t making any sense”
“...He was hurt and trying to put an act of hating you to fool himself”
“He thought the world about you but felt hurt because he thought you never cared back”. Hunter explained. “He probably saw you accomodating someone like me that has been nothing but a nuisance as a sign that you didn’t want to bother to do the same for him”.
“...I hate myself”. Miller spat, her nails draggin through her scalp in anger and self hatred. “When he said he wanted to stay I told him that he shouldn’t hold himself back because of me. I thought I didn’t want to step on his dreams but I guess I completely disregarded his feelings”
He’s such a fool.
Hunter mused.
How could Johannes ever think for a moment that she never cared? When she was suffering this much, when she cried so loudly for him?
“...I must apologize to you too Hunter”
“You understood his feelings because you were probably hurt the same way”. Miller smiled bitterly. “You are a right, I’m the worst. It wouldn’t be unexpected if you also wished to hate me”.
“I don’t hate you”. He promptly says. “ ...And any hurt I felt was an unearned feeling”
“It’s not like I gave you many reasons to feel otherwise Hunter”
“And I didn’t give you ANY reason to trust me”. He replied back. “I... Both Johannes and I were such selfish hypocrites. Just because you didn’t do things our way we were conceited enough to ignore everything you did for us".
He felt disgusted at himself. He was so focused about appeasing his stupid ego,  stubborly focusing on things of the past that he completely disregarded every single proof she showed him of who she was.
To him, everything was “not enough”.
Not even the day she was at her most vulnerable, when she didn’t have to share anything with him and he didn’t deserve it but she still did it anyway. 
...And he was still callous enough to think of that as “not enough”.
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“... I heard that after Johannes left you were the one to tell everyone to stay”. Miller bumped shoulders with him, sitting closer. “Thank you”
She smiled. It was as warm as the body next to his.
“Would you mind telling me the reason to why you did so?”
No suspicious of his intentions, not thinking the worst of him, she wanted to listen to him as a show of trust.
“...I had a lot going on my mind at that moment, it was very confusing and I wasn’t sure of what to think anymore, but when I was asked what should be done something became very clear to me”.
He cleared his throat, it was embarrassing to say it out loud but he had to suck it up and tell her that, she deserved it.
“You would be hurt if we disobeyed your pleas and I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to hurt you”
“You are seriously too much of a good person Hunter”, Miller chuckled. “But... Is that ok? Johannes must have told you more things that doesn’t paint a good picture of me right?”
“...I decided that I don’t care about that anymore” He was seriously going to combust at any moment now.”I think that what you showed me is... Enough. I believe in you”
Miller was going to say something, but Hunter stopped her with a gesture.
Ok, he was nearly dying inside but he had to say that before he lost his nerve.
“The next time, if you need something you can just ask. I am willing to listen to you”
“... I seriously don’t deserve you. Thanks.”
“You think too highly of me Miller”
“Yes I do”.
“What was that?”
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do you know of any were-creature sheriff fics? (naturally i mean, not bitten or turned) or stiles' spark comes from his dad instead? i get the appeal of claudia being the 'thing' that makes stiles special bc *trauma* or whatever, (or the magic of the stilinski family), but stilinski is his fathers name and i kinda wanna see the sheriff rock some magic
Let's see what I can find!
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Mid Air Love Message by Hexandecimal
(1/1 I 645 I General I Claudia/John)
Jan 'Just call me John' Stilinski never believed his parents when they told him he'd learn to love his shift. His parents only cooed at each other and laughed at his incredulity, but how was he supposed to like being a pole? He wasn't even made out of something cool like his dad. He's carbon fiber. What's he going to do, try out for track and field and hope for the best?
The not!fic of how John learns to appreciate the other part of himself with a little unknowing help from the girl of his dreams.
Teen Wolf 2.0 (Season One) by AceOfSpaids
(1/? I 818 I Teen I Sterek)
When Stiles was fourteen his entire family died in a house fire; his sisters, his brother, grandparents, everyone. His dad was the only survivor, though in a way it was like he died as well. Stiles and his mother were lucky enough not to be home. After everything was sorted Stiles and his mom moved to Poland, to get away. Years later Claudia gets a message and needs to go back, and when he feels his bond break he has to as well.
Or; What would happen if Stiles, Derek, and Scott all switched roles? What if the writers weren't assholes who exploited Sterek instead of actually giving us Sterek after at least season 4 like they should have? What if there were people to help the literal TEENAGERS trying not to get themselves and everyone else in Beacon Hills alive while under constant threat from the supernatural and murderous hunters?
This fic is here to answer those questions.
Overlooked by psychoticmusic
(2/2 I 1,933 I Teen I Jackson/Lydia)
Stiles is fed up with Scott and decides to leave the McCall pack. Stiles also learns something new about his heritage.
Home Is Where The Heart Is by Adegolas
(3/? I 2,249 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Stiles Stilinski is a born wolf, who has to live through the death of his mother and survive the trails of life.
Worth Fighting For by Therapeutic_Steter
(1/1 I 2,372 I Teen I Steter)
anonymous asked: young Peter has a big fight with Talia+parents and his now on the way to his BFF Stiles, to get some support and Stilinski-family-feels.
Fighting Chance by Kindred
(3/? I 3,114 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles staggered into the loft holding his bleeding arm
All the Secrets I Never Told You by Salios
(1/1 I 6,100 I Teen I Sterek)
When they're warned of an incoming hunter-threat, the pack prepares for another fight. Instead, they realise that someone might not be who they appear. Stiles comes to terms with his own feelings and decides who to trust.
Hidden Truths by LoveGD
(10/? I 17,381 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles is tired. Tired of always having to hide who he is, and what he can do. When the Pack kick him out because he's a "useless human", Stiles goes to visit his paternal Uncle and comes back ready to kick some ass. With the Alpha Pack lurking in the shadows, it's time for the Stilinski Family to show who's boss!
Nothing or all in by brewhaha
(25/25 I 28,713 I Teen I Sterek)
People say things can't get any worse but as somebody who has seen ferals Argents, Alpha packs, darachs, chaos demons, the dread doctors, the wild hunt and more all before finishing high school I know anything will get worse. The world is ending and it's all thanks to Scott freaking McCall acting like everything he does is right, Deaton being a shady mother wanting more power and Gerad Argent trying to be the biggest kid on the playground. Everybody is dead and the only ones who are left are me and Derek. It turns out there is a hail mary in the form of time travel. Derek is something called the lord of all that walks or the delta of shifters and I am Sprawiedliwość na wszystkie or justice for all because mom was the nematon.
A Forgotten Spark by Phlinting
(13/13 I 35,123 I Mature I Peter/John)
Noah Stilinski always knew something was missing, but it took the death of his son and some seriously heavy drinking for a few very important memories to shake loose. The question now is what the hell is he going to do about it? And can he trust Peter Hale to actually help?
This story starts with Stiles's death several years after the TV series ended, but don't worry, he won't stay dead. I wouldn't do that to one of my favorite Teen Wolf characters.
Delta by Rhiw
(22/22 I 93,828 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles and his father have been the only two werewolves in Beacon Hills since they moved there seven years ago. In fact, Stiles had never even met another wolf that wasn't related to him. Which would be fine except that he was a Delta - a Third, a Breeder, whose only purpose in life was to find a nice big, strong Alpha or Beta to breed them like the bitch he apparently was. But, again, given the lack of werewolves, Stiles pretty much thought he'd never have to deal with any of that.
Then one night his father gets called out to a murder scene in the Preserve and Stiles can't help but go check it out.
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thepaladincosplays · 3 years
More Wraith Order interactions please~ 🥺
But of course
Sitting next to the girl, rubbing her back, Duchess refused to leave Rachel’s side until she knew she was alright. The girl moaned into her knees. As she sat there crying, the older girl did her best to comfort her. “Stop worrying about what they think. Useless parents only make you weak the more you hang on to them,” Duchess said, patting the younger girl’s back.
Rachel sighed, shaking her head. “You give terrible advice, princess,” she replied, angrily. She got up from her seat and ran off deeper into the base, disappearing from sight. Duchess felt hurt, her heart sinking. She wasn’t sure what she had done wrong; that was what her father would have told her.
“I’m not doing it.” Boyd lowered his dumbbells onto the ground and popped his neck.
“Come on, big man, what’s the problem?” asked Demetri, slowly creeping out of a television.
“You came up with it, that’s what. Pranking the boss may be your definition of fun, but Duchess will have my head if we got caught.” Boyd shoved Demetri back into the television, brushing by him like he was nothing.
He sat alone as he tinkered with his arm. Being made up of several different pieces had its advantages at times, but after fights he always had to put himself back together. He didn’t like standing around the others whenever he needed to repair his body. He despised showing how shoddily put together he kept himself. “How you holding up, Sparky?”
“Leave me alone, Rachel. I don’t wanna hear it right now,” he replied, tightening a screw by his left wrist. Before she could place a hand on his shoulder he swatted her away, hunched over his damaged arm.
“Heads up!” Rachel, with all the strength she could muster with her small body, lobbed a baseball as hard as she could at the Men in White agent, grinning as it passed through Jason and hit the agent square in the temple.
“Next time don’t give out a free warning,” Jason turned and shot at an agent that tried to sneak up on the girl, “because you need to watch your back too!”
