#sarian x tierce
nightwardenminthara · 4 months
I’m probably actually gonna post this during oc kiss week even though no kissing happens bc no one can stop me. but I liked this thing I wrote last night c:
But there was a magic to seeing him in action. Watching him control a crowd in that crass, infectious way. You either loved Tierce Hawke or you hated him, and it was hard for Sarian to grasp the latter. He understood jealousy — God knew, his own brother could have a monopoly on the emotion — but even seeing Tierce flirting and touching and more didn’t steer Sarian away from anything except starry-eyed admiration. Of course, they would kiss him and love him and fuck him. Everyone does. It would be more baffling if they didn’t.
tierce belongs to @sinquisition lol
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sinquisition · 19 days
Tagged by @nightwardenminthara to make some kisses in this picrew!
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In order, @nightwardenminthara 's Gideon sharing a fond reunion smooch with Rodaine upon the latter's return from Warden business. Halen and Josephine, desperate after the sort-of duel. Tierce teasing Sarian (also nightwardenminthara's) After a climactic fight ending with Tierce having to use blood magic. And lastly, Rodaine (ft. A different hairstyle ajdkff) and Morrigan reuniting during Witch Hunt.
@iamonlybutaneel and @my-dumb-obsessions I think you two have already played around with this picrew but if you haven't posted them here, here is your chance!
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nightwardenminthara · 4 months
pairing: hessarian trevelyan/tierce hawke (@sinquisition) word count: 476 description: modern au!sarian is entranced by hawke at a party. also grant is there.
It’s loud. The music resounding against his eardrums in a way that is surely actively causing hearing loss the longer he sits. But he barely feels it, barely hears anything as he chews a thumbnail and stares off at Tierce. Off in the crowd, drawing people in like a magnet or like he was a flame and everyone else was a moth, desperate to be burned by it.
He nearly jumps when Grant settles down on the seat next to him, drinking long from his own beer bottle. Sarian nods his acknowledgement but doesn’t break his stare off at Hawke. The other Hawke. Grant follows his gaze to his brother.
Grant grunts and toys absently with the label on his bottle. Usually he was silent when he sat by him. Him and Sarian enjoying a silent break from the crowds at these things his brother put on. Sometimes Grant was part of the crowd too, sometimes he was just as charming and magnetic as his brother and it felt just as amazing to have his smile turned on Sarian, his devilish jokes in his ear, his gregarious laugh, like being let into a secret club. But, if Sarian were honest, it was a fraction of the magnetic pull he felt to Tierce.
Tierce is laughing and flirting and loud off in his gathered crowd and Grant looks sidelong at him. “Left out?” He watches Tierce too, both of them staring now.
Sarian breaks away, takes a sip of his own drink before Grant can say anymore. “Not at all. I’m just taking a breather.” It’s true. He didn’t feel left out at all. If he stepped towards him, Tierce would make room for him in his magnetic force field. He’d smile and flirt with Sarian too and at the end of the day, it was likely he’d invite him home.
But there was a magic to seeing him in action. Watching him control a crowd in that crass, infectious way. You either loved Tierce Hawke or you hated him, and it was hard for Sarian to grasp the latter. He understood jealousy — God knew, his own brother could have a monopoly on the emotion — but even seeing Tierce flirting and touching and more didn’t steer Sarian away from anything except starry-eyed admiration. Of course, they would kiss him and love him and fuck him. Everyone does. It would be more baffling if they didn’t.
Even Grant seems to catch sight of the draw of Tierce. Holding him close and steady like an anchor so he wouldn’t drift away on the tide of others’ desires.
Because when Tierce looks at you and laughs with you or even fucking drags you into a bar fight, it’s impossible not to love him. And it’s getting harder and harder to deny that Sarian does, indeed, love him.
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sinquisition · 9 months
♡ ☠ for tierce and ro
♡ - romantic headcanon
Tierce has a complex relationship with romance lmao. I think a lot of it is a fear of vulnerability and I've also been microwaving the idea of him being somewhere on the aromatic spectrum in my brain. He doesn't really care for a precise label for that part of him bc he does experience *some* romantic attraction (lookin at you Sarian) but it's definitely slow and difficult for him to grasp.
I'm trying to come up with something for Rodaine that you don't know because of how often we talk about him and his romantic relationships sjdjdk. Let's see... I think he's so used to keeping people at a distance that when he lets them close enough to be romantic, he falls *hard*. With Gideon, it took him a while to actually realize those feelings were love because it was a new experience for him, but he was definitely in deep by the time he realized it. With Morrigan, it was pretty alarming to him how fast it developed, but he was also so happy and then so devastated when she left. He's a lot more protective of his heart after that, but he also can't help but go back to one of them depending on which path we're going for because he can't let go of love easily, even on occasions where he wants to.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Tierce finished off Quentin with his fists. The fucker's face was unrecognizable by the time someone finally pulled him off of him. Technically he's not a force mage but I like to imagine he managed a bit of it anyways in that moment to add to the damage he did.
Rodaine is often less angry than he looks, but when he's genuinely mad, it's a cold kind of fury. It's pretty rare for him to get into that mode, and honestly, it usually doesn't result in violence because he gets most angry when he doesn't have control which usually means he doesn't have the option to kill the person he's pissed at. He was like this with Irving post-victory. He knew he didn't really have justification to kill him or even deck him in the face, so he did his best to punch with words.
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