He loomed over the map, shaking his head in disagreement. “Do you have something to say, Jason?” Boyd asked, arms crossed. He always had a grievance with a plan made by him or Duchess.
“Letting the wolf loose to go hunt down those agents won’t end well. He’s gonna book it and be gone before we can catch him,” Jason replied. They tracked the ghost hunters down for a week now and he didn’t want them blabbing about the group. He took every precaution possible to ensure their secrecy. Most of all, he didn’t trust the Hound to hunt down a couple of humans.
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indiavolowetrust · 4 years
The Obey Me Boys as RPG Bosses: Frostheart
CHAPTERS: Prologue + Beelzebub and Belphegor (YOU ARE HERE), Asmodeus, Satan, Leviathan, Mammon, Lucifer, ???, ???, Endings
You are one of many hunters in a land cursed with everlasting winter. You yourself have become rime-touched after an attack by your fellow corrupted hunter, an incident that left you traumatized and lame. Even your hunter’s guild has resigned you to a life of mere cleaning and upkeep duties, and you have spent the last seven years in the depths of your guild’s archives.
Then the White Witch spirits your little brother away into her castle, taking with her the only family you have ever known. Armed with your trusty hunting knife and bow -- and aided by your senior hunter, Simeon -- you set off into the rime-cursed lands to find Luke and end the White Witch’s reign once and for all.
**Very loosely based on The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen.
Word Count: 2,160 words
TW: Blood, Violence, Gore
It is said that the rime draws beasts out of the hearts of men. The hoarfrost came, cursed as the land was by the White Witch, and then came the famine. The beasts came, corrupted and twisted beyond measure by the curse, and then came the slaughter. And so came the Frost Blades: a group of hunters trained to slay the rime-touched beasts, cull the spread of the curse, and bring glory to King Diavolo’s wondrous kingdom. It is said that a hunter of the Frost Blades is destined to die a hero’s death, whether it be by jaws of a wolf-beast or some other monstrosity.
You know better, of course. The pure never stay pure for long. Those whose hearts are touched by the rime eventually lose themselves, body and soul, and the symptoms only worsen the further one traverses into the cursed hinterlands. Dizziness, fatigue, and nausea. The piercing of one’s flesh by ice crystals that seem to have grown from within, the loss of one’s extremities to the frost, and the forced expulsion of bodily fluids. Hallucinations and madness. At the heart of glacial rift -- where the White Witch and her subjects are said to reside -- it is said that there exists a barrier no human can pass. Not without losing themselves completely to the rime, that is. The few that had passed the barrier and returned had … they had …
The memory is there before you know it, raw and frostbitten. The bow you’ve been cleaning nearly clatters to the floor, but you manage to hold onto it with trembling fingers.
You can only remember skewered limbs and bestial screams. One hand pressed to your ruined eye, the other shakily holding a blade that you knew would not save you. One of your legs was beyond repair. The creature that had once been Agathe had stalked closer with its segmented, crystalline body, that hunter’s caution still present, and you were too petrified to do anything but gaze upon the bringer of your own death. Too young, too inexperienced, and too unskilled to face off against a rime-touched beast of her caliber. And in her eyes -- Gods, in her eyes, you could have sworn that you saw something not quite bestial staring back at you. Someone.
The journey to the heart of the glacial rift is said to be unbound by any law of space or time, as expected of a realm created by the White Witch. Despite its eldritch properties, you’ve decided to take at least enough supplies for a dozen or so leagues. Elk jerky, dried fruits and nuts, and sizable canteens of water. Rolls of twine, bandages, and tins of Old Gytha’s medicine. Your whitewood bow and arrows sit at the ready of your back. Your fur-lined cloak and boots weigh heavily upon you when you limp past the Frost Blades’ garrison, although perhaps that is to be expected. You were born in this town, and you had fully expected to die in it. If Luke hadn’t been spirited away by the White Witch, you’re not sure if you would even have the heart to step out of its walls. You certainly lack the strength.
A hand plates itself on your shoulder when you stand before gates of the town, firm and unyielding. Simeon.
What did you expect? you berate yourself, a sigh escaping your mouth. He’s probably known all along. You’re as transparent as glass.
Luke’s gone, you tell him. You shift against your walking cane as you do so, not quite prepared to meet his gaze. Not yet, anyway. Even now, you’re too much of a coward. Regardless, he can’t stop you. Your mind and heart is already set on the quest.
“I know.”
You don’t care if they kick you out of the Frost Blades for defying orders. Luke is -- you made a promise to him. He’s the only family you have.
“I know.”
Then why --
His glove-laden hand turns you gently to face him, cutting you short. Your eyes widen at the sight of hunting gear, his own whitewood bow strapped to his back, and he gives you a smile that is only the slightest bit wolfish. A part of you relaxes at that. Despite his straight-laced behavior in the garrison, it would appear that Simeon is still Simeon, the boy that used to defend you and Luke against the older kids in town. Simeon, the baker’s son who stole loaves of bread to feed you and Luke on unbearable nights. Simeon, the greatest and most elite hunter of his party once he enlisted into the Frost Blades.
Simeon, the one who hadn’t quite been there in time. Even Old Gytha had trouble stitching what remained of you back together.
“The Frost Blades have us make an oath to protect our subordinates,” he says in the way of an explanation, leaving the rest unsaid. He walks past you to push aside a patch of brambles, revealing a weathered wooden door. An unused exit. A corner of his mouth quirks upwards when he catches you staring, and he arches a brow at you. “You didn’t really think I’d let you go by yourself, did you?”
It is difficult to believe anyone has ever lived here before. The uneven terrain is stricken with permafrost, rendering the ground slippery and unforgiving, and the boughs of the trees stretch far into the sky. Like nearly everything else in the boreal forest, they are barren, crystalline, and completely incapable of being burned. Yet the ruins here are massive. You and Simeon sit in the belly of a keep -- or what remains of it, anyway -- as the bones of some unfortunate animal crackle and wither away before you in a blue blaze. They lend little warmth, but you dare not speak a word on the matter. Simeon had supported you when your limp worsened, your cane relaying itself to your side, and when your lame legs could no longer support your weight, he carried you. He had not complained or minded, and so you would not either.
Or perhaps he had and he was too kind to tell you otherwise.
Useless, you think to yourself. Useless, useless, useless. No wonder the Frost Blades had difficulty deciding to spare you. A rime-touched whelp has no place in --
“Are you cold?”
You blink to see Simeon staring intently at you, which he evidently has been for a while. Your legs hurt from walking, and you tell him as much. Working with the Frost Blades’ records is a much different experience than traveling. It’s been a long time.
Seven years, you almost say. It’s been seven years.
“I suppose it has,” he hums, and he resumes stoking the fire with a crystalline branch. It only flickers weakly in response.
Despite being certain that you and Simeon have been traveling for only several hours -- meaning that it should only be midday -- night had already long fallen by the time you reached the ruins. Another oddity of exploring the lands near the White Witch’s realm, it would seem. You and Simeon had passed what should have been leagues in a matter of minutes, whereas what had seemed like a minuscule hill had taken an hour to pass. Streams babbled in some places and nearly stood still in others. Despite the high walls of the ruins here, you can feel the wind blowing through at too fast a pace. Simeon struggles to keep the blaze alive.
And so when you stumble upon a massive, free-standing stone gate in the middle of a frozen clearing, you can’t say you’re completely surprised.
Instead, it is the pair of statues before it that draws your attention. While both of them wield a massive battle axe, the creatures depicted in the sculptures seem to be of two different species. The slightly smaller one reminds you of the oxen tended to by the township: cloven legs, curved horns, and thick fur. Its eyes are half-lidded, as if it were on the brink of falling asleep. The other one stands some two or three heads taller than the oxen-like one, bearing features that you would not expect of a creature acclimated to the ice. Its face is dotted with multitudinous eyes, its massive maw is inset with sharp, wicked teeth, and four insectoid wings sprout from its back.
Stranger yet, the statues have been carved with an impeccable eye for detail -- enough that you had nearly mistaken them for another rime-touched beast. The glacial wind whips back and forth across clearing, making them appear to move. To breathe.
Almost as if they were.
“Halt!” booms a voice across the clearing, forcing you to stumble backwards. Simeon all but drags you behind a tree.
“Who goes there?” demands another voice, lower and more gruff than the first.
One hand clamped over your mouth, the other pressed to the hilt of his blade. His eyes meet yours only after a moment, and you see within them the question that plagues your own thoughts. The bearers of these voices, whomever they may be, should not be here.
“This land belongs to Her Ladyship! Speak, or begone with ye!”
There is the sound of cracking, much like porcelain falling apart. Or perhaps it is more reminiscent of ice shattering, like a mirror bursting into shards after being struck. Simeon’s gaze only narrows as he takes another glance over the side of the tree, still holding you close to him. He begins to slowly draw his blade out from its sheath. The boreal winds begin to howl even greater than before, masking the noise.
Simeon unceremoniously flings you in the direction of the clearing. Your shoulder crashes into the permafrost just as the blade of an axe crashes into the tree, cleaving it in two. Simeon is barely able to draw his sword before the axe meets it -- and then he, too, is sent flying. He pierces the ground with his sword before he can completely clear the open space, stopping just short in front of you. Two figures -- one bearing curved horns, the other bearing insectoid wings -- clamber out of the edge of the forest, the larger of the two hefting the oversized axe over his back.
It is only then that you see the symbols carved into the statues, each circling their wrists and ankles like manacles.
“What have we here, brother?” says the ox-like golem, gazing upon you with interest. “It would appear Her Ladyship’s doll has arrived sooner than we thought. Shall we deliver this human to her?”
“We shall.”
The ox-like golem strides forward. “How convenient that you’ve brought the human to us -- and in such good condition, might I add? Her Ladyship will be in good spirits to see her dear prince and her doll reunited.” He offers his hand to you, much to your surprise. “Come with me, human. There’s no need to be accompanied by this charlatan any longer.”
Charlatan? You can only stare at the ox-like golem’s hand in bewilderment, shaking your head. Whatever reason the White Witch may have to declare you as her doll -- whatever that means -- you will not abandon Simeon. You have no reason to comply with their wishes.
“You heard the hunter.” Simeon brings his sword before him again, creating a barrier between you and the golems. “We’re not going anywhere. If you want to separate us, you’ll have to go through me.”
“More’s the pity. And here we thought Her Ladyship gave us an easy task for once.” The ox-like golem yawns, gesturing to the other, and it is but a moment before the two cross blades. A dueling stance. “Name’s Belphegor. Beelzebub and I will take the pleasure of beheading you today.”
“Last chance,” warns the winged golem. “Surrender now, and we shall forgive you for your transgressions.”
Tip: Staggering one of the golems will force the other to its aid. As Beelzebub is faster and stronger than his counterpart, it is advised to incapacitate Belphegor first.
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uselessboss · 10 months
Character Bio - Wolf Hunter
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For most of his life Hunter was a serious and straight-laced person, very strict on morals and conducts, treating the world in a very "black and white" way.
Good people he treated well and bad people were treated with scorn. He was constantly at odds with with most of his peers because of his uncompromising attitude.
He eventually did manage to find people that didn't hate him when he hit high school but because he was really bad at being sociable he thought people just tolerated him, failing to notice they considered him as a friend.
Meeting people that were different from him without being hostile threw him out of the loop and for the first time he considered the possibility of him being the odd one, but because he wasn't ready to accept the idea of him being in the wrong due to his rather tenacious and stubborn personality he decided to double down on his prudish behavior.
After exposing his superior for abusing his power to harass his subordinates in the force Hunter was transfered to Miller's district.
Miller was the perfect candidate for him to play the part of a "justice warrior" due to her rather sketchy ascension to power despite her bad reputation so he set his sights on her to do a "witch hunt" next.
Miller, however, blindsided him with her kindess, completely shattering his narrow-minded way of thinking.
Hunter dropped his "holier-than-thou" attitude completely afterwards but his strict mindset towards morality remained and this time aimed at himself. Ashamed about his past behavior he now strives to become a better person, mellowing out and turning into a rather caring and gentle man.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
TITLE: Return CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter Two AUTHOR: theterrifyingtermite ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine that, at the end of Endgame, Loki comes back. Only one problem: this isn’t your Loki… RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS: Trigger warning: Loki is not very nice in this part. Leading lady is dragged about a bit and treated pretty harshly on a mental standpoint - and caused physical pain through that avenue. The fact that this is not okay is addressed later on in the fic.
(and yes - I know the majority of this is totally based on a Star Wars force ability but my creativity only goes so far, so forgive me lol)
Chapter Two:
“Loki?” came her repeated whisper, bridging the length of the room.
Still he stared at her, jaw working; teeth clenched.
It was then that her gaze began to travel down his body; her eyes automatically drinking in the sight of him. He had overturned a lamp, and his boots had shuffled around the rug until it lay rumpled.
But it was him.
And yet, it wasn’t the man she remembered.
His hair was shorter and curling up at the ends. His hands, unusually bare for his state of formal attire, were raw and red. His robes were scorched, torn; dirtied. His face had a sharp edge to it, and his eyes…
…they looked like the memories he had shown her.
Another heartbeat, and her eyes widened. “You’re younger-” she breathed, shifting back a step.
A mistake. The air took on a near electric rumble.
She should have stopped then.
Her mouth kept moving.
“-you look like you did right after New York.”
Another mistake. His eyes narrowed, and he was across the room in a flash, fully the hunter chasing down skittish prey, even as she tried to dart away. He grabbed her by the arms and shook her.
“Who are you?”
Danger emanated from his being; she found herself wilting under the pressure of it.
“I- I was; I mean, we were – “
“How do you know me?” His voice had raised to a shout, fingers digging bruises into her; his words going deeper.
She choked down a sob, forcing herself to meet his eyes. “We were friends. You loved me; you proposed-.”
“Liar,” he spat at her, interrupting her, teeth bared in an expression akin to a snarling wolf.
Her heart shattered; she wondered if he could see it in her eyes.
“I’m telling you the truth. I found you after an accident. You never told me what happened,” a laugh flung itself from her, before her eyes welled anew. “You came back to visit me time and time again, and then, well…”
He scoffed at that and released her arms, one hand coming up to grasp her throat, pulling her up on her toes. “Give me one good reason not to be rid of you now.”
“Look for yourself. Memory walk. I know you can,” she gasped out as his fingers tightened.
His gaze sharpened to a deadly point. She was barely able to keep her eyes on his, yet she knew she must.
The man before her was not the man she had known. She knew that now. But he was still Loki. He was – even if he was younger, harder, and more hurt than she had ever known him to be.
And that allowed a bolt of fear to suddenly race through her. 
“Please don’t hurt me,” she whispered, her heart pounding.
“As if it matters,” was what he snapped at her, a dangerous glint in his eye. Then the grip at her neck shifted to the back of her head to hold her in place as the gates of her mind flew open.
She closed her eyes.
There was their first meeting. Of a broken man on a sidewalk; of begrudging assistance and hysterics. Of fairs and boots and saving her; loving her; choosing to come back time and time again; holding her–
Of regular days. Living, walking; just being together. Teaching him how to cook. Teaching him how to bake. Laughing and groaning and frustration and joy. Peace. Simple happiness.
Nutella and fishes.
So ridiculous; so simple. They had been so happy.
In another world, this easy delight was unable to be recognized.
Promises; protection – and then peace at heart. Something so dear growing to something so precious.
It was nothing like before. He had done this with her many times before, to share his own life when words failed him; to know what she meant on an internal level. This thought was crowding the images through which Loki was blazing a tunnel. And yet, there was nothing she could do. He ignored her. She felt as if she were floating away from her body.
Pieces of their life; of herself were being pulled, torn, and shoved away heedlessly.
Nothing was overlooked.
Was this what it felt like to die?
I haven’t been honest with you, he had whispered to her one day.
They had been curled up on her sofa, some mindlessly silly film playing quietly.
It had been a year ago. There was snow and cold, and safety being so near to him.
She had hitched a shoulder up in a shrug, tilting her head back to look up at him. He had kept his eyes forward, refusing to meet her gaze. Reaching up and brushing a hand against his face hadn’t helped.
That touch; that familiar feeling of him coursed through her until it was roughly passed over.
There was a quiet fear in his eyes. A bracing for rejection.
He told her that he was King of Asgard; that he had been King of Asgard for some time, and that’s why he had not been able to see her as frequently.
It meant something. It suggested something deeper; something darker than she had wanted to believe him capable of.
And yet.
Would he tell her the story one day? With a smile, and a gentle poke to his nose, the question was asked.
In another world, there had only ever been one person to care for him as he was.
He had blinked, bemused, before slowly agreeing. The hesitance slipped away when she had curled up closer; had laced her fingers through his own.
After pulling her close and burying his face in her shoulder, he had sighed, and a film of contentment colored over the details of the rest of the evening that had faded away.
Her hands were grasping at something familiar. 
His body, that she knew at once through her touch.
And then, the blur was eased, and she found herself pulled into that perfect day.
Not this one, she begged internally, feeling the words towards the invading presence of his mind. Not now.
He didn’t listen.
It had been some time since she had seen him. Past his due time. Yet, as promised, he had come. He had come, swung her around the kitchen and laughed with her. Then he had pulled out a blindfold and rumbled in her ear about a surprise.
She had nodded.
He had covered her eyes, wrapped her up again into his arms, and whirled them away to some distant place.
When she was allowed to see again, all that was before her was verdant. The brightest green grass and trees ever known. There was an estate in the distance, past a field of wheat and tall grass, but he pulled her in the opposite direction.
Where are we? She had laughed, stumbling after him and his long legs, barely able to speak for joy.
Over the ocean, he had grinned over his shoulder, pulling her down a path and along a stream.
Eventually they had come around a corner, and he had briefly squeezed her hand before slowing to a walk. She was still giggling; he was still smiling brightly. Come this way, he had murmured, leading her down a little side way she hadn’t noticed before they darted up it.
They reached an arbor: a perfectly sculpted globe of tightly woven vines. Loki tugged her inside it, spinning her around again by her hands; dizzying them both.
When she was breathless once more, he pulled her against him, lowering his mouth to hers for one agonizingly blissful moment. How she had loved him. Oh, she loved him so dearly still.
In another world that thought; that feeling was met by a flinch before being rushed over.
Then he was gazing at her, eyes suddenly cautious, and his voice shaking. Things were changing on Asgard. She had been so patient; so willing to understand. Only a little more time, and then…
And then…
She could stay with him. In all decorum, naturally. Did she know what that meant?
A smile. A gentle prodding.
A faltering. A question.
An easy answer.
A ring.
And then she saw very little of the rest of the memory, but the feeling of his jacket under her shoulders; of his body burning hot against her own; of knowing she was so very safe and cherished in his arms.
This world he had pulled her into had different rules.
Somewhere; somehow, she could hear their child screaming.
And then there was the rest of the night; of waking up at first light to find him still there. Of the whispers of his speedy return.
Two weeks. Maybe three. Then never again.
A lingering kiss.
A smiled goodbye.
Crossed-out days on a calendar.
An apology to her boss; a vague redirection.
A bag organized.
In another world, no one had ever waited for him before.
And then a flare of light; of power – and Loki was flung from her mind and from her body.
She was barely conscious of sliding to the carpet and collapsing in a heap.
All she knew was her child had calmed; satisfaction from within overwhelmed her before she fainted. ___
When she was able to open her eyes, it was with a greater effort than the last time she had been in this position.
She groaned, head swimming; memories jumbled together. So many sights and feelings had flown through her at once. It was as if the last few years of her life had been lived at once. Every joy and every pain – they had all been torn through; devoured.
The baby was moving harder and faster than ever before this moment. It felt as if raw energy was exuding from her womb; withdrawing bit by bit with every passing breath. Loki was crouched on the other side of the room, staring at her, his own chest heaving.
 “What was that?” came as a hiss through her daze.
Squinting, she dragged herself up to a sitting position, one arm cradling his – their – her child, and tried to glare back.
It was useless through the blur of tears and pain bludgeoning the inside of her head.
“That was all of us,” she gasped out finally, reaching the other hand up to rub at her eyes.
He had started to deny it and mention something else when his voice broke, and she dropped her eyes as well.
His gaze was focused in on the ring still on her hand, and he stood up instinctively, darting over to where she sat. Even as his hands grasped at hers; even as several denials were cried, she was helpless as Loki pulled her fingers out of a fist and wrenched the ring off her finger.
He moved away from her immediately, tucking the hand clutching the ring against himself, as she reached out after him, tears welling up faster and harder.
“That’s all I have left,” she cried out, watching in desperation as he snatched up the Tesseract once more, no doubt willing it to pull him away.
A sneer she had seen so many times, but never directed towards herself curled up his lip, and his eyes sharpened as he glared at her and then pointedly looked down.
“You have more than enough already,” was the tight response.
And then, in a swirl of light, he was gone.
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Zero's Delicious Revenge
((Hey guys and gals. Just wanna revamp a few sentences to make really clear and steamy for ya. Once again for those who are young, you don't need to read this fiction. It's for adults only. So without any further ado, please enjoy the story! 😊))
Downwards into the dark yet unknown torture room, somewhere hidden or secret underneath the Hunter Base, that no one, not even the pacifist hunter would even try to find out about it. For it is unlike any other styles that anyone saw into a horror movie or shows watched on TV. Someone crazed for domination to arrive towards humanity to become rid of from earth before the true beginning of a new world for only the strongest reploids to stand by his side until there's nothing left. A former commander of the Maverick Hunters whose morality have morphed from sane to mad due to the unavoidable Wily Virus, have been chained against or to the walls built with auto control restraints just to cease him from planning to flee. He is known as Sigma, supreme king of the Mavericks. He would slowly open his eyes to regain his consciousness. The last thing that he had remembered is from the previous battle with Zero, now becoming stronger than he was in the past and won. Secondly, thinking about trying to become victorious until the continuation of his usual schemes by erasing the existence of all organic individuals once and for all. Before delivering the drastic finale, the fire colored hunter would then pull out a powerful trick from his sleeve, by transforming into the unstoppable Absolute Zero. Ending the epic duel at once with a quick swift of his Calamitous Arts, damaging his arch foe without hesitation thus far. Humiliation has clothed him for his arrogance against the Class A sword wielder, the sins poured upon his greatness as punishment for the destruction of mankind while his enemy calls for backup to arrest him. 
"This is not over yet, hunter... In return, I will regain my dream of creating a new world for only the strongest reploids to become free of the disdainful humans..." Pledged the defeated boss, growling of vengeance. Before escorting him to the containment jail, the scarlet crusaders proceeded toward him with hands planted on the hips and smirked at him mockingly.
"Honestly, I hardly felt bad for you, Sigma. For your so called dreams for a grand world, always end up being turned into ruin by us Maverick Hunters. And yet, you still don't learn. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll earn yourself a private underground cell for not so long time until you're a good boy." He chuckled. "And by the way, I'll be your harden warden from now on." Then he patted the bald villain's head until snapping his fingers as a signal for the other hunters to take him away to HQ.
And now, here he is. Trapped within the doorless shack of a prison facility, covered into the wounds of his nemesis's claws and arms completely destroyed or hacked off permanently.
"Argh.... C...Curse him.... I had almost dismantled him if I didn't gain the chance to strike him down before his transformation...." Staggered the irregular boss, coughing up a few drops of blood while trying to speak clearly. "W...Where am I? And....what happened to my arms?!"
His answers to a few mysterious questions was right above him the entire time, from the last fight as he was hanging upside down like a bat into the cave. But this time, he's the repli-fied version.
"He he he he he he...... Oh poor useless commander... You still haven't learn, have you? Always posing yourself as the large hotshot whose too perfect to clean his pride... Or maybe to wash his own ass..." Said the unknown reploid. Chuckling darkly at his failure.
"You... Show yourself this instant and face me!" Screamed the big boss of the Maverick society, looking into a slow condition to view who is was.
A surprise has rained down upon him when the blacked themed android hovers by land, revealing himself to him as, you guest it, Zero. He grinned with a menacing plot in store for the scarred villain in chains, with no arsenal or hands to protect him from his deadly claws.
"So it is you, Zero..."
"Hello, Sigma... How do you like your new home? It suits your doomed misery quite well, obviously. But enough of that. Because I'm your worst nightmare now and this time, my revenge for turning me against my boyfriend by your pathetic control is strongly personal.... "
"Hmph... Ignorant hunter.... Do you really think your feeble threats would even phase me, the unbeatable Sigma? You're completely out of your elements..." He scoffed. "No one would ever hope to defeat m-!"
Then, he was interrupted by the clawed hand grasping violently just to shut him up. But the goth themed vampire was still calm with expression, not even amazed by his gloating whatsoever.
"Sigma Sigma Sigma... Seriously, are you even listening to yourself? That sad attempted speech of yours is always humiliating to me. Plus, it really annoys the hell out of me completely more than Axl's immaturity. No matter what you always do in order to change the world for your disgusting amusement, it will always fail by my hands, including X's. Using me as your so called "prized creation" just to force my decisions into beating my beloved boyfriend, but not this time. Nor ever. From now on, I'm in control of my own self today, and let's just say, that you're positively shit out of luck here. Without your precious minions to cover your helpless ass or anything that you hold dear within your pockets, it's all gone. Every. Single. One. And guess what, big boy? You're gonna be much more fun to play with when nobody's even around to interrupt our alone time... And additionally, my bitch..."
Proceeding his face and body towards him into a close action while placing the claws onto his chest, grinning once more but showing his devious white diamond fangs. Ready to pierce some flesh and synthetics. Before doing to what Sigma would've thought of his opponent would do, he whispers into his ear port with a flirtatious manner.
"But you know what, I think you're actually kinda hot when you're vaguely miserable and weak in that naughty condition~ In fact, it makes me very, VERY horny to just suck your wounded lips right now~ And mostly, I find you aggressively attractive~" He said with a quiet yet sultry tone, placing his hands onto the big bad wolf's cheeks. Staring into his eyes before the beginning of this "tortuous interrogation". "How about a little fun, or maybe perhaps, a kiss~?"
"W...What?!" He said in a surprised state, weakly blushing. Hardly anything in his mind to reply, but alas, he was silenced by the biting kiss in the mouth.
"Hissssssssssssss~ Hush your shitty tongue, "commander"~ And let me drain your glorious bravery from your broken chatterbox...sexually~" Hissed the terrifying blood sucker silently, attempting to zip his trap by pressing his mouth into the former commanding officer's.
And finally during the horrifying talk towards him, the blond demon would desperately began to make out with his enemy all over as well as the jacked neck. Hands stroking from behind the back so smoothly, running his tongue across the face and travels into his mouth by a deep kiss. So hungrily that the core inside of him is pleading for more, but his revenge needs it instead.
"Mmmph! Mmmph!" He once again shouted, trying to break away the unbreakable mouth lock.
"Mmmm~ Oh yes~ I want to hear your crying squeals, big boy~ It really increases my thirsty needs~" Moaned Zero, craving for more of such delectable hollers. How it does represent the music to his hearing ports. Much more beautiful to enjoy.
In difficult situations like the ones during a kidnapping scene, where a victim was abducted by a criminal for a proper beating of sexual abuse in order to get what they want. Right now, it's almost similar to what the winged Wily bot is doing to the irregular king, but with a tortuous seduction with no conclusion until vengeance has been earned immediately. He is strongly mad for such a massive neck like Sigma's during his love making madness. Scratching his bald head into a circulatory motion, slurping in his mouth all forcibly as the starving loin waiting for his prey to appear for dinner. Such depraved agony for the doomed ex commander, now trapped within the palms of his vampiric warden.
He finally started to shiver in cowardice increasingly due to the visions he had. Now, that nightmare has came true to scare away his soul, if he had one. Attempting to retrieve his bravery by shrugging his head to get away, but a futile trickery such as that will grant him the maximum dose of terrorized punishment.
"It's effortless to think about fighting back in your weak condition, big man~ In fact, there isn't gonna BE any hope for you now~ He he he he~" Chuckled the menacing android. Continuously slobbering more pain and destruction upon the crushed master of evil. Instead, with a passionate position during his permanent mouth to mouth kiss.
"Mmmmph....!  Mmmmmmmph!"
"Mmm~ Mmmmmm~ God, your bruised lips are so hot, papa~ It's just the way I like it for the first time~ The desirable pain from you has gotten me REALLY satisfied~" For he's quite right, this torturing phenomenon was incredibly intriguing to him. "Give it to me, ya big bitch~"
"You are...foolishly insane, Zero...." Coughed the battered evil doer, whose spirit will be crushed soon until the nightmare was over.
"That's right~ I'm correctly bat shit for your helplessness showering all over me, running all over my crotch just to please me~ But now, I want more from you~" Licking his pale lips of a starving attitude, he approached himself to the large baddie for a second of his weaken but scrumptious kiss.
"Pucker up, daddy~" Whispered the hard killing droid, yearning for some kinky tongue to tongue action. Inserting his into the enemy for a slow search of his cowardice to eat. Deeper than ever before.
Sigma, also known as the ultimate leader of all things irregular who rules with a powerful yet gruesome fist than iron, has now become the frantic victim of unlimited chaos which is standing in front of him. No hope, dreams, weapons or arms. All that he have ever possessed was already taken from him by force. Along with his rank, popularity, fearlessness and spirit, now belonging to the evil dark themed hunter to steal. It was all over for him as he began to talon his whole body, instead of ripping it off. Having his entire armor to freeze with more restraint. Greatly scared for his life, Zero forcibly pins him to the wall for some delectable playtime at last. Or otherwise, his dinner.
"Well, Sigma~ I'd really hate to stop our get together activity so soon, however, there's nothing more better than to snack onto something....fierce~ Ah~ And finally it was there in front of me the whole time~"
"No.... P...Please.... I beg of you.... Anything but this...." He shattered with fear.
"Shhh~ Don't worry, big bear~ I'm fully aware that it won't hurt....much~" Purred the onyx incubus, with red eyes glowing unlike the dangerous monster in the closet.
The grand finale has made its appearance, for the long patience has been concluded at last. He tilted his head closely to the neck of a muscular maverick who is permanently victimized and surrounded by the ghosts of Nightmare Viruses floating above him, taunting his failures for not destroying the elite forces or to achieve his desires for a paradise world for reploids only. All will go against him for eternity when it comes to weaknesses. For he had no other choice but to give in of being a slave.
"Do as you wish.... For I lack the reason to live without the purpose... You have won... Maverick Hunter Zero..." He finally admitted towards him. Losing his chances to establish a new world to rid the humans from hoping to ever exist alongside reploids.
"Now that's more like it~... But unfortunately, it's too late for apologies this time~"
Then, finally, he have inserted his fangs deeply into his opponent's neck, sexually feasting in peace until Sigma began to scream loudly just to satisfy his extreme vengeance forever.
"Yeeeeeeeeessss~ Scream for me now, big daddy~" He whispered, impaling the pointed fangs deeper.  Ohh, you're such a naughty maverick, aren't ya~? Looks like I'm gonna have to punish you more~" Aroused Zero.
He kept preying even harder, but moans in complete and utter silence while holding the threatening villain down. Wrapping his arms around the body to claw diagonally into a calm pace to full his enjoyment. Grinding his black armored anatomy onto his with extreme lust, grasping his enormous ass with one of his hands and slaps it into a hot way during his fun time. Secondly, participated into the tongue lock as well before folding his wings around both of them for a darker privacy in mind. WIthout interferences.
"Mmmmmm~ Oh Sigma~ Sweet Sigma~ How I love your terrifying squeals of the night~ For it bounds before my superiority as the new and true badass of Abel City to welcome my powerfulness~ Feed me more of your fear~ For my hunger for revenge has reached its end~ But my meal will never become the conclusion~" He spoke, licking his ear port all the way. Once again, hissing very loudly to return to the neck for an endless supper.
"He he he.... Keep howling, Sigma boy~ But nobody's gonna hear it from you~ And now, it's dinner time~" Running his extended tongue once more and across his decimated body before going back on his dinner. Caressing over his steel crotch by interest has shown a lustful smirk upon his pale face for just a little scavenger hunt.
"Damn, Sigma~ That's a nice looking bolt you got down here~" Impressed the shadowed blonde, soothing the maverick lord's glory box.
"U...Ugh...." Groaned the threatening villain whose throat have been crippled, felt of his rival's bladed claws tighten of the grasp by the crotch.
"Mmm~ You know, it would be very bad of me just to ruin a sexy piece of massiveness, but it makes a perfect chance for me to punish it~" And so, with that of a remarkable thought in mind of interrogation, he grips the golden treasure of his arch enemy due to the extreme hardness, provoking the scarred eyed devastator to groan of a scream for a clear taste. Including a few slappings, motioning, etc to force him to cry.
"Oh yes~ I wanna hear more of your agonizing squeals, big baby~ it makes my body feel so hot~" Intrigued the black clad vampire. "Even your low hardness really inspires my interests when I "abuse" it~"
And so, he does that when dominating the large superior's hard bolt so sensually. Caressing, groping along with a little thirsty cheek licking to rise up the mood of this dungeon as well as his interests. 
"Man, you must've been exercising that brave box quite a lot, Sigma~" He meowed, while running his tongue all over the face. "But, I bet it can hardly survive against my bloody palms~"
"Grr...." He snarled, like an impatient toddler. 
"Oh there's no need to get all pouty, my commanding slave~ While I'm the king of this jungle, all I can do now is torment your fragile yet gorgeous body with mine~ All the time~" Leaning his body against the enemy's for an even fascinating fun, secondly with his hand remained attached towards the harden maverick jewel by grip. Purring rapidly into his ear port and advancing his tongue all over him including the neck, legs, lips and ears. Grinding endlessly, anatomy to anatomy into a sensually condition. Every single time or day and night. 
"U...Unh..." Moaned the irregular predator, who either enjoys the torment or despise it. 
"Mmmm~ Come on, big bitch~ You know you love it when I ground you for being a naughty maverick~" He hissed seductively, taking the other hand to spank his massive ass. "Unh~ Mmm~ Now who's your master~? 
"H...Hmph..." He refused. But without his bravery or fearlessness to save him from the clad hunter. "You are...."
"Good boy~ Now let me kiss you and everything you have, so violently~" He purred again, pulling his face towards for an aggressive lip to lip in order to please his hunger. Deeply with force all over with no stopping whatsoever, along with the grabbing of the ass and polishing his body by smooth grinding. 
"Unh.... U... Unh...."
"Oh yes~ Yes~ Give it to me, big boy~ Unh~ Unh~ God, you're even more sexier in your disintegrated state~" He moaned without ever needing to rest.��
Then, the enormous overlord have descended his heartbroken tears from his peers, wanting the ex maverick to wipe them all out by his tongue and silencing his sobbing with a relaxing mouth lock once more. Returning to yet another of his private torture by sensually neck kissing all the way before it's done.
"Mmm~ Your bold neck is so delectable and yet, very sexy as hell, big daddy~" He said to the leader of the mavericks with an invigorating tone, making love to it. "Somehow, I'm amused of its crippled feature right now, but I still think of it as honestly hot~"
And that, it's absolutely true. For the horrid neck does look very tasty at its best for the shadow armored hunter's sexual liking. For his attempt to abuse it for a slight minute would even cause him to blush of naughtiness. Or perhaps something else. But no matter to him anyway for his continuation of the victim's neck will be the most scrumptious meal of all.
"C...Curse you once more, Zero.... Curse your impudent foolishness for destroying my schemes...." Growled the half broken mad maverick weakly.
"Aww, tryna burf out your little insults at me~? Now that's not very nice at all~ But since you've been an honest prick of a maverick, I'll decide to let you off with a warning~" Spoke the reploid demon. Slurping his tongue all across the ear port and the bulk chest before going back to his playful supper.
"I'm gonna enjoy violating you in your dreams so badly, bitch~" He said, continuously crippling the ex superior by punishing his body after everything he took away that was dear to him, sucking on his nose and mouth very hard.
"Y...You barbaric maniac..." He spilled. All cramped and battered from an endless torture. 
"Mmm~ I love it when your low level insults kept pouring all over me~ It feels so hot~" The blond was intrigued, caressing his body while imagining himself being showered by his bald nemesis's crappy ridicules. Rocking his tongue around like crazy. Resuming his private business by slobbering once more all over the irregular king by fangs, pleasuring his iron crotch into a loop while breathing a sultry hiss towards his face. 
"U...Ugh... Argh...."
Unfortunately, his endless playtime with Sigma had almost arrive to a close, but not until it's over as the blonde blade wielder could punish him again by granting a poisonous smooch by the mouth, in order to drain his strategies and movements along. Without any hope not freedom to slice off the unbreakable chains of trapped seduction. He have felt the deadly serum venturing inside his mind or traveling everywhere, losing his consciousness that quickly.
"That's for ruining everyone and both mine as well as my friend's lives by your damn stench of human obliteration.... " Hissed Zero, extending his clawed hand into a reach to grab his prisoner's chin before "cursing" him with one last kiss.
He chuckled as his final words before meeting his critical demise by death.
"Sleep tight forever, my former commander~" He grinned menacingly, pushing his pale yet frost lips with a deep force into the irregular king's. Laying his hands upon his boned face for an icy love/torture making of a lifetime before the gruesome decapitation to shut his existence for good.
"And good riddance~" Before ending the crumbled maverick villain's existence, he offered the frosty smooch once more into the lips for the last time. Never to look or think about his devious comeback no longer.
"Mmmm~ Ahhh~" Gifting him this frosted "curse" should be able to permanently force the arrogant ex leader of HQ to slumber for all eternity until the final decapitation. By a quick swipe of his claws to end the life of Sigma, severing his head from the body. "And lastly, thanks for the perfect meal~" The deed has been finished. No mavericks, no problems. He then taste his blood by licking his hand. Finger by finger. 
"Mmmm~ Delicious~"
And thus, his revenge has purposely created a new ending. Perhaps a peaceful version, to be exact. However, the full course was no longer done just yet until every drip of blood was driven dry from his body. Thankfully, his very schemes have been declined for good this time. And tranquility had once again return to embrace all beings as well as reploids and humanity. All thanks to the heroic Maverick Hunters.
Few days later when nighttime arises, peace has regain its true colors once more due to the rigorous defeat of the insanely mastermind of the mavericks, plus, to allow all civilians and reploids to live as equals forever. At least for now. Hovering above the building in front of the blissfully snow themed moon,  The dark vampiric droid would be able to live free from the horrid shackles of bad memories grappling him down, or to become a mindless puppet to use for trying to kill the blue B Class. But it's all over. Within his hand, grasps the head of his frighten victim after his "interrogation" from earlier. However, it was quite intriguing. Before descending towards a new mission, he lifted it up and closely to make love by kissing it one last time.
"Thanks again for the wonderful evening we have together, big boy~ Quite a shame that you won't be around to view my victories after all~" He purred, pressing his lips softly and hard deeply into Sigma's. Sadly, that was his first and last tongue kiss he had with the bat themed individual, even though that he is decapitated from his body. Deserting the broken head by hurling it faraway into the ocean of force. 
"And good bye, you sexy bitch~" He blew a kiss after tossing his enemy's damaged head for good, never to be seen again until he heads for a new reconnaissance. 
In conclusion, the war was completely done with as we speak. Not only justice was decently served at last, but his vengeance as well. To him, revenge is the most scrumptious dish ever made cold.
The End
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the-cookie-of-doom · 5 years
“Non Scott/Posey fans want Stiles to abandon poor Scott and side with the Hales instead”
@russianspacegeckosexparty: When something!Stiles stories have Stiles claim “Scott can’t keep a secret” as excuse for him not divulging his real nature, I laugh. Weren’t y'all accusing Scott of being sneaky and shady by supposedly not letting Stiles in on his plans? Yet Derek and Peter make good confidantes for Stiles to share his secrets with, sure
Claude PEW Frollo:
This is an interesting point.
I don’t know where they get that Scott can’t keep a secret. He managed to play lacrosse as a newly turned werewolf with Chris Argent in the audience and get away with it. In like vein, he managed to conceal his entire werewolf nature from the Argent family (even Allison) until Kate Argent got the information by capturing Derek.
Gerard Argent figured it out but that was because Scott got in trouble while protecting Boyd from being discovered. He managed to hide it from his mother for two whole seasons.
Scott doesn’t have a trouble keeping secrets – but he should have. One of the main themes of Teen Wolf is “it’s always better when they know” – keeping things from Lydia, keeping things from Malia, Stiles keeping things from Scott – they all led to major problems later on.
Of course, the implication is just under the surface – Fanon Stiles can’t trust Scott, because trusting Scott means siding with Scott, which is what Canon Stiles consistently did. So, part of the function of Stiles goes to Peter or Derek because he can’t trust Scott because Scott just won’t understand or will reject him because he’s different.
(Scott, canonically, tried to save Jackson even though he was a kanima, accepted Lydia before they knew she was a banshee, had a pack that consisted of gold-eyed and blue-eyed werewolves, a kitsune, a hunter, a banshee, and at least one chimera. And yet how many of these same stories have Derek or Peter sneering at Scott’s mismatched or odd pack?)
Instead, Stiles can trust Peter – who only kidnapped him, assaulted him, and tried to kill Scott twice? three times? – or Derek, who literally concealed the fact that he wasn’t the werewolf who bit Scott, who didn’t tell Scott and Stiles, purportedly his allies, that he bit Jackson until Venomous, and totally forgot to tell them about the Alpha Pack until they’d been in Beacon Hills for four-to-five months.
One of the arguments they put forward is that Derek and Peter are more competent – a sentence I still can’t type without giggling. Peter Hale got his butt whipped by a bunch of teenagers and the term ‘failwolf’ was invented for Derek Hale.
When fanfiction writers make that choice, they’re fully aware of the implications of that action but they don’t care. They want Stiles with the Hales, and they feel they want to disparage Stiles relationship with Scott (while seldom disparaging his relationships with his father or Lydia).
“Fanon Stiles can’t trust Scott, because trusting Scott means siding with Scott, which is what Canon Stiles consistently did. So, part of the function of Stiles goes to Peter or Derek because he can’t trust Scott because Scott just won’t understand or will reject him because he’s different” First you say that Stiles outright rejects Scott and whatever hypocritical holier-than-thou bullshit Scott claims to stand for in canon, and now you backtrack and claim that Stiles always side with Scott? Asdfghjkl make up your mind @princeescaluswords
It is 100% canon that Scott McCall is a whiny, incompetent, judgmental coward who is utterly useless when left to his own devices, can’t keep a secret to save his life, and has the obnoxious habit of oversharing. So why should Stiles trust Scoot with his own secrets instead of going to Peter Hale, or to Cora Hale, or to Lydia Martin, or to Derek Hale like he canonically did exactly? Scott’s so-called ‘pack’ consisted of one Beta (Liam) and even said Beta is already the Alpha of his own pack (Mason, Corey, Theo and Hayden’s)
True Flop™ Scott McCall is no one’s alpha/leader/boss/parent/owner/authority figure. Therefore, Stiles and Lydia can side with the Hales or with whoever they want and are NOT obligated to share their own secrets and traumas with Scott if they don’t want to.
I just don’t get what’s so hard to understand about the concept of fanfiction: it deviates from canon by nature. Even fics that are canon-compliant still diverge from canon, by virtue of simply adding things that weren’t there. In a fic that is Stiles centric, he may well trust the Hales over Scott, he may trust the goddamn mailman over Scott. It doesn’t matter! Nothing about canon even matters! 
“Scott can’t keep a secret is a bad defense for turning Stiles against him/towards the Hales blah blah.” Okay, but we've already established that Stiles is !Something, meaning that the rules have been thrown out the window, buddy. It’s okay. That’s allowed to happen. That’s what fics are transformative. 
But I’m afraid that’s something the delusional squad will never understand. It’s too big of a word for them, probable, and way too complicated a concept. 
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starrypawz · 5 years
“fuck me like you hate me.”
Smut Starters
Itwas all too much, if one more thing...
"Min?"Alkar paused, watching from his spot among the pillows, "You ok?"
"No,"With a sigh she unhooked the heavy belt at her waist letting it fallwith less care than usual, then followed the distinctive purple sashwhich for a moment Minnie thought about throwing into a corner beforegoing for her waistcoat, fingers to buttons and...
"Lemme,"Alkar undoing the buttons with deft fingers, watching as she balledup her hands. With a level of caution that actually surprised him hecaught her chin and pressed his lips to hers.
Minniesighed, fists unclenching reaching out to grab at Alkar's shirt.
Hecan read the grab, it's not a playful one or the one she uses whenshe's bossing him around it's the sort of grab that comes when you'retrying to hold onto something for sheer life.
Shit,shame Omen's not here, this is probably more his area.
He does however recognise what seems to be coming to the surface, from the wayher hand twists in his shirt he's no stranger to it by any means.Maybe he's not totally useless.
She'spissed off. Completely pissed off.
"Min-"He swallows briefly, "Fuck me,"
"What?"She pulls back and raises an eyebrow at him,
Hefalls into his usual cocky grin, "Fuck me," he repeats.
There'smore than one way to burn off frustration.
"Al-"He cuts her off with a kiss and pulls back before she can react
"Look,"He's grinning again, "I can take whatever you dish out,"tail and wolf ears twitching invitingly,
"Look,"Came the familiar cocky grin, "I can take whatever you dishout," tail and ears twitching invitingly as he spoke, "Betteridea than punching a wall right?"
Shesnorted at that, and he bit down on widening his grin. With a sighshe ran a hand through red, curly hair, "So you're asking me tothrow you around?"
"Ifyou want,"
"Ican't believe I'm considering this,"
Alkarlaughed, or more went to laugh then found a hand on his collarpulling him in for a kiss that turned into a bite, and a hand buriedin his hair. And then a hand making short work of the clasps on hiswaistcoat.
Trueto his suggestion he did find himself being thrown onto the bed. Yetagain reminded that it was a good thing to try and remain on aHunter's good side. Not that he had much time to think before she wasover him, a kiss to his lips before a hand was on his belt andanother one against his throat.                                    
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blackroseraven · 5 years
Without horses I am left with only my vice of video games and largely complaining about them.
Idle Champions continues to be a go-to, because it’s a game where I both don’t have to do anything and yet I do everything. My standard formation is mostly furries because who doesn’t like kobolds and dragonborn?
I downloaded the Surge because it was free and uh. Not. Super impressed. If I wanted to grind for an hour and get absolutely nowhere I’d just play Warframe. There’s no real sense of desperation or struggle, either, it’s just. “Oh well, I got ambushed and killed again by a lucky shot from a badly-placed enemy, whatever.”
I mean, I liked the PAX boss fight but it feels like they used up all their ideas in the first area alone, because since then it’s just been. Repetition, repetition. 
How is Dissidia NT so much worse than the original Dissidia games.
The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is fantastic and a relationship everyone should strive to emulate, where the princess is a hooved wolf monster and the prince is largely useless but a very good listener.
I also have School Girl: Zombie Hunter. Don’t judge me.
This is my life when I’m unable to get to the stables. I’m a miserable shut in. I could die in here and no one would notice.
Well, I guess they’d hear the dog screaming for food after a while, because I’m 90% sure he wouldn’t care about me dying as long as I died in a place where my corpse was accessible enough to lay down on.
Even right now the eighty pound doberman is jammed painfully into my back and side in this chair. His butt is so big that it’s sticking off the side and he doesn’t even care. 
This is what I get for giving him a stupid name.
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tessajayne18 · 6 years
Wolf with Silver Eyes (Chapter 8)
Summary: Byun Baekhyun is an established detective in a world full of supernatural creatures. His life takes a turn when he transfers to a new town as one of the only humans in the town. Everything appears as normal as it can be until a mysterious group plagues the town. Will Baekhyun be able to solve this case or will a pseudo-deity put a stop to it?
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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Early the next morning, Anaise arrived at the office moments after Junmyeon unlocked the door. Before Junmyeon could unlock his personal office, Anaise placed her hand on his shoulder.
 “That’s a surprise. I wasn’t expecting you here so early,” Junmyeon chuckled.
 “There’s a reason for that,” Anaise replied as she pulled out her phone. She waited until Junmyeon unlocked his office and sat down before playing the recording from the previous night.
 After a few moments, Junmyeon took a deep breath. “This definitely lines up with our previous findings… and now we have a potential motive,” he said.
 “The only thing I wish there was… was the name of the old lady they mentioned,” Anaise replied.
 Junmyeon thought to himself for a few moments before replying, “If we can’t trace back to the old lady… we might be able to find the bounty. Do you have any way of finding that out?”
 “I’ve already tried when I got home last night, and it’s a private bounty. Only those who accept the mission get to see all the details,” Anaise sadly answered.
 “What did it say exactly?” Junmyeon asked.
 “I said that Silver Eyes was a private bounty in this town. Those who accept this will know further details. The number was concealed with the rest of the information,” Anaise answered. “The only way we can find out information on the bounty is to get it out of somebody who has seen the full bounty.”
 “What about the person who posted the bounty?” Junmyeon asked as he pulled up a few files on his computer.
 “It was an anonymous bounty, and nothing in the recording mentioned anything about who posted it,” Anaise replied as she glanced at the monitor.
 “Maybe if we can trace where the bounty was posted, we can figure out who wants Silver Eyes or possibly find out who the old woman is,” Junmyeon said as he searched the files. “I will have everyone steak out all of these areas today while I have my hackers work on tracing this bounty.”
 “Sounds good,” Anaise nodded as she stood up and left Junmyeon’s office. She walked over to her temporary desk as she overheard a conversation between Baekhyun and Chanyeol.
 “How can that small frame put away so much meat?” Chanyeol asked, clearly surprised.
 “That’s what I want to know,” Baekhyun chuckled as he sat down at his desk. “Kami is definitely full of surprises.”
 “I’ll say,” Chanyeol smiled as he sat down at his own desk. He looked over at Anaise and retained his smile. “Good morning, Anaise.”
 Anaise was slightly surprised at the greeting. “Good morning,” she calmly replied.
 “You actually said ‘good morning’? Who are you?” Baekhyun chuckled.
 “And you’re still the same ol’ Baekhyun who comments on useless things about me,” Anaise shot back as she leaned back in her chair.
 “I hardly know you,” Baekhyun called out.
 “You’re a detective,” Anaise snidely replied.
 Baekhyun glared at Anaise right as Irene and Jongdae walk into the office. “Well, well, well, what kind of cat fight have we stumbled upon here?” Jongdae smirked.
 “It’s not a cat fight because you’re not in it,” Irene bluntly replied as she briskly walked to her desk.
 “Rude,” Jongdae pouted as he sat down at his own desk. He quickly glanced at Anaise before checking his desk.
 Moments later, Junmyeon walked out to inform everyone of everything Anaise told him. After the briefing, he assigned everyone to observe certain areas of the town to try and find suspicious activity involving Wonbin and his werewolf pack. He later dismissed everyone to their assignments and left to do his own work.
 Everyone stood up to prepare to take on their tasks. Anaise walked by Baekhyun’s desk and Baekhyun spoke up. “I can take you to the steakhouse if you don’t know where it is,” he said.
 “You know where it is?” Anaise questioned.
 “I was actually there last night,” Baekhyun rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Plus, it’ll be on the way to where I’ve been assigned.”
 “Alright,” Anaise shrugged as she headed out the office.
 Baekhyun gave a strange look toward her direction and headed out himself. He and Anaise got into the car and headed into the town. “So how did you find this information?” Baekhyun asked in attempts to make small talk.
 “I was walking around town and happened to stumble upon a conversation,” Anaise simply answered.
 “That might have been a lucky find,” Baekhyun chuckled.
 “Probably the best luck we’ll have on this case so far,” Anaise replied as she cracked a half smile.
 “Hopefully our luck changes for the better after today,” Baekhyun commented as he turned into the parking lot of D.O. Steakhouse.
 “Let’s hope so,” Anaise replied as she climbed out of the car, “and thanks for the ride.”
 “No problem,” Baekhyun waved as he drove away.
 Anaise took a deep breath as she started walking around the area. Nothing felt suspicious on the outside for the moment, so she sat down at the bench not too far from the front door. She heard the sound of the door opening and instinctively turned her attention in that direction. Much to her surprise, Kami walked out of the door and made eye contact with her. She smiled and walked over to her in hopes of a friendly conversation.
 “Anaise, right?” Kami asked as she sat down next to her.
 “Yes. Kami, right?” Anaise calmly replied.
 “I’m kind of surprised you remember me,” Kami sheepishly admitted. “It’s been a while since we met that one time.”
 “That was when your vampire friend flew off the rails,” Anaise recalled to their first meeting.
 “Yeah… again, I’m really sorry about that,” Kami replied.
 “It’s not a big deal,” Anaise replied as she checked her phone.
 “Knowing Wendy, I still worry about new people sometimes. Anyway, what brings you here?” Kami swiftly changed the subject.
 “I’m here on official business. We’re searching locations to see if there’s anything to help move forward with the case,” Anaise answered.
 Kami nodded as she looked out towards the parking lot. She then turned her nose in the air as if to sniff something, then looked toward the front door in time to see Kyungsoo walk out with a to-go box. “As if what you ate last night wasn’t enough,” Kyungsoo commented.
 “I had to get something for Wendy, too,” Kami sheepishly replied.
 “But this is mostly for you,” Kyungsoo shot back.
 “Guilty,” Kami chuckled as she accepted the box of food.
 “Don’t eat it all in one bite,” Kyungsoo called out before walking back in the restaurant.
 Kami chuckled as she opened the box to double check the food. Anaise glanced at the box of food and tried to hide her astonishment at the amount of meat in one box.
 “Do you eat that normally?” Anaise asked.
 “While some is for Wendy, yes, I do eat this normally,” Kami answered.
 “I guess what Baekhyun was going on about was true then,” Anaise thought out loud.
 “He was pretty surprised,” Kami laughed. “And that’s the usual reaction, I’m surprised he stuck around after that.”
 “He must really like you then,” Anaise replied. She looked out at the parking lot and saw two guys on motor bikes pull up to the restaurant. They removed their helmets and Anaise immediately recognizes them from the night before. She noticed how the third guy was missing as they began searching.
 Kami noticed how Anaise’s expression changed and carefully looked at the two guys searching. She turned to Anaise and asked, “Those two guys who you’re looking for?”
 “Possibly,” Anaise replied as she stood up and walked towards the two.
 One of the guys looked up at Anaise and glared at her. “What do you want?” he snarled.
 Anaise flashed her bounty hunter identification before answering, "I want to know what you know.”
 “What about what I know?” the guy replied as he looked at Anaise carefully. “Wait a minute… I remember you, you were the chick right outside that building last night.”
 “I’m impressed a low life like you has such a wonderful memory,” Anaise commented. “Now, care to tell me what you know?”
 “You’re after the bounty, aren’t you?” the guy smirked. “Must be desperate for the sixteen million.”
 “Maybe I am,” Anaise started playing the game, “so mind telling me what you know about Silver Eyes?”
 “Jongin, who are you talking to?” the other guy walked over, curious about the conversation.
 “Just this bounty hunter interested in the Silver Eyes bounty, Sehun,” the first guy, Jongin, replied to Sehun.
 “She was the one that overheard us last night, isn’t she?” Sehun said as she looked at Anaise.
 “Another one that remembers, I’m surprised,” Anaise snarkily replied.
 “I don’t like her,” Sehun immediately said before moving towards her. “And I don’t like her smell.”
 “Smell?” Anaise asked as Jongin leaned in a sniffed her.
 “I don’t like it either,” Jongin replied to Sehun as they started cornering her into the wall.
 Anaise felt her back hit the wall, but she remained calm. “You think a couple of werewolves scare me?” she asked in a challenging tone.
 “You should be scared of us,” Jongin said with a smirk.
 Anaise cocked an eyebrow as she swiftly grabbed Jongin’s arm, switched their positions, and pinned him to the wall. “Care to rethink that?” she calmly asked while keeping pressure on Jongin’s arm.
 “You’re pretty quick… for a human,” Jongin muttered.
 Sehun was about to attack Anaise, but Kami showed up quickly and pinned Sehun to the wall with her arm alone. “Sorry if I’m intruding in your business, but I can’t just stand by and watch these two harass you,” Kami told Anaise.
 “Thank you, I really appreciate it,” Anaise genuinely thanked Kami. “Anyway, care to tell us what you know about the Silver Eyes bounty?”
 “The boss posted the bounty and we were a few that took it,” Jongin answered. “He said if we did everything he needed us to do, he’d leave our werewolf powers intact.”
 “So you were threatened?” Anaise asked for clarification.
 “We took the bounty willingly, but we had no idea who it was under due to it being anonymous,” Jongin replied, fighting off the pain in his arm.
 “What can you tell me about your boss?” Anaise asked.
 “He’s after Silver Eyes because he was supposed to take care of them when they were younger. He’s upset he missed out on a lot of power supposedly,” Jongin answered.
 “But with the full moon tonight, he’s going on the prowess if we cannot find anything on Silver Eyes today,” Sehun added.
 “So he’s gonna come out to play finally?” Anaise smirked as she let go of Jongin. “That was all I needed to know.” She then pulled out her phone to make a quick call.
 Kami let go of Sehun warily before walking away… well, attempting to walk away as she felt Sehun grab her wrist. “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.
 “I’m no officer of the law, I’m just trying to use my skills where they’re needed,” Kami brushed off as she tried to loosen Sehun’s grip.
 “Why do you seem so familiar though?” Sehun pondered as his grip tightened. “You have a familiar scent but I can’t place it…”
 “Care to let go of my friend?”
 Sehun’s eyes widened as he saw a silver gun pointed at his forehead. His eyes averted to Anaise who was glaring daggers into Sehun’s soul. He instantly let go of Kami and went on his way with Jongin.
 “A little extreme… but thank you,” Kami expressed her gratitude.
 “No problem,” Anaise replied.
“And friend?” Kami chuckled.
 Anaise shrugged as she and Kami parted ways. Something is definitely up… but what is it exactly?
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    Later in the evening, the detectives gathered in the office after searching their respective areas and shared what they had learned if anything.
 “Anaise, what did you find?” Jongdae asked as he leaned back in his chair.
 “More than anybody else… I ran into two of the guys from last night and managed to get information out of them,” Anaise replied.
 “What’d you do, put a gun to their heads?” Baekhyun joked.
 “That happened after,” Anaise bluntly answered.
 “Oh,” Baekhyun felt awkward as Anaise carried on with her statements.
 “Anyway, they told me that Wonbin is after the great power Silver Eyes possesses since he was supposed to take care of them when they were young,” Anaise stated. “One of the guys also said that Wonbin will go out and search himself tonight since it’s a full moon.”
 “I guess we’re going out as well,” Junmyeon said. “Since it’s later in the evening, we don’t have much time to prepare. Grab anything that’ll help you with a werewolf and prepare to fight if needed.”
 “Yes sir!” Everyone chorused as they gathered everything they needed.
 Baekhyun was checking his ammunition in his gun as Anaise walked up to him. “May I talk to you for a second?” she asked carefully.
 “What do you need?” he replied calmly.
 “What kind of creature is Kami?” Anaise straightforwardly asked.
 Baekhyun thought for a moment before answering, “I think she’s a nature spirit. She seemed to avoid the topic when I asked her so I respected her privacy… but a nature spirit makes sense.”
 “Care to elaborate?” Anaise asked, not quite convinced.
 “She’s always wearing sandals, most of her clothes are earth toned, her hair appears as messy all the time, and the forest is her backyard,” Baekhyun rattled off easily.
 Anaise nodded and replied, “Okay, I was just curious since I ran into her earlier today.”
 “You did?” Baekhyun seemed surprised. “I hope you didn’t give her too much trouble.”
 “Thanks for the trust,” Anaise sarcastically replied. “But she actually helped me out with those two guys, so if she says anything to you about it I didn’t want you to freak out about it.”
 “Thanks for telling me,” Baekhyun nodded as he loaded his gun.
 “You’re welcome,” Anaise replied.
 Everyone then moved out of the office and out in the town. A few hours later, the sun was completely gone and the moon began to shine in the night sky. Junmyeon met up with everybody in the center of the park they were stationed at to assign where everyone will go.
 “Jongdae and Chanyeol will check by the trees near the park entrance, Baekhyun and Anaise will check by the river, Irene and I will stay towards the center of the park,” Junmyeon commanded.
 “Yes sir!”
 The respective pair went to their destinations and split up according to the area.
 Before Baekhyun parted split up, Anaise placed a calming hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder. “You be careful out there,” she told him.
 Baekhyun nodded and replied, “You, too.”
 Baekhyun walked away and checked the area just north of the river, and Anaise checked the area right next to the water. Half an hour went by without anything of interest happening. Anaise turned around and saw something completely unnatural and started walking towards it.
 She urgently pulled out her radio and stated, “I’ve got a silver haired werewolf a few kilometers from the river next to the ATM. I am in pursuit now.”
 “10-4 Anaise, stay on him,” Junmyeon’s voice replied through her radio as she approached the werewolf.
 She drew her gun and pointed it at the werewolf. “Stay where you are!” she called out. The wolf appeared to be chuckling as it walked up to Anaise. She shot the ground right in front of the wolf as a warning shot. “Don’t fuck with me, I will shoot you next time.”
 “You underestimate me, child,” the wolf muttered.
 “So you’re THAT kind of werewolf. You’ve sucked up so much power from other werewolves that you’ve grown more power,” Anaise replied, keeping her gun pointed at the wolf.
 “You’re a smart one to know I am Wonbin, but too bad you’re going to die tonight,” the wolf, Wonbin, said before using his speed to knock the gun out of Anaise’s hands.
 Anaise quickly used her combat skills to prevent herself from getting attacked. She attempted to block every attack Wonbin was throwing at her. She managed to pin it down for a moment before Wonbin used his claws to scratch her arm. The moment Anaise winced in pain, Wonbin took the moment to pin Anaise under him. He bit down on her collar bone earning her screaming in pain. She moved through the pain to kick him off of her.
 Baekhyun drew his gun a short distance away in hopes to get a good shot. Unfortunately, with the excessive movements, he could not line up a good shot that wouldn’t hurt Anaise as well. He tried getting closer to try and pull Wonbin away from Anaise, but Anaise managed to kick him off of her.
 She attempted to limp towards Baekhyun but Wonbin tackled her toward the river. Baekhyun tried to run for the two, but a golden haired wolf ran right in front of him. The wolf howled loudly in attempts to draw Wonbin’s attention away from Anaise.
 Wonbin looked at the wolf, saw the silver glow in its eyes, bit into Anaise one last time before shoving her into the water.
 “ANAISE!!” Baekhyun shouted in fear as Wonbin left the river, with Anaise in it, to chase after Silver Eyes. He stood frozen with fear as he didn’t know whether to stop Wonbin and get Silver Eyes while he had the chance or rescue Anaise himself.
 He began to run but Junmyeon beat him to it. “Go after them!” he called out before diving into the river. Baekhyun turned and ran toward the two wolves but a deep howl from Silver Eyes made his instincts tell him not to.
 A few minutes later, Irene, Chanyeol, and Jongdae gathered around the edge of the water waiting for Junmyeon to return.
 “What happened?!” Irene asked.
 “I have no idea… He told me to go after Wonbin… but I couldn’t bring myself to do it,” Baekhyun replied. “I can’t leave Anaise like this.”
 Irene placed a comforting hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder for a moment. Chanyeol was about to speak up but Junmyeon emerged from the water, tail glistening in the night light, holding an unconscious Anaise.
 “Thank goodness for being a mermaid,” Chanyeol exhaled when Junmyeon placed Anaise on solid ground.
 “Don’t thank me just yet,” Junmyeon replied as the ambulance arrived.
 They carried Anaise away and all Baekhyun could muster to do was stand there and watch them carry her away.
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A/N: Long chapter to make up for not updating in a while! Let’s see what happens next!
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